
From Halal Explorer

Kabul banner.jpg {{warningbox|Travelling in Afghanistan is extremely dangerous and is strongly discouraged. The current Afghan government has little control over large parts of the nation; in particular, most of the South and East including Kabul is effectively a war zone. Threats are unpredictable and the situation remains volatile.

Trips should be meticulously planned and travellers should keep abreast of the latest security situation throughout their stay. If, despite the risks, you still find yourself heading there, see War zone safety and the "Stay safe" section below. |australia=http://smartraveller.gov.au/Countries/asia/south/Pages/afghanistan.aspx# |canada=https://el.gc.ca/destinations/afghanistan |de= https://ertiges-amt.de/de/afghanistansicherheit/204692 |ie= https://e/travel/travel-advice/a-z-list-of-countries/afghanistan/ |nz= https://etravel.govt.nz/afghanistan |uk= https://eign-travel-advice/afghanistan |us=https://el.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/afghanistan-advisory.html | Section of Kabul in October 2011 - A section of Kabul and the capital of Afghanistan.

Kabul has been the capital of Afghanistan since about 1776. The city has been badly damaged during the various 1979–2001 wars, particularly its western parts. For a few years, Kabul has been going through a period of reconstruction and development, with some modern style tower blocks and a handful of glitzy shopping malls appearing over the last few years. Many roads, particularly the main feeder routes have been reconstructed and upgraded. However, in outlying areas roads and other infrastructure remain in poor condition. Electricity supplies in Kabul are now quite reliable.

Kabul Halal Travel Guide


The city is believed to have been founded between 2000-1500 BCE. It is mentioned in Hinduism's sacred Rigveda text (c1700-1100 BCE) as a vision of paradise set in the mountains. It was an important center of Zoroastrianism and later Buddhism. The city remained of little importance for much of the first three millennia of its existence. It was controlled variously by: the Persians, Alexander the Great and the Seleucid Empire and the Mauryan Empire and the Bactrians, various Hellenistic kingdoms and the Sassanid Empire, and by the 5th century CE was its own kingdom known as Kabul-Shahan. This last kingdom before the Islamic conquest built a large wall to protect the city from invasion when the Arabs arrived at the edge of the kingdom; parts of the wall have survived to this day and are visible above ground within the city.

In 871 Kabul fell to the Islamic invasion (nearly 200 years after invading Muslims reached modern-day Afghanistan). The Kabulistan empire was formed covering much of Afghanistan and parts of western modern-day Pakistan. The city once again passed uneventfully through the hands of several empires, including the Samanids, Ghaznavids, Ghorids, Timurids, Mughols, Durranis, and the Barakzais, before conquest by the Mongols in the 13th century. The famous Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta visited the city in 1344, noting, "We travelled on to Kabul, formerly a vast town and the site of which is now occupied by a village inhabited by a tribe of Persians called Afghans."

Under the rule of Tamerlane in the 14th century and the city developed into a regional center of trade. In 1504 and the city was captured by the Mughal emperor Babur.

In 1747, Kabul came under control of the Durrani (or Afghan) Empire. In 1776, Kabul would become the empire's capital, although the empire soon fell into tribal civil war. In 1839 and the region was claimed by the British and Kabul was established as the location of British government and the British Indian Forces. They were very unpopular amongst local tribes who revolted and in 1841. Within a few days, a series of events led to the massacre of all but one of the 16,000 occupying British and Indian civilians and soldiers within miles of Kabul as they attempted to flee to Jalalabad, a famous blunder known as the Massacre of Elphinstone's Army. The British returned in 1878 and 1879, but were both times thousands of them were killed and they were forced to retreat.

Kabul City Map.svg|Map of Kabul, from early 1980s.

In the early 20th century, electricity was introduced to the city and the Darul Aman palace was constructed for the royal family. The 1930s-60s were good times in Kabul. Kabul University was opened; the roads were paved; modern shops, offices, & schools were opened; shopping centers and a cinema were opened; and the Kabul Zoo opened. The city also saw a vibrant tourism industry appear, largely due to the Istanbul to New Delhi over land|Istanbul-New Delhi "Hippie Trail" which passed through Kabul in the 1960s-70s.

The 1970s-80s brought a turn for the worse. The city saw two coups, in 1973 and 1978. The second coup was carried out by the Marxist PDPA, which a year later invited the Soviet military to maintain their power over the nation. From 1979-1989 and the Soviet Union maintained military and governmental headquarters in Kabul. After the Soviets left and the government collapsed in 1992 and left local warlords to fight over the city leaving tens of thousands dead and (according to the UN) 90% of the city's buildings destroyed. By 1994 and the city was without electricity or water. In 1996 and the political movement known as the Taliban captured the city, publicly hanging the former (pre-1992) president and imposing notoriously strict Islamic rule over the nation.

