Porto Alegre

From Halal Explorer

Porto Alegre banner.jpg|1280px

Porto Alegre is the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul and the southernmost state in Brazil. With 4.2 million people in its metropolitan area, it is the 4th largest city of the nation. The city is not known for its tourist attractions, although it is a frequently used entry point to the Serras Gaúchas region, a major domestic tourism destination.

Porto Alegre Halal Travel Guide

Porto Alegre Skyline - |Porto Alegre Skyline

Porto Alegre is the state capital of Rio Grande do Sul and the biggest urban agglomeration of Southern Brazil. Situated geographically and culturally midway between São Paulo and Buenos Aires, Porto Alegre developed its distinct flavor of Portuguese legacy under the influence of other European immigrants and a variety of other ethnic groups. It is one of the richest cities in the nation and the state capital with the highest life quality and literacy rate (97%), and the book capital of Brazil.

Gaúchos, as natives of Rio Grande do Sul state are known, are very proud of their land and culture. In 1835 a revolution which declared Rio Grande do Sul independent from Brazil broke out and the most significant national conflict of the Brazilian Empire (1822-1889), named the Farroupilha Revolution or Farrapos War. This war wreaked havoc across the entire state during 10 bloody years, killing nearly 20% of Gaúchos and ultimately leading to a peace treaty where the República Riograndense once again became part of Brazil. Another major Brazilian revolution also began in Rio Grande do Sul. The Federalist Revolution of 1893 defended the decentralization of powers and greater autonomy for the states, and only finished in 1895, after spreading to two other states. It was also in Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre) where the 1930 Revolution which overthrew the president Washington Luis began, and so was from Rio Grande do Sul the most important Brazilian communist revolutionary of all times: Luis Carlos Prestes, who led the nation-wide communist upheaval in 1935. For such reasons, among many others, Gaúchos are particularly proud of their mother state, many considering themselves different from other Brazilians.

Porto Alegre is now a service-centered city in between the industrial part of the state (north-east) and the rural part (south). It is also called the "Mercosul Capital".

Rio Grande do Sul has come to be the champion in armed civil population. There is a culture of gun glorification in Porto Alegre, fruited in a past rural mentality.

How is the Climate in Porto Alegre

Humid climate with four well-defined seasons. Average annual temperature of 19°C.

  • Winter (June to September): between -1°C and 19°C. Changeable temperatures, warm days with temperature of upwards of 30°C are not uncommon.
  • Summer (December to March): between 20°C and 38°C
  • Fall (April to June): between 7°C and 25°C
  • Spring (September to November): between 10°C and 30°C

Travel to Porto Alegre

Salgado Filho07 - Salgado Filho International Airport in Porto Alegre has flights throughout South America, and Flights to Lisbon and Miami.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Porto Alegre

  • Salgado Filho International Airport IATA Flight Code: POA -29.993889, -51.171111 4.3 miles (7 kilometers) from downtown - Salgado Filho International Airport Salgado Filho03 Porto Alegre's international airport facility is modern (built in 2001) and has a shopping-like structure, with restaurants, shops and even movie theaters. Flights come from and go to cities such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Foz do Iguaçu, Montevideo, Cordoba (city, Argentina) | Córdoba, Rosario, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Lima, Panama City and Lisbon. It's served by all major Brazilian airlines ( Azul, LATAM, Gol/Varig, regional ones ( Trip) and international airlines TAP Portugal, Copa Airlines, Avianca, and Aerolineas Argentinas].

There is a train station (known as trensurb by local residents) and bus stops near the airport. However, it is recommended to take a cab ("taxi" for local residents) in order to leave the airport, because the nearby trensurb station is not exactly close to the airport facility and available buses don't take you downtown. Cab rides can be a little pricey, so you can opt to take a bus to a place near your destination and get a cab from there.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Porto Alegre

Trains serve only the metropolitan area. Locals call it trensurb and services are limited, with only one line connecting Downtown to some metropolitan cities (Canoas, Esteio, Sapucaia do Sul and São Leopoldo). The fare is R$1,85 and there's a station near Rodoviaria (central bus station) and the airport. It is more or less safe to walk during day time from Rodoviaria or the airport to the stations. An automated people-mover connects the first floor of the hub to the local train station.

