
From Halal Explorer

Chefchaouen banner.jpg Chefchaouen overview - An overview of Chefchaouen

Chefchaouen (شفشاون, also Chaouen, Chawen or Xaouen) is a gorgeous mountain city in northeastern Morocco. It's no wonder that tourists flock here — this humble town is the embodiment of almost every Moroccan cliché. The picturesque medina, set against the dramatic backdrop of the Rif Mountains, is filled with white-washed homes with distinctive, powder-blue accents, and the call to prayer rings out of several masjids around the town in chorus. If you've got a few days to relax from the rigors of travel, thit is a good place to do it.

Tourism in Chaouen is also driven by its reputation as centre of the marijuana plantations region in North Morocco. Drugs are widespread and somehow tolerated, but agents trying to sell to Muslims are also very annoying.

Spanish is the foreign language mostly spoken by the population, while French is the language of higher education.

How to travel to Chefchaouen

Travel on a Bus in Chefchaouen

There are frequent buses from Fez and Tetouan and also from Casablanca, Rabat, Meknes, Tangier and Ceuta. From Tangier, local buses should only cost around 35 MAD; enjoy the sales pitches of vendors who come onto the bus while you wait for more passengers at major stops. Local buses plying the route from Fez to Tetouan/Tangier stop at Derdara (8 kilometers away), where you can get into one of the frequent grand taxis for 5 dirham. This avoids the long uphill walk from the bus station.

Approximate bus timetable to destinations around Morocco:

  • Tetouan - five CTM buses at 04:00, 14:15, 15:15, 18:30 and 20:30; 25 dirham, 90 minutes. Twelve local buses at 06:45, 08:00, 08:15, 08:30, 08:45, 09:45, 11:30, 12:30, 14:45, 16:30, 17:00 and 17:30.
  • Tangier - Two CTM buses daily, 15:15 and 20:30 (go to Tetouan first); 45 dirham, 3 hours. Four Nejme Chamal buses daily: 10:00, 14:00, 15:15 and 18:00 and one local bus at 10:45.
  • Rabat - one CTM bus at 07:00, 100 dirham, 4½ hours. Five local buses daily: 06:00, 07:30, 08:15, 09:15 and 12:45; 5-5½ hours.
  • Casablanca - one CTM bus at 07:00 (goes to Rabat first), 140 dirham, 6 hours. Three local buses: 06:00, 7:30 and 09:00; 100 dirham, 6-6½ hours.
  • Meknes - three buses, 06:00, 14:30 and 15:30; 45 dirham, 4 hours.
  • Fez - five CTM buses: 8:00, 11:00, 12:00, 14:15 and 23:45; 75 dirham, 4¼ hours. Other companies' bus departs at 07:00, 08:30, 09:30, 11:45 and 12:30.
  • Berbered and Ketama - daily buses at 08:00; 20 dirham, 3 hours.
  • Oued Laou may have one daily bus

Get to Ceuta by taking the bus through Tetouan to Fnideq and then taking a cab to the border crossing. Ignore agents trying to sell you documents at the border, since they are free at the passport window. No CTM buses go to Ceuta, so you'll have to rely on regional ones. Don't pay more than 5 dirham for a piece of luggage, and don't hand anybody big bills: they'll just walk away with them.

  • Bus station Gare Routière | 35.16762, -5.27483 a fifteen minutes walk from the medina, along Av. Mohamed V - There are a couple of petit taxis waiting for a client at the entry, about 10 dirham to get to the medina. Otherwise it's 15 minutes walk uphill.

Best way to travel in Chefchaouen by a Taxi

The journey from Tangier to Chefchaouen takes about 2½ hours and takes you down some interesting mountain roads with lots of photo opportunities. There are a small number of companies in Tangier offering well-priced transfers and excursions to Chefchaouen.

  • Grand taxi stand to Tetouan and Tangier - 35.16884, -5.26936 About 70 dirham per person. At the same time private day trip from Tangier to Chefchaouen will cost about €100.
  • Grand taxi stand to Akchour, Oued Laou, Dar Akouba 35.16964, -5.26857 Taxi to Oued Laou costs 150-200 dirham, otherwise get a bus to Tetouan and hire a taxi from there.
  • Grand taxi stand to Bab Taza, Ouezzane 35.1653234, -5.2627992

How to get around In Chefchaouen

35.1686|-5.2655||height=520 - If you are looking for sports or peaceful hiking tours, Chefchaouen is the ideal starting point to branch out in the villages and the surrounding mountains of the Rif with a local guide who knows well the region or just by yourself.

