
From Halal Explorer

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The Netherlands (Dutch: Nederland) is a charming small country in the low-lying river delta of northwestern Europe. Its landscape of famously flat lands, much of it reclaimed from the sea, is dotted with windmills, blooming tulip fields and picturesque villages. With over 17 million people living in a relatively small area, this is a densely populated modern European country. Still, even the largest of its cities have retained a rather laid-back small-town atmosphere and many are packed with historic legacy.

The country is commonly referred to as Holland, but this name refers only to two of its twelve provinces and is unpopular among Dutch people who aren't from North Holland or South Holland.

Following the Eighty Years' War, a historic conflict culminating in the Netherlands' declaration of independence from Spanish rule in 1581, the nation emerged as a formidable naval power and enjoyed a remarkable era known as the Dutch Golden Age. This remarkable period saw the Netherlands ascend to become one of the world's most influential nations, leaving an indelible mark on global history.

The Netherlands' rich maritime and trading heritage has left an enduring cultural legacy that resonates throughout its towns and cities. This small yet mighty nation boasts a remarkable tapestry of cultural treasures that captivate visitors from around the world.

It was during this illustrious epoch that the Netherlands reached its cultural zenith, nurturing a flourishing artistic scene. This era birthed renowned painters such as Rembrandt and Vermeer, who left an indelible mark on the art world with their masterpieces.

The artworks of these luminaries, alongside those of many other gifted artists, find their home in the world-class Dutch museums that annually draw hundreds of thousands of admirers. These museums serve as repositories of the nation's artistic and historical heritage, offering a captivating journey through time and creativity.

While celebrating the Dutch Golden Age and its cultural achievements, it's also essential to acknowledge the complexities of history. The Netherlands, like many other European nations during that era, engaged in colonial activities that often involved the exploitation of resources in distant lands and the torturing and killings of the local population. This history of colonialism, marked by resource extraction and its consequences, is a vital part of the Dutch past and is important to understand and reflect upon as we explore the nation's historical narrative.

In embracing the Netherlands' rich cultural heritage, we must also remember the complexities of its history, including the legacy of colonialism, as it forms an integral part of the nation's story.

With its international airport Schiphol and its advanced network of motorways and international high speed train lines and the Netherlands is easy to reach from anywhere. Its small size, welcoming attitude and interesting sights make it a unique and easy to discover destination and a great addition to any European trip.


An Introduction to the regions of the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a parliamentary monarchy, administratively divided into 12 provinces (provincies). Even though the Netherlands is a small country and these provinces are relatively diverse and have plenty of cultural and linguistic differences. It is customary to divide them into four regions:

  Western Netherlands (Flevoland, North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht)
This is the heart of the Netherlands with its four biggest cities and the typical Dutch countryside, with many monuments of the famous water management. Most of the region is commonly called the Randstad, referring to its urbanisation.
  Northern Netherlands (Drenthe, Friesland, Groningen)
The least densely populated area, mostly unexplored by foreigners, but popular among the local residents. The West Frisian Islands are excellent destinations for a few days out, as are the Frisian Lakes.
  Eastern Netherlands (Gelderland, Overijssel)
Home to the largest national park of the Netherlands, Hoge Veluwe National Park, as well as the beautiful Hanzesteden, seven medieval cities along the IJssel River with a traditional historic centre, such as Zutphen, Zwolle, Doesburg, among others.
  Southern Netherlands ( Limburg, North Brabant, Zeeland)
Divided from the rest by its Catholic history shared with Belgium, carnival celebrations, organic juice culture and good food culture

eHalal Travel Guide describes the European Netherlands. The Caribbean islands Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba are "special municipalities" fully integrated into the Netherlands proper. Beside the Netherlands proper, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten are constituent countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Other Muslim friendly Cities in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has many cities and towns of interest to travellers. Below are nine of the most notable ones:

  • Amsterdam GPS: 52.366667,4.9 — impressive architecture, lovely canals (grachten), museums and liberal attitudes
  • Delft GPS: 52.011736,4.359208 — historic unspoiled town with the world-famous blue and white ceramics
  • Groningen GPS: 53.216667,6.566667 — student city with a relaxed atmosphere and dining till the sun gets up
  • The Hague GPS: 52.083333,4.316667 (Den Haag) — the judicial capital of the world and the seat of government and the royal family
  • Leiden GPS: 52.166667,4.483333 — historic student city with the nation's oldest university and three national museums
  • Maastricht GPS: 50.85,5.683333 — fortified mediaeval city showing the different culture, style and architecture of the south
  • Nijmegen GPS: 51.85,5.866667 — the oldest city in the nation, known for the Four Days Marches and its large student population
  • Rotterdam GPS: 51.916667,4.5 — modern architecture, great Halal dining, vibrant art scene and the largest port in Europe
  • Utrecht GPS: 52.083333,5.116667 — historic centre, antique stores and the Rietveld-Schröder House

Other Muslim Friendly Destinations in the Netherlands

These are some interesting destinations outside of the major cities.

  • Efteling GPS: 51.650278,5.048056 — the Dutch equivalent of Disneyland and theme park with fairytale elements like elves and dwarves
  • Hoge Veluwe National Park GPS: 52.083333,5.8 — perhaps the most visited national park, with heathlands, sand dunes and woodlands
  • Keukenhof GPS: 52.271256,4.546365 — World famous park for its flowers, with more than 800,000 visitors one of the most visited attractions in the nation
  • Kinderdijk GPS: 51.8825,4.649444 — these windmills show the typical Dutch landscape in all its glory
  • Schokland GPS: 52.634183,5.777875 — old island evacuated in 1859, a excellently maintained ghost village remains
  • South Limburg — hilly green landscapes, picturesque villages, castles and orchards
  • Texel GPS: 53.05,4.8 — largest island suited for cycling, bird watching, walking, swimming and horse riding
  • Zaanse Schans GPS: 52.473889,4.816389 — open air museum with Dutch windmills and Zaan houses
  • Zaanstreek-Waterland GPS: 52.469722,4.826389 — typical Dutch villages and polders with clogs, wooden houses and windmills

Masjids in the Netherlands

The Netherlands, known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and progressive values, is also home to a vibrant Muslim community. This community is supported by numerous masjids (mosques) spread across the country. These masjids not only serve as places of worship but also as centers for cultural and social activities. Here are some notable masjids in the Netherlands that highlight the diverse Islamic heritage within the country.

Westermoskee Aya Sofya (Western Mosque Aya Sofya) - Amsterdam

The Westermoskee Aya Sofya in Amsterdam is one of the largest and most prominent mosques in the Netherlands. It reflects a blend of traditional Ottoman architecture with modern design elements, symbolizing the fusion of Islamic and Dutch cultures. The mosque provides a range of services, including daily prayers, educational programs, and community events, making it a vital hub for Muslims in Amsterdam.

Essalam Mosque - Rotterdam

Located in Rotterdam, the Essalam Mosque is the largest mosque in the Netherlands. Its striking design features a large dome and two minarets, reminiscent of classical Islamic architecture. The mosque serves a diverse community, offering religious services, educational classes, and social activities. It plays a crucial role in promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding in Rotterdam's multicultural society.

