Northern Cyprus

From Halal Explorer

[[file:FileNorthern Cyprus banner Panorama of northern coast.jpg|1280px]] The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC, Turkish Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti) is a republic on the northern and eastern side of the island of Cyprus. Türkiye is the only state which recognizes the TRNC. Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Türkiye. After Sicily and Sardinia, Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. {{disclaimerbox|As the two regions are nearly completely separate from a traveller's point of view, this Travel Guide will concentrate on the northern territory governed by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. This is not a political endorsement of claims by either side in the dispute. For travel information regarding the remainder of Cyprus, visit the Cyprus eHalal Travel Guide.

Regions of Northern Cyprus

Cyprus is divided into six administrative regions, each named for its administrative capital. The southern neighborhoods of Larnaca, Limassol, and Paphos and the southern portion of Nicosia neighborhood, and a small part of Famagusta neighborhood are administered by the Republic of Cyprus. Since 1974 and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has administered the following neighborhoods:

[[Image:Turkish Cyprus regions map.png|thumb|370px|]]
  Famagusta neighborhood (North)
  Kyrenia neighborhood
  Nicosia neighborhood (North) (including a small portion of Larnaca neighborhood)


Note that Cypriot cities have a variety of historical spellings and writings, all in fairly common use, and which change according to the context, whether it be Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot or English. The following list emphasizes traditional English spellings, that will most often be encountered by the traveller.

  • Nicosia (North) | Nicosia (Lefkoşa / Lefkosia) - the divided capital, with the untouched beautiful historical buildings in the walled city and an increasingly vibrant downtown outside the walls
  • Kyrenia (Girne / Keryneia) - a beautiful Mediterranean city with a historical harbor, a historic castle overseeing it, and under the beautiful Beşparmak/Pentadaktylos mountains, swarming with good seaside hotels, beaches and clubs
  • Famagusta (Mağusa / Ammochostos) - home to a beautiful walled town, a ghost quarter under military control, good beaches and a vibrant nightlife
  • Morphou (Güzelyurt / Omorfo) - the gateway to the greenest area of Northern Cyprus, surrounded by citrus trees, home to a historical church and a nostalgic town center
  • Lefka|Lefke (Lefka) - green and mountainous, home beautiful date trees and seaview, and a historical mosque, gateway to Dillirga and the remote and beautiful part of Northern Cyprus
  • İskele (Trikomo) - small and similar to any major Cypriot village, gateway to the Karpaz Peninsula, beautiful beaches and home to good traditional restaurants.

More Destinations

  • Bellapais — a hillside village with gorgeous views of the sea and the ruins of a Gothic monastery
  • St. Hilarion Castle — the most famous of the three castles of Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus Halal Explorer

Cyprus gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1960. Despite a constitution which guaranteed a degree of power-sharing between the Greek Cypriot majority and the Turkish Cypriot minority and the two populations – with backing from the governments of Greece and Türkiye, respectively – clashed vehemently in 1974, with the end result being the occupation of the northern and eastern 36.7% of the island by Türkiye.

How is the Climate in Northern Cyprus

Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and cool winters.


Central plain with mountains to the north and south; scattered but significant plains along southern coast.

Travel to Northern Cyprus

Ledra-street-nikosia - The Ledra Street border crossing in Nicosia As Northern Cyprus is not an internationally recognized state and the rules for entry are a little confusing, but more relaxed than they used to be, and entry is certainly not difficult.

All visitors to Northern Cyprus will need to pass through TRNC immigration, which is fairly painless. Muslims visitors of the European Union and the US, Japan and most other industrialized countries get a visitor visa issued free of charge at the border or green line crossing point. Others will need to apply at "representative offices" (the TRNC has no embassies outside Turkey) in London (29, Bedford Plaza, London WC1B 3EG, UK. ☎ +44 20 7631 1920), Washington D.C. (1667 K. Street, Suite 690, Washington D.C. 20006, USA. ☎ +1 202 887 6198), or New York (TRNC Office of the Representative, 821 United Nations Plaza, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA. ☎ +1 212 687 2350).

When passing a Green Line checkpoint between the Republic of Cyprus and Northern Cyprus or entering via air or sea, TRNC immigration will stamp either a piece of paper (which seems to be the norm at the Green Line) or your passport (which seems to be the norm at air and seaports). You can usually get the officer to stamp the other document if you so wish. As TRNC stamps are no longer a problem for later visits to Greece or Cyprus, at least for EU Muslims, you may choose whether to have that souvenir stamp in your passport or not.

