
From Halal Explorer

caption=Panorama of Széchenyi tér, Győr Győr ([ˈɟøːr, German: Raab, Slovak: Ráb, Croatian: Jura Đura, Serbian: Ђер/Djerba) is a city in Western Transdanubia in Hungary. It is the capital of Győr-Moson-Sopron county. The city is the sixth largest in Hungary, with around 128,000 inhabitants.

Győr Halal Travel Guide

Győr is in the northwestern part of Hungary, close to the Slovakian and Austrian borders in the middle of the 'Golden Triangle' between Bratislava, Budapest and Vienna. It is a good stop between Vienna and Budapest or Sopron and Budapest, and also a good base for day trips throughout almost the whole North Transdanubian region. It has very good train and bus connections, and the motorway that passes to its south enables easy travel to Vienna and Budapest.

The city is nicknamed A vízek városa or A folyók városa ("City of Waters" or "City of Rivers"), because Raab/Rába, Rábca, Mosoni-Duna, Marcal rivers melting here or nearby, also mentioned as A barokk városa (the Baroque City), because the old part of the city contains dozens of monumental buildings and sculptures from the 18th century.

Győr is also home to one of the biggest engine manufacturing plants in Europe (over 400,000 units per year), which supplies most European Skoda, Audi and Seat vehicle factories. The downtown is very well supplied with small restaurants, pubs, bars and most of the hotels are here or nearby.


Győr was founded around 450 BC by the Celts. The Romans settled there around the 1st century BC. After they abandoned the city and the Slavs eventually arrived around 500 AD. It was briefly part of Great Moravia and then the Kingdom of the East Franks. The Magyars came around 900 and survived the Mongol invasion of Hungary in the 1240s. During the Islamic Ottoman era, Győr saw much conflict and was captured by the Turkish Army for four years. At the end of the 17th century, it was a flourishing city. It achieved the status of 'free royal town', which helped to further improve the economy, trade and culture. During World War II and the local Yahudi community was nearly wiped out and several buildings and factories were destroyed. In the 1950s and 60s and the Communist government built many block flats, and in the 1970s and the long process of restoring the Old Town began.


The Center of the city (Belváros) is bordered by rivers from north and west, from south is limited by railroad.

The major neighborhoods (and sights):

  • Adyváros (Ady-városi Lake a nice relaxing spot);
  • Belváros (the Old Town) full with sights;
  • Bácsa (Nagybácsai church with great window, Kisbácsai church);
  • Gyárváros (the former Civitas Regalis or Royal Town area destroyed by Tatars, now mostly industrial buildings here and shopping malls as Arkad,Jézus Szentséges Szíve church 1928, rebuilt in the 1950s, also here is Győri ETO Stadion with capacity of 30 000 people, a Magvassy Mihály Sports Hall and the Ice Skating Rink and Janos Xantus Zoo and the Audi Hungária Motor the principal employer of the city);
  • Győrszentiván (bus 30, 31 to there; separated bike road, train station on Komárom line, Roman Catholic church, Treasure House a renovated farmhouse exhibition room, riding stables);
  • Gyirmót (Dead Raba walking trail starts from the border Gyirmót, other 'sights' is the Achilles Park open air bath);
  • Kismegyer (or called Győr-Szabadhegy, south part of the city, TV tower, Szabadhegyi R.C. church, Szabadhegyi Reformed church, Cemetery chapel of Kismegyer built on the ground of the Tarisznyavár Castle of Middle Age, take bus 2, 5, 6, 7, 17 or 38, ~7 kilometers from center);
  • Likócs (most relaxing neighborhood with village feeeling, seven kilometers NE of center);
  • Marcalváros (former Bela Kun housing estate a socialist developing, also here can be see the Holy Spirit Church built in the 1990s);
  • Ménfőcsanak (Bezerédj chapel, Nagyboldogasszony church, Lutheran templom, Memorial Park, Bezerédj-Esterházy Mansion 1750s);
  • Nádorváros (Kálvária church, Győr Plaza, St. Emeric parish temlpom, Nádor City Lutheran Church, Schlichter Villa, Polish-Hungarian Friendship Sculpture at Bem tér);
  • Pinnyéd (Bishop Forest, a popular tourist spot, Northwest of center);
  • Révfalu (north of Danube and the most attractive part of the city according by local residents, Kossuth híd or Révfalui bridge, Ányos Jedlik bridge: Pál Vasarhelyi footbridge or small Erzsébet Bridge; Széchenyi Bridge; Széchenyi István University, 'Aranypart' lit. Golden Coast free beach of Mosoni-Danube and the listed building of Watertower built in 1910; Monument of Flooding in 1954, School with Tulips Secession style planned by one of the nation most famous architect, Jenő Lechner, can see at Rónay Jácint u. 4.; the patron saint St. John of Nepomuk sculpture; houses with small garden are typical to this neighborhood, in the cemetery of Révfalu is the tomb of local polymath, poet, literary translator (mostly Finnish and Estonian), literary historian, folklorist Aladár Bán);
  • Sziget (area between Raab and Rapca rivers, west of Old Town and the main sight is the Roch and St. Sebastian's Roman Catholic parish church, Rába-Quelle Thermal and Pleasure Bath, also a couple smaller hotel are here);
  • Újváros (west of the Old Town, southeast from 'Sziget' neighborhood, temples of five religious groups are here: Old Lutheran church and the synagogue and the Reformed Church and the Catholic Church and the Greek Catholic Church; yearly events is the Five Temples Festival, this is a five days long religious, musical and cultural traditions showing program; the houses of Kossuth Lajos street almost all from 1750-1850 period are listed buildings).

Travel to Győr

There has been no regular border control between Austria, Slovakia and Hungary since January 1, 2008. This has brought about a big change for the local residents who otherwise were subjected to it daily.

Fly to Győr

Győr's own local airport only sees private aviation traffic with an occasional holiday charter flight. Using it as an entry point for Győr requires pretty much arriving by your own, or chartered, plane.

  • Pér Airport - Győr-Péri Repülőtér IATA Flight Code: QGY Reptéri utca 47.6272, 17.8053 Southeast 15 kilometers from Center ☎ +36 96 559200 +36 96 559202 Opening Hours: Daily 08:00-18:00 Runway: 12 / 30, 2030 m x 30 m Asphalt.

More practical options are the international airports in large cities in Győr's wider surroundings. The closest is actually the Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted Györ St. Ignaz Innen 01 - Saint Ignatius Benedictine Church (1641)

  • Benedictine Church - Loyolai Szent Ignác Bencés templom - Széchényi tér, 11 47.6879, 17.6347 Center - Györ St. Ignaz Fassade 1 Early Baroque, built between 1634 and 1641. The nave was decorated in the middle of the 18th century; the main altar-piece (The apotheosis of Saint Ignatius) and the ceiling pictures of the sanctuary and the nave (The ascension of Saint Ignatius, Angelic salutation) were painted by Pál Troger. The beautiful baroque pulpit made in 1749, while the organ case is from 1755.
  • Roman Catholic Church - Római katolikus templom - Gyirmót László utca ~3 47.6377, 17.5904 - Gyirmót-katolikus templom - Baroque, 1769.
  • Roman Catholic Church - Római katolikus templom, volt karmelita templom - Bécsi kapu tér 47.6873, 17.6311 Center - Former Carmelite church built in Baroque, in 1713-1725. Designed by Márton Witwer. Pictures of altars were painted by Martin Altomonte. Equipment: main and side altars are made between 1721-1725, based Witwer Martin plans; the equipment of the two sacristy made in the 18th century.
  • Saint Anne Roman Catholic Church and the former Hungarians ispita - Szent Anna Római katolikus templom, volt magyar ispita temploma - Rákóczi Ferenc utca ~6 47.6889, 17.6355 Center ☎ +36 96 317677 Magyar ispita temploma (4343. számú műemlék) - The little Street Ann's church is generally mentioned with its neighbouring building, Hungarian Hospital because the church was originally built for the tenants of it. The Hospital was founded by the great patron, György Széchenyi in 1666. Farewell: jul 26. Masses
  • Saint Anne (former Ursula) Roman Catholic Church - Római katolikus templom, volt Orsolyita templom - Apáca u. 41-45 47.6902, 17.636 Center - Orsolyiták Győr Former Ursuline Church. Built in 1762.
  • German Hospital Church - Német Ispita templom | Győr, Vörösmarty u. 6 Near to Bástya Street ☎ +36 96 338162 Opening Hours: Mass: every Sunday 08:30, Monday to Friday 07:00 The German Hospital was found by the generous spirited Mrs. Farkasné Haberle for elderly citizens of German origin who are living in Győr. This home has preserved its function and nowadays it is operated as an old people's home. That hospital has a little roman catholic church, which was decorated outside by a statue of the Blessed Virgin with Child standing in the niche. Built in late Baroque style
  • Holy Trinity Church - Szentháromság templom, közismert nevén: Német Ispita templom - Vörösmarty utca 6. 47.6901, 17.6357 Center ☎ +36 96 338162 Vörösmarty u. a Német ispitával - Built in the 18th century, in Baroque style.


Gyor Apatur-haz - Abbot House,János Xantus Museum

  • City Art Museum - Városi Muvészeti Múzeum - Vary ☎ +36 20 532-2644 - Divided into several separate branches all of which are within the old city.
  • Abbot House, John Xantus Museum - Local History Exhibition Apátúr House, Apátúr-ház - Széchenyi tér 5. 47.6887, 17.6344 Center ☎ +36 96 310-588, +36 96 524888 +36 96 310731 Városi Múzeum, Egyem. épület (4393. számú műemlék) - Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 Ft 800/400 (2023) The building of the museum is one of the most beautiful baroque palaces in Győr. Now this is the home of John Xantus Museum. Collections: Győr and surroundings of history from prehistoric times to the present day; The Petz family's private collection (medical history, fine and decorative arts exhibition); The Hauser-Abad family collection of fine and applied art. The pictures of Second World War destruction after air raids in a protective basement. Hungarian postal stamps – from the first issue to the 1980s.
  • Baby Exhibition - Állandó Babakiállítás - ,wiedraberzsenyimonikaallandobabakiallitasa Liszt Ferenc u. 20. 47.6887, 17.6374 Center ☎ +36 96 311316 +36 96 320289 Opening Hours: Monday - West 08:00-15:00, Thursday 08:00-17:30, Friday 08:00-12:00 Free About the building: the former Zichy palace is one of the most typical baroque building of Győr with some Neo-Classicist and Rococo elements. The walls of the room were rich decorated with frescos, mithologic scenes, genre paintings. The palace is a great place for weddings, concerts and congresses. - The Baby Museum: Permanent puppet exhibition donated by Mónika Wiedra Berzsenyi to the city of Győr. This fascinating exhibition is composed of 72 puppets, requisites, accessories and furniture. Also here is the Gyori Art and Festival Centre.
  • Galgóczi Elizabeth Memorial Room - Galgóczi Erzsébet Emlékszoba - Ménfőcsanak suburb, Győri u. 90/Kisdobos út 1-5. 47.6252, 17.6048 Southwest five kilometers ☎ +36 96 556207 Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 14:00-18:00 This is a Literary Memorial Room in the Bezerdéj Palace about Galgóczi Elizabeth (1930-1989) . She was a Kossuth Prize,-one of the highest prize for hungarian artist,- winning writer . Exhibits include everyday objects from the 18-19th century.
  • Romer Floris Art and History Museum - Radnai Collection in the Esterhazy Palace, Esterházy-palota, Radnai Gyűjtemény, Rómer Flóris Művészeti és történeti Múzeum - @, Király u. 17 47.6883, 17.6329 Center ☎ +36 96 322695, +36 20 4252557 +36 96 311245 Radnai gyűjtemény Győr - Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 Adult Ft 800, student/senior Ft 400, optional guiding service. Esterhazy - palace is a beautiful baroque palace gives home for the permanent exhibition of Radnai Collection. Béla Radnai private collection permanent exhibition and temporary exhibitions. The Collection contains more than a thousand pieces of art, mainly from the period between the two World Wars. Temporary exhibitions take place in the aula and the rooms of the second floor. Now this is the residence of the City Art Museum and locality of the International Drawing and Graphics Biennal, cultural events, lectures on art history concerts
  • Hungarian Ispita, Peter Váczy Collection - Magyar Ispita, Váczy Péter Gyűjtemény - Nefelejcs utca 3 47.6888, 17.6357 Center ☎ +36 96 318141 Magyar ispita (4344. számú műemlék) - Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 The 18th-century listed building, originally Houses of Healing. The Magyar Ispita is one of the most famous buildings in the downtown of Győr. Here is Dr. Peter Váczy historian (1904-1994) private collection of art and applied art. The core of his collection contains renaissance and baroque furnitures, carpets, sculptures and paintings. There are some Greek, Roman and mediaeval Hungarian archeological artifacts, a Chinese terracotta three-glazed soldier, oriental carpets from the 19th century too. Also contemporary art exhibitions can be see here.
  • Former Bishop's Courthouse, Miklós Borsos Permanent Exhibition & Children's Museum - Püspöki udvarbíróház, Borsos Miklós Állandó Kiállítás és Gyermekmúzeum - Apor Vilmos püspök tere 2. 47.6888, 17.6319 Center ☎ +36 96 316329 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 Miklós Borsos sculptor (1906-1990) retrospective exhibition. Children's Museum: Temporary exhibitions of works of art, famous artists, artistic periods shown. The exhibition presents the whole art of the scupltor. He reformed the portrait and medal sculpture, using traditional and at the same time, modern methods and expressions in a very rich, artistic way. The Children’s Museum (in same building) is the first museum in Hungary specifically for children with temporary exhibitions.
  • Napoleon House, Győr Graphic Workshop and Exhibition Hall - Napóleon-ház, Győri Grafikai Műhely és Kiállítótér, Városi műveszeti múzeum - Király u. 4. 47.6875, 17.6317 Center, next to the Hungarian National Asset Management Inc. (HNAM) building ☎ +36 96 314552, +36 96 322695 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 | priceFt 700/350 Temporal exhibitions. Built in the 17th century, baroque style. In 1767 after the 'battle of Kismegyer' Napoleon spent a night. Hungarian and international contemporary fine art temporary exhibition gallery.
  • Kreszta House, Margit Kovács Permanent Exhibition - Kreszta-ház, Kovács Margit Állandó Kiállítás - Apáca u. 1. 47.6892, 17.6331 Center ☎ +36 96 326739 Györ Kreszta Ház.JPG Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 Ft 700/350 (2023) The Kreszta Houses name comes from its former owner and the spice trader Kreszta family. On the second floor and itt he loft the Margit Kovács permanent exhibition. Margit Kovács (born in Győr) was an excellent ceramic artist (1902-1977). She modelled her funny, sometimes qrotesque figures, her lyrical or dramatic scenes, her decorative jars and bowls, her folkish reliefs and figures with rich fantasy. There is a souvenir shop where can buy albums or ceramics (copies of arts of Margit Kovács).
  • Fruhmann House, Tile stoves History exhibition - Fruhmann-ház, Cserépkályha-történeti kiállítás - Kiss János utca 9 47.6903, 17.6396 Center ☎ +36 20 9676567, +36 96 310588 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 Ft 700/350 (2023) The stove-setter [https://exhibition/actual?f Antal Fruhmann's (1908-1987) house and workshop. The exhibition presents the tile stove industry around Győr. It’s a unique exposition because this is the only exhibition in the whole country that tells abut the history of tile stoves.