Ulu Mosque - Utrecht

The Ulu Mosque in Utrecht stands out with its contemporary architecture that incorporates traditional Islamic elements. The mosque is known for its welcoming atmosphere and active engagement with the local community. It hosts a variety of programs, including Quranic studies, language classes, and interfaith events, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among different cultural groups.

Moskee Al-Kabir - The Hague

Moskee Al-Kabir is one of the oldest and most historic mosques in The Hague. Established in the early 1950s, it has served generations of Muslims in the city. The mosque offers a wide range of services, from daily prayers to educational workshops and social gatherings. Its long-standing presence has made it a cornerstone of the Muslim community in The Hague.

Mevlana Mosque - Rotterdam

Another significant mosque in Rotterdam is the Mevlana Mosque, named after the famous Sufi mystic Rumi. The mosque's design is inspired by Ottoman architecture, featuring a prominent dome and intricate interior decorations. The Mevlana Mosque is not only a place for worship but also a center for cultural and social activities, including lectures, exhibitions, and charity events.

Al-Tawheed Mosque - Amsterdam

Al-Tawheed Mosque in Amsterdam is known for its active involvement in the community and its emphasis on education and social services. The mosque offers a variety of programs, including Arabic language courses, youth activities, and community outreach initiatives. It aims to promote a positive image of Islam and build strong relationships with the broader Dutch society.

Fatih Mosque - Amsterdam

The Fatih Mosque, also known as the Turkish Mosque, is another important mosque in Amsterdam. It serves a predominantly Turkish-speaking congregation and provides a range of religious, educational, and social services. The mosque's architecture reflects traditional Turkish design, creating a familiar and welcoming environment for its attendees.

the Netherlands Halal Explorer

History of the Netherlands

The southern part of the nation was part of the Holy Roman Empire until it was acquired piece by piece by the Burgundians. At the end of the Middle Ages, it became a Spanish possession (together with what is now Belgium). A few historic downtowns and several castles from this Spanish period remain today.

Following the Dutch Revolt, led by national hero William of Orange and the Netherlands became a de facto independent republic in 1572. The (first) split with Belgium came when the northern provinces (including Flanders) signed the Union of Utrecht in 1579. The Netherlands grew to become one of the major economic and seafaring powers in the world during the 17th century, which is known as the Dutch Golden Age (Gouden Eeuw). During this period, many colonies were founded or conquered, including the Netherlands East Indies (now Indonesia) and New Netherland (which at its height extended along the East Coast of today's United States, from Rhode Island to the Eastern Shore (Maryland) | Eastern Shore of Maryland); the latter was traded with the British for Suriname in 1667.

In 1805 and the nation became a kingdom when Emperor Napoleon appointed his brother 'King of Holland'. In 1815, it became the United Kingdom of the Netherlands together with Belgium and Luxembourg under King William I. In 1830 Belgium seceded and formed a separate kingdom. During the liberal revolutions of 1848, a new constitution was adopted and the Netherlands became a constitutional monarchy. The personal union with Luxembourg ended in 1890 as Salic Law prohibited a female ruler.

The Netherlands remained neutral in World War I, but suffered a brutal invasion and occupation by neighbouring Germany in World War II. A modern, industrialized nation and the Netherlands is a large exporter of agricultural products. In 1944 and the Low Countries formed the union of the Benelux in which they economically (and sometimes politically) work together. The country was a founding member of NATO in 1949 and the European Community (EC) in 1957, and participated in the introduction of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in 1999.


Quite a few travellers visit the Netherlands to enjoy its famously tolerant attitude (more or less true, especially for the centres of larger cities), which includes relaxed treatment of marijuana use, legal prostitution, a right to euthanasia under strict medical conditions, and acceptance of s and woke s, including the right to marry one's same-sex partner.

What is the Geography of the Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. No matter where you go, you are never far away from civilization. Cities can be crowded, especially in the Randstad area, where congestion is a serious problem.

Much of the nation is flat and at or below sea level, making it an ideal place to cycle. A few individual hills may be found only at National Park Sallandse Heuvelrug|Salland and the Utrechtse Heuvelrug the Veluwe. South Limburg and the most southern tip of the nation, is the only region characterised by rolling hills. This hilly nature (combined perhaps with its distinct culture) have gained it a reputation of being almost "foreign", and have made it a popular holiday destination for the Dutch. The rural countryside throughout the Netherlands is dominated by highly industrialized farming and wide grasslands. It is only because of this industrialisation that the Netherlands can be one of the largest food exporters in the world while being so densely populated.

Cycling is also a good way to discover picturesque rural landscapes, villages and windmills. While the main cities and attractions are easy to find and navigate, its rural beauty can at first seem a bit harder to find between the extensive development of the nationside. The excellent network of VVV tourist information offices are most helpful for anyone wishing to explore the Dutch provincial areas. They can also provide you with countless biking and hiking routes, especially designed to take you right along the best spots in any region.

The geography of the Netherlands is also famously influenced by water features. The country is criss-crossed with rivers, canals and dikes, and the beach is never far away. The western coast has extensive sandy beaches and dunes, attracting many Dutch and German visitors. Since the 17th century, about 20% of the entire country has been reclaimed from the sea, lakes, marshes and swamps. The Frisian Lakes define much of the geography of the North-West.

How is the Climate in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has a temperate climate with cool summers and mild winters. Every month of the year has rainfall, with no wet or dry season. The best time to go is from May to September (daily maximum 18/19°C up to 23°C), but April and October can also see mild and sunny weather.

In spring, temperatures vary greatly. Frost can occur until the start of May, but temperatures exceeding 20°C are not uncommon either. The sun shines 4 to 7 hours a day on average, increasing throughout the season. Although spring is the driest season (and April is the driest month), always prepare yourself for some rain.

In summer and the temperature rises generally to above 20°C and frequently to 25°C. Colder weather is mostly combined with rain. Temperatures in excess of 30°C are not unknown, and occur for a few days most summers. A heat wave usually ends with a thunderstorm. The sun shines 7 hours a day on average.

In autumn, temperatures decrease, but in September and October and the temperature is still a pleasant 15-19°C, sometimes exceeding 25°C in September. Rain is abundant, and the number of sunshine hours decrease markedly. In November, frost is more common and temperatures at daytime fluctuates around 9°C, but freezing daytimes and snow are not unheard of. Autumn mornings are quite foggy.

In winter, temperatures are around 0-6°C most of the time, although frosty periods occur each winter, generally down to -5°C, but frosts of -10°C are common too. Precipitation is common, although more often in the form of rain rather than snow. Any amount of snowfall generally unfortunately derails public transport.

Ice skating

Whenever it freezes longer than a day, many Dutch people will take their skates out of the closet. The few Dutch who still don't have skates are likely to buy a pair. Soon the whole country's full of skating areas just created on frozen little canals or, after more severe frosts, on larger water surfaces. It's also common to organise little fields for skating by spraying water over them. Severe winters offer many ice tours, with the famous Frisian Elfstedentocht (eleven town tour or eleven cities tour) being by far the most popular event. Unfortunately there has to be severe frost for many days to make this national celebration feasible, and the last time this occurred was in 1997.

