
From Halal Explorer

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Bitola (Macedonian: Битола) is a grand old town that still bears the marks of its turn-of-the-century importance as a center for diplomacy – while also exemplifying the nation’s time-honored cafe culture. Bitola is nicknamed “City of Consuls” and is the second largest city in North Macedonia, with a population of over 70,000 in the city proper and nearly 100,000 in the larger Bitola Municipality. Near the border with Greece, it straddles the Dragor River at the foot of Baba Mountain in Pelister National Park.

Demonstration for Palestine and Gaza in Bitola

Bitola boasts a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in its architectural marvels, including its historic mosques. These ancient places of worship stand as testaments to Bitola's diverse history and the influence of various civilizations that have shaped the region over centuries.

Yeni Mosque (Bitola)

One of the most iconic landmarks in Bitola is the Yeni Mosque, also known as the Aladja Mosque. Built in the 16th century during the Ottoman era, this mosque is a stunning example of Ottoman architecture with its elegant minaret and intricately designed interiors. The Yeni Mosque has been a center of religious and cultural significance for the local Muslim community for generations.

Isa Bey Mosque

Another notable mosque in Bitola is the Isa Bey Mosque, dating back to the 15th century. This mosque is named after Isa Bey, a prominent figure in Ottoman history. Its architectural style reflects a blend of Ottoman and Islamic influences, showcasing ornate details and a serene ambiance that welcomes visitors to experience the city's spiritual heritage.

Jeni Mosque (Kadi Mehmed Bey Mosque)

Situated near Bitola's old bazaar, the Jeni Mosque, also known as the Kadi Mehmed Bey Mosque, is a historic gem dating back to the 16th century. Its distinctive features include a beautifully adorned prayer hall and a captivating courtyard, offering a glimpse into the architectural splendor of the Ottoman period in Bitola.

Isak Mosque

The Isak Mosque, built in the 15th century, stands as a symbol of Bitola's cultural diversity and religious tolerance. Its design reflects a fusion of Islamic and Byzantine influences, making it a unique and historically significant monument in the city's landscape.

Yahya Pasha Mosque

Completing Bitola's mosaic of historic mosques is the Yahya Pasha Mosque, constructed in the 16th century. This mosque is renowned for its intricate frescoes and decorative elements, showcasing the artistic craftsmanship of the period and adding to the city's architectural allure.

Visiting these old mosques in Bitola offers a journey through time, where the echoes of centuries-old prayers and the beauty of Islamic architecture converge to create a captivating experience for travelers and locals alike. These mosques not only stand as architectural marvels but also serve as living monuments that connect Bitola's past with its vibrant present, embodying the city's cultural richness and spiritual heritage.

Demonstration for Palestine and Gaza in Bitola

Dear Supporters of the Palestinian Cause in Bitola,

We are excited to announce a peaceful demonstration in support of the People of Palestine, set to take place in Bitola over the next three days. This event is an opportunity for us to come together and raise our voices and the Palestinian Flag for a just and peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.

We want to emphasize that this demonstration is intended to be a peaceful and respectful gathering. Our goal is to show solidarity with the people of Palestine and call for a peaceful solution to the conflict. It is crucial that we maintain a peaceful and respectful atmosphere throughout the event.

Important Guidelines:

To ensure the success of our demonstration and to maintain a peaceful environment, we kindly ask all participants to adhere to the following guidelines:

Peaceful Protest: This is a non-violent demonstration. We do not condone any form of violence or vandalism.

Respect for Law Enforcement: Please treat law enforcement officers in Bitola with respect and follow their instructions. Do not engage in confrontations with them.

Leave No Trace: Dispose of any trash responsibly and leave the demonstration area clean.

Thank you for your commitment to our peaceful demonstration in Bitola, and let us stand together for a better future for all.

