
From Halal Explorer

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“Where to find Halal food in Ulaanbaatar?” “Where to perform Salat in Ulaanbaatar?” Those are some of the questions Muslim travelers often ask when traveling to Ulaanbaatar.

Ulaanbaatar (Улаанбаатар) — also Ulan Bator, UB, or in the local language, Khot ("the city") — is the capital and the largest city in Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar is disproportionately larger than all other cities in the nation: with a population of 1.34 million as of January 2016, roughly 44% of the nation lives here. It is located just east of the center of the nation in the forest-steppe region close to the birthplace of Genghis Khan. Ulaanbaatar is a city where authentic Mongol culture thrives in an urban setting, which has made it a destination in its own right.

After stagnating in the 1990s and the economic situation in Ulaanbaatar has improved — nowadays the downtown is clean and developed, with modern skyscrapers, hotels, and malls showcasing local and international brands. The city is known for its impressive museums, old monasteries, high quality restaurants, cinemas and theatres, and proximity to scenic natural spots. In 2016, after extensive preparations and the city hosted the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting.

Ulaanbaatar Halal Travel Guide

Jugder3 - Ulaanbaatar (Urga) in 1913

UB downtown - Downtown Ulaanbaatar today

Ulaanbaatar is a city of many different and distinct layers. Long gone are the days when this city was just a typical, drab Soviet-bloc town in the middle of nowhere.

The first layer and the natural setting, is what may be called pre-1778 Ulaanbaatar. Ulaanbaatar lies in the Altan Tevshiin Kundii (Valley of the Golden Cradle), a scenic spot was chosen by the lamas and nobles in 1778 as the permanent site of the city. Here the rivers Selbe and Tuul meet at the foot of the imposing Bogd Uul Mountain. Located in the forested and watered zone of northern Mongolia, it resides near the 2,000-year-old royal tombs of the Xiongnu and the 8th-century Turkic inscription of General Tonyukuk, and the birthplace of Genghis Khan. From the 20,000-year-old Paleolithic settlement on the Zaisan monument to the 12th-century palace of the Nestorian Christian monarch Toghrul and there is a lot to learn and discover about this deep first layer of Ulaanbaatar.

The second layer is the Urga of 1639-1778 and the unique mobile monastery that survives today as cultural forms (Genghisid memory, Mongolian temple architecture, wooden fenced ger neighborhoods, Mongolian script, and Buddhism, traditional clothing, festivals, wrestling, music), and as physical artifacts kept in museums (Zanabazar masterpieces). The third layer is the Urga of 1778-1924 which can be found in surviving buildings such as the Gandan monastery.

The fourth layer is the socialist period of 1924-1990 which saw the destruction of temples and the confiscation of private property, and Stalinist purges, but also the emergence of Mongolia as a modern, independent nation with Ulaanbaatar as its main showcase. The fifth layer, corresponding to the decade of the 1990s, was a stagnant period marked by poverty and bread lines which left a poor impression on the few visitors who passed through the city after its opening from communism.

The sixth layer is the Ulaanbaatar of 2000 to the present: modern and cosmopolitan. Despite this new layer and the city is ringed by less developed ger neighborhoods that cause air pollution in winter that lasts through March.


Peace Avenue (Enkh Taivny Örgön Chölöö) is the main street, stretching from east to west through the center with shopping and restaurants all along it. This street dates back to old Urga when it was called the Chölöö (Broad Avenue). The Chinese financed its paving in the 1950s. The street passes by the southern edge of the central square, Chinggis Plaza (formerly known as Sükhbaatar Plaza), which has roots in the central square of old Urga. The tourist information office is located in the south flank of the town hall in the western corner of Chinggis Plaza.

The downtown is defined by the Ikh Toiruu (Great Ring Road) which has its origin in the prayer route of pilgrims circling the central temple-palace complex of Urga. Peace Avenue crosses the middle of the ring road horizontally while the southern part of the ring road is the Narni Zam road ("Road of the Sun" built with Japanese support). South of the Narni Zam road is the affluent southern part of Ulaanbaatar with luxury apartments lining the Tuul River.

Ger neighborhoods line the northern part of the downtown and stretch 7 kilometers north to the Dambadarjaalin Monastery built in 1765. North of Dambadarjaalin Monastery starts the Zuslan or summer vacation area, where charming summer houses stretching 14 kilometers to Khandgait.

Almost every family in Ulaanbaatar has a zuslan building where they spend the summer among the forests and natural scenery of the Selbe river valley. Some herding families graze their horses and cows freely in this area. The scenery gets more dramatic going east towards the Terelj area with big rock formations and wildflower valleys. Tours go past Terelj to the 1740 Gunjiin Sum Princess Temple and the Khagiin Khar lake.

The southern edge of Ulaanbaatar is marked by its boundary with the town of Zuunmod on the south side of the Bogd Uul mountain. The 1778 shrine of Tsetsee Gun on the peak and the 1747 ruins of the Manjusri Monastery are located on top of the mountain. South of the mountain starts an endless sea of grassland steppe gradually merging into the Gobi Desert 300 kilometers south of UB. Day trips to the east include the Tsonjin Boldog Genghis Khan Statue. Day trips to the west include the Khustain Nuruu National Park, Aglag Meditation Center and Ögii Lake.

History of Ulaanbaatar

At the time when Ulaanbaatar was founded as Urga in 1639 by Genghisid nobles, Mongolia was actually a serious contender for power in East Asia. The last Great Khan, Ligdan, had died in 1634, and Manchus were rising in the east — but the independent Mongols had been revitalized by a Buddhist renaissance in the 1570s, and raids under Altan Khan were carried out as far afield as Beijing. A firmer union of the Western Oirats and Eastern Genghisids would have sufficed to fend off the Manchus. The 1640 Mongol-Oirad Code of Law united the East and West, but this union failed to last long. What did survive from this period was the union of the Eastern Mongols cemented in 1639 with the founding of Urga. The Mongol nobles installed one of their own, Zanabazar and the son of Tüsheet Khan Gombodorj (1594-1655) and a direct descendant of Genghis Khan, as the supreme lama of the Mongols. His residence, called Örgöö or Urga, meaning "palace-yurt", was some 250 kilometers west of the current site of the city, near the ancient Mongol capital of Karakorum. In 1651 and the first Jebtsundamba Khutughtu, Zanabazar, returned from studies in Tibet and established seven monastic departments in Urga. The mobile monastery gradually became a mobile city, moving every few years as needed. Urga was moved 25 times between its founding in 1639 and settling in its current location in 1778, by which time it had several thousand tents and temples and was served by trade routes from China and Russia. It was also estimated to have about 10,000 monks. The Gandan Monastery was established in 1809 and became the center of learning for all of Mongolia, and one of the most important monasteries in Tibetan Buddhism.

