
From Halal Explorer

Khartoum (Arabic: الخرطوم Al-Khartum) is the capital of Sudan and is located where the Blue and White Niles merge to form the Nile. The huge, spread-out city is actually made out of three distinct cities (Khartoum, Khartoum North or Bahri, and Omdurman) which are divided by the Nile and its two arms. The Blue Nile flows between Khartoum and Bahri and the White Nile between Khartoum and Omdurman, and the merged Nile between Bahri and Omdurman. The confluence of the Blue and White Nile, known as Al-Mogran, lies just north of the bridge between Khartoum and Omdurman.

Due to recent local reports of heavy gunfights in Khartoum and Merowe, eHalal Travel Group strongly advises all travelers to exercise extreme caution. It is safer to stay inside your lodging or home until the situation stabilizes. We recommend monitoring local news and updates from only local reliable sources for further information. We urge all travelers to prioritize their safety and security above all else. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary. Last updated April 15, 8am GMT.

Khartoum proper is the seat of the Sudanese government and is the largest of the three cities. The older part of the city lies beside the White Nile while the newer parts, such as Al-Amarat and Khartoum Two, spread out to the south, across the railway line and the ring road, and around the airport runway. The city, both the old part and its newer extensions, is laid out mostly in a grid. Omdurman has a more Middle Eastern atmosphere with maze-like streets and is home to the huge Souq Omdurman. Bahri is largely industrial and residential.

Bazaro en Ĥartumo 003 - Market in Khartoum

Travel to Khartoum

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Khartoum

  • Khartoum Airport IATA Flight Code: KRT Is the main gateway into Sudan by air. The airport is served by various European, Middle Eastern and African airlines. Among the cities with direct connections with Khartoum are: British Airways (with connections to London), EgyptAir (Cairo), Emirates (Dubai), Ethiopian Airlines (Addis Ababa), Gulf Air (Bahrain), Kenya Airlines (Nairobi), KLM-Airline (Amsterdam), Lufthansa (Frankfurt), Qatar-Airways (Doha) Turkish Airlines (Istanbul, on Tuesdays, Fridays, Sundays).

Sudan's national carrier Sudan Airways links Khartoum and several African and regional capitals, and with Sudan's domestic airports at Port Sudan, Nyala, El-Fashir, Malakal, Juba, Dongola, Wadi Halfa and El-Obeid.

Go early as the airport can get a bit chaotic. Be prepared for long waits and queue cutting. Immigration checks and other security checks can also take a long time. No departure tax should be paid anymore, as it's included in a ticket price.

There is a bank facility to change money open during the night when there are Flights.

Getting there/away: airport is located close to the city in Al-Amarat. Taxi fare from Khartoum airport to city was a fixed SDG 100 in 2015. You can also walk out to the primary street about 200 m from the airport terminal and catch shuttle vanes that cruise along the road.

Travel on a Bus in Khartoum

The chaotic Souq al-Shaabi used to be the main bus terminal for long distance south-bound buses in Khartoum, but a new terminal Khartoum Land terminal GPS 15.527252,32.543585 (Meena al Barre) has been built which is more orderly. Buses leave for Port Sudan, Wad Medani, Kassala, El-Obeid, Karima (8 hr, SGD 275), Gedarif (6 hr, SGD 275) and other cities. Again and there are no buses to southern Sudan.

Buses from Aswan travel 24 hours, 450 EGP.

Buses to Atbara depart from Khartoum North Bus Station GPS 15.624028,32.543778 (commonly called Shendi Bus Station).

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Khartoum

Rail services to Khartoum are limited, but investment have brought hopes of a rejuvenation of train travel. There is the daily Nile Express from Atbara as well as services three times per day from Wad Madani. Older, more infrequent trains run from Port Sudan, Wadi Halfa - for connections with ferries from Egypt - and even Nyala. There main station is Khartoum North (Bahri).

