
From Halal Explorer

File:Poltava Banner.JPG Poltava (Ukrainian phrasebook|Ukrainian: Полтава) is a city in Central Ukraine, administrative center of Poltavs'ka oblast (Poltava region), medium-sized city (population just over 300,000).

Poltava Halal Travel Guide

Poltava is also called a cultural capital because of its colourful history and many famous Ukrainians who were born in Poltava. Native citizens often follow this idea, being proud of their city and calling it "a city where one wants to live in". There are many sites of architecture, museums, universities, elementary schools, cinemas and theatres and so on. Apart from that, city is often referred as "green" as there are many parks, gardens and other recreational areas. In the recent years the municipal administration considered itself as being responsible to make the downtown clear and looking more like a European rather than Soviet city.

In the 1709 battle of Poltava, Russian czar Peter the Great defeated Sweden|Swedish king Charles XII. In the following treaties, Russia annexed most land around the Baltic Sea including Saint Petersburg, marking the rise of the Russian Empire as a great power.

Languages spoken are Russian and Ukrainian (the latter is official and first is more widely spoken). However most people understand and are able to speak both. English isn't widely known, but many people (especially young people) would make their best attempt to understand you. Some people you talk to are quite fluent in English (or (German), French), as these languages have been studied at school.

Travel to Poltava

Train and bus are the only reasonable ways to get to Poltava (unless you have your own car), and ticket price is roughly equal.

By Rail

Poltava train station - 275px|Kiev Station (Kyivskyi Vokzal), one of two train stations.

Four railway lines coming out west, east, south and southeast from Poltava. Usually there would be a few trains per day to your selected destination, see the website of Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian railways) for timetable and ticket prices. - Poltava train station.jpg

  • Kiev Station or Poltava-Kyivska train station - Київський вокзал / Залізничний вокзал Полтава-Київська | Stepana Kondratenka str.(вул. Степана Кондратенка), 12 49.6035, 34.5255 ☎ +380 532 107101, +380 532 51-41-01 Opened in 1901. Connect it with Kyiv (US$7, 3½ hours); Kharkiv (US$5.5, 2 hours) and other Ukrainian cities.
  • Poltava-Pivdenna or Southern Station - Полтава-Південна, aka (Південний вокзал), Russian: Южный вокзал | Slavy sq. (площа Слави), 1 49.5820, 34.5952 To get to the centre from Pivdenniy Vokzal, take trolleybus 1, 2, 4, 6 or 11 ☎ +380 532 512035 Watch your timetable/ticket carefully, as train may stop only at one of those stations, or both. It is a good idea to buy tickets for your next train (if you haven't bought them in advance) immediately upon your arrival. Both train stations are well connected with city transport (bus/trolley). However, between 22:00 and 06:00 taxi is the only option.

Travel on a Bus in Poltava

  • Bus station - Автостанция | Shevchenka str., 65 49.5882, 34.5378 Connected with municipal bus/trolley routes. Note again, that between 22:00 and 06:00 you'd need to get a taxi☎ +380 532 274410|hours=
  • Inter-city bus station - Автовокзал | vul Velikotirnovska ( вул. Великотирнівська), 7 - GPS: 49.56653, 34.49078 about 7km east of the centre You must buy ticket at the bus station, and then better keep it with you, ticket control is feasible. The most useful buses are to Kharkiv (13 hr, 2½-3 hours, 8 daily) and Dnipro (15 hr, 3-4 hours, 8 daily). }}

Bus connection with other cities is fine, especially along E40 road (Poltava is midway between Kyiv and Kharkiv): buses usually arrive/depart every hour or a few. It will take you 5 hours to get from Kyiv or 3 hours from Kharkiv. There are a few different carriers on these routes:

