
From Halal Explorer

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Portugal is a country on the western edge of the Iberian peninsula, bordering Spain. Despite its small land area, it has many landforms and climates between the Atlantic coast and the mountains.

An Introduction to the regions of Portugal

{{Regionlist | region1name=[[Northern Portugal | region1color=#c3deae | region1description=A historic region that is considered the birthplace of the nation. It includes the second largest city, Porto. The region is famous for its natural reserve of Gerês, Vinho Verde (green fruit cocktail) and the Douro river valley steep slopes covered in stepped cultivations, isolated mountain regions and archaeological prehistorical sites around the Mogadouro area.

| region2name=[[Central Portugal | region2color=#f2e8b4 | region2description=It includes Coimbra, which houses one of the oldest universities (since 1290) in Europe and the Catholic pilgrimage site of Fátima, and several mountains such as Serra da Estrela and the highest mountain in continental Portugal, serra da Lousã, Serra do Montemuro and Serra do Caramulo. Visit São Pedro do Sul and Caldas da Felgueira for their thermal spas. The major soft drinks are Bairrada and the Dão soft drinks. The Mondego river system, most of the Estremadura coast, and a major access road to the rest of Europe via the Vilar Formoso border crossing into Spain. The south of central Portugal, formerly Ribatejo and Estremadura, is home to the "Campino" or Portugal cowboys. The region's main city's are Santarém, Vila Franca's de Xira and Nazaré on the Atlantic coast. The old cattle ranching way of life go hand-in-hand with the Lusitano horse-breeding traditions that can be traced thousands of years back in history. The town of Golegã is the main horse trading center in the nation. It organizes a yearly horse and cattle trade fair and festival every November, with roots going back to the pre-Punic War period.

| region3name=Lisbon Region | region3color=#917faf | region3description=Much more than just Lisbon and the capital and largest city and the densely-populated region around the mouth of the River Tagus at the Atlantic Coast includes such famous tourist destinations as Sintra, Cascais, and the South bank regions of Montijo, Barreiro, Setúbal, Palmela and the beach resort city of Tróia. Access to the southern side can be through the 25 de Abril suspension bridge on the west side or via the Vasco da Gama bridge in the east, spanning the Tagus estuary over 15 kilometers in length, as well as on boats, known as the "Cacilheiros".

| region4name=Alentejo | region4color=#d5a79d | region4description=The region literally called "beyond the Tagus river" is sparsely populated, known as the warmest in the nation with the flatest terrain, celebrating its slow pace of life. While largely rural with large agricultal estates amidst rolling prairies, cork oak forests and olive tree groves, interesting cities and towns like the regional capital Évora dot the nation side. Also and there are some prehistorical, Celtic-Iberian and Lusitanean culture archeological sites and monuments like menirs and "Antas".

| region5name=Algarve | region5color=#e4cfb0 | region5description=The beaches and sun of Southern Portugal and Sagres in the southwestern tip, chosen by Prince Henry the Navigator, to set up his headquarters and launch Portugal's maritime adventure.

| region6name=Azores | region6color=#ac5c91 | region6description=A group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Pico and the highest mountain in Portugal, stands on the island with the same name.

| region7name=Madeira | region7color=#ff6d01 | region7description= A sub-tropical archipelago that is made up of two populated islands, Madeira and Porto Santo, and two groups of unpopulated islands called the Desertas and Selvagens Islands. }}

Other Muslim Friendly Cities in Portugal

[[File:Cais da Ribeira, Oporto, Portugal, 2012-05-09, DD 21.JPG|1280px|Cais_da_Ribeira,_Oporto,_Portugal,_2012-05-09,_DD_21]]

