Faroe Islands

From Halal Explorer

Faroe Islands banner.jpg The Faroe or Faeroe Islands (in Faroese phrasebook|Faroese: Føroyar, Danish phrasebook|Danish: Færøerne) are 18 islands in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, northwest of Scotland and halfway between Iceland and Norway. The Islands are a self-governing island territory of Denmark, although they aim politically for greater independence. The Islands have a population of 51,000 (51,237 Nov 2023), and a language and culture of their own. When visiting the Faroes you are never more than 5 km (3 mi) away from the ocean. The countryside is dominated by steep mountains and there are about 70,000 sheep and some 2 million pairs of sea birds, including the largest colony of storm petrels in the world. The Faroe Islands are undeniably beautiful: green, rugged and wind-swept. Most visitors to the islands come between early July and late August. In 2007, National Geographic Traveler named the Faroe Islands the most appealing island destination in the world.


The archipelago is composed of 18 islands covering 1,399 km² (545.3 sq mi) and is 113 km (70 mi) long and 75 km (47 mi) wide. 17 islands are inhabited, leaving just one uninhabited island and the smallest island, Lítla Dímum. There are a lot of smaller islets and skerries around the Faroe Islands. Including the 18 islands there are 779 islands, islets and skerries in the Faroe Islands. A large part of these are around the island Suðuroy, which consists of 263 islets and skerries, including the island itself. The precipitous terrain limits habitation to small coastal lowlands. The islands are connected by tunnels, causeways and a regular public ferry service.

Map of the Faeroe Islands
  Northern Islands (Norðoyar)
The six Northern islands (Borðoy, Kunoy, Kalsoy, Viðoy, Svínoy and Fugloy) have made up one administrative area since Norse times. The volcanic origin of the Faroe Islands is more pronounced here than anywhere else. The landscape is very dramatic.
The second largest island. The landscape in the north is very steep.
  Northern Streymoy
Streymoy is the largest and main island. The north is less densely populated but there are some wonderful villages.
  Southern Streymoy
Here the capital Tórshavn is situated and the area surrounding the capital is where the largest number of people live.
Vágar is the third largest island and is where the airport is situated. Mykines and the small island to the West, is well known for its bird life and remote location.
The region is made up of three islands with the largest being Sandoy and the other two are Skúvoy and Stóra Dímun.
The most southerly island and Lítla Dímun - the smallest island, which is uninhabited.

Towns and villages

Sumba, Faroe Islands - The village Sumba in Suðuroy. Until the late 19th century, people spent most of their lives in the same village. Towns didn’t start to appear until very late. For instance and the capital, Tórshavn, only counted about 100 inhabitants in 1900, whereas today the number has escalated into nearly 20,000. In the Faroe Islands the traditional village was to a certain extent self-sufficient. Historically there was a limit to how many families it could support. When the fishing industry took off in 1872, it was the beginning of the end for the traditional way of life in the small villages as fishing replaced farming and the growing population chose to settle in the fast growing towns instead. Today there are still over a hundred villages in the Faroe Islands. Nearly every one of them is situated near the ocean, and to new visitors they may all seem to be very much alike. The houses are either painted in bright colours or the traditional black, whilst the roofs are often turf covered. The buildings are usually built very close to each other, which is very cosy. Each village is surrounded by a cultivated infield, and surrounding it is the uncultivated outfield. In most places the sheep occupy the outfield throughout the year.


  • Tórshavn GPS: 62.011667,-6.7675 – The capital and largest city
  • Klaksvík GPS: 62.223889,-6.578611 – The main industrial centre
  • Hoyvík GPS: 62.025556,-6.758889 – Located north from Tórshavn and now effectively a suburb.
  • Tvøroyri GPS: 61.555833,-6.803333 – The second largest city on Suðuroy
  • Vágur GPS: 61.475278,-6.807222 – The largest town on Suðuroy
  • Runavík GPS: 62.109444,-6.719167 – The largest village in Eysturoy, kind of an agglomeration together with Toftir and Saltangrá
  • Fuglafjørður GPS: 62.244444,-6.814444 – Has a cultural centre that has become one of the main cultural attractions in Eysturoy