Iron Log House - Győr - Iron Log House, Imre Patkó Collection

  • Vastuskós house, Imre Patkó Collection - Vastuskós ház, Patkó Imre Gyűjtemény - Széchenyi tér 4. 47.6884, 17.6336 Center - Iron Log House - Győr - Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 (winter until 16:00) Ft 700/350 (2023) One of the most beautiful early Baroque two-story buildings of Győr. Named after the tree trunks with iron spiked which is under the junction balcony. Now here is the Collection of Patkó Imre. The most precious pieces include the works of Lajos Kassák, Endre Bálint, Victor Vasarely und Béla Kondor. Imre Patkó acquired pieces from Chinese fine art, Tribal and applised arts of the Far East, Africa and Oceania of the 16-20th centuries. Gift shop.
  • Castle Casemate - Stonework, Roman stonework, modern stonework, Joseph Horvath brick collection - Várkazamata – Kőtár, Római kori kőtár, Újkori kőtár és Horváth József téglagyűjteménye - Bécsi kapu tér 5. 47.68762, 17.63079 Center ☎ +36 96 310588 Győrkőtárak.JPG Opening Hours: closed indefinitely Ft 700/350 (2023) photo ticket Ft 1200 The yard of the fortress and the casemates have been hosting the standing exhibition of the Roman Age and early Modern Age Lapidary as well as József Horváth’s brick collection since 1957. The fragment of the destroyed Fehérvár Gate has been preserved as a precious relic of the liberation and can also be seen in the yard of the Lapidary.
  • Romer Hall - Rómer-terem - Teleki László utca 21. 47.6887, 17.6356 Center Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 Temporary exhibition area
  • Lőcsei White Salon - Lőcsei Fehér szalon - Rákóczi Ferenc utca 1. 47.6888, 17.6346 Center ☎ +36 30 4307791 - A permanent, exclusive exhibition area, where the cells are furnished with exact furniture. +email=@ contact with foundation: Arany János u. 18
  • Széchenyi Pharmacy Museum - ☎ +36 96 550348 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 07:30-16:00 Free The vault decorated by stucco and pictures is the ornament of the pharmacy founded by the Jesuits in 1654. In the cabinet ancient pharmacy dishes and other curiosities from medical history are on display.
  • Museumhouse - Múzeumház - Bécsi kapu tér 4 ☎ +36 30 9758373 +36 96 332890 Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 10:00-16:00 Admission: Adults Ft 300, child or retired Ft 200, cash only This is an exhibition hall. Additives to Győr story; Lebó Ferenc a sculptor's medals, his plastic surgeries; Periodical exhibitions can be see here. Services: café, buffet, toilet/WC, souvenir shop.
  • Chapter House, religious collection Káptalandomb 11 ☎ +36 96 524643 Opening Hours: 09:00-17:00 Ft 500/300 In the classicist building hiding details from the Middle Ages the visitors can get to know the church architecture of the diocese of Győr and the mementos of the pilgrimages of the 17-18th centuries and the masterpieces of baroque art and the biography of the martyr priests of the 20th century, and they can recall the moments of the visit of pope John Paul II at Győr.


  • Ark of the Covenant Statue - Frigyláda-szobor - Gutenberg tér 47.6892, 17.6330 Center Opening Hours: 24/7 Free One of the most beautiful relics of Győr from the age of baroque.
  • Altabak-house - Altabak-ház - Bécsi kapu tér 5-7? 47.6878, 17.6309 Center - A house with two corner balconies, 16th-century origins. One of the city's oldest residential building. This is a beautiful example of the early Baroque civil architecture

}} Csónakház (4337. számú műemlék) - Boathouse

  • Baross Gábor Street - Baross Gábor út - Baross Gábor út 1-39 47.6859, 17.634037 Center - Csónakos szobor a lovely cobbled pedestrian street in the heart of the Baroque downtown. There are many cafés, restaurants, boutiques, and night clubs. It can be visited from the bus and train stations very easily (about 2 minutes on foot), and there are also parking houses nearby. Also the #31 is a monument laete romantic buillding in 1870s.
  • Listed buildings of Kiraly Street - Egykori Fekete Sas Fogadó - Király utca 8. and 10. 47.6878, 17.6325 Center - A Fekete Sas Fogadó.JPG - At #8 (the Baross Street corner) is the Former First Savings Bank of Győr (Korábbi Győri Első Takarékpénztár) made in Romantic style, 1860-1861, designed by Antal Fruman; #10 Former Black Eagle Inn (Egykori Fekete Sas Fogadó) Two-story baroque building; #17 Former Esterhazy Palace (Egykori Esterházy-palota) An one-story, baroque palace with corner balcony. Now here is the Municipal Museum of Art. (See above for details)
  • Boathouse - Győri Spartacus Sportkör csónakháza - Radó Sétány 47.6869, 17.6296 Radó Island - Csónakház (4337. számú műemlék) - Listed building. The second half of 19th century, eclectic, style.
  • Curia Nobilitaris - Liszt Ferenc utca 1. 47.6883, 17.6352 Center - Original Late Renaissance, built in 1565. Adapted Baroque style in the 18th century. Rebuilt between 1982-1984.
  • Győr City Archives - Győr Megyei Jogú Város Levéltára - Rákóczi Ferenc u. 1. 47.6888, 17.6347 Center ☎ +36 96 312-288 +36 96 518742 Opening Hours: Monday - Tu: 12:00-15:30, We: 08:00-15:30. Th: 12:00-18:00, F: 08:00-12:00 Admission: free This Baroque building originally fulfilled its function as a Town Hall until 1898, nowadays the Archives of Győr is settled here. The city's archives exist from the mid-18th century.

Gyor436 - City Hall

  • City Hall - Városháza - Városház tér 1. 47.6834, 17.6350 Center ☎ +36 96 500100 Gyor town hall - A beautiful Neoclassical building across the street from the train station. Its square was recently rebuilt in September 2008 with paving stones of Italian marble. There are also two identical baroque gardens in the square. It is best to visit City Hall at night, when everything is lit up in Gold lights.
  • Maria column - Virgin Mary statue, Mária-oszlop - Situated in the centre of the Széchenyi square 47.6882, 17.6341 Center - Mária oszlop (4387. számú műemlék) - To commemorate Buda's recapture from the Turks, raised the monument in 1686. The four high baroque statues: Saint Stephen, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Leopold (the patron saint of Austria). The Blessed Virgin, Hungary's Guardian Lady is standing on a high column with spikes and angel-heads, with the Hungarian crown on her head and the infant Jesus on her right arm.

Györ Becsi kapu ter Ott-Haus - Ott house (18th century)

  • Ott house - Ott-ház - Bécsi kapu tér 13 47.6872, 17.6314 Center - Györ Becsi kapu ter Ott-Haus - A 18th century two-story palace with Baroque façade. - Also in the middle of the Bécs kapu square there is Kisfaludy Károly's bronze statue created by Lajos Mátrai standing on a mounting of black marble. Former (1892), this was on the Sétatér island. In 1921, it was replaced to present location. - In same street at #6 is a monument Dwelling House built in Copf style, end of the 18th century
  • Rosalie House - Rozália-ház - Kazinczy utca 21. 47.6877, 17.6334 Center - The ground level built in around 1700 and the floor in 1820s. The Baroque facade of the masterfully planned building is divided by a closed balcony supported by brackets, which reaches as far as the garret. Street Rosalie can be seen on the relief under the balcony, in the cave - according to resarchers on her catafalque.
  • Former County Hall - Volt megyeháza, - Liszt Ferenc utca 13. 47.6887, 17.63631 Center - Győr, Liszt F. u. 13. - volt Megyeháza 2..JPG Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-13:00 Admission: free Monument. Now office building (National Tax and Customs Office in Győr-Moson-Sopron County Tax Directorate). Two-story, large building. It has an arcaded inner courtyard. There is a stone balcony over a semicircular gate. This robust building was the place of the former County Seat. Earlier the church of Saint John the Martyr and the monastery of the Franciscan order (built in the 17th century) stood on this site. The monastery and the church were transformed into the County seat and assembly hall respectively. Rebuilt after 1763 and around 1930s.
  • Dwelling Houses of Liszt Ferenc Street - Lakóház | Liszt Ferenc utca (vary) 47.6882, 17.6357 Center - Lakóház (4319. számú műemlék) - There are some architecturally notable residential buildings from the early 18th to second half of 19th centuries, including numbers #2 A Baroque cornerhouse, 18th century; #4 A nice Monument classicist style, first half of 19th century; #6 Monument. Former Jesuit, and the National Arts School, Built in the 16-17th centuries. Rebuilt in Baroque style, in 1700-1703. The facade made in copf style, circa 1780. Now a School of Music; #10 a monument cornerhouse. Now here is the offices of the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences #11 A remodelled civic house Baroque origin. Adapted for the eclectic style in second half of the 19th century; #16 Rebuilt in the early the 19th century, classicist style; #18 again a monument cornerhouse contains elements of historicist Neo-baroque style.
  • Former Schlichter Villa - Egykori Schlichter-villa - Eszperantó út 12/Zrínyi utca 1, 3, 5, 7 47.6816, 17.6354 Center - Egykori Schlichter-villa (16231. számú műemlék) - Monument. Villa and office buildings, eclectic style, end of the 19th century
  • Dwelling House - Lakóház - Jedlik Ányos Street 9 47.6891, 17.6333 Center - Lakóház (4234. számú műemlék) - Monument. Built with two houses in the early 17th century. Early Baroque style. Sgraffito decoration marks on the façade of the 17th century.
  • Hotel Fonte - Kisfaludy utca 38., Iskola utca 4 47.6874, 17.6354 Center - Lakóház (4294. számú műemlék) - Monument. Copf stle and the end of the 18th century
  • Torkos Mansion and Ristorante Romantica cornerhouse - Torkos palota - Stelczer Lajos utca 2 and 8. 47.6891, 17.6339 Center - A győri Torkos palota.JPG - Two nice monument both built in around 1700, early Baroque style.
  • Office Building - Irodaház - Révai M. utca 5 47.6819, 17.6324 Center - Irodaház (4363. számú műemlék) - Monument. Eclectic. Built in 1900. Designed by Hübner Jenő.
  • Benedictine high school - Bencés gimnázium - Széchenyi tér 8., Iskola utca, Kisfaludy utca 47.68776, 17.63440 Center - Bencés gimnázium (4394. számú műemlék) - Monument. Eclectic style, built in 1888.
  • Golden Ship House - Aranyhajó-ház - Jedlik Ányos utca, 16. and Kovács Pál utca corner 47.6891, 17.6329 Center - Aranyhajó-ház - A Schima Bandi creation. 1897?. Now, a pharmacy
  • Monument Dwelling Houses of Schweidel street - Lakóház - Schweidel u. 3 and 5 47.6869, 17.6348 Center - Lakóház (4365. számú műemlék) - Baroque style #3 Sunshine Café (Napsugár kávézó), 18th century, #5 a nice building built in 17th century
  • Dwelling House - Lakóház - Rákóczi Ferenc utca, 2., Gyógyszertár köz 1 47.6888, 17.6348 Center - Lakóház (4339. számú műemlék) - Monument. Baroque, built in 17-18th centuries two-storey house. Rebuilt in 1850, three-story, based on Frumann Antal plans. Now /publish/kh/hu/lakossag K & H Bank building
  • Former Frederick barracks - Frigyes laktanya legénységi épületek - Baross Gábor út 42 47.68145, 17.6383 South of the Center - Frigyes laktanya legénységi épületek (16671. számú műemlék) 2 - Monument. Former Archduke Frederick infantry barracks, built in 1897
  • Monument Dwelling Houses of Apáca street - Műemlék házak az Apáca utcában - Apáca u. 47.6894, 17.6334 Center - Káptalani zenészek háza, Kétem. sarokház (4164. számú műemlék) - The street got the name from Nuns (Apácák) whos settled here around the end of the 17th century. This street include some 17th and 18th centuries monument house #5 Prebendal Musicians' House (Káptalani zenészek háza) built in Copf style, 1775. The chapter's musicians lived here, which is why it is called Prebendal Musicians' House. #9 Fejérvár House (Fejérvári-ház, Fejérvár or Fehérvár is a cutted verse for local residents Székesfehérvár city). A late Renaissance house; #46 the Bastion Restaurant of medieval origin (Bástya Étterem), baroque, 17th century.
  • County Hall - House of Győr County, Győri megyeháza, Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Kormányhivatal - Árpád út 32 47.6846, 17.6346 ☎ +36 96 507200 +36 96 507205 Győri megyeháza.JPG - Modern (1971) building. Now here is the headquarters of West Pannon Regional Administration Office
  • Dwelling House - Lakóház - Bástya utca 30., Vörösmarty Mihály utca 5 47.6902, 17.6357 Center - Lakóház (4196. számú műemlék) - Monument Baroque, 18th century
  • Dwelling House - Lakóház - Szent István út 8 47.6828, 17.6323 Center - Lakóház (4385. számú műemlék) - Monument. Eclectic, 1890. Designed by Alpár Ignac. Now, offices.
  • Dwelling House - Lakóház - Virágpiac tér 2 47.6859, 17.6315 Center - Lakóház (4405. számú műemlék) - Romantic style, circa 1860. Monument.
  • Saint Michael statue - Szent Mihály szobra - Apor Vilmos püspök tere 47.6887, 17.6312 Center - Szent Mihály szobra (4181. számú műemlék) - Rococo, 1764-1766.
  • King Ladislaus I monument - I. László emlékmű | Káptalandomb ~28 47.6892, 17.6319 Center, Between Lloyd and Gregory Czuczor Benedictine High School. - Ladislaus I monument - Győr
  • Statue of Jedlik Ányos and Czuczor Gergely - Jedlik Ányos és Czuczor Gergely szobra | Széchenyi tér 47.6883, 17.6340 Center Jedlik-Czuczor.JPG - Work of sculptor Tibor Rieger. Ányos István Jedlik (1800–1895) was a Hungarian inventor, engineer, physicist, and Benedictine priest. He was also a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and author of several books. He is considered by Hungarians and Slovaks to be the unsung father of the dynamo and electric motor. Czuczor Gregory (1800-1866) was a Hungarian Benedictine monk, poet, linguist, a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Ányos Jedlik cousin.
  • World War I memorial - I. világháborús emlékmű | Rado Island 47.6869, 17.6295 West of the Center. At the transfer road south side of the Raba double bridge - GYŐR Radó-sziget I. világháborús emlékmű 03 - Free
  • Memorial of Adolf von Schwarzenberg and Miklós Pálffy - Schwarzenberg-Pálffy Emlékmű - Dunakapu tér 47.6899, 17.6338 Center - Győr-Schwarzenberg-Pálffy - Free Memorial recapture of Győr (1598) was made to commemorate the 1998. To left Adolf von Schwarzenberg, to right Miklós Palffy