By car

Coming from the North (Florianopolis|Florianópolis, Curitiba, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), one may reach Porto Alegre by two ways. BR-116 is shorter, but much more dangerous. This road is used to reach other destinations in Rio Grande do Sul, such as Caxias do Sul, Gramado and Canela. BR-116 also connects all major metropolitan cities and traffic jams are frequent during rush hours in weekdays. The other way to get to Porto Alegre from the North is using BR-101 to Osório and then BR-290. The first connects Curitiba, Florianopolis|Florianópolis and Osório, and is being upgraded to highway standards; the latter crosses Rio Grande do Sul from Osório to Uruguaiana, through Porto Alegre. The section between Osório and Porto Alegre is called free-way by local residents, and is a very well-maintained 6-lane toll-road.

Also, in neighbouring Canoas, BR-386 begins, connecting the metropolitan area with other major cities in the nationside, such as Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul) | Santa Maria and Passo Fundo. It has 4 lanes up to Tabaí and it is in decent conditions.

From the South, coming from cities such as Pelotas, Rio Grande, and Chuí, one would use BR-116.

From the East, Porto Alegre is reachable by BR-290 from Uruguaiana and Argentina. Using this road, it's feasible to reach southern cities such as Bagé and Santana do Livramento. This section of BR-290 shares a stretch with BR-116, from Guaíba's Bridge up to Eldorado do Sul interchange.

Some of these roads are dangerous due to their poor signaling/conditions and lots of trucks. Most of them are toll-roads and have electronic speed traps. Schedule your travels by vehicle during the day; it is simply safer.

Travel on a Bus in Porto Alegre

Rodoviária de Porto Alegre 00 - |The Porto Alegre interstate bus station (rodoviária).

The long distance bus station is downtown and is served by state, national and international lines. Daily services connects Porto Alegre with several cities inside the nation and also Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Paraguay. It is also connected to a trensurb station and several municipal bus lines.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Porto Alegre

Besides its decent port facilities for cargo, a ferry service connects downtown and Barra Shopping Sul to Guaiba, a neighbour city situated across the Guaiba Estuary, known as Rio Guaiba. The crossing takes 20 minutes and costs R$ 7.35 each way. Checking the schedule beforehand is recommended.

How to get around in Porto Alegre

The city is roughly a semi-circle that expanded outward in a concentric manner, beginning from the historical downtown, right next to the promontory and the harbor. Avenues going from the center to the outer areas of the semi-circle are the radiais (radials) and are crossed by avenues named perimetrais (perimeters). Hence, to go to and from downtown one will use mostly the former, whereas to go from one neighborhood to another, one uses the latter.


File:0561 - |The Carris company provides municipal bus transport in Porto Alegre.

To understand the bus system, one must consider the above description. All lines are identified as "(prefix)-number name/neighborhood". Almost all lines are radial, that is and they connect an outer neighborhood to the various downtown terminals. Those lines have no prefix. It is quite common to switch buses at downtown but, considering there is a myriad of lines there, it can be challenging to find the right hub to hop on the next bus. Transversal lines (prefix "T" - T1, T2..., T11), connect different neighborhood without going through the downtown area, effectively eliminating the need of changing buses for the most common trips. Circular lines (prefix "C" - C1, C2, C3), as the name indicates, run in a circular manner, usually connecting parts of the downtown area to the nearest neighborhoods.

It is very hard to find bus stops with indication of lines' destinations or timetables. Hence, when in doubt and the easiest way is to ask the local residents which bus will get you to you destination. Porto Alegre's buses are, in most cases, clean, safe and fast, specially when the line uses the bus corridor, a reserved lane with special stops in main avenues, effectively avoiding traffic jams. In order to use the bus, you must be at a bus stop and signal or wave your hand to the arriving bus you want to ride (they will not stop unless waved upon!).

The fare must be paid to the cobrador before crossing the turnstile located inside the bus. Fares may be paid either in cash or using a smartcard system named TRI. TRI-users get discounts in consecutive trips - a 50 percent discount is granted to the second trip within half an hour. Fares are listed below:

class fare remarks
infant free must pass under or over the turnstile
student R$ 2,02 must use a special TRI card
adult R$ 4,05 second trip is R$ 2,02 (with TRI)
resident senior (60 yr+) free must use a special TRI card
senior (65 yr+) free any document proving age is enough


The Lotação is an alternative transportation system, with fewer lines, served by vans with up to 20 people in capacity, where one can hop on and off at any point (i.e. outside designated stops) of the trip. The fare is R$6.00 for everyone. The vans are easily recognized by their "red and blue" colour. If you're not sure if a lotação goes to the destination you want to go, just wave your hand, wait until it stops and from the street ask the driver if it goes to your destination (for instance to go to Iguatemi Mall just say Iguatemi?), don't go in just to ask otherwise the driver might ask you to pay the fare since the counter is measured on the stairs near the door.


