
From Halal Explorer

[[file:Debrecen_banner_Nagyerdö_Park - Nagyerdö Park}} Debrecen, a Nagytemplom télen - The Great Church of Debrecen in winter Debrecen is the "national capital of the Great Hungarian Plain", and the county seat and largest city of Hajdú-Bihar county in eastern Hungary. It is the second largest city in the nation with about 200,000 inhabitants, and historically the most important city in Hungarian Protestantism.

Debrecen Halal Travel Guide

They used to say "who in their sane mind would build a city in the middle of nowhere where there are no mountains, forests, water or roads?" Still and the answer is a mystery, but Debrecen is the second (or third, depends on the census) largest city of Hungary. It used to be Europe's largest Calvinist city (was called "The Calvinist Rome"), and the Great Church (Nagytemplom) is a reminder of the city's legacy. Debrecen also has a university with the beautiful main building.

  • Tourinform Debrecen | Piac u. 20 47.52963, 21.62536 ☎ +36 52 412250 +36 52 535323 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00, Saturday 9:00-13:00, Sunday: Closed (July - Aug weekdays until 18:00). Ticket office hours Monday to Friday 09:00-16:30, Saturday 09:00-12:30 Tourist information, souvenirs. Tickets for events.

How to travel to Debrecen

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Debrecen

  • Debrecen Airport IATA Flight Code: DEB 47.488889, 21.615278 5 kilometers southwest of the downtown ☎ +36 20 467 9899 Debrecen International Airport - Small airport with a cafe, vehicle rental kiosks inside. There is no currency exchange office, only EuroNet ATM with draconian exchange rates (10% worse than regular bank one) with additional Ft 920 exchange fee. Free WiFi.

Debrecen is served by about 4-5 flights a day, from several European cities, most of them flown by the budget airline Wizzair. As of summer 2022 and there were the following scheduled flights:

  • London -Luton, Wizzair, 10 times a week;
  • Munich Airport, Lufthansa, 3 times a week;
  • Eindhoven, Wizzair, 3 times a week;
  • Milan -Bergamo, Wizzair, 2 times a week;
  • Paris -Beauvais, Wizzair, 2 times a week;
  • Malmö, Wizzair, 2 times a week;
  • Ben Gurion Airport, Wizzair, 2 times a week.

Charter flights also come regularly to the airport.

Getting there: the airport bus takes you to the downtown, train or bus station. Taxi to the downtown costs Ft 3000-4000 (2022).

Travel by train to Debrecen

DebrecenTrain - Main Train Station in Debrecen There are regular trains roughly every hour from Budapest Nyugati Station. The duration of the trip is 2½ hours. Check the following site for timetables. Other feasible destionations include Eger (need to change train at least one time, 120 kilometers, Ft 2200, 2½ hr), Karcag (59 kilometers, 7-10 per day, one hour, ~Ft 1200), Nyíregyháza (hourly, Ft 1100, ~1/2 hr), Szerencs (99 kilometers, four direct, mostly change at Nyíregyháza, 67-136 min).

  • Debrecen Railway Station - Debrecen Vasútállomás | Petőfi tér 47.52027, 21.62789

Travel on a Bus in Debrecen

Buses to Eger (135 kilometers, 7-9 direct per day more with change, 2½ hour), Karcag (direct three more with change, 80 min), Nyíregyháza (53-71 kilometers, five direct, 60-110 min), Szerencs (three hour, all must to change at Tokaj or Miskolc, nine per day).

  • Bus Station - Autóbusz-állomás | Külső Vásártér 22 47.52566, 21.61814 ☎ +36 40-200-756 Opening Hours: Daily 24hr Rundown building with no currency exchange offices, WiFi or POS terminals (so prepare some cash to pay for tickets). Online timetable.

Rent a Car or Limousine in Debrecen

Debrecen is connected to the national highway system by the motorway M35. From Budapest, follow M3 towards Nyíregyháza and then the M35 (diverge near the 186 km sign). A highway toll applies, and it had to be paid in advance (at most gas stations, price is about Ft 3000 for a regular vehicle for 10 days.) It is about a 2-hour drive. Main road 4 is somewhat shorter, but it is not recommended because it is often overcrowded (hence much slower) and accidents are not uncommon.

How to get around in Debrecen

DebrecenTram - Tram outside of Debrecen Train Station

By foot

There are many nice streets around, though there are many less attractive ones as well. Try your luck. Nagyerdő (the Big Forest) is beautiful.

By public transportation

Public transport uses local tickets that cost Ft 330 (or Ft 400 if you buy it on the bus). Don't try to use Budapest tickets; they won't work. The 'DKV'] runs two tram, five trolleybus and sixty bus lines in Debrecen. The tram carries people to the most frequently visited places. It starts at the train station, goes along the main street, turns at the Great Church a bit, goes to the Old Forest and the Zoo, Theme Park and Public Bath and then around to meet the universities, and then back. A affordable way to see most of the city is to get a ticket at the train station, get on, and enjoy the trip until you're back where you started.

 Bus lines are good, in that you can reach nearby places fast.

Best way to travel in Debrecen by a Taxi

There are two main taxi companies in the city: City Taxi Debrecen and ?lang=en%2F Főnix Taxi, both have mobile apps.

By car

Roads are okay. The city is small enough though that you could easily get around by foot or by public transportation.

What to see in Debrecen

47.5286|21.6264 Despite being the second largest city in the nation, Debrecen has very few attractions to show for it. The Nagytemplom is a must see and easily accessible. As for museums and the Déri Museum is definitely worth a trip, but all the others really depend on how much Hungarian art interests you. Most of the major attractions are in the city park, or Nagyerdő, where you could easily spend a pleasant afternoon.

