
From Halal Explorer

Banner Lyon Saint Jean.jpg

Lyon is the capital of the French administrative region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, created by a 2016 merger of Rhône-Alpes with Auvergne. It also serves as the administrative centre for Metropolitan Lyon (Métropole de Lyon) and the Rhône département; the two entities were separated in 2015. A city of half a million, Lyon alone is the nation's third-largest city, but its metropolitan area is only second in population to Paris. Lyon is mostly known as an economic centre with many corporate headquarters and bustling financial, IT and natural science industries, but it is also rich in historic and architectural legacy, and has a very vivid cultural life. It is also considered the gastronomic epicentre of France.

FourviereNight - Fourvière basilica from the river Saône, illuminated at night.


Lyon is shaped by its two rivers and the Rhône (to the east) and the Saône (to the west), which both run north-south. The main areas of interest are:

Main neighborhoods of interest in Lyon with arrondissement numbers and borders
  Fourvière hill
Also known as "the hill that prays" due to the numerous churches and religious institutions it hosts. The hill was also the place where the Romans settled.
  Vieux Lyon (Old Lyon)
The Renaissance area, along the right bank of the Saône.
Between the two rivers and the real heart of the city.
North of Presqu'île between the two rivers, it is known as "the hill that works" because it was home to the silk workers (canuts) until the 19th century. This industry has shaped the unique architecture of the area.
An emerging neighborhood with great contemporary architecture in a former industrial area.
The main business neighborhood and home to the main train station of Lyon.
The wealthiest neighborhood, next to the beautiful Tête d'Or park.
A picturesque neighborhood with a large immigrant population.
An interesting 1920s housing project.
Another developing neighborhood.

Fourvière, Vieux Lyon, Croix-Rousse and a large part of Presqu'île are classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Lyon has nine administrative subdivisions called arrondissements, which are designated by numbers. They correspond roughly to the following neighbourhoods:

  • 1st arrondissement (centre): North of Presqu'île and slopes of the Croix-Rousse hill; home of the canuts (silk workers), and still a 'rebel' neighbourhood.
  • 2nd arrondissement (centre): Most of Presqu'île; basically, this is where the action is.
  • 3rd arrondissement (East): Part-Dieu, North of Guillotière, Montchat, North of Monplaisir; the most populated arrondissement with wealthy and popular neighbourhoods, former industrial or military sites and a modern business neighborhood.
  • 4th arrondissement (North): Plateau of the Croix-Rousse hill; historical area with a "village" mood.
  • 5th arrondissement (West): Vieux Lyon, Fourvière, Saint-Just, Point du Jour; historical sites and quiet residential neighbourhoods.
  • 6th arrondissement (Northeast): Brotteaux; the wealthiest part of the city.
  • 7th arrondissement (South): South of Guillotière, Gerland; from popular neighbourhoods to high-tech industrial zones.
  • 8th arrondissement (Southeast): South of Monplaisir, Etats-Unis, industrial and popular neighbourhoods built mainly in the 1920s-1930s.
  • 9th arrondissement (Northwest): Vaise, La Duchère, Street Rambert; some of the areas which have evolved the most.
  • Don't forget to visit Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, a nice little town on the western hill of Lyon,across the river Saône, where you can enjoy a walk halfway between the city and the nationside, with marvellous views of the city.

Zip codes for Lyon begin with 69 for its former département of Rhône and end with the number of the arrondissement: 69004 is therefore the zip code for the 4th arrondissement. Special zip codes may be used for businesses.

Lyon Halal Explorer

Founded by the Romans, with many preserved historical areas, Lyon is the archetype of the legacy city, as recognised by UNESCO. Lyon is a vibrant metropolis which starts to make the most out of its unique architectural, cultural and gastronomic legacy, its dynamic demographics and economy and its strategic location between Northern and Southern Europe. It is more and more open to the world, with an increasing number of students and international events.

The city has about 470,000 inhabitants. However and the direct influence of the city extends well over its administrative borders. The figure which should be compared to the population of other major metropolises is the population of Greater Lyon (which includes 57 towns or communes): about 1,200,000. Lyon and its metropolitan area are rapidly growing and getting younger, because of their economic attractiveness.


All periods of Lyon's 2,000-year history have left visible traces in the city's architectural and cultural legacy, from Roman ruins to Renaissance palaces to contemporary skyscrapers. It never went through a major disaster (earthquake, fire, extensive bombing) or a complete redesign by urban planners. Very few cities in the world boast such diversity in their urban structure and architecture.

