
From Halal Explorer

Bomi lake banner1.jpg This Muslim Friendly Travel Guide is part of Travel Group Liberia is in West Africa and is bordered by Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Côte d'Ivoire. Along with Ethiopia, it was one of the only two countries to be uncolonized during the Scramble for Africa.

An Introduction to the regions of Liberia

Liberia Regions map - Map of Liberia with regions colour-coded

  Northern Liberia
the area between the Street Paul River and the borders with Guinea and Sierra Leone
  Central Liberia (Monrovia, Paynesville (Liberia))
the capital Monrovia and the main population centre
  Southern Liberia (Greenville (Liberia))
some beautiful Atlantic beaches and the nation's only national park

Reference ##f916f Northern Liberia. }}

Reference ##690b6 Central Liberia. }}

Reference ##bf9f Southern Liberia }}


  • Monrovia - the capital and with a population of around one million people is Liberia's largest city.
  • Robertsport - Coastal town with excellent surfing opportunities, a comfortable holiday lodge and a beachside campsite.
  • Greenville (Liberia) | Greenville
  • Harper - Located at the southeast of the nation, Harper is the former capital of Maryland. It is known for its beautiful beaches and beach houses. Now these houses are dilapidated but its still feasible to get a sense of the glory of the past.
  • Paynesville (Liberia) | Paynesville - interesting for BASE jumpers

Other destinations

  • Sapo National Park - Liberia's sole national park.
  • Blue Lake - 72 kilometers west of Monrovia, Liberia's capital, comes a natural wonder.
  • Providence Island -is a tiny island between downtown Monrovia and the Freeport. It lies at the mouth of the Mesurado River where early settlers to Liberia first settled between 1820 and 1822.
  • Lake Piso -is located in Grand Cape Mount County and is a saltwater lake with an open connection to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Atlantic Coastal Beaches -Bernard's Beach, CeCe Beach, ELWA Beach, Kendejah Beach, Kenema Beach, Thinkers Village Beach.

Liberia Halal Explorer

{{quickbar|location=LocationLiberia.png|1280px]] Liberia is a country with historical ties to the United States since it was founded by freed black slaves before the Underground Railroad, American Civil War perioid of the nineteenth century. The capital, Monrovia, was named after James Monroe. Liberia's flag closely resembles the American flag, reflecting the historical ties between the two countries.


Anthropological research shows the region of Liberia was inhabited at least as far back as the 12th century, perhaps earlier. Between 1461 and the late 17th century, Portuguese, Dutch and British traders had contacts and trading posts in Liberia. The Portuguese had named the area Costa da Pimenta, later translated as Grain Coast, because of the abundance of grains of melegueta pepper.

Andrew Cartwright A.M.E. Zion Minsionary American Colonization Society - Sign near the place the first African Methodist Zion Church was established by the American minster Andrew Cartwright

In 1822 the American Colonization Society, which was the primary vehicle for returning former Caribbean slaves to greater freedom in Africa, established Liberia as a destination for those formerly enslaved. This movement of black people by the ACS had broad support nationwide among white people in America. While the institution of slavery in America grew, reaching almost four million slaves by the mid 1800s, a growing population in the U.S. chose to emigrate to Liberia as well. African-Americans gradually migrated to the colony and became known as Americo-Liberians, from whom many present day Liberians trace their ancestry. On 26 July 1847, Americo-Liberian settlers declared independence of the Republic of Liberia.

Liberia retained its independence during the Scramble for Africa, but lost its claim to extensive territories that were annexed by Britain and France. Economic development was hindered by the decline of markets for Liberian goods in the late 19th century and by indebtedness on a series of loans, payments on which drained the economy.

On 12 April 1980, a successful military coup was staged by a group of non-commissioned army officers led by Master Sergeant Samuel Kanyon Doe. The soldiers were a mixture of the various ethnic groups that claimed marginalization at the hands of the minority Americo-Liberian settlers. In late 1989 and the First Liberian Civil War began and the nation was in state of war to varying degrees until 2003. Liberia is recovering from a devastating civil war that ended with a ceasefire in August 2003. An outbreak of Ebola, widely reported in 2014, has now ended.