South of Old Town

  • Calvary - Kálvária - Kálvária-domb, opposite Kálvária utca 53-55 47.6741, 17.6293 Southwest one kilometers - 1.Calvary hill - The hill used to be burial place for Celts, later for Romans. The provost church named after Saint Adalbert was built here in the XII-XIII. century, which was destroyed in the XVI. century during the Turkish plundering. The Calvary was built by the Jesuits early XVII. century. Baroque chapels stand at the foot of the Golgotha. The [https://,482,0,0,1,0 seven stations alongside Kálvária Street, depicting the suffering of Jesus were completed in 1722. (1714?)
  • Nádorváros Lutheran Church - Nádorvárosi Evangélikus templom - Baross Gábor út 77 47.6762, 17.6399 South 0.6 kilometers - A nádorvárosi ev. templom - Opening Hours: Worship: Sunday 9:30 and 10:00, Choir: Wednesday 18:00 Built in 20th century.
  • Polish-Hungarian Friendship Monument - Lengyel–magyar barátság-emlékmű - Bem tér 47.6779, 17.6361 Center Opening Hours: 24/7 Free On top of a small mound next to each other two thick, oak hardwood stands which has strong roots in the earth intertwined. Symbolize the friendship between the Polish and Hungarian people. Made by David Toth, 2006
  • Saint Emeric Roman Catholic Church - Szent Imre Római katolikus templom - Szent Imre út 35. 47.6723, 17.6447 Center Opening Hours: Every day 07:00-19:00. Weekday Mass 18:00, Sunday Mass 07:30, 08:45, 10:00, 11:30, 18:00 Built in 1937-1943 on the basis of Nándor Körmendi's plans. Interior: Heart of Jesus statue (in front of the shrine, by Ohmann Béla); Count Teleki Maria plaquettes (on the main entrance doors); painted stone pulpit (by Eszer Mattioni); destination stations of the cross pictures (by Kovács Mária); mosaic floor of the sanctuary (Geza Fónyi work); the eternal light (a gift from Báthori Júlia); iron bars of the sanctuary and the choir (based on Francis Deed plans made by a Győr's locksmith, József Mentes); the statue of St. Emeric Church (outside the church opp. the entrance, Ferenc Varga's work); Miklós Borsos made the altar and Margit Kovács did the ceramics of the entrance.
  • Roman Catholic Church - Római katolikus templom - Györszentivan, Váci Mihály utca ~5 47.6943, 17.7377 East 7km - Neoclassic and late Baroque styles, end of the 18th century.
  • Szabadhegy Roman Catholic Church - Római katolikus templom - József A. u. 54. 47.6654, 17.6641
  • Roman Catholic Church former Camillian Church - Római katolikus templom, volt kamillánus templom, Nádorvárosi templom - Nádorváros, Kálvária utca 15 47.6784, 17.6321 South 0.5 kilometers ☎ +36 96 413904 Győr-kamillánus templom - A monument church built in Copf style, 1770-1774.
  • Roman Catholic Church - Külváros Római katolikus templom | Külső Bácsai út 45. 47.7133, 17.6520 NE four kilometers - Baroque, 1762
  • Holy Spirit Church - Szentlélek templom - Szentlélek tér 47.6621, 17.6394 South four kilometers ☎ +36 96 419588 Opening Hours: Order of mass: Weekdays 18:00; Saturday 18:00; Sunday 07:00; 08:30; 10:30, 17:00; 19:00 The youngest church of the City. Built in 1987

West of Old Town

  • Roman Catholic chapel - Római katolikus kápolna - Ráth Mátyás tér 47.6870, 17.6272 West - 3. Matthias square church - Romantic style, about 1860
  • Greek Catholic (Serb) church - Görög katolikus (rác) templom - Bálint-Mihály utca 54. 47.6819, 17.6199 West ~1 kilometers ☎ +36 96 311499 Opening Hours: by booking Admission: free Built in the Turkish perioid was standing already in 1703 in the place of the present building, which was re-built in 1727. It was that time when the tower and the nicely formed onion-shaped cap of the simple, wall-surrounded church with buttress fortification was made, together with the interior iconostas of great artistic value. Mixed style: Ottoman and Late Baroque architectural elements
  • Old Lutheran Church - Evangélikus Öregtemplom - Petőfi tér, 1-3 47.6864, 17.6273 West 0.5 kilometers ☎ +36 96 524708 Ev. templom (4335. számú műemlék) - Built between 1783 and 1785 with closed yard and without a tower. The church interior main sight is the late baroque carved altar of pulpit. The baptistery, standing in front of the altar, which was carved out of red sand-stone in 1817. On its bell-shaped cover there is a small group of cast statues showing the baptism of Jesus.
  • Reformed Church - Református templom - Kossuth Lajos utca 9 47.6850, 17.6244 North of the Center ☎ +36 96 337323 Győr utca - Opening Hours: Worship: Sunday 10:00 The late historicist neo-Gothic church with a corner tower was built in 1905 according to the plans of Károly Csányi. The interior design of the Church is unified acting. The monumental hall space decorated with Gothic ornaments. South of the church, on Balint Mihály street is the converted building of the old, reformed church. This old church without a tower, built in 1784. The church has remarkable relics from the 17th-18th centuries.

Cupola ceiling Synagogue Gyor Hungary - Cupola, Synagogue Győr

  • Synagogue, Vasilescu collection - Zsinagoga, Vasilescu-gyűjtemény - Kossuth Lajos u. 3-5 47.6858, 17.6258 Kossuth Lajos utca 5 ☎ +36 20 4252560 Györ Synagoge 2.JPG Opening Hours: W-Su 10:00-18:00 Ft 700/350 A beautiful neo-Romanesque building. Built between 1868 and 1870 in with an octagonal plan. The church interior is breath-taking with its circular balconies and the dome. The Vasilescu collection is a branch of the Municipal Museum of Art. János Vasilescu was from Romania, settled in Budapest. He started to collect art in the 1960s, and he bought art works continually till 2002 and then he wanted to put the collection into public domain. The collection contains mainly the philosophical stream of the modern Hungarian art between the 1940s and 2000. The almost whole life work of Lili Ország gives the core of his collection, but there are works by several outstanding Hungarian painters and scuptors in the collection.
  • Újváros Roman Catholic parish church - Újvárosi Urunk színeváltozása Római katolikus templom - ,484,0,0,1,0 Kossuth Lajos u. 42 47.6839, 17.6228 - Győr-Újvárosi templomok - The Catholic treasury bought from the Lutheran congregation their old church and built between 1836-1841 in place a neoclassic Parish church based on Frumann Anthony's plans. The former single-nave church was extended on both sides with chapel line. From the plaster ornamentation main facade stands out the tower. The square-shaped tower covered with neoclassic onion form dome. The windows of bell room decorated with columned arm-rests. At the meeting of the left side of the chapel line and the main facade is a iron bars fence section with crucifix in 1904.
  • Révfalu Roman Catholic Church - Révfalui római katolikus templom - Kálóczy tér 47.6919, 17.6299 North of Mosoni Danube ☎ +36 96 527703 +36 96 527703 Opening Hours: Opening hours: before and after the mass Monday to Friday 08:00, Saturday 18:00, Sunday 09:00 and 11:00 A baroque roman catholic church built in circa 1780. The church was seriously damaged in the Second World War, and its final restoration was carried out in 1985.
  • Roman Catholic chapel - Római katolikus kápolna - Kismegyer Megyer 47.6492, 17.6557 South 3 km
  • Roch and St. Sebastian's Roman Catholic parish church - Szent Rókus és Sebestyén templom, Szigeti Római katolikus plébániatemplom - Simor János püspök tér 47.6875, 17.6223 West 0.5 kilometers ☎ +36 96 324055
 Baroque, 18th century.

East of Old Town

  • Visit Győr-Audi factory | Opening Hours: Only by appointment Since 2013, visits to the Győr-Audi factory have been feasible after registration. English, German and Hungarian tours.
  • Gyárváros Roman Catholic Church - Gyárvárosi római katolikus templom - Mátyás király tér, 1. 47.6916, 17.6575 E 1½ km
  • Roman Catholic Church - Római katolikus templom | Bácsa, Heltay Jenő u. 47.7269, 17.6629 NE six km

Further afield

Pannonhalma - Bencés apátság - Pannonhalma Archabbey

  • Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma - Pannonhalmi Főapátság - 47.552778, 17.761111 - Pannonhalma Archabbey Pannonhalma - Bencés apátság Spend a day visiting the thousand-year-old Pannonhalma which lies roughly 20 km south of Győr. It can be visited by regular buses from Győr's main autobus station within half an hour (Ft 465 in February 2023). It witnessed much of the Hungarian history and recalls a number of national diets, peace treaties, a successfully beaten attack of the Tartars, domestic struggles of the Árpád dynasty, Turkish invasion, great fires and restorations. This fortress of Hungarian Benedictines, this illustrated "picture book” of European art history from Romanesque to Classicism was undoubtedly worthy of being registered as World Heritage site by UNESCO. The crypt contains the oldest parts of the church. The first catalog of its invaluable library dates back to 1090 and today there are over 250,000 volumes in the library. The charter of the cloister from Stephen I dated 1001, and the earliest written record of the Hungarian language and the founder of the Tihany Abbey from 1055 are the most precious pride and joy of the archives. More details about opening times, entry fees, tours on foreign languages in the Transdanubia eHalal Travel Guide.

What to do in Győr

  • For children the Ugripark playhouse
  • Ice Skating field - Műjégpálya | 47.6944, 17.6674 Close to ZOO. East of the Downtown - Open air area to ice skating

Local events in Győr

Blood sweating of Our Lady pilgrimage celebration: August.15

Fishing, Hunting, Horse Riding

  • Kisalföld Forestry Ltd - Kisalföldi Erdőgazdaság - Corvin u. 9 Csaba street corner ☎ +36 96 529450 +36 96 526586 - Organize nature, hunting tours, provide rural lodgings. Provide hunting possibility in the Gulf countries Hungarian Region. Owning eight lakes with fishing rights. These artificial lakes (mostly developed through mining) size is: 0.1 ha to 4 ha. On these lakes allowed fishing with state fishing ticket. For more info ask here or Tourinform Győr. - Accommodation offer: in Ravadi Ecotourism Centre close to fishing lake, in Hunting House address: Vámosszabadi, Patkányos puszta (farm), Call for: Ms. Ujj Viktória +36 20 344-5668; Mr. Márhoffer Gábor 20/217-1822, Ft 3500 p.p. five double, one single room. Also the company handling Göbösmajor equestrian center (north three kilometers from Csapod village) offer: horse carriage, horse training, tennis court, swimming pool, barbecue and campfire place. Accommodation of Göbösmajor (by appointment): eight rooms pension or three cozy, wooden house with kitchen and bathroom.


  • Central Library - Dr. Kovács County Library, Dr. Kovács Pál Megyei Könyvtár és Közösségi Tér, Központi Könyvtár - Herman Ottó utca 22. 47.67684, 17.64388 From downtown take (toward south) bus: 5, 5B, 5 R, 6, 7, 21, 21B, 38 to stop Bartók Béla út, Vásárcsarnok (Market Hall) ☎ +36 96 516670 +36 96 418942 Opening Hours: Monday W-F 09:00-19:00, Saturday 09:00-16:00, July and Aug closed Free internet for 45 min after every started 15 min Ft 65 Service: above the usual (books, magazines rental, reading) free internet use is provided to visitors with a library card or visitor ticket. Sound and media storage (CD, DVD, audio book collection). Also visitable here the Streibig Collection (the local Streibig Printing and Publishing worked in mid-18th to mid-19th century here), 800 protected documents (mainly in Latin, Hungarian and (German), but some French, Greek) can be see with special permission, ask at reader's service (olvasószolgálat).
  • Children's Library and Exhibition Hall - Gyermekkönyvtár és Kiállítóterem | Herman Ottó utca 22. In same building as Central Library ☎ +36 96 516677 Opening Hours: Monday W-F 09:00-18:00, Saturday 09:00-12:00, July and Aug closes one hour earlier Library and periodic, art exhibits of works of local young artists can be find.
  • Karoly Kisfaludy Library - Kisfaludy Károly Könyvtár | Baross Gábor út 4. 47.68753, 17.63264 Center, close to Napoleon House ☎ +36 96 319997, +36 96 328022 +36 96 311253 Opening Hours: Monday 09:00-19:00, Tuesday 13:00-19:00, W-F 09:00-19:00, Saturday 09:00-13:00 Free internet for 30 min Free internet use is provided to registered visitors, free registration.
  • József Attila Culture House and Szabadhegy Branch Library - József Attila Művelődési Ház és Szabadhegyi Fiókkönyvtár - Móra park 1. 47.6666, 17.6646 Southeast of the Downtown. ☎ +36 96 421740 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-20:00 (in July and Aug only till 17:00), Saturday 14:00-17:00 (Saturday open only at events) Free internet for 1st half hour after There are periodic exhibits of local artist, musical and theatrical events.