In solidarity, eHalal Bitola

Bitola Halal Travel Guide

Bitola 05

Bitola is quite nice and it is favorite city for the Macedonians, since it has the most European atmosphere. It was a seat of consuls in the 19th century and with them they brought the European culture and influenced the local aristocracy, who started living in European fashon and building their houses in mixed neo-classical styles. Bitola is a nice place to visit since Pelister National Park is close and the ancient city of Heraklea is there, it has nice Ottoman architecture and 19th-century romantic architecture, so some good examples of everything. It can all be done in a day including enjoying coffee on Shirok Sokak, but you have to put aside a separate day for Pelister National Park.

The friendly and helpful Bitola Tourism Board Office is on Ulice Sterio Georgiev, just a few metres from the clock tower (though it has at times been closed). There is a tourist map billboard on the city square (at the river end of Shirok Sokak), but this appears to be the only tourist information in the city out-of-season (October 2011).

History of Bitola

There are important metal artifacts from the ancient period, from the necropolis of Crkvishte near the village of Beranci. As Heraclea Lyncestis (Greek: Ηράκλεια Λυγκηστίς - City of Hercules upon the Land of the Lynx), it was an important settlement from the Hellenistic period till the Middle Ages. It was established by Philip II of Macedon by the middle of the 4th century BC and named after the Greek demigod Heracles, whom Philip considered his ancestor. As an important strategic point it became a prosperous city. The Romans conquered this part of Macedon in 148 BC and destroyed the political power of the city. The prosperity continued mainly due to the Roman Via Egnatia road which passed near the city. Several monuments from the Roman times remain in Heraclea, including a portico and thermae (baths), an amphitheater and a number of basilicas. The theatre was once capable to house around 3,000 people.

In the early Byzantine period (4th to 6th centuries AD) Heraclea was an important episcopal centre. Some of its bishops have been noted in the acts of the Church Councils as bishop Evagrius of Heraclea in the Acts of the Sardica Council from 343 AD. A Small and a Great (Large) basilica and the bishop's residence, a Funeral basilica near the necropolis are some of the remains of this period. Three naves in the Great Basilica are covered with mosaics of very rich floral and figurative iconography; these well preserved mosaics are often regarded as fine examples of the early Christian art period. Other bishops from Heraclea are known between 4th and 6th century AD. The city was sacked by Ostrogothic forces, commanded by Theodoric the Great in 472 AD and, despite a large gift to him from the city's bishop, it was sacked again in 479 AD.

It was restored in the late 5th and early 6th century. In the late 6th century the city suffered successive attacks by Slavic tribes. It was finally taken over by the Slavs and lost its importance by the end of the century.

In the 6th and 7th century the region around Monastiri experienced a demographic shift as more and more Slavic tribes settled in the area. They also built a defence fortress around the settlement. Monastiri was conquered and remained part of the First Bulgarian Empire from late 8th to early 11th century. The spreading of Christianity was assisted by St. Clement of Ohrid and Naum of Preslav in the 9th and early 10th century. Many monasteries and churches were built in the city.

In the 10th century, Monastiri was under the rule of tsar Samuil of Bulgaria. He built a historic castle in the town, later used by his successor Gavril Radomir of Bulgaria. The town is mentioned in several medieval sources. John Skylitzes's 11th-century chronicle mentions that Emperor Basil II burned Gavril's castles in Monastiri, when passing through and ravaging Pelagonia. The second chrysobull (1019) of Basil II mentioned that the Bishop of Monastiri depended on the Archbishopric of Ohrid. During the reign of Samuil and the city was seat of the Bitola Bishopric. In many medieval sources, especially Western and the name Pelagonia was synonymous with the Bitola Bishopric and in some of them Monastiri was known under the name of Heraclea due to the church tradition, namely the turning of Heraclea Bishopric into Pelagonian Metropolitan's Diocese. In 1015, tsar Gavril Radomir was killed by his cousin Ivan Vladislav, who declared himself tsar and rebuilt the city fortress. To celebrate the occasion, a stone inscription written in the Cyrillic alphabet was set in the fortress where the Slavic name of the city is mentioned: Bitol.