Oyndarfjørður, Faroe Islands (4) - View of Oyndarfjørður

  • Kirkjubøur GPS: 61.956111,-6.793611
  • Gjógv GPS: 62.325,-6.941111
  • Eiði GPS: 62.299167,-7.090278
  • Saksun GPS: 62.248889,-7.175833
  • Oyndarfjørður GPS: 62.277778,-6.851111
  • Gásadalur GPS: 62.112222,-7.434722
  • Bøur GPS: 62.090833,-7.3675
  • Nólsoy GPS: 62.009167,-6.668611
  • Viðareiði GPS: 62.359722,-6.549444
  • Porkeri GPS: 61.483056,-6.743333
  • Fámjin GPS: 61.526389,-6.876944
  • Hvalba GPS: 61.601944,-6.949444
  • Vestmanna GPS: 62.156389,-7.166389

More Destinations

  • Vestmannabjørgini (Vestmanna Birdcliffs) – The bird cliffs are situated north of Vestmanna. The half of a kilometre high cliffs are one of the high points of a trip to the Faroes.
  • Mjørkadalur
  • Tinganes – The old town of Tórshavn.
  • Coal Mines in Hvalba, Suðuroy.

Faroe Islands Halal Travel Guide

The Vikings and the old Norse

The Faroe Islands are a small country and getting around is easy. All of the Islands are connected by a public transport system.

Travelling between islands

The two largest islands, Streymoy and Eysturoy, are connected by a bridge, Sundabrúgvin, or the Channel Bridge. Since 2002 a sub-sea tunnel connects the island of Vágar with Streymoy and since 2006 a sub-sea tunnel connects Borðoy to Eysturoy. These are toll tunnels and you have to pay when driving from Vágar to Streymoy and from Borðoy to Eysturoy. Road causeways connect Borðoy with Viðoy and Kunoy. The other main Islands Sandoy and Suðuroy have excellent car-ferry connections to Streymoy, making motoring in the Faroes easy and pleasant. The ferry Smyril M/F has 2–3 daily departures from Tórshavn, sailing to Krambatangi ferry port in Suðuroy. The ferry Teistin M/F has around 8 daily departures from Gamlarætt ferry port to Skopun on Sandoy island. Teistin has also a few departures to Hestur island, but only on request. Gamlarætt is located on the west coast of Streymoy, not far from Tórshavn and near the villages Kirkjubøur and Velbastaður. Ritan M/F has 5–7 daily departures from Tórshavn to Nólsoy. M/F Sam has up to 7 daily departures from Klaksvík to Syðradalur on Kalsoy island. M/F Ritan has 3 daily departures from Hvannasund on Viðoy island to the islands Svínoy and Fugloy in summertime, less in wintertime. The ship Brynhild has 2 daily departures in summertime from Sørvágur on Vágar island to Mykines island. Strandfaraskip Landsins and the Faroese public transport service, publishes an annual timetable ( Ferðaætlan) containing details of all ferry and bus schedules. It is available from the Passenger Terminal in Tórshavn, and all tourist information centres. When using a vehicle ferry please note that it is not feasible to make advance bookings. You should be at the pier no later than 20 minutes before scheduled departure, and on Friday and Sunday evenings it is advisable to be ahead of time if you want to secure a place for the car.

Sub-sea tunnel fares

Vehicles up to 3500 kg and up to 6 m, kr 130. Vehicles between 6 and 12.5 m, kr 350. You shouldn´t pay your fare any later than three days after using the sub-sea tunnel. You may pay at any petrol station on the islands. Otherwise an invoice will be sent to the vehicle owner, and if it's a rental vehicle and the rental company will charge you an extra fee.