By car

The main tarred road goes south from Khartoum to Wad Medani then east to Gedaref (for the Ethiopian border at Gallabat), Kassala (for the Eritrean border, which is closed) and then to Port Sudan. South from Khartoum, a road also goes to El-Obeid, which then continues west towards the Chadian border via Darfur, which is a bit dangerous to use. From the north and the road comes in from Wadi Halfa via Atbara.

There are no road links to southern Sudan. The only option is to fly.

How to get around in Khartoum

Khartoum is both easy and difficult to get around. It is easy in that much of the city is laid out on a grid, with long straight roads and the airport and Nile as easy reference places. It is difficult in that the city (or indeed the 3 cities) are very spread out, making walking a long and tiring option.

Best way to travel in Khartoum by a Taxi

These come in three varieties; bright yellow and often beaten up Toyota Corollas Model 1977, small 6-seater minivans, and modern comfortable air-conditioned metred cabs (operated by LimoTrip 00249 183 591 313 or - rates are reasonable by meter only and saves the haggling; the cabs are also radio controlled). Apart from metered taxis, taxi drivers always overcharge the foreigner.

Fair 'foreigner' prices for taxis are roughly: SDG 17.50 plus SDG 4.61 per km.

Crossing the river will usually double the price.

Most taxi drivers speak no English, can't read maps, and often can't read Arabic either; they often even have little idea about Khartoum's geography, especially about other parts of the city to where you pick him up.

Travel by minivan in Khartoum

Minibuses are the cheapest way to get around Khartoum, especially between the three cities. There are easily thousands of shuttle vanes and seeing all of them gather near the Great Mosque and Souk al-Arabi is a sight to behold. They are however quite complicated to use. None of them bear destination signs and you will have to be able to speak a little Arabic with their conductors to determine which shuttle van to take. They are also always packed to the brim. Fares are SDG 3-5 (June 2017).

Most of the shuttle vanes leave from the square near the Great Mosque (Mesjid al-Kabir) or nearby in Khartoum proper.

By car

Describing Khartoum's traffic as chaotic is a bit of an understatement. The economic boom has put many more cars on the road, although driving attitudes have not changed, resulting in almost comical chaos at intersections. As Khartoum is laid out in a grid and there are many intersections for cars from all directions to barge in to fight for space. Having said that and the slow speed of vehicles ensures that they are very few major accidents, at least in the city. If you are not used to such driving conditions, it is better to resort to taxis.

Car hire is available and costs a bit above the African average. However if you want to head off in to the desert the costs mount further, as the 100 km is standard, and then there is an additional charge per kilometre. Fuel costs around SDG 27 (US$4.20) per litre (November 2022). ‘Limousine’ is the Arabic word for vehicle hire – try along Airport Road or Ibed Khetim Road (east of the airport) for vehicle hire places.

By three-wheeled taxis

Called "bajaj" (like in India) or "raksha" and they are cheaper than taxis but more expensive than buses so less than SDG 5 per trip. They are best used for short trips within each of Khartoum's three cities. It is better to use taxis or shuttle vanes if you have to cross the Nile to travel between the three cities.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Khartoum

There are no ferry services between the three cities as they are well connected by road bridges.

There is a ferry service between Khartoum proper and Tuti Island, a rural islet in the middle of the Blue Nile. In Khartoum, boats leave from the river bank along Nile Street opposite the Friendship Hall to the west of the downtown. A ferry also runs between Tuti and Omdurman (except on Fridays)

What to see in Khartoum

Khartoum (الخرطوم)