  • Győr Philharmonic Orchestra - Győri Filharmonikus Zenekar - Aradi vértanúk útja 16 ☎ +36 96 312452 +36 96 319232
  • Richter Concert Hall - Richter János Hangverseny- és Konferenciaterem - Aradi vértanúk útja 16 47.6844, 17.6332 Center ☎ +36 96 312452, +36 80 205015 +36 96 319232 Richter Concert Hall, 2011 Gyor1 - Built in 1961 as Rába Cinema, by the plans of Kálmán Lakatos and János Harmati. Renovated and transformed to a concert hall by Péter Basa and Gergely Fernezelyi (Vadász and Partners Architects Studio).

Győr - Nemzeti - Győr National Theatre

  • Gyori Art and Festival Centre - Győri Művészeti és Fesztiválközpont - Liszt Ferenc u. 20. ☎ +36 96 311-316 +36 96 320-289 - Periodic art exhibitions and events.
  • Győr National Theatre - Győri Nemzeti Színház - Czuczor Gergely u. 7 47.68677, 17.6355 ☎ +36 96 520600 +36 96 524606 National Theater, 2011 Gyor4 - Built in 1978. Formerly named Kisfaludy Hall. This is the worldwide known Balett company of Győr.
  • Ménfőcsanak-Gyirmóti Művelődési Központ - Ménfőcsanak-Gyirmóti Cultural Center - Győri u. 90 47.6245, 17.6048 Southwest 5 kilometers ☎ +36 96 523257
  • Gyirmóti Culture House - Gyirmóti Művelődési Ház | Szent László u. 35-37 ☎ +36 96 449137
  • Vid Molnar Bertalan Cultural Center - Molnár Vid Bertalan Művelődési Központ - k5694@ Váci Mihály u. 3. ☎ +36 96 518225 +36 96 518226
  • Lajos Kossuth Culture Centre - Kossuth Lajos Művelődési Ház | Déryné u. 50.
  • Duna Cinema - Duna Filmszínház | Déryné u. 11.
  • Likócsi Community House - Likócsi Közösségi Ház | Esztergető u. 12 ☎ +36 96 336-596
  • Újvárosi Culture House - Újvárosi Művelődési Ház - Liget u. 55 ☎ +36 96 315-317
  • Iron Rooster Puppet Theatre - Vaskakas Bábszínház - Aradi vértanúk útja 23. ☎ +36 96 512690 +36 96 512693


  • Bishop Forest - Püspökerdő | Pinnyéd 47.7042, 17.6201 North 2 kilometers after Bahnhof pub 500 m ☎ +3696516600 Free A beloved place for trips and the forest is one of the greatest contiguous green areas at town of Győr. Besides a nine kilometer long promenade, well-kept glades, fire places and what is more slides, swings and climbing frames are waiting for the visitors. The promenade presents the forest’s symbiosis in its natural environment and the characteristic plants of the given area and by the help of signing boards the animals as well. - Events day: Day of birds and trees 10th May.
  • Fülesbástya Zoo Pálffy Street 4/B 47.68781, 17.63706 Behind theater, ten min walk from train/bus station ☎ +36 96 337439 Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-19:00 Adult ticket Ft 950, discount ticket (2-14 years, 62+years) Ft 750, family ticket Ft 3,000 (2 adults + 2 children or 1 adult & 3 children), combined family ticket: Ft 6400 (used within one week and the single entry and single entry Füles bastion of John Xantus Zoo) A branch of Xantus János Zoo. Located in New Bastion, what is a remains of the castle of Gyor from Ottoman period. The visitors can see here some flora and fauna of South America and the original condition of the bastion. - One of the most spectacular part of the exhibition is a 18m long, 200-m³ Paludarium, which presents the flora and fauna of the Amazon. Here can be see on a forty meterslong walk the World's most powerful ant and the leaf-cutter ants everyday life. Also there are opportunities to children and adults can see close up some friendly race and will hand them.
  • Visit the Zoo - Xantus János Állatkert - Kiskút liget 47.6939, 17.6691 East two kilometers of the Downtown ☎ +36 96 618367 +36 96 618367 Opening Hours: January - Feb 10:00-16:00, 1st half of Mar 10:00-17:00, 2nd half of Mar 10:00-18:00, April - September 10:00-19:00, 1st half of Oct 10:00-18:00, 2nd half of Oct and Nov 10:00-17:00, Dec 10:00-16:00 Adults Ft 1550, student Ft 1150, family Ft 4400, children Ft 1100 János Xantus Zoo is home to more than 500 animals belonging to hundred different species, kept in spacious areas for the animals, which imitate their natural habitats. The collection of African mammals is exceptionally rich. The terrarium-hoouse modelled after a mountain cave gives home to the largest collection of poisonous snakes in Hungary, as well as dwarf crocodiles.

Walking, trekking

  • Pannontáj–Sokoró Naturpark area of Bakonyalja ☎ +36 96 456740, +36 96 326678 occupies 600 sqkm and comprises 29 settlements in the vicinity of Győr. Located at a picturesque transitional area of Bakonyalja, stretching from Bakony Mountains to the Little Hungarian Plain, including the northern slopes of Bakony. The smooth hillside with fresh mountain air, protected trees and rich wildlife offers excursions, horse-riding and hunting programs to visitors.
  • Raba Oxbow Lake Study Trail - Holt-Rába tanösvény - Gyirmót, Sörfőző rét? Ikrény W-SW 8km ☎ +36 96 537620 - An educational path. Starting on the outskirts of Gyirmót and the six kilometers study trail leads next to an oxbow lake and over the floodplains of the River Rába. It provides information about the local flora and fauna. A part of the Pannonhalma Landscape Protection Area. The oxbows overgrown with or partly accompanied by reed, bulrush and bushy willows have a nice atmosphere and enrich the landscape. They are home to numerous plants and animals. Along the shores grow three species of iris: the Yellow Iris and the Blue Iris and the violet Siberian Iris. The fauna also proves the diversity of the habitat. A rare species is the Marsh Frog, which changes its colour for the time of reproduction into a bizarre but nice blue. Three reptile and 110 bird species were described in the area.

Water sports

ETO Park Győr-Vasas 2009-05-01 - ETO Park Stadium, Győr

  • Achilles Park - Győr-Gyirmót ☎ +36 96 556011 Opening Hours: Jun, Jul, August. Daily 09:00-20:00 An open air spa.
  • Rába-Quelle Medicinal, Thermal and Pleasure Bath - Fürdő tér 1 47.6883, 17.6269 on the promontory at the junctions of Mosoni-Danube and Rába ☎ +36 96 514900 +36 96 514909 Opening Hours: Bath: Daily 09:00-22:00, Theraphy: Daily 08:00-16:30, Indoor swimming pool: Monday to Friday 06:00-20:00 The building complex of GCC standard contains the medicinal and the pleasure baths, with the following units: Pleasure bath hall, Thermal bath hall, Sauna, Health island, Health services. - Three thermal fountains support all pools with waters of 67 Celsius. - Suggestions: Locomotor diseases, Bone and joint diseases, Respiratory diseases, Gynaecological diseases, Myositis, Arthritis.
  • Rába free beach Parti út - Alongside Rába river
  • Mosoni-Danube free beach Vásárhelyi P. u. - Alongside Danube river
  • Rába Quelle Open air spa - Strand - Fürdő tér 1. ☎ +36 96 522646, +36 96 522600 Opening Hours: June July Aug: daily 08:00-20:00 Open air spa.
  • Water Ski and Recreation Centre - Vízisí és Szabadidő Centrum , Győri Vízisí Kábelpálya - Ikrény, Ikrényi Lake 47.6653, 17.5606 West four kilometers by the motorway M1 ☎ +36 30 9440646 - Water ski cable course, wakeboard fun park.
  • Győr Water Sport Centre - Győr Vízisport Központ | Töltésszer u. 24. ☎ +36 96 321609, +36 96 528305 Opening Hours: Monday 14:00-19:00, Tuesday to Friday 06:00-19:00, Saturday Sunday 08:00-18:00, closed on first Monday of each month

Study in Győr

  • Szechenyi University.
  • Liszt Ferenc Zeneakadémia, college of the musical arts.
  • West-Hungarian University Apaczai Csere Janos Teaching Campus, a teacher's college.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Győr

About money changing. Like all Hungarian cities and the center of Győr is well equipped with banks and ATMs. The safest are in the banks, another best option are the shopping malls where normally more than one machine can be found. Train tickets, hotels and sometimes even taxis and supermarket accept euros (on wronger or better rates, minus five percent usually - rate can be seen at the desk). No bigger bill than €50 and prepare to get the change almost always in forints.

The downtown is full of shops, mostly selling souvenirs and clothes. There is a flower market every morning by the Carmelite church. During the main Christian holidays and there are holiday markets open in different squares and along Baross Gábor and Arany János street. Most of the big department stores, malls, hypermarkets are located south cca. two kilometers of the Downtown, near to M1 motorway exit.


  • CIB Bank #1 - Aradi vértanúk útja 10 47.68556, 17.63226 Center ☎ +36 1 4231000, +36 40 242242 +36 1 4896500 Opening Hours: Monday Tuesday Thursday 08:30-16:00, West 08:30-17:00, Friday 08:30-15:00 24-hr ATM. Other un 'Győr Árkád Fiók', Budai út 1.
  • Commercial and Credit Bank - Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank | Szent István u. 29-31 47.68268, 17.63093 Southwest 300m ☎ +36 96 504 700 +36 96 514830 Opening Hours: Monday 08:00-17:00, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-15:00 Other units:Szent István u. 29-31 ☎ +36 96 511140. - Rákóczi u. 2-4. ☎ +36 96 504700.
  • Erste Bank - Bajcsy-Zs. utca 30-32. 47.68498, 17.63258 Center ☎ +36 40 222 222 Opening Hours: Monday 08:00-17:00, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-15:00 Other units: Árpád út 42.
  • OTP Bank | Baross Gábor út 14. 47.68678, 17.63331 Center ☎ +36 1 3666388 +36 96 318313 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-14.15 Other un Teleki László 51. (M 07:45-18:00, Tuesday - Thursday 7:45-17:00, Friday 07:45-16:00), Bartók B. u. 53/b. (M 07:45-17:00, Tuesday to Friday 7:45-15:00), Kormos I. u. 6. (M 07:45-17:00, Tuesday to Friday 07:45-15:00)
  • MKB Bank - Magyar Külkereskedelmi Bank | Bécsi kapu tér 12. 47.68751, 17.63134 Center ☎ +36 40 333 666, +36 1 373 3333 Opening Hours: Monday 08:00-17:30, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:30, Friday 08:00-15:00 Other un in Győr Árkád Center, Budai u. 1. (Monday - Thursday 10:00-18:00, Friday 10:00-17:00)


  • Árkád shopping mall - Árkád üzletközpont - Budai út 1. 47.69067, 17.64429 East half kilometers, bus #7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 19, 31, 31A, 31B, 31y, 31Z ☎ +36 96 555 010 +36 96 555015 Opening Hours: Mall Monday to Saturday 07:00-21:00, Sunday 07:00-19:00, Stores Monday to Friday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00, InterSpar Monday to Saturday 08:00-21:00, Sunday 08:00-19:00, Pharmacy Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-19:00 Árkád-portál Győr . 113 commercial units and two large textile store, electronics store, self-service department store, more brand dealer and restaurants. - Services: elevator, escalators, changing table for babies, Left-luggage office, first-aid, toilet, toilet for handicapped, ATM, child vehicle renting, handicapped parkings, information, umbrella renting, stroller renting.
  • Duna Center shopping center - Duna Center bevásárlópark - Csipkegyári út 11. 47.67602, 17.61546 Southwest 1.5 kilometers ☎ +36 96 314746 +36 96 314746 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-20:00, Saturday Sunday 10:00-18:00 Aldi discount plus more 15 stores.
  • ETO Park shopping center - ETO Park üzletközpont - Ipar utca 1. 47.69491, 17.66135 ☎ +36 96 815915 Opening from Monday to Saturday 10:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00 Stadium and entertainment, leisure center. Trade shops: fashion, food, beauty, health, books, tobacco, paper, home, sports, leisure, toy, gift. Post Office. Northline Currency Exchange. PARK Fitness Club
  • Family Center Mall - Family Center bevásárlópark - Malomszéki út 47.65138, 17.63052 ☎ +36 1 4392330 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-20:00, Saturday Sunday 10:00-18:00 Stores: Best-Mart, Charles Vögele, Deichmann (shoes), Euro Kaiser, Fressnapf, Hervis (sportswear), Humanic outlet (shoes), KIK Textil, Matracdepó (mattress), Müller Drogéria, Papes 11 Gifts, Takko Fashion
  • Győr Plaza - Győr Plaza bevásárlóközpont - gyorplaza2@ Vasvári Pál utca 1/a. 47.66909, 17.64652 Local bus lines: 2, 6, 14, 7, 17, 23, 37; Interurban bus lines: 32, 34, 36 ☎ +36 96 410280 A győri Pláza (bevásárló központ).JPG Opening from Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-19:00 Retro Jeans, Bruno, Whoop de doo, Cosmos City, Bambini, Gas Jeans, Orex, Inmedio, Hada English clothing, Soltron solarium, Mona Lisa, Essence, You & Me gift, Nike, Converse, Sports Factory, Football World, BioTech USA, King Piu, Rossmann, Dorothea jewelry, Asso shoes, tiffany flower, Cigarillo, Arnold Gold, Vidanet, Woodoo, Alexandra bookshop, Adidas (currently on the BDS List so for the time don't purchase any Adidas products), Premier bags, Krokko shoes, Moonlight gift. - Mobile providers: Telenor, Vodafone. Foodcourt include: Green Caffé, Hope grill, BELFRIT restaurant, (Thai) buffet, Don Pepe's Pizzeria, Lipóti coffee café. - Service stores: Biohair hairstylist, Exclusive Change (money exchange), Mister Minit (shoes repair, key making copying), Pharmacy, Raiffeisen Bank. - Entertainment: Bowling Center, Cinema City.