  • Avtolux, Günsel bus service, which provide more comfortable buses, and cost a bit more (from Kyiv - up to 100 hr).
  • National and various private bus services. Some of them have less comfortable buses (e.g. old Ikarus), for cheaper price. Other are more comfortable, though ticket price is somewhat 20-25% higher. Station charge included in ticket price.
  • Shuttle-bus services, which use Mercedes Sprinter or similar. (Don't confuse them with "marshrutka" which is city transportation, never mind local residentscan call both a marshrutka). They stay in the middle in terms of passenger's comfort, however are faster (4½ hours from Kyiv, 2½ hours from Kharkiv). You can find these shuttle vanes standing at train stations or (even better) reserve places by phone (see advertisements at bus/train station), optionally a day or a few in advance. Be sure to find your shuttle van in at least 10-15 minutes before departure, because your reservation may be cancelled. Then pay money directly to driver, he would write down your surname (as no tickets are usually provided). As of September 2010, it costs around 85 hours from Kiev.

By car

Poltava has fine road connection in most directions: west (E40 to Kiev), east (E40 to Kharkiv), southwest (E577 to Kremenchuk), north (to Hadyach), northeast (to Kotel'va and Russian boundary) and southeast (to Krasnograd, connection with E105 Moscow-Kharkiv-Simferopol road).

  • From Kyiv: 330km single/dual carriageway, of average quality, however seems to be intensively improving (as of October 2010)
  • From Kharkiv: 140km single/dual carriageway, of average quality. Be careful not to exceed the speed limits, as there are some hazardous parts.
  • From south: go along E105 road to Krasnograd, turn left to Poltava and then after ~60 kilometers of straight road you'd reach E40 and turn left to Poltava again.
  • From southwest (Kremenchuk): 110 kilometers along E577, single carriageway, including some hazardous areas (e.g. limited visibility, narrow bridges, railway level crossing).
  • From north, NW, NE: prefer a straight north-south road across Opishne and Dykan'ka - average quaily single carriageway. Other road (NE-SW direction) from Kotel'va to Poltava is in worse condition and crosses many villages.

Do not go along other minor roads indicated on the map unless you know it's fine (otherwise you may experience bad road quality or get lost somewhere in rural area).

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Poltava

Not feasible (there is an airport in Suprunivka, 5 kilometers west of Poltava, however no regular passenger service is available).

Get Around

It would be a good idea to have an acquaintance with a bilingual local person who will give you advice on how & where to go around Poltava. But if you don't have one, you can ask for help at local English-speaking message board en.poltavaforum.com

Notice that most of city transport is operating between 06:00 and 22:00 on major routes, and only until 20:00-21:00 to suburbs. During hours different from this, prefer taxi.

There are crowded routes, where you may not be able to get a seat. During rush hours (06:00-09:00, 17:00-18:00 and possibly throughout the day on suburb routes) you may loss up to 1 hour of your time due to municipal transport being filled up. Be aware of suburban routes and of the dates of holidays or other celebrations, where serious delays are likely. In trolleys, buses and marshrutkas you pay a single fixed price for each trip at each vehicle, no matter how far away you go (within city limits).

By foot

Poltava is relatively small city, where it is feasible to cross it one border to another in 1½ hours. If you're walking around down-town & historical centre, you are 30 min away from any destination within it. So if you know where to go across centre, you may not use transport at all. However, for safety reasons, don't walk by foot to distant suburbs, if you don't know your way or if it is late evening/night.

Bear in mind that the Lower City (Podol/Podil, Russian: Подол, Ukrainian: Поділ) near Vorskla river and Pivdenna Train Station is situated really deep down, so walking up to the train station can be very tiresome.

By bus/marshrutka

There are 62 bus routes, connecting most neighborhoods of the city. Most often it is an optimal way to get around. Bus and marshrutka cost 1.75 hr, no matter how far you go. The difference is that buses are larger (yellow shuttle vanes are considered buses too) and you pay money to conductor who asks you; marshrutkas are small minivans where you pay directly to the driver. Don't rely on the fact that you can enter/exit marshutka outside from official bus stops: it is sometimes feasible, but actually prohibited by law.