Sunset Khartoum - Sunset_Khartoum

  • Nile Street or Shari'a Al-Nilشارع النيل الخرطوم: Probably the prettiest street in Khartoum. With the Blue Nile on one side and the street is lined with pretty, albeit decaying-looking, colonial buildings, most of which are used as ministries, schools and even a hotel and the Grand Holiday Villa Khartoum. The Presidential Palace, also fronting the Blue Nile, is a pretty building but you will not be allowed to walk in front of it - the guards will ask you to cross the road and proceed behind and around the building. You will also see the modern side of Khartoum along this street - the egg-shaped, Libyan-owned Al-Fateh Tower; Chinese-built Friendship Hall. The National Museum is also along Nile Street. The road is tree-lined most of the way (except towards the west) and has a sidewalk, so walking is quite pleasant. Many people sit on the concrete walls along the river.
  • Sudan Presidential Palace Museum - This museum is located in the grounds of the Presidential Palace and is housed in the impressive century old Palace Gothic Church. The palace contains many relics and pieces related to Sudan's administrative and modern political history, from paintings of Sir Gordon Pasha to the Presidential cars of more recent rulers.
  • The Changing of the Guard: This is a ceremony held on the first Friday of every month, where the Black Guard and the White Guard of the Presidential Palace swap over. The ceremony is performed near the South Gate of the palace.
  • Confluence of the Blue and White Nile - If you have the stamina, you will reach the confluence of the two branches of the Nile if you continue walking west along Nile Street for about 3–4 km from the Presidential Palace. The confluence is called Al-Mogran and it is best seen from the metal bridge (the old one, not the newer concrete one) linking Khartoum and Omdurman or Al-Mogran Family Park. It is said that one can actually see the two different colours from the different branches come together and flow separately for a distance downriver before mixing together. The Al-Mogran Family Park, which has a ferries wheel and other rides and is located near the bridge. Warning: There is a signboard saying "no photos" from the bridge. Please heed it as people have been arrested for taking photos of the confluence!
  • Souq Arabi - If you want to see crowds and action, this is the place. The commercial heart of town, Souq Arabi (Arabian Market) can provide everything you need (see "Buy" section for more details on shopping options). The market is huge and spread over several squares in the center of Khartoum proper just south of the Great Mosque (Mesjid al-Kabir) and the shuttle van station. Come here to see Khartoumites go about their daily lives.
  • Sudan National Museum - 1 Nile Street 15.606, 32.508 Next to the Friendship Hall, just west of the Libyan-financed Burj el-Fatih sail-hotel. Opening Hours: Open from Monday to Friday Surprisingly impressive museum that has had a bit of a revamp. The large hall contains exhibits that rival those in the ancient Egypt sections of the British Museum or the New York Met, however if you’ve arrived in Khartoum fresh from temple gazing in Egypt things may look familiar. The gardens contain three temples relocated from Aswan. The joy of the place is that you’ll have it all pretty much to yourself. Best visit in the mornings, and give yourself 2 hours, tends to close at 12:00 but not reopen at 15:00, contrary to the sign on the door.
  • Sudan Ethnographic Museum - A fascinating little museum on the junction of Al Gamaa street and Mak Nemir Avenue. This museum explores the various cultures and traditions of Sudan's numerous ethnic groups. Displays range from intricate handicrafts to models of traditional homes. This museum is certainly worth a visit, if you have the time.


  • Souq Omdurman Said to be one of the largest markets in Africa and you can get handicrafts here. The handicraft street is quite difficult to find - its towards the northern end of the market, near the Gold section (not on the western side, as stated in the Bradt guide). The street is actually a covered lane between two buildings with gates at either end. Its not very busy (in comparison with the rest of the market) and they can lock up and go home in the evenings, and sometimes on Fridays also.
  • The Khalifa's House next to the Mahdi's tomb and walking distance from Souq Omdurman Opening Hours: The museum shuts early (somewhere between 13:00 and 14:00 is usual) costs SDG 1 Abdullah al-Taaisha, commonly called "The Khalifa" succeeded as leader of the Mahdists on the death of the Mahdi. His house is now a museum and is worth a visit if you want to get a flavour of Omdurman's history. Exhibits include various remnants from old battles and some interesting old British newspaper clippings reporting the British efforts in the Sudan.
  • Sufi dancing - aka dhikr/whirling dervishes - Opening Hours: Starts around 4-5PM Free Rightly recommended as a must do for visitors to Khartoum. Every Friday (except during Ramadan) tourists and visiting foreign aid workers flock to the Hamed al-Nil tomb with cameras in hand. A very colourful and noisy celebration. Its about 2 km south of the Omdurman souq - ask your taxi driver to go to Ghobba al-Hamed al-Nil.