A US-led military force invaded Afghanistan in October 2001, bombing strategic installations throughout the city to rout out the governing Taliban, who quickly fled the city. The city was named the capital of the Afghan Transitional Authority and subsequently the capital of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The city saw many suicide bombings between 2002–2007, but they have become rare since 2008. In late 2008, control of the city's security was passed from the NATO ISAF force to Afghan National Police and the Afghan National Army. Since 2001, billions of dollars in aid and foreign investment have been used to improve the city. Most of the major roads have been paved and improved, government building have been extensively renovated, new hotels and shopping malls have opened and the zoo and many museums have reopened, and utilities have been extensively reconstructed.

How is the Climate in Kabul

Kabul's climate is greatly influenced by its location in a valley at 1,800m (5,900ft). Summers (June - Sep) are hot and dry, averaging from the high 20s to the mid-30s °C (80-95°F) with next to no precipitation. Autumn (October - Nov) is temperate and sees very little precipitation. Winters (Dec-Mar) are cold and the time of year which sees the most precipitation (mostly snow, but also ice, freezing rain, and sleet on warmer days). January is the coldest month, averaging 4/-7 °C (39/19°F). Spring (late March - early June) is temperate with rain tapering off by early May.

The city lies in a valley and some villages on the edge of the city are a few hundred meters higher and thus cooler in the summer and colder and snowier in the winters. Many roads leading to/from the city are regularly blocked by high snowfall in winter and the most notorious is the highway north, through the Salang Pass. The main highways are cleared reasonably quickly.


The city of Kabul is divided into 18 sectors, with each sector consisting of a handful of adjacent neighborhoods.

Travel to Kabul

Officials at Kabul International Airport in 2010 - Afghan customs officials at the Kabul International Airport in 2010

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Kabul

  • Hamid Karzai International Airport IATA Flight Code: KBL 34.565861, 69.212306 a short trip east of the downtown ☎ +93 9251-61001 - Hamid Karzai International Airport Kabul Airport Aerial 4802 The new international terminal is now fully open, whilst the old terminal is now used for domestic flights. The airport is a hub for Ariana Afghan Airways, Kam Air, and Safi Airways. Airport facilities include banks, restaurants, post office and vehicle parking (all very basic).


Foreigners will need to get a foreigner registration card - after immigration go to the desk adjacent to the baggage carousel and complete the form - if you have 2 passport photos with you then you can complete the registration there. Otherwise you'll have to finish your registration at the Ministry of Interior later (a major hassle - best to make sure you have those photos).

When arriving taxis are available to the downtown (AFN400), but it is safer to meet someone whom you know. Alternatively, Afghan Logistics (+93-777 443311, see below in Get Around) and the other taxi firms offer an airport pick-up for about USD25.


The Foreigner Registration card is sometimes required and taken from you when you exit Afghanistan, and a big fine / bribe is in some cases required if you haven't got it when you fly out, though sometimes arguing that no one was at the desk to issue the Foreigner Registration card will work. The registration card is free. Some people feel it necessary to 'tip' everyone at the airport when flying out, but tip one guy for putting your bag through the x-ray scanner and everyone will be on you for their share. A polite 'no thank you' usually suffices.

When flying out you will probably end up in Car Park C - and will have to get the shuttle bus to the terminal building. When flying out expect long queues and multiple ticket, passport, and baggage checks, although things are now much better with the new terminal, principally because there is much more space.


International carriers and destinations include include:


While Kabul International Airport is not bad for a third world country, expect very basic conditions at other Afghan airports. As of November 2009:

  • Ariana Afghan Airlines to Herat, Kandahar, & Mazar-e-Sharif.
  • Kam Air to Herat, Kandahar, Mazar-e-Sharif, & Tarin Kowt.
  • Safi Airways to Herat,Kandahar, & Mazar-e-Sharif.

By car

  • The highway from Kandahar has been rebuilt, but travelling on it is very dangerous because of the Taliban.
  • The highway from Mazar-e Sharif and the North via the Salang Pass is open, although one has to be careful travelling on it during the winter months.
  • The rebuilt highway from Jalalabad is open which has reduced the journey time to 2-3 hours, however since 2008 the security on this road has deteriorated considerably.
  • From Bamiyan it is advisable to take the longer northern route, as the southern route (through Wardak province) is of questionable safety.

Travel on a Bus in Kabul

Private operators serve most destinations in fairly comfortable Mercedes buses. Safety can be a problem, with frequent accidents. Most drivers smoke hashish before driving, so bus trips are very dangerous.

How to get around in Kabul

Maps of Kabul are available from Afghanistan Information Management Services who can print out custom wall maps of the city.

Travel on a Bus in Kabul

There is the Millie Bus which operates many routes around Kabul, but it is faster and more comfortable to use taxis. Some buses are relatively new, but many are old as one might expect in a 3rd world country.