Taxis Rodoviaria de Porto Alegre - Taxis outside of the Porto Alegre interstate bus station (rodoviária).

There are plenty of taxis. They can be pricey, if compared to other towns, but they are also an easier, safer and more dependable option than buses in some cases. To ride a cab, one can walk to the nearest "taxi stop" (usually in crowded areas or points of interest), wave for an empty passing cab or call a tele-táxi service. Tele-táxi may charge extra for this service. The price of the fare is determined by a machine called taxímetro, usually in front of the passenger seat. There is always a minimum price, which is shown when the machine is reset for the trip, which is, as 2011, R$3.50. Next to the value and there is a "flag" indicator that shows the level of price being paid, always according to the service. Usually there is a table inside of the cab explaining each level of service. It is recommended to check if the correct level is being charged at the beginning of the trip, in order to avoid problems when you reach your destination.


Walking around is a reasonable idea only inside a given neighborhood or downtown, as opposed to from one neighborhood to another, as they are usually too far apart. Walking during the night in most parts of the city is outright dangerous. During the day, it is recommended to pay attention to your belongings at all times, due to activity of pickpockets and other thieves. Avoid parks at night. Porto Alegre is a dangerous city at global levels. Pedestrian crossings, most of the time, are completely ignored by the vast majority of drivers; never rely on them without looking or making sure the driver will stop. It is also not recommended to cross the street outside the proper crossing areas in traffic jams: motorbike riders usually split between stopped cars, causing a great risk to pedestrians.

What to see in Porto Alegre

Linha Turismo is a tourist bus line that rides through 11 neighbourhoods and shows the main attractions of the city (parks, trees, statues, hospitals, churches, etc.), with audio guides in three languages. The trip is 28 kilometers long and lasts for about 1hr 20min, and the arrival is at the same departure address. From Tuesdays to Sundays (holidays included), at 9AM, 10:30AM, 1:30PM, 3PM and 4:30PM (winter) or 10:30AM, 1:30PM, 3PM, 4:30PM and 6PM (summer). The tickets cost R$5 for the lower floor and R$7 for the superior one (which has no ceiling). Travessa do Carmo Street 84, phones +55 51 3213-3464 and +55 51 3212-1628:

  • Monumento aos Açorianos (Monument to the Azoreans) - It is a 17 m high monument in the memory of the people from the island of Azores, who were the first to settle in Porto Alegre.
  • Santuário Mãe de Deus, Rua do Santuário 400, Bairro Cascata (accessible from Av. Oscar Pereira): A beautiful church almost unknown by most porto-alegrenses. It is placed in a great location, with nice views of Porto Alegre and nearby cities landscapes. Built in 1992, it has a modern architecture and engineering, designed to support the strong winds of the location. It is somewhat difficult to get to this place, for there are no buses near and a cab ride from downtown would be pricey. However, if you rent a vehicle in Porto Alegre, it's worth trying.
  • Usina do Gasômetro: is an old powerplant built in 1928 which was refurnished and now hosts movie theaters and art expositions. During the sunset, lots of people get together in front of the Usina to watch the sun diving into Rio Guaíba (Guaiba river).

Museums & art

FundacaoIbereCamargo - |Fundação Iberê Camargo

  • Fundação Iberê Camargo - Av. Padre Cacique, 2000 ☎ +55 51 3247-8000 | Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday noon-7PM; Thursday until 9PM Free - Contemporary art museum in an award-winning building by Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza.
  • MARGS - Praça da Alfândega, Downtown ☎ +55 51 3227-2311 +55 51 3221-2646 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10AM Monday - 7PM Free The local Museum of Art. There's a permanent collection and an area that is often receiving new exhibitions. There's also a bistro and a store that sells art books and souvenirs.
  • Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUC - Av. Ipiranga 6681, Building #40 ☎ +55 51 3320-3597 (in portuguese) | Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 9AM Monday - 5PM R$10 (R$7 for children under 12, seniors, university students and professors)


Lago Parque Moinhos de Vento - |Moinhos de Vento Park.