  • Routes 19,20,21 ("Кільцевий") makes good connection round across the city (clockwise and counterclockwise), connecting downtown with main residential neighborhoods and the bus station (Avtovokzal). Large buses (Man, Volvo etc.) provide the best service.
  • Other routes are listed here].

By trolley

There are 11 trolley routes across the city. This is the cheapest kind of transport, however particularly slow and often crowded, sometimes delayed. Ticket costs 1 hr, paid to a conductor, who will ask you soon after you enter the trolley.

  • Route 1 goes directly between two train station - Kyivsky & Pivdenny vokzal.
  • Route 15 ("Кільцевий") goes round across the city, connecting downtown with main residential neighborhoods and the bus station (Avtovokzal).

Best way to travel in Poltava by a Taxi

It is recommended to order a taxi by phone, not to hire somewhere on the street. This way you'll be safer, and meet better service and possibly lower price. See for phone number and vehicle number written down on the vehicle - so you will differ between taxi service and unlicensed individual. Costs 15-35 hours across the city, or more if you go to several locations. You pay for kilometers, not minutes, however additional costs include waiting time, distant areas.

What to see in Poltava


  • Svyato-Panteleymonivska Church - Свято-Пантелеймонівська церква Street Frunze, 64 GPS 49.5766 ,34.5375 trolley 2, 6, 15 to stop Park imeni Ivana Petrovycha Kotlyarevskohotel +380 532 532158|hours= - . Built in 1999 to the 1100-year anniversary of Poltava.
  • Voznesenskaya church - Вознесенська церква Street Zoriana, 2 49.58036, 34.49568 On territory of former suburb of Pushkarevki - West☎ +380 532 661623 Built in 1762.
  • Khrestovozdvyzhenskyi (Holy Cross) monastery - Хрестовоздвиженського монастиря| Street Sverdlova, 3 49.5979, 34.5761 east Founded in 1650. There is the Свято-Троїцька церква (Sviato-Troits'ka church) +380 532 561125
  • Samsonovskaya church - Самсонівська церква | Street Shvedska Mohyla, 16 GPS 49.6314 ,34.5521 North content=The church was sanctified in 1856.
  • 'Light of Life' church - Церква Світло Життя | Street Biriuzova Marshala ( Бірюзова Маршала вул.), 63 49.59944, 34.49675 Northwest ☎ +380 532 530902
  • Panteleymonivska Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Пантелеймонівська українська православна церква Talalykhina ln.(Талалихіна пров.) - GPS: 49.6022, 34.4874 Northwest ☎ +380 532 566409|hours=
  • 'Flag of Khrysta' church Церковь Флаг Христа Street Kondratenka Stepana ( Кондратенка Степана вул.), 6 GPS 49.60307, 34.52781 Next to Kiev Station☎ +380 532 508050
  • Synagogue - Синагога | Street Gogolya ( Гоголя вул.), 6 49.5877, 34.5592 Center
  • Former Chorale synagogue - Хоральна синагога | Street Gogolya (Гоголя вул.), 10 (former Ivanovskoy) 49.5874, 34.5587 center Built in 1856. Burned out in 1911. Rebuilt, functioned to the end of 1930th, was after closed, and the nationalized building is reconditioned under a club. In 1943 the club burned.