If you go with a car, you can park at Parador Hotel open-air parking (10 dirham/day). Very easy to find. Always pay when you leave to avoid paying twice.

What to see in Chefchaouen

Chefchaouen medina - An alleyway in the medina

  • The medina is the focal point of interest for most visitors to Chefchaouen. Walking around the town with its whitewashed walls, originally decorated in this style by Yahudi immigrants, can be a nice change to the hustle and bustle of the city's of Marrakech, Rabat, and Fez.
  • Ras el Maa water spring | 35.17120, -5.25644 to the east of the medina A meeting point for local residents who come to cool off, chat and do their laundry (including carpets on sunny sundays). The café nearby is rather expensive, however it's a nice change from the main square.
  • Jemaa Bouzafar mosque | 35.17194, -5.25618 The ruins of an old mosque, on a hill behind the waterfall, overlook the medina and its crumbling tower offers great views of the town.
  • Kasbah 35.16854, -5.26166 60 dirham Looks quite interesting from the outside, but there isn't much to see inside. The place is well preserved. There's the tower and the prison amongst others that's worth a visit, and the courtyard is green and almost alien amdist the mountain setting. Should only be an option if you're either bored or want to get away from the bustle outside.
  • Viewpoint above the Hotel Atlas 35.1747, -5.2588 A good viewpoint on the town and the valley, especially on sunsets. It can be visited from the south gate of the medina (Bab el-Ain) by climbing the road coasting the medina on the west side until the east gate (Bab Souk), and then uphill, crossing the old cemetery on a rocky path.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Chefchaouen

2006 Chefchaouen-Hamam - A hammam in Chefchaouen


  • Take a hike through the scenic Rif Mountains. There is a pathway leading up into the mountains just behind the waterfall frequented by backpackers. Don't mind the vast marijuana plantations; the farmers and goat herders that work them are used to tourists and will either ignore you or try to sell you hash. See "Stay safe" below.
  • A strenuous hike up GPS 35.1882,-5.2497 Jebel al-Kalaa|(the peak instantly overlooking the town) is fun, but can take up to 9 hours round trip and goes by (and if you're lucky/unlucky, through) big marijuana plantations. The route is not well marked (with white and yellow), and you might have to trail blaze for parts of it if you lose the trail. Start by following the road up the southeastern valley, from where you'll get a good view of town, and look for the markings up the mountain. Bring plenty of water, and some Snacks.
  • A two-day hike in the Talasemtane national park GPS 35.1306007,-5.0828805 via Asilane to Akchour also starts up the big mountain on a 4WD track which goes of in the north of Chefchaouen just after the camping site. At the peak at about 1800m is a camping site. Be advised though that there maybe snow even until April, so be prepared for cold temperatures. There are at least two water sources on the way up, so you'll not need to carry too much water. It's about 14km until the gite in Asilane. The 4WD track continues until the next village from where one has to cross over a small valley, continue straight after passing a tomb-house and climb down the small path to the village of Inezgane. From there, a mule treck follows the river more or less closely and the gorgeous mountains, cliffs and breathtaking views. After a while the path goes down to the river over an ancient bridge and continues north, passing a source (although this one might dry up in summer) and eventually leads to the village of Akchour which has another Gite, but also cheaper lodging. See below for getting back to Chaouen. There are more tracks and gites in the area. It is feasible to even hike to Oued Laou at the Mediterranean.
  • Do a 1½ hike in the mountains towards the The God's bridge GPS 35.2283588,-5.1776808 (Pond de Dieu). After the dam and the path lies on the right side of the river and goes up the hill quite steep. The bridge was formed by the river floating underground and carving its way over millennia. There seems also be a way down at the river, so one can see the bridge from below. Don't try this in spring though, as after snow-melt or rain the river may be unpassable. To left over the river starts a path towards the cascades.
Getting there: buses to Akchour leave Chefchaouen bus station at ~8AM, 10AM, 2PM, 5PM, 20-40 dirham. Otherwise take a grand taxi, 150 dirham per taxi. Getting back may be a bit of a hassle, as the grand taxi only runs rarely. On weekends in the afternoon, you may be able to hitch with local residents who went there for a weekend trip and will the head back to Tanger. They can drop you at Dar Akouba from where it is easy to get transport back to Chefchoauen.