Roman theatre in Lyon - The Roman theatre in Fourvière and the most important remain of the Roman city of Lugdunum.

Early traces of settlement date back to 12,000 BC but there is no evidence of continuous occupation prior to the Roman era. Lugdunum and the Roman name of the city, was officially founded in 43 BC by Lucius Munatius Plancus and then Governor of Gaul. The first Roman settlements were on Fourvière hill, and the first inhabitants were probably veterans of Caesar's war campaigns. The development of the city was boosted by its strategic location and it was promoted Capital of Gauls in 27 BC by General Agrippa, emperor Augustus's son-in-law and minister. Large carriageways were then built, providing easy access from all parts of Gaul. Lugdunum became one of the most prominent administrative, economic and financial centres in Gaul, along with Narbonne. Emperor Claudius, who reigned from 41 to 54 AD, was born here, on 10 BC, when his father Drusus was Governor of Gaul. The main period of peace and prosperity of the Roman city was between 69 and 192 AD. The population at that time is estimated between 50,000 and 80,000. Lugdunum consisted of four populated areas: the top of Fourvière hill and the slopes of Croix-Rousse around the Amphithéâtre des Trois Gaules and the Canabae (around where Place Bellecour is today) and the right bank of the Saône river, mainly in what is today Street Georges neighbourhood.

Lugdunum was the place where the first Christian communities of Gaul appeared. It was also where the first martyrdoms took place, most notably in 177 AD when the young slave Blandine was killed in the Amphithéâtre des Trois Gaules, along with 47 other martyrs.

The city lost its status of Capital of Gauls in 297 AD. Then, in the early years of the 4th century and the aqueducts which brought water to the top of Fourvière suddenly stopped functioning. This was due to a lack of funds for their maintenance and security; the lead pipes which carried the water were stolen and could not be replaced. The city was completely deprived of water overnight. This triggered the end of the Roman Lugdunum, which lost a large part of its population and was reorganised around the Saône.

In the Middle Ages and the city developed on both banks of the Saône. The name "Lion" or "Lyon" appeared in the 13th century. The early Middle Ages were very troubled politically. Since the political geography of France kept changing and the city belonged successively to multiple provinces. It then belonged to the Holy Roman Empire from 1018 to 1312, when it was given to France at the Vienna Council. At that time and the city was still of limited size but had a large religious influence; in 1078, Pope Gregory VII made the Archbishop of Lyon the highest Catholic dignitary in the former Gaul (Primat des Gaules).

In the Renaissance, fiscal advantages and the organisation of numerous trade fairs attracted bankers from Florence and merchants from all over Europe; the city became more and more prosperous and experienced a second golden age. The main industries were silk weaving, introduced in 1536, and printing. Lyon became one of Europe's largest cities and its first financial place, helped by the advantages given by King François I who even considered, at one time, making Lyon the capital of France. Around 1530 and the population of Lyon reached 50,000.

Lyon la Saone et fourviere - |Banks of the Saône river in Lyon in the 18th century

In the following centuries, Lyon was hurt by the religious wars but remained a major industrial and intellectual centre, while the financial activity moved to Geneva and Switzerland. In the 18th century, half of the inhabitants were silk workers (canuts).

The eastern bank of the Rhône was not urbanised before the 18th century, when the swamps (called Brotteaux) were dried out to allow construction. Those massive works were led by engineer Morand. In the meantime, works conducted by Perrache doubled the area of the Presqu'île. The extension works were halted by the French revolution but started again in the early 19th century.

During the Revolution, in 1793, Lyon took sides against the central power of the Convention (Parliament), which caused a severe repression from the army. Over 2,000 people were executed.

In the early 19th century and the silk industry was still developing, notably thanks to Jacquard's loom which made the weaving work more efficient. Social crises, however, occurred: in 1831 and the first revolt of the canuts was harshly repressed. The workers were protesting against the introduction of new technology, which was likely to cause unemployment. Other riots took place in 1834, 1848 and 1849, especially in the Croix-Rousse neighbourhood. From 1848 and the Presqu'île area was redesigned in a way similar to Haussmann's works in Paris. In 1852 and the neighbouring towns of Vaise, Croix-Rousse and Guillotière were made neighborhoods of Lyon. The traditional silk industry disappeared at the end of the century because of diseases affecting the French silk worms and the opening of the Suez Canal which reduced the price of imported silk from Asia. Various other industries developed at that time; the most famous entrepreneurs of the late 19th century were the Lumière brothers, who invented cinema in Lyon in 1895.