Best way to travel in Kabul by a Taxi

Taxis are plentiful and to hire the whole vehicle should cost around AFN30-50 depending on destination and bargaining skills. Some drivers have learned basic English, but such drivers may try to charge a slightly higher price and are most likely to be found loitering near Westerner-friendly locations (airport, major hotels). While the city is fairly safe, it isn't a bad idea to be proactive and avoid catching a taxi near any sensitive location (embassy, military facilities, 5-star hotels). It is customary for women to always sit in the back seat. After dark local yellow taxis become a rarity, so keep a few taxi numbers in your phone as a backup.

By private taxi

  • Afghan Logistics & Tours 700 277 408, 700 288 668, 700 479 435, 799 391 462. Catering mostly to expats they are probably the safest way to get around town. 24 hour minicabs are available as well as airport pickups and dropoffs. USD8-7 around town, USD15 to airport, USD20 from airport.

By car

There are only a couple places to rent a vehicle in Kabul, one of which is:

  • Afghan Logistics & Tours 700 277 408, 700 288 668, 700 479 435, 799 391 462. Rents new-ish Toyota cars, SUVs, trucks & minivans along with a driver who doubles as a mechanic (very important on Afghanistan's harsh roads).

By foot

Downtown Kabul is relatively compact and walkable - an excellent option in the spring and fall - summers bring intolerable heat and dust, whilst winters bring snow and mud. Pavements are few, and you need to keep your wits about you when crossing roads.

If you are nervous about your safety walking around areas such as Wazar Akbar Khan and Taimani (to a restaurant, etc.), it is fine day or night. Central Kabul at night is walkable but be sure you know where you are going, and how to get back to your hotel. Given the volatile security situation always be aware of any demonstrations, gathering crowds, etc., which could spiral out of control quickly. Keep a low profile, wearing simple clothes and (for women) covering your hair with a scarf or shawl. It is also wise to vary your routes frequently to reduce the threat of kidnapping. People are generally helpful and polite if you ask for directions.

Be wary walking around traditional residential areas (e.g., near the city wall). Conservative Afghans are suspicious of anyone snooping around their house, and children may start throwing stones or setting their dog on you.

What to see in Kabul

Babur Gardens in May 2010 - Inside the Gardens of Babur National museum of Afghanistan - Outside the National Museum of Afghanistan.

  • Bagh-e Babur - Gardens of Babur | 34.502945, 69.159471 - AFN10 for local residents, AFN250 for foreigners The gardens surround the tomb of the first Mughal Emperor Babur. Though he had wished to be buried here, he was originally buried in Agra, and later moved to this spot. Historically and the gardens have been visited by Afghans for picnics and lazy afternoons. There is a swimming pool, a small mosque for prayers and a small museum among other things.
  • Bagh-e Bala 34.539994, 69.129933 - Bagh-e Bala Palace - Bagh e Bala - panoramio A Built in the late 19th century, it served as a summer palace for Amir Abdur Rahman. Today, much of the original interior has been preserved, and the area around the palace has become a large park.
  • Bagh-e Zanana - Family Park | - Entrance fee AFN50 A park and market for females only but includes male and female children. It was designed as a place where women could sell their own products and merchandise directly, which cannot be done in areas where men do business, because women in Afghanistan are not supposed to deal directly with men who are not relatives. This park was created as an outlet for these women to sell their goods with respect to their culture. There is also a female run restaurant. The park is also a nice place for female travellers to enjoy the outdoors.
  • British Cemetery | 34.542753, 69.173898 - Where foreigners are buried in Kabul. There are also memorial plaques commemorating those ISAF forces killed during the last few years.
  • Darul Aman Palace | 34.465271, 69.119425At the end of Daral Aman Road, south of the city, next to the Kabul Museum - AFN200 or so bakshesh to the guard to look around inside the ruins Darul Aman Palace Built as King Amanullah's Palace in the 1920s, it has been destroyed and rebuilt a few times over. Plans were unveiled a few years ago to renovate it again although it is still in a state of crumbling disrepair on the verge of collapsing.
  • Tajbeg Palace - د تاج بېګ ماڼۍ | 34.454662, 69.113365 Tajbeg Palace Not to be confused with Darul Aman, this palace was also built in the 1920 built to house the Royal family.
  • Daoud Khan Memorial | Up the hill behind Darul Aman Palace - On 28 June 2008 and the body of President Daoud and those of his family were found in two separate mass graves in the Pul-e-Charkhi area, District 12 of Kabul city. There is now a small memorial to the deceased on a small hill, offering nice views over southern Kabul.
  • Kabul Zoo | 34.509611, 69.155088 Opening Hours: Daily 06:00-18:00 AFN10 for local residents, AFN100 for foreigners The zoo is very popular with Afghans, and houses over 100 animals, albeit in relatively poor condition. China was once one of the main donors of animals in the zoo, but after the death of a few animals to disease and malnutrition, China has announced that there will be no donations until living conditions improve.
  • Lake Qargha 34.55294, 69.03442 - Qargha Reservoir A Described as Kabul's lake neighborhood, only 9 kilometers from the city. Spojmai restaurant provides international cuisine. Swimming and boating are popular on the lake with plans for water skiing and jet-skis in the future.
  • National Archives of Afghanistan Salang Wat Road 34.5247, 69.1655
  • National Gallery of Afghanistan - Afghan National Gallery | Asamayi Watt 34.5175, 69.1711 Opening Hours: 08:00-ish to 16:00-ish, closed Fridays, and you may struggle to be allowed in on Thursday afternoons AFN250 A beautiful gallery in a charming old Kabul house that has been carefully restored. The collection used to have some 820 paintings and portraits but 50% have been looted or destroyed; the director said the Taliban destroyed 210 portraits. Most of the collection is of European and Afghan landscapes and portraits of famous Afghan writers and kings and a portrait of the French writer Victor Hugo. Well worth making the effort to see. The Sultani Gallery is attached, but the opening hours are a mystery.
  • National Museum of Afghanistan - Afghan National Museum - South Kabul, Darul Aman Road 34.467125, 69.119976 several miles from the downtown, across from Darulaman Palace Opening Hours: 10:00-16:00 weekdays, 09:00-12:00 Fridays AFN100, Photo camera: AFN200 5467 National Museum of Afghanistan The National Museum of Afghanistan once housed one of the greatest collections of Central Asian artifacts in the world. A large percentage of the previous collection was looted in the 1990s during Taliban rule after the upper floors of the museum were bombed. Many of the early Buddhist treasures were destroyed by the Taliban at the same time as the Bamiyan Buddhas. Looted items still turn up around the world at auctions. The museum is open once again, with far more modest, but still impressive, displays of early Buddhist and Islamic artifacts.
  • Mausoleum of Nadir Shah and Zahir Shah - Teppe Maranjan | This is the site where King Nadir Shah and his son, Zahir Shah, are buried. It has been going through renovation since about 2005 and is still not completed.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Kabul