  • Hassan's Workshop | In the eastern medina, between the old olive tree and the waterfall ☎ +212 065 00717 Opening Hours: 9-6ish Run by a tremendously approachable man called Hassan, it can be found towards the eastern end of the medina, between the old olive tree and the waterfall. Once you're in the vicinity, just ask for "El Taller de Hassan" and you'll be pointed in the right direction (or call ahead). He speaks fluent Spanish and good English & French, and is totally amenable to any peculiarities or requests you might have. He doesn't look for sales out of his workshop, as he makes good trade through the various local stores and a few overseas bulk buyers, but he enjoys making one-offs, which makes for wonderful craftsmanship, great prices and no hassle.
  • Gite Talassemtane Tours Can organise pottery and gastronomy workshops.

Shopping in Chefchaouen

All the usuals are on offer in the medina — carpets, leatherwares, spices, metal wares, etc. If you're a seasoned bargainer you can probably get better prices in Fes or Marrakech, but Chefchaouen is undoubtedly a more pleasant place to shop. You'll also find plenty of hippie-wear aimed at budget travelers and marijuana tourists.


Chaouen is particularly renowned for leather artisans, and there are 4 or 5 workshops dotted through the town, whose goods you can find at many of the local stores and in the larger northern city's. Many of the craftsmen in Fes and Tetouan served their apprenticeships here. The choice in local stores is often limited to bags and purses, so if you're up for it take advantage of the workshops where you can tweak a standard design or come up with something entirely your own, even moving beyond traditional leather into snake, crocodile, lizard and more. They can make pretty much anything, from guitar straps and tobacco pouches, to handbags and jackets. It can take a couple of days to make the more complex designs, so head there on your first day, or have it shipped home (£6 within Europe).

Halal Restaurants

Please be informed that on some destination such as Chefchaouen we had no local Muslim/a that has researched some of the area. If you are a Muslim/a and have been to Chefchaouen or would like to maintain the eHalal Guide to Chefchaouen, please contact us at or email us your updates.

The local specialty is baissara, but you'll also find the usual staples such as tajine (vegetable stew with goat or sheep), harira (tomato soup), kofte (meatballs) and tagras (fish). The Salada Marroqui is a salad of cucumber and tomatoes, while salada variada includes eggs. The region is also well known for olives and gin-olive-oils/ Olive oil, and for goat Cheese, which is sold on display in various shops.

If eating in the medina, avoid restaurants on the Kasbah square (plaza Uta el Hamman) offering tourist menus for 45 dh (drinks not included): they will just serve you very low-quality kofte and harira, for a more than average price.

Local breakfast includes milk-coffee (café con leche) and pancakes (baghrir) with honey and gin-olive-oils/ Olive oil or butter, for 10-15 dirham. Good places to have breakfast with the local residents are the bar on plaza Hauta, in the Medina, and the bar in front of the Gendarmerie Nationale in av. Mohamed V.

  • Assadaa | 35.16848, -5.26464 from Bab el-Ain, take straight up and then left lunch for 50 dirham, all included - This small restaurant occupies both sides of the street, with tables on the road, under a tree, and on a roof terrace. Nice tajine and great Cheese salad.
  • Chez Foad | 35.16991, -5.26167 opposite Granada restaurant - Also do a great fish tajine, and a shrimp tajine, salad and cous-cous are also very good. Great relation quality/price.
  • Granada | 35.16995, -5.26180 2 blocks up from the main square Mains ~ 25 dirham Great fish tajine, great couscous.
  • Restaurant Populaire Bab Ssour Rue Elkharrazin N°5 35.16852, -5.26349 ☎ +212 539882165 50 dirham Good food in a quiet room with a most friendly owner. Many languages spoken. Good local Cheese.

Alcohol is not readily available but can be found. Mint tea is prevalent (10 dirham the cup).

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Chefchaouen

Chefchaouen - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Chefchaouen, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Chefchaouen. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Chefchaouen and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Chefchaouen. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Chefchaouen. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Chefchaouen: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Chefchaouen.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Chefchaouen: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Chefchaouen, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Chefchaouen.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Chefchaouen, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Chefchaouen, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Chefchaouen and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Chefchaouen, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Chefchaouen, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Chefchaouen without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Chefchaouen is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Chefchaouen.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Chefchaouen is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Chefchaouen, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Chefchaouen Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Chefchaouen

eHalal Group Chefchaouen is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Chefchaouen. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Chefchaouen.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Chefchaouen ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Chefchaouen. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Chefchaouen, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Chefchaouen are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels/Resorts

Chefchaouen doorway - A typical doorway

Accommodation can be tight in the peak periods (mid-July to September) so it's advisable to arrive early or book ahead in these periods. A stroll through the medina will reveal dozens of affordable hotels, starting from 40 dirhamdirham per day for a single. Many of these hotels have roof terraces.