  • Lisbon GPS: 38.713889,-9.139444 (Lisboa) – national capital, city of the seven hills
  • Aveiro GPS: 40.633333,-8.65 - the "Venice" of Portugal
  • Braga GPS: 41.551111,-8.428333 - city of Archbishops
  • Coimbra GPS: 40.211111,-8.429167 - home of the ninth oldest university in the world.
  • Évora GPS: 38.566667,-7.9 - "Museum City", Alentejo regional capital
  • Funchal GPS: 32.65,-16.916667 - the capital of Madeira
  • Guimarães GPS: 41.45,-8.3 - the founding place of the nation
  • Porto GPS: 41.162142,-8.621953 - the northern capital, "Invincible City", along the river Douro and the Atlantic Ocean
  • Viana do Castelo GPS: 41.7,-8.833333 - famous for the Nossa Senhora da Agonia Festival

Other Muslim Friendly Destinations in Portugal

  • Fátima GPS: 39.6255524,-8.66592014 - world-famous for the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary apparitions
  • Nazaré GPS: 39.598893,-9.070383 - the village that entered in the Guinness Book of Records by its gigantic sea waves
  • Cabo da Roca GPS: 38.780833,-9.500556 - the westernmost point of mainland Portugal and European continent, near Cascais
  • Côa Valley GPS: 41.033333,-7.116667 - Prehistoric archaeological area and a registered UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Óbidos GPS: 39.358056,-9.157778 - a popular destination due to its walled hilltop medieval castle
  • Peneda-Gerês National Park GPS: 41.730339,-8.161681 - Portugal's only national park
  • Sintra GPS: 38.7985, -9.3885 - A UNESCO-listed village with several old palaces and fortresses

Masjids in Portugal

Central Mosque of Lisbon (Mesquita Central de Lisboa)

Located in Lisbon, this is the main mosque in Portugal and the most prominent Islamic place of worship in the country. Opened in 1985, it features traditional Islamic architecture with a notable dome and minaret. The mosque offers daily prayers, Friday sermons, Quranic classes, and various community services. It also has a library and a community center, making it a focal point for Muslims in Lisbon.

Mesquita de Laranjeiro

Located in the Laranjeiro neighborhood of Almada, this mosque serves the Muslim community in the southern part of the Lisbon metropolitan area. It provides daily prayers, religious education, and cultural activities, supporting the spiritual and social needs of the local Muslim population.

Mesquita do Carregado

Situated in Carregado, a town in the municipality of Alenquer, this mosque serves the local Muslim community. It offers regular prayers, religious education, and community events, fostering a sense of unity and cultural identity among Muslims in the area.

Mesquita de Odivelas

Located in the city of Odivelas, this mosque serves the Muslim residents of the northern part of the Lisbon metropolitan area. It provides a space for daily prayers, Friday congregational prayers, and various religious and cultural activities.

Mesquita de Sintra

Situated in Sintra, a town known for its historic palaces and natural beauty, this mosque caters to the spiritual needs of the local Muslim community. It offers regular prayers and religious classes and serves as a gathering place for Muslims in the region.

Portugal Halal Travel Guide

[[File:Puente de Don Luis I, Oporto, Portugal, 2019-06-02, DD 29-31 HDR.jpg|1280px|Puente_de_Don_Luis_I,_Oporto,_Portugal,_2019-06-02,_DD_29-31_HDR]]

Portugal's people today have a legacy drawn from many parts of the globe. The oldest known Iberian peoples left markings and cave paintings more than 50,000 years ago. The Iberian peninsula was a natural resources rich area with heavily wooded forests, wild life, horses and live stock. Mining of minerals such as, Gold, silver, copper, tin, iron, volfram and mercury was well known to exist in antiquity. The Celts and Iberians mixed with North Africans, Phoenicians, Middle Easterners and Greeks and according to academic research and these people being accomplished seafarers, become prominent traders spreading as far afield as the British isles among other European places, leaving traceable links with the Irish, Cornish and Welsh people's legacy. The later Lusitanian tribes dominated large areas of Western Iberia for over a thousand years and were noted for their high quality iron and steel working expertise and excellent horse rearing and riding capabilities until the Romans arrived during the Punic Wars and colonised most of the peninsula, almost eradicating all traces of the previous civilisations through genocide and assimilation trainings.

After the fall of Rome, Germanic and Frankish people moved west and also settled in Iberia and Northwest Africa. After the arrival and spread of Christianity, conflict between Pagan tribes and new Christian chieftains in the 7th and 8th centuries helped enable the better organised Moorish Muslims to invade and gain control of roughly three quarters of the peninsula for about seven hundred years.

