
From Halal Explorer

Lviv banner 1.jpg Lwów - Cerkiew Uspieńska - Dormition Church and the 400 year old Korniakt Tower.

Lviv (also spelled L'viv and Львів; Polish: Lwów, German: Lemberg, Russian: Львов, Latin: Leopolis) is in Western Ukraine and used to be the capital of East Galicia. It's the largest city of the region and a major Ukrainian cultural centre on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Lviv Halal Explorer

The city has a multicultural history but little of the evidence of this has survived until today. It was established in 1256 by King Daniel of Galicia (Ukrainian: Король Данило Галицький - Korol' Danylo Galyckyy) and fell under Polish control in the 14th century. Poles, Jews, Ukrainians, Germans and others lived there together for centuries. This multicultural experience virtually came to an end during and after WWII. Germans, with the help of Ukrainian nationalists, killed most of the Yahudi (about one third of Lviv's population at that time) and, at the end and in the direct aftermath of the war and the Polish population (about 65% of the population) was first partly driven out by nationalist terror and then "repatriated" to Poland in its new borders by the Soviet government. The Polish and Yahudi legacy is hardly preserved, but one can find some inscriptions on former shops in Polish, Yiddish and (German).

Because of Lviv's proximity to the EU and its openness to Foreign Muslims and the city's multicultural feel has experienced a resurgence. Even today, walking through the downtown, a traveller can hear Poles laughing and taking pictures of the beautiful old buildings, Germans walking through the city on guided tours, Ukrainian or Russian tourists and students joking about this or that, and American or British businessmen chatting in cafes. There is even a small Yahudi community in the city. The many universities in Lviv attract students from every continent on the globe, and its old architecture draws tourists from various parts of the world, including Ukraine.

The Polish king John II Casimir founded the Lviv University in the 17th century and Lviv (known as Lwów) was by that time one of the most important cities in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, along with Kraków, Warsaw, Gdańsk and Vilnius.

In 1772 the city was taken by the Habsburgs, and in Austrian times it was known as Lemberg and the capital of Galicia. After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, it was returned to Poland.

As a result of World War II, Stalin moved the Soviet frontier westward so Lviv became part of the USSR under the name Lvov (still widely used, even locally). With Ukrainian independence in 1991 and the name was changed to Lviv (Львів).

Lviv is in the most Ukrainian region of Ukraine. When it was a Soviet province, most signs were only in Ukrainian, and only a few also in Russian. Because of its Polish and Austro-Hungarian history, Lviv has a Central European flair in its architecture that makes it one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe. Lviv has even been called "the capital of Ukrainian culture". The people there are very warm, although somewhat direct (which is very common in eastern Slavic cultures).

Since slightly before the Euro 2012 soccer tournament and the city has become more and more tourist-friendly. All downtown street signs are in both Ukrainian and English, and the staff of the Information Center on Rynok Plaza speak many different languages. Maps, schedules of local events, and tourist guides can be obtained there for free in English, (German), Polish, and Russian. There are even small information kiosks beside some monuments (small touch-screen TVs that offer maps and information about the city). Visiting Lviv is very rewarding for the pioneer traveller, as living is extremely affordable here and the place has a truly authentic feeling, unlike places like Kraków or Prague, which are swamped with tourists.

- Brody 203.jpg

Brody - Ukrainian: Броди, Polish: Brody, Yiddish: בראָד Brody Raion, Lviv Oblast GPS 50.083 ,25.145 North-East about 90 kilometers from Lviv - Take a train to here Good day trip. St. Yuriya Church (Церковь св. Юрия), built at the beginning of the 17th century, restored in 1867; Palace of Pototskyi Count (1630-1635), History Museum, Ruined Big Synagogue (1742), Palace of Tyshkevich is built in 1909, in English style.

Drohobych town hall - Drohobych - Drohobych town hall.jpg

  • Drohobych - Ukrainian: Дрогóбич; Polish: Drohobycz Lviv Oblast GPS 49.351 ,23.506 Good day trip. St. Apostles Peter and Paul Monastery), Vultsa Stryiska, 1; St. Bartholomew Catholic Church with the former defence tower now the bell tower of the St. Bartholomew church; Palace of Arts Local Museum, Bruno Shults (Polish Writer) Museum, Vultsa I. Franka, 24; Picture gallery, Sichovykh Striltsiv, 16; Church of Holy Exaltation Cross (Церква Воздвиження Чесного Хреста), 1661, Vulitsa Zvarits'ka, 9 }}

John the Baptist Church Horodok(LvivOblast) 01.JPG

  • Horodok - Gorodok, Ukrainian: Городок, Polish: Gródek Jagielloński, - Horodok Raion, Lviv Oblast 49.783, 23.648 west 25 kilometers A good day trip. Vis John the Baptist Church (1755) }}
Споруди Василіянського монастиру і навколо нього 22.jpg
  • Krekhiv monastery - Ukrainian: Крехів, Polish: Krechów - Kozulka settlement, Lviv Oblast - GPS: 50.0332, 23.7992 25 kilometers NW: at northern rim of the Yavorivskyi National Park day trip.

Olesko - Zamek 02 - Castle Olesko - Olesko - Zamek 02.jpg

  • Olesko - Ukrainian: Олесько; Polish: Olesko; Yiddish: אלעסק Alesk - Lviv Oblast 49.963, 24.893 E ~60 kilometers - take bus toward Brody or Dubno Good day trip. - See here: St. Joseph Church and monastic cells of the monastery of capuchins (1838); the Castle, Vulitsa Zamkova, 34 (14-17th centuries); take a walk in the Castle Park (13 ha); right the next is the Capuchin Monastery (1700s); visit the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Vulitsa T. Shevchenka, 59 }} - Podhorce - Zamek 01A.jpg
  • Pidhirtsi - Ukrainian: Підгірці; Polish: Podhorce - Lviv Oblast 49.9406, 24.9851 80 kilometers east of Lviv, ~2 hours by bus A good day trip to see the Konietspolskikh Castle (замок Конецпольських), 1635-1640; Pidhoretskyi Landscape Park (17 ha); St. Joseph Catholic Church (Костел св. Иосифа), 1765; Plisnesk Archeological Site, 7th-13th сenturies; Cells of monastery (Келії Підгорецького монастиря) 18th century, Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos? (Церковь Рождества Богородицы), part of the former Vasylyi Monastery (1180) }}
  • Rava-Rus'ka - Ukrainian: Рава-Руська, translit. Rava-Rus'ka; Russian: Рава-Русская, translit. Rava-Russkaya; Polish: Rawa Ruska; Yiddish: ראווע, Rave - Lviv Oblast GPS 50.232 ,23.621 ~50 kilometers NE St. Michael Church and monastic cells of the Franciscan Abbey (Костел Св. Михайла та монастирськi келiї монастиря ордену Реформаторiв) and the first wooden chapel, built here in 1725. St. Joseph Catholic Church from 1843 with the miraculous icon of Mother of God (1670s). French Second World War soldiers' cemetery.

SamborUniwersytet - Sambir, University - SamborUniwersytet.JPG

  • Sambir - Ukrainian: Самбір, Polish: Sambor - Sambir Raion, Lviv Oblast 49.515, 23.203 75 kilometers Southwest from Lviv - train connection Good day trip. - Sights: Town hall (Самбірська ратуша), Plaza Rynok, 1; St. Ivan Church, Street Pushkina, 7; Bernardine monastery (Монастир бернардинців), Street A. Mitskevycha, 5-A; Nativity Church (Церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці), built in 1738; }}
Смт. Славське. Церква Успення Пресвятої Богородиці (1901)..JPG
  • Slavske Ukrainian: Славське, Polish: Sławsko - Skolivskyi Raion - GPS: 48.84861, 23.44722 120 kilometers S-SW of Lvov - take a train to here Good day trip. - Take a chair lift on Trostyan mountain for a good walk; Visit the Cave of Painted Draw-well. Cheap accommodations: Al'piis'kyi dvir Guesthouse (Пансионат "Альпийский двор") Tel +380 67 6727230; Rozhanka Resting house (База відпочинку "Рожанка") North-East 2KM. Tel. +380 32 298-5331; - Lys Mykyta Cottages Resting house (Котеджі "Лис Микита"), Franka str., 59А Tel. +380 50 334-8295; - U Lili ta Yaroslava B&B (Приватна садиба "У Лілі та Ярослава") Tel.+380 67 977-3598; Cottage Zyhva (Котедж "Зигва"), +380 32 514-2578; U Tetiany Hotel (Мини-отель "У Татьяны") Tel.+380 32 514-2332. - Sights: Carpathian Museum of the liberation struggle (Карпатський музей визвольної боротьби), Sichovykh Striltsiv Street, 2. Tel.+380 97 333-4630; Assumption of the Virgin Mary church Church (Церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці), T. Shevchenka street., built in 1901.