By car

The first motor road connecting two villages wasn’t built until 1916, and travellers were limited to mountain paths and rowing boats. Nevertheless, today driving is easy with an excellent 600 km network of well maintained tarmaced roads and tunnels. The density of cars is one of the highest in Europe. The numerous road tunnels in the Faroe Islands mean that drivers of large vehicles must plan their routes by finding out in advance which tunnel they can enter. Driving is on the right and most road signs follow international standards. Headlights must be on when driving and the use of seat belts is required. The speed limit is 80 km/h (50 mph) outside towns and villages, and 50 km/h (30 mph) in the towns and villages. For cars with trailers and the speed limit is 50 km/h and for caravans the speed limit is 60 km/h. The consequences for speeding are severe. Sheep graze freely on both sides of the primary streets, so they will cross at their own will. Also they may hide from bad weather just inside the tunnels, which causes many collisions each year. Parking in the towns of Tórshavn, Klaksvík and Runavík is restricted. Parking discs must be displayed in the lower right hand corner of the front windscreen showing the time you parked your car. These display discs are available at no charge from banks and the tourist offices. There is a fine of kr 200 for parking violations.

Car rental

Faroe Islands, Eysturoy, road from Skipanes to Syðrugøta - Road from Skipanes to Syðrugøta Vágar

  • Avis Føroyar, Vágar airport, FO-380 Sørvágur. ☎ 358800/212765.
  • 62N.fo (formerly Hertz), Vágar airport/Hotel Vágar, FO-380 Sørvágur. ☎ 340036/213546,

Unicar, FO-360 Sandavágur. ☎ 332527,

Travel on a Bus in Faroe Islands

Passenger road transport is run by private companies, but is coordinated by a public body. The website is ssl.fo. The inter-town bus system (Bygdaleiðir), has together with the public ferry company established a coherent and well-developed public transport system which takes in all settlements on the islands. This means that there are bus services to all places - maybe not often, but every day! Bygdaleiðir's buses are blue. A schedule (Ferðaætlan) listing the various timetables for the inter-town buses (and ferries) may be purchased from the tourist office, as well as the central bus station near the harbour in Tórshavn. Transport is quite expensive, so check for student discount or multiple-ride-cards. Students as well as children and pensioners are eligible for discounts on fares provided they show a student or pensioner identity card. There is a four day travel card meant for tourists which is valid for all buses and ferries. It is well worth its price if you are planning to get around the islands by public transport. The buses are equipped with radios. If you are planning to change buses, do tell the driver in advance, as he will make sure the other bus waits for you. The capital Tórshavn offers a local bus service (Bussleiðin) with four routes that reach most area of the town which is free. The red coloured-buses operate every half-hour during the day throughout the week and hourly on weekday evenings. The buses don´t operate on Saturday or on Sunday evening which can be inconvenient for tourists. Route maps and schedules may be obtained on the buses, at Kiosk Steinatún in the centre of town, or at Kunningarstovan and the local tourist information in Tórshavn.

By helicopter

You can splurge, and take a helicopter (or a cheaper ferry) to all the faraway places. - for example to Mykines and the picturesque island far west. Atlantic Airways offers a helicopter service to selected towns and villages throughout the Faroes. Contact Atlantic Airways directly at phone no. 341060. Booking is required. The service is intended for local residents on remote islands, and as such tourists can only book one way of a journey but you can use the ferry and bus services to make the return journey. The service may be affected by the weather—a heavy overcast with low clouds, for example may cause the Flights to be cancelled.

Take a Hiking Tour in Faroe Islands

It is feasible to hike in Faroe Islands. You should stick to prepared trails, and it is not permitted to put up tents outside designated areas. This requires some planning. Weather is unpredictable and there mights be rain storms, so bring suitable clothes. A combination of hiking and bus transport is advised, so you don't need to walk back the same way again.