Bahri (Khartoum North)

  • Bombed Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory - a fascinating place to explore, and well off the Khartoum tourist trail (if Khartoum even has such a thing). Tomahawked in 1998 the remains are an eerie reminder of Sudan's precarious relationship with the West. It's quite easy to reach - get a shuttle van to Bahri and then get a taxi. The guards are quite friendly and will let you in for a wander - a contribution would be gratefully received.
  • Nuba Wrestling - Every Friday at 16:00 two teams of wrestlers battle it out in front of several hundred spectators – and it certainly is quite a spectacle and well worth the trip. Finishes around 18:00 and cost SDG 2. It’s about 12 km from central Khartoum next to souq Sita Al Haj Yousef – best get a taxi there but you can easily find a bus back to al-Arabi in central Khartoum for SDG 3-5.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Khartoum

Most shopping is still done in street markets or souqs. The souqs here are not as attractive those in other Middle Eastern countries but are still interesting enough for a glimpse of Sudanese economics. And you can certainly buy everything you need, including handicrafts if you are a tourist, from these markets. Prices are not amazingly low due to transport costs for imported (mainly Chinese) goods, but cheaper than in Afra Mall or proper shops. Upmarket, Khartoum has only one shopping mall with a supermarket, several shops and food outlets.


  • Souq Arabi In the downtown, this is your classical chaotic market teeming with people. The market is divided in to several sections, each focusing on a certain product. There is even one block devoted to Gold, although it certainly looks less sophisticated and organised than its counterpart in Dubai. However, this souq is a bit lacking in term of handicrafts and fresh foodstuff. You are better off going to Souq Omdurman (see below) for handicrafts.
  • Afra Mall - Africa Road in the southern suburb of Arkawet 15.559325, 32.554972 Afra is Khartoum's and Sudan's only mall but don't expect too much. Afra is already starting to lose it new shininess - it is more like a small neighbourhood mall rather than those you would find in Hong Kong, Singapore or Dubai. It has a supermarket and retail outlets selling clothes and other things you would expect to find in a mall. You can find money changers and pre-paid mobile telephone kiosks too.Afra Mall is certainly not a must-see attraction, nor a place to head for a night out.
  • Al-Amarat Centre - For visitors this is probably your best option for tracking down imported foodstuffs and household items. Prices are high of course, but you are paying for convenience.


  • Souq Omdurman - Very large Sudanese market. Most of the commodities are cheaper and vegetables and fruits are fresher than Souq Arabi. You can get handicrafts here. The handicraft street is quite difficult to find - its towards the northern end of the market, near the Gold section (not on the western side, at stated in the Bradt guide). The street is actually a covered lane between two buildings with gates at either end. Its not very busy (in comparison with the rest of the market) and they can lock up and go home in the evenings, and sometimes on Fridays also. There are many local buses between Souq arabi and here. Bus fare are SDG 1 from here to Souq Arabi.

Khartoum North (Bahri)

  • Saad Gishra - This is a covered market place, it is bahris main shopping market. Prices here can be a little higher than those in souq omdurman however it is much more easily navigable for tourists.

Halal Restaurants in Khartoum

Khartoum has a good sprinkling of restaurants, with new ones popping up every couple of months – other than restaurants attached to hotels there is little quality eating to be had in Khartoum’s downtown. Amarat hosts the majority of the better eateries, although Ridyah and Khartoum 2 also have some places. Omdurman and Barhi have a light sprinkling of simple restaurants. All restaurants have about 15% government tax and 3-14% service charge.