Places of worship

  • Great Church - Reformed Great Church, Nagytemplom | Kossuth tér 47.5322, 21.6241 In Downtown close to Kálvin tér shopping center ☎ +36 52 412694 +36 52 412694 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-16:00, Saturday 09:00-13:00, Sunday: after church service till 16:00. During services and official programms the church is closed Tickets: Adult/Reduced Ft 400/300 - Reformed Great Church of Debrecen - Debreceninagytemplom légifotó - Debrecen's most recognizable building and a symbol of the city. It is the centerpiece of what was once called "Calvanist Rome." Visitors can tour the interior, as well as go up in the tower to see the Rákóczi bell and the largest bell in Hungary, and excellent views of the city.
  • Arpad Plaza Presbyterian Church - Árpád téri református templom | Árpád tér 47.53813, 21.63787 ☎ +36 52 412801
  • Greek Catholic Church - Görög katolikus templom, Istenszülő Oltalma Templom | Attila tér 1 47.52735, 21.63687 the tram is 600 m away. In nearby bus stop #5 and 15 buses and #2 trolley. ☎ +36 52 533207 Opening Hours: Masses Monday to Friday 06:45, 07:30, 18:00; Sunday 06:45, 07:30, 08:30, 10:00, 12:00, 16:45, 18:00 (summer) The church was built in 1910, in Neo-Byzantine, based on the plans of János Bobula. Unlike other Greek Orthodox churches there is no iconostasis here. The main sights are the inlaid altar and pulpit with mosaic ornaments in 1910. Valuable seccos and colourful glass windows ornate the church.
  • Csonka Church - Calvinistic Small Church, Small Protestant Church, Csonkatemplom | Kossuth utca or Révész tér 2 47.52859, 21.62471 ☎ +36 52 342872 +36 52 453569 Opening Hours: Opening hours by appointment Monday to Friday 08:30-12:30 - Debrecen - csonka templom.jpg
  • Bible Society of Debrecen Baptist Church - Debreceni Biblia Baptista Gyülekezet | Faraktár utca, 42 47.52944, 21.64530 ☎ +36 30 9119887
  • Kápolnás Street Synagogue - Kápolnás utcai zsinagóga, Status Quo Ante zsinagóga | Kápolnás utca, 1 47.52929, 21.62109 Close to the church at Pásti Street 4 ☎ +36 52 415861 - Debrecen-Synagogue - Opening Hours: By appointment Free This was built in 1910 in eclectic style. Thit is a Byzantine structure of modernized Moor form, emphasized also by the large dome emerging from its wider environment.
  • Mester Street Reformed Church - Mester utcai református templom | Mester utca Révész Plaza? 47.53415, 21.61618
  • Lutheran Church - Miklós utcai evangélikus templom | Miklós St., 3 47.52596, 21.62496 ☎ +36 52 534408 - University debrecen church - Opening Hours: Church service Sundays at 10:00 Only Lutheran church is in the City. The church was consecrated on 1 September 1889. The external dimensions of the church 21x8.3 meters. The main entrance opens to east. The five long window with semicircular closure was built in the south wall. The north side has no windows, only an entrance and the sacristy.
  • Pasti Street Synagogue - Pásti utcai zsinagóga | Pásti St, 6 47.52875, 21.62140 Center, 2-3 minutes from the Arany Bika Hotel ☎ +36 52 415861, +36 30 8461703 (mobil) +36 52 533273 - Ortodox zsinagóga (5247. számú műemlék) - Opening Hours: Service at 07:00 and 19:00 (summer) Orthodox synagogue. Built according to the plans of Eugene Berger in 1893. Mikve, kosher food, meal ordering.
  • Reformed Church - Kossuth utcai református templom | Kossuth utca - Historical neo-Gothic church with polygonal apse, transept and western tower. Architekt Petz Samuel, built in 1887-88. Inside Neo-Gothic pulpit and chair of Musa made by Thék Andrew, Lord's Table by Gregersen, an Organ from 1894. The frescoes painted by Haranghy Eugene, in 1937.
  • Roman Catholic Chapel in the Cemetery - Római Katolikus Temetőkápolna | Benczúr Gyula utca 6 47.55469, 21.64787 - Debrecen, róm. kat. temetőkápolna és környezete
  • St. Anne's Gothic Church - Szent Anna székesegyház | Szent Anna utca 15 47.52677, 21.62925 ☎ +36 52 536 652 +36 52 536652 - St. Anna Kirche Debrecen - Opening Hours: Opening hours to church daily 06:30-19:00, Crypt: open only upon request Free Saint Anne's Gothic Church was built between 1721 and 1746. In the niches next to the doors on the left we can see the statue of Saint Stephen (István), while on the right his son Prince Saint Emeric (Imre). The main altar-piece represents the patron saint of the church Saint Anne teaching Maria. The oldest altarpiece represents the founder of the Piarist order, Saint Joseph Calasanzi. The carvings and statues of the by-altars are from the 18th century. The wall surfaces on the ceiling and underneath the windows show frescos and stucco ornaments representing saints of the Árpád dynasty.
  • Veres Church - Red Church, Reformed Church at Kossuth Street, Verestemplom | debrecen-@ Kossuth utca 65. 47.53030, 21.63493 Near to Méliusz square, at the end of Kossuth Street ☎ +36 52 537235 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 (Parish Office) The church got its ordinary name from the red bricks decorating the front walls. The fourth Reformed church was built from the donations of the Chief Justice and his wife in neo-Gothic style in 1887. Its special features include the murals which are unusual in Reformed churches. The frescoes without human figures recall psalms.
  • University Calvinist Church Next to the main building of the university ☎ +36 30 6161146 - The church was built in 1940 in classicist style. It was used as a library of journals, periodicals and music. Since 2006 it has been in the possession of the Reformed Church.