The Faroe Islands are the spot to start your hitchhiking career because it's one of easiest places to catch a ride. Firstly and the most people speak English on your way so you could have a meaningful conversation with insights into their culture which you could not do if locked inside your rented car. Secondary, local residents are also curious about travellers and they like to show places for them too. So people would drive out of their way to show you interesting places, chatting along the way. Interestingly, one of activities Faroese people do is to drive around islands and adore their beauty. Thirdly, islands have decent economy allowing people to purchase vehicles and drive around so the roads have plenty of cars but not too much. Fourthly, low population, landmass far far away from hideaways, brilliant education system contributes to low crime rate too. Last but not least, distances are very short lasting up to an hour, so you will not be stuck with the same person for a long time. Hitchhiking near Torshavn - Girl hitchhiking near Torshavn Some combination of walking along the road and hitchhiking would be most likely the case because the islands are just stunning so instead of being stuck in a vehicle glassing through a window, you would be much better off just walking. Considering vehicle rental prices, infrequency of public transport, easiness of hitchhiking and short distances and then hitchhiking is the best way to explore the islands. Roughly speaking, your wait should not exceed 10-15 mins, and most likely you would be picked up by first or second approaching car.

Local Language in Faroe Islands

The native and official language of the Faroes is Faroese phrasebook|Faroese, which like the other Scandinavian languages, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic, is a North Germanic language. Speakers of these languages will be able to recognise many cognates in the written language, though spoken Faroese is generally not mutually intelligible with these languages. Most local residents are also able to speak Danish phrasebook|Danish and English, both of which are compulsory in all schools, and through their knowledge of Danish are also able to understand Swedish and Norwegian. While most Faroese people are competent in English, learning some basic Faroese greetings will help to endear you to the local residents and make your trip much smoother.

What to see in Faroe Islands

Hesturin and Beinisvord, Vertical Cliffs of Suduroy, Faroe Islands - Beinisvørð in Suðuroy is a 470 m high sea cliff.

  • Slættaratindur - At 880 m, is the highest mountain in the Faroe Islands. It is well worth climbing; the only downside is that the summit is often wrapped in fog.
  • Beinisvord or Beinisvørð is the highest sea cliff in Suduroy and the second-highest in the Faroe Islands with its 470 metres. The view down to the sea and towards north to the West coast of Suduroy is breathtaking. You can see or climb Beinisvørð from a place called Hesturin, which is between the villages Lopra and Sumba. You can drive to Sumba through the tunnel and then follow the old road to the highest point, from there the edge is only a few metres away. Be careful not to walk too far out on the edge and the cliff end all of a sudden.
  • The Lake of Toftavatn is in the south of Eysturoy, situated on the east coast of the fjord, Skálafjørður. The low rolling hills around the idyllic lake, have the widest stretches of heather on the islands. They are considered unique in the Faroes. Furthermore and the terrain is a splendid choice for an outing.
  • Rinkusteinar (the rocking stones) – a strange natural phenomenon at Oyndarfjørður, two very large boulders which permanently stand rocking in the ocean, just a few metres from the shore. The stones have been rocking as far back as anyone can tell.
  • Risin og Kellingin (The Giant and his Wife) – Two magnificent basalt sea stacks off the northern tip of the island, close to the village of Eiði. Legend has it that the two giants had come to tow the Faroes back with them to Iceland, However and the sun rose and they were both turned into stone. They both stand looking towards Iceland, which they will never reach.Gasadalur village and a waterfall - Gásadalur villageViðareiði sunset - Viðareiði settlement
  • Gásadalur village and waterfall. Thit is probably the most iconic image of the Faroe Islands. From a viewpoint, one can see few traditional environmentally-friendly houses in a background of a hill on a high cliff with a waterfall. For best picture, come just before sunset.
  • Sørvágsvatn the largest lake in the Faroe islands elevated from the sea. For the best picture, you would need a drone.
  • Viðareiði. The northernmost settlement in the Faroe Islands is between two stunning hills one of them is third highest in the archipelago.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Faroe Islands

  • Hiking. Tourist information office including the one in the airport distributes hiking around the Faroe Islands booklets suggesting various routes. Another great source for hiking tracks is the mobile application called Maps.me which displays walking paths as well as roads. In any case, one is not far away from picturesque paths in any given location. In the worst case, one can walk along the roads as cars rarely pass by.
  • Kayaking. Widely available for rent.
  • Birdwatching.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Faroe Islands

Money Matters & ATM's in Faroe Islands

The Faroese currency is the Danish krone (plural: kroner), denoted by the abbreviation "kr" (ISO code: DKK). The Faroese government prints its own banknotes, the Króna, although Danish coins are used. The coins come in 50 oyra (one half of a Króna), 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 króna. Paper notes come in 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 króna. The exchange value on notes is equivalent to the Danish crown, and there is no service charge on exchange, as Danish notes are equally acceptable as the Faroese króna throughout the nation. Before leaving Faroe Islands you should exchange the Faroese notes to either Danish notes or other foreign currency since Faroese notes are usually not known by banks outside Denmark.