Edouard Herriot was elected mayor in 1905 and governed the city until his death in 1957. He initiated a number of important urban projects, most notably in partnership with his favourite architect Tony Garnier: Grange Blanche hospital (today named after Herriot), Gerland slaughterhouses (now Halle Tony Garnier) and stadium and the États-Unis neighbourhood, etc.

During World War II, Lyon was close to the border between the "free zone" and the occupied zone and was therefore a key strategic place for the Germans and the French Resistance alike. Jean Moulin, head of the Resistance, was arrested in Caluire (North suburb of Lyon). On 26 May 1944, Lyon was bombed by the Allied aviation. The Liberation of Lyon occurred on 3 September.

Lyon Panorama Saint-Jean Part-Dieu Fourvière Saone - |The Saint-Jean fort and Saône river.

In the 1960s and the construction of the business neighborhood of Part-Dieu began; its symbol is the "pencil" tower and the tallest building in Lyon. Meanwhile and the association "Renaissance du Vieux Lyon" (Rebirth of the Old Lyon) managed to have this Renaissance area classified by the government as the first preserved landmark in France, while it was threatened by a highway project defended by mayor Louis Pradel. Pradel was a convinced "modernist" and supporter of the automobile. He also backed the construction of the Fourvière tunnel, opened in 1971 and of the A6/A7 freeway through Presqu'île, near Perrache station, a decision later described as "the screw-up of the century" by mayor Michel Noir, in the 1990s. In 1974 and the first line of the metro was opened. In 1981, Lyon was linked to Paris by the first TGV (high speed train) line. In the 1980s and 1990s, a huge number of buildings in Vieux Lyon and Croix-Rousse were renovated. The landscape of Lyon is still evolving, notably with the new Rhône banks promenade or the construction of new skyscrapers in Part-Dieu.

In the future and the banks of the Saône should also be given a second youth. The completion of the Lyon beltway on the western side should relieve the central areas from some of the traffic. A high-performance train network serving exurban areas (like the RER around Paris) is also planned.

Politics in Lyon

A city of merchants and industry, Lyon has a long tradition of centre-right governments and mayors, even if some neighbourhoods, most notably Croix-Rousse, have a very strong left-wing inclination. In 2001, however, Gérard Collomb of Lyon, a member of the moderate left-wing Socialist party, was elected mayor. Although many controversies initially surrounded Collomb, he enjoyed broad popularity and served until 2017. He adopted a pro-business strategy and launched several public infrastructure projects and urban renewal operations.


Lyon - La Part-Dieu de nuit - 07-12-2009 - Skyline of the Part-Dieu business neighborhood.

The silk industry was the main activity for centuries. Since the end of the 19th century, it has been replaced by a number of others. Feyzin, a southern suburb, is home to a major oil refinery, and there are a lot of chemical plants along the Rhône river south of Lyon. Pharmaceutics and biotechnology are also important; they have been fueled by Lyon's prominence in medical research, and the local authorities are trying to maintain an international leadership in these industries. The southeastern suburbs of Vénissieux and Street Priest host large automotive plants, such as Renault's truck and bus factories. But as in most Western metropolises and the service industry is now dominant. Many large banking and insurance companies have important offices in Lyon, and the IT services industry is also well developed. From an economic point of view, Lyon is the most attractive and dynamic city in France. This may be explained by the easy access from all over Europe (probably second only to Paris in the nation) and the availability of qualified workforce and research centres, and affordableer real estate prices compared to the capital.

How is the Climate in Lyon

- Gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu Lyon part dieu Opened with the first TGV line in 1981. It is in the heart of Lyon's main business neighborhood. It is the city's main train station: almost all national and international trains serving the city stop here.
  • Gare de Lyon-Perrache 14, cours de Verdun, Perrache, 2th arr 45.7483, 4.8256 Parrache|A}} - Gare de Lyon-Perrache Lyon-gare de Perrache - The historical station, although it is now of lesser importance. It is served mostly by regional and some national trains. It is just a short walk away from Place Bellecour and generally more handy if you are staying in the downtown.
  • Gare de Saint-Exupéry TGV - formely Satolas TGV - BP 176, 69125 Colombier-Saugnieu 45.7211, 5.0761 - Gare de Lyon Saint-Exupéry - Deux TGV en unité multiple en direction du sud, passant sous le "Tube 300" de Saint-Exupéry - Outside the city, it serves the airport. Only TGV trains stop here.