  • Universal Amarat St. 27 Italian flavoured, offering pleasant al fresco dining, priced with the expat wallet in mind.
  • Solitaire Amarat St. 15 Decent ‘international’ cuisine, air-conditioned, wifi and low ceilings. Has a bit of a café feel to it, but the food is good.
  • Mat'am 15 Cha'abi - Popular Restaurant 15 Al-Amarat, Street 15 - on the square off Macro Supermarket /Syrian Fresh Food 2, facing Kanon Hotel Serves north of Sudan traditional gurasa (a large thick wheat pancake) or kisra (large thin pancake) with your choice of Sauce (bamya based with lamb or chicken) or Yoghurt with sugar (gha'ib). Also has a juice café. Very affordable (all dishes under SDG 5), it is a favourite of local workers and touk touk drivers.
  • Amwaj Restaurant Airport Road, Al-Amarat on the junction with Street 15 or "Shari'a Khamsa ta-Ashaara" - Dishes cost SDG 20-60 Big, airy and spotless, and really good food. Extremely popular with local residents and visitors. Menu offers shawarmas, Kebab, grilled Chicken, lamb stews and others, all accompanied by bread, soup and salad. Delicious fruit juices and shakes too.
  • Royal Broast Airport Road, Al-Amarat Another popular place a few doors from Amwaj.
  • Laziz Delicious Restaurant Al-Amarat Street 1 Nice place to eat Halal in. They have another branch in Ryad area.
  • Afra Mall Chinese restaurant food court Afra Mall, Africa Street, Arkawet Located on the first floor of Khartoum's only shopping mall.

Khartoum 2

  • Assaha Restaurant - Would be considered an excellent restaurant in any city, and a Jewel in Khartoum. Good atmosphere with professional and knowledgeable wait staff. They have lots on the menu including luncheons, light meals and full dinners. A large selection of appetizers, mains, dessert and a "hubble bubble" cost about SDG 90 per person with everything included. They charge 12% government tax and 14% service charge.
  • Bawabi Tourist Restaurant Khartoum 2 Street 47 east of Souk Khartoum 2 - Mains cost SDG 15-20 A renowned table for spicy grilled Chicken and broast.
  • Hadramawt Restaurant Khartoum 2 Street 47 west Souk Khartoum 2 - Mains cost around SDG 15 Yemeni restaurant offering the traditional salta, fahsa, mandi, lahm hanith and fatah for desert.

East of the airport

  • Habesha Ethiopian restaurant +249 912302410 Arkaweet Area, east of Afra Mall Good atmosphere, good food and very affordable. The restaurant is on two floors (there is a pleasant internet cafe on the 3rd floor), upstairs is more lively with Ethiopian pop on the plasma screen. About SDG 25 each for a big meal and Coffee. A good choice if you are looking for somewhere with live music playing and a bit of atmosphere.
  • Salt n Peeper - Buri area, north end of Obeid Khatim Street Next to Buri family park ☎ +249 918678748 Only (Pakistani) restaurant in Sudan. Speciality in (Pakistani) spicy tasty dishes.


  • Asian Biryani Restaurant Khartoum North As the name suggests this place specialises in Biryanis - and very tasty they are too. More of a cafe than a restaurant this is a good choice for lunch rather than a slap-up dinner. Lamb Biryani and a some salad for SDG 8. The restaurant, and the supermarket next door, sells excellent mango juice for SDG 1 a bottle (Maaza). Easy to get to, head over the Burri Bridge, take the first right, and it's on your left.


  • Papa Costa In the center of Khartoum, and reasonably priced. Service charges are minimal, food is reasonably good, but service level is so-so. You can choose food from Steaks to Pasta. They charge 3% service charge and 10% government tax.


Khartoum and the Nile - Sunset in Khartoum

  • Kandahar, souq Libya Eating at Kandahar in souq Libya is probably the most unique and authentic culinary experience in khartoum. The format there is rather different firstly you choose the Meat that you want cooked usually a choice between camel Meat and lamb, you then hand over the Meat you have chosen to be cooked and prepared as part of a meal. Kandahar is one of the few places in khartoum where you can find camel Meat. It is located in Souq Libya in the peripheries of Omdurman.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Khartoum