  • Parque Moinhos de Vento (Moinhos de Vento Park) - Known by local residents as Parcão, this is a pleasant park with a neat lake and jogging runways.
  • Parque Farroupilha (Farroupilha Park) - Known by local residents as Redenção (Redemption), where is found the Araujo Viana Auditorium, which has hosted several political acts and music concerts. Also on Sundays, an antique fair happens in a side street and is called by local residents as Brique da Redenção.
  • Parque Marinha (Marinha park) - Known simply as Marinha, a linear park with a skateboarding rink, several sports and public fitness amenities, and also several modern art sculptures from Mercosur artists. Good for a bit of nature during the day. Popular on weekend late afternoons.
  • Parque Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho - Known by local residents as Parque da Harmonia (Harmony Park), home of the yearly Acampamento Farroupilha (Farroupilha Camp), a three week long regionalist event to celebrate the Farroupilha revolution and display the gaúcho culture. It is usually empty however. Some people visit the site on weekends and also have lunch at the famous churrascaria Galpão Crioulo there.
  • Parque Germânia (Germania park) - situated near Iguatemi Shopping at the core of the affluent East zone (Zone Leste), differs from others by having little tree cover and by closing at night. It does have some sports amenities though. Popular with local residents on weekend afternoons. The park is named as a dedication to German immigrants.

Best things to do in Porto Alegre

  • Watch the sunset: Porto Alegre has a beautiful sunset over its main river, Guaíba. Best enjoyed on the western side at places like Gasômetro and Ipanema. This event lasts about five minutes only. If you go up to level 5 of Gasômetro building, you can obtain a broader view of the sunset. During the winter (around July), it is recommended to take additional clothes, because the wind can be very strong.
  • Cisne Branco Boat - ☎ +55 51 3224-5222 Mauá Avenue, 1050, (in portuguese).
  • Catamaran to Guaiba: commuter ferry service connecting downtown and Barra Shopping Sul to the neighbour city Guaiba. Nice panoramic views of the city, best at sunrise and sunset. You can even bring a bike aboard and spend some time exploring Guaiba's walkway, whose views are even prettier than Porto Alegre's Ipanema beach walkway. You can also walk around, as the walkway has several restaurants alongside. Checking the schedule beforehand is recommended.
  • Feira do Livro (Book Fair) - Every October, hundreds of publishing editors sell books on Praça da Alfândega. It's feasible to find rare books and affordable prices.
  • Semana Farroupilha - acampamento gaúcho, Parque Harmonia -30.041141, -51.236527 A - A gaúcho festival held annually in September. Gaúchos (South American cowboys) come from all over Rio Grande do Sul and build a temporary complex of old-fashioned wooden buildings to commemorate a failed revolution from the 1800s and celebrate the state's traditional culture. Come to experience the food, music, dancing, and culture of the southern Brazilian countryside. If you're in the area at the time, this is definitely not to be missed.

Study in Porto Alegre

UFRGS is the largest public university. PUC is private and also an important learning centre. Both have exchange programms with foreign universities and institutions.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Porto Alegre

Central Market Porto Alegre - |Central Market

  • Central Market - Mercado Público Central - Between the Julio de Castilhos and Borges de Medeiros avenues ☎ +55 51 3333-1873 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30AM Monday - 7:30PM, Saturday 7:30AM Monday - 6:30PM Free The market, built in 1869 and later renovated, has more than 100 stalls selling local produce, products and spices, as well as several restaurants.
  • Brique da Redenção: A large flea market near Parque da Redenção with lots of authentic gaúcho art, crafts, furniture and hand-made stuff. It happens every Sunday, from 9AM to 6PM.