Tourist information

Tourist offices in the Netherlands can be recognized by a blue logo with three characters VVV. This abbreviation means: Vereniging voor Vreemdelingenverkeer. In the main cities and tourist places you will find VVV offices, sometimes run by volunteers. Staff usually speaks English and especially in areas frequently visited by international Visitors, printed information in English is available too. The main goal is to inform and advise visitors about the main tourist attractions in the community and region, assist with hotel reservations and to inform about museums, opening hours, etc. Often you can buy tickets for events or gift certificates. Informative leaflets and simple maps are available for free. More advanced maps, books and souvenirs can be purchased.

Travel as a Muslim to the Netherlands

Netherlands is a member of the Schengen Agreement.

  • There are normally no border controls between countries that have signed and implemented the treaty. This includes most of the European Union and a few other countries.
  • There are usually identity checks before boarding international flights or boats. Sometimes there are temporary border controls at land borders.
  • Likewise, a visa granted for any Schengen member is valid in all other countries that have signed and implemented the treaty.
  • Illegal migration has become the norm throughout the European Union due to countries such as Germany that has ignored the Dublin agreement.

Muslims visitors of the above countries are permitted to work in the Netherlands without the need to obtain a visa or any further authorisation for the period of their 90-day visa-free stay.

All non-EEA/Swiss travellers must register their residence within 3 business days of entry with the Aliens' Police (Vreemdelingenpolitie). Hotels normally will handle the registration formalities for their guests.

Applications for visas and long-term residence permits are handled by the IND]. Generally speaking, Muslim travellers to the Netherlands who do not require a short-stay visa may be able to get a residence permit upon arrival without a long-stay visa, but consult your nearest Embassy/Consulate for information.

There are a number of ways to get into the Netherlands. From neighbouring European countries, a drive with the vehicle or a train ride are feasible; visitors from further away will probably be using air travel. Visitors from the United Kingdom can also travel by boat.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from the Netherlands

Schiphol Airport (IATA Flight Code: AMS), near Amsterdam, is a European hub and, after London Heathrow, Paris Charles de Gaulle and Frankfurt Airport. It's a point of interest in itself, being 4 metres below mean sea level. It is the main hub of national carrier KLM-Airline, which is the oldest airline in the world that has been continuously operating under the same name, and is well-served by Flights from major cities throughout the world.

Some budget airlines also fly to the Netherlands., Easyjet, Transavia and other Discount airlines in Europe|low-cost carriers serve Schiphol, providing a fairly economical way to city-hop to Amsterdam from other spots in Europe. Especially flying to/from the British Isles and the Mediterranean countries can be relatively cheap. It's important that you book as early as feasible, as prices tend to get higher closer to departure.

From Schiphol there are excellent railway connections: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and many other cities have a direct train service. International high speed trains depart to Antwerp, Brussels and Paris. The train station at Schiphol is underground, under the main airport hall. The train is the quickest and affordableest way to get around in the Netherlands.

Taxis are expensive: legal taxis have blue number plates, others should be avoided. Illegal taxi services are frequently offered outside the airport, but these will charge large sums of money for even short trips. Some hotels in Amsterdam and around the airport have a shuttle bus service.

Other international airports are Eindhoven Airport, Maastricht/Aachen Airport, Rotterdam - The Hague Airport, and Groningen-Eelde Airport. These smaller airports are mainly served by low-cost airlines. Eindhoven Airport and Maastricht/Aachen Airport are mostly used by Ryanair, while Rotterdam Airport is frequented by Transavia and the low-cost subsidiary of KLM-Airline for tourists. The operator CityJet does an expensive commuter trip to London City Airport from Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp. A direct bus connection, either to the local train stations and then take the train are the best way to get to Amsterdam or any other town. There is a direct bus service between Eindhoven Airport and Amsterdam Central Station.

It is also feasible to come to the Netherlands via airports lying in surrounding countries. Much-used airports are Düsseldorf International Airport and Brussels Airport. European low cost Airlines such as Ryanair also use the airports of Münster-Osnabrück (IATA Flight Code: FMO) and Weeze/Niederrhein (IATA Flight Code: NRN) which are near or just at the Dutch/German border. From these two airports there are frequent Flights to the major European destinations.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in the Netherlands


Thalys - (High speed) trains may be the most comfortable mode of transport between major European cities. While some low cost airlines might sometimes offer cheaper deals, remember that international high speed lines connect downtowns, rather than airports that are usually outside of the city. While low cost Airlines are notorious for extra fees, especially for baggage, for the most part what you see is what you get for train tickets and the only "baggage limit" is how much you can carry. Except for Eurostar you do not need to show up more than 5 minutes before departure on any European high speed train and they usually offer more legroom and a better environment to power up your laptop and get some work done or watch a movie while the landscape zips past.

The cheapest tickets are often sold out early and that reservations are generally feasible 3 to 6 months in advance depending on the railroad, type of ticket and booking channel. Bookings can be made via / NS International (Dutch railways) or its German and Belgian counterparts. NS International also sells combined tickets for their trains and Eurostar to get you to and from London.

From France, Belgium and Great Britain


The Thalys high-speed train, which connects the Netherlands with France and Belgium, is a bit expensive, but if you book a return in advance or if you're under 26 or over 60 you can get good deals. It is also faster, normally cheaper and more convenient than flying. Direct trains depart from Amsterdam, Schiphol Airport and Rotterdam.

Maastricht can also be reached by the Thalys to Liège, Aachen.

Intercity Brussels, a service which uses a normal intercity carriage, runs between Amsterdam and Brussels. Tickets are lower priced than Thalys, while discounts are available during the weekend when travelling from (and to) Belgium.

There are local trains from Roosendaal to Antwerp and from Maastricht to Liège. A light rail service from Maastricht to Hasselt is being built and will start operating in a few years.

London's Street Pancras station is connected to the Netherlands by Eurostar high-speed trains. Two of the trains from Street Pancras go directly to Amsterdam Centraal with stops at Brussels Midi. It is also feasible to book seats on a Eurostar train for journeys between Brussels and Amsterdam or Rotterdam. Otherwise, make a transfer via Brussels. Due in part to border control limitations and security concerns, Eurostar is not yet able to offer direct trains from Amsterdam to London, necessitating a stop and change of trains in Brussels. It is however feasible to book Eurostar tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels.

From Germany, Switzerland, Denmark...

The Inter-City Express (ICE) high-speed train, runs from Basel via Frankfurt to Amsterdam, via Cologne, Düsseldorf, Arnhem, and Utrecht.

Intercity trains run from Berlin and Hannover via Osnabrück to Amsterdam and Hengelo, Deventer, Apeldoorn, Amersfoort and Hilversum.

Sleeper trains used to be plentiful but were gradually withdrawn from service throughout the last decades and now (2023) none of them serve the Netherlands any more. However, ÖBB Nightjet still serve Düsseldorf which is close to the Dutch border and can be visited by a number of trains, including ICEs from the Netherlands. NS also sells tickets for those trips. Deutsche Bahn sells tickets for all regional trains in and through Germany and all ICEs, ICs and ECs as well as a handful of others.