What is the living cost in Faroe Islands

Almost everything in the Faroe Islands is expensive. All consumer sales include 25% VAT (sales tax) but displayed prices are legally required to include this, so they are always exact. If you are from outside the EU/Scandinavia you can obtain some of your VAT woco.dk/composite-294.htm refunded when leaving the nation. == Muslim Friendly Shopping in Faroe Islands == Opening hours in the Faroes are longer than they used to be, but many smaller stores still close early on Saturday (usually at 14:00) and nearly everything is closed on Sundays. Tórshavn is the obvious choice for shopping, although both Runavík and especially Klaksvik have some nice shops selling clothes any knick-knacks. Wool and woollen clothing are popular on the Islands, and You will find some fashionable sweaters, jackets and (cheaper) hats, shawls and gloves. Check out the shops "Sirri" and "Guðrun og Guðrun". There is only one proper Shopping Centre: SMS (Sølumiðstøð). Containing the largest supermarket, Miklagarður, and some different shops and a few chains including Burger King (Please do not support Burger King as Burger King supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant), Bath and Body Works and Vero Moda. Yasmin sells women’s clothing. The Shopping Centee has glass art-work by artist Tróndur Patursson. There are a few second hand retail outlets in Tórshavn. Circus down by the harbour sells cool clothing from Iceland. Remember to ask for tax free and get 15% back when you leave Faroe Islands.

Halal Restaurants

See also: Nordic cuisine

Most traditional Faroese cuisine involves either lamb or fish. The traditional Faroese kitchen mainly owes its food traditions to the archipelago's harsh climate, similar to Iceland#Eat|the cuisine of Iceland. Thit is because in earlier days the food culture on the islands was not very extensive. It is hard to find a Faroese dish on the menu of a restaurant, but it is feasible at certain restaurants and hotels. Tvost og spik - Tvøst og spik Distinctive Faroese foods include:

  • Wild seabirds, e.g. puffins. The puffins are stuffed with cake and served with potatoes and wild berries
  • Skerpikjøt, dried mutton that has been hung for over a year and is eaten raw
Ræst kjøt, food Meat that has been hung for a couple of months to mature before cooking
  • Ræstur fiskur, dried fish that has been hung in the same way as ræstkjøt
Turrur fiskur, dried fish
  • Tvøst og spik, whale food Meat and blubber

Rhubarb, since it is easy to cultivate


There is an increased number of Halal restaurants in Tórshavn (the capital), a few good ones are mentioned below. In general, though and there are very limited dining selections in Tórshavn. Outside Tórshavn and the quality and quantity of the restaurants declines greatly. There is no McDonalds on the Faroes, but Burger King (Please do not support Burger King as Burger King supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) has arrived. In Tórshavn you can find fast food restaurants at the Shopping Centre SMS and City Burgers is situated in the Town center. All over the Faroes you will find gas-stations, Effo and Magn. Nearly every gas-station will serve fast-food, especially sausages.

  • KOKS at Hotel Føroyar. From the restaurant there is an excellent view over Tórshavn. Their cuisine offers Faroese specialities as well as international cuisine.
  • Áarstova down by the harbour, right next to Café Natúr. Áarstova serves some traditional Faroese food.
  • Toscana nice and small Italian restaurant downtown.
  • Nan tong in the town centre. The only Chinese restaurant.
  • Etika is a delicatessen and take-away. It has great sushi on account of the splendid local fish.