  • Aircraft Museum - Полтавський музей дальньої авіації | Street Kharchovykiv (Харчовиків вул), 27 49.6055, 34.5142 NW☎ +380 532 678183 In a museum the airplanes of distant aviation are kept An-22, An-22 M3, An-160, educational-battle airplane of Sunday - 15, airplanes TU-134 UBL, An-26, model engines etc.
  • Poltava Battle History Museum - Державний історико-культурний заповідник Поле Полтавської битви - Street Shveds'ka Mohyla (Шведська Могила вул.),, 32 GPS 49.6304,34.5533 5 kilometers north-east of city. There are several marshrukta buses going via Zygina Plaza, as well as buses 4 and 5 right to the bus stop «The museum of the history of Poltava Battle» Opening Hours: Sunday Tuesday - Thursday 09:00-17:00, Friday 09:00-16:00, Monday closed There are a museum and the Swedish cemetery. The restricted territory of historical field consists of 1 906 acres. -There are 4 old settlements and more than 30 burial mounds (1000 BC and 1000 AD) on the reserve territory. }} - Poltava Art Museum (Gallery) Полтавський художній музей (галерея мистецтв) | email= Street Frunze (Фрунзе вул), 5 - GPS: 49.58963,34.55544 Center ☎ +380 5322 563540, +380 5322 560731|fax=Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00
  • Firestaton Technical Exhibition Пожежно-технічна виставка головного управління МНС Street Biriuzova Marshala( Бірюзова Маршала вул.), 26. GPS 49.6002,34.5193 N☎ +380 532 503789|hours=
  • Library and museum - Будинок бібліотеки та земського музею | Street Pushkyna/Hoholya( Гоголя вул.), 24/18 49.58383, 34.55418 Built in style of modern in 1901.
  • Museum of history of organs of internal affairs of Poltava region - Музей історії органів внутрішніх справ Полтавщини Street Lidova, 6 49.58970, 34.54507 Center☎ +380 5322 24929 Countain almost three thousand objects: the archived documents, photos, original standards of fire and cold weapon, personal things of veterans of organs of internal affairs, dioramas and artistic models.
  • There are many other museums, mainly dedicated to famous writers and cultural workers


  • Former Peasant Land bank - Будинок Селянського банку | Street Zhovtneva (Жовтнева вул.), 39 49.59106, 34.54710 Center The building special picturesqueness is given by multicoloured mosaics. A central entrance on cut corner building is decorated to the decorative pictures with fire-birds and sculptures of sirens.
  • 'Lions' mansion Міський особняк (з левами) Street Pushkina (Пушкіна вул.), 52 GPS 49.58893, 34.54324 Center Only from outside
  • Building of Petrovs'kyi cadet school - Будівля Петровського кадетського корпусу | Street Zhovtneva (Жовтнева вул.), 42 49.59120, 34.54959 Center Opening Hours: Only from outside Built in 1835-1840 in style of late classicism
  • Former vice-governor mansion - Будинок віце-губернатора | Street Zhovtneva (Жовтнева вул.), 40 49.59115, 34.55183 Center| ☎Opening Hours: Only from outside Built in 1808-1811.
  • Monument to Glory - Монумент Слави | Korpusnyy garden 49.58951, 34.55149 Center Opened on June, 27, 1811 in the downtown. The height of monument about 17 m.
  • House of general-gubernator Будинок генерал-губернатора Street Zhovtneva (Жовтнева вул.), 37 GPS 49.59006,34.54873 Center ☎ . One of the most attractive tourist-excursion object of the city. The length is 42 meters. }} - Ahe former Post Office of the 'Little Russia' regio Будинок Малоросійського поштампту Street Zhovtneva (Жовтнева вул.), 35 GPS 49.58864, 34.54897 Center Only from outside. The general post-office was complete in 1809. In 1943 was burned out. Rebuilt in 1961. Building is a brick, plastered, two-storeyed. Now school
  • Former House of Nobiliary Assembly - Будинок Дворянських зборів Street Zhovtneva (Жовтнева вул.), 31 - GPS: 49.58820, 34.55259 Center price= The Noble House completed in 1810. - Now is cinema
  • Former Alms house - Богодільня | Street Shevchenka (Шевченка вул), 23 - GPS: 49.5826, 34.5482 Founded in 1804. Now it is the Meedical Academy
  • Mansion of Daragan Особняк Дарагана Street Gogolya (Гоголя вул.), 3 GPS 49.58791, 34.55995 Center ☎
  • House of Rabbi - Будинок Рабина | Street Gogolya (Гоголя вул.), 8 49.58756, 34.55906 Center
  • Trofymenko Mansion Особняк Трофименка Street Krychevskoho (Кричевського вул.), 11 GPS 49.5871,34.5635 General Petrash Mansion - Особняк генерала Петраша Street Komsomolska, 20 GPS ,
  • Former State Bank - Будівля Державного банку | Street Zhovtneva (Жовтнева вул.), 21 49.58619, 34.55696 Center
  • Tokarev Trade house - Торговий дім Токарєва Street Lenina (Леніна вул), 9/17 GPS 49.58574,34.55519 Center ☎
  • Former Dokhman shop Магазин Дохмана Street Kotliarevs'koho (вулиця Котляревського), 22 GPS 49.585391,34.553449 Center. Built end of 19th century. Dohman I.A. was a merchant, owner of the paper and printing shop.
  • House of Michael .V. Gogol - Просвітницький будинок им. М.В.Гоголя | Street Gogolya (Гоголя вул.), 2 49.58831,34.55989
  • Mansion Baliubasha - Особняк збирача картин Балюбаша Street Spaska (Спаська вулиця), 11 GPS 49.585513, 34.566485 Center-South There lived the collector of pictures Baliubasha. The building was erected in 1912. Designed by architect P.F. Aloshina. Now it is the Poltava branch bank of Energіya.
  • Brewery - Пивоварний завод з пивною Приют друзів | Street Spaska (Спаська вулиця),10 49.58501, 34.56652 Center-South.
  • Kotliarevskyi's Memorial Mansion - Museum-estate of Ivan Kotlyarevskogo, Меморіальна садиба І.П. Котляревського | Sobornyi sq.(Соборний майдан), 3 49.58147, 34.56861 Southwest ☎ +380 5322 72073