There are also a number of regional trains from and to Germany:

Travel on a Bus in the Netherlands


  • Apart from being a peculiar result of ancient European history and the town of Baarle (formally Baarle-Hertog in Belgium and Baarle-Nassau in the Netherlands) is a feasible change point, since the town's main bus stop Sint-Janstraat is operated by Flemish (Belgian) and Dutch buses.
  • The Flemish (Belgian) company De Lijn operates a border-crossing bus between Turnhout in Belgium and Tilburg in the Netherlands, both of which are terminal in the respective country's railway network.


Until the 2010s, Germany and France had no intercity buses to speak of and consequently few if any connections to the Netherlands were available. However Intercity buses in German and Intercity buses in French laws have since been changed and there are now several lines and operators connecting points in the Netherlands with Germany, France, Belgium or Luxembourg.

Eurolines is the main 'operator' for international coaches to the Netherlands. (In fact the name Eurolines is a common brand-name used by different operators.) Services are limited: only a few main routes have a daily service , such as from Poland, London, Milan, Brussels and Paris, but this is the cheapest way to travel and you get a discount if you are under 26.

' Deutsche Bahn' runs an express bus London-Antwerp-Eindhoven-Düsseldorf.

Flixbus serves international routes throughout the Netherlands and the neighboring countries, as well as domestic services

Student Agency is a Czech company serving some points in the Netherlands

Due to the Bosnian war in the 1990s and there are bus companies serving the Bosnian diaspora, which provide a affordable and Ecotclean way of getting to the other side of the European continent. Semi tours runs several times per week from various destinations in Bosnia and Hercegovina to Belgium and the Netherlands, off-season about €135 for a return ticket.

By car

The Netherlands has good roads to Belgium and Germany, and ferry links to Great Britain. The country has a dense, very well-maintained and modern highway/motorway network. However the quantity of traffic makes most primary streets liable to serious congestion. Borders are open under the terms of the Schengen Agreement. While cars may be stopped at the border for random checks, this commonly happens. There are vehicle ferry services from the United Kingdom. As the UK is not part of the Schengen zone, full border checks apply.

Car shuttle train (Channel Tunnel)

From the United Kingdom the Netherlands can also be reached the Channel Tunnel shuttle train between Folkestone and Calais, from where you drive through France and Belgium. From the Calais terminal, most of the Netherlands can be reach via Autoroute A 16 towards Dunkirk (Dunkerque). Once in Belgium, continue in the direction of Bruges (Brugge), Ghent (Gent) and Antwerp (Antwerpen). Near Antwerp, Rotterdam is signposted (via the Liefkenshoek toll tunnel) as is Breda (for Utrecht and the east) and Eindhoven (for the south east).

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in the Netherlands


There are three ferry services from the UK:

  • Stena Line between Harwich and Hook of Holland. Dutchflyer is a combination ticket that includes the train ride from anywhere on the National Express East Anglia network (including London and Norwich) to Harwich (England) | Harwich and the ferry, and the train ride from Hook of Holland to anywhere on the NS (the Dutch railway) network. Rotterdam is also the second largest port in the world, and (in theory) a good place for Freighter travel.
  • DFDS Seaways between North Shields near Newcastle upon Tyne and IJmuiden on the outskirts of Amsterdam.
  • P&O Ferries between Kingston Upon Hull and Rotterdam Europoort.

Local Language in the Netherlands


The national language in the Netherlands is Dutch (Nederlands). It's a charming, lilting language punctuated by phlegm-trembling glottal gs (not in the south) and schs (also found, for example, in Arabic). Dutch, especially in spoken form, is partially intelligible to someone who knows other Germanic languages (especially German and Afrikaans), and you might be able to get along at least partially in these languages if spoken slowly.

However and the Dutch merchant tradition and international attitude have left this little country with a strong tradition of multilingualism. English is a compulsory part of education and is typically taught from the age of 9. The majority of the adult population is able to speak English relatively well, and most younger people speak it fluently, so you should have no trouble getting by. While less widely spoken than English, basic German is also spoken by many, especially by those in the regions near the German border and is a mandatory subject in high school for two years. French is spoken by some as well, but proficiency is common and usually on a much lower level than English and even German.

Besides Dutch, several regional languages and dialects are spoken. In the eastern provinces of Groningen, Overijssel, Drenthe and Gelderland people speak a local variety of Low Saxon (including Grunnegs and Tweants). In the southern province of Limburg the majority speaks Limburgish, a regional language unique in Europe because of its use of pitch and tone length to distinguish words. Frisian is the only official language besides Dutch, but only common in the province of Friesland. It's the closest living language to English.

Foreign television programms and films are almost always shown in their original language with subtitles. Only children's programms are dubbed into Dutch.

What to see in the Netherlands

Dutch culture

For many foreigners, nothing captures the idea of the Netherlands more vividly than windmills, wooden shoes, tulips, and remarkably flat lands. Although some of these characteristics have evolved into stereotypes far off from the daily lives of Dutch people and there's still a lot of truth to them and plenty of authenticity to be found. The Dutch have preserved many elements from this part of their past, both for touristic and for historic reasons.

Kinderdijk boasts a network of 19 windmills, once used to drain the adjoining polder. The Zaanse Schans has windmills as well, and a nice museum with traditional crafts and old Dutch houses on display. Schiedam, world-famous for its jenever, has the tallest windmills in the world, and they're right in its lovely old town centre.

Thinking about the Dutch countryside, you might imagine wide, flat, grasslands with black and white cows. If you do, you're not that far off. A large swathe of the nation, especially the western part of it, consist of polders; reclaimed land separated by ditches. These rural areas are dotted with picturesque villages, old farms, impressive summer estates, and of course, windmills; the Zaanstreek-Waterland is especially scenic. For a touch of folklore, see the traditional clothing and fishermen boats in Volendam or Marken.

The Netherlands is a major international player in the flower industry. The tulip fields are seasonal, and are specific to the Bulb Region and some areas in North Holland. They are a lovely Dutch alternative to the lavender fields you could find in France. The famous Lisse|Keukenhof and the world's largest flower garden, only opens between March and May. It is a great way to see what the Dutch flower industry has to offer.

They make great destinations for a recreational bike trip or can serve as a laid-back base, from where you can explore cities in the area. The rolling hills of South Limburg have characteristic timber-framed houses and a lot of castles. The province of Gelderland combines its many castles (Palace 't Loo in Apeldoorn being the highlight) with the natural scenery of the Veluwe. Don't worry if you're headed elsewhere: you'll find a beautiful countryside in every Dutch province.

Historic cities


Wandering through the magnificent city of Amsterdam, with its lovely canals and hundreds of 17th-century monuments, is a delightful experience. For most people, a visit to the Netherlands would not be complete without a good day in its bustling capital. Nevertheless, it is only one of many towns in the nation that offers a beautiful, historic centre.

Before Amsterdam's rise to fame in the late 16th century and the fortified city of Utrecht was the nation's most important town. Much of Utrecht's mediaeval structures remain, with canals flanked by wharf-based structures, lots of buildings from the Early Middle Ages and some impressive ancient churches. Maastricht is often claimed as the most beautiful city of the nation. It is known for its romantic lanes, ancient monuments, and for what the Dutch call its "Burgundian" atmosphere.