The city continued to grow through the 19th century as a provincial capital of the Qing Empire and a center of religion and trade. Russian influence in Mongolia became significant in the late 18th Century, and a two-storey Russian consulate was opened in 1865 as an upgrade from the 18th-century wooden quarters of the Russian representative. Mongolia was, in training, a buffer between Russia and China, with plenty of local autonomy through the Bogd Jebtsundamba and Mongolian nobles.

In 1911 and the 8th Bogd Khan declared independence from China, leading to a long unstable period in the city's history including an occupation by a Chinese warlord in 1919. However and the Chinese were kicked out by the Belarus|White Russian Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, aka the "Mad Baron", in 1921. This forced the Soviet Union to intervene and set up a puppet state in what was then known as Outer Mongolia. The country was nominally independent but crucially a satellite state of the USSR. In 1924 and the city's name changed from Urga to Ulaanbaatar ("Red Hero"). Many of the monasteries and temples were destroyed in the religious purges of the 1930s.

Following the end of the Second World War and the old ger neighborhoods were largely cleared out for Soviet-style city apartments, offices, and factories. The Trans-Siberian Railway|Trans-Mongolian Railway was completed in 1956, connecting Ulaanbaatar to Beijing and Moscow. Gandan Monastery was reopened during a visit by US Vice President Henry Wallace in 1944, when he asked to see a monastery.

Since the democratic revolution in 1990 and the population of the city more than doubled to over a million, with thousands moving in from the nationside. The commercial and residential real estate sectors have boomed since 2000, though large factories have closed and much of the city still lives in ger neighborhoods.

How is the Climate in Ulaanbaatar

Although summer temperatures are around 20°C and the city shivers in sub-zero temperatures for five months of the year. January and February are the coldest months, with temperatures hovering between -15°C to -30°C at night. As a result of these prolonged periods of intense cold and the city has an average annual temperature of -1.3°C, giving it the dubious distinction of being the world's coldest capital. The cold is dry, however, and there is not much wind chill due to temperature inversion. Heat island effect also means the downtown is warmer than the outskirts. Summer can be very hot at times, so one should avoid heat stress and use sunscreen when necessary.

If you have breathing problems, be aware that Ulaanbaatar has high levels of air pollution during the winter. However, away from the city and the nationside air is gorgeous. In winter, air pollution starts at 19:00, when ger neighborhood residents start burning coal for heat, and lasts till about 10:00 the next morning. It is severe in northern parts of the city close to the ger neighborhoods, but gets sparse going south from Chinggis Plaza and is almost absent near Zaisan, at the southern edge of the city where there are no ger neighborhoods. The air pollution lifts in early March and the city remains pollution free (excluding vehicle exhaust) until November.

Travel as a Muslim to Ulaanbaatar

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Ulaanbaatar

  • Chinggis Khaan International Airport IATA Code: ULN Many local residents still call the airport by its old name, "Bouyant Uka" - GPS: 47.843056, 106.766389 is located 18 kilometers to the southwest of Ulaanbaatar - Chinggis Khaan International Airport Chinggis Khan International Airport - The majority of visitors arrive in Mongolia through this airport. The airport was reconstructed in 1990, and the immigration, customs formalities and luggage delivery are relatively efficient. The airport does have a high number of cancelled or delayed flights because of difficulty landing when wind is blowing from the south, which luckily is not very often.

Getting to the airport can take as long as an hour during morning or evening traffic. Local buses #7 goes to the airport, while number 9 runs along the road at the front - just walk directly ahead out of the terminal straight up to the road and the bus stop into town is obvious. Taxis to and from the airport should cost 15,000–20,000₮, though you should agree to the price before getting in lest you get overcharged. The drive can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

A new Japanese-built airport, now known just as "New Ulaanbaatar International Airport" has been constructed about 50 kilometers south of the city. Construction was reportedly finished in 2017, but it will open to traffic only in August 2019 and thereby replacing the current airport.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Ulaanbaatar

Ulan Bator train station 2008 1 - Ulaanbaatar Train Station

Direct (if long) journeys are feasible from destinations between Moscow and Beijing on the Trans-Mongolian line of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Ulaanbaatar-bound trains leave Beijing once a week, on Wednesday, and seats can only be reserved at the International Hotel in Beijing, a ten minutes walk north of the main railway station. The journey takes about 30 hours. Packing a face mask might be a good idea as sandstorms in the Gobi desert may cause difficulty in breathing. Shorter-haul trains also run to the Chinese border towns of Erlian and Jining (Inner Mongolia)|Jining 3-4 times a week. Ulaanbaatar's train station GPS 47.90865,106.88395 is located on Narni Zam road, about 3 kilometers west of the downtown. The cheapest option is the daily 18:05 departure to Zamyn Uud on the Mongolian side of the Chinese border. You can buy a connecting bus ticket from Zamyn Uud to Erlian on the Chinese side for 10000₮ in the railway office in Ulaanbaatar.

In Moscow, trains to Ulaanbaatar depart Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (the latter two are express runs), for a journey that lasts 100 hours or a little over 4 days. There's also a daily train to/from Irkutsk, which can also be reached from Vladivostok at the eastern end of the Trans-Siberian.

By car

What few paved roads exist in Mongolia generally go to and from Ulaanbaatar. Thus, getting to UB from elsewhere in Mongolia on a paved road is very easy, because all you have to do is just follow the pavement. However, if you're driving one of the dirt tracks that characterize the majority of the nation's road network, it pays to have a map.

Coming from the north and the paved road starts at the Russian border at Sühbaatar. Coming from the south and the paved road starts at the Chinese border at Zamyn-Üüd, passing through the vast Gobi Desert along the way. Coming from the northeast and the paved road starts at Bulgan. Finally, from the west and the road starts in either Bayanhongor in the southwest or Tsetserleg further north.

Travel on a Bus in Ulaanbaatar

Once in the nation, it should not be difficult to find a bus going to UB, at least from larger towns. However, bus stops are difficult to locate, with buses usually just stopping in populated areas. Furthermore, Mongolian buses are notorious for being late — in some cases by a day or more. Buses from Russia and the west, north and south usually go to Dragon Center, while those from China and the east go to Bayanzurkh bus station, just east of the Officer Monument at the east end of Peace Avenue.

  • Dragon Center - драгон | - GPS: 47.91053, 106.82050 - The primary bus station for all buses going to the Western Mongolia|west, Northern Mongolia|north, and the Gobi.
  • Botanical Gardens - ботаник | - GPS: 47.91272, 106.99319 1 kilometers east of the eastern traffic circle - The gardens have been completely destroyed, but the location is well known to the local residents. Serves inter-city buses to Eastern Mongolia.

From Russia and there are also UB-bound buses from Ulan Ude, leaving at 07:30 from the old bus station (Старый Автовокзал) via the Altanbulag border crossing. The trip usually takes about 12 hours, including customs processing — much faster than the train — and tickets cost RUB1800 one-way. There are also night buses that leave on Fridays and Sundays at 19:00. Buses arrive and depart from the Dragon Bus station. Any travel agency should be able to book tickets or you can buy them at either bus station.