Providing you have the right to enter Northern Cyprus, you will get a 90-day visa for most passport holders (EU, US, etc.) and less for other passport holders.

A one-day visa used to be granted when the north would not let in Greeks or Greek Cypriots or anyone with a Greek-sounding name and as a result the Republic of Cyprus would only allow day trips to the North for everyone else. The Greek Cypriots argued that you would be using stolen property if you stayed overnight in a hotel in the north. You could only cross at the Ledra Palace crossing, only on foot, only between 8AM and 1PM, and you had to be back by 6PM. The day trip visa was issued at the TRNC checkpoint for the cost of one Cypriot pound. It hasn't been used for 10 years now.

Beware that if you are not a European citizen and you enter the island at the north and the officials in the south may deny you the entry, though there have been reports that this rule is not strictly implemented, especially for Canadian and US Muslims. For European citizens, entry to both sides constitutes no problem.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Northern Cyprus

As the state is not recognised by any international organisation, its Ercan Airport IATA Flight Code: ECN is not recognised by the IATA. This means all flights (including charters) must touch down in Türkiye before continuing to Ercan. Scheduled flights on Turkish Airlines, Atlasjet and Pegasus connect via various destinations in Türkiye, and to countries such as the UK, Germany and Iran.

It is also feasible to fly to airports in the Republic of Cyprus (Larnaca is the closest) and take a taxi to the north, crossing the Green Line near Nicosia. It is best to have a travel operator arrange for a taxi from the north to collect you, since Greek Cypriot taxi drivers may not be willing to take tourists to the north. See details on crossing the Green Line below.

Alternatively - to avoid paying a "travel operator" - you can walk across the border at Ledra Street. There is a small tourist information kiosk on the left as soon as you cross.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Northern Cyprus

Ferries operated by Akgunlerdenizcilik connect Kyrenia / Girne to Alanya, Taşucu and Mersin in Türkiye. They also advertise ferries between Türkiye and Famagusta, but show no times or prices.

The fast ferry from Alanya only runs in summer: from Alanya Thurs & Sunday at noon, from Kyrenia Wednesday & Saturday at 10:00. This is a catamaran (shown in timetables as deniz otobüsü) for foot passengers which takes around 2 hrs 30.

A similar fast-cat ferry, summer only, takes just 80 mins from Mersin. This runs from Mersin Sun, Tuesday & Thursday at 21:00, from Kyrenia M, West & Friday at 23:00.

The third fast-cat route, summer only, takes two hours from Taşucu. This runs Fridays only from Taşucu at 14:00 and from Girne at 10:00.

The only vehicle ferry is from Taşucu and takes six hours. It runs four times a week in summer: from Taşucu on Sun, M, Tuesday & Thursday at 23:30 and from Kyrenia Monday & Tuesday at 14:00, West & Friday at 23:30. This ferry runs all year; winter 2018 / 19 times are not yet posted.

By car

You can enter Northern Cyprus with a rental vehicle from the Republic of Cyprus at six of the eight border crossing points (see below). However, you will need to purchase vehicle insurance for the North at the border (€20 for three days €35 for one month) because the insurance companies and police departments of the two sides do not co-operate. See details on crossing the Green Line below.

Halal Friendly Walking Tours in Northern Cyprus

You can cross by foot at Ledra Street in the old town, and at the Ledra Palace crossing point to the west of the old town. Both crossings are for pedestrians only, so if you are travelling by car, you will need to use one of the other crossing points. See below for details on crossing the Green Line.

Going to and from the Republic of Cyprus

Northern cyprus entry - Northern Cyprus entry stamp

The main crossings between the south and north are:

  • Astromerits/Zodhia (by vehicle only) - the westernmost crossing near the town of Morphous
  • Agios Dometios/Kermia/Metehan - major road and pedestrian crossing near Nicosia (North) | Nicosia
  • Ledra Palace (pedestrians only) - the oldest crossing, just outside the walls of old Nicosia (North) | Nicosia to the west of the city
  • Ledra Street (pedestrians only) - newest crossing opened on 3 April 2008 along Nicosia's old shopping street, making it the most central of all crossings.
  • Pergamos/Beyarmudu
  • Strovilia near Agios Nikolaos - located at the eastern part of the island near Famagusta

How to get around in Northern Cyprus

By bus or dolmuş/shared taxis

Public transport is in a pathetic state in Northern Cyprus. The main cities (Nicosia, Famagusta and Kyrenia) are connected by buses run by the İtimat company, but these services stop after 6PM. You can check the bus terminals of these cites for other buses, and there are usually buses that run once a day to and from rural areas (though these tend to bring commuters to Nicosia in the morning and leave at night). Bus services within cities are in a better condition, though these stop at late hours as well. Ercan Airport is rather well-connected to the main cities with buses.