DeriMuseum - The Déri Museum and the largest museum in the city

  • Déri Museum - Déri Múzeum | Déri tér 1 47.5332, 21.6221 right behind the Great Church, take tram #1 - Déri Múzeum (5226. számú műemlék) 2 - A place to see. It's a national museum with all kinds of arts. There is a nature display showing the animal life of the region, another collection featuring historical items from the region, and an art gallery featuring works from Hungarian artists. It's most famous work is Hungarian Mihály Munkácsy's Christ trilogy, three large paintings depicting Christ before Pilate and the Crucifixion, and Ecce Homo!
  • Ferenc Medgyessy Memorial Museum - Medgyessy Ferenc Emlékmúzeum, egykori városgazdaház | Péterfia utca 28 47.53576, 21.625786 just behind the Debrecen Plaza and most easily reached by tram #1 - Medgyessy Múzeum, egykori városgazdaház (5250. számú műemlék) - Displays the works and life of the artist.
  • Medgyessy Gallery Piac Str. 31 47.52922, 21.62484 near to Széchenyi street corner - Tram
  • László Holló Memorial Museum - Holló László Emlékmúzeum | Holló László sétány 8. 47.52352, 21.60518 in Tócóskert, take bus #19 - Housed on a one-acre park featuring a cottage housing the artist's works and a statue garden.
  • Delizsánsz exhibition hall - Post Museum - Delizsánsz Kiállítóterem - Postamúzeum | Múzeum u. 3 47.53229, 21.62193 across the square from the Déri Museum in the main post office
  • Debrecen Literary Museum - Irodalmi Múzeum | Borsos József tér 1 47.53940, 21.61538 just north of the downtown, take bus #12, 15, 31 or 32 - Has a permanent exhibit from the 1890 Csokonai literary circle. It also houses occasional temporary exhibits.
  • Kölcsey Központ (Modem) - MODEM Modern és Kortárs Művészeti Központ | Baltazár Dezső Plaza 1 47.53391, 21.62149 ☎ +36 52 518 400 - Amodern centre for high-profile art exhibitions and musical/theatrical performances.
  • Erdőspuszta exhibition hall - Erdőspusztai bemutatóház | Fancsika tanya 93/A 47.48313, 21.71383 10km Southeast of the City. Bus 9 to stop ' Panoráma út' - Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-18:00 Ft 200? In the first house the 'Living in the forest-steppe' exhibition can be seen. Also this place offers Botanical, Dendrology, and landscape experiences. You will get opportunity to know about the lifestyle of the people of the nationside, used farming items, local ornithological rarities and archaeological finds.
  • Mu-Terem Art Gallery - Mű-Terem Galéria | Batthyány utca 24 47.52710, 21.62909 ☎ +36 52 532836
  • Tanner House - Tímárház | Nagy Gál István u. 6 47.52791, 21.62646 - Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 10:00-17:00, Saturday 10:00-14:00

Sculptures, Monuments

  • Statue of István Bocskai - Bocskai István szobra | Kálvin tér 47.53277, 21.62472
  • Csokonai Memorial tomb - Csokonai-síremlék | opp. Dorottya utca 39 47.53058, 21.60532
  • Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Statue - Csokonai Vitéz Mihály szobra | Kálvin tér 47.53312, 21.62559 - Csokonai-szobor (5234. számú műemlék)
  • Monument of Debrecen Family - Liberation Monument, Debreceni család Emlékmű | Csapó utca ~2 47.53084, 21.62500
  • Statues on Deri square - Déri téri szobrok | 47.53261, 21.62211
  • Statues at the University - Egyetemi szobrok | Egyetem Plaza 47.55230, 21.62157 - Debrecen Fountain - Statues: Méliusz Juhász Péter (1934), Memory for 1956, Sunday man/Sitting man, Lying man/Men in the Nude, Huszár Gál (1938), The boy who reaching the water (1964)
  • Michael Fazekas memorial column - Fazekas Mihály emlékoszlopa | Benczúr Gyula utca 20. 47.56145, 21.63459
  • Michael Fazekas and Samuel Diószegi memorial - Fazekas Mihály és Diószegi Sámuel emlékműve
  • Galley slaves memorial - Gályarabok emlékműve | Kálvin tér 47.53280, 21.62436
  • Kossuth Statue Composition - Kossuth szoborcsoport | Kossuth Plaza 47.53107, 21.62431
  • Millenium fountain Kossuth Plaza