  • Market Hall - Vásárcsarnok - &s=0 Herman Ottó utca, 25 47.67761, 17.64427 opp. Central Library (Dr. Kovacs County Library). - Take a bus 5, 5B, 5R, 6, 7, 17, 17B, 21, 21B, 38 to stop Bartók Béla út, Vásárcsarnok; or 7, 17, 17B, 20Y, 38 to stop Szigethy Attila út, Városi Könyvtár Opening Hours: Tuesday Thursday 06:00-15:00, Wednesday to Friday 06:00-16:00, South 06:00-14:00, South 06:00-11:00 Daily fresh local products, vegetables, flowers. More than forty small shops. Front of the entrance four buffet and on the upstairs a cheap, fast food restaurant (roasted Meat and fish meals, hot sandwiches) waiting for guests.
  • Flower market - Virágpiac - &s=0 Virágpiac Plaza (tér) 47.68610, 17.63188 Center. Behind the Carmelte Monastery. - Take a bus 7, 9A, 17, 17B, 19A to stop 'Viragpiac' Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 06:00-14:00 Not only flowers! Fresh vegetables and fruits from local farmers. Roasted food from small kiosk. (Hun: Pecsenyesütő)


  • Interspar Árkád - Interspar Árkád hipermarket - Budai út 1. 47.69051, 17.64351 East half kilometers ☎ +36 20 823 8266 Opening from Monday to Saturday 08:00-21:00, Sunday 08:00-19:00
  • Interspar Fehérvári út - Interspar Fehérvári út hipermarket - Fehérvári út 3 47.68623, 17.64926 Southeast half kilometers ☎ +36 20 8238016 Opening from Monday to Saturday 06:00-22:00, Sunday 08:00-19:00 Parking: 440 cars
  • Tesco hypermarket - Tesco hipermarket - Királyszék út 33 47.64821, 17.62678 Southwest four and half kilometers ☎ +36 20 8270000 Opening Hours: 24/7 Services: Wi-Fi, credit card payment, ATMs, Meat countertop, fresh bakery products, Friday & Friday clothing department, gift package making and packaging, free parking, home delivery.


Lakóház (4278. számú műemlék) - Small shops in the mediaval quarter

  • Aldi discount store - Aldi diszkontáruház | Jancsifalu, Fehérvári út 5/A 47.68205, 17.65565 East one and half kilometers Opening Hours: Daily 07:00-20:00 Plus two units: Csipkegyári út 11. (SW 1.7 kilometers), Malomszéki utca 11. (S 3.4 kilometers).
  • CBA supermarket #2 - CBA szupermarket #2 Delikát élelmiszer vegyes - Virágpiac tér 3 47.6858, 17.6311 Downtown ☎ +36 96 525480 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 07:00-19:00, Saturday 06:00-13:00, Sunday closed +fifteen units Árpád u.51/a.(Center, +36 96 322-455), Bácsai út 4. (North, Révfalu, +36 96 410-163), Liget utca 26. (West, Sziget, +36 20 393-1933). All others south of the Center, Törökverő u. 3., Új élet út 19., Mohi út 9., Mónus Illés utca 24/b.,Török István út 36., Ifjúság körút 36., Kodály Z. u. 29., Szigethy Attila út 80., Lajta u. 23., Vasvári P. út 1/a, Szent Imre út 107.
  • Coop supermarket No.5 - Coop szupermarket - PÁLFFY utca 2 47.68757, 17.63648 Center ☎ +36 96 592340 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 06:00-19:00, Saturday 06:00-13:00 +six units No.721 Tihanyi Árpád utca 79-81. (Tel.: +36 56 516-626); No.723. Kiskuti utca 35., (Tel.:+36 56 516626); No.720* Jereváni utca 28. (Tel.:+36 56 516626); No.722*. Győr-Ménfőcsanak. Győri u. 65. (Tel.:+36 56 516-626); No.726*. Győr-Szentiván. Déryné u. 35. (Tel.:+36 56 516-626); No.725 Győr-Szentiván. Ezerjó u. 3. (Tel.:+36 56 516-626) Sundays open
  • /lidl/ Lidl discount store - /lidl/ Lidl diszkontáruház - Jereváni utca 42 47.66728, 17.65777 Southeast two and half kilometers ☎ +36 80 020 534 +36 1 346-6010 Opening Hours: Daily 07:00-21:00 Paying with euro available Discount store chain. More units: Mécs László utca 1/a., Szeszgyár utca 6. (open only until 20:00), Tihanyi Árpád utca 9. (Downtown)
  • Penny Market - Penny Market diszkontáruház - Szauter Ferenc utca-Tihanyi 47.66671, 17.64974 South two kilometers Opening Hours: Daily 07:00-21:00 Discount store chain. More un Szabadrév u. 20.
  • Spar supermarket - Spar szupermarket - Arany János utca 16 47.68638, 17.63305 Center ☎ +36 20 8237271 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 06:30-21:00, Saturday 06:30-15:00, Sunday 08:00-13:00 Paying with euro available Supermarket chain. More units: Fehérvári út 20., Pátzay Pál utca

Other stores

  • Baumax store - Baumax barkácsáruház - pb0437@ Mécs László utca 13 47.65633, 17.63303 South 4 kilometers ☎ +36 96 520850 Opening from Monday to Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 08:00-18:00 Garden centre, paint mixing centre, carpet center, building material centre.
  • Decathlon sports store - Decathlon sportáruház - Királyszék út 31 47.64703, 17.62404 Southwest four and half kilometers ☎ +36 96 801400 +36 96 801401 Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-20:00
  • Kika - Kika bútoráruház - Győr, Ménfõcsanak, Királyszék út 35 47.64241, 17.61830
  • Media Markt electronics stores - Media Markt műszakiáruház - Budai út 1. 47.69061, 17.64422 East half kilometers ☎ +36 96 505900 +36 96 505-901 Opening from Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00–18:00 Electronics store chain.
  • Metro Storage store - Metro raktáráruház - Ménfőcsanak 25472/3. hrsz 47.64249, 17.61381 Southwest five kilometers ☎ +36 23 509050 Opening from Monday to Saturday 06:00-21:30, Sunday 08:00-19:00 Mostly for retailers.
  • Obi - Obi barkácsáruház - Fehérvári út 3 47.68707, 17.65035 ☎ +36 1 455 5100 Opening from Monday to Saturday 08:00-20:00, Sunday 08:00-19:00 Multinational DIY chain.
  • Praktiker home improvement store - Praktiker barkácsáruház - Szent Imre út 55. 47.66607, 17.64969 South two km. Bus #2, 5, 7, 14, 19, 33, 37, 40 ☎ +36 96 514 550 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-20:00, Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 09:00-18:00 More than 40 000 products.
  • dm drogeriemarkt - Baross Gábor u. 24 47.685711, 17.63401 Center ☎ +36 96 518570 +36 23 516193 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 07:00-19:00 Saturday 08:00-14:00 Paying with euro available Austrian beauty/household store chain. Beauty, wellness health products. Baby care and household goods. Photo corner. More units: Csipkegyári utca 11., (☎ +36 96 529877), Révai Miklós utca 4-6, (Railway Station, ☎ +36 96 524211), Budai út 1, (Árkád, ☎ +36 23 516556), Fehérvári út 3, (Interspar, ☎ +36 96 518580).

Halal Restaurants


  • Bécsi Cafe and Confectionery - Bécsi Kávéház és Cukrászda - Arany János utca 18 47.68641, 17.63314 Center ☎ +36 96 317072, +36 309624510 (mobile) Opening from Monday to Saturday 08:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-20:00 Wi-Fi. Takeaway sales, ice creams and ice cream cups, consumed on site, summer terrace (April - Sept), cake ordering.
  • Matias Restaurant, Cafe and Patisserie - Matias Étterem, Kávéház és Cukrászda - Baross Gábor út 12 47.6872, 17.63296 Center ☎ +36 96 550388 Opening Hours: Daily 08:00-22:00 Soups Ft 800-1200, appetizers Ft 1600-2900, l-food/halal-certified-noodles/ Noodles Ft 1800-2400, fish/poultry/Beef/ beef dishes Ft 2200-2800/2000-3490/2800-3000/3700-4700 In the patisserie: mousses, cakes, pies, crackers. An air-conditioned place with open-air terrace and high prices. Traditional Hungarian tastes, veggie dishes and some food of the international kitchen too. Wide selection of soft-drinks.

Fast food

Fast food restaurants also can be found in the #rkd shopping mall|Árkád shopping mall's food court.

  • Belcanto pizzeria - Belcanto pizzéria - Babits Mihaly utca 33 47.67628, 17.63342 South 0.5km ☎ +36 20 9215911 Opening Hours: 11:00-22:00 Menu Ft 990 (daily 11:30-14:00) Pizzas, hamburgers, gyros, salads, pancakes.
  • Dobos Pizzeria and Cafe - Dobos Pub pizzéria - Menfocsanak, Sokorópátkai út 33. 47.61321, 17.60446 Southwest 7 kilometers ☎ +36 96 448618 Opening Hours: 12;00-23:00 Soups Ft 650-800, Appetizers Ft 1500-1800, noodles/salads/desserts Ft 1400-1800/400/700-800, fish/poultry/Beef/ beef dishes Ft 2000-2600/1700-2100/1800-2200/2400-2700. 'Shot' Fruit cocktails Ft 700-900. 'Strong' Fruit cocktails (Absolut Flying, B52, Bloody brain, Sixth Sense, Speed, Viagra, Zombie, Headshots) Ft 700-2000, lime cocktails (eight types) Ft 1100-1600, non-alcoholic cocktails (seven types) Ft 700, mojitos (sixteen types) Ft 1300-1500, soft drinks cafes Ft 250-500 (2023) Also delivery phone +36 20 5691820
  • Ernesto's Pizzeria - Ernesto pizzéria - Győrszabadhegy, Levendula utca 19 47.66294, 17.65243 South 2 kilometers ☎ +36 96 421-870 Opening Hours: Daily 09:30-21:30 Pizzas in three sizes, Pasta. hamburgers, l-food/steaks/ Steaks, side dishes, pickles, salads, toppings, l-food/desserts/ desserts, soft drinks. Delivery. Cuisine: American, burgers, Italian, Pizzas.
  • Happy italia Ristorante Pizzeria - Pizzéria Italy | Budai út 1 47.6894, 17.64496 NE half kilometers ☎ +36 96 314169, +36 30 7792064 +36 96 555192 Opening from Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00 Big Pizzas (thirty types): from Ft 1000, desserts Ft 1000, salads Ft 600-1900 A bigger air-conditioned ristorante with traditional Italian flavours and Italian drinks. Also delivery.
  • Nazar Kebab and Pizzas House - Nazar l-food/halal-poultry-dishes/ Halal Kebab és Pizzas ház | Zrínyi u. 21 47.67446, 17.63921 South 0.7 kilometers - One of the best l-food/halal-poultry-dishes/ Halal Kebab in Hungary. Delivery.