Hotels that are fully booked will sometimes deliberately over-book and try to move you to another hotel (for a commission), as always avoid agents who may tell you your hotel is closed/not good/hard to find etc.

  • Casa Hassan - 35.1694986, -5.2618995 ☎ +212 39 986153 650/800/1050 dirham single/double/triple Popular traveler hotel in the medina, often booked, is wise to call ahead. Breakfast is included.
  • Casa Perleta - Bab Souk- Medina 35.1699934, -5.2639920 ☎ +212 59988979 550dh Inside the medina (Bab Souk entrance), freshly renovated. Most rooms have en suite bathrooms. Run by native Spanish speakers.
  • Dar Antonio 36 calle Garmata ☎ +212 539 989 997, +212 661 895 010, +212 652 278 569 - 150 dirham for single, 250 for double, 375 for triple, 500 for quad GPS 35.16950,-5.26169 . Nice guesthouse right in the Medina. Clean and quiet with a great view on the top floors. Hot water on demand. Shared facilities. Not for people with mobility problems.
  • Dar Echchaouen | 35.1687532, -5.2564912 near Ras El Ma +212 539882946 Single from 490 dirham -
  • Dar El Moualim - Rue Hassan I, Derb Sidi Bouchuka 35.170328, -5.2647867 From 550 dirham Three apartments in a restored house inside the ancient medina.
  • Dar Meziana | Rue Zagdud nº7 35.1705443, -5.2641773 ☎ +212 539 987 806 From 650 dirham A beautiful riad carefully decorated by the owners themselves, giving each bedroom an individual character full of warmth and beauty. The use of Tadlakt in the bathrooms, hammered copper sinks, beautifully painted wooden ceilings and hand crafted doors, modern glass bricks and crooked windows, Moroccan lamps and carpets all come together to give this riad a totally unique feel. It also has a beautiful roof terrace with the most amazing views over the city, mountains and surrounding countryside.
  • Dar Rass El Maa | 35.17016, -5.25697 From 490 dirham (singles) A charming guest house below the spring.
  • Dar Lbakal Guesthouse | Derb Mfarej Qu. Onssar 35.1700457, -5.2595391 ☎ +212 539989494 From 350 dirham Gusethouse with a unique interior, a charming and artistic furniture and amazing scenery that you can enjoy while relaxing on the terrace.
  • Harmony Hotel - 35.1686882, -5.2643523 in the medina room 60 dirham per person, 200 dirham double Good value for solo travellers, who pay less but still get double beds.
  • Hotel Andaluz | 1 Rue Sidi Salem 35.168736, -5.2657357 ☎ +212 39-986034 120 dirham double A popular little budget hotel with a nice rooftop terrace and cool (occasionally damp if on the ground floor) rooms. It's not far from the primary street in the medina, most local residents can point the way. There is a shared kitchen and guests can use the washing machine upon request.
  • Hotel Madrid | 35.16718, -5.26217 right behind the Kasbah 540 dirham Great service staff, always willing to help. They have maps and can give information on the town. The rooms aren't special, and have the "affordable hotel" feel. They have hot water - and one cannot stress enough the importance of hot water during the cold months! Ask the desk for your TV remote. The lobby is quaint, and enjoying breakfast while listening to the hotel canary sing (it's a real bird - not a euphemism for a lounge singer) or watching English channels on the lobby TV is a great way to start the day.
  • Hotel Hicham | Plaza Outahammam 35.1690765, -5.2616973 Located at the entrance of the ancient city of Chefchaouen (plaza Outahammam), next to Al Kasbah ☎ +212 642 88 13 70 - It has 7 rooms, very well-decorated and -equipped rooms, and outdoor panoramic terrace to see the mountain views and enjoy a good breakfast and fresh fruit smoothies with a welcome tea. The staff in the hotel are very helpful in advising you on different activities such as excursions, hiking, mountain guides and hammam.