There are also smaller stations serving suburban and regional destinations: St Paul (B: C3-Gare Street Paul), Vaise (M: Gare de Vaise), Jean Macé (M: Jean Macé), Vénissieux (M: Gare de Vénissieux) and Gorge de Loup (M: Gorge de Loup).

Lyon is linked by TGV (fast trains) to Paris (two hours) and Marseille (1 hours 36 min). Many other domestic destinations are served directly, and there are several direct services to Brussels every day (4 hr). Other international destinations include Barcelona, Frankfurt, Basel and Geneva. As a general rule, TGVs to and from Paris serve both Perrache and Part-Dieu stations; other TGVs generally serve only Part-Dieu.

Coming to Lyon from London by Eurostar may be interesting, and there are now direct trains from Street Pancras International to Part-Dieu several times a week, with a journey time of 4 hours 41 mins.

For schedules, fares and bookings, see France#Booking_online|here.

Travel on a Bus in Lyon

International bus services are operated by most major companies such as Eurolines, Starshipper, Ouibus, Flixbus and serve most major European cities. Buses usually stop at the Perrache bus station, which is next to Perrache train station.

The tickets of all those companies can be purchased on /bus-Lyon Sobus].

Rent a Car or Limousine in Lyon

EtoileRoutièreLyonnaise.svg|Highways around Lyon

Lyon is a major automotive hub for central and southern France:

  • A6 to the north — Paris.
  • A7 to the south — Marseille, Nice, Spain, Italy.
  • A43 to the east — Grenoble and the Alps, Northern Italy.
  • A47 and A89 to the west — Saint-Étienne, Clermont-Ferrand, Massif Central, west of France.
  • A42 to the northeast — Bourg-en-Bresse, Geneva (Switzerland), Germany.

These highways are linked around the city on the east by a ring road (Périphérique) that is toll-free except in its northern portion (Périphérique Nord). Toll costs €2.20, but it is a good alternative to the always-congested Fourvière tunnel on the A6.

Real-time information about traffic jams, scheduled tunnel closures, weather alerts, etc. can be found on the Onlymoov'] website maintained by the local authorities.

If you are coming for a one-day trip, leave your vehicle in one of the many park-and-ride carparks around the city. Follow the blue P+R signs from the highway. P+R parks are operated by the local public transportation company [https://elais TCL and are next to major metro or tram lines. They are closed after 01:00, so you cannot leave your vehicle for the night.

The city has many underground vehicle parks, where you can safely leave your vehicle for a hefty price. Most of them are operated by [https://e=ACCUEIL Lyon Parc Auto.

By bike

You can access Lyon by bike using the ViaRhôna route, a 750-km bike path linking Geneva to the Mediterranean coast along the Rhône river.

Get around

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On foot

The downtown is not so big and most attractions can be visited from each other on foot. The walk from Place des Terreaux to Place Bellecour, for example, is about 20 min. The rule of thumb is that metro stations are generally about 10 min walk apart.

Be careful when crossing major axes: traffic is dense and running red lights is a very popular sport.

By public transport

Lyon's public transportation system, known as TCL, is regarded as one of the most efficient in the nation. Central areas are very well served; so are the campuses and eastern suburbs, where many jobs are concentrated. The western suburbs are more residential and can be difficult to reach. As everywhere in France and the network can be perturbed by strikes from time to time.

There are four métro (subway) lines (A to D). The first line of the network was line C in 1974 (lines A and B were already planned but line C took less time to complete because it used an existing funicular tunnel). Line A opened in 1978. Trains generally run every 2 to 10 minutes, depending on the line and the time. Information screens above the platforms display the waiting times for the next two trains and useful information such as delays, upcoming closures, etc. (in French).