Further afield

  • Dykan'ka - Диканька | 49.82126, 34.534 30 kilometers north of Poltava a small town, easily reached by road. Some historical sites and fine restaurants. Also famous as a site mentioned in Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka (Vechory na khutori blyz Dykan'ky), a story by Nikolai Gogol. If you want to see some landscapes typical for Poltavs'ka oblast, apart from crops, an ancient oak wood is next to Dykan'ka.
  • Opishne - ua:Опішне, ru:Опошня | Vul. Partizhanska (вул. Партизанська), 2 49.95812, 34.60657 50 kilometers north of Poltava another small town, famous for its pottery. See the National Museum of Ukrainian Pottery .
  • Vilhivschynskyy reserve - Вільхівщинський заказник | 49.65174, 34.84520 29 kilometers east of Poltava - Reserve is in the vicinity of villages Vilhivschyna and Vasilevka. Reserve covers an area located in the floodplain river Kolomak and a meadow-marsh complex

Things to Do

  • Botanical Garden of the Poltava State Korolenko Pedagogical University - Ботанічний сад П ім. В. Г. Короленолтавського державного педагогічного університет | Morhuna Fedora str., 16. GPS 49.59558, 34.56187 NE 1 kilometers ☎ +380 5322 22829 -
  • City Park Dendropark, Полтавський міський парк Bakynskykh Komisariv Street and Yakivchanska Street GPS 49.61836,34.55291 Bus 10, 33 to stop 'Dedndropark' - North 2 kilometers from Center ☎
  • Watch football ie soccer at FC Vorskla Poltava, who play in the Premier League and the top tier of Ukrainian football. Their home ground is Oleksiy Butovskyi Vorskla Stadium, capacity 25,000, just north of downtown.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Poltava


  • Kyіvskyi and Pavlenkivs'kyi Markets and Malls - Ринок Київський, Ринок Павленківський| Zinkivska str., 4-6B 49.601619, 34.530919 near Train Stn☎ +380 532 511173
  • Yurivskyi Market Ринок Юрівський| Polovky str.(Половки вул.), 45 GPS 49.5919,34.51417 Northwest ☎ +380 532 661939|hours=.
  • Central Market - Центральний ринок | Shevchenka (Шевченка вул.), 29 49.58368, 34.54465 Center☎ +380 532 612952 }}