While the nation is now on the mend, it has not yet redeveloped the necessary infrastructure to sustain a large increase in tourism, with little for the average visitor outside Monrovia. Towns like Buchanan and Ganta, etc, are little more than a collection of shanty houses with no decent hotels or food. Monrovia in general is calmer than the more far-flung areas although the situation countrywide is improving with the presence of UN Peacekeepers. Fear should not stop you enjoying your visit but act with caution. Travel outside Monrovia is difficult and not advisable on your own.

How is the Climate in Liberia

The equatorial climate is hot year-round with heavy rainfall from May to October with a short interlude in mid-July to August. During the winter months of November to March dry dust-laden harmattan winds blow inland causing many problems for residents.

The People of Liberia

Liberia officially has 16 ethnic groups that make up the nation's population of Kpelle and the largest group, Bassa, Gio, Kru, Grebo, Mandingo, Mano, Krahn, Gola, Gbandi, Loma, Kissa, Vai and Bella.

Americo-Liberians are the descendants of free-born and formerly enslaved African Americans.

Travel to Liberia

Visa policy of Liberia - A map showing the visa requirements of Liberia, with countries in dark blue having visa-free access

Visa & Passport Requirements to enter Liberia

A letter of invitation and a yellow fever vaccination certificate are necessary to apply for a Liberian visa. For US Muslims, a 3-month visa costs US$131, for all others the fee is US$100. One, two & three year multiple-entry visas are also available. The embassy in Conakry has been moved out of town to the town of Kipe. At the Freetown embassy service is next day and no hassle. They will stamp the duration of your stay in your passport when travelling overland so be sure not to give too few days when they ask or else you will have to go to immigration office in Broad Street in Monrovia to extend your visa for US$20 (though they will probably ask for more).

All travelers will need to extend their visa within 30 days of arrival at the immigration office on Broad Street, regardless of visa validity.

As of 2022 March, a Liberian visa is easy to apply at London embassy. No letter of invitation is required. Requirements are yellow fever vaccination book, 2 passport size photographs, a signed and completed application form, and payment in form of British Postal Order payable to Embassy of Liberia. The embassy accepts passports delivered by post and sends your passport back if you have attached return prepaid envelope. If you post a passport to the embassy and they most likely will send it back within few days from time of receival. For more information check embassy website or contact by phone 0207 388 5489.

How to get around in Liberia

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Liberia

Roberts International Airport (IATA Flight Code: ROB) (often called Roberts International Airport or RIA) is located some 60 kilometers from the downtown of Monrovia at Robertsfield.

Ethiopia Airlines has Flights from Addis Ababa. Royal Air Maroc from Casablanca and Freetown. Brussels Airlines from Brussels and Freetown KLM-Airline from Amsterdam and Freetown. Kenyan airways from Nairobi and [Accra]]. Air Cote d Ivoire from Abidjan. Arik Air from Freetown and Lagos.

The trip from the airport to the city was once infamous. Today and the situation has improved significantly with the restoration of peace and order. The road is now fully protected by UNMIL and safe.

By helicopter

By far the best way to travel, but helicopter flights are restricted to UN personnel. Poor weather in the rainy season often forces helicopters to return especially from Voinjama.

By Rail

There is no real train service. One track, which had belonged to a mine, has been opened for tourists It travels to the Bong mines, a massive, defunct ore-mining and processing plant once German-run.

By car

Liberia road - Liberian muddy road

The roads linking Roberts Airport to Monrovia and from Monrovia to the Sierra Leone border at Bo (Waterside) are paved and in excellent condition as of February 2023. Road conditions in some other areas are poor, so a 4x4 may be necessary for travel. During the rainy season, travel durations are increased dramatically. Traffic through Monrovia can be slow, due to numerous traffic bottlenecks and damaged sections of road. Gas is sold in US gallons, not litres. Most distances and speed limits are posted in miles per hour.

Travel on a Bus in Liberia

There are no long distance buses for tourists. A few buses for public travel are usable for travel under the National Transit Authority (NTA) guidance with their main terminal in the Gardnerville suburb. An inter-city transportation is ongoing to cities like: Buchanan, Gbarnga, Tubmanburg, Kakata & Robertsport; with plans to extend to cities like Zwedru, Ganta, and Bopolu. Tourist coaches are arranged for chartered express. The NTA criss-crosses Monrovia by providing transportation to suburbs and the downtown area. Also private buses serve the suburbs and the central business neighborhood including: Lizard company & individual transportations. Be careful how you board buses and avoid rushing to get on-board because thieves, locally called "rogue", take advantage to steal. Stand in the queue at bus stops & terminals. Buses are also overloaded with passengers, so bring a fan along or sit near a window.