How to get around in Ulaanbaatar

Street names are rarely known by Mongolians, and they usually only appear on maps and official addresses. Official addresses list the neighborhood, microneighborhood (usually a large block bounded by major streets), and the building number. However, since blocks can obtain dozens of buildings, with more continuously being squeezed in between existing ones, addresses are not very helpful for navigation. Instead, it's best to have directions for major monuments using lots of descriptions (i.e. "turn right at the first traffic signal west of the State Department Store"). Some major streets to know are Peace Avenue, UB's primary street which runs west-to-east in front of Chinggis Plaza; Chinggis Boulevard, running north-to-south on east side of the square and then veering west toward the airport in front of Bogd Khan Winter Palace; and Seoul Street, which runs west from Chinggis Boulevard just south of Chinggis Plaza.

Best way to travel in Ulaanbaatar by a Taxi

Taxis are cheap: the going rate is around 1000₮ per kilometer, but if you're a foreigner and they'll overcharge you and there's really no way to get around it completely. (In extreme circumstances, opportunistic younger drivers have been known to try to hold passengers or their luggage at ransom until they pay extraordinary amounts of money!) A good tip is to carry a small written note with an amount in tögrög (500₮, 1000₮, 1500₮, etc.) and show them exactly what you are willing to pay before you get on.

A ride from the airport to the downtown should cost you no more than 20,000₮, but most drivers will try to charge you at least 30,000₮. You may get a better and more reliable deal by seeking out older drivers in their own cars, rather than the official yellow cabs. UB also now has a fleet of new white cabs with large LCD-screen fare meters on the dash. Always negotiate the fare in advance, don't be fooled by tricks like "I meant 3000₮ for each of you", and avoid random cars that offer taxi service.

  • Help Taxi - ☎ +976 99652371 - 1000₮/km, minimum 4000₮, airport to downtown 30,000₮ Fluent English-speaking dispatch, all drivers have at least limited proficiency in English. Main taxi service for all the embassies.
  • iTaxi - ☎ +976 77171717 - 1000₮/km, airport to downtown 20,000₮ English-speaking dispatch, metered taxi rides, texts you when the taxi arrives to pick you up.

Travel on a Bus in Ulaanbaatar

Buses in UB come in several different varieties. At the top of the scale, regularly-scheduled municipal buses operate on a widespread network that extends right to the outskirts of town, for a flat rate of 500₮. As well and there's an almost equally extensive network of microbuses charging from 300-500₮, which you can find by looking for a person hanging out the window at each stop and shouting the name of the destination in rapid-fire Mongolian. Finally and there's also a cheaper (300₮) but slower and less extensive network of electric trolleybuses. To use the municipal and trolleybuses you need a U card, which can be purchased at many kiosks and retail outlets for 3000₮. You load credit and touch it to the reader when getting on the bus. If you touch it on the reader when getting off you can get a second ride for free if you board within 30 minutes.

As in any city, be wary of pickpockets on the buses, especially when the buses are crowded.

By foot

Within the quite compact downtown, walking is a viable option. Ulaanbaatar stretches from east to west along just one main drag (the aforementioned Peace Avenue), making navigation a cinch. However, once you leave central UB and get into the ger neighborhoods, it's a different story entirely: a good city map, which you can get at the airport or the Mongolian Government Map Shop, is a must if you plan to go off the beaten path. You'll find the map shop directly on the Ikh Toiruu ring road: head west three blocks from the State Department Store and then turn right (north) at the first traffic light and proceed for about half a block. The Map Shop is behind the blue and yellow Elba Appliance store.

What to see in Ulaanbaatar

Most tourist sites have a separate camera/video fee (typically 5000-10,000₮) in addition to the entrance fee.


Zespół klasztoru Gandan (12) - Megjid Janraisig temple, Gandantegchinlen Monastery

Winter Palace Bogd Khan 149185394 bfcc8db26 b b - Bogd Khan Winter Palace

  • Choijin Lama Monastery - GPS: 47.91475, 106.91843 one block east of the National Library ☎ +976 11 32478 | Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-19:30 in summer, closed on Sundays and Mondays during winter 8000₮, students 3000₮, children 1500₮, photography fee 50,000₮ Choijin Lama Temple Choijin Lama Ulan Bator 149198611 958f1f4abd o These five temples and five arched gates are a unique showcase of religious art and the history of Buddhism in Mongolia, a gem of 20th-century Mongolian cultural legacy, and a fine example of Buddhist architecture. Choijin Lama Monastery was active until 1938, was inscribed in 1941 on the list of historical and cultural monuments, and became a museum the year after. In the main temple you'll find the sculpture of the Choijin Lama and the embalmed mummy of his teacher, as well as the great coral mask of Begtse, created under the direction of protectors using over 6,000 pieces of coral. Elsewhere in the complex, Yadam Temple and Amgalan Temple contain rare artifacts made by the famous Mongolian artist and sculptor, Zanabazar.
  • Gandantegchinlen Monastery - Gandantegchinlen Khiid or Gandan Monastery | - GPS: 47.92248, 106.89534 - 4000₮ Gandantegchinlen Monastery Zespół klasztoru Gandan (12) - The main monastery in the city has services around 10:00 every morning. It is one of the few monasteries in the nation that was spared during the Communist purges of the 1930s.