- Hotel Ourzazate GPS 35.170070,-5.263959 - 60 dirham |content - In the medina is a nice choice with a good location.

  • Hotel Parador | 35.16873, -5.26078 +212 5399-86324 From 500 dirham -
  • Hostel Aline | Av Sidi Ahmed el Uafi, 2 35.1687256, -5.2592700 on the eastern side of the medina, a bit away from the central square About 40 dirham per day per person, breakfast of a loaf of French bread and jam included A nice, clean place; catch it during low season and you'll likely end up with a room to yourself. Amenities include a big terrace with a hammock, laundry service, kitchen, and 24 hour hot water. The staff don't speak much English.
  • Hostel Gernika | 35.1698984, -5.2595664 ☎ +212 539987434 150/200 dirham (without bathroom/with bathroom) Inside the medina, very clean, luminous rooms. Has shared showers, with lots of hot water. Some rooms ensuite. Some rooms have heating (250 dirham) that is a very nice thing to have during rather humid winter. There is a lovely common room with fireplace and small library. Free wifi. Breakfast costs 30 dirham and is worth it. Spanish and French spoken.
  • Hotel Zerktouni - Formerly known as Hostel Sahara av. Zerktouni 35.1675030, -5.2651918 just outside the Medina, near Bab el-Ain and the road on the junction with the Banque Populaire Checkout: 12:00 Nice and clean, perfect for travelers on a budget, in an interesting building with wooden decorations; the staff speak mostly (Spanish), and the reception boy is very kind and enjoys as a painter. The Hostel has a terrace (with rooms facing it).
  • Pension Cordoba | 35.169401, -5.261427 north-east of the main medina square ☎ +212 5399-89968 70 dirham per person Check-in: / Check-out: noon Very friendly staff, nice welcoming rooms and a big and comfy roof terrace.
  • Pension la Castellana 35.1688178, -5.2629769 next to Bank "Credit Agricole" at the south-western end of Place Outa el Hammam - the main tourist square ☎ +212 539986295 room 75 dirham per person It has a central courtyard and roof terrace.
  • Definitely avoid Hostel Bab el-Ain, at the entrance of the Medina. It is a dirty place, with cold shower, overvalued (50 dirham/person/night) and a primary destination for agents taking advantage of smoke tourists.

Outside of town

  • Auberge Dardara - Road to Bab-Taza and Alhoceima 35.10509, -5.28026 At 10km from Chefchaouen ☎ +212 39 77 07 07 Singles from 490 dirham With gastronomic restaurant with local specialities and local farm products.

Stay Safe

As Chefchaouen is located on the edge of Morocco's marijuana growing region, agents desperate to extract money from travellers can be a serious problem. They can often be quite persistent and sometimes even threatening. However, smiling, remaining calm, and politely refusing (repeatedly) will work without a problem.

Travellers hiking in the Rif Mountain area close to the town have had stones thrown at them by armed men to scare them away from areas of marijuana production. While most of the growers may ignore you, some may offer to sell to you as well. While many travelers partake in or even come here specifically for the abundance of marijuana (hashish), understand that it is definitely illegal and heavily punishable. The best way to avoid running afoul of any local growers is to hire a sanctioned local guide.

On arriving in Chefchaouen, you may be met by agents at the bus station. These will probably try to take you to some affordable and low-quality hostel in the medina - but it is advisable to find the place by yourself, because if you arrive with agents, you'll be charged extra so they can get their commission. Agents will then insist that you follow them to their house in the medina, and there try to sell you a stash of dope for 300-500 dirham. Refusing to buy is not contemplated, nor safe, if you end up in such a situation, so just say no from the beginning and don't sympathise nor accept help.

The Souika/Mauretania hostel has many agents which quite aggressively try to get people there. They will claim the hotel you’re looking for is closed or on restoration. Don't trust these at all and insist on going to your planned destination.

As for the whole of Morocco, avoid tap water for safety concerns, and drink bottled water (6 dirham for a cold 1 L bottle) or drinks (8 dirham for 1/2 L coke).

Be aware re-filling a number of smaller water bottles from a large one then re-selling them is a reasonably common training, so check the seals carefully.

News & References Chefchaouen

More Muslim friendly Destinations from Chefchaouen

  • Tetouan
  • Tangier
  • Rabat
  • Casablanca
  • Meknes
  • Fez
  • Berbered and Ketama
  • Oued Laou
  • Ceuta

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