Stare Selo castle inner yard 01 - Castle Stare Selo, Inner Yard - Stare Selo castle inner yard 01.jpg

  • Stare Selo Ukrainian: Старе Село; Polish: Stare Sioło; literally, "old village" Pustomyty Raion, Lviv Oblast - GPS: 49.701944, 24.194722 25 kilometers Southeast Castle (Старе Село замок), 1584-1654 }} Svirzh.jpg
  • Svirzh Ukrainian: Свірж| Peremyshliany Raion 49.65224, 24.43265 40 kilometers SW: direct public transport almost nonexistent; take any shuttle van or bus toward Rohatyn and get off at Bibrka on H09 hwy or at Peremyshlyany on T1414 further 8 kilometers from both Sights: Assumption of the Virgin Mary church (костел Успіння Богородиці), 1546, early 17th century., 1770s; Defense tower (ruins), grotto (оборонна башта, грот), 1484, Svirzh castle (Свірж замок), 1484-1660s. Zhovkva Rynek panoramic.jpg
  • Zhovkva Жовква - Zhovkva Raion GPS 50.056, 23.971 25 kilometers North A good day trip. Visit the Monastery }}

File:Золочев. Замок. - Remains of Castle Zolochiv

Золочев. Замок..jpg
  • Zolochiv - Золочів - 49.8055, 24.8991 70 kilometers East, Zolochiv Raion, Lviv Oblast - train station 2 kilometers south from the town Good day trip for visiting: Ascension of Virgin Mary church + cells (костел Вознесіння Діви Марії + келії), 1731-1763; Castle (Золочів замок), 1634-1686; Arsenal (арсенал), 15th century.; Polish cemetery (польський цвинтар). - Plav'ya - a village in Ukraine..JPG
  • Trukhaniv - Труханів - Skolivskyi Raion - GPS: 49.054444, 23.639167 108 kilometers South of Lvov Good day trip. - Rocks and Cave of Dovbush (6 kilometers from here), The bottom edge of the village is a picturesque waterfalls cascade and the Sukilski waterfalls, also in the village is a St. Michael Church built in 1840 }} - Truskavets1.JPG
  • Truskavets Трускавець - Lviv Oblast - GPS: 49.279, 23.506 70 kilometers SW: take a train to here Good for a day trip }} - Univ lavra.jpg
  • Univ monastery - Унів, Міжгір’я? - Peremyshlians'kyi Raion, - GPS: 49.7063, 24.5741 40 kilometers east: take a bus or shuttle van to here Founded in 1390s. It consists of church, partly saved fortress walls with two north and south-west towers (15th century), building of monastic cells (17th-19th centuries) and house of metropolitan (19 century). Good for a day trip.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Lviv

LvivOperaHouse - L'viv Opera House (Svobody Ave)

  • Attend a concert or festival. L'viv has been called the "Queen of Festivals" as a city, because there is often a different festival every other week. Some festivals with many free activities are the Chocolates Festival and the Coffee Festival, and the Alpha Jazz Festival. Stop by the Lviv Tourism Board Center on Rynok Plaza to find out more about what festivals are happening during your stay in L'viv. - LvivOperaHouse.JPG
  • S. Krushelnytska Opera House Svobody Ave, 28 49.8442, 24.0259 Tram In the very heart of L'viv the historic opera house offers regular performances of various operas and ballets. Tickets can be purchased at the theatre cashier ("Kaca") ranging in price from 50 грн to 80 грн. Even if opera and ballet is not your cup of tea, a night at the theatre is worthwhile, at the very least, to enjoy this spectacular venue.

- Lviv philharmonic Society Concert hall - Львівська обласна філармонія - Chaikovs'koho P. str.,7 49.83755, 24.03043 South - Bus 3А, 4А, 48, 53 to 'Knyazya Romana St'☎ +380 32 2721042 +380 32 2358122 Opening Hours: Cash Desk 11:00-19:00 40, 60, 80, 100 грн

  • Mini "People and Dolls" Theatre Львівський театр естрадних мініатюр "І люди, і ляльки" - Fredra O. str.(вул. Фредра), 6 49.83628, 24.03287 ☎ +380 32 2613125, +380 32 2612127
  • Les Kurbas youth theatre Львівський молодіжний театр ім. Леся Курбаса| Kurbasa L. str., 3 GPS 49.8421,24.0255 Tram 2, 9, 10 to 'Petra Doroshenka St' ☎ +380 32 2724914, +380 32 2729204|fax=|hours=
  • The first Ukrainian theatre for children & young people Перший український театр для дітей та юнацтва - Hnatiuka V. akad. str., 11 - GPS: 49.84152, 24.02473 Tram 2, 9, 10 to 'Petra Doroshenka St'☎ +380 32 2726841, +380 32 2727810 }} - Lviv State Circus - Львівський державний цирк| Horodots'ka str., 83 49.83999, 24.01385 ☎ +380 32 2385327, +380 32 2385330
  • Visit the Bania, a Russian style sauna for men and women (non-communal). There are a few located in L'viv and well worth the trip. The experience can be mildly confronting for the prudish Westerner, as all activities are conducted in the nude but don't worry, it is a highly civilized environment.
  • Stadiumn Torpedo - Стадион "Торпедо" - Vul. Gorbenka (вулиця Горбенка) 49.8509, 24.0055 Take tram 7 to stop Turyanskoho Street
  • SKA Stadium - Стадион СKA| Kleparivska Street (вул. Клепарівська), 39 49.85262, 24.01351 ☎ +380 322 332379