  • Bogd Khan Winter Palace Museum - GPS: 47.89666, 106.90783 about 2½ kilometers south of Chinggis Plaza, on Chinggis Avenue in Khan Uul neighborhood Opening Hours: 10:00-17:00 Admission 8000₮, 50,000₮ photography fee Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan Winter Palace Bogd Khan 149185394 bfcc8db26 b b Built between 1893 and 1903 by Mongolian masters, this palace was dedicated to the VIII Bogd Gegeen, head of Tibetan Buddhism and Khan of Mongolia from 1911 until 1924 (the last three years of which were as a constitutional monarch). Upon his death and the palace became the first national historical museum of Mongolia. The museum contains twelve collections showcasing valuable objects and works of art from the 17th to early 20th centuries (notable among which are gilded bronze sculptures by the first Bogd Javzundamba Zanabazar and his school, 19th- and 20th-century thangka paintings, a Jugder painting of Ulaanbaatar in 1912, and works by modern Mongolian painter B. Sharav), as well as personal possessions of the Khan and his wife, Queen Dondogdulam.
  • Central Museum of Mongolian Dinosaurs - GPS: 47.9233, 106.9059 Freedom Plaza, next to Tengis Cinema and directly behind State Department Store - 2000₮ The complete fossil of the Tarbosaurus bataar — a close cousin of the larger T. Rex that serves as the centerpiece of this museum's impressive collection — was stolen from Mongolia by American archaeologist Eric Prokopi and auctioned in New York for $1 million. The ensuing news coverage set off an international criminal case that resulted in Prokopi's arrest and the return of dozens of dinosaur fossils to Mongolia by the U.S. government, which make up the bulk of this museum's collection. Located in the former Lenin Museum on Freedom Plaza and the Central Museum of Mongolian Dinosaurs contains a couple dozen other complete dinosaur fossils besides the Tarbosaurus, all of which were found in the Gobi Desert.
  • International Intellectual Museum - IQ Museum - 47.91746, 106.94172 on Peace Avenue in Bayanzürkh neighborhood, in front of East Center ☎ +976 11 461470 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 10:00-18:00 2000₮, children 500₮ This museum not only displays but also manufactures and exports a wide variety of traditional Mongolian puzzle toys, logic games, handcrafted products, and souvenirs, and has launched over 80 international exhibitions and fairs in 50 countries.
  • Museum of Victims of Political Persecution - GPS: 47.91521, 106.92079 100 m south of the east side of Chinggis Plaza Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 5000₮ The museum is dedicated to the memory of the roughly 30,000 people that died during the religious purges ordered by the communist leader Choibalsan in the 1930s. There are plenty of sombre exhibits concerning these deaths as well as the destruction of monasteries and religion. Very little is in English, so the museum's contents may be hard to follow.
  • National Museum of Mongolia - GPS: 47.92036, 106.91538 just west of the Government House Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 08:00-22:00, last entry 20:30 Admission 5000₮, photography fee 5000₮ National Museum of Mongolia Natmusmonhis This is the main museum in the capital and should be a first stop on any visit to the city, as it holds the most important artifacts of Mongolia's rich history dating back several thousand years. These include ethnographic displays of different Mongolian tribes, petroglyphs and cave drawings, Turkic monuments, weapons, armor, and various displays from throughout the different eras of Mongolian history: the Hun and Mongol Empires, Chinese rule and the Communist era, and the democratic revolution of 1990. There are displays of self-portraits and personal possessions of Genghis Khan and other great khans of the Mongol Empire. Most displays are in English and Mongolian.

Art museums

Akshobhya by Zanabazar - Akshobhya by Zanabazar, in the Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts

  • Mongolia National Modern Art Gallery - GPS: 47.91961, 106.92109 at the Central Cultural Palace on Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 11 327177 | Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-18:00 2000₮, students 1000₮, children 500₮ - A surprisingly good modern art museum that displays the vibrancy of the local art scene. There are temporary exhibits throughout the year as well as a permanent collection.
  • Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts - GPS: 47.92013, 106.90911 two blocks west of the Government House, on Barilgachdin Plaza ☎ +976 11 326060 | Opening Hours: 08:00-17:00 (summer), 10:00-17:00 (winter) 5000₮ ZanabazarMuseum The collection includes items from the Stone Age through to the 20th century. Particularly interesting is the collection of Buddhist art from the 17th century and later.

Monuments and memorials

Monumento ruso en Ulan Bator, Mongolia - Zaisan War Memorial

  • Chinggis Plaza - formerly Sükhbaatar Plaza | - GPS: 47.91898, 106.91777 - Chinggis Plaza Panorama Ulan Bator 13 The big open space in the center of the city with an equestrian statue of Damdin Sükhbaatar, warrior-hero of the 1921 People's Revolution, as well as a seated statue of Genghis Khan that sits at the door of the Government House. Inside the Government House is a small museum with artifacts from the Mongol Empire and a reproduction of Genghis Khan's White Peace Banners of State (the Soviets had the originals destroyed in the 1930s).
  • Zaisan Memorial - GPS: 47.88500, 106.91564 about 3½ kilometers directly south of Chinggis Plaza - Zaisan Memorial World War II in Ulaanbaatar (6228546502) huge Communist-era monument located on a hill near the city depicting the Russian and Mongolian heroes who fought together during the First and Second World Wars. Nowadays it is a popular viewpoint where you can see over the whole city. There's also a huge Buddhist statue at the bottom.

Despite news about the removal of Lenin's statue, Ulaanbaatar still boasts a wealth of other interesting statues and public art beyond what's mentioned above. Prominently, former Communist leaders Choibalsan and Tsedenbal are memorialized north of the Government House, as is Sanjaasürengiin Zorig, leader of the 1990 democratic revolution, at a location southwest of Chinggis Plaza. There are also many lesser-known statues scattered through the city: there's a bust of Stalin inside a organic juice garden south of Chinggis Plaza, some old Soviet murals on the side of apartment buildings north of the Bogd Khan Winter Palace, and you'll even see The Beatles and the villain from the movie Predator holding court in front of the State Department Store and in front of a small office building 100 m northeast of there, respectively.

What to do in Ulaanbaatar


  • Bogd Uul and the mountain ridge south of town, is a great place for a hike. To get there, take the #7, #33 or #43 bus from in front of the Bayangol Hotel to the south end of the line. From there and the road continues south about 100 m, whereupon you'll come to a checkpoint where you'll be charged a fee of US$3. Proceed, bear left when the road forks, and you'll soon find yourself in a ger camp with a small stream flowing north. This is where the hiking path itself begins, on the left (east) side of the stream. At the top of the ridge, veer west and proceed through the woods for an easy amble of about two or three hours (you'll come to a high point about 500 m past the turn). At the end of that stretch, you have the option of either branching off to the west or else continuing straight and slightly east to Bogd Uul Mountain (this path is marked with orange paint marks on the trees). That part of the trip is quite long — about 10 kilometers one-way — and more challenging, with varying elevations.
  • Sky Resort - GPS: 47.8728, 107.04537 13 kilometers from downtown. Go south to Zaisan and then east along the river past the President's Residence ☎ +976 11 320345 | Opening Hours: 07:00-22:00 Under US$20 Sky Resort - A winter sports resort offering downhill skiing, snowboarding, lifts, equipment rental, ski and snowboard school, and an onsite restaurant. There's a free bus from the Drama Center (next to the Grand Khan Irish Pub) with departures between 08:00 and 19:30 (frequent service on weekends, more sporadic midweek; check schedule to verify bus times).

Naadamceremony2006 - Naadam festival in July


  • Naadam - The largest and most famous festival in Mongolia, Naadam is held yearly from July 11-13 and consists of competitions in the three traditional Mongolian sports of wrestling, horse racing and archery. The National Sports Stadium GPS 47.90258,106.91538, besides being the main venue for the festival, also serves as the nation's main football and baseball stadium as well as a venue for occasional concerts and cultural events.