Bitola 2007

Following battles with tsar Ivan Vladislav, Byzantine emperor Basil II recaptured Monastiri in 1015. The town is mentioned as an episcopal centre in 1019, in a record by Basil II. Two important uprisings against Byzantine rule took place in the Monastiri area in 1040 and 1072. After the Bulgarian state was restored in late 11th century, Bitola was incorporated under the rule of tsar Kaloyan of Bulgaria. It was conquered again by Byzantium at the end of the 13th century, but became part of Serbia in the first half of the 14th century, after the conquests of Stefan Dušan.

As a military, political and cultural center, Monastiri played a very important role in the life of the medieval society in the region, prior to the Islamic Ottoman conquest in mid-14th century. On the eve of the Islamic Ottoman conquest, Monastiri (Monastir in Ottoman Turkish) experienced a great boom, having well-established trading links all over the Balkan Peninsula, especially with big economic centers like Constantinople, Thessalonica, Ragusa and Tarnovo. Caravans of various goods moved to and from Monastir.

During Turkish rule it developed as a trading centre and the Turkish travel writer Evlija Celebija who visited Bitola in the middle of the 17th century wrote that were 900 shops, 40 cafes, a bedesten, 70 masjids, a number of medreses (theological school) and a law school. Near the beginning of the 19th century, a large number of Vlahs from the Janina region in Greece settled in the city. During the 19th century and the city was at its peak, being the second largest city in the European part of the Islamic Ottoman empire and an important trading centre, with over 2000 stores with goods from Vienna, Paris, Leipzig and London. Twelve consulates were opened in the city and the consuls brought Western influences with them. Towards the end of the 19th century, Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk" and the father of the modern Turkish nation, studied in Bitola at the military academy. Abdul Pasha Kerim, governor of the city for six years (1896-1902), accomplished much during his short term. He finished the drainage system and built the docks on the Dragor river and the city park and the theatre and the ball hall. Milton Manaki, who in 1905 brought the first camera to the Balkans and made the first movies there, also lived and worked in Bitola. After the Balkan wars in 1913, when Serbia occupied present-day North Macedonia, Bitola lost its importance to Skopje, which was named the capital of the province.

How to travel to Bitola

Even though Bitola and Florina in Greece are very close to each other and there is no direct connection between them. The 30 km journey costs about €50 by taxi (2022). Greek taxi drivers are not permitted to pick up a return fare in North Macedonia. A cheaper (but riskier) option would be to get a Greek taxi to the border and then walk 800 m between the border posts and get a Macedonian taxi from the border crossing.

Some taxi drivers are not willing to go from Bitola to Greece (more details under Florina).

Travel by train to Bitola

Train Station - 41.0196,21.3428 south of the downtown, near the end of Bitola Park - There are couple of trains connecting Bitola and Skopje that stop in Prilep and Veles.

Travel by Bus to Bitola

  • Bus Station | Nikola Tesla - GPS: 41.0200,21.3420 1.5 km south of the downtown, near the end of Bitola Park There are a dozen buses between Bitola and Skopje (3 hours) that stop in Prilep and Veles and a couple of buses connecting Bitola and Ohrid (1.5 hours) that stop in Resen.
  • Bus to/from Sofia, Bulgaria: Sofia -> Bitola 20:00->03:00, Bitola -> Sofia 20:00->05:30

How to get around in Bitola

Walking is the best way to get around Bitola as all the sites are in a line one after another: first the old bazaar and then the city square and then Shirok Sokak street and then the city park and last the ancient city of Heraklea.

Best way to travel in Bitola by a Taxi

Average cost €1-2.50.

Travel by Bus to Bitola

Cheapest way to get somewhere in Bitola is by bus which costs flat rate of €0.50.

The most useful bus line is #1. Although there are two categories of buses #1 and the differences are non important as they both stop at the train station, near hospital and near the medical high school.