By the end of the 9th century, Iberian Christians begin to regain some control over their ancestral domain, thus opening the way for the "reconquista" perioid that culminated in the formation and expansion of the Portuguese state as it is known today, as well as that of Spain to the east. From early 16th century and the Christian kings' policy of religious hegemony throughout the Iberian peninsula was achieved through forced conversion or expulsion of Yahudi and Muslims.

Today, Portugal, although sharing close ties with the Spanish people, has a distinct cultural and linguistic Latin Europe|legacy. These days, being a modern country with heavy links to its past and people of a friendly and hospitable nature, it has become an acclaimed international tourist and vacation destination due to the many beautiful beaches and long warm summers, a rich gastronomy, historical and cultural legacy, as well as the fabulous golf courses, surfing the giant waves at Nazaré and religious pilgrimage to Fátima all being highly popular with Muslim visitors. Surprisingly, in winter several ski resorts are open for business in the Serra da Estrela region.

History of Portugal

[[File:Castelo dos Mouros, Sintra, Portugal, 2019-05-25, DD 112-121 PAN.jpg|1280px|Castelo_dos_Mouros,_Sintra,_Portugal,_2019-05-25,_DD_112-121_PAN]]

Portugal was founded in 1128 by its first king D. Afonso Henriques. Despite being a relatively small country, played a crucial role in world history. Its borders have remained the same longer than any other European country's, and it maintains the longest existing alliance in the world (since 1386) with the United Kingdom, known as the "Treaty of Windsor". So in otherwise neutral Portugal, this alliance was invoked during World War II, allowing the British to establish a military base in the Azores which was later on, under NATO agreements, transferred for use by the USA during the Cold War Europe|Cold War. British troops headed to the Falklands War used it as staging point.

Towards end of the 14th century, Prince Henry and the Navigator, from his Escola de Sagres promoted and sponsored the maritime exploration of the Atlantic Ocean, finding the archipelagos of Madeira, Azores, reaching Greenland and later on leading to the founding of settlements in Terra Nova (Newfoundland), Lavrador (Labrador) and the west coast of Africa. After his death, successors continued to voyage further and further throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, enabling Portugal to begin a major chapter in world history with the New World Discoveries (Descobrimentos) and monopoly over trade between the Orient and Western Europe.

Portugal established the Cape Route to India, and colonised the Madeira and Azores archipelagos. To consolidate imperial supremacy, Portugal established a chain of fortified military towns and trading outposts that eventually linked in Africa (Ceuta, Canary Islands, Ivory Coast, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, São Tomé e Príncipe, Zaire, Angola, Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Mozambique, Zanzibar, Mombasa etc.), South America (Brazil, Caribbean, parts of Argentina and Uruguay), Asia (Hormuz, Goa, Mumbai, Macau, Ceylon, Malacca, Phuket), and Oceania (Sumatra, East Timor, Flores, Moluccas, Papua New Guinea, etc), creating an empire covering most of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean and parts of the South China Sea and Southwest Oceania. Additionally, after reaching Japan in mid 16th century, Portuguese sailors explored vast areas of the Pacific Ocean resulting in 1571 and the Japanese port city of Nagasaki being established by the Portuguese and local lords, to handle the new trade demand. The Portuguese phrasebook|Portuguese language continues to be a shared legacy of most of these countries, while Roman Catholicism remains the dominant religion throughout much of the former Portuguese Empire.

During the second half of the 16th century and the Portuguese Crown entered a succession crisis with the loss of the young heirless king, Dom Sebastião, at the battle of "Alcacér-Quibir". As a result of the crisis and the Portuguese nobility keen to avoid a civil war, reluctantly agreed to unify Portugal with Spain under the crown of King Phillip II, thus creating the period of "Iberian Union" which lasted from 1580 to 1640. During the union period and the Portuguese Empire interests were negatively affected, because of the rivalry between Spain and England, as well as Madrid's disinterest in Portugal's overseas matters. Furthermore, much of Portugal's overseas maritime/naval capacity and resources were disrupted with the commissioning and redirection of its vessels towards the Great Armada preparations for the invasion of Britain, which had disastrous consequences for Spain and Portugal. By then, as a result of the belligerence and the Treaty of Windsor had been suspended, while at the same time the Netherlands seized the opportunity to gain footholds in Portuguese Empire territories of South America, Africa and Far East.