Best way to travel in Liberia by a Taxi

The best way to get around Monrovia. Most Monrovia taxis on the streets will pick up several passengers en route, and are therefore often jam-packed. Ask people you trust if they know of a reliable taxi driver to contact, as getting robbed in a taxi is a possibility. If you are unable to find one, consider hiring a taxi to your destination for your own use exclusively.

Long distance shared taxis leave from "Douala Station" in a northern suburb of Monrovia for destinations around the nation. They are typically older yellow Nissan station wagons that leave when 10 passengers have purchased tickets. Fares for shared taxis are reasonable. For example and the three hour journey from Monrovia to Robertsport costs L$350 as of February 2023.

Alternatively, a "charter" taxi can be arranged for individual travel at a much higher price.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Liberia

You can board a boat from the St. Paul River to Robertport other destinations will be made available soon.

Local Language in Liberia

Liberia is a multilingual country where more than thirty languages are spoken. The official language is English, with Kreyol - an English-based pidgin language - serving as the lingua franca in Liberia's interior. English is spoken by most Liberians but, especially if you are travelling to more remote areas, a local guide will be useful.

What to see in Liberia

Downtown_Monrovia_3348917715_67a2002529 - Downtown Monrovia

  • 'Blo Degbo' Human face rock in Paynesville, near Monrovia (Note: this is not a developed tourist destination, so make sure it is a safe place to visit)
  • Rain forests are usually found in remote areas, most are unique and have many attractive features, but on the other hand some are risky because of their wildlife.

There are plenty of beaches around Monrovia. Out towards the airport after ELWA junction is ELWA beach, set inside a compound there is a marked safe swimming area, clean beach and plenty of families at the weekends. No facilities though. Further on is Thinkers (pronounced Tinkers) with a food and fruit drinks service, though the waves are a bit rough here, and it is not safe to walk up or down the beach too far. CE CE beach out the other way, over the bridge out to Hotel Africa is very well set up with palm umbrellas, drinks service and a buffet, and a well protected swimming area.

For an interesting day trip, Robertsport offers a glimpse of Liberia's cultural history as well as clean, beautiful beaches. A group of South Africans has set up a tent camp for those wishing to spend the night on the beach and the UN also offers lodgings on a first-come basis. Beware the strong tides.

The city of Buchanan, a several hour vehicle ride from Monrovia, also offers sublime beaches and a selection of restaurants and guest houses.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Liberia

Immerse yourself in the local culture. Liberia has a thriving music scene, known as hip co, which blends hip hop with colloquial Liberian English.Artists like Takun J, Santos, Mr. Smith, Soul Smiter, and Nasseman are popular. In the dry season, especially, concerts are regularly held at venues across the nation.

Liberia also has several late night restaurants. While places like Deja Vu cater to a largely expat crowd, explore places more popular with local residents. 146 on Carey Street features Liberian music, freestyle sessions, and live performances from Liberia's most popular musicians.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Liberia

Money Matters & ATM's in Liberia

Lib5$ - Obverse and reverse of a Liberian 5 dollar bill

The currency of the nation is the Liberian dollar, denoted by the symbol "$" or "L$" (ISO currency code: LRD). It is divided into 100 cents.


There are limited ways to use credit cards. Bring US dollars in cash with you (most transactions at Western businesses are done in US dollars) or transfer money through Moneygram or Western Union. Ecobank on Randall Street is used by many foreigners. If someone gives you Liberian dollars in change, accept it because it will be useful to have some on hand for very small purchases, but once you have a little, be sure to get dollars back (except when your change is less than a dollar and they use local currency in lieu of coins).

All Ecobank ATMs in Liberia take Mastercard/Visa card for cash withdrawal.

Liberia can be expensive or very affordable for a tourist depending on what amenities you want.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Liberia

Liberia is well known for its beautiful masks. Masks are on sale around hotels and UN centres. After haggling and they will cost you about L$25 (depending on the size, etc.)