  • Line Station lyon|A(Perrache — Vaulx-en-Velin La Soie) serves Presqu'île and the neighbourhoods around Parc de la Tête d'Or and then runs under Cours Émile Zola, Villeurbanne's main artery. The last two stops (Laurent Bonnevay and Vaulx La Soie) provide numerous connections with buses to the eastern suburbs. Line A connects with line D at Bellecour, line C at Hôtel de Ville, line B at Charpennes, tram lines T1 and T2 at Perrache and T3 at Vaulx La Soie. It is very busy during rush hours, especially between Bellecour and Hôtel de Ville.
  • Line Station lyon|B(Charpennes — Gare d'Oullins) serves most notably Part-Dieu station and Gerland stadium. It connects with line A at Charpennes and line D at Saxe-Gambetta.
  • Line Station lyon|C(Hôtel de Ville — Cuire) uses a short cog railway and serves the Croix-Rousse hill. Due to the configuration of the infrastructure and the frequencies are not very good.
  • Line Station lyon|D(Gare de Vaise — Gare de Vénissieux) and the busiest of the four lines, is entirely automated; this allows good frequency in off-peak hours, especially at night and on Sundays. There are many bus connections to the suburbs at Gare de Vaise, Gorge de Loup, Grange Blanche, Parilly and Gare de Vénissieux.

The metro is generally reliable, clean and comfortable. Besides the classical metro, two funiculars run from

  • Vieux Lyon|D 45.76, 4.82622 - Urbanité Métropolitaine

| inline=yes metro station to Saint-Just and Fourvière respectively.

PontRaymondBarre Lyon Citadis - Tram line T1

There are also five tram lines (T1 to T5). But for providing a direct connection between Lyon’s two major train stations (Perrache and Part-Dieu, both on the T1) and they are not very interesting if you stay within the downtown; they are most useful to reach campuses and suburban areas.

Lyon-trolleybus - A Cristalis trolley bus

With more than 130 bus lines, you should be able to go virtually anywhere reasonably far away from the centre. Some of them use trolley (electric) buses; Lyon is one of the few cities in France which still use this system. There are three special bus lines: C1, C2 and C3, where you will find big articulated trolley buses which run very frequently. These are sometimes referred to as Cristalis (actually the brand name of the vehicles) but people do not really use, or even know about this name.

Metros and trams run roughly from 05:00 to 00:00. Some bus lines do not run after 21:00. Check the TCL website for details :

  • Detailed schedules]
  • Journey planner

Maps can be found online on the TCL website:

  • Downloadable maps]
  • Interactive map

A ticket for a single journey costs €1.90 (valid for 1 hour after the first use on buses, trams, metro and funiculars, unlimited number of transfers, return travel allowed), or you can buy a carnet of 10 tickets for

There are 42 other postal offices throughout all neighbourhoods of Lyon.

Most internet cafés and call shops are in the Guillotière neighbourhood (M: Guillotière) and behind Place des Terreaux (Rue Ste Catherine, Rue Romarin, M: Hôtel de Ville), because of the large population of immigrants living there.

To make a telephone call from abroad, dial the international access code appropriate to your location, followed by the IDD access code for France 33, followed by the regional code (ignoring the 0 prefix) followed by the local number.

To call abroad from France, dial the international access code 00, followed by the international destination IDD country code, followed by the regional code (ignoring the 0 prefix) followed by the local number.

The regional (city) code for Lyon is 04. A telephone number in Lyon looks like this; (04) XX XX XX XX. In international format it looks like this;+33 4 XX XX XX XX.

  • To dial a Lyon number from a different country use your local international access code (such as 00), followed by 33 4 XX XX XX XX.
  • To dial a Lyon number from within France use 04 XX XX XX XX.
  • When dialling from a mobile (cellphone) phone it may be easier to always just dial +33 4 XX XX XX XX, whether inside France or elsewhere at the time, however you must always drop the leading 0 from the 04 city code.

Stay Safe

Real security problems in the downtown are rare, but the usual advice applies.

Rue Ste Catherine, behind Place des Terreaux, is locally famous for its bars; on weekend nights there are a lot of drunk people on the street, who might be violent. The police keep a close watch but it is probably better to avoid the area if you are on your own, especially after 3AM when the bars are closed. Similar problems may be encountered in Vieux Lyon.

In populated places such as Rue de la République or outside Part-Dieu station, you may come across people advertising for charities; they can be recognised by their specific, coloured clothing. They will not ask you for money but rather give you information documents which encourage you to donate. Homeless people sell newspapers such as Macadam or Sans-abri which help them making some money without begging; they should have an ID card issued by the editors. But there are also people trying to con you and get money for some imaginary charity, sometimes by selling postcards or other items. Never give money directly to someone on the street who claims to be working for charity and does not have official documents, or if the documents look doubtful.