Other attractions

  • Gold Bull Hotel - Aranybika szálloda | Piac St., 11-15 47.5306, 21.6238 - Debrecen főtér.JPG - More see at down at 'stay'
  • Peter Balogh's house - Balogh Péter-féle lakóház | Kossuth utca 18 47.5294, 21.6279 - Debrecen's most beautiful historic residential building. The house was built in the 18th century. In 1829, it was transformed by Litsman Joseph in Louis XVI style. The external facade of the house,-above the first floor windows,-decorated with fine ivy's frieze. Wing side of the court over the four arches are patterned the relief mythological figures. The house owners were Kazay pharmacist and Samuel Peter-Balogh merchant.
  • Csokonai Theatre - Csokonai Színház | Kossuth utca 10 47.5296, 21.6290 ☎ +36 52 417811 +36 52 410837 - Csokonai Színház (5240. számú műemlék) - The theater was designed by Anthony Szkalnitzky the renascent romantic style, in 1856. The facade is threefold. Three curved driveway to jump forward in front of the entrance area. The facade of the building decorated with Ornamental motifs in stylized Byzantine-Moorish style, also here by John Marschalkó two allegorical female figures and six poets statue placed. One statue of them was Melpomené and the muse of tragedy and the other Terpszikhore, muse of dance. The poets are on right Petofi, Kolcsey, Kisfaludy, on left Csokonai, Kazinczy and Vörösmarty. Floodlighting can enjoy at evenings.
  • Csokonai birthplace - Csokonai szülőháza
  • University of Debrecen - Debreceni Egyetem | Kálvin tér 16/ Egyetem tér 1. 47.553889, 21.621389 ☎ +36 52 516-820 +36-52 516-822 - Debrecen légifotó - The units of its the Lajos Kossuth University and the Medical University of Debrecen (Nagyerdei bulvar 98) and the Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences (Böszörményi Road, 138 ) and the Stephen Wargha University of Education in Hajdúböszörmény
  • Former First Savings Bank - Egykori Első Takarékpénztár Palotája | Piac u. 22-24 47.52965, 21.62467 Center - at Kossuth and Piac streets meet. - Egykori Első Takarékpénztár (11591. számú műemlék) - Now there are apartments. Thit is a three-storey mansard building with complex façade and with rounded corner. In addition to the Savings Bank and there were shops on the ground floor. On the second floor was a casino, in the basement a organic juice hall and a restaurant, and on the second floor 17 luxury rental apartments. The façade is richly decorated: there are allegorical figures and reliefs showing scenes of the industry, trade, agriculture. The building was planned by Rimanóczy Kalman, and the sculptural decorations were made by Alexander Somogyi. The Market Street facade has 14 axes. The ground floor facade is covered with windows. There is a small sweet shop and a large clothing store. Between axis 2 and 14 up to the second floor and the building is divided by six-six slender pilasters.
  • First Savings Bank of Debrecen - Debreceni Első Takarékpénztár | Piac u. 22-24? 47.52918, 21.62576 Center -
  • Reformed College - Debreceni Református Kollégium | Kálvin tér, 16 47.53348, 21.62386 - Református Kollégium - Other un Maróthi György College (Blaháné u. 15). - Built in classicism style, 1804-1816. Designed by Michael Péchy. In 1870-1874 was expanded with the courtyard wing, by Vasél Alajos plans. The wooden library and gallery made in classicist style, in 1823, it was Joseph Dohányosi works.
  • Hortobágy-mill - Hortobágy-malom | Böszörményi u. 1 47.5351, 21.6124 - "Hortobágy" szélmalom (5221. számú műemlék) 2 - Opening Hours: Just from outside Former windmill built in 19th century, now used as a storage.
  • Chamber of Commerce - Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | Petőfi tér 10 47.5228, 21.6281 Near to the Railway Station ☎ +36 52 500710
  • Kolcsey Ferenc Reformed Teachers College - Kölcsey Ferenc Református Tanítóképző Főiskola | Péterfia utca 1-7 47.53379, 21.62635 Center ☎ +36 52 518500 - Kölcsey-főiskola
  • Lyceum tree - Boxthorn tree, Líciumfa | Fűvészkert Str.-Múzeum Str. corner 47.53245, 21.62382 Center - Tram - According to legend, here argued with Valentine priest and master Ambrosius. The canon stuck a tree branch in the ground and spake thus: "It will be something in the new faith, when it is stuck in the ground grow into a tree!" Valentine priest gave the following answer: "Then it shall be tree."A small sprig grew into a tree, and braided the iron lattice window of the parsonage, thus symbolizing the consolidation of the Reformation.
  • Former Great Forest Vigadó - Nagyerdei Vigadó | 47.551717, 21.629450 - Thit is an old bath house, built in classic style, 1823-1826. Designed by Ferenc Povolny. Now a restaurant.
  • County Courthouse - Megyei Bíróság, Debreceni Törvényszék | Széchenyi u. 9/Simonffy u. 10. 47.5281, 21.6220 Center - ☎ +36 52 526-710 +36 52 347-139 - Megyei Bíróság, Debrecen 1 - Opening Hours: West 08:00-15:00; Monday - Tuesday Thursday - Friday 09:00-11:00 Eclectic style. Built in 1890-1896. Designed by Gyula Wagner
  • County Hall - Megyeháza | Piac St., 54 47.52678, 21.62665 Szent Anna utca corner ☎ +36 52 507 524 - DebrecenDSCN3602.JPG - Built in 1911, Art Nouveau style. Designed by Zoltán Bálint and Lajos Jámbor. Inside visible stained glass windows of the banquet hall, made by Károly Kernstok.
  • Former Financial Palace - Pénzügyi Palota | Kossuth St., 12-14. 47.52948, 21.62823 - Pénzügyi Palota - Designed by John Bobula. Built in eclectic style, 1912-1914
  • Living House, former General Credit Bank - Lakóház, volt Általános Hitelbank | Piac u. 45-47 47.52791, 21.62544 - Built in Modern style, 1937. Designed by Eugene Padányi Goulash. Its facade are four bronze statues by Alice Lux. Now there are Shops and a Fine Arts Studio.
  • Podmaniczky house - Podmaniczky-ház | Széchenyi Str. 1 47.5289, 21.6245 Center - This was a Tradesmen House. Built in classicist style, around 1820, later partly rebuilt.
  • Episcopal Office - Püspöki Hivatal | Kálvin tér 17 47.53291, 21.62342 Next to University of Debrecen - Ref. püspöki hivatal (5237. számú műemlék) - Built in eclectic style, 1888 Designed and built by Károly Fischer.
  • Former Episcopal Palace - Püspöki Palota | Hatvan Street, 1 47.5316, 21.6225 At the junction of Kossuth Plaza - Built in Art Nouveau style. Now there is Corso Bistro (Korzó Ételbár)
  • The Beerhouse - Serház | Bem tér 2. 47.54061, 21.62493 - House, shop, former Beerhouse, classicist, 1820
  • Former Queen of England lodging - volt Angol Királynő szálló | Kossuth utca 19-21 47.52931, 21.62860 Opp. Csokonai Theatre - Angol Királynő szálló - Now thit is a restaurant. It was the former Queen of England Hotel, built in early eclectic, in 1880
  • Former Diószegi House - volt Diószegi-ház | Széchenyi u. 6. 47.5282, 21.6231 - The former chief justice's living house. Built in the 1690s. Rebuilt in Baroque style in the 18th century. Modified for Stores.
  • Former Little Debrecen restaurant - volt Kisdebrecen vendéglő | Piac Str. 29/Halköz 4. 47.52954, 21.62468 - Catering company, a restaurant, a former small restaurant in Debrecen, 17th century origin. Expanded and rebuilt in Baroque style, in 18th century. Highly modified. Now is apartman house, store, restaurant, shops.
  • Former Conservatory palace - volt Zenede palota | Vár utca 1. 47.53172, 21.62775 - Now Kodály music school, built in eclectic style, in 1894
  • Susie Forest Railway - Zsuzsi Erdei Vasút | Ady Endre Street 47.5527, 21.6354 ZOO area ☎ +36 52 310065 - A Debreceni Állatkert kisvonata 01
  • Post Office Directorate - Postaigazgatóság épülete | Hatvan u. 5-7. 47.53139, 21.62174 Center - Postaigazgatóság épülete (5229. számú műemlék) - Built in Eclectic style, 1929-31. Designed Munnich Aladar.
  • Old Town Hall - Régi Városháza | Piac u. 20 47.5296, 21.6255 Center - Next to First Savings Bank of Debrecen - take a Tram to here - Városi tanácsház (5257. számú műemlék) - Built in 1531
  • The former Löfkovics Artúr shop - Az egykori Löfkovics Artúr üzlet | Piac Str. 38 47.5275, 21.6263 - In this building was 'Arthur Löfkovics watch and jewelry shop'. In 1902 the city gave his collections include archaeological finds and numismatic collection of Transylvania and thereby laying the foundations of the city museum.
  • Rickl-house - Rickl-ház | Piac u. 39-41 47.52844, 21.62528 Center - Next to Csonka Church - Protected building
  • Former Kaszanyitzky-house - Kaszanyitzky-ház | Piac u. 57 47.52709, 21.62595 Center - Now there is a McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant)
  • Csanak-house - Csanak-ház | Piac Str.-Arany János Str. corner 47.5273, 21.6258 Center -