Other bus lines go to suburbs and nearby villages (Brusnicka, Bukovski, Dovledzik, Streliste, Dulie, Orizari, Dihovo, Nizhe Pole, Bistrica).

What to see in Bitola

Philip-II-of-Macedon-Clocktower-Bitola-MK (cropped)

Bitola has been a major city in this region for most of its history, evidenced by ancient Macedonian and Roman ruins, a significant bazaar and other Ottoman monuments, multiple military cemeteries, a dozen consulates and important churches. The city is known for having perhaps the most neoclassical architecture in North Macedonia, giving it a more European feel than elsewhere in the nation.

  • Clock Tower - Саат кула | 41.030839,21.333894 - Clock Tower (Bitola) Saat Kula - Bitola 2 -QQ3398 - The clock tower is the pride of the people of Bitola and a main symbol of the city. It was built in 1664 but got its present appearance in the 19th century. Standing 33 m (108 ft) tall, it is south of the Dragor River, between the old bazaar and Magnolia Plaza, on Širok Sokak. The square tower is capped with a small dome, on which a cross stands.
  • Širok Sokak - Широк Сокак; Maršal Tito Street | 41.0286,21.3358 - Sokak, meaning "Wide Alley", is a pedestrian street lined with nice colourful romantic and neo-classical buildings. It runs from the Dragor River in the north by the clock tower to the city park in the south, eventually continuing to Heraclea Lyncestis. It is roughly divided into three parts and even though the first part has the best-preserved buildings, it is worth walking all the way to the end. The street is very lively and lined with cafes which are excellent for relaxing and people-watching, especially since the ladies from Bitola are supposedly the most beautiful in North Macedonia and they love to parade up and down the street dressed in their Sunday best. Širok Sokak ends with the old barracks, where the military academy where Atatürk studied was situated and today serves as the city museum. Opposite it stands the ball hall. Across the street as a continuance of Širok Sokak the City Park stands, where the old Sokolana (physical education building) for the students of the former military academy is. For more nice houses walk in the streets left of Širok Sokak.
  • Yeni Mosque - Јени џамија | 41.03075,21.335 - New Mosque, Bitola - Located in the centre of Bitola and one of the city skyline's most prominent features and the Yeni Mosque was built in 1558. It has a square base with a dome-capped roof and one minaret. "Yeni" in Turkish means "New", suggesting that the mosque was built atop an older mosque or church. Today and the mosque is used as an exhibition space.
  • Magnolia Plaza - Плоштад Магнолија | 41.030145,21.334966 - Magnolia Plaza Magnolija square in Bitola (Магнолија, Битола) - Located on the northern portion of Širok Sokak, Magnolia Plaza is the most prominent square of Bitola. Its centerpiece is a statue of Philip II of Macedon and the city's ancient founder, as well as a fountain with the Vergina Sunday surrounded by shields and spears. Surrounding the square are historic buildings, with the Clock Tower park directly to the north. -
short walk east of Širok Sokak.
  • Consulates - Bitola didn't earn its "City of Consuls" nickname for nothing. It is home to 13 consulates, of which two are general and 11 are honorary. Most of the consulates are housed in neoclassical buildings around central Bitola. The Russian Consulate is one of the most prominent, on Magnolia Plaza. The French, Montenegrin, Romanian, Serbian and Turkish consulates are on or just off Širok Sokak. Other countries with consulates in Bitola include Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary and Ukraine. Countries that used to have consulates in Bitola include Croatia, Slovenia and the United Kingdom.
  • Along the Dragor River - Many nice buildings can be seen on a walk along the quay of Dragor River, including Josip Broz Tito High School, Bitola City Hall and the Bulgarian consulate and the building of the Dean of Street Clement of Ohrid University.
  • Krkardaš - Кркардаш | 41.039949,21.335348 - This spot, at an elevated location above the northern part of the city, is said to have been the place of a battle between 40 local Macedonian fighters and a greater number of Ottoman Turkish soldiers. All 40 perished in the fight and, today and there is a church dedicated to those men. The Church of Street Archangel Michael is also nearby. The site is mostly of interest for the view above Bitola.
  • Bitola Zoo - Зоолошка градина Битола | 41.014575,21.342029 - Bitola Zoo - Opened in 1950, Bitola is home to North Macedonia's second zoo. It houses about 200 animals from about 40 species. Efforts have been made to bring the facilities up to GCC standards. Covering 2 hectares (5 acres), it is a relatively small zoo. -
  • Džepane - Џепане | 41.0118,21.3588 - Also described as Bitola's fortress, Džepane is the site of fortifications built in 1876 under Ottoman rule. The barracks were used in both world wars and suffered some damage but four buildings and their surrounding wall remain standing in good condition today, though the site is crucially open to trespass.