  • Aranyhal Restaurant - Goldfish Restaurant, Aranyhal étterem - Gyõr-Gyirmót Ménfõi út 83-85 47.63298, 17.59507 Southwest seven kilometers from Győr ☎ +36 96 556141 +36 96 556134 Opening Hours: 11:00-23:00 Soups/appetizers Ft 600-1100/700-3100, fish/poultry/Beef/ beef dishes Ft 1500-2400/1300-2300/1600-3300/2600-6000, wild dishes Ft 2800-3000, salads/side dishes/noodles Ft 300-450/300-500/850 (2023) A medium priced big restaurant in a nice environment near the fishing lakes at Gyirmót. Offers fine Hungarian food. Except air-conditioned event restaurant, here is also a covered terrace that can be made suitable for winter usage.
  • Borostyán Tavern - Borostyán Vendéglő | Szövetség utca 22 47.69503, 17.63249 North one kilometers ☎ +36 96 316360 Opening from Monday to Saturday 10:30-15:00 There are three daily menus. Home-made flavors, fair prices
  • Co-Walter tavern - Co-Walter vendéglő | Szérűskert utca 36 47.67169, 17.62186 Southwest two kilometers ☎ +36 96 400636, +36 30 5268192 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 10:00-22:00, F-Sa 10:00-23:00, Sunday 10:00-16:00 A charming waterfront restaurant. Since 1935 the city's most popular family restaurant. Home-style cuisine, fish specialties! The restaurant and garden is an excellent place for events and family gatherings, to which up to 50 people.
  • Erzsébet tavern - Erzsébet vendéglő - Erzsébet Liget 47.6773, 17.6554 Barátság park, Southeast one kilometers form Center ☎ +36 96 411690 Opening Hours: Daily 12:00-22:00 Soups 500-800, appetizers Ft 1500-2800, veggies/noodles/salads/desserts Ft 1000-2000/300-800/700-800, fish/poultry/Beef/ beef dishes Ft 1100-2000/1700-1900/1600-3000/1800-4000 (2023) Paying with cards 10% extra charge 70 seat air-conditioned room and a covered terrace for 60 people
  • Fehér Ló (White Horse) tavern - Fehér Ló vendéglő | Fehérvári utca 103 47.67258, 17.6779 Southeast three kilometers ☎ +36 96 434490 Opening Hours: Daily 12:00-22:00 Fair prices, ample portions, appetizing serving
  • Hal Gödör fish tavern - Halgödör kisvendéglő | Zrínyi utca 4 47.68116, 17.63504 Center ☎ +36 96 324181 Opening from Monday to Saturday 11:00-21:00 Kind, friendly, direct service. The fish are in the majority, all kinds of variations. There are also turkey and Vegetarian dishes. Max. cap.: forty persons.
  • Hunyadi Restaurant - Hunyadi Panzió és Étterem - Hunyadi utca 10 47.68039, 17.63517 South 0.3 kilometers ☎ +36 96 329162 +36 96 524513 Opening Hours: Daily Soups/appetizers Ft 700/1800-2400, Ready meals/Pastas Ft 1000-2000/1400, Poultry/Pork Ft 2400/2400-2500, Beef/ Fish dishes Ft 2800-3700/2400, Salads Ft 600-800/400-900.
  • Horvath Garden Restaurant - Horváth-Kert Étterem - Külső Árpád út 23 47.69208, 17.65512 E 1.3 kilometers ☎ +36 96 329329 +36 96 329329 Opening Hours: Monday - F: 11:00-22:00, Saturday 11:00-23:00 Soups/Appetizers Ft 200-700/750-1900, Ready meals/Fresh baked meats Ft 800/1000-2500, Loins Ft 2500-3400, Fish dishes Ft 700-1100. Salads/desserts Ft 200-400/220-700. - Bottled (7 dl)/Flowing Wines (1 L) Ft 1200-2900/600-800, Brandies (3 cl)/Colas (0.3 L)/Champagne (0.75 L) Ft 240-400/180-440/1500-3000, Carbonated soft drinks (0.5 l)/Juices (0.2 L)/Coffees Ft 350/140/200-600,
  • Kakas restaurant - Kakas étterem - Győr-Szabadhegy, Szent Imre u. 105 47.65869, 17.65516 South three kilometers ☎ +36 96 417746 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:00-15:30, Saturday 11:00-15:00, Sunday closed Soups 300-400 Mains Ft 700-1000, Salads/Desserts Ft 300-600/300-400, Fish/Poultry/Pork/ Beef dishes Ft 1000-1500/1000-1500/1000-1600/1400-1800, Game meat dish Ft 1800. Colas from Ft 300, Wines per liter from Ft 1000, Bottled soft drinks (0.75 liter) Ft 800-1200, Bottled soft drinks from Ft 400, Champagnes Ft 2000. Spirits (2 cl) twenty types Ft 150-300, mineral water (0.33 liter) Ft 80-300. Fruit juices (2 dl) Ft 300.Carbonated soft drinks (2 dl) Ft 140-250. Teas Ft 200-300. Air-conditioned interior. Max. 80 people. Weddings, graduation parties, class reunions, family and corporate events organizing! Pleasant surroundings with a terrace for 25 people.
  • Kékgolyó Restaurant - Blue Ball Restaurant, Kékgolyó étterem - Győrszentiván, Lehár Ferenc út 47 47.7035, 17.73130 E seven kilometers ☎ +36 96 348278, +36 20 5777428 +36 96 348278 Opening from Monday to Saturday 11:00-22:00 Soups Ft 400-550 Veggies Ft 1200-1300, Salads/Desserts Ft 350-550/250-550, Fish/Poultry/Pork/ Beef dishes Ft 1100-1900/1500-1900/1400-2800/2300-2600 (2023) Fish, turkey, Beef and Vegetarian dishes. Loyalty card. Restaurant capacity 120 persons, yard's organic juice tent capacity 250 persons
  • Kresztaház restaurant - Kresztaház étterem | Jedlik Ányos utca 3 47.68955, 17.63339 Center ☎ +36 96 318435 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00-23:00, F-Sa 10:00-24:00, Sunday 10:00-23:00 Mains Ft 1600 (2023) Cuisine: Hungarian and international. Specialty: dietetic food... grilled dishes, traditional Hungarian dishes, home-cooked meals, coffee specialties, a wide range of none-alcoholic drinks, wide selection of sandwiches. Menu language: English, (German), Italian.
  • Kristály restaurant - Kristály étterem - Bartók Béla utca 9 47.6815, 17.6389 South 1 kilometers ☎ +36 96 322676 +36 96 322606 Opening Hours: Monday 11:00-15:00, Tuesday - Thursday 11:00-22:00, Friday 11:00-24:00, Saturday 11:00-01:00, Sunday 11:00-15:00 Soups Ft 600-900, Salads/Desserts Ft 400-900/600-1600, Fish/Poultry/Pork/ Beef dishes Ft 2000-3200/1900-3300/1700-2200/1700-4400 For Meat favours. A big air-conditioned restaurant, sometime with live music. Hungarian food.
  • La Mareda Restaurant and Bistro - LaMaréda Étterem és Bisztró - Apáca utca 4. 47.68907, 17.63329 Center ☎ +36 96 510982 +36 96 510989 Opening from Monday to Saturday 08:00-24:00, Sunday: 08:00-22:00 Expensive place.- Soups Ft 1000-1450, Appetizers Ft 1400-2200, Poultry/Pork Ft 2300-4000/2900-5000 Rabbit, deer/ Beef/ Fish dishes Ft 4850-6000/3000-5500/3700-4500, Desserts Ft 1000-1350 (2023) A big air-conditioned restaurant with mixed Hungarian and Mediterranean kitchen. Wi-Fi.
  • Nimrod Tavern - Nimród Vendéglő - Nagy Imre utca 48 47.67099, 17.64213 South one kilometers ☎ +36 96 415376 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11:30-22:00, Sunday 11:30-16:00 Soup/appetizers/ready meals Ft 600-1200/1000-2200/1400-3200, desserts/salads Ft 700-900/400-809
  • Marcal restaurant - Marcal étterem - Déry Tibor utca 11/a 47.66541, 17.6337 South two kilometers ☎ +36 96 431330 Opening Hours: W-Thursday11:00-16:00, F-Sa 11:00-21:00, Sunday 11:00-15:00 Soups Ft 400, mains Ft 800-2000, salads/desserts Ft 300-700/400-550. Traditional Hungarian dishes. Since 1988.
  • Matróz Restaurant - Matróz Dunaparti Kisvendéglő | Dunakapu tér 3 47.6897, 17.6333 Center ☎ +36 96 336208 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday Sunday 10:00-22:00, Friday 10:00-23:00, Saturday 09:00-23:00 Hungarian dishes, home-made flavors in a small open air terraced restaurant located in a monument building close to the castle.
  • Nádor tavern - Nádor vendéglő - Corvin utca 36-38 47.6797, 17.6430 Southeast one kilometers ☎ +36 96 317179, +36 30 4433030 Opening Hours: Daily 11:30-15:00 A big restaurant. The food made by master chief. Hungarian and international dishes. Different menus. About 60 kinds drink of the finest regions of Hungary can be found here
  • Patio Restaurant - Patio étterem - Baross Gábor út 12 47.68732, 17.6328 Center ☎ +36 96 310096, +36 96 527260 Opening Hours: 08:00-22:00 Appetizers Ft 800-2000, poultry/Beef/beef/fish dishes Ft 1500-3000/1200-2200/1300-4400/1700-4300, salads Ft 300-1000 This 'complex' includes a mid-sized, cozy restaurant with simply food great fish selection, a cafeteria with fast food and a confectionery with large selection of tea.
  • Podium Restaurant - Pódium Étterem - Budai út 4-6 47.6891, 17.64592 NE half kilometers 0.5 kilometers ☎ +36 96 547730 +36 96 547739 Opening Hours: Daily 11:00-22:00 Daily two-course menu offers. "A" - menu/take away Ft 750/850, "B" - menu/take away Ft 850/950, "C" - (paleo, gluten-free, lactose-free) menu Ft 650. A la carte: appetizers Ft 1100-2400, soups Ft 800-1000, mains Ft 1300-3300, desserts Ft 700-1000 (2023) Very affordable menus even less than €2 for two courses. Midday bistro ('Déli bisztró') offers (daily 11:00-15;00): soups Ft 350-390, mains Ft 800-900, dessert Ft 390-450. Weekend plus 10% service charge.
  • Rabaparti restaurant - Rábaparti Étterem - Zechmeister utca 15 47.6009, 17.3701 Southwest half kilometers ☎ +36 96 529750, +36 96 529748 +36 96 529748 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11:00-15:00, Friday 11:00-24:00, Saturday 11:00-03:00, Sunday 11:00-16:00 Soup/appetizers/ready meals/desserts/salads Ft 600-1300/1200-2700/1400-2700/500-700/400. A small restaurant room with Hungarian food and a bigger internet cafe located here. Private dining up to 40 people can be served.
  • Sárga Rózsa tavern - Yellow Rose tavern, Sárga Rózsa vendéglő | Gyõrszentiván, Lőtér utca 46 47.7118, 17.7349 Near M15 primary street, East of Center Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00-22:00; Friday Saturday 10:00-02:00, Sunday 10:00-20:00
  • Sir Vincent Knight Restaurant - Sir Vincent lovagi étterem - Gyõrszentiván, Dunasor 1. 47.72357, 17.70572 E six kilometers ☎ +36 96 700544 Opening Hours: Daily 11:30-22:30French, (German), Steaks kitchen. Also takeaway and home delivery.
  • Új Hullám (New Wave) Pizzeria and club - Új Hullám étterem - Hédervári út 24 47.6955, 17.6300 North half kilometers ☎ +36 96 313373 Opening Hours: Monday 11:00-15:00, Tuesday to Friday 11:00-20:00, Saturday 11:00-21:00 Pizzas (thirty types): from Ft 700-1050, additional toppings: Ft 100. A la carte: soups Ft 400, mains Ft 900-1100, salads Ft 1000-1200, Refreshing (soft drinks, 2 dl) Ft 200-500, Bottled organic juice (0.5 l) Ft 300-400, bottled (0.75 l) Ft 1500, Spirits (2 cl, dozen) Ft 300, coffees Ft 200-250, teas Ft 150 (2023)
  • Zöld Elefánt (Green Elephant) Restaurant - Zöld Elefánt Étterem - Lajta út 15. 47.66708, 17.64021 South two kilometers ☎ +36 96 425568, +36 96 416431 +36 96 416431 Opening Hours: Daily 11:00-23:00 Soup Ft 00-900, appetizers UF740-1560, Tatar beefsteak Ft 3900, ready meals Ft 1100-1750, Fresh roasted veal, Chicken, Steaks Ft 2200-3800, desserts Ft 550-1200, salads Ft 900-1500 A bigger air-conditioned restaurant offers traditional Hungarian tastes with some international food. Also wide range of soft-drinks. Moderated prices. Ordering +36 96 425568 or +36 96 416431. Every day of the week for 11:00-24:00 (except Sunday until 23:00).
  • Szalai Tavern - Szalai Vendéglő - Kisfaludy Street 34 47.68732, 17.63481 Center ☎ +36 96 319619 +36 96 319619 Opening from Monday to Saturday 10:00-22:00 Colas (0.3 L)/Champagne (0.75 L) Ft 390-440/2500-4900. Brandies (2 cl )/Whisky Ft 350-1000/390-440, Carbonated soft drinks (2 dl)/Juices (0.1 L) Ft 300/120. Delicious Hungarian dishes. Small rooms and open-air terrace. Each day three menus.
  • Zöldfa Restaurant - Zöldfa Étterem - Hunyadi utca 2 47.67989, 17.63265 South 0.5 kilometers ☎ +36 96 550240, +36 30 9167627 +36 96 550241 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 11:00-21:00, Friday Saturday 11:00-05:00, Sunday - Monday 11:00-15:30 Menus Ft 1000 A big air-conditioned restaurant with delicate house-proud flavours and the polite service. Cheap menus
  • Carmen Restaurant - Carmen Étterem - Kálvária utca 22/d 47.67627, 17.6306 Southwest one kilometers, in the Hotel Kálvária*. ☎ +36 96 510808 +36 96 510801 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday and Saturday 11:00-15:00 and 18:00-22:00, Sunday 11:00-15: 00 and 18:00-20:00 Appetizers Ft 1150-1900, Soups Ft 800-1150, Steaks (200g) Ft 1500-4000, Mains Ft 1700-5500, Desserts Ft 500-1000, Cheese specials Ft 1850, Garnishes Ft 450-1250, KId dishes Ft 1250-1450 A higher priced, air-con, elegant, restaurant both international and Hungarian dishes and specialities. Live music nights. Some excellent soft drinks of the domestic Cafes served here.
  • Palffy restaurant - Pálffy étterem - Jedlik Ányos utca 19 47.68841, 17.6336 Center ☎ +36 96 524 680 +36 96 524613 Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-24:00 Cold Appetizers Ft 1600-3700, Soups Ft 800-1100, Mains Ft 2000-4300, Salads Ft 1400-1700 A bigger restaurant. Hungarian and international plates.
  • Revesz restaurant - Révész étterem - Hédervári utca 22. 47.6966, 17.6297 North half kilometers, local bus #11 to stop 'Rónay Jácint út' ☎ +36 96 320-667 Opening Hours: Daily 11:00-22:00 Three daily menus (two course): Ft 700-1000, - A' la carte: Appetizers Ft 1300-2400, Soups Ft 700-1100, Mains Ft 2100-3400, Desserts Ft 700-1000, Salads Ft 500-700. Brandies (2 cl, 33-55%, dozens types) Ft 375-600, Spirits (liqueurs, soft drinks, tequilas,2 cl) Ft 250-900 tap ( 1 l) Ft 1200-2000, Champagne (0.75 L) Ft 1900-4500, Colas (0.33-0,5 L), Ft 400-600, Draught organic juice (0.2 L) Ft 220 (2023) Home-like flavours. Wide and unique selection of dishes. Also takeaway. Pay: Visa, MasterCard, Discover or cash



Lakóház (4287. számú műemlék) - VIP Bunny Club

  • Bahnhof pub - Bahnhof Egyetemi Vigadó, Lapos Tanszék - Vásárhelyi Pál utca 10-12 47.69378, 17.62498 Northwest one kilometers, 'Aranypart' ☎ +36 96 524297 Brandies (4cl) from Ft 400 30 types Pizzas, giant pancakes, retro burgers, Steaks. - Dj Marcee. (funk-house and Latin house style). - Summer Danube Beach.
  • Bridge Club - Bridge Győri Hallgatói Oktatói Klub - Kálóczy tér 6. 47.69146, 17.62829 NE half kilometers ☎ +36 96 613-711 Opening Hours: All-day Tickets purchased in advance/locations: 1300/1600 Large-scale concerts, lectures, proms and balls. Weddings are organized. Daily two-course menus. Hot food catering. Cold buffet events. Internet Cafe. Two-storey entertainment options. Two dance floor with three service counters
  • Club Neo |, neo.gyor.7@ Mészáros Lőrinc utca 11. 47.6841, 17.6528 bus #11.- E half kilometers ☎ +36 70 2606564 Opening Hours: F-Sa 20:00-5:00 Varied dancers, DJs and celebrity performers. Continuous drink promotions and Happy Hours. Vodka 'dishes', 'Love Fruit cocktails' days
  • Club Vertigo - Richter János u. 11. 47.6796, 17.6619 Southeast two kilometers ☎ +36 20 8069095
  • Club Mamma Mia - Benczúr Gy. u. 1. 47.6826, 17.62705 Southwest half kilometers ☎ +36 30 5004477 house-party-mood Video Discos, a retro parties. Huge selection of fruit cocktails and other drinks. Dj.Balage.
  • Club Mundo | Road # 1 and # 85 junction 47.6818, 17.5707 West ~four kilometers ☎ +36 20 8069095 Opening Hours: Seasonal, open until Oct 31 Dance Club. Nightclub.
  • Pirate Dance Club - Baross G. u. 21-23. 47.68625, 17.63385 Center ☎ +36 20 3940072 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 17-24, F-Sa 17-05 Since 2007. Disco with three permanent DJ. Only above 25 years old. One of the largest beverage selection of Győr. Concerts. Hostess girls. Tasted the spiced Bacardies, Ballentines, Somersby Apple Cider, Jameson Irish Whiskey, Sol (Mexican corn Cola), Vilmos (pear brandy) and many more.
  • Revesz billiards club - Révész biliárd klub - %C3%A1rd-Klub/263941053701519 Hédervári út 22. 47.69637, 17.62975 North one kilometers ☎ +36 70 5554437 Opening Hours: Monday 16:00-24:00, Tu, West 16:00-01:00, Thursday 16:00-24:00, F-Sa 16:00-02:00, Sunday 16:00-24:00 Draft Beer 0.4 l Ft 480, - Bottled Beer 0.5 - Ft 400-550, Bottled Wines Ft 1950-2800, - Rums Ft 650-770, - Vodkas Ft 650 In the Révész Hotel.
  • Subway Club Music & Dancehall | Bartók Béla utca 1 47.68249, 17.63741 Hundred m east from the Bus Station ☎ +36 20 8069916, +36 96 312-816 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10:00-02:00, Friday 10:00-04:00, Saturday 12:00-04:00 Admission: FREE, Regular drink drink promotions: - Draft Beer Ft 290, Bottled Holsten 0.5 Ft 350, Whiskey-cola Ft 450, Bacardi-Cola Ft 450, Vodka with orange Ft 459- Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday surprise drink promotions! Every Saturday night from 23:00, 'Bulanga' 900 Ft ! - Only cash!
  • Teleki Thirty-six - Teleki Harminchat | teleki36@ Teleki László utca 36 47.6869, 17.6364 Center ☎ +36 70 4317992 Opening Hours: Daily 10-24barbecue, burgers, Hot Dogs, Pizzas, seafood, Steaks.
  • Tower Pub & Club - Torony | Tihanyi Árpád út 23. 47.680414, 17.6448 South one kilometers ☎ +36 20 983-6363 Opening Hours: Tuesday 22:00-04:00, Thursday 22:00-16:30, Saturday 22:00-04:00 Free entry Dance, drinks. Also here the Hotel alfa*]