Further afield

  • Balmazújváros 47.614, 21.341 Near to Hortobagy, by bus (25 kilometers, half hour, every hour until 23:00), by train (half hour, every two hour, Ft 600) - Balmazújváros - Temples - Balmazújváros is proud of its culture and traditions. The town keeps and cultivates its traditions, especially local folk crafts. Sights here:Local History Museum, Peter Veres Memorial Exhibition, Semsey Palace, Thermal Spa, Big Backpacks Natural park (Nagyháti park).
  • Berettyóújfalu | 47.221, 21.536 by train must to change at Püspökladány (ten+ per day, around one and half hour Ft 1500-1900), by bus is better direct (37 kilometers, half hourly until 20:00, an hour) - Berettyóújfalu-12.jpg
– Broken Tower, Spa.
  • Hajdúdorog | 47.818, 21.495 Train (40 kilometers, every two hour, three-quarter hour, Ft 750), by bus (25 kilometers, less than one hour, every hour until 22:40) - Autumn Landscape of Hajdudorog / Greek Catholic Gothic Church of the Presentation of Mary (Founded in 1764) symbolize here is the highest rate (over 80 percent),-of all Hungary,-who are Greek Catholic. Also here is an outdoor bath.
  • Hajdúnánás 47.8441, 21.4295 By train 40 kilometers, eight per day, an hour, Ft 930; by bus 43 kilometers, 13-20 per day, one hour. - Református templom légifotó, Hajdúnánás4 - Ostrich Farm.
  • Hajdúszoboszló | 47.443639, 21.389522 19 kilometers southwest of Debrecen, by train 15 mins, every half hour, Ft 400-800, by bus half hour, 20-30 per day - Greek Catholic Church, Hajdúszoboszló 06.JPG - Thit is a very nice bath city, also excellent for a day trip. Remains of fort wall, Bell House, Europe's largest bath.
  • Monostorpályi | 47.399, 21.774 By bus half hour plus, twenty-thirty per day. - Monostorpályi légifotó - Reformed church and granary buildings (tubusmagtár)
  • Nagykereki | 47.186, 21.792 Train (52 kilometers, one hour+, nine per day, Ft 1120), only one bus per day more than one and half hour journey - Nagykereki légifotó - Bocskai castle.
  • Nyíracsád | 47.606, 21.972 By bus 35 kilometers, 15-18 per day, one hour. - Kastélybuzita - Reformed Church.
  • Püspökladány | 47.324, 21.117 - Püspökladány vasútállomás.JPG - St. Agatha bridge

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Debrecen

  • Csokonai Theatre - Csokonai Színház | Kossuth Str. 10 47.52956, 21.62884 Center - ☎ +36 52 417 811 +36 52 410-837 Opening Hours: Cashdesk Monday to Friday 09:00-12:00, and 13:00-19:00 From Ft 1000
  • Nagyerdő - The City Park - Debreceni Nagyerdő Természetvédelmi terület | 47.568, 21.635 just north of the downtown - The 2280-hectare city park which offers fine walks as well as several opportunities for fun and entertainment.
  • Amusement Park - Vidámpark | Ady Endre út 1 47.5519, 21.6327 'Nagyerdő' - Ft 200 plus Ft 300-400 per ride Not as large or impressive as the park in Budapest, but nevertheless boasts to be the largest such park this side of the Tisza. There are 15 rides including a fantasy castle, ferris wheel, and a children's railroad.
  • Zoo - Állatkert | Ady Endre út 47.5524, 21.6349 'Nagyerdő' - Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-18:00 (smmer) Ft 1500 , together with the Vidámpark forms the Culture Park.
  • Aquaticum Termal bath - Aquaticum Mediterrán Élményfürdő, Debreceni Gyógyfürdő | Nagyerdei Park 1 47.5519, 21.6288 'Nagyerdő' - Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11:00-21:00, F-Su 10:00-21:00 Two-hour tickets Ft 2150, private secluded sauna Ft 1550 With hot spring water is obligatory to visit. It is open all year, and is the major resort of the town. It features a water park, public pool, bath house, hotel, and restaurants.
  • Skating Rink - Műjégpálya | Derék Street, 33 47.5243, 21.5975 Southwest ☎ +36 52 537272 +36 52 537273 Opening Hours: Saturday Sunday 09:00-11:30, 15:00-17:30, 18.00-20:30 Ft 1200
  • Sport Complex - Oláh Gábor utcai sporttelep | Oláh Gábor utca 5 47.5500, 21.6379
  • Sport Swimming Pool - Sportuszoda | Zákány utca 4 47.5464, 21.6384 ☎ +36 52 506676 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 06:00-22:00, Saturday 08:00-20:00, Sunday 08:00-19:00 Ft 1340 The swimming swimmingpool complex offers a long course (50 m) competition pool, a short course (25 m) training pool, a learner pool, a Jacuzzi, a Finnish sauna, and an outside thermal swimmingpool (34-36 celsius).
  • Memorial Garden - Emlékkert
  • Botanical garden - Botanikus kert | Móricz Zsigmond Road 47.5599, 21.6223 Take tram 1 ☎ +36 52 512900 Opening Hours: Arboretum Daily (Mar 21-Oct 20) 08:00-18:00, (Oct 21-Mar 20) 08:00-16:00, Orangery: Monday - Thursday 08:00-15:00, Friday 08:00-12:00. Weekends and holidays can not visit the greenhouses. Ft 550
  • Grasslands with Forest - Erdőspuszták | 47.4822, 21.7143 Southeast 9 km
  • Cemetery of heroes - Hősök temetője | Bölcs utca 16 47.5385, 21.6062 NW


  • Flower Carnival - Virágkarnevál | 20 August, every year there's a whole day of celebrating the summer and national holidays, with moving pictures or statues mad of flowers, and lots of other mardi gras.
  • Military Band Festival - Katonazenekari fesztivál |

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Debrecen


Exchanging money can be cheaper here than in Budapest.