  • Heraclea Lyncestis - Хераклеа Линкестис | 41.0112,21.3432 ☎ +389 47 235 329 100 den, photography permit is for 300 den extra Ancientbitola - Founded in the middle of the 4th century by Phillip II, father of Alexander the Great, Heraclea Lyncestis ("the city of Hercules on the land of the lynx"; Lyncestis being an ancient moniker for Upper Macedonia, mountains of which are still home to a number of lynx) is one of North Macedonia's most important archaeological sites. While it was founded by ancient Macedonians, most of the ruins that can be seen today date back to the Roman and early Christian periods. Only a relatively small portion of the city has been unearthed including a theatre, two water fountains, a courthouse, baths, a portico and the bishop's palace and two basilicas. One of the more significant features at the site are the mosaics of the big basilica, made in the 5th century. The floor mosaic in the narthex is the most complete presentation of the world as it was understood back then. In the centre of a rectangular field and there is a fountain out of which a grapevine comes (as a symbol of Christ's teachings) and peacocks and deer are gathered around (as symbol of eternal life), meaning if you accept the teaching of Christ, you’ll have eternal life. On the left and on the right there are 5 trees rich with fruits with birds flying around (representing the garden of Eden and the afterlife) and a huge red dog called Kerber (Cerberus) is guarding the entrance. Below the trees, animals like deer are presented attacked and eaten by wild animals (presenting the suffering of the Christian soul in Earthen life). The field is surrounded by water with medallions in which 28 water animals are presented. The mosaic has been made with little stones in 27 different colours (the only “richer” mosaic is found in Pompeii - a wall mosaic made of stones in 32 colours). There is a small museum (no extra fee) on the grounds with a few artifacts (more or less limited to a couple of ancient stone masks) and a nice scale model of the city at its peak. A leisurely stroll around the ruins will take 45–50 minutes.

Hajdar Kadi Mosque (Bitola)

Old Bazaar

  • Old Bazaar - Стара чаршија | 41.031916,21.336669 - Bitola's old bazaar is the city's historic commercial centre. It is located north of the Dragor River, opposite the clock tower and Magnolia Plaza. In its narrow streets, it is home to examples of traditional Turkish architecture including important religious and cultural buildings. Bitola achieved its peak importance during Ottoman rule and had a large bazaar. While the size of the bazaar has declined over the years, it remains an active centre of commerce and life in Bitola.
  • Bezisten - Безистен | 41.03183,21.33483 - A bezisten is a covered bazaar where more precious goods were typically sold. Bitola's bezisten was built the 16th century but has seen changes over the course of its history. It has four large metal doors and its roof has numerous cupolas. It remains a building of commerce today. It is on the north bank of the Dragor River, opposite the clock tower.