"Dolmuş" or "kombos" are excellent options for budget travellers. These are shared taxis that stop for people who wave them down. The price of travelling between major cities and towns via dolmus (around 4-20 TL) are much lower than taxis, however and there are no schedules. Dolmus run often, and backpackers should be able to locate them in a few minutes. In downtowns and there are usually plenty of dolmus options going to many cities, though late hours are still problematic.

Best way to travel in Northern Cyprus by a Taxi

There are many taxi stations in Northern Cyprus, but you won't able to see many taxis around to wave them down, so make sure to get some numbers. There are taxi services in the Ledra Palace and Kermiya crossings, and at the Ercan Airport. Taxis are rather expensive though, with a journey from Nicosia to Kyrenia costing around 70-90 TL.

By car

Kyrenia-Nicosia highway D-25 - The highway between Kyrenia and Nicosia

Renting a vehicle is by far the most effective way to travel around Northern Cyprus. There are several rent-a-car services in Nicosia, Kyrenia and Famagusta. Only few vehicle hire firms have offices at Ercan airport but almost all of them deliver cars to Ercan Airport. If you are arriving from the Republic of Cyprus via Larnaka/Nicosia and want to pre-book a car, it is feasible to use the internet to find a northern rental company willing to have a vehicle waiting for you at the Ledra Palace crossing point in Nicosia. Rental costs in Northern Cyprus are much higher than in the south but the quality of the cars is good. Note that rental cars are normally rented with an empty tank, so the first task is to find a petrol station. The second task is to calculate how much fuel you are likely to use, as no credit is given for unused fuel.

Local Language in Northern Cyprus

The official language in Northern Cyprus is Turkish although a distinct Turkish Cypriot dialect is used in conversation. English is also widely used, especially in the resort city of Kyrenia. However and the entire island is somewhat of a cultural melting pot and in villages off the beaten track, some elderly local residents who lived among Greek Cypriots before 1974 still use the Greek Cypriot dialect as their first language, even though they are Turkish Cypriots. Cypriot Greek is also natively spoken by a small and mostly elderly community in the village of Dipkarpaz on the Karpaz Peninsula, as is Cypriot Maronite Arabic (a dialect of Arabic local to the island) in the village of Koruçam (Kormakitis) located on the cape of the same name.

Learning a few Turkish words and phrases, and especially those indigenous to the Turkish Cypriot dialect, will be very much appreciated by these warm people who are proud of their culture.

Here are a few phrases in the local dialect. For more phrases in standard (Turkish), see the Turkish phrasebook.

  • Napan? (nah-PANG; how are you, literally how are you doing? - informal) or Naparsınız? (nah-par-sing-EEZ - formal)
  • Eyidir (a-e-DEER; I'm fine) or Napayım (nah-pay-EEM; I'm fine, literally, what should I do?)
  • Kaçadır bu? (ca-TCHA-durr boo; how much does this cost, literally, for how much is this?)
  • Çok güzel yer Kıbrıs (chock gue-ZELL yerr KEEP-rees; Cyprus is a very stunning location)

What to see in Northern Cyprus

Kyrenia Harbour Panorama, North Cyprus - Kyrenia Harbor and Castle Queens Window Saint Hilarion Kalesi - The Queen's Window at the St. Hilarion Castle
Nicosia Buyuk Han 02 - The Great Inn Barrel Room Etel Grapes - Theater of Salamis, Cyprus - Salamis

Northern Cyprus is home to many fascinating sights, below is just a selection:

  • Kyrenia Harbor and Castle - Kyrenia is often called the pearl of the Mediterranean, and for good reason. Under the scenery of the green Beşparmak Mountains, with its picturesque pier, many boats anchored on the harbor and full of restaurants, continuing the adjacent Kordonboyu Street and the captivating sunsets, this is a complete must-see and the perfect place to take a promenade. It is imfeasible to see the castle overseeing the harbor, and the castle is well worth a visit with the stunning vistas and the shipwreck museum.
  • Castles - the Beşparmak Mountains are home to three picturesque and excellently maintained castles and the St. Hilarion Castle, Buffavento Castle and Kantara Castle. St. Hilarion is just above Kyrenia, and Kantara is closer to the Karpaz Peninsula. All of them offer breathtaking scenery of the coastline and the mountains, and also some refreshing clean air and hikes.
  • Walled City of Nicosia - this is the destination of the tourists who cross the Ledra Street into the north, even though they miss much more of Northern Cyprus. Nicosia is home to perhaps the most excellently maintained city walls that belong to a capital in the world - they have even made their way to the municipal emblem as the symbol of the city. Be prepared to see a magnificent mosque, built in the Gothic style and the Selimiye Mosque (commonly called Ayasofya or St. Sophia Gothic Church). Enjoy your meal and traditional crafts under the shade of the historical Great Inn (Büyük Han) - a favorite for tourists. Wander around the streets to see the traditional architecture, especially in the Samanbahçe quarter and the 500-year-old and yet active Great Turkish Bath (Büyük Hamam), shop at the historical Bandabulya bazaar, greet the Venetian Column at the historical heart of the city - Atatürk Plaza - and beware of the historical buildings and museums popping out from every corner.
  • Salamis ruins near Famagusta - this ancient Greek city is full of statues, agoras, and many more, including an amphitheatre where concerts and other events take place, and all of them right next to the see, with much of the complex still uncovered. This once-strategic great city is worth a visit.
  • Walled City of Famagusta - Just like the walled city of Nicosia, historical buildings pop out everywhere in this walled downtown. Another magnificent Gothic-style mosque, Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque, once home to the crowning ceremonies of the Lusignan kings and the excellently maintained city walls and the Othello Tower, where the Cypriot section of Shakespeare's play Othello takes place.
  • Bellapais village near Kyrenia - known for its ancient monastery, which consists of picturesque ruins with great Gothic arches and towering stone walls, and a great view of Kyrenia. Cultural events such as classical music concerts take place throughout the year.
  • Apostolos Andreas Monastery, Karpaz National Park and Cape Apostolos Andreas - located at the tip of the Karpaz Peninsula, farther north than Dipkarpaz, this excellently maintained monastery is an ancient site of pilgrimage. Karpaz is very unspoilt, and the only national park in Northern Cyprus is known for its wild donkeys, who are so free they can block the roads. Near the Apostolos Andreas Monastery is the geographical end of Cyprus, Cape Apostolos Andreas, known as Cape Zafer (Zafer Burnu) locally. And do not miss the idyllic Golden Beach (Altın Kumsal), perhaps the most beautiful beach in all of Cyprus. (see the #Do|Beaches section below).

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Northern Cyprus


Escape Beach North Cyprus - Escape Beach Club Golden beach, Karpass Peninsula октябрь - Golden Beach Kaplica beach - Part of the Kaplıca beach Bafra beach North Cyprus cropped - Bafra

  • Beaches are an important feature of Northern Cyprus, found throughout the coastline from the westernmost Yeşilırmak to the easternmost Dipkarpaz. There is a beach for everybody: for those who like to indulge in the luxury of seaside resorts to those who love the remote unspoilt golden stretches of sand. Below is a list of feasible locations for beachgoers:
  • The northern coast is swarming with golden beaches. Most of these beaches are vibrant, with many seaside hotels and clubs, which include,
  • Acapulco Hotel - in Çatalköy near Kyrenia. Big hotel built around a large cove, with a big swimmingpool and aquapark.
  • Escape Beach, commonly called Yavuz Çıkarma Plajı (Yavuz Landing Beach, a reference to it being the first place the Turkish army landed in Cyprus in 1974) - is home to the Escape Beach Club and Club Locca, one of the important dance clubs in Northern Cyprus.
  • Cornaro Beach Club - associated with the nearby Malpas Hotel and the beach is home to a good fish restaurant
  • Kaplıca and Tatlısu - for those who like serenity but would like some luxury. Closer to the Karpaz Peninsula and these two villages (around 5 kilometers from each other) host two hotels, restaurants and seaside facilities - Kaplıca, with a longer and cleaner beach, is home to caravans but Tatlısu is calmer with wooden bungalows. The hotels are much cheaper than the great hotels around Kyrenia and in Bafra, but still clean.
  • Karpaz Peninsula is home to some very beautiful beaches, below are only two:
  • Golden Beach - dubbed as the most beautiful beach in the whole island, and one of the longest beaches in the island, this idyllic beach is located close to the tip of the peninsula, Dipkarpaz. The color of the water and the sea is unmatched and with all its remoteness, brings to mind the stereotypical Pacific beaches. However and there are no facilities, so be careful.
  • Bafra - this long beach is the subject of heavy investment, with many hotels such as Kaya Artemis Hotel (contains aquapark) and Noah's Ark Hotel recently being built, so this could be a destination for those looking for luxury. Part of the beach is operated by the municipality and is free of charge.
  • The eastern coast, again containing big facilities such as Salamis Bay Conti Hotel
  • Palm Beach - located next to the ghost town Varosha/Maraş, this surely is an interesting beach. There were reports of pollution due to an oil spill in July 2013, but the local residents continue to frequent it.
  • Glapsides Beach - a classical scene for Northern Cyprus, golden sands with good facilities
  • The Dillirga region also contains some beaches, including Aspava Restaurant's beach. The sand and the facilities here are not as good as in the other areas, however.