  • CIB Bank | Piac u. 1−3. 47.53157, 21.62328 Center ☎ +36 40 242242 +36 1 4896147 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 08:00-18:00, Friday 08:00-16:00 ATM 24/7.
  • Commercial and Credit Bank - Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank | Kálvin tér 8 47.53287, 21.62599 Center ☎ +36 52 521 230 +36 52 521261 Opening Hours: Monday 08:00-17:00, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-15:00 Tele Center ☎ +36 1/20/30/70 3353355.
  • Erste Bank, Downtown branch - Debrecen, Belvárosi Fiók | Hatvan utca 1/B. first floor 9. 47.53173, 21.62408 Center ☎ +36 40 222 222 Opening Hours: Monday 08:00-17: 00, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-15:00
  • OTP Bank | Piac u. 45-47 47.52771, 21.62555 Center ☎ +36 40 366388 +36 52 457-077 Opening Hours: Monday 07:45-18:00 Tue-Thursday07:45-17:00, Friday 07:45-16:00 Traded Currencies: USD EUR, free WiFi; child- and wheelchair- friendly branch +☎+36 1 3666-388.
  • MKB Bank - Magyar Külkereskedelmi Bank | Vár utca 6/c 47.53232, 21.626897 Center ☎ +36 52 528110, +36 1 3733333, +36 40 333666 Opening Hours: Monday 08:00-17:30, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:30, Friday 08:00-15:00
  • Raiffeisen Bank Piac utca 18 47.52988, 21.62534 Center ☎ +36 40 484848, +36-1 4848484 Opening Hours: Monday Tuesday Thursday 08:00-16:00, West 08:00-17:30, Friday 08:00-15:30 ATM 24/7.

Visit a Muslim Friendly Mall in Debrecen

  • Debrecen Plaza | Péterfia utca 18. 47.5354, 21.6252 Just north of the downtown and easily reached by tram #1 ☎ +36 52 456700 Opening Hours: Restaurants, cafes: Daily 10:00-22:00. Cinema: Monday to Saturday 13:00-23:00, Sunday 10: 00-23:00. Stores: Monday to Saturday 09: 00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00. CBA supermarket Monday to Saturday 07: 00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-19:00. - Pharmacy Monday to Friday 08: 00-20:00, Saturday 09: 00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00
  • Forum shopping mall - Fórum üzletközpont | Csapó utca 30. 47.53277, 21.62904 Center. - Take bus: 11, 15, 22, 24, 31, 43; tram 1 ☎ +36 52 598-800 +36 52 598-801 Opening Hours: Shopping center: Monday to Saturday 08:00-21:00, Sunday 09:00-19:00. Shops: Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00. Spar: Monday to Saturday 8:00-20:00, Sunday 09:00-18:00. Parking 24/7 A newer mall just a block east of Debrecen Plaza. It also has a food court and many stores - being larger and more diverse than Debrecen Plaza.
  • Délibáb shopping center - Délibáb üzletház | Ötvenhatosok tere 6/a. 47.54763, 21.61112 North ☎ +36 52 541710 +36 52 541710 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 06:00-24:00, Saturday 06:30-21:00, Sunday 07:30-21:00 National Tobacco Shop, Spar supermarket (Monday to Friday 06:30-20:00, Saturday 06:30-18:00, Sunday 07:30-17:00) , drugstore Markt, Chinese department store (men, women and kids fashion, accessories), Blue Rags fashion (Women's fashion retail) , Storage Box, Főnix Savings Bank, Rövidáru shop (women, men fashion), A Hundred Magic (chemicals, toiletries, household műanyagáru, kitchen and household equipment, sanitary paper products, gaming gifts, paper stationery, jewelry, decorative cosmetics.), Monique bags (bags, travelers, luggage, wallets umbrellas and accessories) , Office stationery (office equipment, stationery, forms, copying, black-and-white and color laser printing, scanning, laminating, custom gift cards, calendars, preparing leaflets, stamps), Services: Life Center, Cedar Health Centre, Beauty Salon Hairdressers, Cutler Gym (fitness room), Kulcsmásoló (key cutting, locks, inserts, locks), Órás (Watch repair and shop).
  • Halköz shopping center - Halköz üzletház | Simonffy u. 4-6 47.5293, 21.6239 Centre ☎ +36 20 8022248 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00, Saturday 9:00-13:00 High-Lander (Sport and Outdoor Clothing), Láng Sport (Nutrition), Nívó (Paper stationery), Civis Foto (Photo developing), CLC Debrecen (Christian Bookstore), Fok (Flag and Gift), Elyse ( Women fashion clothes), Ász Salátabár (cold dishes), Magild (Beauty Salon) , French Cosmetics, Hairdressing, Health shoemaker, Hungarian Automobile Club, Travel Agency, Computer shop, Tobacco shop.
  • Jozsapark Mall - Józsapark bevásárlóközpont | Szentgyörgyfalvi út 9. 47.5954, 21.5787 North 5km, take bus #34, 34A, 35Y, 35A, 36, 36A - Opening Hours: Daily 07:00-24:00 Covered Market, Library of Debrecen, Tesco (daily 06:00-20:00), Dm drogerie market, Okula optics , 'Angol Turi' clothes discount, Medical Devices Specialist Store, Pharmacy, Dairy and Milk Products Shop, 'Magyar' Bakery, Hús-Hentesárú Butcher Shop, Fruit Market (vegetables and fruits), Tüzépker (fuel), Office stationery store, Maja (Flowers & Gifts), Chinese (convenience store), Kertészeti Áruda (Horticulture store), Jozsa Park Bookstore, Jozsa Discount (food), Hi-Fi and Computers, Fortuna (tobacco, Newspapers), Fény Világ (Natural Grocery Store), Furniture and Furnishings Salon , Best (Clothing).
  • Malompark shopping center - Malompark bevásárlóközpont | Füredi út 27 47.54194, 21.61831 North one kilometers ☎ +36 52 483-080 +36 52 745-605 Opening Hours: Daily 06:00 - 23:00 Caffé Piazza D'oro, Catana Gift Shop, Cortesi bakery, Digi Client Service, Havrics Gallery, Inmedio Newspaper, International Spar Hypermarket, Chinese Department Store, Magnet - Fashion, Malom Jewelry, Malom Pharmacy, Malom Park GSM, Meglepy and Gift Shop, Mobile Shop (Grill Mobile), Northline Change currency exchange. - Malompark Two stores:Adria Food Bar, Active Fitness, Brendon Baby Store, DKV Client Service, Kalácsoda (bakery), Magyar Posta, Mill Park Small Market, National Tobacco store, Opti Markt Optics.
  • Park Center shopping park - Park Center bevásárlópark | Kishatár utca 9. 47.5430, 21.5810 Northwest ~2km - Charles Vögele, C & A (clothing store chain), KiK (textile discount), Humanic (shoes), DM - Drogerie Markt, Hervis (sport mode), Brixcity (LEGO store).