Halal Restaurants in Poltava

  • Mimino Hotel-Restaurant - Ресторанно-готельний комплекс Міміно | Biriuzova Marshala str.( вул. Бірюзова Маршала), 15 49.59936, 34.52667 Near to Train Stn. ☎ +380 532 275012, +380 532 509883
  • Riviera Hotel - Ресторанно-готельний комплекс Ривєра | Rybalskyi lane.(пров. Рибальський), 16 49.57451, 34.57709 ☎+380 532 572344

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Poltava

Poltava - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Poltava, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Poltava. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Poltava and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Poltava. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Poltava. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inPoltava: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Poltava.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Poltava: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Poltava, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Poltava.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Poltava, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Poltava, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Poltava and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Poltava, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Poltava, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Poltava without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Poltava is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Poltava.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Poltava is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Poltava, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Poltava Media: info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Vivat Hotel Готель Віват провінція Tahtaulove suburb, Zonkovska str.(Тахтаулове),3-A GPS 49.6544, 34.56347 9km North☎ +380 532 655556, +380 532 559353, +380 67 5321550 |fax= Checkin: |checkout= - dbl US$32-58
  • Tourist Hotel Гостиница Турист Myru str.(вул. Миру ), 12 GPS 49.57996, 34.58767 from the downtown (10 minutes by bus or 30-40 minutes by foot☎ +380 532 572577, +380 532 572761 sgl from US$25, dbl US$30-35-68 Soviet-built hotel, but may improved since then. At the bank of Vorskla river.
  • Ukraina Hotel Гостиница Украина Zhovtneva (Жовтнева вул.), 41A GPS 49.59107 ,34.54544 Center☎ +380 532 224343 Checkin: |checkout= - US$25-35 (2022). ул.Октябрьская, 41а.
  • Hotel Almaz Гостиница Алмаз Kievskoye shosse (ул. Киевское шоссе), 60 GPS 49.56332, 34.50474 Southwest 4km☎ +380 532 681168, +380 532 631881, +380 532 631884 |fax=| price=25-32$ (2023)
  • Hotel IntouristPoltava - Гостиница Интурист-Полтава - Grushevskovo str., (ул. Грушевского), 1 ☎ +380 532 230024, +380 532 605710|fax=
  • Gold Hotel - Гостиница Голд - Pershotravnevyi ave. (Первомайский проспект,17б), 17B 49.5792, 34.56231 ☎ +380 532 613157 US$35-62 (2023)
  • Palazzo Hotel Палаццо Hoholia (Gogolya, Гоголя вул. ) str.,33 GPS 49.58298, 34.55422 ☎+380 532 611205, +380 532 610850 US$90-150 4-star.
  • Turbinst Hotel - Гостиница Турбинст | Repina str., (ул. Репина), 4 ☎ +380 532 25928, +380 532 181036|fax=| price=From US$35 (2023)
  • Gallery Hotel - "Галерея" | Frunze str.(вул. Фрунзе), 7 49.58939, 34.55527 Central location ☎ +380 532 561666 US$70-140
  • Alleya Grand Hotel - Алея Ґранд - Zhovtneva str. (Жовтнева вул.),57 49.5949, 34.5390 Central location☎ +380 532 579737 US$55-150 (2023)
  • Kyiv Hotel - Гостиница Киев | Sinna st.(вул. Сінна), 49.59311, 34.54173 Center☎ +380 532 224281 - From US$55 Four star. +380 532 224286

Telecommunications in Poltava

News & References Poltava

Travel Next

  • Dnipro
  • Kyiv
  • Kharkiv
  • Lubny three hours by bus. Tha main sight here Savior-Transfiguration Monastery Mgar. Also good base to visit

Nyzhnosulskyy National Park and Pyriatyn National Natural Park]

  • Myrgorod three hours by train or bus. Enjoy the Resort Myrhorod (Миргородкурорт) and the Ukrainan rural town charm

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