Khartoum - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Khartoum, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Khartoum. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Khartoum and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Khartoum. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Khartoum. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inKhartoum: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Khartoum.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Khartoum: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Khartoum, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Khartoum.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Khartoum, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Khartoum, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Khartoum and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Khartoum, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Khartoum, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Khartoum without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Khartoum is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Khartoum.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Khartoum is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Khartoum, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Khartoum Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Khartoum

eHalal Group Khartoum is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Khartoum. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Khartoum.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Khartoum ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Khartoum. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Khartoum, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Khartoum are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly hotels in Khartoum

A 5% tourism tax and 15% VAT may well be added to your bill - Khartoum's hotels are inconsistent in telling you about these taxes in advance, and (especially for cheaper hotels) inconsistent in paying this money to the tax authorities. Ask if there are any hidden extras before booking.

  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Blue Nile Sailing Club - An alternative to Khartoum's hotels, on the river's southern bank just east of the confluence and the club often accommodates overlanders and accommodates tent camping on its grounds. The club is fenced, monitored, affordable and offers expansive river views. It is also home to a river gunboat that once belonged to Horatio Kitchener and now houses the club's offices.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Hotel Africa - A affordable and not-so-cheerful hotel for those on a budget. No hot water, dubious cleanliness but only US$40 per day. The Korean Restaurant is attached.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Khartoum Youth Hostel House no 66, Street 47, Khartoum 2,☎ +249 183480385, +249 912500322 (mobile) - Dorm bed €4.50, double room €9.50 Opened in 2007 and part of Hostelling International this is the best option for non-camping travellers on a budget.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Downtown Hotel and Business Center - ☎ +249 183742131 - Double Room US$35, Twin Room US$45 Good option for those who like old British downtown which turned into multicultural hub of people from all around Africa doing business there. Downtown Hotel is situated in a big 5 store building right next Gold Market, Grand Mosque and major shoping center Waha. It's newly open and managed by British, Polish and Sudanese friends. It's still needs some adjustments and work on details, elevator doesn't work and hotel parking is occupied by street vendors but for 35$ it's feasible to have very decent, well furnished room with bathroom and big bed for couples. They have coffee&restaurant on the groundfloor with green backyard. There are multiple activities like training and business center, Artists in Residence programs, design studio and other creative units.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Acropole Hotel - Single US$80, double US$100, triple US$130 - The oldest hotel in town, warm, friendly and family hospitality situated in Zubeir Pasha street, in Khartoum near shops, banks and important business firms. All rooms are full board (breakfast, lunch, and dinner including taxes). Air-Conditioned rooms with direct dial telephone and big balconies. Acropole Hotel offers an international cuisine with Greek and Italian specialities.