Theatre and performance

Oulan-Bator .- Théâtre National concert de Musique chants et danses mongoles (3) - Performance at the State Opera and Ballet Theater

  • National Academic Drama Theater - GPS: 47.91507, 106.91473 in the red Georgian building just south of the Post Office on Chinggis Avenie - Prices vary, generally affordable for Mongolian language performances Narodowy Teatr Dramatyczny w Ułan Bator 02.JPG Mostly presents Mongolian plays in drama, musicals, or children performances. Tickets are sold at the "KACC" office in front.
  • State Circus of Mongolia - GPS: 47.91206, 106.90776 on Seoul Street south of the State Department Store - Zirkus in Ulan Bator.JPG Home to the world famous Mongolian contortionists, where most of the world's professional contortionists get their start. The circus also features animals, jugglers, and other entertainment.
  • State Opera and Ballet Theater - National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet of Mongolia | Chinggis Plaza GPS: 47.91843, 106.91924 in the pinkish building on the southeast side of Chinggis Plaza Opening Hours: Box office W-Su 10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00 Prices vary by performance, local productions can be very affordable National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar (22745076800) - While visiting Chinggis Plaza, it may be worthwhile to check out the board in front of this theatre to see if there is an upcoming performance. Most performances are at 17:00 Saturday and Sunday. Local performances may not be great, but are very cheap. Ballet troupes and opera companies from Russia also occasionally visit.
  • Tumen Ekh - GPS: 47.9108, 106.9159 at the National Recreation Center near the train station ☎ +976 11 322238 | Opening Hours: Performances occur May-Nov at 18:00 25,000₮ A traditional dance ensemble founded in 1989 that performs dances, music and religious ceremonies for audiences of mostly foreign tourists. Performances last about an hour and are far from the usual tourist schlock: these very skilled artists take their work seriously and have been on tour in the U.S., UK and other countries.


  • Get an affordable massage at one of the many massage spas located on Peace Avenue.
  • National Amusement Park - Children's Park | - GPS: 47.90842, 106.92370 500 m south of Chinggis Plaza Opening Hours: Daily 11:00-19:00 year round 1000₮ to enter plus extra for each ride Mongolian National Amusement Park Castle.JPG Open since 1969 and the park today features a steel roller coaster, a Ferris wheel, a historic castle surround by an artificial lake, and bowling.

Study in Ulaanbaatar

As well and there are several Mongolian language schools throughout the city.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Ulaanbaatar

Socialist architecture (6216616617) - Post-WWII architecture in the downtown

It's crucial for visitors to Ulaanbaatar to carry cash, as only a few of the more expensive shops in town accept foreign credit cards.

Thankfully, it's relatively easy to find an ATM with a Visa logo to withdraw cash. All ATMs should accept foreign credit and debit cards to withdraw tögrög (the local currency) as long as you have informed your bank ahead of time as to your Mongolian travel plans; most will charge you a foreign currency conversion fee of about 3%. Besides Visa, other card types are also accepted, but not as widely: for example and the machines in the Central Post Office and along the main street will not accept foreign MasterCards, although they bear the logo. The only ATM that accepts Cirrus cards is the one at the airport.

UB also has many banks and exchange offices where tögrög can be obtained. Golomt and TDB are the most reliable banks for currency exchange and the former of which can give up to US$500 per day cash advance on MasterCard and Visa and also accepts American Express. Exchange offices can mainly be found along Peace Avenue in the downtown, including one on the ground floor of the State Department Store. However, you'll find better rates at the one on the second floor of the Flower Center, on Peace Avenue one block west of the Post Office. Lastly, major hotels like the Ulaanbaatar Hotel will exchange money 24/7 at the reception, which may be your only option if you arrive very late in the day.

See Mongolia#Money for exchange rates for the tögrög.

Major shopping centers

Khar Zakh (Black Market), Ulan Bator, Mongolia - Items for sale at the Naran Tuul (Black Market)

  • Naran Tuul - Black Market | - GPS: 47.90814, 106.94645 3 kilometers east of the children's park on Narni Zam road Opening Hours: Closed on Monday Narantuul Market 1 - The main market for most of the city's residents, Naran Tuul is the place to go if you want to shop like a local. Haggle over affordable clothes, toys, fur hats, vintage Soviet pins, or anything you can imagine in a vast, partially indoor retail emporium located a 10-minutes bus or taxi ride from the downtown. There are also several slightly more upscale shopping centers just west of the market. Only take a minimum of cash with you in a money belt or inner jacket pocket and leave all valuables at your accommodation, as pickpockets are common here.
  • State Department Store - Ikh Delguur | - GPS: 47.91667, 106.90638 west of Chinggis Plaza on Peace Avenue Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-22:00 Formerly a state-owned department store (hence the name), today it is the busiest luxury shopping mall in the city, with everything from groceries to cashmere to TVs sold on all six floors of the building. Though privately owned nowadays and the client service still has a certain impersonal, bureaucratic feel. Check out the fifth floor for the largest souvenir shops in UB.
  • 3rd & 4th Microneighborhood - GPS: 47.92285, 106.88144 northwest side of Gandan, 2 kilometers north of the train station - You'll find several malls, name-brand stores, restaurants, supermarkets, curbside booths, and a movie theater at UB's largest shopping neighborhood. Selection ranges from luxury brands down to affordable Chinese imports.

Souvenir shops

Ulaanbaatar has a host of souvenir shops aimed at both Western and East Asian tourists, mostly along Peace Avenue west of Chinggis Plaza. Traditional clothes, boots and hats, cashmere garments, jewelry, leather wall hangings, miniature gers, bow and arrow sets, and paintings are among the typical inventory. While the quality of the goods varies, prices are usually high.

  • Flower Center - GPS: 47.91691, 106.91218 corner of Peace Avenue and Ikh Toiruu ring road, west of Chinggis Plaza - One of the larger souvenir shops in the city; a broad selection, but a bit pricey. There is a money exchange center on the second floor.
  • Mary & Martha - GPS: 47.91739, 106.91011 north of the State Department Store bus stop, look for the signs A small free-trade shop full of beautiful handmade souvenirs, handbags, and wall hangings.


  • Librairie Papillon - 47.9224, 106.9179 on University Avenue, just past the main Mongolian National University building - If you want to find very high-quality English-language books about Mongolia, resources for learning the Mongolian language, or simply a selection of classic literature to read on your journey, this place has a very large selection. The atmosphere is almost like taking a little break from Mongolia and entering France.
  • Mike's Bookstore - GPS: 47.91585, 106.9051 south of the Bayangol Hotel, west of the New Building ☎ +976 9903 6703 Here you can not only buy used books, but sell your old ones. There's even a buyback policy. Selection is mostly but not exclusively English-language.


  • Seven Summits Outdoor Shop - GPS: 47.916263, 106.915070 on Peace Avenue 50 m west of Chinggis Plaza, in a row of shops on the south side of the street ☎ +976 11 329456 - If you're looking for gear you can't find elsewhere, e.g. an adaptor for a screw-on stove to use the ubiquitous clip-on cylinders, since screw-on types seem to be unavailable anywhere, Seven Summits is your place. They're a bit on the pricey side, though.

Halal Restaurants in Ulaanbaatar

Nobody travels to Mongolia for the food, but Ulaanbaatar has a good range of options serving Mongolian, other Asian (particularly Korean and Chinese, though like their North American counterparts, flavors tend to be tailored to the local palate), and Western cuisine — and at decent prices. For instance, you can get perfectly good pizza for 5000₮, and even a night out at a fancy French cafe shouldn't pass 30,000₮. Consider splurging on a couple good meals here, especially if you're headed out for a long trek into the nation where things like fresh vegetables are often hard to come by and prohibitively expensive. Best of all, UB's rapidly growing wealth has meant a steady procession of ever newer, ever higher-quality restaurants, as well as the appearance on the scene of international chains like KFC, Round Table Pizza, and Cinnabon.