How to find a Supermarket with Halal food in Debrecen

  • Auchan hypermarket - Auchan hipermarket | Kishatár utca 7 47.54277, 21.58113 Northwest ☎ +36 40 109010, +36 52 510500 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 07:00-21:00, F-Sa 07:00-22:00, Sunday 07:00-21:00 Delivery , photo developing. Around two dozens shops, restaurants, service units: Elektro Outlet, Jysk, Post Office (Monday to Saturday 09:00-19:00, Sunday 09:00-13:00 and 13:30-18:00).
  • Interspar hypermarket - Interspar hipermarket | Füredi út 27 47.5420, 21.6195 In the 'Malompark' Shopping Centre ☎ +36 20 823 8066 Opening from Monday to Saturday 06:30-21.00, Sunday 08.00-19.00 Services: ATM, parking with 610 places.
  • di/ Aldi discount store - di/ Aldi diszkontáruház | Kishatár utca 9/a 47.54324, 21.58106 Northwest two kilometers ☎ +36 23 533 500 Opening Hours: Daily 07.00-20.00 2nd un Ozmán utca 1
  • CBA supermarket - CBA szupermarket | Péterfia utca 18 47.53493, 21.62545 In Debrecen Plaza ☎ +36 52 6041621 Opening from Monday to Saturday 7.00-20.00 Other units Kossuth u. 15. ☎+36 52 532-987; Derék út 68/B; Ribizli Street. 34., ☎ +36 52 411771.
  • Coop supermarket No.3 - Coop szupermarket | Cimbalom Street. 1 47.5306, 21.5757 West 3km ☎ +36 52 521221 - Many other locations. Teleki u. 8-10.; Piac u. 40. ☎ 56 516626.
  • Penny Market? - Penny Market diszkontáruház | Sámsoni út 47.54874, 21.65895 Pázsit utca cnr. ☎ +36 29 339 300 Opening from Monday to Saturday 07:00-21:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00 2nd un Vincellér utca. (open Monday to Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00).
  • Real discount store - Reál diszkont | Kossuth u. 43-47 47.52994, 21.63209 Center ☎ +36 30 343-5733 - More units: Balmazújvárosi út 10. Tel 52 540-442; Szent Anna u. 38. ☎ +36 20 4295539; Vár u. 3. Tel +36 52 534722; Petőfi tér 10. Tel +36 30 3833204; Gyergyó u. 8 Tel. +36 52 530-181; Mester u. 1. Tel +36 30 383-3204; and a zleteink/ dozen more.
  • Spar supermarket - Spar szupermarket #960 | Nagy Lajos király tér 47.54591, 21.62182 North ☎ +36 20 8237987 Opening Hours: Daily Monday to Saturday 06:30-21:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00 More units: Csapó utca 30, Ötvenhatosok tere 6/b, Somlyai út 3, Szentgyörgyfalvi út.

Halal Restaurants

There are lots of nice cafes near the Great Church.

  • Cafe Melange Egyetem sugárút 56 47.54578, 21.62142 - A very fine restaurant with amazing decor.
  • Csokonai restaurant Kossuth utca 21 47.529325, 21.628415 StartersFt 1,050-2990; Mexican dishes Ft 1,850-2,190; soups Ft 800-1300; poultry dishes Ft 2090-2390; fish dishes Ft 2500-3500; Beef dishes Ft 2090; beef dishes Ft 2400-3000; Noodles Ft 1450-2450, Pizzas dozen types Ft 1090-1850 Main Steaks house of Hungarian style, on Kossuth street, right in front of Csokonai Szinház (opera house).
  • Flaska restaurant - Flaska Söröző | Miklós utca 4 47.526029, 21.625661 by the Apollo movie theatre - Has nice Hungarian dishes.
  • Mandula cukrászda - Almond Cake Shop | Ember Pál u. 23 47.546161, 21.629410 ☎ +36 (52) 345 360 one of the best bakery in town
  • Kashmir Indian restaurant Péterfia utca 47.53715, 21.625581 ☎ +36 52 321 560 Soups/appetisers Ft 1200/1800, Halal Kebab and platters Ft 2100-4900, main courses Ft 2600-3200, Vegetarian dishes Ft 1600-2000, seafood Ft 4000-5500, sweets Ft 800 Not too bad if you've never had Indian food before. For those who have, do not have high expectations, and be prepared to be paying over the odds for food which all seems to taste the same.
  • Korzó Ételbár & pizzéria Web: ételrendelé Hatvan utca 1 47.53190, 21.62351 This reastaurant is on the left side of the Great Church ☎ +36 670-2953439 Opening Hours: 09:00-23:00 Ft 1300-1900 Small fast food place. Quick, polite service. Cards accepted, english spoken, big terrace.
  • Govinda Indian restaurant Magyari u. 2 47.540126, 21.640361 ☎ +36 (30) 372 9959 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 12pm-2pm, only open for lunch A Vegetarian restaurant and is the closest you can get in the city to homemade Indian cuisine.
  • Sawadee Indian restaurant Széchenyi utca, 44 47.526835, 21.619162 ☎ +36 30 610 0816 Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 11:30-22:00 Indian and (Thai) cuisine. Takeaway available. Some people complain about the cleanliness of the place.
  • Calico Jack Pub Bem tér 15 47.542398, 21.62253
  • Palma Pub Simonyi út 44 47.548822, 21.62617 near the University - Very popular with people visiting the town on business. Also here is offered a variety of European cuisines.
  • Roncs Csapó u. 27 47.531984, 21.626924 - Wreck pub is nice for a Coffee. Really cool place.
  • Around GPS 47.528964,21.62134 Hal köz(old fish market), near the main square, you can find good places.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Debrecen