There is beautiful printed fabric in Liberia. It is sold in lapas (usually 2), one lapa is 2 yards. 3 lapas of the best quality, real wax, will cost about L$15. There are a series of modern and technological Supermarkets or malls: the Abi Jaoudi, Xclusive superstore, located downtown and the ERA Mall, Stop n Shop, Payless Center & the Sinkor Xclusive, all in the Sinkor Suburb, & the Save Way Supermarket at the ELWA Junction. The Sinkor Suburb is lined with superior Muslim friendly lodgings & restaurants and has become Monrovia's new mid-town.

Halal Food & Restaurants

Eating Liberian food can be enjoyable and easy on the pocketbook. Liberian meals like palm butter, cassava leaf, potato greens, chock Rice, and jollof's Rice will barely leave a dent in your budget (US$2-3 with a soda). Portions are usually enormous. Another popular local dish is fufu (fermented dough made from the cassava plant) and soup (the most common are goat soup and pepper soup). And for those who like to eat on the go, fruit and Snacks can be purchased from street vendors throughout Monrovia. Peanuts, fried plantain chips, roasted ears of corn or plantains, bananas, mangos, and other fruits can be had for L$5-20 (or US$0.10-0.30). Especially delicious are the various breads sold freshly baked in the morning. Some breads resemble banana bread, other breads are more like corn bread. All are delicious although somewhat oily.

Liberia, Africa - panoramio (41) - Club Cola

Club organic juice is the staple drink, served everywhere. Local gin is also available.

Bagged water is sold on most street corners. While it is supposed to be filtered and safe, it is not guaranteed to be. Stick with bottled water to be sure. You can buy bottled water at any supermarket, restaurant, or at the Total gas stations.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Liberia

Liberia - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Liberia, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Liberia. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Liberia and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Liberia. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Liberia. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inLiberia: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Liberia.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Liberia: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Liberia, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Liberia.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Liberia, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Liberia, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Liberia and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Liberia, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Liberia, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Liberia without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Liberia is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Liberia.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Liberia is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Liberia, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Liberia Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Liberia

eHalal Group Liberia is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Liberia. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Liberia.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Liberia ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Liberia. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Liberia, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Liberia are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Usually hotels are considered very safe as the owners will employ guards. However, don't be complacent and make sure that you are aware of your security also in the hotels. Be prepared to pay your entire bill in cash (US dollars).

Study in Liberia

Liberia has just come from devastating war, so the learning curriculum is not the best at all.

How to work legally in Liberia

Almost every international NGO operates in Liberia. It is very feasible to find voluntary (unpaid) work here, if you are willing to stay for a bit. Paid work is almost exclusive through international organisations. Most of these organisations require foreign staff to be recruited abroad, so it is unlikely that you would be hired just because you managed to make it to Liberia.

Liberia has very high rates of unemployment. If you are in the nation for longer, try to encourage local production and employment by buying local goods and paying for services.

Stay Safe

Do not walk around at night, and make sure that your vehicle doors are locked when you drive around. Thieves will often reach into a vehicle when stopped and grab whatever they can, so keep the glass up especially in busy areas of Monrovia (redlight). Rape and armed robbery are common and on the rise. Hotels etc. have private guards and are rather safe.

There are some gangs of former combatants, armed with machetes, who walk around poorer areas of Monrovia (Redlight). There are also former combatants in the Palm Grove Cemetery on Center Street. Do not walk there alone at all.

The corner of Randall and Carey is also considered dangerous and supposedly a hang-out for drug dealers.

Avoid any desolate places, and stay in groups.

Keep an eye on the local residents, if they are carrying on as normal and you see plenty of women and children about, it is unlikely that there will be major sources of concern. If, however, people have disappeared from a usually busy location, or you find yourself surrounded only by youths, you should try and make a hasty retreat.

UNMIL has calmed the nation (in general) but it is already now anticipated that when UNMIL leaves the security situation will be worse.

It is advisable to inform your embassy that you are in the nation in case of evacuation.

Furthermore, learn as much about the security situation as you can. Locals are a key source of information. Be careful, however, not to believe everything you hear. Rumours spread like wildfire in Monrovia as they are the main source of news. Details, however, are often inaccurate.

Local newspapers are interesting reads. Daily Observer has the largest circulation but there are also several others. You can buy them in the street.