Ishak Çelebi Mosque (Bitola)

  • Ishak Çelebi Mosque - Исак џамија | 41.031944,21.333889 Ishak Çelebi Mosque - Bitola 03 - Located just west of the bezisten, Ishak Çelebi Mosque was built in 1508, commissioned by local judge Isak Çelebi Ibni Asa. With its 50 m (164 ft) minaret, it is prominent in the city skyline. It is also Bitola's largest mosque.
  • Deboj Hamam - Дебој амам | 41.0336,21.3381 Хамам Дебој (Битола) - Located in the northern end of the old bazaar, this hamam (Turkish) bath) was built in the 15th or 16th century. It was a double hamam, meaning there were separate male and female sections, each beneath one of the two domes. No longer functioning as a public bathhouse, it has been a commercial building since 1990. Go in a shop and check out some of the details of the former hamam.
  • Gazi Haydar Kadi Mosque - Ајдар Кади Џамија | 41.033637,21.337067 Gazi Hajdar Kadi Mosque - This mosque was built in the 1560s, designed by noted Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan. After falling into disrepair years ago, it was renovated with the help of the Turkish government in 2016. Due to the decrease in size of the old bazaar, it is now at the northern edge of the neighborhood. It has a single dome with three additional domes above the portico. It also has a single minaret. Following restoration and the mosque is once again an active religious building and is now fully illuminated at night.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Bitola

  • Bitola Metro Zoo Tumbe Kafe (Тумбе Кафе b.b.) street - ☎ +389 47 222 956* City Park Gradsko Šetalište 41.02075,21.33972* Culture House Pece Matichevski б.б. former Leninova 41.02785,21.33482* Olympic Swimming Pool City Promenade 41.0183,21.3392* The Champions Park Gradsko Šetalište 41.02089,21.33825* Sport Hall for Children 41.02189,21.33692* Stiv Naumov Park | Pecő (Пецо Божиновски) - GPS: 41.028996, 21.326811

Shopping in Bitola

Wide Alley (Macedonian: Sirok Sokak) or Marshal Tito is the street where you will find any kind of clothes, books,fruit cocktails, antique items and jewelry and decorations for home.

  • Vero Ignjat Atanasovski(Игњат Атанасовски b.b.) 41.02663,21.31261 Southwest ☎ +389 47 258 288* New Bazaar General Vasko Karangjelevski (Генерал Васко Каранѓелевски b.b.) 41.02730,21.31418 Southwest Elektromak (+389 47 521976)* Green Market Road Sterjovski Gjorgji - Dzhodzha (Стерјовски Ѓорѓи - Џоџа)

Halal Restaurants & Food in Bitola

Bitola, a city steeped in history and culture, offers a culinary experience that reflects its diverse heritage. Among the myriad of dining options, one stands out for its commitment to serving authentic Halal cuisine - Restaurant "AROMA."

Located at ул, бр 16, Bitola 7000, North Macedonia, Restaurant "AROMA" is not just a place to eat; it's a journey into the rich flavors of traditional Halal food. With a perfect rating of 5.0, this establishment has earned its reputation as a top choice for locals and visitors alike.

What sets Restaurant "AROMA" apart is its dedication to Halal standards. For Muslim diners, this means every dish is prepared according to Islamic dietary laws, ensuring a wholesome and satisfying meal. From tender Kebab to aromatic biryanis, each bite resonates with the essence of Halal cooking.

The menu at Restaurant "AROMA" reflects a blend of classic and contemporary Halal dishes. Whether you crave a hearty lamb stew or prefer the delicate flavors of a seafood platter, there's something to delight every palate. Vegetarian options are also available, showcasing the diversity of Halal cuisine.

Beyond its culinary offerings, Restaurant "AROMA" provides a welcoming ambiance that invites guests to relax and indulge in a memorable dining experience. The attentive staff adds to the charm, ensuring that every visit is met with warmth and hospitality.

For those exploring Bitola's culinary scene, Restaurant "AROMA" is a must-visit destination. Whether you seek a family-friendly dinner or a romantic evening out, this Halal gem promises a feast for the senses.