Bowling alley kabul - Bowling in Kabul.

  • Kabul Wall | A pleasant hike with rewarding views over the city. The Kabul City Wall is still is pretty good condition, running west-east from Babar Gardens over to Bala Hissar (about 3 kilometers in distance).
  • Kabul Golf Club - Qargha Road ☎ +93 79 22 63 27 AFN750/USD15 greens fee for 9 or 18 holes, or AFN15,000/USD700 yearly Closed down in 1978 by the Soviet Union, it reopened in 2004 after a 25 year hiatus. This 9-hole course bills itself as "extreme golf with an attitude".
  • Ariana Cinema | Pashtunistan Plaza - Primarily shows Bollywood or trashy action flicks, and the occasional American blockbuster.
  • Amani High School sports field | Open to the public on Tuesday afternoons and Fridays - football (soccer) with local Afghan guys, frisbee (with a collection of expats) and a 400 metre running track in comparatively green and pleasant surroundings. Free.
  • Ghazi Stadium - National Stadium | 34.518531, 69.193711 - Ghazi Stadium - Ahmad Faisal - football - D Home of the Afghan football team. Just past the stadium is the mine museum as well as a road up the hill where you will find hundreds of Afghan men and boys flying kites on holidays.
  • Kabul National Cricket Stadium - Alokozay Kabul International Cricket Ground Home of the Afghan cricket team. Newly built.
  • Swim | There are a few swimming pools in the city. The nicest is probably at the Serena, but is a steep USD70 to use. UNICA club's swimming swimmingpool (USD8) is very popular, esp. on Fridays, when there is probably as much catwalking as swimming going on. Internationals (aka Maple Leaf) has a large and often empty swimmingpool (USD7) but it is in a plastic shed rather than outdoors. Le Divan also has a swimming pool, again popular on Fridays. Except in private or foreigner-only places, women should not wear anything skimpy (especially bikinis).

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Kabul

Khair Khana in 2012 - Khair Khana or District 3 of Kabul City.

The Share-e Naw area has some shops.

  • The Kabul Downtown, next to the park, has some very smart shops.
  • Majid Mall - Is in Supreme Tower. It is the largest shopping mall in Afghanistan.
  • Roshan Plaza has some quite respectable clothes shops.
  • Chicken Street is famed for its tourist offerings (carpets, carvings, knives, etc.), and pirated CD/DVDs.
  • Chelsea Supermarket sells many types of International foods and products.
  • Supreme Supermarket on the Jalalabad Road (near the British military base) has Western products, but currently no alcohol is available. It is not open to Afghans. A little further down the road is Ciano, an Italian commissary. There is frequently a security alert on the Jalalabad Road.
  • Spinneys Seems to cater to NGOs. Can buy most Western products and food. They had turkeys and a lot of traditional side dishes available for Christmas last year.
  • Shah Monday Book Co | Across from Mustafa Hotel - The best bookshop in the city, it has a good selection of coffee table books and books about Afghanistan. The owner was the subject for the book Special:Booksources/0316734500|The Bookseller of Kabul. Prices are high, but you'll appreciate his selection.
  • Finest Super Markets | Share-e-now, opposite Kabul Business Centre - Finest Super Market has four branches in Kabul, 1-Wazir Akbar khan 13th Street (but this store was blown up on 28 Jan 2011), 2- Opposite Kabul Business Centre, 3- Kart-e-sai and 4- Kart-e-Parwan. Normally you can find most of your daily needs and has high quality goods.