Female travellers

Rape is on the increase so be hesitant to walk by yourself in previously unknown or remote areas. Men on the whole will treat women with respect. They may tell you how beautiful you are, that they "love you" or ask you to marry them (more for the status rather than the money), but will not grab hold of you or be in any way improper.

Medical Issues in Liberia

Liberia, Africa - panoramio (164) - The world's most famous soft drink is available here too

HIV, while still low, is on the increase. Prostitution is rampant.

Typhoid, malaria, and worms are very common. In general Liberia is a hotbed for infectious diseases so disinfectants and gels are advisable (especially as handshakes are the norm).

There are few doctors usable by international Visitors so getting medical help may pose problems. There is apparently a Jordanian wing at the Kennedy hospital for private patients. MSF will also see a traveller, but only in dire cases.

Bagged water is sold on most street corners. While it is supposed to be filtered and safe, it is not guaranteed to be. Stick with bottled water to be sure. You can buy bottled water at any supermarket, restaurant, or at the Total gas stations.

Liberia experienced a terrible Ebola outbreak in 2014 and 2015 but was declared completely Ebola-free. However and there has been a single case of the disease afterwards.

Local Customs in Liberia

Liberians are very friendly and sociable. However and they do not take kindly to being ignored and will call you "rude". Make sure that you greet as many people as feasible and smile when you do so. Make friends with any guard, cleaner, etc., that you come across, introduce yourself and remember their names. Your security will also improve as the local residents will warn you of security threats if they know you and know that they can talk to you.

Handshaking is the normality, usually followed by a finger snap. Shake hands with people you meet, even fruit sellers.

As Liberia is incredibly poor, you will inevitably be asked for money or help of some kind. Usually the most persistent beggars are former combatants. Giving money to the elderly or the physically disabled will not go amiss. However, with most children and others, it's best to spend a little time with them, play a game, take digital photos (loved here) and then possibly give something as a gift to your friends. Liberians are proud people and their desperate need is no reason to treat them as beggars.

School fees are expensive (up to a US$100/year) so often foreigners are asked to pay for school, but this can also be used as a ploy.

Most people in Monrovia, with the exception of internally displaced people, are relatively well-off in Liberian terms. The worst conditions are in the nationside, where help is also most needed.

Rather than saying "no" to the requests, considered rude here, say "later" or "tomorrow" or "I will see what I can do". Do not ignore people. However, be assertive when answering as they'll often pester you and call you "boss" until you give in.

It is advisable to bring some business cards. They are given out at every function.

The wars of the 1990s and 2000s are very fresh in many people's minds so it is advisable to stay away from the topic.

Telecommunications in Liberia

Liberia has made a giant leap into the digital age with the arrival of many mobile phone companies; like Lonestar/MTN Cell (the nation's largest mobile company), Cellcom, Comium, Libercell formerly AWI (Atlantic Wireless Inc) and the government own Libtelco. Mobile phone usage is the leading medium of contact to the outside with some (Lonestar and Cellcom) offering GPRS/internet modem usage. So when you arrive, visiting or staying, you need a GSM mobile phone. You will need to purchase a GSM SIM card (US$1) and prepaid recharge cards (most commonly in denominations of US$1 and US$5), called "Scratch Card" locally. The only exception is Libtelco, that is done by paying monthly bills. Landlines are used only at offices. It is managed & owned by the government also, Libtelco.

The most common access to the internet is by GPRS/HSPA+ or restaurants, pubs, bars and hotels that offer free internet services to clients or for a small charge. With the installation of the undersea fiber-optic cable in November 2012 internet access is much improved. GPRS/HSPA USB adapters are commonly available from the mobile companies for US$50-60, with data plans ranging from US$1/hr or $0.12/MB to USD125/mo for unlimited data and up to 21MBps (1-2MBps is realistic on HSPA+).

Postal services

DHL operates in Liberia. Expedited Mail Service promises 5 day delivery to the US. EMS counter is at the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication on MacDonald Street.

The regular post office has just started to operate. The post office is at the very end of Randall Street by Waterside market. Post cards will cost L$30 to send, and will probably arrive at their destination. Packages are packed on the premises.

To receive mail, you must get a locked box together with a P.O. box number at the Randall Street post office. Do not send anything of value through the Liberian postal service. Many people have reported items being stolen while at the post office; in Liberia the postal system is new and very corrupt.

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