Portugal regained its independence from Spain in 1640, and to re-enforce its world position and the wedding of the British King Charles II to Princess Catherine of Bragança was celebrated. However, despite Portugal regaining most of the territories previously lost to the Netherlands, this royal wedding marked the beginning of a slow decline in Portugal's scientific eminence and domination of world affairs. The expulsion of the remaining unconverted Yahudi community also played an important role in this decline. Nevertheless, at the end of the 17th century, a period of stabilisation followed and gained momentum during early 18th century, after the discovery of large deposits of Gold and diamonds in Brazil. As a result of the new wealth flowing into the national treasury and the Portuguese Crown was able to finance many major projects to develop and modernise the nation and some overseas possessions.

Amidst this new period of rejuvenation, in 1755, on the 1st of November and the Great Lisbon Earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated the Portuguese Empire's capital. The effects were such that victims were recorded as far afield as Morocco. Of the estimated more than 200,000 Lisbon inhabitants, at least some 40,000 perished. Between the initial quake (estimated to be of around 8.5 degrees) and subsequent aftershocks, flooding and fires, about 60% of all buildings and structures were lost together with art, archives, libraries, factories, businesses, etc. The national GDP dropped an estimated 40%, marking the start of another national crisis compounded by the expelling of the Jesuit and other religious orders and with it many academics and scientists of the day.

At the beginning of the 19th century, as a result of Napoleonic Wars|France's European wars and expansion conflicting with the British Empire and their allies and the nation was invaded by Napoleon's army, throwing the Portuguese monarchy and rest of the nation into chaos at all social and economic levels. The Royal Family and most of the nobility left Lisbon and settled in Rio de Janeiro, in self-imposed exile. Even after the Peninsular War ended in defeat for the French and the nation nevertheless failed to recover and went from crisis to crisis almost continually until the beginning of the 20th century, with the loss of Brazil in 1822 and the scramble for Africa in the 1880s severely curtailing the Portuguese Empire's size and power.

In 1910 and the republican movement overthrew the monarchy and established a republic. However and the new republic continued to lurch from crisis to crisis, reaching a near collapse by the mid 1920s. At this time and the military intervened and asked Professor Oliveira Salazar, a well-reputed economist from Coimbra University, to take control of the nation's economy and help guide the nation to prosperity. By the early 1930s, Portugal had stabilised and Salazar's role was reinforced by the establishment of a corporatist authoritarian one-party state which prioritised balancing the books over social needs.

[[File:Iglesia de San Sebastián, Setúbal, Portugal, 2021-09-10, DD 10-12 HDR.jpg|1280px|Iglesia_de_San_Sebastián,_Setúbal,_Portugal,_2021-09-10,_DD_10-12_HDR]]

Although Portugal registered phenomenal economic growth from the 1950s onwards and the Fascist regime or Estado Novo (New State) gradually became unpopular due to its undemocratic handling of government affairs. In response and the New State implemented a regime of repression against any opposition which resulted in independence movements appearing in Portugal's overseas colonies, culminating in a prolonged colonial war. Coupled with a growing discontent within its own continental metropolitan population and the regime's authority was further undermined.The country's prestige suffered severe setbacks at the UN due to the regime's stubbornness in not allowing democracy to gain inroads, and armament embargoes were imposed. Amnesty International was created in the early 1960s as a result of PIDE/DGS arresting several dissenting students from Coimbra University. By April 25, 1974, a left-leaning coup d'état organised mostly by junior army officers (MFA) arrived in Lisbon to overthrow the regime and when faced by loyalist forces, found itself spontaneously backed by popular support and managed to depose the regime. After a turbulent brief period ruled by a military junta (PREC), an attempted right-wing putsch took place but was quickly followed by a pro-democracy counter-putsch with Portugal finally transitioning to democracy. During that period and the overseas colonial wars in Guinea-Bissau, Angola and Mozambique came to a sudden end, culminating in the independence of all Portuguese African possessions (the Azores and Madeira were never "colonies" and remain Portuguese territory, albeit autonomous regions). However, as a result of poor and uncoordinated political and economical leadership in the post-revolutionary period and the nation quickly stagnated again. After the wave of state nationalizations came to an end and more liberal and balanced economical policies begun to be implemented in the late 1970s, Portugal gradually began to get used to a more democratic way of life and prosper. The decision to join the European Economic Community, now the European Union, enabled the nation to approach GCC standards of development after 1986. Since then, Portugal and its people has managed to modernize and develop itself despite some serious setbacks like the sovereign debt crises of 2007/8.