Parks and gardens

  • Pliazh Aquapark - Aквапарк Пляж| str. Princess Olga 114 (Kniahyni Ol'hy str., 114) GPS 49.8063, 23.9978 South 5km☎ +380 32 2638297, +380 32 2636055 Tariff 100 грн per day (2023) Escape from summer heat. Area 1.4 ha. Enjoy Greek-Roman steam room and jacuzzi, bars “Tropic” and “Hawaii” in the wet area.
  • Lviv hippodrome - Львівський іподром - Stryis'ka str., 117 49.7796, 24.0186 7km South☎ +380 322 649727, +380 322 649729 Race courses.
  • Ivan Franko Park - Парк ім. Івана Франка (колишній парк Костюшко) - str. Universytetska (вул. Університетська) 49.83845, 24.01990 1 kilometers West from centre - Tram 1, 2, 10 or bus 21, 48 to stop 'Holovna Poshta'| is oldest park in the city. Traces of that time may be found in three- hundred-year-old oak and maple trees. Upon the abrogation of the Jesuit order in 1773 the territory became the town property. A well-known gardener Bager arranged the territory in the landscape style, and most of trees were planted within 1885-1890.
  • Bohdan Khmelnytsky Culture and Recreation Park - Парк культури та відпочинку імені Богдана Хмельницького, Парк ім. Богдана Хмельницького - streets Striyskeyu (ulitsa Zaritskikh) - GPS: 49.82746 , 24.02277 Southwest 1.5 kilometers from old town - Tram 3, 5, 9, 11 to 'Kultury Park'☎ +380 32 2727877, +380 32 2727931 in the Halych neighborhood of the city , interesting garden art local value (1984). It's one of the best organized and modern green zones containing a concert and dance hall, stadium and the town of attractions, central stage, numerous cafes and restaurants. In the park there are Ferris wheel. Between the streets Striyske , Guardyisko , Vitovskogo and Zaritsky. At the top of the park is culture Glory Monument. The area of ​​the park is 26 hectares.
  • Stryiskyi Park - Стрийський парк - Between Str. Stryis'ka and Str. Ivana Frank, 156 49.822778, 24.026111 1.5km South from old town, Take bus No.30. or trolley No.25 to 'Park Kultury' stop It is considered one of the most picturesque parks in the city. The park has over 200 species of trees and plants. It is well known for a vast collection of rare and valuable trees and bushes. At the main entrance gate you will find a pond with swans.
  • Regional Landscape Park Znesinnya - Регіональний ландшафтний парк «Знесіння» - Street Novoznesens'ka, (вулиця Новознесенська) 49.84653, 24.06139 1.5 kilometers northeast, Ideal site for cycling, skiing sports, and hiking. It's on green hilly parts of the historical village Znesinnya. Area: 312.1 ha. The park includes rare specimens of plants, as well as sandstones, limestones containing fossils, hills covered by forests and picturesque valleys with ponds and streams.
  • Shevchenkivskyi Hay - Шевченківський гай - Vul. Chernecha hora. (вул. Чернеча гора) GPS 49.844603, 24.065628 Nearby (west) is a park "High Castle". ☎ +380 32 2437823 10:00-18:00 15 грн . In the park is a unique open-air museum that has gathered the best collection of Ukrainian wooden architecture. Museum successfully combines hilly terrain, vegetation Carpathians restored and carefully moved historic buildings from different regions of Western Ukraine. The park is approx. 84 ha.
  • High Castle Park - Високий Замок парк - 49.8481, 24.0392 1 kilometers NE It is on the highest city hill (413 m) and occupies the territory of 36 hectares consisting of the lower terrace once called Knyazha Hora (Prince Mount), and the upper terrace with a television tower and artificial embankment.
  • Zalizni Vody Park - Залізна Вода - Located between the streets Stusa, Myshugy, Ternopylska and Yaroslavenka 49.81943, 24.03727 2 kilometers South It began from the former garden Zalizna Voda (Iron water) combining Snopkivska street with Novyi Lviv neighborhood. The park owes its name to the springs with high iron concentration. This beautiful park with ancient beech trees and numerous paths is a favorite place of many local residents. The total area of ​​19.5 hectares the park. Here, among the western slopes of the plateau of Lviv, near the park originates Poltva. In the park you can see the outputs of marl, which is the reason for the existence of multiple sources. The name of the park comes from the high iron content in the springs that flow here. - Vegetation: beech, pine, oak, birch, poplar, willow, ornamental trees and shrubs. It also grows old apple orchard.
  • Lychakivskyi Park - Личаківський парк - Between Street Tsetnerivka, Street Lychakivska & Street Pasichna 49.83409, 24.06576 Founded in 1892 and named after the surrounding suburbs. A botanic garden is on the park territory, founded in 1911 and occupying the territory of 18.5 hectares. At the park is a sportcomplex of the Lviv State University of Physical Culture and the "Stadium Skiff".}} Zamarstynivs'kyi forest park Замарстинівський лісопарк| Ulitsa Filippa Orlika 49.8766, 24.0298 North 3km-Trolley 13 to 'Pylypa Orlyka St' and head north 0.5km
  • Park the name of the 700year of Lviv - Парк ім. 700-річчя Львова| prospekt Vyacheslava Chernovola, 91 49.8649, 24.0194 North 2 km: Trolley 13 to 'Torfiana St'
  • Park Na Valakh Парк "На Валах"| Pidval'na str. 49.84355, 24.03550 East There is a Fire Tower GPS 49.84288,24.03563. }}
  • Sviatoiurs'kyi park - Святоюрський парк, Сад собору святого Юра, Схил Святоюрської гори,| Lystopadovoho Chynu street, GPS 49.8386,24.0153 west
  • Student park - Студентський парк - Sakharova A. akademika str. 49.8283, 24.0130 2km Southwest
  • Botanical Garden of L’viv Ivan Franko National University - Ботанічний сад Львівського національного університету ім. І.Франка (стара частина) ame=history Cheremshyny str, (вул. Черемшини), 44 49.8301, 24.0651 E 4 km: Tram 2, 10 to 'Pasichna St' walk 600 m south or bus 15, 19, 23, 27, 40, 47A, 50, 117, 138 to 'Tadzhykska St' 200 m ☎ +380 322 768369 There are 1025 tree and shrub species; 720 natural herbaceous species; 1095 cultural herbaceous species and sorts; 1630 tropical and subtropical species.
  • Botanical garden of the Lvov Forestry Engineering Institute Ботанічний сад Львівського лісотехнічного інституту - Chuprynky T. henerala str 49.8253, 24.0030 west 4 km: between the streets of Chuprinky (former Pushkina) and Pryrodnoiu - Tram 2 to stop 'Hordynskyh St' The land area ​​10.8 ha. There is a flower collection, educational area and a small research farm. Also the collection include about 200 species of trees and shrubs.
  • Park Piskovi Ozera - Park Pischani ozera, Парк "Піщані озера" - Hordynskykh str. 49.8238, 23.9977 West 5km - Tram 2 to 'Konovaltsia St'
  • Kulparkivskyi park - Кульпарківський сквер - ulitsa Evgeniya Konovaltsa, ~111 49.8240, 23.9917 west 5.3 km: Tram 2 to 'Konovaltsia St'
  • Horikhovyi hai Park - Парк "Горіховий Гай" Boikivs'ka str. 49.8183, 24.0115 Southwest 5 km: Tram 3, 5 to 'Boychuka St'

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Lviv


Vyshyvanka for sale in Lviv - Vyshyvanka for sale in Lviv

  • Staryi Lytsar ? Rynok Ринок Cтарий лицар| Chornovola V. ave., 67 49.8595, 24.0192 north: Trolley 13 to 'Shevchenkivska administratsiya'☎ +380 32 2247136
  • Krakivs'kyi - Ринок Краківський| Bazarna str., 11 49.8462, 24.0182 west: Tram 6, 7 to stop 'Tserkva Anny' & 0.4 kilometers to north☎ +380 32 2338054
  • Pryvokzal'nyi - Ринок "Привокзальний" - Hors'koi A. str., 2 49.8358, 24.0007 west: Tram 11 to 'Pryvokzalnyi rynok'☎ +380 32 2372134
  • Novyi rynok - Новий ринок| Petliury S. str., 11B 49.8232, 23.9798 Wwest: Tram 2 to stop 'Konovaltsia St'☎ +380 32 2922328
  • Halytskyi market - Галицький базар - Vulitsa Serbska (вулиця Сербська) 49.83853, 24.03363 Bus 1A, 5А, 6A, 24, 45, 47A to 'Halytska Plaza'
  • Shuvar Ринок Шувар| Khutorivka str. (вул. Хуторівка), 4A 49.7997, 24.0271 south ~7 km: Bus 7, 11, 14, 23, 32, 38, 40, 41, 116, 117, 287 to 'Demianska St' ☎ +380 32 2951919
  • Vynnykivs'kyi Market Ринок Винниківський - Solodova str., 4 49.84065, 24.04784 east: Tram 2, 7, 10 or Bus 5А, 15, 18, 29, 36, 39, 47A, 50, 102, 105, 110, 138, 147, 217A to stop 'Oblasna Klinichna Likarnia'☎ +380 32 2753457
  • Pidzamche Market Ринок Підзамче| Khmel'nyts'koho B. str., 120 49.8550, 24.0452 Bus 9, 20 to stop 'Novoznesenska St'☎ +380 322 522184