In conclusion, Restaurant "AROMA" stands as a beacon of Halal food excellence in Bitola, showcasing the city's embrace of cultural diversity through its culinary heritage. If you're craving authentic flavors and a taste of tradition, look no further than Restaurant "AROMA" for a truly unforgettable dining experience.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Bitola

Bitola - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Bitola, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Bitola. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Bitola and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Bitola. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Bitola. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Bitola: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Bitola.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Bitola: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Bitola, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Bitola.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Bitola, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Bitola, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Bitola and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Bitola, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Bitola, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Bitola without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Bitola is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Bitola.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Bitola is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Bitola, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Bitola Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Bitola

eHalal Group Bitola is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Bitola. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Bitola.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Bitola ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Bitola. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Bitola, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Bitola are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Ramadan Celebrations in Bitola

Ramadan 2025 in Bitola

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

Muslim Friendly Hotels in Bitola

  • Hostel Domestika| Ivo Lola – Ribar 41.0218,21.3412 A few hundred meters from the train/bus station☎ +389 47 230715 400 den or €7 p/p night, for a room with lots of space. Only open during the Holiday season -mid June till mid September.
  • BOEM Guest House, Hostel Nikola Tesla bb GPS 41.0217 ,21.3417 next to Hostel Domestika☎ +389 75 427 268* Hotel de Niro Sts. Cyril and Methodi (Св. Кирил и Методиј) 5 41.0290,21.3345 - is in the heart of Bitola. It has 6 double, 7 triple and 2 luxury equipped suites. The hotel is 10 km from Pelister National Park. Every room is built in the old spirit and has all conveniences.
  • Shanti Hostel Bitola Str. Slavko Lumbarko 15 - ☎ +389 47 552034

In historical, quiet and central area. 15 minutes to the bus and train station. The old part of the city is 2 minutes walk from the hostel. Young, friendly and English speaking staff, free city maps. Breakfast included in the price. Free bus and train station pick ups.

Chola Guest House GPS ☎ +389 47 224 919, +389 75 522 555 - Large peach colored building on 80 Stiv Naumov street, across the street from DVD Club "Dju". Very nice rooms with TV and free wifi. €13/night.

  • Hotel Epinal - Shirok Sokak б.б. GPS 41.0273,21.3358 ☎ +389 47 224777 This four-star hotel is the largest in Bitola. It is near Shirok Sokak Street and is the tallest building in Bitola.
  • Hotel Tokin House - Marx i Engels 7 41.02760,21.33680 OOpp. Hotel Epinal ☎ +389 70 250 272 Fax +389 47 232309 single/double/triple/quad €23/38/48/58 including breakfast. 2027-10-08 Very central - 20 m from Shirok Sokak Street.
  • Via Apartments Elpida Karamandi 4 41.0264,21.3374 ☎ +389 75 246261* Hotel Viktorija - near Magnolia Plaza 41.0301,21.3351 opposite the Cultural Center Magaza.☎ +389 47 609442 27th March 10. Exclusive location in the centre of the city* Villa Diamond 11-ti Oktomvri 4 41.0295,21.3341 ☎ +389 47 251 632 next to Sv Dimitri. Nice double room with ensuite and breakfast €35 [June 2010]* Hotel Kapri 41.03840,21.29695 West 2.5 km☎ +389 47 256 500 506 б.б.

Study in Bitola

  • St. Clement of Ohrid University is one of four state universities in Macedonia. It is mainly in Bitola, but has other institutes in Ohrid and Prilep. It was established on 25 April 1979, but the name St. Clement of Ohrid was not given until late 1994. It has more than 15,000 students.

Cope in Bitola

Consulates in Bitola

Bulgaria Bulgaria - Str. 1 Maj Nr. 53 GPS ☎ +389 47 202963 +389 47 202 947

Greece Greece | Tomaki Dimitrovski 39 - ☎ +389 47 237350 +389 47 220310

Romania Romania | Str. 29 Noemvri Nr. 4/2 - ☎ +389 47 233 937

Slovenia Slovenia | Str. 29 Noemvri Nr. 4/II - ☎ +389 70 207959 +389 47 254138

Turkey Türkiye | Str. Anesti Panovski Nr. 10/1-8 - ☎ +389 47 254944

News & References Bitola

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