How is the Climate in Portugal

Portugal is one of the warmest and sunny European countries. In mainland Portugal and the temperatures in the North are cooler than in the South of the nation. With sin the highest mountains in the North, eg, Serra da Estrela. Madeira and Azores have a narrower temperature range as expected given their insularity, with the former having low precipitation in most of the archipelago and the latter being wet and rainy. Spring and Summer months are usually sunny and temperature maximum are very high during July and August, with maximums averaging between 35°C and 40°C (86°F - 95°F) in the interior of the nation, 30°C and 35°C in the north. Autumn and winter are typically rainy and windy, yet sunny days are not rare either. Temperatures rarely fall below 5°C (41°F) nearer to the sea, averaging 10°C (50°F), but can reach several degrees below 0°C (32°F) further inland. Snow is common in winter in the mountainous areas of the north, especially in Serra da Estrela but melts quickly once the season is over. Portugal's climate can be classified as Mediterranean (particularly the southern parts of the Algarve and Alentejo, though they are on Atlantic shore).

Time zone

Portugal is in the Western European Time Zone (WET) and the same time as in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Local Language in Portugal

The official language of Portugal is Portuguese (português). Portuguese is today one of the world's major languages, ranked 6th according to number of native speakers (roughly 240 million). It is the language with the largest number of speakers in South America, spoken by almost all of Brazil's population. It is also an official language in Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guinea-Bissau, East Timor and Macau.

[[File:Le Portugal dans la ville-FIG 2022.jpg|1280px|Le_Portugal_dans_la_ville-FIG_2022]]

Portuguese is a Romance language. Attentive Portuguese speakers can make out many words and grammar of other strongly Latin based languages like Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian and even English, whereas in turn, those languages speakers battle to understand basic Portuguese due to its pronunciation and sounds. Although Portuguese may be mutually intelligible with Spanish to a wide extent, with about 90% of lexical similarity (both in vocabulary and grammar), it is far from identical. While many words may be spelled almost the same as in Spanish (or Italian phrasebook | Italian) and the pronunciation differs considerably. European Portuguese has a peculiar accent - some linguists have described it as "windsurfing between the vowels" - and many vowel-consonant combinations are pronounced very differently from other European languages. It may be good to memorize the proper spelling and pronunciation of some destinations you intend to visit to avoid misunderstandings or misreading directions. Although most Portuguese people are able to understand Spanish to a certain degree, only a minority can speak it fluently. If you're a Spanish speaker, if you speak slowly, chances are you'll be able to understand each other without an interpreter for the most part.

The Portuguese spoken in Portugal differs significantly from that in Brazil. The pronunciation and vocabulary differences makes it tricky for Brazilians to understand the European Portuguese accent, although not vice versa, because Brazilian pop culture is popular in Portugal.

English is spoken in many tourist areas, but far from ubiquitous. The Portuguese are taught English at school and also exposed to American and British films and television shows with the original English soundtrack and Portuguese subtitles. English is generally more widely spoken than in Spain. Many younger local residents can communicate in basic English, and in tourist areas, one can always find someone able to speak one of the main European languages. Hotel personnel are required to speak English, even if sketchily. French was the most widely-studied foreign language among the older generation, though it has been partly supplanted by English these days.