Bars, Pubs

Lakóház (4282. számú műemlék) - Pálinkaudvar. (Brandy Yard) Király u. 15 Lakóház (4255. számú műemlék) - 'Matróz' (Sailor) Pub, Káposztás köz 1 Lakóház (4390. számú műemlék) - 'After Six' Cocktail Bar, Széchenyi István tér 2

  • Alpine Sport pub - Alpesi pizzéria és söröző - Déry Tibor 3 47.66611, 17.63347 Marcali housing estate, South 2.5 kilometers Opening from Monday to Saturday 08:00-24:00 , Sunday 10:00-24:00 Wide selection of soft-drinks, continuous drink promotions. Football/sport channel on big-screen TVs. Table football, darts
  • Arena Pizzeria and Pub - Aréna pizzéria és söröző - Pápai út 39. 47.66919, 17.62704 Southwest one kilometers ☎ +36 96 517780 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 15:00-24:00, F-Sa 15:00-02:00
  • Belgian Beer Cafe Restaurant and Pub - Belgian Beer Café Étterem és Söröző - Árpád u. 34 47.68472, 17.63501 Center ☎ +36 96 889460 Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00-24:00, Saturday 11:00 24:00, Sunday 11:00-22:00 Soups Ft 600-1600, Appetizers Ft 600-3000, Mains Ft 2200-4200, Desserts Ft 800-1100, Soft drinks, 0,2 l Ft 200-500, Colas (0.3 l) Ft 400-500, Belgian Beer Specials (0.3 l, dozen types) Ft 1400, Bottled (0,75 l, rose, dessert, special, red, white) Ft 1650-4350, Brandies ( 2 cl, dozen) Ft 930-1130, Vodkas 4cl Ft 940, Fruit cocktails Ft 800-1700, Coffees Ft 800-1350. (2023) All prices of meals & drinks are subject to additional 10 % service charge.
  • Club Carat - Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 53-55. 47.68836, 17.64208 Center ☎ +36 96 550980 +36 96 550-979three-course menu from Ft 1090, kids menu Ft 790. A' la carte: cold appetizers Ft 1200-2500, Soups Ft 700-900,Hot Appetizers Ft 1100-2300, Fish, seafood 2800-2900, Poultry Meat 2500-3400, Pork Ft 2500-2900, veal and beef Ft 2400-4400, lamb and game meats Ft 2600-3200 (2023) Party Service 10-300 people +mobile: +36 30 961 0809
  • Club Clement - Klub Kelemen - kelemen2004@ Mészáros Lőrinc utca 13 47.68254, 17.65486 One kilometers Southeast ☎ +36 20 9658706, +36 20 5418773 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-21:00, Saturday 11:30-15:00, 19:00-24:00 Pork Dishes Ft 550-850, Chicken Dishes Ft 650-850, Garnishes Ft 250-350, Soups Ft 350, Noodles Ft 800 -1200, Salads Ft 950-1000, Meatless meals Ft 550-890, Pickles: Ft 200, Desserts: Pancakes Ft 150-270. - Carbonated soft drinks/Fibrous fruit juices/Energy Drinks (2 dl) Ft 200-250/140-180/500, Spirits (brandies, Colas, soft drinks, tequilas, 2 cl) Ft 180-300, tap (1 l) Ft 650-1600, Champagne (0.75 l) Ft 1700, Bottled Colas (0.5l) Ft 270-400, Draught organic juice (0.3 L) Ft 200-400, Coffee, hot cocoa and tea (8 types) Ft 200-270. At lunchtime, weekday-day "A" and "B" menus. Also there is takeaway service.
  • Face Room Restaurant and Cafe - Face Room Étterem - Pálffy utca 2 47.68759, 17.63644 Center ☎ +36 96 823105 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11:00-24:00, F-Sa 11:00-02:00, Sunday closed Appetizers Ft 1600-2700, Soups Ft 700-900, Poultry/Pork Ft 2000-3500/2500-2800, Beef/ Fish dishes Ft 3900-4400/3400-3700, Pastas/Desserts Ft 2200-2400/800-900. - Drinks: Fruit cocktails (three dozens types) Ft 1000-2600, Colas (eleven types)/ Wines ( ten types, Ft per dl ) Ft 400-700/160-1000. Spirits (4 cl, two dozens types) Ft 600-1700, Champagne (0.75 L) Ft 2200-4200 (2023)
  • Komédiás (Comedian) Restaurant - Komédiás Étterem - Czuczor Gergely utca 30 47.68566, 17.63531 Center ☎ +36 96 527217 +36 96 527218 Soup/Appetizers Ft 500-920, Veggies/Mains Ft 1100-1600/1500-2600, Salads Ft 300-650, Desserts Ft 700-750. - Wines from Szekszárd (0.1 L) 280, Brandies (4 cl)/Colas (0.3 L)/Champagne (0.75 L) Ft 600-1000/440/2200. Carbonated soft drinks (0.2 l)/Juices (0.1 L)/Coffees Ft 160-310/120-160/310-500. From spring to autumn and the garden is open. Concerts in the basement.
  • Pink Sugar Cafe & Cocktail Cafe - Pink Sugar | Stelczer Lajos utca 3 47.6894, 17.63397 Center ☎ +36 30 3333858 Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday 10:00-22:00, W-Sa 10:00-24:00
  • Vigadó Pince Pub - Kisfaludy u. 2 47.68619, 17.63214 Center ☎ +36 30 296-2969 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 17:00-24:00, Friday 17:00-02:00, Sa18:00-02:00, Closed Sunday Draft Beer 0.4 l Ft 380-550, - Bottled Beer 0.5 - Ft 350-750, Bottled Wines Ft 1200-2000, - Rums (4cl) Ft 550-870, - Vodkas (4cl) Ft 500-700, Vermouth (4cl) 1600, Champagne Ft 1800-3200, Gins (4cl) Ft 500-600, Whiskey (4cl) Ft 600-1100, Cognac (4cl) Ft 500-1060, Soft drinks and mineral waters (2dl) Ft 120-270, Juices (2dl) Ft 180-270, Speed (4cl) Ft 2080, - Toasted sandwiches Ft 400-450, Snacks Ft 120-450.
  • Zátony Pub - Kálóczy tér 12. 47.6917, 17.6281 Northwest half kilometers , Near to Bridge Club ☎ +36 96 338-050


  • Mandala Tea House and Cafe - Mandala Teaház és Kávézó - Sarkantyú köz 7. 47.68789, 17.63162 ☎ +36 96 319-729 - Special Tea and coffee mixes
  • Promenade Cafe and Hotel - Promenád Kávézó - Jedlik Ányos u. 9./Kenyér köz 4 47.68911, 17.63315 Center ☎ +36 96 335100

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Győr

Győr - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Győr, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Győr. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Győr and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Győr. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Győr. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Győr: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Győr.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Győr: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Győr, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Győr.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Győr, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Győr, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Győr and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Győr, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Győr, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Győr without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Győr is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Győr.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Győr is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Győr, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Győr Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Győr

eHalal Group Győr is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Győr. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Győr.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Győr ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Győr. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Győr, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Győr are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Plenty of small and larger hostel, hotels and superior Muslim friendly rooms all over the town. You will not have a problem finding lodging there. In July and Aug most of student hostel transforming to summer hostel, plus lot of long term rental apartmants can be find there.