Emergency numbers in Lyon
  • Police17
  • Fire brigade18
  • Medical emergency15.

The European emergency number ☎ 112 should be used on mobile phones.

Cope in Lyon

Consulates in Lyon

China China - 26, Rue Louis Blanc ☎ +33 4 37 24 83 05

  • Germany - 33, boulevard des Belges ☎ +33 472-699-898 +33 472-430-694* Greece - 7 Rue Barreme ☎ +33 478-894-669 +33 478-933-717


  • Russia - 66 Rue Cuvier ☎ +33 478 90 26 54


[[File:Flag of A beach in Miribel-Jonage

The Grand parc de Miribel-Jonage, just outside Lyon, is a large park (more than acre 6000) including a lake near the Rhône river where you can indulge in many recreational (hiking, horse riding, biking, golf) and nautical activities (rowing, swimming, windsurfing, boating). There are several beaches, large stretches of forest, plenty of picnic and barbecue spots. It is a popular destination for local residents, especially during summer when it gets too hot in the city. Entrance is free. Access is feasible by bike from Lyon, using the bike path that runs along the Rhône (it takes about 20 min from the Tête d'Or park - follow the ViaRhôna signs). Also, during the spring and summer months and the area is served by bus line 83 of the TCL, from the Vaulx-en-Velin La Soie station (metro line A, tram T3).

North of Lyon lies the Dombes region of the Ain département. Its many lakes and ponds provide a nice setting for hiking and birdwatching. The main attractions are the bird park of Villars-les-Dombes, featuring a large collection of exotic birds, and Pérouges, a small medieval village. Its buildings all date to the Middle Ages and it's a popular weekend destination for people who live in Lyon.

Château de Bagnols vineyard 1 - Beaujolais fruit cocktailyards

The famous wineyards of the Beaujolais stretch all the way to the north of the département. There are many castles and you can buy Beaujolais directly from independent fruit cocktailmakers. Festive celebrations are organized during the Beaujolais nouveau season in november. The local villages have an interesting typical architecture and their buildings being made with a local yellow limestone called pierres dorées. Take the A6 highway north of Lyon to Belleville then follow some smaller roads. Interesting spots in Oingt, Villié-Morgon.

Some other attractions:

  • Vienne (city), 30 kilometers south of Lyon, is famous for its international jazz festival organized every summer. It also features many medieval and antique Roman buildings. There is also a large archaeological museum in the nearby town of Saint-Romain-en-Gal. Access by train (TER) or highway A7.
  • The car museum of Rochetaillée has a very nice collection of modern and old cars. The major tourist attraction of the museum is Adolf Hitler's armored car. Château Rochetaillée, 69270 Rochetaillée-sur-Saône, ☎ +33 4 78 22 18 80, (Fax +33 4 78 22 69 60). Open Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-19:00 in July and August, Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-18:00 the rest of the year. Closed on Christmas and New Year. Fees: Adults €5, free for children under 18.
  • Eveux, about 20 kilometers northwest of Lyon is home to the Sainte Marie de La Tourette convent. Designed by Le Corbusier, it's one of 17 of his works worldwide to be listed as a world legacy site.

Further away

Val thorens - Val Thorens in winter Go skiing from Lyon..svg|frameless|20px|border|A beach in Miribel-Jonage

The Grand parc de Miribel-Jonage, just outside Lyon, is a large park (more than acre 6000) including a lake near the Rhône river where you can indulge in many recreational (hiking, horse riding, biking, golf) and nautical activities (rowing, swimming, windsurfing, boating). There are several beaches, large stretches of forest, plenty of picnic and barbecue spots. It is a popular destination for local residents, especially during summer when it gets too hot in the city. Entrance is free. Access is feasible by bike from Lyon, using the bike path that runs along the Rhône (it takes about 20 min from the Tête d'Or park - follow the ViaRhôna signs). Also, during the spring and summer months and the area is served by bus line 83 of the TCL, from the Vaulx-en-Velin La Soie station (metro line A, tram T3).

North of Lyon lies the Dombes region of the Ain département. Its many lakes and ponds provide a nice setting for hiking and birdwatching. The main attractions are the bird park of Villars-les-Dombes, featuring a large collection of exotic birds, and Pérouges, a small medieval village. Its buildings all date to the Middle Ages and it's a popular weekend destination for people who live in Lyon.