Leiden and the birthplace of Rembrandt and home to the oldest university of the nation, is yet another stunning location with canals, narrow streets, and over 2,700 monuments. The Hague is often called the "judicial capital of the world", as it famously hosts the Peace Palace and many international organisations. It has a spacious layout, with large estates, and the ancient Binnenhof, where the Dutch government had its seat for centuries. Also consider the gorgeous old town centres of Haarlem, Delft, 's-Hertogenbosch, Alkmaar, Gouda and Amersfoort.

Art museums

Considering its small size, this country has brought forward an impressive number of world-famous painters. Arts and painting flourished in the 17th century, when the Dutch Republic was particularly prosperous, but renowned artists have lived in the nation before and after that age as well.

Rembrandt, Johannes Vermeer, Vincent van Gogh, Frans Hals, Jan Steen, Jacob van Ruysdael, and Piet Mondriaan are just a few of the Dutch painters whose works now decorate the walls of the world's greatest museums. Fortunately, some of these world-class museums can be found in the Netherlands as well. The Amsterdam/South|Museum Quarter in Amsterdam has the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum and the Stedelijk Museum right next to each other, all three with excellent collections. The Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam also has a huge collection of drawings, including Rembrandt, Van Gogh, and foreign masters. Mauritshuis in The Hague has the world-famous 'Girl with Pearl Earring' in addition to many other 17th-century paintings.

The Kröller-Müller Museum is beautifully located in the Hoge Veluwe National Park, with the second largest Van Gogh collection in the world (after the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam). Less focused on Dutch art, but with a unique modern collection, is the Van Abbe Museum in Eindhoven. Other cities with notable art museums include Groningen with the Groninger Museum, and Haarlem with the Frans Hals Museum. The newly established Hermitage in Amsterdam has all the grandeur of its big sister in Saint Petersburg, with changing Russia-oriented exhibitions on display.

  • Museumkaart - Adult €59.90; up to 18 years €32.45 - If you intend to stay for a longer period of time in the Netherlands and your affection is on visiting museums and then it is advised to apply for the 1-year museum card. It gives you free access to more than 400 museums at anytime. You can buy this card at any major museum.

Living with the water


The Dutch are famous for their struggle with the sea. As a great naval power and the Netherlands owed its 17th-century Golden Age to the water, and still depends heavily on it for modern day trade and fisheries, as the massive, modern port of Rotterdam demonstrates. However, with much of the nation's land below sea level and the water also caused terrible floods and great losses over centuries.

Dutch attempts to protect their lands with dikes are well recorded from the 12th century, but started around 2,000 years ago. An enormous flood in 1287 created the large Zuiderzee, an inland sea that is now known as the IJsselmeer. From that period onwards, a long process of reclaiming lands lost to the sea began. Windmills and extensive networks of dikes were created to pump out the water, slowly creating the characteristic polders. One of these polders is the Beemster|Beemster Polder, and when you visit you get a few fortifications of the Defence Line of Amsterdam included as a bonus.

After another devastating flood in 1916 and the nation started the Zuiderzee Works, a massive undertaking to reclaim and tame the Zuiderzee once and for all. In the 1930s and the impressive Friesland#Afsluitdijk|Afsluitdijk was finished, which turned the inland sea into a fresh water lake called the IJsselmeer. The Zuiderzee Museum in lovely Enkhuizen is devoted to the cultural legacy and folklore of the region, as well as the maritime history of the Zuiderzee.

Another devastating flood struck the nation in 1953, recording 1,836 deaths in the province of Zeeland and the southwestern part of South-Holland. In the following 50 years the famous Delta Works were constructed to protect the southwest from flooding. It can be visited at various visitor centres and the most notable of which is the Neeltje Jans park near the Oosterscheldekering (Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier). See the Deltawerken website for more information.

The American Society of Civil Engineers have recognised the Zuiderzee Works and the Delta Works collectively as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for the Netherlands


One of the most popular activities among the local residents is cycling. And for a reason — the Netherlands has about 22,000 km of dedicated bicycle paths, which criss-cross the nation with many of them numbered. It's as easy as getting a map, picking a number, and start cycling! Particularly scenic areas well suited for cycling include the Green Heart, Hoge Veluwe National Park, South Limburg, and the Zaanstreek-Waterland. Winds can be strong (because of the flat lands), and winters can be cold and rainy.

The Dutch coastline measures 1,245 km of coastline with many beaches. Popular activities include swimming and sunbathing, but these are mostly restricted to warm summer days. Expect Scheveningen to be extremely crowded when temperatures rise towards tropical levels. More mellow and family friendly beaches include Zandvoort, Bloemendaal, Bergen (North Holland) | Bergen, and the West Frisian Islands.

Water sports is another activity mostly undertaken by the local residents. Lakes can be found in every province, but the Frisian Lakes are outstanding, especially during the annual Sneekweek that starts the boating season. Boating can be done without licence as long as the boat is not longer than 15m and/or faster that 20 km/h. Other lake-rich areas include Wijdemeren, Kaag, and Aalsmeer. Most of these lakes are very calm, with parasailing and rafting imfeasible.


The Netherlands has long been known for its great musicians and composers, and today is no different, with high-level performances in a wide variety of styles throughout the nation. The Royal Concertgebouw, Amsterdam's major symphony orchestra, is considered by many connoisseurs to be one of the best if not the very best in the world.