Shopping malls

  • Barra Shopping Sul: It has an 8-room movie theater inside, and many good restaurants with an incredible view of Lake Guaiba. Av. Diário de Notícias, 300.
  • Shopping Iguatemi: in the north side of the city, Av João Wallig 1800, it's the biggest Shopping Mall of Porto Alegre.
  • Shopping Praia de Belas: Next to the Marinha do Brasil Park, it's a very good mall
  • Shopping Total: Built in the place of an old organic juice factory, it has a supermarket and a lot of stores. It has very good restaurants outside in the parking lot.
  • Shopping Moinhos de Vento: Has a Sheraton hotel inside of it.
  • Bourbon Shopping Country: One of the biggest shopping malls in town. Av Tulio de Rose, 100. It has a large variety of stores and restaurants.
  • Bourbon Shopping Ipiranga: Av. Ipiranga, one of the most important avenues of Porto Alegre.
  • Bourbon Shopping Wallig: The largest mall in Latin America and the newest mall in Porto Alegre
  • Shopping Paseo Zone Sul: A small open air mall at the heart of the beautiful sourthern neighbourhoods. Somewhat popular with local residents for dining.

Halal Restaurants in Porto Alegre

  • Churrascaria Giovanaz | Venâncio Aires - An affordable churrascaria in the Cidade Baixa. You can eat as much Meat (and side dishes) as you like for less than R$ 15 (US$ 7.50)
  • Lancheria do Parque | Avenida Osvaldo Aranha, 1086 Bairro Bom Fim, across from the Parque Redençao ☎ +55 51 3311-8321 | Opening Hours: 6AM Monday - midnight Buffet from R$6, juices from R$2 Has possibly the best affordable eats in Porto Alegre. Lunch is a very good buffet where the offerings are always fresh and tasty. The menu offers incredible fresh juices and vitaminas and they are big. Sandwiches include the traditional Bauru: Steaks or Chicken with egg, Cheese, lettuce and tomato on a special bun (meal size). X~s with excellent ingredients. Plates--steaks mostly. A great Chicken soap. Risotto. Everything is good, much better than most lancherias. Despite what your Brazilian friends might say and the staff does appreciate a ten percent tip, even though they rarely receive it. For the great service you will receive they will certainly deserve it!
  • Reçaka Bar | José do Patrocínio, 531 (lunch time) or 495 (dinner time) Cidade Baixa ☎ +55 51 3072-3249 Steaks, fillets, fries, salads and whatever you ask them to prepare.
  • Tudo Pelo Social | Rua João Alfredo 448, Cidade Baixa ☎ +55 51 3226-4405 Serves simple dishes, such as beef and fries, but the quality is awesome and the prices are unbelievable. Buffet self-service on lunch hour. Expect lines during lunch and dinner time
  • X Speed | Cidade Baixa, Av. Lima e Silva - Typical sandwiches of Porto Alegre; it's a affordable option.


  • Bar do Beto, Rua Sarmento Leite, Cidade Baixa. Delicious options including typical Italian plates such as Fillet à parmeggiana (bovine Meat covered with tomato Sauces, Cheese and ham). You can also ask for Snacks or sandwiches.
  • Veganista Rua Paulino Teixeira, 415 -30.037797, -51.203288 ☎ +55 51 3557-7710 - R$20 - Vegan buffet.
  • Agridoce Rua Sarmento Leite 1024 -30.037809, -51.224008 ☎ +55 51 3392 7746 | Opening Hours: Tu–Su 12:00–22:00 Agridoce Café, Porto Alegre . Café with a strong antique, slightly quirky atmosphere and almost Alice-in-Wonderland decorations, with old chairs and curtains, dishes and suitcases adorning some of the walls, upside-down lamps on the ceiling of one room and old-fashioned keys on the menu. Tea, quiches, sandwiches, y-halal-food/desserts/ desserts, and other food, including good vegan options.
  • Churrascaria Galpão Crioulo - Otávio Francisco Caruso da Rocha, s/n - Parque Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho ☎ +55 51 3226-8194 - Around R$65 per person Excellent gaucho barbecue, served using the traditional gaucho way with skewers. You can taste more than 20 different Meat cuts such as: rump Steaks, top sirloin, bottom sirloin, lamb, Beef ribs and French rack. Offers live music and dance shows all nights from 8:20PM and also during lunch time on weekends.
  • Na Brasa - Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 389 - Floresta ☎ +55 51 3225-2205 Typical gaúcho barbecue, serves all kinds of Meat - cow, Chicken, Beef, sheep and wild boar. Has also a good-quality salad buffet and fruit cocktails. Prices are around R$35 per person.
  • Steinhaus, Rua Coronel Paulino Teixeira 415, Rio Branco. 51 33308661. German restaurant.

Porto Alegre's nightlife is basically divided onto two neighborhoods: Cidade Baixa and Moinhos de Vento. Although, several pubs and clubs are located throughout the city.