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 German Guesthouse - Rooms for a night are US$100-120 including full board buffet and taxes. - A small clean and comfortable hotel in Riyadh, run by Germans. The special feature is the swimmingpool with bar area in the little garden. All rooms have private bathrooms, a/c, free wireless connection. There is a community satellite TV room and free laundry service.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Dandas International Hotel Corner Abu Sin & El Sharif St. 15.602267, 32.532481 ☎ +249 1 83741931 US$90 (inc taxes) Clean and comfortable hotel that offers comparatively good value for money, frequented primarily by African businessmen. Every room has a/c and satellite TV, and is en-suite. Free wired and wireless internet in the lobby. Try to avoid the windowless rooms. Breakfasts are disappointing, however.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Lisamin Safari Hotel 41st Amaret 15.570422, 32.546350 - US$144 single, US$156 double, suites from US$168 (inc VAT and tourism tax) - Opened in late 2007, this hotel is a welcome addition to Khartoum’s rather drab hotel stock. Lebanese run, and housing an excellent Lebanese restaurant (The Cedar Tree) this hotel is very Dubai-esque and is certainly worth checking out if your budget can stretch to the room rates. Wireless internet available for a fee.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Bougainvilla Guesthouse - Double en suite US$91, single en suite US$65, Single outside bathroom US$4, incl. breakfast Small 17-room hotel in the Riyadh suburb – the big attraction is the breezy roof terrace where excellent European breakfasts and dinners are served. Although the rooms themselves are nothing special and they are clean and have the crucials of a/c, wireless internet and satellite TV, although standard rooms involve sharing a bathroom. A favourite with visiting aid workers and other westerners.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Corinthia Hotel Khartoum - ☎ +249 187 155 555 From US$450 incl. taxes - This 250-room, 5-star hotel is Khartoum's premier hotel. It is in the Burj al-Fateh, a tower built in 2008 with financial support from Libya. All rooms have panoramic views over the Nile. It has several restaurants and cafes, and a health centre and spa which are open to guests and membership holders.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Al Salam Rotana - Africa Street - Near Afra Mall ☎ +249 1 87007777 +249 1 8700 7788 Rooms are around US$300 incl. taxes - Opened in mid 2007, this is the only hotel in Khartoum that offers international five-star standard. Nice big rooms perfectly equipped. Pool, gym, restaurant and lobby bar, conference facilities and Wifi (fee).
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Assaha Lebanese Village - ☎ +249 183481919 - A bit of a strange one this – based in an attractive, if slightly souvenirs, dry stone palace and the Assaha Village combines a large restaurant, conference facilities and even a ‘museum’ with intimate, middle eastern themed bedrooms. Its part of a small chain with sister hotels in Beirut and Doha. Prices, however, are sky-high at SDG 360 for a single room and SDG 480 for a double.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Coral Khartoum - Near the Al-Mogran Park and the confluence of the Blue and White Nile, about 3 kilometers to the west of the downtown - The former Hilton hotel in Khartoum, under new management. Excellent service and nice views over the Nile.
  • [https://Zzf0eb3c5f864f4ef2933acc8-206204 Grand Holiday Villa - Nile Street - West of the downtown towards the confluence of the Blue and White Nile, along the banks of the Blue Nile ☎ +249 1 83774039 +249-183-773961 - The hotel has undergone extensive renovation and many facilities have been updated to international standards. The swimming swimmingpool is among the largest in Sudan. Features: unlimited free WiFi, Nile Terrace Restaurant (water sprayers on year round), free breakfast. The restaurant serves continental cuisine and comes highly recommended. Rooms start at US$100 and include a continental breakfast.

