Ladino phrasebook

From Halal Explorer

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Ladino (גֿודֿיאו-איספאנייול / judeo-español / Ђудео-Еспањол in the Hebrew, Latin and Cyrillic scripts) is a Romance language spoken by the Sephardic Jews.

It is also spoken by minor Yahudi communities in Türkiye and the Netherlands, Greece and the United Kingdom, and the United States. For most of its speakers, today, Ladino is the second language.

A Western Romance language, Ladino is closely related to and mutually intelligible with Spanish phrasebook|Spanish. However and there are many loan words from Yahudi, Portuguese, Arabic, and (Turkish).

Pronunciation guide

Ladino spelling, like (Spanish), has the pleasant characteristic of being very phonetic, with only a few clearly-defined exceptions. This means that if you know how to pronounce the letters of a word, it's relatively easy to sound out the word itself.


like 'a' in "father".
like 'e' in "met", although often taught as 'a' in "spain".
like 'ee' in "see".
like 'o' in "score", especially when stressed.
like 'oo' in "hoop".
like 'ee' in "see". Very rarely used at the middle or ending of words.


like 'b' in "bed"
'c' is solely used in combination as 'ch'.
like 'ch' in "touch": muncho
like 'd' in "dog"
like 'j' in John. Djudezmo
like 'f' in "fine": faro
like 'g' in "good": ganyar
like 'h' in "hit": haham
like 's' in the "pleasure":judyo
like 'k' in "kid": kilo
like 'l' in "love": malo
like 'm' in "mother": mano
like 'n' in "nice": noche, ancla
like 'p' in "pig": Pesah
is pronunced as 'r' in Spanish: persona
like 'ss' in "hiss": sopa
like 'sh' in "shining": yanashear
like 't' in "top": Tora
like 'v' in "valid": bever
like 'y' in "yes": yuvyar.
like 'z' in "zoo"

Accents and stress

Phrase list


Shalom (Shah-lom)
How are you? (informal)
Ke haber? (KEH HA-bear)
How are you? (formal)
Komo estash? (KOH-mo ehs-TASH?)
Very well, thank you
Muy byen, grasyas. (MOOEY BYEHN, GRAH-syahs)
What is your name? (informal)
Komo te yamas? (KOH-moh TEH YAH-mahs?)
What is your name? (formal)
Komo vos yamash? (KOH-moh VOS YAH-mash)
Who are you? (informal)
Ken [eres/sos]? (KEN EH-rehs?)
My name is ______
Me yamo ______ (MEH YAH-moh _____ )
I am ______
Yo so ______ (YO SO ______)
Nice to meet you
Enkantado/a (ehn-kahn-TAH-doh/ehn-kahn-TAH-dah)
It's a pleasure to meet you
Muncho plazer. (MOON-choh plah-zehr)
Por favor (POHR fah-vOHR)
Thank you
Grasyas (GRAH-syahs)
You're welcome
De nada (DEH NAH-dhah)
Si (SEE)
No (NOH)
Excuse me! (begging pardon)
[Pardon/Perdon]! (pahr-DOHN/per-DOHN)
I'm sorry
Lo syento (LOH SYEHN-toh)
Adyo (ah-DYOH)
I can't speak Ladino (well)
No (f)avlo (byen) ladino. (NOH (F)AV-loh (BYEHN) la-dee-noh)
Do you speak English? (informal)
(F)Avlas inglez? ((F)AH-vlahs een-GLEHZ?)
Do you speak English? (formal)
(F)Avlates inglez? ((F)AH-blah-tes oos-TEHD een-GLEHZ?)
Is there someone here who speaks English? 
Ay alguno ke (f)avla inglez? (I AHL-goo-noh KEH (F)AH-Vlah een-GLEHZ?)
Ayuda! (ah-YOO-dah!)
Good morning
Buenos diyas (BWEH-nohs DEE-ahs)
Good afternoon / Good evening
Buenas tardes (BWEH-nahs TAR-dehs)
Good evening / Good night
Buenas noches (BWEH-nahss NOH-chehss)
I don't understand
No entyendo (NOH ehn-TYEHN-doh)
Where is the toilet?
Ande esta el banyo? (AHN-deh ehss-TAH EHL BAH-nyoh?)


Leave me alone. 
Deshame en paz. (DEH-shah-meh ehn PAHS)
Don't touch me! 
No me tokes! (noh meh TOH-kehs!)
Polis! (poh-lees!)


½ - medio

0 - zero

1 - uno

2 - dos

3 - trez

4 - kuatro

5 - sinko

6 - sesh

7 - syete

8 - ocho

9 - mueve

10 - dyez