Cidade Baixa

Cidade Baixa is an old neighborhood, filled with historical buildings and oldfashioned mansions. Most of the popular and affordable bars are located in Lima e Silva Street; they are the traditional xis (cheeseburgers) places, such as Speed and Cavanhas. In República Street, pubs and bars are fancier and more expensive too. Inside the old mansions of João Alfredo Street, several dance clubs party every night. The places are perfect to dance Brazilian popular music (called MPB) and samba.

  • Bar Opinião Rua José do Patrocínio, 834 - Since 1983 and the Bar Opinião is a reference in the port-alegrense nightlife. With its newly extended physical space and the house can receive up to 2,300 people. The bar has had major improvements and offers a more comfortable structure now. In its menu, different drinks and tidbits.

Moinhos de Vento

Moinhos de Vento is one of the richest neighborhoods in town. Its restaurants are more likely to be fashionable. Expect bars to be pricey. Along Padre Chagas Street you can find typical Irish cafes.


Other options are:

  • Shamrock Irish Pub - Rua Vieira de Castro, 32 - Typical Irish pub, 1 kilometers from Cidade Baixa area. Opens from Tuesdays to Sundays at 6PM (on Saturdays at 7PM).
  • Bar do Beto - Venâncio Aires Avenue, 876. Opens every day from 5PM to 3AM. The organic juice is always really cold and there is a good variety of dishes and Snacks and the food is aways delicious. It's a good place to flirt too.
  • Manara Av. Goethe, 200 - The place has different environments and gathers a varied public. On the first floor, a and a dancefloor. A stage for shows is also available. On the mezzanine, some tables and chairs to make the attendance feel comfortable. The Sundays are specially agitated. The band Maria Bonita puts the public to dance to the sound of 'forró' music. Offers private parking lot.
  • República de Madras, Shopping Total, Av. Cristóvão Colombo, 545. Inspired on the Indian culture, specially on the old city of Madras and the club has four floors and an outside terrace. On Thursdays, some of the top DJs in town usually play there. Friday and Saturday and the club offers pop music and pagode.
  • John Bull Pub, Shopping Total, Av. Cristóvão Colombo, 545. The place has a stage for shows where usually rock and roll cover bands performe.
  • Dissonante. The bar encourages the alternative rock porto-alegrense, offering an excellent space for the exposition of independent bands of the most varied styles - from instrumental rock to punk rock. Basically almost everything that involves a distorted guitar.
  • Bar do Nito Lucas de Oliveira, 105 ☎ +55 3333-6221 The owner plays every night old songs from Brazilian Popular Music (MPB). Every 29th day of the month you could enjoy the excellent and traditional nhoque.
  • Logom Brewpub, Rua Bento Figueiredo, 72 is Porto Alegre's first artisinal brew pub. Expect much stronger and more flavorful soft drinks than the standard Pilsner. Popular with many technology workers and soft-drinks aficionados alike. Barrio Bom Fim, but close to Moinhos de Vento.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Porto Alegre

Porto Alegre - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Porto Alegre, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Porto Alegre. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Porto Alegre and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Porto Alegre. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Porto Alegre. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inPorto Alegre: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Porto Alegre.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Porto Alegre: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Porto Alegre, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Porto Alegre.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Porto Alegre, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Porto Alegre, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Porto Alegre and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Porto Alegre, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Porto Alegre, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Porto Alegre without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Porto Alegre is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Porto Alegre.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Porto Alegre is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Porto Alegre, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Porto Alegre Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Porto Alegre

eHalal Group Porto Alegre is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Porto Alegre. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Porto Alegre.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Porto Alegre ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Porto Alegre. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Porto Alegre, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Porto Alegre are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at realestate@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly hotels in Porto Alegre

EdificioMercure - A Mercure Hotel in Porto Alegre.