Cope in Khartoum

Registration and other legal requirements

All foreigners are required to register within three days of arrival.

To register, go to the Aliens Registration Bureau at Shari'a Al Sahafa Zat, Khartoum, close to Sudan University for Science and Technology, with passport sized photos required and SDG 540 (as of November 2022). Registration can also be done at the airport departure terminal. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes.

The travel permit and the photo permit are no longer required as of 2022.

Embassies and consulates

Egypt Egypt - المقرن – شارع الجامعة – جنوب قاعدة الصداقة☎ +249 183 777647, +249 183 777646 +249 183 778741

Malaysia Malaysia - ☎ +249 183-482763, +249 183-482764 +249 183-482762

Travel Next from Khartoum

Jebel barkal sunset - Jebel Barkal.

  • Sabaloga Gorge: This gorge is commonly called the 6th Cataract. It is 80-95 kilometers (50 to 60 miles) north of Khartoum and can be visited in about 2½ hours. It is crucial that a 4-wheel drive vehicle be used, and it is wise, as is true in all cases in traveling outside Khartoum, to travel with at least two vehicles. On arrival, visitors can stroll around a Sudanese village and inspect Ansar forts that once bombarded steamers on their way to relieve General Gordon. It is advisable to take this trip in the cooler months.
  • Jebel Awlia: This dam was completed in 1937 and is 40-50 kilometers (25 to 30 miles) south of Khartoum on the Jebel Awlia road. A 4-wheel drive vehicle is not required for this trip as the road is paved to the dam. However, if you intend to cross the dam and travel on the other side, a 4 WD will be needed. The area around the dam itself has a number of large trees and flat grassy land which are ideal for picnics. For those interested in bird watching and there are numerous birds to be seen, such as pelican, herons, kingfisher, wader, and plovers. One of the fringe benefits of a trip to Jebel Awlia is a short trip up to the dam. Here the fishermen sell their catch, which they have just brought in. The prices are about half of what they might be in Khartoum. Bring along suitable wrapping and ice and coolers for any fish purchased.
  • Meroe: This site is roughly 200 kilometers north of Khartoum. There is also a hotel in Shendi (very basic) where one could be based. The trip should be arranged with a tour agency unless someone in the party really knows his/her way around the desert tracks. There are some paved roads to Meroe but you do have to drive off the primary street on to some sandy areas. Four-wheel driver vehicles are a necessity for this trip. The Pharaonic influence left its imprint in the hieroglyphic language and the religion of Amon, and building of the pyramids, which were a simplified version of the Egyptian model with no rooms or corridors. The Greek and Roman architectural influence is evident in the pillars of temples and the classical forms of the statues of men and women. The Meroe ruins are a four-hour drive from Khartoum. But there are various other sites in the area, so a two or three day trip should be contemplated, and a knowledgeable guide is crucial for the best understanding of the ruins. National Geographic’s book Splendors of the Past provides excellent background for such a trip.
  • Dinder National Park: (12°19'N 034°47'E) The Dinder National Park is said to be one of the most unique in the world. It is totally “unorganized,” and the visitor can truly see game in its natural state. The site is about 480 kilometers (300 miles) south of Khartoum on the Blue Nile near the Roseires Dam. Travel by 4-wheel transportation from there to the park is recommended. Inside the park there is a small tourist area consisting of round, grass thatched huts. Inside these huts are beds, a chair and a table. The huts are burned and rebuilt every year after the flood season. This park is only accessible for a few months of the year from December through May. It is crucial that the visitor traveling to Dinder make thorough preparations for the trip.
  • The Red Sea Area - Port Sudan: The Red Sea is noted for its magnificent under water diving and the clearness of its water and the variety of marine species. Visitors generally reach the area by flying Sudan Air. Daily, one hour and a half flights are available, but you may drive on paved road to Port Sudan in about 12–14 hours. Travelers should be completely self-sufficient with all fuel as well as food and water. It is about 815 kilometers (510 miles) to Port Sudan. Visitors may want to stay at the Red Sea Hotel. This hotel is booked for most of the year, and it is necessary to have reservations confirmed in advance. The Hilton Hotel has opened in Port Sudan. It is located around half an hour drive from the airport, along the harbor. Outdoor swimming pool, three restaurants, and a gymnasium, are some of the facilities available.
  • Erkowit: This area has been recently reopened after a closure of several years. It is 39 km southwest of Port Sudan, and it is the only developed summer resort in Sudan. The altitude is ft 1,200 above sea level.
  • Jebel Barkal Unesco World Heritage site - Northern state :Jebel Barkal or Gebel Barkal (Arabic: جبل بركل) is a very small mountain located some 400 km north of Khartoum, in Karima town in Northern State in Sudan, on a large bend of the Nile River, in the region called Nubia. Around 1450 BC and the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III extended his empire to that region and considered Gebel Barkal its southern limit. There, he campaigned near the city of Napata that, about 300 years later, became the capital of the independent kingdom of Kush. The 25th Dynasty Nubian king Piye later greatly enlarged the New Kingdom Temple of Amun in this city and erected his Year 20 Victory stela within it.

The ruins around Gebel Barkal include at least 13 temples and 3 palaces, that were for the first described by European explorers in the 1820s, although only in 1916 were archeological excavations started by George Reisner under a joint expedition of Harvard University and the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston. From the 1970s, explorations continued by a team from the University of Rome La Sapienza, under the direction of Sergio Donadoni, that was joined by another team from the Boston Museum, in the 1980s, under the direction of Timothy Kendall. The larger temples, such that of Amun, are even today considered sacred to the local population.

Buses leave daily from Khartoum to Kerma, however the most comfortable and convenient way of getting there is by car. The route is tarmacked, but you will still require the best part of a day to get there.

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