Okkara Klassik (øl) - A can of Okkara Cola}} The legal drinking age in the Faroes is eighteen. The Faroese love to party, and drinking is much more popular than doing drugs. There are two brands of Faroese Cola: Føroya Bjór and Okkara. Føroya Bjór is well-established and is the oldest of the two breweries. It has picked up occasional awards abroad. Okkara can only be bought in cans. Alcoholic drinks are expensive. Light organic juice may be purchased in shops and unlicensed restaurants and cafés. Stronger and spirits can only be purchased in the Government Monopoly stores ( Rúsdrekkasøla) in major towns and in licensed restaurants, cafés etc.

Government Monopoly Stores

  • Streymoy

Hoyvíksvegur 51, Tórshavn Á Hjalla 14, Tórshavn Niðari Vegur 81, Vestmanna

  • Eysturoy

Svartheyggj 2, Norðskáli Heiðavegur 25, Saltangará

  • Borðoy

Sævargøta 6, Klaksvík

  • Sandoy

Heimasandsvegur 58 Sandur

  • Suðuroy

Langabakki 5, Trongisvágur

  • Vágar

Skaldarvegur 5, Miðvágur


There are few cafes and late night restaurants outside of the capital. In Tórshavn the real Nightlife is down by the harbour. Here you can find the bar Cirkus Føroyar, where musicians hang out. Hvonn is at Hotel Tórshavn again situated by the harbour, across the street from Cirkus. Most young people come here during the weekends. The bar Café Natúr is close by. Every Wednesday there is a pub quiz at Café Natúr. The wooden interiors are similar to English / Irish pubs, and have live music (usually in the form of a singer / guitarist). Another place is Cleopatra right in the town centre which has a restaurant on the lower floor, with the main bar on the next floor up. The entrance to the bar is up some green felt stairs. A nightclub is Rex, on the third floor in the same building as "Havnar Bio" and the cinema. You need to be 21 or over to get in. For young people the nightclub Deep is a place to visit. It is the same as in most European cities a you have to be eighteen or older to get in.


For a coffee go to the Western harbour "Vágsbotn" - just below Tórshavn Dome and have a cup of coffee at café Kaffihúsið. Kaffihúsi is located down by the sea and has a very nice atmosphere. The Café Dugni is located in the middle of town. Bill Clinton had a cup of coffee there when he visited the islands a few years back. At dugni you can buy Faroes handicrafts while having coffee and home made faroese cookies at the same time. Other Cafés include Café Kaspar at hotel Hafnia, and Baresso at the Shopping Centre SMS. Hvonn is one of the most popular places at night, keeping it sophisticated and clean, and also includes a brasserie.

Buy Muslim Friendly Condos, Houses and Villas in Faroe Islands

eHalal Group is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Faroe Islands. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry. At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Faroe Islands ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property. For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Faroe Islands. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living. If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values. For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Ramadan in Faroe Islands

Ramadan 2025 in Faroe Islands

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

Muslim Friendly Hotels in Faroe Islands

Torshavn - Torshavn

Youth Hostels

The Youth Hostels of the Faroes are spread across the islands. The limited geographical size of the Faroes ensures that the next Youth Hostel is always well within one day’s walking distance allowing visitors to travel from one Youth Hostel to the next one at will. Accommodation is mostly in 2 to 6 rooms of limited size but of good standard. There are few dormitory lodgings at the Faroese Youth Hostels, with one exception being at Bládýpi which has 2 dorms, as well as apartments. Most of the Youth Hostels don´t have a regular reception with daily opening hours, so be sure to make arrangements with your host by e-mail or phone before arriving at the hostel. Prices vary slightly with the cheapest being around 200 kr per day/person for adults. Variable discounts for children 2–11 years old. YHF members get a 20 kr discount while groups get special discounts. Two of the most popular hostels here are Bládýpi and Skansin, and they can be visited at their website ]