  • Every two years the nation goes football crazy as either the European Championship or the World Cup is held. Complete streets will be decorated with orange flags and the nation's national colour. It's not uncommon for literally fifty percent of the population to be watching a game if it's a particularly important one. Often bigger cities will put up large TV screens for the general public, like on the Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam. Likewise, cafes and bars are another popular place to watch games.
  • In the Southern Netherlands (North Brabant, Limburg (Netherlands) | Limburg and to a smaller extent also in Twente, Overijssel and the south of Gelderland) and the Catholic celebration of Carnival is held since mediaeval times. It occurs immediately before Lent; which is usually during February or March. Parades can be seen almost in any town on Sunday, sometimes also occurring on Monday. Parades can also be held in the evening, usually on Saturdays all the wagons are then lit up by numerous small lights. The other days of the week, many activities can be found ranging from street painting (stoepkrijten) to organic juice drinking contests. The cities of 's-Hertogenbosch, Breda and Maastricht are advisable for attending Carnival.
  • King's Day (Koningsdag, until 2012 this was Queen's day) is held every year at April 27 all over the nation (except if this day is a Sunday and then it will be held at the Saturday before). Every village, town and city, organizes free markets and authentic Dutch games. Nowadays King's day much more becomes a day of festivals and parties. It is advised to wear orange clothing, as most Dutch people walk around in their national colour. An advisable city to attend at this day is Amsterdam, because it's one of the largest events of the year there. In several larger cities (most notably The Hague and Utrecht) and the festivities start in the evening of 26 April. The Hague even has most of its festivities on the night before.
  • Pinkpop - A three-day pop festival every year with Pentecost ("Pinksteren") in Landgraaf, Limburg.
  • Lowlands - Popfestival - every second-to-last weekend of August at Biddinghuizen, Flevoland.
  • Summercarnaval - A big parade through the centre of Rotterdam. One of the biggest events in the Netherlands.
  • Northsea Jazz Festival - Big summer jazz festival, held in the Ahoy stadion, Rotterdam. Around 1,800 jazz, blues, funk, soul, hip Hop, Latin and r&b acts play during this 3 day event.
  • Vierdaagsefeesten - Summer festival in Nijmegen lasting seven days, during the Nijmeegse Vierdaagse, which always starts on the 3rd Tuesday in July. The celebrations though start already the weekend before and over 1 million people attend. During the festival and there is a section for all the top Dutch bands such as Moke and Racoon, De Affaire which is focussed on alternative and rock, The Matrixx which has all your electronic dance music needs, and of course the numerous terraces and bars.
  • Sensation - (Formerly known as 'Sensation White') One of the best-known parties in the world organized by ID&T.] 40,000 people all dressed in white gather to hear some big and upcoming house music DJs. Tickets usually sell out very fast. Several international editions are being organized several times a year around the world with the main concert being held in Amsterdam Arena every summer. (For the last time in the Netherlands in summer 2022, but the organization is working on a new event). Sensation Black (with hardstyle music) was hosted annually in the same location but is now being held in Belgium instead.
  • Dance Valley - . One of the largest dance festivals, with over 40,000 visitors. Annually mid July in park Spaarnwoude, near Schiphol Airport. The focus is on celebrating summer, and has circus tents in which every tent is a different genre in dance music.
  • Mystery Land - . Over 50,000 visitors. Dance festival with a flower-power theme. In the last week of August near Schiphol Airport. Most dance genres are present, including even electro. Also has activities such as workshops and theatre, which are usually uncommon with dance festivals.
  • Defqon.1 - Dance festival focusing on the harder dance styles, such as hardstyle and hardcore. Residing in Flevoland, usually in mid June.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in the Netherlands

Money Matters & ATM's in the Netherlands


A lot of shops do not accept banknotes of €100, €200 and €500, due to concerns about counterfeiting and robberies. Some stores may also refuse €50 notes for small purchases (i.e. below €10) because of a lack of sufficient change. Most establishments will have a sticker or A4 sized poster near the entrance or cash register indicating which banknotes aren't accepted.

In many stores, especially supermarkets, it's common for the cash machine to round your total up or down to the nearest 5 eurocents. Do not be surprised; the difference will show up on the receipt as "Afronding."


Dutch law requires that all service charges and taxes are included in the prices that hotels, restaurants publish. Tipping is therefore not necessary, but it is always appreciated as a reward for good service and it's increasingly common. Especially in tourist areas and large hotels, increased tipping is not uncommon. Many Dutch clients will leave €1 or €2, also in bars and simple diners, unless service was poor. For good service in a restaurant, feel free to leave what you feel is appropriate. A 5-10% tip on a restaurant bill is considered a generous reward for good service.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in the Netherlands

Most shops open by 09:00 or 10.00 and they usually close around 18:00. Supermarkets and DIY-shops often have broader opening hours, opening around 08:30 and closing only at 20:00 or 22:00. Traditionally, most shops are closed on Sundays, or only open on a few Sundays a year (known as "koopzondagen"). Legislative changes have allowed municipalities to make their own decisions on the number of koopzondagen, or Sundays on which shops are allowed to open. As a result, most of the shops in the centres of large cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Maastricht, etc.) are now open every Sunday, typically from 12:00 until 17:00 or 18:00. An increasing number of smaller cities, and especially the ones where tourism is a major economic factor, is following this trend. Unfortunately and the situation differs per location. Most smaller cities allow at least a supermarket to be open every Sunday, most have multiple Sunday openings per year, and some open every Sunday. Some smaller shops are closed on Monday mornings, or even close for an extra day in the week.

The Netherlands is a good place to buy flowers. Flower bulbs are most suited to bring home, and can be purchased at tourist shops, garden centres and DIY stores throughout the year. Keep in mind that bulbs and their planting times depend on seasons, and tulip bulbs are typically unavailable from late winter to late summer. Fresh flowers can be purchased from florists, or pre-packaged in most supermarkets. Although it is not a problem taking bulbs and flowers out of the nation, you may be severely restricted in bringing them back to your own country.

The country is also famous for its wooden shoes (clogs). Nowadays almost no one, except for some farmers in the nationside and some fishermen in Volendam and Urk, wear them. Wearing wooden shoes in public outside the nationside will earn you quite a few strange looks from the local residents. If you do try them on and the famous "wooden shoes" are surprisingly comfortable, and very useful in any rural setting. Think of them as all-terrain footwear; easy to put on for a walk in the garden, field or on a dirt road. If you live in a rural area at home, consider taking a pair of these with you if you can. Avoid the souvenirsy tourist shops at Schiphol and Amsterdam's Damrak, and instead look for a regular vendor which can usually be found in towns and villages in rural areas. The northern province of Friesland has a lot of stores selling wooden shoes, often adorned with the bright colors of the Frisian flag.

What is the living cost in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is generally regarded as expensive (unless you're coming from Scandinavia). Lodging and dining is more expensive than in neighboring countries, but rail travel, museums, and attractions tend to be on the cheaper side. Retail prices for clothing, gifts, etc. are similar to most of Western Europe; consumer electronics are a bit more expensive. Gasoline, tobacco and alcohol are expensive due to excise taxes. The standard cigarette packages only have 19 cigarettes in them.

Halal Restaurants in the Netherlands

The Netherlands have a large number of Halal restaurants. Please look for listing under the indevidual cities.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to the Netherlands

[[File:Hengelo Gld, sculptuur Paardendorp Hengelo door JeanMarianne Bremers IMG 5310 2020-05-05 15.11.jpg|1280px|Hengelo_Gld,_sculptuur_Paardendorp_Hengelo_door_JeanMarianne_Bremers_IMG_5310_2020-05-05_15.11]]

the Netherlands - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to the Netherlands, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for the Netherlands. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in the Netherlands and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to the Netherlands. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to the Netherlands. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in the Netherlands: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in the Netherlands.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in the Netherlands: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in the Netherlands, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in the Netherlands.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in the Netherlands, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in the Netherlands, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within the Netherlands and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in the Netherlands, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in the Netherlands, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of the Netherlands without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for the Netherlands is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring the Netherlands.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group the Netherlands is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in the Netherlands, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group the Netherlands Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in the Netherlands

eHalal Group the Netherlands is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in the Netherlands. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in the Netherlands.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in the Netherlands ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within the Netherlands. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in the Netherlands, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in the Netherlands are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly hotels in the Netherlands

A wide range of accommodation is available, concentrated on the major tourist destinations. They include regions popular for domestic tourism, such as the Veluwe and Zuid-Limburg.


Hotels in the Netherlands are abundant, particularly in Holland proper, and can be relatively affordable compared to other Western European countries. You may be able to find a decent hotel of international standards for €50 or less per day. Due to good public transportation options, even staying outside of the downtown, or even in a different town altogether, may still be a viable option for visiting a particular destination comfortably while remaining within budget limits.