  • Arpad Pension - Árpád Panzió - jeneimargit31@ Győrszentiván, Gólyarét u. 11. 47.69809, 17.73012 ☎ +36 96 347389, +36 20 3350089 +36 96 347389 Ft 5500/9800/12700 incl. tax (2022). breakfast Ft 1000 Services: grill-garden, enclosed secure parking, 24 hour reception, room services. Non-smoking rooms. All rooms with bathroom, desk, TV, Wi-Fi hotspot
  • Baross Boutique Apartman | Baross Gábor út 28 47.68529, 17.63433 Center ☎ +36 70 2321971, +36 20 6677219 Apts for max. four people Ft 24000 Three air/con rooms. Wi-Fi.
  • Buda Pension - Buda Panzió - Buda u. 11 47.68148, 17.64076 Southeast half kilometers ☎ +36 96 527 475 +36 96 998313 Standard room €44, Classic room €60, Superior €70, 'First' suite for 3-6 persons €80-120. (2013. guide prices) Four rooms with 2, 3 beds and a suite with 4-5 beds. Rooms with mirror, LCD TV, DVD player, Mini-bar. Services: massage, Wi-Fi, garden for barbecue. - Program management: (Wine Tours, Holiday at Lake Balaton in Tihany, one of the finest resorts in the Lake). Tickets ordering (theaters, cinemas, concert). Bicycle storage, rental. Child-friendly hotel. Dogs are welcome.
  • Corvin Pension - Corvin Panzió - Csaba utca 22. 47.6824, 17.64165 Southeast half kilometers ☎ +36 96 515490 +36 96 515491 Double Ft 8500 Three rooms. The key is to pick at the reception desk of Hotel Corvin (from the guest house approx. 30m)
  • Duna Pension - Duna Panzió - Vörösmarty utca 5. 47.69014, 17.63586 Center ☎ +36 96 329 084 +36 96 331-564 Single/double/triple Ft 8900/12900/16500 all tax incl. (2023) 14 rooms with bathroom, TV, Wi-Fi. Buffet breakfast included in the price! Services: 24-hour reception, a refrigerator, a playroom with toys, garage. Parking: Ft 900.
  • Etalon Hotel - Etalon Szálló - Hűtőház út 9. 47.68599, 17.69142 E four kilometers ☎ +36 96 314880 Services: free separate parking, bufe, laundry, lounge, bike storage, kitchen per floor and safe box at reception. - 22 x 2-bed, 5 x 1 bed and 38 x 4 bed rooms with TV, refrigerator, bathroom, telephone
  • Familia Pension - Familia Panzió - Szent Imre utca 131/B 47.65464, 17.65832 ☎ +36 96 436961 +36 96 436961 Single/double/triple Ft 5800/7600/9200 all tax incl. (2023) Services: Camping; Free movement for physically handicapped; Free of charge, closed and secured parking place; Grill party facilities; Sauna; Locally Swedish massage (60 min: Ft 3900, 30 min. Ft 1900), parked courtyard with swimming pool, deckchairs, grill and cooking equipment. Rooms with central heating, bathroom and cable television.- Breakfast: Ft 1 000 p.p.
  • Fantázia Pension - Fantázia Panzió - Banai utca 56/B 47.67611, 17.68472 SE-E four kilometers ☎ +36 96 411915 +36 96 411925 Single/double/triple Ft 5300/7500/9000 Services: 24 hour reception, sporting facilities, safe - and luggage deposit, catering. - Six rooms. - Only cash.
  • Fehér Hajó Pension - Fehér Hajó Panzió - Sziget, Kiss Ernő utca 4. 47.68855, 17.62441 Northwest one kilometers ☎ +36 96 317608 +36 96 317608 Basic room single/double Ft 5800/7500, Rooms with full bath single/double/triple Ft 6800/11000/13800 Incl. all tax. Continental Breakfast, use of gym between 08:00-20:00, bicycle, motorcycle storage use, enclosed secure parking, Unlimited Wi-Fi Services: Aqua-Fit Club in the basement. (Gym season ticket for 1 month/day ticket Ft 4900/500, private secluded sauna daily ticket Tue, Thursday and Sunday from 15:00 (summer only on Tue) Ft 800, 1 hour massage - on prior appointment Ft 4500
  • Pannonia Hotel - Pannonia Szálló | Gyárváros, Kandó Kálmán utca 1 47.6869, 17.65468 E one kilometers ☎ +36 96 524 550 +36 96 542141 One star
  • Senator Hotel and Restaurant - Hotel Senator és Étterem - Bácsai út 44. 47.70049, 17.63799 North one kilometers ☎ +36 96 332336 +36 96 332-336 Single/double/triple Ft 8300/10 600/12 900 Services: 30 rooms (65 beds), exclusive restaurant (120 people), pub (50 people), conference room, terrace (20 people), Minibar with alcohol removed 24/7, reception 24/7, closed parking garage, event organisation and operations, group discount, dogs allowed, bicycle storage, family atmosphere. Continental breakfast: Ft1000, Buffet breakfast: Ft1500, payment: cash, bank-transfer.
  • Amstel Hattyú Inn - Amstel Hattyú Fogadó - Töltésszer u. 18. 47.69151, 17.62362 West half kilometers ☎ +36 96 518423 +36 96 524887 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 10:00 April - Oct (season) Ft 13200/17500/22800 all tax incl. (2023); off season discounts This is an Inn with 22 rooms of every modern comfort/also with climate/ and with a restaurant for 130 persons and with a covered terrace on the bank of the Danube, also for 130 persons, in order to serve family- and firm programs. Restaurant, grill-terrace, private secluded sauna, garden, tennis court, enclosed secure parking, Wi-Fi.
  • Alfa Hotel and - Tihanyi Árpád út 23. 47.68036, 17.64477 Southeast half kilometers ☎ +36 96 316846 +36 96 336623 Single/double/triple/quad €33/46/58/70 all tax incl. Eleven rooms, 26 beds. All rooms with color TV, mini bar, telephone, safe and air conditioning. Parking and storage are free. 24 hour reception. Free Wi-Fi.
  • Amarillis Hotel - Királyszék u. 25. 47.64197, 17.61881 Southwest five kilometers ☎ +36 96 447261 +36 96 556005 Single/double/triple Ft 7400/10200/12800 plus Ft 750 p.p. breakfast
  • Arany Szarvas Inn - Arany Szarvas Fogadó - Radó sétány 1 47.68742, 17.62899 Rado Island ☎ +36 96 517452 +36 96 517 454 with breakfast: single/double €60/68, Spare bed €12 20 double and 7 triple rooms). Each room has a bathroom, partly balcony, TV-set, air-conditioner, phone, Wi-Fi and minibar. The high-standard recreation of the guests is provided by sauna, infra sauna, jacuzzi and massage. conference room (with a capacity of maximum 90 persons) , garden terrace (seats for 120 persons).
  • Baross Hotel - Baross Gábor út 69 47.67723, 17.63978 South half kilometers ☎ +36 96 516290, +36 96-516-300 +36 96 516301 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 11:00 Single/double/triple Ft 11000/15000/19000 all tax incl.
  • Bolero Hotel and Restaurant - Szalmatelep 47.67689, 17.67103 Southeast two and half kilometers ☎ +36 96 526-400 +36 96 526-401 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 11:00 Single/double/triple Ft 9300/11600/16000 all tax and continental breakfast incl. - Services: 1 suite, 10 rooms (double, triple), 24-hour reception, a la carte restaurant (international and Hungarian cuisine); free, guarded private parking; free high speed Wi-Fi, banquet hall, room service, central safe, laundry, Fax and copier, transfer ensure, events and programs organizing,
  • Conference Hotel - Hotel Konferencia - Apor Vilmos Püspök tere 3. 47.68851, 17.63163 Center ☎ +36 96 511450 +36 96 511453 Single/double €45-55/60-70, suite 1/2/3/4 people €50-71/62-72/74-84/85-95
  • Corvin Hotel - Corvin u. 17-19 47.68204, 17.64173 Southeast 500 m ☎ +36 96 515490 +36 96 515491 Single/double €28/30, apt. (three bed) €50 - Twenty rooms.
  • Fonte Hotel and Restaurant - Fonte Hotel és Étterem - Schweidel utca 17. ( Parkoló felőli bejárat: Kisfaludy utca 38.) 47.68729, 17.63552 Center ☎ +36 96 513-810 +36 96 513-820 Standard single/double €57/68, Superior single/double €64/75, Apartment 2 separate (Superior) rooms up to 3 people €88 Parking entrance: Kisfaludy utca 38. Services: cable TV, telephone, safe, mini bar, wake-up call service, writing desk, smoking and non smoking rooms, rooms with air conditioning, double or twin beds; for children playpens; cots and high chairs, room for disabled guests, quiet, peaceful area in pedestrian zone; abundant buffet breakfast with a variety of 8 freshly prepared selection of homemade warm food; closed, guarded parking facilities on site; covered, closed bicycle storage. Wi-Fi. - About the restaurant: A la carte (Hungarian and Mediterranean flavour, light meal specialities, fit” offers) and the best soft drinks of the nation
  • Fortunatus Hotel and Leisure Center - Fortunátus Hotel és Szabadidő Központ - Gyárváros, Kandó Kálmán utca 15/B 47.68501, 17.66597 Southeast one kilometers ☎ +36 96 311-206 +36 96 521-688 Single/double/triple/quad/five bed Ft 9300/ 9600/12 300/14 200/16 500, Three-room apartment: Ft 19800 (for 6 persons), Five bed apartment: Ft 16 500 all tax included Wellness services: swimming pool, a sun yard, Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, jacuzzi, salt room, private massage, fitness room, standing solarium. - Restaurant, bar, grill terrace: for 140 person. A banquet hall which is hands-free projector. Internet Wi-Fi. Parking: free guarded parking inside the yard. Reception: 24 hours. Mobile: +36 20-9353-940. Swimming swimmingpool entry/including swimming pool, private secluded sauna, fitness room usage Ft 1000. Breakfast Ft 1000. Half board/breakfast. dinner Ft 3000.
  • Golden Ball Club - Szent István út 4. 47.68167, 17.62919 Southwest - Center ☎ +36 96 618 100 +36 96 618 109 Single/double €59/67, Apt 1/2/3 persons €67/80/90 (3 adults or 2 adults + 2 kids) (2023) Capacity: 84 beds. Buffet breakfast. Unlimited use of the sauna and fitness room. Closed parking place with camera. Wi-Fi. Half board (breakfast + lunch/dinner) 3-course menu (half menu card optional) €10 p.p. Full board (breakfast and dinner) 3-course menu (half menu card optional) €20 p.p.
  • Hotel Hedyn Termál - Töltésszer utca 6. 47.69074, 17.62488 West 800m ☎ +36 96 314204 +36 96 314204 Single/double/triple/quad €36/55/65/83 (2023), all tax included 17 rooms (shower, TV, WiFi, wardrobe, telephone) Services: canoe rental is free for hotel guests, direct mooring on the river, boating. In the café and rooms with unlimited Internet access. Guarded parking.
  • Hotel ibis Győr - h3334@ Szent István út 10/B 47.68591, 17.64151 Center ☎ +36 96 509700 +36 96 509701 €38-46-56 all tax included 96 new, modern style "Coquelicot" rooms with air-conditioning, soundproofed windows, telephone, radio, flat TV with satellite channels, comfortable bathrooms, hairdryer and Wi-Fi.
  • Klastrom Hotel - Zechmeister utca 1. 47.68709, 17.63091 right in the historical centre. ☎ +36 96 516-910 +36 96 327030 Single/double/triple Ft 14 000-20 000/18 000-26 000/21 000-29 000, Karmel Lux 29 900- 39 900. Parking: Ft 1,200/day. All tax included The building was built in 1732 according to the plans of a white friar in Baroque style. 1-8 person rooms. 24 hr. In the basement is a 50 person brasserie. There is an inner courtyard with a 100 person dining terrace. The baroque hall and the former monastery library, now is a conference room for 50 people.
  • Hotel Lévai - Schweidel utca 23. 47.68741, 17.63594 Center ☎ +36 96 335-572, +36 96 317-685 +36 96 335 572 Double €50 Air-conditioned lodging with free Wi-Fi and a 24-hour front desk. Rooms with shower, toilet, hairdryer, TV, Minibar with alcohol removed.
  • Paár Siesta Hotel - Hotel Paár Szieszta - Attila utca 41-43. 47.68195, 17.64451 Southeast half kilometers ☎ +36 96 527444, +36 96 527-443 +36 96 527443 Single/double/triple Ft 7100/10 400/13 800, extra bed 2000, breakfast on request Ft 900 p.p., off season discounts. 2022-00 30 apartments with all comfort TV/radio/minibar/telephone/a little kitchen. The sauna and the massage-bad, private secluded sauna, fitness room, Ft 1500 p.p. for the guests.
  • Hotel Rába Downtown - Árpád út 34 47.68483, 17.6356 Center ☎ +36 96 889-400 +36 96 889-414 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 11:00 Twin room €50-62

All 155 hotel rooms offer bath, telephone, TV with cable channels, Minibar with alcohol removed, radio, hair dryer. Smoking and non-smoking rooms are available. - Dining: Restaurant, Belgian Beer Café Royal (Belgian restaurant and pub) with Hungarian and International cuisine and more than 25 types of Belgian soft drinks. Also there is night café. Services: Sauna, solarium, private massage. Bike rental, water sports facilities. - Nearby: Győr's thermal, spa and adventure bath complex.

  • Hotel Rákóczi - Rákóczi Ferenc utca 41 47.69011, 17.63856 ☎ +36 96 524-703 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 11:00 Single/double Ft 9800/13100 10 rooms with double beds and 2 two-bedded rooms. The breakfast room is open for 24 hours, and operates as a café. Roofed and open-air parking places, Ft 1000 per day.
  • Revesz Hotel and Restaurant - Révész Hotel és Étterem - Hédervári utca 22. 47.6961, 17.6298 North one kilometers ☎ +36 96 320667, +36 96 529607 +36 96 320-667 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 11:00 Standard single/double/triple/quad €33/46/62/77, Classic single/double/triple €39/53/67 Services (free): 24hr reception, closed parking place (also for buses) guarded with cameras, free Wi-Fi, safe, children bed, storage of bicycles, bike rental and service, pets are allowed: €6/pet/night. Services for fee: restaurant, billiard saloon, conference room.
  • Weldi Hotel | Pesti utca 35-37 47.70911, 17.67308 NE ~5 kilometers ☎ +36 96 529-540 +36 96 529-541 Single/double/triple/quad €60/70/82

Air conditioning. Free parking. Number of rooms: 13. Number of beds: 27. Outdoor pool. Languages ​​spoken: Hungarian, English, (German). Free Wi-Fi. Buffet breakfast. Room service, airport shuttle, 24-hour front desk, tour desk, luggage storage, meeting/banquet facilities, fax/photocopying.

  • Hotel Wesselényi - Wesselényi utca 3. 47.67921, 17.63776 South 500 m ☎ +36 96 439-620, +36 96 510-040 +36 96 510-041 Single/2 beds/twin €50/55/65; triple/suite €70/100 plus Local Tax €1-2/night/person. Free parking. Transfer fee: Bécs/Budapest/Pozsony (1- 4 people) €100/one way 10 single rooms, 16 double rooms, 2 triple rooms and 2 suite rooms. Free Wi-Fi. Restaurant: Hungarian oven-baked dishes. Cafe. Finnish sauna, Jacuzzi (open: 06:00-22:00) (~ €6 p.p.), Marcal Teniscenter (9 tennis courts, 2 squash courts, body building, bowling ) Booking: +36 96 510 040. Beauty Salon: Hairdresser, Schwarzkopf haircare, Cosmetics, Manicure Construction, Massage. Bicycle rental: order in advance. Can plan motorcycle touring and partner hotels if you order in advance. Airport Transfer Vienna-Budapest-Bratislava (1-4 people) €100/one way. Supervised, closed parking for 15 vehicles. Dry cleaning and laundry within 24 hours.
  • WHB Hotel and Restaurant - Juharfa u. 11. 47.68067, 17.69875 E ~five kilometers ☎ +36 96 517691 +36 96 517962 Standard single/double Ft 8500/10700 On three floors, 44 double, non-smoking, modern furnished rooms. Rooms: Grand, Premium and Standard categories. On the ground floor is the 70-seat restaurant. Buffet breakfast, lunch menus and more. Vegetarian dishes, home-made flavors. Restaurant open Monday to Friday 07:00- 15:00. Breakfast 07:00-10:00. Dinner 11:00-15:09
  • ETO PARK HOTEL Business & Stadium - Nagysándor József utca 31 47.69493, 17.66397 E ☎ +36 96 815981 +36 96 815982 Rooms from €127, Suites from €250 Rooms include: bathroom, TV, phone, Minibar with alcohol removed and free Wi-Fi.
  • Hotel Famulus - Budai út 4-6. 47.68944, 17.64655 NE half kilometers ☎ +36 96 547770 +36 96 547779 2014 single/double €90/100, suite 1/2 person €120/139
  • Hotel Isabell - Lakatos utca 15 47.68822, 17.62001 a 15 minutes walk Northwest from centre, 300m away from the thermal bath, near the highway Vienna-Budapest. ☎ +36 96 528-020, +36 20 3666367 +36 96 314-431 Single/double €80/90 suite €90/113/135. Price of the extra bed: €30/night. All tax included In a quiet neighborhood room prices include the rich buffet breakfast, roofed, camera-secured parking place, Internet-connection in the room and sauna-use.
  • Calvary Hotel - Hotel Kálvária - Kálvária utca 22/D 47.67628, 17.63048 from the highway M1 is easy to approach. ☎ +36 96 510800 +36 96 510-801 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 12:00 3-star section single/double Ft 17 500/21 500, 4-star section single/double Ft 23 500/27 000, all tax incl. It provides lodging and other services in two buildings in the four- and three-star categories. Wi-Fi. Solarium usage: Ft 1000/5 min. Bicycle rental fee: Ft 2000/day, Ft 1000/half-day (maximum 4 hours).
  • Hotel Promenád Győr - Barokk Hotel Promenád Győr - Kenyér köz 4. (Jedlik Ányos utca 9.) 47.68943, 17.63338 Center ☎ +36 96 618000 +36 96 618000 Double/triple Ft 28000/38000 plus half board, Ft 3 300 p.p.
  • Hotel Capitulum - Király u. 3/b 47.68793, 17.63152 CenterC ☎ +36 96 512-350 +36 96 512-355 Double from Ft 18 400 In the heart of downtown Győr, in a pedestrian and peaceful neighborhood. 44 air-conditioned, baroque-style rooms.

Telecommunications in Győr


  • Free and pay internet can be found in libraries (see above).

WiFi hotspots

  • McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) Baross u. 23.
  • ETO Park


The country code for Hungary is 36 and Győr's area code is 96. You only need to dial the 06 if you're calling from within Hungary.

Pay phones are increasingly rare as most people have a mobile phone. The Railway Station has pay phones. If making local calls from a pay phone, you may need a phone card (Ft 1000 minimum) as many pink T-Home telephone booths do not accept coins. ☎ cards can be purchased at postal offices and some newsstand (Relays).

Stay Safe

There is a very low crime rate.

Cope in Győr

  • Post Office Győr #1 - Magyar Posta Győr #1 - Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 46 47.68621, 17.63602 Center ☎ +36 96 547600 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-18:00
  • Tourinform GYŐR Visitor Hall - Látogatóközpont - Baross út, 21 47.68623, 17.63409 One block west of Győr National Theatre ☎ +36 96 336817 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00, Saturday 10:00-15:00 Infos, programs focused on the city.
  • Tourinform for Győr-Moson-Sopron County - Városház tér 3 47.6830, 17.6343 Close to Railway Station and City Hall Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 07:30-16:00, Friday 07:30-15:30

News & References Győr

Travel Next

  • Bratislava - capital of Slovakia
  • Budapest - the Hungarian capital. Part of the World Heritage list.
  • Lake Balaton
  • Transdanubia - northwest is very well connected with Győr
  • Vienna - the Austrian capital. Part of the World Heritage list.

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