Mongolian Street Food - Mongolian street food

Throughout Ulaanbaatar are many small canteens (Гуанз) and coffeeshops (Цайны Газар). Try one of these for affordable Mongolian food. Buuz usually costs 400-600₮. As well, most universities (particularly the Mongolian National University and the Mongolian University of Science and Technology) have good affordable cafeterias with meals running from 1800₮ to about 2500₮.

  • Coca-Cola and Kabab - GPS: 47.92025, 106.90821 on the southwest corner of the square in front of the Zanabazar Fine Arts Museum Opening Hours: 10:00-20:00 daily 4000-6000₮ The specialty of the house is a Meat sandwiches on pita bread, grilled Turkish style on a vertical rotisserie with tomato, lettuce, and some sauce.
  • Hazara North Indian Restaurant - GPS: 47.91728, 106.93516 behind the Wrestling Palace ☎ +976 99195007, +976 11 480214 - From 10,000 ₮ Serving spicy North Indian, Kashmiri, and Afghani food since 1997. Food is all halal, with vegan options available. Well-decorated restaurant and costumed waitresses can make you think you are in Delhi instead of Mongolia.
  • Los Bandidos - GPS: 47.92601, 106.91809 on Ikh Toiruu ring road, not far north of Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 1131 4167 US$7-10 Mexican-Indian fusion: don't knock it until you taste the spicy Chicken masala or crispy taquitos. The prices are higher now than they used to be, but the atmosphere has improved along with it.
  • Namaste Indian Restaurant - GPS: 47.92419, 106.93752 at the Flower Hotel ☎ +976 99270957 - 20,000₮ Mongolia's first halal-certified restaurant, serves some of the best Indian food in the city. There is another location on the Outer Ring Road in the Impex building.

Grocery stores

  • Good Price Supermarket - GPS: 47.91293, 106.90070 Opening Hours: 09:00-22:00 Catering to expats and well-heeled local residents, Good Price is Mongolia's most reliable source of luxuries such as peanut butter, breakfast cereals, canned beans, and Cheese. But don't be fooled by the place's astoundingly inaccurate name: these luxuries come at a much higher cost than any other supermarket in the nation.
  • Mercury Food Market - Chinese Market | - GPS: 47.91206, 106.90377 Opening Hours: Closed on Mondays This small market in the downtown is one of the best places to get imported fruits, vegetables, and packaged goods.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Ulaanbaatar

Ulaanbaatar - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Ulaanbaatar, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Ulaanbaatar. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Ulaanbaatar and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Ulaanbaatar. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Ulaanbaatar. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inUlaanbaatar: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Ulaanbaatar.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Ulaanbaatar: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Ulaanbaatar, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Ulaanbaatar.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Ulaanbaatar, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Ulaanbaatar, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Ulaanbaatar and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Ulaanbaatar, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Ulaanbaatar, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Ulaanbaatar without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Ulaanbaatar is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Ulaanbaatar.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Ulaanbaatar is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Ulaanbaatar, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Ulaanbaatar Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Ulaanbaatar

eHalal Group Ulaanbaatar is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Ulaanbaatar. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Ulaanbaatar.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Ulaanbaatar ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Ulaanbaatar. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Ulaanbaatar, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Ulaanbaatar are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at realestate@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly hotels in Ulaanbaatar

During the annual #Festivals|Naadam festival in July, it's almost imfeasible to get any kind of accommodation in UB without prior reservations.

Ganasger - It's feasible to spend your night in a ger even in central Ulaanbataar: this one is on the rooftop terrace of Gana's Guesthouse

Nowadays, good accommodation in Ulaanbaatar tends to give the best deals for a traveller. Usually a bed in a clean dormitory costs US$5-10 and a double room should be under US$30 a night.

Beyond what's listed below, another option for budget travellers who want a taste of authentic Mongolian culture yet are in a hurry or don't want to do longer trekking trips is a ger homestay with a herder family living in the nationside outside UB. Usually it is feasible to participate in their daily life, e.g. milking cows or chopping wood. Horseback riding might be offered as well. There are a few travel agencies that are able to establish contact with families, including Stone Horse Mongolia and Ger to Ger.