Other stores

  • Foxtrot Electronics Supermarket Chornovola V. Ave. (просп. В'ячеслава Чорновола), 57 49.85601, 24.02130 Bus 1A, 7, 8, 17, 22, 25, 26, 28, 31, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41, 46 to stop 'Shevchenkivska administratsiya' ☎ +380 322 422 507

Shopping centre

  • Dobrobut Shopping centre - Торговий центр Добробут - Stara str.(вулиця Стара), 3 49.84516, 24.02779 NW: Tram 6, 7 or Bus 1A, 3А, 4А, 5А, 6A, 15, 26, 29, 35, 36, 37, 39, 46, 47A, 50 to stop 'Teatralna Street'☎ +380 32 2975614
  • Hypermarket Epicentr - гіпермаркет Епіцентр-2 - Vulytsya Bogdana Khmelnitskogo, 188A, 49.86355, 24.05380 take a bus 9, 19, 20, 25, 35 to stop Bus Station #2 ☎ +380 322 351145
  • Magnus Shopping centre - Торговий центр Магнус - Shpytal'na street (ulitsa Gospitalnaya), 1 - GPS: 49.84432, 24.02403 NW: Tram 6, 7 to 'Teatralna St'|
  • King Cross Leopolis and Auchan Hypermarket - Ашан| Stryiska Str., 30 GPS 49.7728, 24.0124 south 7 km: Bus 116, 133 to stop 'King Cross Leopolis'☎ +380 32 2420580 Auchan
  • Sykhivskyi Shopping centre Торговий центр Сихівський - Sykhivs'ka str., 16A 49.79514, 24.06423 Bus 13, 16, 19, 23, 37, 38, 40, 41, 46, 47A, 117 or Trolley 25 to 'Ivana Kavaleridze St' ☎ +380 32 2219127

Money Matters & ATM's in Lviv

For more information on currency see Ukraine#Money|here

ATMs (known as "bankomats") and currency exchanges ("obmin valyuti") are ubiquitous throughout Lviv, particularly in the downtown. Most ATMs will accept UnionPay cards. Currency exchanges will often only accept foreign currency in pristine condition. Travellers' checks are not very useful in Lviv; however and there are still a few hotels and banks that will cash them for you.

Credit cards are now widely accepted in many of the downtown restaurants, cafes, hotels and some hotels. Also at the main bus station and long distance train station. Surprisingly, lots of small grocery stores now also accept plastic.

Attempting to pay for something affordable with a large denomination (50 грн and above) will often at the very least annoy the shopkeeper; salespeople may even refuse to sell to you if you do not have any smaller denominations. Grocery stores and other high-volume shops are an exception to this rule.

  • OTP Bank, Teatralne office - OTP Bank, відділення Театральне - Svobody ave.(пр. Свободи), 22 49.8434, 24.0274 centre: Tram 6, 7 to 'Teatralna St' +380 800 3000500 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00
  • OTP Bank, Naukova office OTP Bank, відділення Наукове| Naukova Street (вулиця Наукова), 96-А 49.80534, 23.98860 Southwest 3 kilometers +380 800 3000500| fax=Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00 - And more two units: Str. Ivan Franko, 20; - prospect V. Chornovola, 59
  • Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Branch 6 - Райффайзен Банк Аваль, відділення 6 - Kopernyka M. str., 14 49.8389, 24.0268 west: Tram 1, 2, 10 to stop 'Petra Doroshenka St'
  • Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Branch 1 Райффайзен Банк Аваль, відділення 1 - West - Liubins'ka str., 4 49.8338, 23.9904
  • Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Soborne - Райффайзен Банк Аваль, Соборне відділення - Halyts'ka sq., 14 49.83907, 24.03162 Tram 1, 2, 10 to 'Petra Doroshenka St' 400m
  • UniCredit Bank (Ukrsotsbank) Укрсоцбанк - Politekhnichna str., 2 49.83444, 24.01425 Tram 1, 10 to 'Lvivska politekhnika'
  • UniCredit Bank - Укрсоцбанк - Mitskevycha A. sq., 10 49.83961, 24.03078 Old Town

Study in Lviv

Halal Food & Restaurants

Life in Lviv is very cheap. It's not difficult to find a place where you can obtain a full meal for €2. The challenge is rather ordering if you don't speak Ukrainian.

  • Arsen #2 Supermarket Супермаркет Арсен N2 - Viacheslava Chornovola Ave. (пр-т Черновола), 93 - GPS: 49.8623, 24.0169 Northwestern quarter - 'Lvov 700 years old' Park☎ +380 32 2976070 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-23:00, Sunday 09:00-22:00 More units: west 2.5 kilometers ul. Paton, 37, ☎ +38 032 2441925, Monday to Friday 08:00-23:00, Sunday 09:00-22:00; southeast 1.5 kilometers ul. Zelenaya, 147, ☎ +38 032 2405258, Monday to Friday 08:00-23:00, Sunday 09:00-22:00; south 3 kilometers ul. Kn. Olga, 120, ☎ +38 032 2457654 Monday to Friday 08:00-23:00, Sunday 09:00-22:00
  • Potato House Fast Food Restaurant Ресторан Картопляна хата | Chornovola V. ave., 65 GPS 49.85896, 24.01918 Northwestern quarter - Eldorado Shopping Center☎ +380 32 2521975 - Restaurant chain }} - McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) Restaurant Ресторан Макдональдз Chornovola V. Ave., 12 - GPS: 49.84712 ,24.02602 Northwestern quarter☎ +380 32 297-0414 . Restaurant chain. Wi-Fi. }}

Bistro Бістро Panteleymona Kulisha, 13 GPS 49.84600 ,24.02393 Northwestern quarter☎ +380 32 272-2165