Money Matters & ATM's in Kabul

A few ATMs that accept international cards are scattered around the city, and most dispense both Afghanis and US dollars. However, credit cards are unlikely to work or be accepted anywhere in the city, except a couple of the top end hotels.

  • Afghanistan International Bank (AIB) - Has a few machines around Kabul, including one inside the Kabul Downtown shopping mall. They dispense in Afghanis and US dollars, however they are often reluctant to part with any cash and sometimes dispense old, ripped notes.
  • Azizi Bank - Has many branches in the city.
  • Kabul Bank - Has many branches in the city.
  • Western Union - Has many branches across the city.
  • Money Changers – some people prefer to exchange their money for Afghanis through the local money changers that stand on the road. There is no fee to exchange money this way, but make sure you know the exchange rate before attempting this.

Halal Food & Restaurants

The thousands of foreigners in the city since the fall of the Taliban has gradually turned Kabul into something of a foodie haven. Restaurants can crudely be split into "places for local residents" and "places for visitors", with the latter having higher security, higher prices, but not necessarily higher quality. Restaurants that are UN-approved are particularly expensive. If you are looking for a place with a good mix of Afghans and expat diners the (dry) Lebanese, Turkish and Iranian restaurants are the ones to head towards.

Restaurants open and close with surprising frequency, so it is a good idea to check whether a place is still operating before heading out.

Inside Kabul Downtown in 2009 - The Cafe inside Kabul Downtown.

  • Afghan Fried Chicken, clean Asian-style fast food restaurant.
  • Cafe, in the basement of Kabul Downtown, Share-e Naw. Burgers and banana drink for less than USD7.
  • Everest Pizzas | 13 Street Wazir Akbar Khan ☎ +93 799-317979, +93 70-263636 Opening Hours: 09:00-21:00 Fast food, English menu. ☎ orders/ home delivery available.
  • Kabul Fried Chicken, clean Asian-style fast food restaurant.
  • Peshawar Kebab Shop | 34.52610, 69.19123 Shash Darak Opening Hours: 11:00-18:00 A great local place for a tasty lunch. They only serve one type of food; (Pakistani) style flat chapli Kebab, but they do it well and cost only AFN100 or so.
  • Shar-e-now Burgers | Shar-e-now, opposite the Shar-e-now park ☎ +93 799-300797, +93 70-255788 Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 Fast food, English menu. ☎ orders available.
  • Street stalls, abound, and good ones can be found around Shahr-e Naw Park and near the Pul-e Khisti bridge in the old town. However and the hygiene is questionable particularly in the summer.

The vast numbers of foreigners in Kabul has lead to the city being perhaps the best place to eat Halal in the region, and in the mid-range bracket there are dozens of good places to eat for USD15-25 per person for an evening meal.