  • Bolod's Guesthouse and Tours - 47.92170, 106.90575 Across the street from Chinggis Plaza, enter through gate across from Post Office ☎ +976 99192407 - US$7/night Still UB's most conveniently located guesthouse, but the place has gone downhill in recent years: where cozy, high-ceilinged, clean and bright rooms once greeted you, you now have small, windowless rooms with noisy refrigerators that wake you up several times a night. There's also no kitchen anymore. The shower, located in the entrance, is clean, but your privacy is only protected by a translucent glass. English-, Russian-, French-, and Italian-speaking staff are on duty during the daytime only. No credit cards are accepted. Bolod also provides tours at good prices and is known to arrange unique trips involving tank driving and AK-47 shooting.
  • Chinggis Guest House and Tours - 47.91492, 106.90604 on Chinggis Avenue behind the National Academic Drama Theatre and Bayangol Hotel ☎ +976 99271843, +976 11-325941 - Dorm US$8, double or twin US$10 Clean and comfortable rooms with breakfast, Internet, hot shower, and use of kitchen facilities included in the price. Very centrally located and quiet.
  • Gana's Guesthouse - GPS: 47.9216, 106.8991 on Ikh Toiruu ring road northwest of Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 1136 7343 - From US$5 in a 6-bed ger to $25 for a double in the newly built wing This guesthouse stands out from the rest: rather than the standard setup of spartan dorm rooms with bunk beds, guests are accommodated in roomy gers set up on an airy porch in an excellent central location overlooking downtown UB, only two minutes on foot from Gandan Monastery. Run by a friendly, helpful family, who like most guesthouse proprietors also double as tour operators.
  • Golden Gobi - GPS: 47.91756, 106.90815 off Peace Avenue close to the State Department Store ☎ +976 11-322632, +976 96654496 +976 11-322632 Dorms US$6, superior Muslim friendly rooms from $19Another affordable and friendly place with free breakfast.
  • Green Steppe Mongolia Guest House - GPS: 47.91735, 106.90871 50 m east of the State Department Store, off Peace Avenue ☎ +976 88033080, +976 88038388 Checkin - anytime / Check-out: noon US$6/night - A small and quiet guesthouse comprising a couple of dorm rooms and two fully-furnished one-bedroom apartments, with a pleasant patio out back for picnicking. Friendly staff can organize tours to all parts of Mongolia. Complimentary amenities include breakfast in the morning and tea all day, wireless Internet as well as two wired computer terminals, lockers for guests, secure parking for motorbikes and bicycles, hot showers, and affordable laundry service.
  • Idre's Guesthouse - GPS: 47.91121, 106.89446 on Narni Zam road about 2 kilometers from Chinggis Plaza; take Seoul Street west then turn left ☎ +976 99112575 - Friendly family-run guesthouse with US$4 dorm beds. Rooms are clean, staff are helpful, and tickets and tours can be arranged without hassle.
  • Lotus Guesthouse - GPS: 47.92448, 106.91208 northwest of Chinggis Plaza, on Ikh Toiruu ring road across from School #5, on second floor of Building 17 ☎ +976 11 325967 - US$10-30/night A nice and clean, if spartan, guesthouse run by the Lotus Foundation. Staff on duty 24 hours a day. Rooms have no high table except the very small one for the computer — and, importantly, no bedsheet, and the quilt is not washed between clients! The shower room doesn't lock, and is closed by a translucent door. Free but unreliable WiFi. No credit cards accepted.
  • Oasis Guesthouse - GPS: 47.91177, 106.98095 on the southeastern outskirts of town, about 5 kilometers from Chinggis Plaza via Peace Avenue, near the Catholic church ☎ +976 11-463693 +976 11-463693 €10A modern-styled and lovingly furnished guesthouse run by a friendly German-Austrian couple who speak (German), English, and Mongolian; lodging is in the spacious gers outside in the garden. Popular with "overlanders" travelling through Mongolia by vehicle or motorcycle. Oasis' onsite café serves very good International food including homemade cakes. There's a laundry room and hairstylist at the back of the building.
  • Petite Marmotte - GPS: 47.9286, 106.9159 on Ikh Toiruu ring road north of Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 70 11 03 02, +976 888 243 17 - Bed dorm €5; double room €15; family room €25 A well-located and quiet guesthouse with rooms decorated in traditional Mongolian style. The friendly staff speaks English and French, and is headed up by a former chef who lives onsite and sometimes regales guests with tasty homecooked meals. They can also arrange tours. No Internet and no credit cards accepted.
  • Sunpath Hostel - GPS: 47.92461, 106.91266 across the street from the Central Post Office and Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 99143722 +976 11-326323 US$6/night Sunpath is a centrally-located, family-operated hostel perfect for foreign visitors offering free breakfast, free WiFi, and a publicly accessible wired computer terminal. Laundry service is available for a nominal charge. Kitchen facilities open to guests. Sunpath's friendly staff organizes tours (having very good contacts with people living in the nationside) and are a wealth of information about Ulaanbaatar and Mongolia in general.
  • Town Yard Hostel - GPS: 47.919989, 106.893853 near Gandan Monastery ☎ +976 99889997, +976 99173469 - Hostel with fluent English-speaking owners situated just a 15-minutes walk or a short bus ride to Chinggis Plaza. Free breakfast (with a menu that changes daily!) and free tea all day; kitchen facilities are also available for guests who'd like to self-cater other meals. They offer tours of (and can arrange accommodation at) Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, but unlike pretty much every other hostel and they usually lay off the hard sell. Laundry service is available, though it's a bit pricey.
  • UB Guesthouse - GPS: 47.91936, 106.91095 near Zanzabar Museum; entrance is in the rear of the building facing the Mongol Bank Dorm beds US$6; single room $15; twin room $18; double room $20A clean, well-organized, and centrally located youth hostel that also arranges tours around the nation. E-mail ahead for a free pickup from the train station. A light breakfast, tea and coffee are included. In theory you can use the phone between 10:00 to 18:00, but don't count on it. There's only a hotplate in the kitchen. Only foreigners allowed. No in-room guests. Staff is not terribly friendly.
  • Zaya Guesthouse - GPS: 47.91670, 106.90169 just off Peace Avenue west of Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 11 331 575 - US$20 for a single and US$27 for a double room Zaya has two locations in the downtown, both in newly-renovated modern apartment buildings. The place is more suitable for a person looking for clean and calm place to sleep than a backpacker looking for a rowdy and noisy dorm. Free wireless internet in the rooms. They also organize tours.

Ulaanbaatar has plenty of options for budget travellers and big spenders, but not so much for those in the middle.

  • Mandukhai Hotel - GPS: 47.91758, 106.90362 near State Department Store Check-in: noon / Check-out: noon 20,000-25,000₮/night A nice affordable hotel located in the downtown. The hotel staff speaks little English, but rooms are large and include TV. Bathrooms are shared.
  • Royal House Hotel - formerly Red Rose Hotel - 47.915148, 106.944512 on the ring road east of the downtown; take Peace Avenue east from Chinggis Plaza for about 2 kilometers and then turn right ☎ +976 11 46 4088 - One of UB's leading hotels, with a location among a cluster of major shopping centers and office buildings. 34 rooms of various levels of luxury: deluxe, semi-lux and standard.
  • Bayangol Hotel - GPS: 47.91203, 106.91365 two blocks south of Chinggis Plaza Close to the bars and Chinggis Plaza, but rooms are small and the internet cuts in and out.
  • Blue Sky Hotel and Tower - GPS: 47.91674, 106.91851 south side of Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 7010 0505 - From US$200 Blue Sky Tower Felhőkarcoló a főtéren (Skyscraper on the central square) - panoramio A The tallest building and the most expensive hotel in Mongolia. 200 rooms, plus several nice restaurants including a lounge on the 23rd floor with views of the whole city.
  • Chinggis Khaan Hotel - GPS: 47.92207, 106.93415 four blocks east of Chinggis Plaza; take Beijing Street east for about 1200 m and then turn right on Tokyo Street ☎ +976 700 000 99 - Spacious rooms that can be described as "wannabe luxurious". Free and very reliable high-speed WiFi. Breakfast is included in the price of the room.
  • Corporate Hotel GPS: 47.91299, 106.91355 on Chinggis Avenue, seven minutes on foot south of Chinggis Plaza - Nice luxurious rooms as well as sauna, jacuzzi and free WiFi.
  • HS Khaan Resort Hotel - Khui doloon hudag, Argalant soum GPS: 47.971077, 106.480045 about 12 kilometers west of central UB via Highway 3 ☎ +976-9908-8102 - A ger-style resort in the nationside outside of town. All rooms have sweeping views over the steppes.
  • Kempinski Hotel - GPS: 47.91982, 106.94365 about 2 kilometers east of Chinggis Plaza, at northeast corner of Peace Avenue and Ikh Toiruu ring road ☎ +976 11 463 463 - A nice hotel on the east side of the city with several good restaurants, including Kara-Khorum with an excellent brunch on the weekends: various meats, fruit, omelet and juice bar, plus caviar and champagne.
  • Ramada Citycenter - GPS: 47.91519, 106.89188 on Peace Avenue about 2 kilometers west of Chinggis Plaza, a block past Ikh Toiruu ring road ☎ +976 7014 1111 - From US$200/night One of the only international hotel chains in the city. Located on the top floor of the MaxMall, near Gandan Monastery. Has all the standard features of a full-service Western hotel, including fitness center, private secluded sauna, and office space.
  • Shangri-La Hotel - GPS: 47.912953, 106.920231 on Olympic Street three blocks south of Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 7702 9999 Checkin - 14:00 / Check-out: noon From US$440/night - Centrally located high-rise property catering to a mix of business travellers and well-heeled tourists, with all the amenities you'd expect from an upscale Asian-style hotel free WiFi, fitness club, laundry and shoeshine service, and several onsite restaurants. Rooms are spacious, overlook either Chinggis Plaza or Nayramdal Park, and their design can be described as a modernized take on traditional Mongolian aesthetic elements. They'll pick you up from the airport upon prior arrangement.