  • POA Eco Hostel - Rua Luiz Afonso, 276 ☎ +55 51 3377-8876 - Eco Hostel Porto Alegre offers excellent services and accommodations. The hostel is located in Cidade Baixa, near to restaurants, and all major tourist attractions. Hostel offers swimming pool, wifi internet, games room, garden and bicycle rental. Breakfast included.
  • Casa Azul Hostel - Rua Lima e Silva, 912 ☎ +55 51 3084-5050 (in portuguese)
  • Hotel Ritz | Rua Des. André da Rocha 225 Bus line C1 from bus hub to 2 blocks from the hostel (circular centro) ☎ +55 51 3225-0693 +55 51 3225-3423 Dorm bed R$ 35, also singles and doubles. Breakfast extra R$ 5 - Quite a few students, and some others, living here permanently. Clean bedrooms. Internet, Wifi. Free use of kitchen. English and Spanish spoken.
  • Marechal Hotel - Rua Andrade Neves 123 Centro ☎ +55 51 3061-3076 - Singles from R$ 27 - Cep. 90010-210. Very basic rooms but probably one of the cheapest options right in the middle of town.
  • Master Executivo - ☎ +55 51 3025-4000 Alberto Bins Avenue, 618,
  • Arvoredo Residence - ☎ +55 51 3027-5199 Fernando Machado St., 347.
  • Ibis Hotel Aeroporto, Av das Industrias 1342, 700 meters away from the Salgado Filho Airport, it's a 2 minute, 5 reais taxi ride. 145 reais per day.
  • Master Express - Rua Sarmento Leite, 865 ☎ +55 51 3018-3636
  • Master Express Perimetral - @oteis.com.br Av. Loreiro da Silva, 1840 ☎ +55 51 3023-9503
  • Grande Hotel Express - Rua Riachuelo, 1070 ☎ +55 51 3287-4411
  • Deville Hotel Porto Alegre Airport

Telecommunications in Porto Alegre

The area code for Porto Alegre is 51.

For national calls, press 0+ operator code + area code (DDD) + telephone number -For national cover calls, press 90+ operator code + area code (DDD) + telephone number -For international calls, press 00 + operator code + country code + city code + telephone number

To make phone calls and the Integration ☎ Station is also available (Avenida Borges de Medeiros 332 – Centro) from Monday to Friday, 8AM til 8PM, and Saturday, 9AM til 6PM.

The cellphone companies that serve Rio Grande do Sul are: Vivo, Claro, TIM and Brasil Telecom (OI). Recharging cards for these carriers can be found in a variety of places like supermarkets and pharmacies.

Brasil Telecom (Oi) frees up public phones throughout the city. They operate through special cards that can be acquired at the company’s store or in newsstands.

Stay safe as a Muslim in Porto Alegre

At any time:

  • avoid poor areas, which present some risk of violence due to socioeconomic contrasts
  • watch out for pickpockets within the Historic Centre, particularly on rua dos Andradas (commonly called rua da Praia) and near the bus station — watch your backpack, pockets and wristwatch


The voltage is 110 V.

Useful ☎ Numbers Police (Military Brigade):190 Ambulance:192 Firefighters: 193 Civil Defense: 199 Civil Police: 197 Federal Police: 194 Transport and Circulation Public Business: 118 Telephone Assistance: 102 (To know area codes and international codes of countries)

In the case you need help, go to the Hospital Municipal de Pronto Socorro (HPS). Public, conventional, and private patient services. In the case that you need immediate help, call an ambulance at 192 (SAMU system). Located in Largo Teodora Herzl (corner of Avenida Osvaldo Aranha, Bom Fim neighborhood).

Travel Next from Porto Alegre

Parque Nacional de Aparados da Serra - |Aparados da Serra National Park.

  • Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra (Monkey Canyons)- 120 miles from Porto Alegre going on BR101 by Praia Grande/SC or RS-020 by Cambará. Thousands of square miles of exuberant nature teeming with life. Miles of escarpments, innumerable waterfalls, rushing streams in an area absolutely undisturbed by human intervention--comprising not only tropical forest zones, but also the coastal, high plateau. And the coast--visible from the canyon’s rim. The unforgettable landscape is the result of immense volcanic eruptions more than 130 million years ago. For travel information, contact the RS Tourist Bureau or planitbrazil.com (US)925-270-4190
  • São Miguel das Missões - Near the border with Argentina, has a UNESCO-listed World Heritage Site
  • Gramado - a German-themed tourist city in the Serra Gaúcha. This is a great city to visit during Christmas (November through early January).
  • Caminhos de Pedra in Bento Gonçalves and Caxias do Sul - Visit original houses of Italian immigrants in the region along this road. Many of the homes have been converted into restaurants and stores selling fruit cocktail, grape juice, other products derived from grapes and arts and crafts from the Serra Gaúcha region.

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