  • Afghan International Pizzas Express | Darulaman Road near Ministry of Commerce and Ariana TV ☎ +93 700 383 918 - Good Pizzas. Destroyed during the May 2006 riots, but has since been rebuilt and has a new chef.
  • Anaar Restaurant & Cafe | Crossing of Street 14, Lane 3, Wazir Akbar Khan Between Wazir Akbar Khan circle and Heetal Plaza Hotel, towards end of Street 14 ☎ +93 700 284 315 Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 UN security clearance. Great Indian and Asian cuisine. English menu, English speaking staff. ☎ orders - take-away and delivery available.
  • Le Divan Restaurant (frm L'Atmosphere) | Str.4, Qala-e- fatullah ☎ +93 799-300264, +93 700 224982 Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 French cuisine, French and English menu. ☎ orders available. Garden dining and swimming pool. Closed on Sundays.
  • B’s Place Restaurant - Guest House | Str.2, Qala-e- fatullah House No.3 ☎ +93 70-276416, +93 70-276711 Opening Hours: 11:00–23:00 Italian and Mexican cuisine, English menu. ☎ orders available.
  • Bella Italia - Guest House | Street 14, near the (Pakistani) Consulate ☎ +93 799 600 666 Opening Hours: open until 22:00 Italian food. Good Pizzas and pastas. Expensive mains. Good appetisers. English menu.
  • Carlito's Restaurant & Cafe | Str 15 Wazir Ak Khan ☎ +93 799 159697, +93 799 167824 Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 Mexican cuisine, English Menu. No phone orders/home delivery
  • Cafe du Pelican | Daraluman Road on the west side of the road, look for an orange guard box and Landcruisers parked outside Opening Hours: closes at 17:00 Run by a French couple, good French cafe food with a bakery.
  • Chief Burgers | Shahre Naw In front of Park Cinema Opening Hours: 20:00-midnight This restaurant provides fast food; Burgers and pizzas.
  • Delhi Darbar - Cinema Zainab Road, Share-e Naw between the park and Flower Street ☎ +93 799 324 899 - Great Indian food including a USD9 thali. Indoor seating is intimate and spread through 3 rooms, or sit outside in the spacious garden.
  • Escalades Restaurant | Macroian2, Matba block 104 ☎ +93 799 473763 Opening Hours: 10:00–22:00 European cuisine, English menu. No phone hours/home delivery.
  • The Grill Restaurant | Street 15, Wazir Akbar Khan on junction near British embassy - Lebanese Halal Food in pleasant garden surroundings, mixed clientèle.
  • Hong Kong Restaurant | Wazir Akbar Khan near (Pakistani) embassy - Good Chinese food.
  • Istanbul Restaurant | Macroian2, Matba block 104 ☎ +93 70 200116, +93 799 356282 Opening Hours: 08:00–21:00 Excellent Turkish Halal cousine, English menu. Clean, pleasant and frequented by middle class Afghans - a great place to sample good food and a slice of local Kabul life. ☎ orders available.
  • Kulba Afghan | Shar-e-now, Esmat Moslim Str. 3rd floor ☎ +93 799 452151, +93 70 034979 Opening Hours: 10:00–21:00 Afghan and Italian cuisine, English menu. No phone orders/home delivery.
  • Mai (Thai) Restaurant | Str15 Wazir Ak Khan House No.124 ☎ +93 70 297557, +93 70-278640 Opening Hours: 11:00–21:00 (Thai) cuisine, English menu and English speaking staff. The reincarnation of Lai Thai. Inside is very nice or you can sit outside. Park outside on the dirt road. Good prices.
  • Mr Cod | Kabul Tower, Shaheed Abdul Haq Plaza , Makroyan 3 ☎ +93 78 505 0501 - British style fish and chips
  • New World Korean Restaurant | Charyi Ansari Shar-e Now ☎ +93 799 199509 Opening Hours: until 21:00 The food is excellent quality. Good selection of Korean dishes, including excellent kimbab (Korean sushi).
  • Zadar Croatian Restaurant | zadar@ Wazir Akbar Khan 13th Street ☎ +93 70 0220884 - Romantic restaurant and Divan lounge café. Catering, take away, provides for parties and ceremonial events.
  • Pamir Restaurant | Bagh-e Bala Road at the Intercontinental Hotel ☎ +93 20 2201321 - Offers an excellent and affordable buffet.
  • Popolano Italian Restaurant | Charahi Ansari, Share-e Naw ☎ +93 70 288116 Opening Hours: 09:00-22:00 English menu, good Pizzas and pastas. ☎ orders available.
  • The Springfield Restaurant &amp Cafe | Wazir Akbar Khan - Pizzas and assorted Italian/Western fare, and has a weekly quiz night on Mondays.
  • Raven Rae Restaurant | Off Koche Qasabi, first left lane. Located in the Raven Rae Villa compound, 6th building on the right side ☎ +93 779 057640 Opening Hours: 18:30-22:30 USD8-25 Serves grilled Meat, seafood, Steaks, Pizzas, soups and salads. Serves brunch in the rose garden during the summer months.
  • Sufi Restaurant | sufi.restaurant1@ Street 1, Taimani Qalayee Fatullah Khan near the Intercontinental Hotel ☎ +93 70 283 7162 - Serves traditional Afghan Halal Food.
  • Boccaccio Restaurant & Cafe | Str 10 Wazir Ak khan (same street as Everest Pizza) ☎ +93 799 160368 Opening Hours: 10:00–22:00 European and Italian cuisine, English menu. No phone orders/home delivery. Expensive, but the food is some of the best in Kabul.
  • Café Zarnegar - Froshgah Street In the Kabul Serena Hotel ☎ +93 79 9654 000 Opening Hours: 06:30-22:00 daily, brunch 11:00-16:00 Mains USD15-20 Tasty high-end international food and nice atmosphere, one of the nicest restaurants in the city. Their large buffet is probably the best in the nation.
  • Gandamack Lodge - Sherpur Plaza, next to the UNHCR - One of Kabul's classiest establishments serving a varied menu in a nice atmosphere. Alcohol is expensive, even by Afghan standards, but that can be forgiven given the fairly reasonable food prices.
  • Raven Restaurant | @RavenRaeResources.com Shar-E-Naw Off Butcher St. (Koche Qasabi), take first left lane. Raven Restaurant (and Guesthouse) is the 6th building on the right. ☎ +93 779 057640 Opening Hours: 18:30-22:30 USD8-25 Grilled Meat, seafood, Steaks and Pizzas. Vietnamese spring rolls and coffee served in the rose garden around back on F-Sa, 10:00-15:00. Restaurant is closed on Monday.
  • Silk Route Restaurant - Froshgah Street In the Kabul Serena Hotel ☎ +93 79 9654 000 Opening Hours: 18:00-22:00 daily USD15-20 Specializes in Southeast Asian food in a luxurious atmosphere.