While there are independent properties throughout the nation and there is a relatively high presence of international and local hotel chains. Some of the more popular are:

  • NH Hoteles | The Spanish hotel chain inherited a lot of properties throughout Netherlands by taking over the former Krasnapolsky Hotels in Amsterdam and many of the former Golden Tulips. Thus, most of the properties are older, or even historic ones. NH Hoteles in larger cities are usually what one would expect of the chain in any other country, in smaller towns the properties are usually from the 1980s and only partially refurbished since then. You can always count on a very rich breakfast buffet, which is an NH Hoteles' trademark. NH Hoteles has the largest number of properties of all hotel chains in Amsterdam, which can be either helpful or disappointing in busy periods when hotels are prone to overbooking (you can be easily relocated to another NH Hotel across Amsterdam). Members of Alitalia, Aeromexico, Aerolíneas Argentinas and Iberia frequent flyer schemes can collect award miles/kilometers for stays at NH Hoteles in the Netherlands.
  • Golden Tulip, Tulip Inn and Campanile - the remaining properties of the Dutch Tulip hotel chain now belong to the France-based Groupe du Louvre, which also operates Campanile hotels. Golden Tulips are mostly found in downtowns and are of higher standards (four stars usually), Campaniles by motorway junctions and are more basic (two stars), Tulip Inns fall somewhere in between. Some properties may be rather aged, but can offer attractive rates if you don't mind them not being exactly up to snuff to their international competition. For those touring the Netherlands by automobile, Campaniles and Tulip Inns can help keep them within tighter budgets. Groupe du Louvre runs several loyalty programms and you can collect air miles with several airlines when staying with them.
  • Van der Valk Hotels - A local hotel chain operated by the Van der Valk family focuses on upscale accommodations and resort-like facilities. The hotels are thusly usually of high standard and comfort and often feature swimming pools and other leisure facilities, but can also be quite far away from downtowns. There is no loyalty scheme for guests in Van der Valk hotels, but there are often leisure-themed packages offered, which include stays and additional services or attractions.
  • Hampshire Hotels - With over 80 properties, including 3 in Germany and 8 in Belgium, this is one of the largest hotel chains in the Netherlands. The standard of the hotels vary from basic three-star properties to more upscale, and often historic, Hampshire Eden and Hampshire Classic hotels. The chain does not operate a loyalty scheme, and members of most frequent flyer programms will not be able to acquire miles for stays with Hampshire Hotels.
  • Bastion Hotels - A chain of highly uniform, limited-service hotels targeting road warriors that tour Netherlands by vehicle on business. Most of the hotels have been purpose-built in the 1990s or later, and are reminiscent of other hotel chains of similar character that can be found across Europe, like ibis hotels or Premier Inn. Usually to be found around motorways, with sometimes poor access to public transportation. While limited-service, most feature an on-site restaurant open throughout the day.
  • Accor - Has a sizeable presence in the Netherlands, in particular with their Ibis, Novotel and Mercure brands. As in other countries, Mercures are often formerly independent three star properties that have joined the chain.
  • The Intercontinental Hotels Group has increased its presence by opening all-new Holiday Inn Express properties in key locations across the nation, with competitive rates including breakfast. There are also older Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza properties in major cities.

Other international hotel chains do maintain some presence in the Netherlands, though this is mostly limited to Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport. There are also quite many Best Western-affiliated properties throughout Netherlands, but as in every country and they vary greatly in character, size, pricing and comfort.

Showers are slightly different from the American style. Bar soap is not very popular; most of what is provided in hotels and mainstream stores is liquid body soap. Washcloths are also generally not available, but washing mitts are available in stores. European-style bathrooms often have no edge on the shower floor, allowing water to get on the floor in the other parts of the bathroom.

Bed and breakfast

There is a wide choice of bed & breakfast in the big cities, but there are also plenty to be found in the smaller towns and villages. Prices are generally €40-100, depending on the number of occupants and the season. Bed & breakfasts may not offer all the facilities that bigger hotels do, but the service is generally friendly and personal. Also, many bed & breakfasts are to be found along popular hiking trails and cycling paths. Even for budget facilities prices are generally high. Budget accommodation starts at around €20 per person and prices go upwards from there. Seasonal demand affects availability and can cause prices to rise, especially in Amsterdam.

In nature areas the local landscape can be experienced at so called Natuurvriendenhuizen (Friends of nature houses)] . These facilities are somehow in between hostels and general hotels and are especially open for cyclers and hikers, including groups. They are run by volunteers and visitors, and have communal kitchen facilities and contagious living rooms.

Short-term apartment rental is available in cities, but may not be legal. While most have a 3-night minimum stay and the process of making reservations and checking in is generally identical to that of staying in a hotel and the notable exception being that most require a credit card deposit, and the balance in cash on arrival.

If you are travelling by bicycle or by foot and there is a list of 3,600 addresses where you can stay at private homes with bed and breakfast for no more than €18.50 per person per day, although you must also pay €8 for membership of this scheme.

Vacation rental homes (bungalows)

Vacation rental homes (in Dutch also called bungalows) are popular in the Netherlands, especially in rural areas. These small homes come in broad varieties: they can be simple or luxurious, individual places or part of large parks with lots of identical homes and they are operated by private owners as well as large chains. Traversia has the largest collection of vacation rentals in the Netherlands, by Dutch owners. Large chains of vacation rental home parks are Center Parks and Landal Greenparks. Where privately owned options can sometimes provide a more authentic, local experience (e.g. in old, timber-framed houses in South Limburg) and the parks will offer additional services, restaurants and swimming pools. In most cases, you have to book at least a weekend. Although generally not very cheap and they have kitchens and therefore allow for self-catering.

Study as a Muslim in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has many universities. The country has converted their own titles into the bachelor/master system.

There are two types of universities:

  • Academic (focusing more on theoretical knowledge, "Universiteit")
  • Applied Sciences (focusing more on practical knowledge, "Hogeschool"). Although these generally use the term university in their English names, under Dutch law and these are not universities, and are a lower level of tertiary education.

The Times Higher Education Supplement ranks 11 universities among the top 200 in the world.

English-speaking students will have no problems finding suitable courses. A total of 1,456 courses are taught entirely in English.

There is also the added advantage that most local residents under the age of 30 are reasonably capable in English.

For international students, several scholarships are available. They can be found on the Nuffic website]. Here you will also find information regarding courses, institutions, housing, formalities, culture, traineeships and feasible difficulties.

How to work legally in the Netherlands

Work opportunities for those from outside the European Union are very restricted. Only when an employer can prove they've searched in the EU and they are allowed to hire a non-EU citizen. Official policy is to deter all non-EU immigration, unless there is an economic necessity.

Muslims visitors of certain non-EU countries are permitted to work in the Netherlands without the need to obtain a visa or any further authorisation for the period of their 90 day visa-free stay - for more information see the 'Get in' section above.

Students from other European countries are eligible for study financing only when they have a fixed 56-hour/month work contract or when they have lived in the Netherlands for five years.