Ulaanbaatar hotel - The Ulaanbaatar Hotel

  • Ulaanbaatar Hotel - GPS: 47.91862, 106.92266 just off the east side of Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 11 320 620 - Ulaanbaatar Hotel Ulaanbaatar hotel A The first modern hotel ever built in Mongolia (in 1961) is showing its age. Nice central location, though.

Telecommunications in Ulaanbaatar

Located on Peace Avenue at the southwest corner of Chinggis Plaza, Ulaanbaatar's Central Post Office GPS 47.91706,106.91578 not only sells stamps but also a wide variety of reasonably priced postcards (though they may take up to two months to reach their destination!) Also check out their large collections of decorative stamps.

Mobile phone operators around town offer prepaid GSM SIM cards, handset rentals (Mobicom), and extensive roaming options. As well, prepaid cards such as BodiCom are another convenient and relatively affordable way to make an international call.

You'll find many Internet cafes scattered around the city; the going rate is about 400-800₮ per hour. Also, some Halal restaurants and coffeehouses offer free WiFi.

Stay safe as a Muslim in Ulaanbaatar


While crime rates in Ulaanbaatar are said to be among the highest of any Asian city, this generally applies less to the downtown than the underdeveloped ger neighborhoods on the outskirts of town: poorly lit shantytowns crisscrossed by maze-like dirt alleys and row upon row of fences; not the kind of place most Muslim visitors would be interested in to begin with. Nonetheless, it might be a good idea to avoid going out at night alone (though it's usually perfectly fine to do so in groups). This goes double for relatively deserted areas away from major routes, and for rowdy nightlife neighborhoods. Although most large buildings have security guards and they're only there to keep drunks and homeless people out, so don't expect much help from them if a crime is committed against you.

While muggings, assaults, and taxi scams all occasionally occur and the main crime for foreigners to be concerned about is pickpocketing. This is especially a problem at the Naran Tuul market, at the bus stops close to the State Department Store, and on crowded buses in general. If you've been attacked or pickpocketed, take time to make a deposition at the neighborhood police station, and let your country's embassy know.

Though unmarked taxis are common and generally nothing to fear, it's probably a good idea to get a local to serve as an interpreter and explain the fare system, and to keep an eye on where the taxi is taking you. Sometimes unmarked taxi drivers will try to take people, especially drunk tourists, down a dark alley and demand their cell phone or cash.

Hotel scams

There's a common scam in Ulaanbaatar where a fraudster poses as the representative of a hotel, even going so far as to set up listings on usually trustworthy websites like booking.com. They'll give you the address of a random apartment block that may or may not have a front desk, despite what the website pictures depicted, and your "room" will in reality be the apartment of some hapless local. They'll generally refuse to return your deposit, and get very aggressive if you threaten to alert the apartment complex management or the police. If you end up booking a place and the owner has misrepresented themselves, just walk away before the situation gets worse — and don't forget to report the listing as fraudulent!

Road and traffic hazards

Walking on the streets at any time is a hazardous affair, as there are open manholes, reckless drivers, and (from October to March) ice on the roads to contend with. The automobile culture in UB is too new for safe driving systems and habits to have taken root among the public: if you're crossing the street, even at a designated crosswalk and even if in theory you have the right of way, don't expect anyone (even buses and police) to stop or even slow down for you. You will get honked and shouted at, however.

Child beggars

This is a common and persistent sight on the streets of UB that may tug at the heartstrings of well-off Western tourists, but the reality is a bit more complicated than it may look at first blush. Any money you give will often go straight into the pockets of their teenage "pimps", so your donation may not be helping the kids as much as you think. It also pays to be on your guard when they operate in groups, as this is often a setup for a pickpocketing operation.



The weekly UB Post is the principal English-language source for cultural, economic, and political goings-on in Mongolia.

Embassies & Consulates in Ulaanbaatar

China - China - Zaluuchuudyn Urgun Chuluu 5 just northeast of the Government House ☎ +976 11 323940, +976 11 320955, +976 11 311903 +976 11 311943

Cuba Cuba - United Nations Street 18, Sükhbaatar neighborhood ☎ +976 11 323778

India India - Zaluuchuud Avenue 10, Sükhbaatar District just east of the Chinese embassy ☎ +976 11 329522

Kazakhstan Kazakhstan - 11th khoroo, Zaisan Street 78, Khan-Uul District ☎ +976 11 345408

Kuwait Kuwait - Bella Vista Town, Zaisan Bella, 11th khoroo, Khan-Uul District south of the downtown, near the bridge to Zaisan Memorial ☎ +976 7744444

Laos Laos - 11th khoroo, Ikh Toiruu Road 59, Sükhbaatar District massive complex on the south side of Peace Avenue, east of Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 11 326440

North Korea North Korea - Diplomatic Complex 95, Sükhbaatar District behind the Embassy Restaurant near the Tengis Theater ☎ +976 11 310432

Russia Russia - 11th Khoroo, Ikh Toiruu Road 59, Sükhbaatar District massive complex on the south side of Peace Avenue, east of Chinggis Plaza ☎ +976 11 326440, +976 11 322834 - Russian embassy in Ulan Bator 2

Turkey Türkiye - Peace Avenue 5, Chingeltei District west of the post office, next to the French Embassy ☎ +976 11 311200

Vietnam Vietnam - Peace Avenue 47, Bayanzurkh District GPS: 47.9185, 106.9343 just west of the Wrestling Palace - Vietnamese embassy in Ulaanbaatar

Travel Next from Ulaanbaatar

Except for those just passing through on the Trans-Siberian Railway|Trans-Mongolian Railroad, most people come to Mongolia to witness the beauty of the endless steppes and deserts of Central Asia, populated by the nomadic descendants of Genghis Khan. Ulaanbaatar is an excellent homebase for an exploration of Mongolia with its many museums, monasteries, and cultural experiences, but don't confine yourself to UB alone: you can't really get to know this place without going to the nationside for at least a few days.

  • Gorkhi-Terelj National Park — scenic forested mountain valleys a mere three-hour bus ride from UB
  • Karakorum — the ancient capital of the Mongol Empire in the beautiful Orkhon River valley, a day's bus ride to the west
  • The Gobi|Gobi Desert — nomadic camel herders and dinosaur fossils
  • Western Mongolia — where the old Kazakh tradition of eagle hunting lives on in the snow-capped Altai Mountains

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