Camping Places

Legally camping is only allowed in designated places but in reality, you can camp anywhere as long as you are not impudent. Locals are aware that camping prohibition law is few centuries old and might not apply these days. Safe distance might be half an hour walk away from the village. There are few objects to hide behind so you would be visible from far away, but as long as you pitch a tent in evening and pick up early morning, you should be fine. Once again, camping outside designated areas is not legal but residents do this too. Camping in Nolsoy - While camping, seek for a shield from gusts If you decide to break the law and camp in the wild, be aware of frequently changing weather conditions. It's advisable to look a for hideout from the wind and pitch a tent to sustain from strong gusts. No one would like to wake-up in a night to repitch a tent. One can easily find a stretch of land just to oneself to enjoy the tranquillity the Faroe islands gives after a sunset. Also, be considerate and take your rubbish with you. Or as a saying goes "leave no trace, only footprints".

Stay Safe

The Faroe Islands are generally safe. Crime and traffic are minor risks. While there are no major natural disasters or dangerous animals, fog can be a danger for hikers and drivers. Sheep may be startled by cars, and leap out in front of them. If you happen to animal collision|collide with a sheep, you should immediately contact the police in Tórshavn at telephone number 351448 for assistance.

Stay healthy

There are emergency wards at the hospital in Tórshavn, Klaksvík on Borðoy and Tvøroyri on Suðuroy. Doctors around the islands provide emergency assistance. A lot of hospital staff are residents of Denmark who spend periods on the Faroes to supplement the local health staff. The coast guard and Atlantic Airways have helicopters that may be used in emergencies. Police stations are found in most parts of the Country. Tap water is safe to drink.

Health Insurance

Muslims visitors of the Nordic countries and the UK are covered by their own national health insurance. It is advisable for citizens of other countries to take out travel health insurance.

Emergency or Fire

  • Dial 112


  • Tórshavn (by the SMS Shopping Centre) on Streymoy. Tel 341100
  • Klaksvík on Borðoy. Tel 455055
  • Runavík on Eysturoy. Tel 471200
  • Tvøroyri on Suðuroy. Tel 371076

Car Problems

For breakdown and immediate help on the two larger islands Streymoy and Eysturoy, contact the Fire Station in Tórshavn, telephone number 302100. It is advisable to arrange for insurance coverage for your vehicle to save you the worry of a spoilt holiday due to unexpected garage bills.


Flag of the Faroe Islands - The Faroese flag

  • Never say that you are in Denmark when visiting the Faroe Islands. The Faroese are not and do not identify themselves as Danes. The general view in the Faroes is that the Faroe Islands are undisputedly a separate nation but are, alas, a part of the Danish Kingdom. Danes are automatically looked upon as foreign nationals. Thinking of the UK may be a useful comparison: one kingdom, several countries and several nationalities.
  • Danish and Faroese people do not understand each other. There are some stereotypes in Denmark, which portray Faroese people as being less civilized and extremely conservative; supporting this view are Danish newspapers who thrive on extreme cases. Faroese people can’t bear these clichés. So, if you are from Denmark don’t come to the Faroes and think you are flattering people by telling them how everyone must love sheep rearing and how proud they all must feel about their rural existence.
  • Most Faroese people are very proud of their national legacy, so avoid criticizing Faroese traditions. You may have heard of the grindadráp whale hunts and dolphin kills; most Faroese regard these hunts as an important part of their culture, so it is best to avoid strongly criticizing the hunts as there is likely to be a sharp retort.
  • Faroese people are known to be very helpful, friendly and hospitable and expect you to be the same way.
  • If you visit the old part of Tórshavn around Tinganes, don´t bother the people who live there such as peering in through people's windows or ask if you can use the toilet and the old wooden houses are not a tourist display, and their inhabitants are getting increasingly tired of visitors who fail to understand this.


There is widespread cellular phone and Internet access. The islands do not belong to the EU, and the roaming charges are much higher than they are inside EU for EU residents. Many tourists use the Town library or the National library to go on-line. They are both in Tórshavn. Public wifi widely available for example in ferries or SMS shopping mall in Torshavn.

 Posta is the Faroese postal service and they issue own postage stamps (postage stamps from Denmark are not valid). A mailed postcard from the Faroe Islands is very much appreciated amongst collectors.

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