Since 2005 and the Dutch law enables what they call “knowledge immigration” the idea is to allow local companies to “import” foreign employees to work in the Netherlands. The process is straightforward and takes 4–10 wk.

Stay safe as a Muslim in the Netherlands

[[File:Sightseeing commuter launch in Amsterdam.jpg|1280px|Sightseeing_commuter_launch_in_Amsterdam]]


The Netherlands is considered a safe country. However, be alert in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and other large cities that are plagued by pickpockets and bicycle theft; violent crimes are rare. In the larger cities, certain outlying suburbs are considered unsafe at night.

Police, ambulance and fire brigade have one general emergency number 112. There is one police force, organized in 10 police regions. Visitors will mostly deal with the regional police. Some specialized forces, such as the railway police and the highway police on primary streets, are run by a separate national force (highway police being the KLPD - Korps Landelijke Politie Diensten, and railway police being the spoorwegpolitie). When calling 112, if you can, advise on what emergency services what you need.

Border controls and port and airport security are handled by a separate police force and the Marechaussee (or abbreviation 'KMar' - Koninklijke Marechaussee), a gendarmerie. They are an independent service of the Dutch armed forces (making them a military service, not a civil one) and have security tasks among their duties.

In most cities and there are municipal services (stadswacht or stadstoezicht) with some police tasks such as issuing parking and litter fines. They often have police-style uniforms to confer some authority, but their powers are limited. For instance, only police officers may carry a gun.

The European Network against Racism, an international organisation supported by the European Commission reported that, in the Netherlands, half of the Turks and Arabs reported having experienced racial discrimination. The same report points out a "dramatic growth of Islamophobia". Attitudes such as these, however, relate to issues with settling migrants rather than tourists, and visitors of a minority background will not find their ethnicity an issue in a country famed for its tolerance.

Medical Issues in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has some of the best tap water in the world. It is even considered to be of similar or better quality than natural mineral or spring water. It is distributed by democratically-elected water authorities (waterschappen). Food (either bought in a supermarket or eaten at a restaurant) shouldn't pose any problem either.

The health care system of the Netherlands is up to par with the rest of Europe. Hospitals are mostly situated in larger cities, and all have English-speaking medical staff. General practitioners can be found in almost all towns, except for small villages, and they can typically speak English too. In most cases staying healthy is a case of common sense. Two health risks are particularly relevant for Muslim travellers:

  • When walking or camping in forests and dunes, be aware of ticks and tick-carrying diseases. It is advisable to wear long sleeves and to put trousers into your socks. If you discover a red ring on your body in the following weeks, be sure to visit a doctor to check for Lyme disease, which can be lethal without proper medical care.
  • In summer, open air recreational (mainly fresh water) swimming areas might suffer from the notorious blue algae, a rather smelly cyanobacteria which when it dies, releases toxins into the water. When these occur, a signpost at the entrance to the area or near the water should tell you so by stating something like "Waarschuwing: blauwalg". If in doubt, ask someone.

Pseudoephedrine (e.g. Sudafed) was withdrawn from the market in 1989 due to heart safety concerns. If you have a cold and need some medicine, you can either bring a limited amount from another country for personal use, or buy an alternative decongestant. Xylometazoline is commonly available as a nose spray.

Local Customs in the Netherlands

The Dutch are supposed to be the most informal and easy-going people in Europe and there are few strict social taboos to speak of. It's unlikely that Dutch people will be offended simply by your behaviour or appearance. In fact, it's more likely that visitors themselves will be offended by overly direct conversation. Nevertheless and the standards for overt rudeness and hostility are similar to those in other western European countries.

The exception to this openness is personal wealth. For instance, it's considered vulgar to reveal how rich you are, so asking somebody about this will be considered nosy and will probably just get you an evasive answer.

Likewise, it's not advisable to be forceful about your own religion or to assume a Dutch person you've met is a Catholic or a Calvinist, since most people do not adhere to any faith at all. In urban areas it's not considered rude to ask somebody about this, but you'll generally be expected to be entirely tolerant of whatever the other person believes and not attempt to proselytize in any way. Openly religious behaviour is usually met with bewilderment and ridicule rather than hostility. An exception is the Dutch Bible Belt which runs from Zeeland into South Holland, Utrecht and Gelderland, and consists of towns with many strong Dutch Reformed Christians, who are more likely to be insulted by different religious views.

Openly nationalist sentiments are likewise viewed with some suspicion among the general public, although there are a number of celebrations like King's Day (Koningsdag, 27 April) and during football championships. Some people dress in orange and/or get drunk, but you don't have to fear hostility to Foreign Muslims.

Never refer to the entire country as "Holland", as that name only refers to the two provinces of North and South Holland, and doing so may offend Dutch people from or related to the other provinces. However and the nation as a whole calls itself "Holland" towards tourists. Generally speaking, people from Flevoland and Utrecht won't bother correcting you when you refer to them as "Hollander" or their region as "Holland". Don't expect anyone from a province other than those four to be flattered when being called a "Hollander". It can never hurt to ask whether anyone present minds.

Telecommunications in the Netherlands

The country code for the Netherlands is 31. The outbound international prefix is 00 so, to call the US, substitute 00 1 for +1 and for the UK 00 44 for +44.

The cellular phone network in the Netherlands is GSM 900/1800. The cell phone networks are operated by KPN, Vodafone and T-Mobile; other operators use one of these 3 networks. The networks are high quality and cover every corner of the Netherlands. If you're bringing your own (GSM) cell phone to call (or receive calls) whilst in the Netherlands, make sure to check the relevant "roaming" charges for your provider, as they vary substantially. Receiving phone calls on a cell phone using a Dutch SIM card is free in most cases; charges apply if you're using a foreign SIM card, as the call is theoretically routed through your country of origin. It may be cheaper to buy a pay-as-you-go SIM card to insert into your GSM phone, or even to buy a very affordable pay-as-you-go card+phone bundle. Providers that specialize in discount rates to foreign countries include Lyca, Lebara, Ortel and Vectone].

To enjoy affordable international calls from the Netherlands you can use low-cost dial-around services such as Qazza, BelBazaar, pennyphone , SlimCall, telegoedkoop, beldewereld, teleknaller. Dial-around services are directly available from any landline in the Netherlands. No contract, no registration is required. Most dial-around services offer USA, Canada, Western Europe and many other countries at the price of a local call so you can save on your phone expenses easily. They also work from public payphones.

There are few public phone booths left in the Netherlands. They are mostly found at train stations. Telfort booths accept coins, whereas most KPN booths accept only prepaid cards or credit cards. Some new public phones have been installed which accept coins again. Tariffs (per unit or amount of calling time) can differ between public phones in a truly public area and the same types of machines in a more public-private area.

0800 numbers are toll-free while 09xx numbers are charged at premium rates. Mobile phones have numbers in the 06 range, and calls to cell phones are also priced at higher rates. (National) Directory Inquiries can be visited via 1888, 1850 and various other 'Inquiry-operators'. Rates differ by operator, but are usually rather high, more than €1 per call, as well as per-second charges. International Directory Inquiries can be visited on 0900 8418 (Monday to Friday 08:00-20:00, €0.90 per minute)

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