Debrecen - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Debrecen, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Debrecen. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Debrecen and its surrounding regions. With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Debrecen. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values. The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Debrecen. Key components include: Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Debrecen: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Debrecen. Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Debrecen: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Debrecen, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Debrecen. Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Debrecen, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations. Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Debrecen, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values. Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Debrecen and beyond. Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Debrecen, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Debrecen, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Debrecen without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients." The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Debrecen is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Debrecen. About eHalal Travel Group: eHalal Travel Group Debrecen is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values. For Halal business inquiries in Debrecen, please contact: eHalal Travel Group Debrecen Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Debrecen

eHalal Group Debrecen is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Debrecen. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Debrecen. At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Debrecen ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property. For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Debrecen. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living. If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Debrecen, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values. For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Debrecen are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Hostel - Debreceni Egyetem és a Kölcsey Ferenc Református Tanítóképző Főiskola Kossuth Lajos III. Kollégiuma | Egyetem tér 1. 47.5516, 21.6214 ☎ +36 52 238500
  • Reformed College Kálvin tér 16. 47.5331, 21.6237 Center - Hostel
  • Dorcas Center & Camping | Erdőspuszta 47.449, 21.690 Southeast 6 kilometers - From Ft 2000 p.p. Bungalow, motel, cottages, camping area.
  • Stop Pension - Stop Panzio | Batthyány utca 18 47.5281, 21.6279 in the centre, take a tram to stop County Hall and walk east to Mu-Terem Art Gallery turn north 100m ☎ +36 52 420301 +36 1 6901861 Ft 7100/9400 including all tax Calm and pleasant.
  • Cívis Grand Hotel Aranybika Piac utca 11 47.5302, 21.6242 ☎ +36 20 3636121 Ft 14 000/16 000 Next to the Reformed Gothic Church. The present Art Nouveau building was built in 1915.
  • Centrum Hotel - Cívis Hotel Kálvin | Kálvin tér 4 47.5326, 21.6254 North of the Great Church ☎ +36 52 418522, +36 52 525300 +36 52 525301 From Ft 18 000 In centre, near the Reformed College and the Great Calvinist Church.
  • Hotel Platán Somlyai u. 10 47.50395, 21.63407 5 minutes from the town centre, near the airport: take bus 44 from Debrecen Railway Station ☎ +36 52 537700 +36 52 537 703 Single/double from Ft 14 400/19 800 A four-star hotel
  • Hotel Grand Forest - Hotel Nagyerdő | Pallagi út 5 47.550527, 21.62868 From Ft 15 000
  • Sport Hotel Olah Gabor St, 5 47.5494, 21.6361 right next to the DVSC stadium ☎ +36 52 514444 Ft 13000/17100 Prices include buffet breakfast, use of closed parking spaces and Internet access

Telecommunications in Debrecen

Post Offices

  • Post Office, Debrecen #1 - Debrecen 1. | Múzeum utca 3./Hatvan utca 5 47.53167, 21.62234 Center ☎ +36 52 315206 +36 52 523055 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 07:00-19:00, Saturday 08:00-12:00, Sunday closed
  • Post Office, Debrecen #19 - Debrecen 19 Auchan Posta | Kishatár út 7. 47.53983, 21.58066 NW-W 2 kilometers ☎ +36 52 349970 +36 52 349970 Opening from Monday to Saturday 09: 00-19:00, Sunday 09: 00-13:00 and 13:30-18:00
  • Post Office, Debrecen #20 - Debrecen 20 Malompark Posta | Füredi út 27. 47.54188, 21.61931 North 1 kilometers ☎ +36 52 417630 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-19:00, Saturday 08:00-12:00, Sunday closed
  • Post Office - Debrecen 21. TESCO posta | Kishegyesi út 1-11 47.53129, 21.6092 West 500 m ☎ +36 52 534841 +36 52 324499 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-19:00, Saturday 09:00-16:00, Sunday closed


  • Consulate General of Russia - Orosz Föderáció Főkonzulátusa | Arany János utca 1 47.5273, 21.6251 Center ☎ +36 52 536926 - Consulate-General of Russia in Debrecen - Opening Hours: Monday, W, Friday 9:00-12:00

News & References Debrecen

More Muslim friendly Destinations from Debrecen

Tisza-tó - Lake Tisza Hortobagy híd - The Nine-holed Bridge, Hortobágy.

  • Eger — best known for its castle and thermal baths, historic buildings (including the northernmost Turkish minaret), dishes and red fruit cocktails.
  • Hortobágy — excellent for a day trip. Thit is an 800 km² national park in Eastern Hungary, rich with folklore and cultural history. The park, a part of the Alföld (Great Plain), was designated as a national park in 1973 (the first in Hungary), and elected among the UNESCO#Hungary|UNESCO World Heritage sites in 1999. The Hortobágy is Hungary's largest protected area, and the largest semi-natural grassland in Europe. - Until recently it was believed that this alkaline steppe was formed by the clear cutting of huge forests in the Middle Ages, followed by measures to control the course of the Tisza River, resulting in the soil's current structure and pH. However, Hortobágy is much older, with alkalinization estimated to have started ten thousand years ago, when the Tisza first found its way through the Great Hungarian Plain, cutting off many streams from their sources in the Northern Mountains. The formation was finished by grazing animals, mastodons, and wild horses during the Ice Age, followed by domesticated animals. The Nine-holed Bridge is a popular site. Traditional T-shaped sweep wells dot the landscape, as do the occasional mirage of trees shimmering in the reflected heat of the Puszta.
  • Lake Tisza - Tisza-tó | Also known as Kisköre Reservoir (Hungarian: Kiskörei-víztározó). Thit is the largest artificial lake in Hungary. It is at the southeastern edge of Heves county. Following the reservoir's completion, Hungarians began to flock to the site for holidays, since it compared favorably with the crowded and expensive Lake Balaton and the traditional holiday site. As a result, tourist infrastructure has been developed on the reservoir—renamed Lake Tisza—and the government has designated it an official tourism destination. - The lake (or reservoir) has a new local ecology with a diversity of birds, plants, and animals.
  • Nyíregyháza — a smaller city with several parks and squares and the water resort of Sóstó.
  • Oradea, Romania
  • Szerencs - famous all around Hungary for its Chocolates and medieval castle

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