Despite being illegal, alcohol is pretty easy to find in Kabul's expat restaurants - buying your own supply involves befriending someone working at an embassy or military base, or dipping into the murky world of expat black-marketeering. Beer and spirits are available at UNICA, but the selection is slim.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Kabul

Kabul - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Kabul, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Kabul. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Kabul and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Kabul. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Kabul. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inKabul: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Kabul.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Kabul: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Kabul, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Kabul.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Kabul, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Kabul, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Kabul and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Kabul, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Kabul, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Kabul without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Kabul is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Kabul.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Kabul is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Kabul, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Kabul Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Kabul

eHalal Group Kabul is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Kabul. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Kabul.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Kabul ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Kabul. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Kabul, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Kabul are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Kabul is not a affordable place to stay, principally due to the costs of running a generator and providing security. The hotels are good if you are just passing through, however for long term stays opting for a guest house is more popular. There are several in Wazir Akbar Khan and Shar-i-Naw, often in huge (Pakistani) style mansions.

It is wise to look closely at the security arrangements for any of these hotels. Many, especially those in the Luxury section, have been attacked by Taliban or other insurgent groups. Always think about escape routes and safe places to shelter.

  • Salsal Guesthouse | Zarghona Maidan, Shar-e Naw Park Between the park and the Chelsea Supermarket with selected Halal food, is signed in English ☎ +93 7 9973 4202 Singles from USD 17, doubles from USD20 per day Reasonably clean, shared bathrooms, friendly manager (Bashir) speaks English. Most rooms have cable TV and a fan.
  • Ajmal Wali International - Guest House | Street 13 Wazer Akbar Khan House #367 Near Bebe Mahro Park ☎ +93 7 0028 5843 USD85 Nice, quiet, relaxing place.
  • Le Monde Guest House Kabul | 7 Herati Mosque Street Close to Shar-e Naw Park and Flower Street
  • Park Star Hotel - Yaftali St, Shar-i-Naw 34.5306, 69.1656 On a back street, behind the Kabul Downtown/Safi Landmark Hotel ☎ +93 706 220 221 Very good and very secure hotel in Shar-i-Naw. There is a swimming swimmingpool in the basement. Internet is intermittent. Buffet dinner costs USD20.
  • UNICA Guest House | Shar-i-Naw, Ansari Wat - Few rooms from USD25, most cost USD85-50 per day Nice by Kabul standards and includes nice common gardens, swimming swimmingpool and bar, dinner buffet is USD9.
  • Petra Guest House | House 1036, Lane 4 left, Street 15, Wazir Akbar Khan ☎ +93 7 8841 1482 Better than average guesthouse popular with UN staff. Little garden with water feature and peacocks.
  • Raven Rae Villa | Off Koche Qasabi (Butcher Street), first left lane, 6th house on the right ☎ +93 7 7905 7640 USD95/night Low-profiled with furnished rooms. Meals, Wi-Fi, laundry and daily room cleaning are provided. Restaurant on premises and the Raven Rose Garden.
  • Afghans4Tomorrow Guesthouse - A4T Guesthouse - @omorrow.org 15 minutes west of the downtown, located in the 3rd District of Kabul USD88 per day Breakfast, dinner (or lunch), Wi-Fi, garden, airport pick-up and drop-off, laundry and a friendly and helpful staff. (see www.afghans4tomorrow.org/guesthouse for more details and photos)
  • Q Kabul Hotel 40M Road, Kabul 34.5475, 69.1506 Very secure hotel popular with expats.

Serena Hotel in Kabul - Kabul Serena Hotel, one of the best in town. Inter-Con Kabul - The Inter-Continental Hotel of Kabul.

  • Canpro Villa | House 23, Koche Qasabi Street Off Koche Qasabi (Butcher St), first left lane, 5th building on right ☎ +93 7 7340-2979 USD145 Offers comfortable andmodern living lodging suitable for long-termed expatriate residents. Amenities include fitness centre, meals at next door Raven Restaurant and Wi-Fi. Also have spaces for meetings and conferences.
  • Golden Star Hotel - Sulh Road 34.536465, 69.167788 - USD80+ Clean and modern 4 star hotel, with restaurant, conference hall, a small gym, and high speed Internet in each room. Damaged during insurgent attacks on 15 April 2012.
  • Heetal Plaza Hotel - Street 14, Wazir Akbar Khan ☎ +93-799167824 AFN5,000+ Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: 12PM Nice, quiet, relaxing and cozy place. However, avoid the restaurant.
  • Kabul Intercontinental Hotel - Bagh-e Bala Road 34.537064, 69.125320 ☎ +93-202201321 USD90+ 5 star hotel with nice restaurants and a swimming pool. Was attacked by Taliban gunmen in March 2022 and in January 2018.
  • Kabul Serena Hotel - Froshgah Street 34.520281, 69.178097 ☎ +93 7 9965 4000 +93 7 9965 4111 From USD750 Undoubtedly the best hotel in the city, clean and modern 5 star hotel with three great restaurants. Was target for an attack by the Taliban in Jan 2008. The hotel has since increased its security.
  • Moon Hotel Kabul | Malalai Hospital Plaza, Shahre Naw 34.530660, 69.162963Across from Safi Airways Building ☎ +93 7 9888-8833 USD80 Mostly targeted towards businessman and organization workers. Amenities include fitness centre, Wi-Fi, cafe, hookah, and buffet. Good service and security.
  • Safi Landmark Hotel & Suites - Ahmad Zaher Road 34.532274, 69.165327 Top six floors of Kabul Downtown shopping mall ☎ +93 2 0220 3131 USD80+ Large conference hall, restaurant, private secluded sauna, jacuzzi and gym area, apartments also available. Damaged by bombing in February 2010.