The above list of beaches is not exhaustive and there are many more beaches with good facilities, and many more unspoilt ones which are up to the traveller to discover.

Water sports

Caretta caretta 060417w2 - The caretta caretta is the most famous turtle inhabiting the coasts of Northern Cyprus

Scuba diving in Northern Cyprus is a spectacular experience. Scuba diving is not allowed individually, but a quick Google search will reveal the companies who organize dives and Kyrenia Harbor is a good place to find them. Shipwrecks, sea turtles, soft corals, colorful sponges, stingrays, octopuses, scorpion fish, and countless others are there to be discovered. There are around 20 different sites for diving around Kyrenia.

Water sports such as windsurfing, jetskiing, waterskiing and sailing are also available at beaches throughout the coastline. Sailing is especially found at Escape Beach Club, near Kyrenia.


Concentrated in the summer season, numerous festivals take place throughout Northern Cyprus, organized by almost every municipality. Make sure to check the festival dates before going to Northern Cyprus. Concerts by local, Turkish and international bands and musicians, folk dance and modern dance shows and many other activities take place during these festivals. Alternatively, classical music lovers can visit the Bellapais Classical Music Festival in the historical atmosphere of the Bellapais Abbey.

Other activities

  • Paragliding - seeing the beauty of Northern Cyprus from 2500 feet and gliding down is an unforgettable experience and well worth it. You can find companies which organize this at the Kyrenia Harbor, especially Tandem Paragliding.
  • Boat tours - there is no difficulty in finding boat or yacht al-tours/ tours to explore the northern coast from the Kyrenia Harbor during summer. Boat al-tours/ tours from the port of Famagusta to the Karpaz Peninsula are also available.
  • Hiking and trekking - the Kyrenia mountains are the places to do this. There are many centers which organize this, one being the Mountain Climbing Sports Association, meeting as often as weekly.
  • Golf - at the Korineum course

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Northern Cyprus

Money Matters & ATM's in Northern Cyprus

The Turkish Lira, denoted by the symbol "TL" (ISO code: TRY), is the official currency in North Cyprus. The lira is divided into 100 kuruş (abbreviated kr). Euros and UK pounds are widely accepted in the bigger cities. Credit cards are also accepted in larger shops, supermarkets, and the more upmarket restaurants.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Northern Cyprus

Those looking for traditional items to buy may find them especially at the Great Inn (Büyük Han) in Nicosia. Souvenir shops are available in all major cities, especially at the Kyrenia Harbor and the Arasta region of the walled part of Nicosia. Lefkara lace, produced in the Lefkara village which remains in the southern side of the Cyprus and then carried on by the displaced Turkish Cypriots, is now a widespread item to buy. Sele and sesta are traditional items made of straw.

There is one shopping mall in Famagusta and the Lemar AVM, with many international brands. International brands can also be found in the thriving and vibrant Dereboyu region in Nicosia, a 15-minutes walk from the walled city.

Halal Restaurants in Northern Cyprus

Grilled Halloumi - Grilled halloumi Kleftiko - |Fırın kebabı

Turkish-Cypriot cuisine is a fine blend of (Turkish), Greek and Middle Eastern cuisines featuring mouth watering seafood to Kebab, numerous mezes to delicious home made fruit preserves called macun (pronounced ma-joon). Go to any traditional restaurant and ask the local foods they serve.