  • Bistro Бістро Horodotska str., 11 49.84389 ,24.02441 Northwestern quarter +380 32 240-3598 - Fast Food Chain
  • Puzata Hata - Ресторан Пузата хата - Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., 12 49.84022, 24.02378 Northwestern quarter - in same building Mini Hostel/Hostel2 Lviv This fast food chain offers hearty Ukrainian smörgåsbord. Cafeteria style eatery has a selection of traditional Ukrainian food mixed with some other food found around the area.
  • Acropolis Tavern - off Rynok Plaza? - ? Gyros and souvlaki for US$3A Greek casual diner. The staff speak English and may well start dancing, in traditional style, given any amount of encouragement.
  • Idalnia #1 Gurman - Gourmet - Petra Doroshenka 7 - GPS: 49.84003, 24.02712 Tram 2,9, 10 to 'Petra Doroshenka' They are cooking only from Ukrainian products.
  • Bäckerei Videnski bulochky - бекерай-кав'ярня Віденські Булочки - Katedralna Sqr. 3 49.84032, 24.02997 Old Town☎ +380 32 2358822| fax=Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-22:00, Saturday 08:00-23:00 Traditional Austrian cafe-bakery. Freshly baked French croissants, real German pretzel, Italian focaccia and ciabatta. Full menu featuring a selection of hot sandwich-baguettes, salads and soups.
  • Cafe 1 sq. Katedralna 5 49.84044, 24.02988 Center- off Rynok PlazaA very cosy cafe/casual dining restaurant that offers a varied range of modern cuisine. It has a warm atmosphere with non-smoking and smoking areas plus friendly and thoughtful staff.
  • Gutsulsky Dvir - Етно-ресторан "Гуцульський Двір" 36 Schyretska str. GPS 49.8096, 23.9749 At Sknylivs'kyi park - Southwest 5km ☎ +380 322 952564 price= One of the most picturesque ethnic restaurants in the city. Ukrainian ethnic cuisine, great atmosphere of wooden restaurant with lots of trees around is a must to visit while staying in L'viv. }} - Kavkaz Georgian Restaurant Ресторан «Кавказ», ПП "КАРРО" Zelena street (вул. Шота Руставеллі), 2 GPS 49.8340, 24.0352 Tram 3, 4, 5, 9, 11 to 'Zelena street' . Try harcho soup and fig salad.
  • Kupol - Chaikovskogo 37 49.83652, 24.02508 Tram 2, 9, 10 to 'Holovna Poshta' - next to L'viv Art Gallery☎ +380 32 261-4454 Has a touch of understated Habsburg grandeur. Homestyle quality. - Museum of Ideas Музей Ідей Valova 18A GPS 49.84001, 24.03484 located in Bernardine monastery cellars A kind of cultural centre, with hand-made glass souvenirs gallery, exhibition space, sculptures and movie screenings. There's a good small restaurant there and in summer also a organic juice garden.
  • New York Street Pizzas - 5, Sichovykh Striltsiv Street (Січових Стрільців) - GPS: 49.84080, 24.02521 West 0.5km More units: 51, Volodymyra Velykogo Str, 37, Patona Str, 4, Stefanyka Str, 36, Generala Chuprynky Str, 5, Tershakovtciv Str, 59, Grushevskogo Str, 1, Valova Str, 51, Chervonoi Kalyny pr, 2, Sv. Teodora pl. Tasty Pizzas, soups, salads, cakes and beverages.
  • Pid Kelpsydroyu café/restaurant Under Clepsydra - Vir’menska 35 49.8438, 24.0324 opp. Dzyga Cultural Centre, you'll see about 15 large tables with patio umbrellas crowding the street. You'll also see the city's sophisticated set sipping Under Clepsydra's famous forest tea. Under Clepsydra has three sections. The indoor café/restaurant inspired by the Parisian brasseries of the left bank has two sections, smoking and non-smoking, that share a soundtrack of classic French jazz and folk music. Upstairs you’ll find the more popular late-night section of the establishment. But what really sets it apart from other Lviv hangouts is the menu. Vegetarian restaurants in Lviv are, well, non-existent, but Under Clepsydra you’ll find a collection of fresh, meat-free dishes made with local ingredients. Potato and mushroom crepes are less than €2, and fresh soups and salads are anywhere between €1-2. Menus are in English. The carnivorous set has plenty of options as well. Few dishes run more than €5, and entrees include duck, Beef, grilled Chicken, smoked salmon.
  • Tsukerna Confectionary - pr. Staroevraiski 49.84047, 24.03116 Old Town Viennese-style cake and Coffee.
  • Amadeus A broad European and Ukrainian menu in a 5 star environment with 4-star food and 2.5-star prices.
  • Viden’ska Kavyarnia - Viennese Café - Svobody Prospect Next to Opera House A main course €3-4, a three-course meal €6-7 This place has menus in English and English-speaking staff.- The Wiener Schnitzel is great, so are all the soups and the breakfasts and the potato pancakes and the Apfelstrudel.
  • Veronica, on the Shevchenko Prospect is both a French style cafe (upstairs) and stylish restaurant downstairs.


  • Mapa - Halyc'ka 4 (Map), , a quiet café with a special atmosphere and tasty Italian Coffee. There are three large rooms for visitors: a large room on the first floor, and old-style rooms in the basement.
  • Rodzinka Cafe - near Saharova?
  • Pid Synioyu Plyashkoyu - Under the Blue Bottle - Ruska 4 directions= - . Intimate, medieval.


  • Hasova Lyampa Cafe Kerosene Lamp - Virmenska 20 You’ll most likely see a man dressed in Olde Tyme regalia pacing in front of the entrance, beckoning people inside. If he’s not there another greeter awaits in the form of a metal statue sitting at a desk with a... you guessed it, lit gas lamp. Once inside you’ll find a spiral staircase ascending up three flights of dining space. Each floor is cozy, candle lit, and decorated with classic gas lamps. Gas Lamp also has one of Lviv’s best patios, in the form of their rooftop dining section. While the entrees are standard and the Snacks that go with organic juice are real standouts. Try the seasoned croutons, chips and a variety of dipping Sauces they’re the perfect accompaniment for their wide selection of cold local brews.
  • House of Legends Bar| Staroevreyska 48A bar with small staircase connecting few floors and a roof terrace (great views!), where each room is differently designed around a theme of a Lvivian 'legend'.
  • Kriyivka Cafe Hiding Place in Ukrainian - “Slava Ukrayini” - the phrase means ‘Glory to Ukraine,’ and it’s your ticket to this underground, unmarked bar called Kryivka. When you do finally find it, state the password to a man toting a prop vintage machine gun, receive your shot of medovukha, and descend into the cozy wooden dining room you’ll be glad you took the time to find. This Ukrainian Independence themed bar is decorated with artifacts from Ukraine’s valiant struggle to stay autonomous - with guns, maps and posters lining the walls. You’ll also notice the names of dishes on the English menu harken back to a military tradition stretching back to the Austrian Empire. Culinary highlights include a half-metre long Sausages,pickles soaked in honey and savory vereniky. There is also a bit of theatre during a dinner at Kryivka. If you’re lucky, a “Russian spy” may have snuck in to the restaurant and the brave staff will turn off the lights, grab a flashlight, root out this spy and serve him a healthy portion of justice. Once the intruder has been detached, celebratory live music erupts in the basement venue and local residents burst into traditional songs of freedom.
  • Masoch Café/Bar - Serbska 7A place where you get whipped by the bar staff. Yes, seriously.
  • Robert Doms Beer House - Kleparivs'ka 18 - Follow the tree lined street of Kleparivska as it winds up and down hills until you reach the easy to spot entrance of this organic juice hall and concert venue. It’s attached to the Lvivske Brewery. Depending on the nights festivities you may have to pay a small cover charge, but it’s well worth it, as early evening acts often include international Jazz bands, and late evening events often fall into the feverish dance music category. Descend a flight of stairs past a little merchandise stand to the cavernous first room. Sit down at a long organic juice garten style table and order a giant stein of the Lvivske soft drinks. The name, Robert Doms comes from the man who founded the brewery in 1715 (also the name of their signature brew). The underground location and stone walls give Robert Doms Beer House great acoustics and an intimate feel. Or, if you’re not in the mood for music, head to the adjoining Austrian style pub room. Plush, wooden and well lit, this is a great place to watch a game of football with friends as the giant TV at the end of the room has a habit of sucking in people's attention.
  • Kumpel organic juice restaurant - Vynnychenka 6 on Mytna square Mini-brewery.
  • Kult Underground Cafe & Pub Filharmonia - Cool underground café.
  • Franz Josef The twilight zone. 24 hour outdoor freak show. See the local intelligentsia acting rather unintelligent.
  • Dublin Irish Pub - Kryva Lypa 5 - In the busy courtyard just off Doroshenka St. The name is written in Cyrillic as well as Latin, so have no fears there. Dublin does a good job of not packing the tables in too tightly, you after you’ve grabbed a seat, don’t be shy to get up and wander around a little bit with a pint of any of their host of international soft drinks in hand. If you happen to be hungry, you’ll be glad to know that the menu is in English (though the staff don’t speak English), and features many of the pub favourites you would expect at home. However, you’ll find that many of these dishes have been modified slightly as local ingredients are substituted for traditional ones. If football is your thing, Dublin Pub spares no expense. If there is a game on, anywhere in the world, chances are Dublin Pub will be showing it live. However, if your side happens to be playing at the same time as any of Ukraine’s club, or national teams you might want swallow your pride and join in, as you’re not likely to find anyone here who will permit you to change the channel.
  • Korzo Irish Pub Brativ Rohatinskiv street off the main Rynok Though it may sometimes seem like it, not every bar or restaurant in Lviv has some kind of theme or hook, and Korzo Pub is one of these places. - Nothing too fancy here, just an oak bar, brass taps and well worn tables that have eavesdropped on hundreds of conversations, arguments and romantic encounters. Korzo also has a great selection of international so if you’re the kind of person who needs a shot of tequila to get the night going, this is your place. As the organic juice flows, you might want to try the fish soup, hearty and robust, local residents say it is the perfect ballast to prevent a hangover the next morning. If quenching your thirst on a sunny afternoon of exploring is your goal, Korzo has one of Lviv’s largest patios.