Telecommunications in Kabul

Internet Cafe's in Kabul

  • There are numerous Internet cafes around the city, so getting access should not be too hard.
  • Assa II Net Cafe, Muslim St. On the ground floor of Assa II Guesthouse and they have several computers with semi-reliable connections. AFN25 or USD1 per hour.

Kabul Coffee House and Flower Street Cafe both have wireless Internet for clients.

  • Afghan HD tv - Watch Afghan TV HD

Cell phones

  • The cellular telephone system in Kabul is excellent. American and European phones do work on the local system. 4G services are widely available.
  • Roshan Shop | Street 13, Wazir Akbar Khan Off Main Street ☎ +93 79 997 1333

Stay Safe

{{warningbox| Kabul is extremely dangerous and sudden changes can occur in the security situation. If your visit is crucial, consult your country's embassy in Kabul and monitor US Dept. of State & UK FCO travel warnings throughout the planning and duration of your trip/stay. |australia=http://smartraveller.gov.au/Countries/asia/south/Pages/afghanistan.aspx# |canada=https://el.gc.ca/destinations/afghanistan |de= https://ertiges-amt.de/de/afghanistansicherheit/204692 |ie= https://e/travel/travel-advice/a-z-list-of-countries/afghanistan/ |nz= https://etravel.govt.nz/afghanistan |uk= https://eign-travel-advice/afghanistan |us=https://el.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/afghanistan-advisory.html | Kabul is considered one of the safer parts of the nation, and while bombings and kidnappings have waned considerably and they do remain a threat. That said and there are tens of thousands of expats and visitors to the city and considering that only a small handful have been victims of such attacks, you should be vigilant but not afraid. Avoid walking after dark, don't loiter in hotel lobbies, and (for long stays and expats), vary your routes and timings daily. Riots happen occasionally and are often accompanied by looting -- stay well away from them as authorities will respond with lethal force.

Female visitors: Make sure you wear a headscarf before landing in Kabul Airport until you fly out.

While visiting Kabul or any other part of the nation, having any kind of social interaction with local people should not be a problem, Afghan people are traditionally very kind and hospitable toward guests.

Cope in Kabul

Read the Scene magazine for restaurant reviews and all sorts of useful info. It is free, although street sellers may charge for it. There are many FM radio stations. However and the only widely available English language broadcast is from the Al Jazeera World Service on 101.6MHz. Tolo TV] is perhaps the most popular TV station.

Embassies & Consulates in Kabul


  • Canada - Street No. 15, House No. 256 Wazir Akbar Khan ☎ +93 799 742 800

China China - chinaemb@ Sardar Shah Mahmoud Ghazi Wai ☎ +93 20 210 2545 +93 20 210 2728

  • Finland - Street 10, Lane 1, House 728 Wazir Akbar Khan ☎ +93 20 231 2031 +358 9 160 581504 Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 08:30-16:15
  • Germany - Wazir Akbar Khan, Mena 6 ☎ +93 20 210 1512, +93 20 799 883 173 (emergencies) +49 30 5000 - 7518 Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 09:00-12:00 and Thursday 14:30-15:30* Greece | Hay Babil, AL-Jadriyah Sector 913, Rd. 31/ Built 63 ☎ +96 41 778 2273, +96 41 778 4360, +96 4 7903642046 (Emergencies) +870 763262272* Japan - Street 15, Wazir Akbar Khan ☎ +870 762-853-777 +870 761 218 272
  • United Kingdom - BritishEmbassy.@ 15th St, Roundabout Wazir Akbar Khan 34.5330, 69.1790 ☎ +93 700 102 000

United States United States | Bibi Mahru (Airport) Road 34.5343, 69.1894 Near Massoud Circle and Radio/TV Afghanistan ☎ +93 700 10 8001, +93 700 201 908 (after-hours emergencies) +93 700 108 564 Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 08:00-16:30

News & References Kabul

Travel Next

Most expats take any opportunity they can to leave Kabul. Istalif in a side valley of the Shamali Plain makes for an excellent overnight or day trip destination. A day trip to the north (Shamali Plain, Salang Pass, Panjshir Valley and Jabal os Saraj), Qargha Reservoir to the West of Kabul etc.

You can fly to Dubai, Dushanbe or Delhi for the weekend also.

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