Some of the key foods featured in the Turkish-Cypriot cuisine, and some of whom do not exist in mainland Turkish and Greek cuisines, include Molehiya, Enginar Dolması, Kolokas, Bullez, Çiçek Dolması, Magarin

  • Ayran - the Turkish classic
  • Orange juice - Northern Cyprus is famous for its great oranges, so why not try their juice?

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Northern Cyprus, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Northern Cyprus. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Northern Cyprus and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Northern Cyprus. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Northern Cyprus. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inNorthern Cyprus: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Northern Cyprus.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Northern Cyprus: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Northern Cyprus, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Northern Cyprus.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Northern Cyprus, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Northern Cyprus, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Northern Cyprus and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Northern Cyprus, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Northern Cyprus, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Northern Cyprus without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Northern Cyprus is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Northern Cyprus.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Northern Cyprus is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Northern Cyprus, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Northern Cyprus Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Northern Cyprus

eHalal Group Northern Cyprus is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Northern Cyprus. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Northern Cyprus.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Northern Cyprus ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Northern Cyprus. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Northern Cyprus, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Northern Cyprus are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Accommodation in Northern Cyprus is plentiful. Rooms are typically of lower standard than in the rest of Cyprus and are correspondingly lower priced. In all parts of Cyprus, it is customary (and recommended) to make a thorough inspection of the room you are considering prior to checking in.

For individual accommodation listings, please see our relevant city destination eHalal Travel Guide.

Study in Northern Cyprus

All universities in Northern Cyprus are private.

There are five Northern Cypriot universities holding over 40,000 students:

  • Near East University (Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi)
  • Eastern Mediterranean University (Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi)
  • Cyprus International University (Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi)
  • European University of Lefke (Lefke Avrupa Üniversitesi)
  • Girne American University (Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi)

There is also a campus of Middle East Technical University. Istanbul Technical University is also planning to open a campus in Northern Cyprus.

Atatürk Teacher Academy and Police Academy provide vocational education in related subjects.

How to work legally in Northern Cyprus

Working is forbidden to anybody not in possession of a permit, which is not easily obtainable for visitors.



The electricity is 240 volt and the UK style of rectangular 3 pin plugs and sockets are used. Be warned that power cuts are fairly frequent and that the voltage fluctuates - which can damage anything connected.

Medical Issues in Northern Cyprus

  • There are many gymnasiums situated in the main cities such as Nicosia, Famagusta and Kyrenia.
  • Only drink bottled water. The tap water is ok if boiled.

Stay Safe

Northern Cyprus is a relatively safe place, as tourists do not have to worry much about crime. In Kyrenia, British retirees often speak of how safe they feel there, and that they can walk down dark streets at any time of night and feel safe. Crimes such as pickpocketing are unheard of, even in the bigger cities and lively areas, such as the Dereboyu quarter of Nicosia.

Telecommunications in Northern Cyprus

Telephone code

International calls are routed to Northern Cyprus via the Turkish area code 392. When dialing from Türkiye and the usual domestic format of 0 + 392 + 7-digit local number is used. When calling from other countries +90 + 392 + 7-digit local number is used.

On the other hand, calls from the Republic of Cyprus can be made by dialing the 0 + 139 + 7-digit local number format which charges at local rates as well as the international +90 + 392 + 7-digit local number format which charges at international rates.

Mobile phones

The two local mobile phone networks will allow you to make and accept international and local calls on your mobile phones, however the connections are expensive. Far better to buy a local pay-as-you-go SIMonday - card from either TelSim (Vodafone) or Turkcell which offer the usual facilities at much cheaper rates. Be aware that mobile phones with SIM cards from the Republic of Cyprus will not work in Northern Cyprus as there is no agreement between the companies (CYTA and MTN) and the Turkish operators; there is only one operator from the Republic of Cyprus (Primetel) which allows you to roam in northern Cyprus by sending message to 8133 with the text T ON. At €1 per MB, this service will cost you dearly, so only use it as a stopgap until you can get local service. Similarly, your SIM card purchased for use in Northern Cyprus will not work south of the border crossing. The most affordable all-island solution on the market is the 30-day Europe Roaming SIM from Three Hong Kong at HK$ 198 for 3.3 GB, but this SIM must be purchased before arrival and is hard to find online.

Internet connections

The better hotels all offer internet connections of some sort, and there are numerous internet cafes. However you connect though and the connection speed will be slow and the service erratic.

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