Château de Bagnols vineyard 1 - Beaujolais fruit cocktailyards

The famous wineyards of the Beaujolais stretch all the way to the north of the département. There are many castles and you can buy Beaujolais directly from independent fruit cocktailmakers. Festive celebrations are organized during the Beaujolais nouveau season in november. The local villages have an interesting typical architecture and their buildings being made with a local yellow limestone called pierres dorées. Take the A6 highway north of Lyon to Belleville then follow some smaller roads. Interesting spots in Oingt, Villié-Morgon.

Some other attractions:

  • Vienne (city), 30 kilometers south of Lyon, is famous for its international jazz festival organized every summer. It also features many medieval and antique Roman buildings. There is also a large archaeological museum in the nearby town of Saint-Romain-en-Gal. Access by train (TER) or highway A7.
  • The car museum of Rochetaillée has a very nice collection of modern and old cars. The major tourist attraction of the museum is Adolf Hitler's armored car. Château Rochetaillée, 69270 Rochetaillée-sur-Saône, ☎ +33 4 78 22 18 80, (Fax +33 4 78 22 69 60). Open Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-19:00 in July and August, Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-18:00 the rest of the year. Closed on Christmas and New Year. Fees: Adults €5, free for children under 18.
  • Eveux, about 20 kilometers northwest of Lyon is home to the Sainte Marie de La Tourette convent. Designed by Le Corbusier, it's one of 17 of his works worldwide to be listed as a world legacy site.

Further away

Val thorens - Val Thorens in winter Go skiing from Lyon.|link=]]

The French Alps offer an extraordinary natural setting with gorgeous landscapes and numerous opportunities for outdoors activities: hiking, mountainnering, rock climbing, ski, and snowboard. All this only a couple of hours away from Lyon! Plenty of natural parks and ski resorts, from the upscale to the family-oriented. There are also many interesting cities to discover: Annecy and the "Venice of Savoie" with its beautiful lake and canals, Chambéry (historical capital of Savoy), Aix-les-Bains (thermal city overlooking the lake Bourget), Chamonix (gateway to the Mont Blanc), Grenoble (the "French Silicon Valley", with its high-tech industries and its vibrant student life), with plenty of museums, local culinary specialities and historical sites to make a nice daytrip. Access is easy by highway, from Lyon using the A43 highway. Regional trains serve all the major cities of the Alps from Lyon, often in less than 2hrs. However, most popular ski and mountain resorts (except Chamonix) have no train station. There are some intercity bus lines, but service is often poor and not always reliable. Having a vehicle may thus be highly desirable but if you dont have one, some local travel agencies sell day or week-end skiing packages to major ski resorts including transportation from Lyon (see box on the right).

Some other nice spots:

  • The French-speaking parts of Switzerland and especially the cities of Geneva and Lausanne, as well as the beautiful localities surrounding Lake Geneva. Regional trains from Lyon stop in Geneva. You have to use the Swiss railways (CFF) to go further. By car, drive through the A42 to Geneva. If you intend to drive on the Swiss highways, dont't forget to buy the highway vignette! You can purchase one at the border or at the Automobile Club of Lyon (18, Quai Jean Moulin +33 478 425 101).
  • Southern Burgundy, especially the city of Macon (France) | Macon and the basilica of Paray-le-Monial and the abbey of Cluny.
  • Jura (France) | Jura mountains and the small town of Nantua, whose lake is famous for its crayfish. The sauce Nantua is a staple of lyonnaise cuisine.
  • The thick forests of Auvergne and its capital, Clermont-Ferrand, which is the gateway to the extinct volcanoes of Puy-de-Dôme. Great if you like nature and hiking. Another interesting city is Le-Puy-en-Velay, whose cathedral is one of the four starting points for Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France|pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela.
  • Saint-Étienne, a former industrial powerhouse and once renowed for its arms manufacturers. A city with many elegant buildings, public squares and some narrow, pedestrian streets all within walking distance of Place du Peuple. Less than 1 hours by vehicle or train.
  • Northern Italy, especially Aosta Valley, Piedmont and Turin. 3 hours by car, through the Mont-Blanc motorway tunnel. Direct train service is unfortunately non existent, although a direct high-speed train route between Lyon and Turin is expected to be built by 2025.

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