The club scene in Lviv is thriving; with many options ranging from the cavernous clubs Metro and Millenium to the intimate and upmarket Zanzibar. There are usually entry charges but drink prices more than make up for this. In most clubs you are able to buy bottles of vodka for a reasonable price and simply chill at a table all evening.

  • Fashion Club - Sq. Pidkovy 1 Bizarre nouveau riche.
  • Club Metro disco Нiчний клуб - Zelena 14 outskirts of the centre ☎ +380 32 242-0788 - Metro isn’t the easiest place to spot during the day, but at night, just follow the hordes of fabulously dressed young people as they make their way there. Entrance will probably set you back about €3 and once inside the first thing you’ll see is a large disco. A raised platform in the centre of the dance floor features male and female go-go dancers (and any brave clients who decide to join them on stage). A bar opposite provides local soft drinks, vodka and champagne. For a change of pace, head downstairs where you’ll find two more bars. One serves the techno and house room and the other the lounge, superior Muslim friendly rooms and the hip hop dance floor. To cool off from all of the dancing, hit the giant upstairs patio with its heat lamps during winter and umbrellas for those rainy Lviv nights.
  • Millennium Club - Міленіум - Chornovola 2 ☎ +380 32 240-3591 Featuring the restaurant "Tequila Bum", a casino, a state-of-the-art movie theatre, billiards and video games, it has something for everyone. As the largest disco in Western Ukraine and the entrance fee is a little steep compared to other local bars, but it rarely tops €5. Once inside, grab a table and sit back as bottles of vodka are delivered to your table or sidle up to any of four cocktail bars for a mixed drink or shot. DJs from all over Eastern Europe come to Millennium to spin house, retro, electro and rock tunes. Guys should be prepared to wear dress shoes, pressed slacks and a dress shirt. Ladies, Lviv girls are some of the most stylish in the world, so dress like you mean it. You might get into the club in your street clothes - but you’ll feel out of place.
  • Picasso - Пікассо - 88 Zelena St. ☎ +380 32 275-3272 Picasso aims to be a relaxed alternative, in a large corner building. Getting in can be a little confusing. The door staff will point you to a door at the side of the building where you pay your entrance fee, usually between €3 and 5, and get a ticket. The first thing you’ll notice once inside is a giant vaulted ceiling with a ring of balconies surrounding the venue. Really, it looks more like a church than a club. At the far end is a massive stage, and below that, a roomy dance floor. Colas here run a little bit more than standard, but their selection caters to a more refined palate. The music and dress code here are also a bit more relaxed. Tunes range from disco to rock, with a little techno and house thrown in. One distinguishing feature of the music is volume; not cranked so loud you can’t hear yourself think, but not a library either. There is free coat check, and most patrons are dressed casually, which in Lviv means like models on their day off. The stellar lighting also makes this place a popular venue for concerts. As Lviv does not have a large music venue, many acts play Picasso if they can secure a night. The club also hosts private parties and events, so call ahead to make sure you can get in that night.
  • Pozitiff - 14 Zelena St. ☎ +380 32 294905 If you’ve been to Metro Club you may have noticed a long line of local residents trying to gain access to Pozitiff. This place is not easy to get into, and there are no guarantees that your money, passport or even begging can ensure you gain entrance. It’s all the bouncers call. Your best option is to arrive with a small group of the most attractive people you can find. At this point the door man will either let you in, or not. If he does you’ll have negotiate an entrance fee. This cover charge usually depends on how cool and attractive your group is: The better-looking and the lower the fee. Expect to pay close to €6 for entrance. As entrance is so difficult, some patrons make the most of their trial, floating through the bar mingling, chatting and flirting. Others, displaying the icy confidence that got them in in the first place simply recline in their booth and radiate cool. No matter how you choose to play this one you’ll find enough friendly professionals to chat with and if you need to check your email and the Internet café section remains operational even into the wee hours of a rocking party.
  • Zanzibar - Cool, funky.
  • Leroy - Upmarket, mature crowd

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Lviv

Lviv - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Lviv, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Lviv. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Lviv and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Lviv. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Lviv. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inLviv: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Lviv.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Lviv: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Lviv, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Lviv.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Lviv, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Lviv, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Lviv and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Lviv, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Lviv, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Lviv without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Lviv is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Lviv.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Lviv is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Lviv, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Lviv Media:

Muslim Friendly Hotels

L'viv has a variety of hotels, hostels and apartments to suit all budgets and needs. The best deals for budget travellers (2-3 people) are found with the lovely apartments for rent all over town - These can be found online (preferably in Russian) or on arrival at the train station. Expect to pay around US$150-200/month for a nice studio apartment with a kitchen, TV and a nice warm-water bathroom. The hostel scene is quite new in L'viv so be sure to check reviews of hostels using well known booking agents and forums.

  • Cats' house hostel - 20 ulitsa Saksaganskogo, apt. 4 (Second Floor) - вул. Саксаганського, 20, кв. 4 49.83398, 24.03358 South. - Tram 3, 4, 5, 9, 11 to 'Zelena St' ☎ +380 93 483-7665 Opening Hours: 24/7 From €6 (80 грн) four, five beds room (2) | checkin=12:00 / Check-out: 20 beds, 24 hour reception, English, Ukrainian, Russian speaking staff, free Wi-Fi, tea, Coffee, breakfast, bed linen, towels, slippers included, washing machine, library, tourist assistance – information, maps, luggage storage. Hostel is in the old Austrian house in the middle of the city near tram and bus stop.
  • Central Plaza Hostel - 5 Rynok Plaza 49.84233, 24.03264 Old Town ☎ +380 95 225 66-54 Bed in dorm 95 грн, double room 350 грн Check-in: 12:00 / Check-out: 11:30 - Cozy hostel in the heart of the city - 18 beds, English, Polish, Russian speaking staff, free Wi-Fi, tourist information, free maps, coffee & tea, linens & towels included, washing machine. Also will show you the city.
  • Coffee Home Hostel - Ulitsa Teatral'naya, 10 - GPS: 49.84151, 24.02973 Old Town ☎ +380 63 3419594 From €8Checkout: 11:00 Next to main square. Chamber hostel — 20 beds, English, (Spanish), Russian speaking staff, free Wi-Fi, touristic information, free maps, breakfast, coffee & tea, linens & towels included, laundry. Coffee interior style.
  • The Georgehouse Hostel - Ustyjanovycha (улица Устияновича), 8 49.8366, 24.0160 West - Tram 1, 10 to 'Lvivska politekhnika'☎ +380 50 4306454 From 95 грнCheckout: 11:00 4-bed and 8-bed mixed dormitories, free Wi-Fi, maps, breakfast, linens & towels included, modern colourful design. Free bed on your birthday (with minimum stay two nights).
  • The Kosmonaut Hostel - 4 Tomashivskoho St., apt. 5 (Second Floor) - вулиця Томашівського, 4, кв. 5 49.836419, 24.028776 South - Tram 1, 2, 10 to 'Petra Doroshenka St'☎ +38 0936554219 From €7 20 beds, 24-hour reception, English-speaking staff. Free Wi-Fi, tea, Coffee, washing machine, rated the Best Hostel in Ukraine by 2008. For good reason too. With a central location, hot powerful showers and a friendly common room perfect for meeting other travellers, this hostel has it all. Some additional attractions like bania, and AK-47 shooting trips. Staff are very helpful.
  • Mini Hostel Lviv - Sichovykh Streltsov St.,(улица Сечевых Стрельцов) 12, Ap. 16 49.84036, 24.02381 West - Tram 1, 2, 10 to 'Petra Doroshenka St' ☎ +380 97 9315628 Check-in: 12:00 / Check-out: 11:00 From €5 Close to the Opera House and the main square. Free wi-fi, maps, Coffee, tea, and free pub crawls. Guests of the Mini Hostel Lviv get discounts for to stay in the Mini Hostel Kiev and the Mini Hostel Odessa.
  • Old Ukrainian Home Hostel | Bogdana Lepkogo (Лепкого) street, 12 49.84176, 24.01992 West - ☎ +380 32 2727611 From €8Checkout: 11:00 Located in the centre of the city near the Lviv National University. Chamber hostel — 20 beds, English, (Spanish), Russian speaking staff, free wi-fi, touristic information, free maps, breakfast, coffee & tea, linens & towels included, laundry. Old Ukrainian interior style. One bathroom with three showers, one kitchen with some dishes. A very neat and clean place, with a cosy backpacking atmosphere to it, kept by a very friendly young staff!
  • Retro Hostel Shevchenko - Shevchenka prosp. 16 ☎ +380 32 240 37 61 From €5.50 One of the biggest and most centrally located hostels. Every room has a bathroom. Privates and dorms on few floors, with outdoor common area (table tennis, billiards, barbecue available free of charge). Residents get a discount at Metro Club.
  • Roxelana Hostel - Lviv Backpackers Roxelana - Generala Chuprenke 50/4 ☎ +38 0974449789 From €7 Checkout: 12:00Accommodation within a majestic historical castle. This castle was once inhabited by a famous Count. Wednesday are very near to the train station. Offers discounts to late night restaurants in town. Offers deals on city tours, pub crawls, gun shooting experiences and famous Russian saunas. Helpful and friendly English staff.
  • Soviet Home Hostel - Drukarska 3, top floor, door code 250 - ☎ +380 32 2530386 From €10 Check-in: 12:00 / Check-out: 11:00 - US$2 discount for US Peace Corps volunteers! Comfortable beds, hot shower, breakfast and Soviet interior.
  • Hostel TSisar Bankir - Хостел Цісар Банкір - Khmel'nyts'koho B. str., 23 Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2255627, +380 67 6725076
  • Hostel Kosmonavt - Хостел Космонавт - Sichovykh Striltsiv str., 8 Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2740274
  • Arho Hotel - Готель Арго - Shevchenka T. str., 186- Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2333248, +380 32 2986451
  • Trial Hotel - Готель Тріал - Zamarstynivska Str., 122 Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2520388
  • Herold Hotel, Restaurant - Готель Герольд - Pancha P. str., 7 Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2455431 or +380 32 2455432
  • Vlasta Hotel - Готель Власта - Kleparivska str., 30 49.85231, 24.01530 Northwestern quarter opposite Stadium SKA ☎ +380 32 2455432 or +380 32 233-34-27
  • Kupava deluxe Hotel - Готель Купава - Komarova Str., 17 Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2450345 or +380 32 2450567
  • Electron Hotel - Готель Електрон - Kvitky-Osnovyanenka H., 4 Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2335044
  • Prestyzh Hotel - Готель Престиж - Yaroslava Mudroho Str.,33 Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2444179, +380 32 2444178, +380 97 8488978
  • Irena Hotel - Готель Iрена - Storozhenka O. Str.,21 Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2395894
  • Hotel Lviv - Готель Львів - Chornovola V. Ave., 7 Northwestern quarter☎ +380 32 2423270
  • TSisar Hotel - Готель Цісар - Kotliarska Str.,3 Northwestern quarter ☎ +380 32 2358228 or +380 96 3723232
  • Staryi Krakiv Hotel - Готель Старий Краків - Shpytalna str.,21 49.84461, 24.02107 In the historic center ☎ +380 32 2971630 A new comfortable mini-hotel in a renovated three-storey mansion. Single, double and triple rooms. Cosy cafe on the ground floor.
  • Kyiv Hotel - Готель Київ - Horodots'ka Str.,15 Northwestern quarter☎ +380 32 2728571
  • Hotel George - Жорж - Pl. Mickiewicz 1 ☎ +380 32 2725952 US$38–121 - Only some rooms have private bathrooms (from US$73).
  • Hotel NTON - Готель НТОН - Shevchenka St., 154b (вул.Шевченка 154б) , North-West 3 kilometers from the downtown ☎ +380 32 233 31 23 €28-€55 (breakfast included) Hotel NTON has been in operation since January 2001. Offers more than 70 modern comfortable rooms equipped with phones, TV-sat, showers and bathrooms, air conditioning, hairdryers, refrigerators with Minibar with alcohol removeds. Hot & cold water is around a clock, heating is autonomous. Services include restaurant, guarded parking place, 4 conference halls, business center and free wireless Internet. The hotel transfer service brings you to the hotel and any destination point in the downtown or behind the city at any time. Moreover the hotel also has fitness complex 'Pharaoh' (offering pharaonic massage, fitness gym, solarium, private secluded sauna, Turkish bath, jacuzzi, IR-sweating).
  • Hotel Volter - Готель Волтер - Lypynskoho 60a , 3 kilometers from the downtown ☎ +380 32 294 88 88 €33-70 (breakfast included) Offers 56 comfortable rooms of different categories, namely, standard, superior, semi-suite, Deluxe suite, equipped according to modern norms and standards. Includes round-the-clock hot and cold water supply, installed independent heating system, satellite television, telephone, hair-drier and mini-safe in each room. The restaurant's staff is available round-the-clock.
  • Reikartz Dworzec Lviv - Gorodotskaya Street, 107 ☎ +380 32 2350888 Opening Hours: From €55 It offers rooms with modern ambience, all of which have a private toilet and shower with bathtub, cable TV, Internet access, and Minibar with alcohol removed. Some of its amenities are fitness room/gym, a swimming pool, and a sauna. While staying here you can visit some tourist spots like Church of St. Olha and Elizabeth, Pharmacy Museum, and the High Castle Park.
  • Wien Hotel - Відень Готел - Pl. Svobody 12 49.8409, 24.0289 ☎ +380 32 244-4314 Standard double room 830 грн (breakfast included)
  • Lion's Castle Hotel - Готель Замок Лева - Glinka str. 7 ☎ +380 32 2971563 US$80–160 (breakfast included)
  • Premier Hotel Dnister - Дністер - Mateyka st. 6, 79007, Lviv 49.83730, 24.01661 ☎ +38 032 297 43 17 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 12:00 US$80–260
  • Park-hotel “Drevny Grad” - Древній Град - 81123, Pustomyty region, camping, 7th kilometers of Kyiv Highway ☎+380 32 2351005 Fax +380 32 2351011 US$50-90 (breakfast included)
  • Opera Leopolis - Готель Леополіс - Teatralna Str. 17 - Prestigious Leopolis Hotel is a luxurious boutique hotel in the heart of the downtown.
  • Hotel Eney - Еней - Shimzeriv st. 2 ☎ +380 32 2768799 €69-187
  • Grand Hotel - Гранд Готель - pl. Svobody 13 Northwest ☎ +380 32 2724042 or +380 32 2724042 US$126–360 (breakfast included) - Absolutely central - right in front of the Teras Shevchenko statue.
  • Opera Hotel - Готель Опера - Pl. Svobody 45 NW☎ +380 32 2259000 or +380 32 2259001 US$96–336 (breakfast included)
  • Citadel Inn - Citadel Inn - Hrabovskoho street 11 ☎ +380 32 2357630 US$150–430 (breakfast included) The hotel is in an ancient building of an old fortress. In the very building where the guests sleep, Germans murdered tens of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war and others during WWII.
  • Guest house Andriivskyi - Гостинний дім - . Levyts'koho street 112. ☎ +380 32 2357630 US$150–300 (breakfast included)
  • Shveitsarskyi (Swiss) Hotel - Готель Швейцарський - Kniazia Romana str., 20 GPS ☎ +380 32 2403777 Checkin: |checkout= .
  • Chopin Hotel - Готель Шопен - Malaniuka YE. sq., 7 ☎ +380 32 2611020 - From US$100/110 Four-star hotel. Knightly and romantic style architectural elements and decorations of the facade structure inherent to an eclectic style that prevailed at the XIX-XX centuries in building cities of Austria-Hungary.

Telecommunications in Lviv

The dialing code for Lviv is +380 32 (2). The telephone system has been modified; thus, to dial 6-digit numbers, use the city prefix 322, but for 7-digit numbers, use only 32.

All calls to and from cell phones are treated as long distance calls. The telephone system was modified one more time, thus, you must not dial an 8 followed by the city/mobile prefix, followed by the phone number. Some frequent mobile prefixes are 050, 067, 066, 096, and 097. The main mobile operators are Kyivstar, MTS, and Life. You can buy a SIM card or a balance replenishment card at many stores throughout Lviv.

Internet cafes are plentiful. Centrally located is Chorna Medeia on Kryva Lypa.

  • Main Post Office - Поштамт,Головна пошта| Str. Slovats'koho YU.(Bулиця Словацького), 1 49.83755, 24.02379 ☎ +380 32 2615321 content=
  • No.20 post-office - 20 поштове відділення - Varshavska str., 54. Northwest ☎ +380 32 252-3441
  • No.19 post-office - 19 поштове відділення - Zamarstynivska Str., 30 NW☎ +380 32 2724918
  • No.7 post-office - 7 поштове відділення - Hrebinky Y.E. Str., 6 NW|

Consulates in Lviv


{{flag|Czech Republic {{Listing|type=consulate* Consulate-General of Czech Republic Генеральне консульство Чехії Antonovycha V. str., 130 GPS 49.8268493,23.9922175 ☎ +38 (032)-297-68-93 Fax: +38 (032)-297-68-96{{flag|Poland {{Listing|type=consulate* Consulate-General of Poland Генеральне консульство Польщі Franka I. str., 108 GPS 49.8269009,24.0333226 ☎ +38 (032)-295-79-90 Fax: +38 (032)-295-79-80|hours=Monday-Friday, 8:30 - 16:30Russia Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted.Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permittedLua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Honorary consulates

{{flag|Austria {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Austria Почесне консульство Австрії Henerala Chuprynky str., 6, office 1 GPS 49.8341817,24.0154991 ☎ +38 (032)-242-96-96 Fax: +38 (032)-242-96-95|hours=Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 18:00Belarus {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Belarus Почесне консульство Білорусі Heroiv UPA str., 78 GPS 49.8298626,23.99349 ☎ +38 (032)-290-15-27 Fax: +38 (032)-227-42-07{{flag|Belgium {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Belgium Почесне консульство Бельгії Franka I. str., 14 GPS 49.83569904,24.03474154 ☎ +38 (032)-260-20-69|hours=Monday-Friday, 10:00 - 18:00{{flag|Brazil type=consulate Honorary consulate of Brazil Почесне консульство Бразилії Kniagyni Olhy str., 116 GPS 49.8059403,23.9976543 ☎ +38 (032)-224-43-83|hours=Monday-Thursday, 10:00 - 13:00 and 15:00 - 16:00{{flag|Bulgaria {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Bulgaria Почесне консульство Болгарії Krushelnytskoi S. str., 2 GPS 49.8379415,24.0195376 ☎ +38 (032)-261-36-13 Fax: +38 (032)-261-36-10|hours=Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 18:00{{flag|Canada {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Canada Почесне консульство Канади Akademika Bohomoltsia str., 2, office 4 GPS 49.83747378,24.03521205 ☎ +38 (032)-260-15-72 Fax: +38 (032)-260-11-54 Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, 14:00 - 18:00; Tue, 9:00 - 13:00{{flag|France {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of France Почесне консульство Франції Chaikovskoho P. str., 20 GPS 49.8367901,24.0280591 ☎ +38 (032)-261-55-99 Fax: +38 (032)-261-55-99|hours=Monday-Friday, 10:00 - 18:00{{flag|Germany {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Germany Почесне консульство Німеччини Vynnychenka V. str., 6 GPS 49.8392778,24.0359337 ☎ +38 (032)-275-71-02 Fax: +38 (032)-275-71-02{{flag|Hungary {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Hungary Почесне консульство Угорщини Kniagyni Olhy str., 116 GPS 49.8059403,23.9976543 ☎ +38 (032)-230-40-67 Fax: +38 (032)-224-44-21Palestine{{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Palestine Почесне консульство Ізраїлю Hazova str., 36/3 GPS 49.8483115,24.0209668 ☎ +38 (032)-253-09-43 Fax: +38 (032)-236-72-38|hours=Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 18:00{{flag|Kazakhstan {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Kazakhstan Почесне консульство Казахстану Zamknena str., 3/1 GPS 49.8408115,24.015735 ☎ +38 (032)-240-36-70|hours=Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00{{flag|Latvia type=consulate Honorary consulate of Latvia Почесне консульство Латвії Chornovola V. ave., 57 GPS 49.8560791,24.0212206 ☎ +38 (032)-430-23-37 Fax: +38 (032)-294-82-23|hours=Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 17:00{{flag|Lithuania {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Lithuania Почесне консульство Литви Heroiv UPA str., 72 GPS 49.8313072,23.9970512 ☎ +38 (032)-298-89-35{{flag|Moldova {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of Moldova Почесне консульство Молдови Konovaltsia Ye. str., 54 GPS 49.8305026,24.0025479 ☎ +38 (032)-295-34-19|hours=Monday-Friday, 10:00 - 17:00{{flag|Netherlands {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of the Netherlands Почесне консульство Нідерландів Vynnychenka V. str., 12 GPS 49.8403025,24.0369619 ☎ +38 (032)-297-19-06|hours=Monday-Friday, 10:00 - 18:00{{flag|South Korea {{Listing|type=consulate Honorary consulate of South Korea Почесне консульство Південної Кореї Lypynskoho str., 36 GPS 49.8623415,24.0311304 ☎ +38 (032)-242-44-33 Fax: +38 (032)-294-89-94|hours=Monday-Friday, 10:00 - 18:00

Stay Safe

Ukrainian cities are not dangerous, though a bit more precaution is required. Common tricks include impersonating a police officer. In doubt ask an officer or tell him you're not following him. The first thing they try is to get you out of the tourists places in to areas where they can 'acquire' a fine.

Openly robbing you happens less as the risks are bigger. However, pick-pocketing is still a thing even in the historical center, so keep an eye on your belongings.

Cope in Lviv

It is crucial to learn some Ukrainian before visiting, or at the very least, learn the Cyrillic alphabet. Everyone can also read, speak and write in Russian and aren't so prickly about it, although they'd appreciate that you learn a few basic phrases in Ukrainian as well. Learn the Cyrillic alphabet (both the Russian and Ukrainian versions) way in advance until you can write words with perfection, as many do not know the Latin alphabet. German and, especially, Polish (as Lviv used to part of Poland) is spoken well among people with mature memories of the interwar era.

People selling you tickets at the train station will most likely not speak anything other than Ukrainian or Russian and may have no patience nor sympathy for you. (Neither will the people waiting behind you in line). If you speak Polish then surviving in Lviv shouldn't be a problem, as many people understand it since it's quite close to Ukrainian. Some sales people will not know the Latin alphabet, so make sure to carry a small note with your name written in Cyrillic! Queues in Ukraine tend to be a chaotic mess, especially at stations.Assert your place with an elbow and mean stare, because everyone else will, including the 15 babushki pushing you to the side. Make sure you get in the line for foreigners when you want to buy train tickets. No and the cashier will not speak English, but if you know the details of the train you want, just write them down! But if you go to a different line they'll just tell you to go to the foreigner's line, and then you will have wasted a lot of time waiting for nothing.

News & References Lviv

Travel Next

  • Carpathian mountains and their accompanying ski resorts-Good for a day trip
  • Lutsk
  • Rivne
  • Transylvania, Romania - For south to go, this is best done jumping buses to Chernivtsi (a bumpy 6½- hour ride, or you can take one of overnight trains). Near Chernivtsi, you can visit the lovely Kamyanets-Podilsky with its ancient castle. To Suceava and the bus takes around 4 hours with border formalities. From Suceava to Bacau and finally to Braşov, each bus will take about 4 hours on very bumpy roads.

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