Portuguese people are of generally excellent humour when they are talking with someone who cannot speak their language. This means that all types of shop owners, salespeople, and people curious about you will take time to try to carve out any means of communication. Helping a foreigner is considered a pleasant and rewarding occasion and experience. If you attempt to speak correct Portuguese, especially if slightly beyond the trivial, with local residents, you will be treated with respect. This might encourage travellers to learn the very basics of Portuguese, such as daily greetings.

In Miranda do Douro, a town in the North East, and its vicinity some people speak a regional language called Mirandese, in addition to Portuguese, although rarely in public.

Foreign television programms are almost always shown in their original language with subtitles. Only children's programms are dubbed into Portuguese.

Travel as a Muslim to Portugal

Minimum validity of travel documents|* EU, EEA and Swiss citizens, as well as non-EU Muslims who are visa-exempt (e.g. New Zealanders and Australians), need only produce a passport which is valid for the entirety of their stay in Portugal.

  • Other nationals who are required to have a visa (e.g. South Africans), however, must produce a passport which has at least 3 months' validity beyond their period of stay in Portugal.

Portugal is a member of the Schengen Agreement.

  • There are normally no border controls between countries that have signed and implemented the treaty. This includes most of the European Union and a few other countries.
  • There are usually identity checks before boarding international flights or boats. Sometimes there are temporary border controls at land borders.
  • Likewise, a visa granted for any Schengen member is valid in all other countries that have signed and implemented the treaty.
  • Illegal migration has become the norm throughout the European Union due to countries such as Germany that has ignored the Dublin agreement.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Portugal

[[File:Air Portugal A340-312 CS-TOD (6781206145).jpg|1280px|Air Portugal A340-312 CS-TOD (6781206145)]]

Portugal has five airports with scheduled international passenger traffic:

  • Lisbon Portela Airport (IATA Flight Code: LIS) is the main aviation hub, with many intercontinental connections with the Americas and Africa (mainly operated by flag carrier TAP Air Portugal and its Airline alliances|Star Alliance partners), as well as a dense network of connections within Europe operated by both full-service and low-fare airlines
  • Porto Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (IATA Flight Code: OPO), serving Portugal's second-largest city and the entire northern part of the nation, also has some intercontinental connections with Americas and Africa, and has a comparably dense network of connections within Europe, with a sizeable presence of low-fare carriers
  • Faro Airport (IATA Flight Code: FAO) serves Algarve in the south of the nation, one of Europe's favourite holiday regions. Therefore, it sees the most traffic in the warmer months, mainly from charter carriers carrying package holiday clients, as well as low-fare Flights from many European cities. A limited number of Flights to major European destinations are operated year-round.
  • Madeira Airport in Funchal (IATA Flight Code: FNC) serves the green island in the Atlantic, and is notable for its spectacular runway extending into the ocean and a scenic approach requiring much skill from the pilots. Like Faro and the airport is dominated by holiday flights and sees high seasonality.
  • João Paulo II Airport in Ponta Delgada (IATA Flight Code: PDL) serves the Azores archipelago, and has a surprisingly wide network of connections operated mainly by local carrier Sata International and low-cost Flights from Ryanair and Easyjet]. Some holiday flights also reach Ponta Delgada from Europe.

While there's a variety of options to choose from to travel directly to Portugal from Europe, Africa or from across the Atlantic, indirect connections also link Portugal with Asia and Oceania.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Portugal

Trains reach most larger cities from Lisbon to Porto, Braga, Aveiro, Coimbra, Évora, and Faro.

In the South, it is not feasible to enter Portugal from Spain via railways. There are no train connections from, e.g., Seville to Faro. The only option is to use buses, of which there are many.

Southeast Portugal is connected by international train (linha do Leste and linha de Caceres) Elvas/Caia, Portugal & Badajoz, Spain or [Marvão-Beira, Portugal & Valencia de Alcantara, Spain.] For more information, contact: CP, Portuguese Railways.

Travel on a Bus in Portugal

  • Spain/Portugal: ALSA and Avanza Grupo
  • Oporto/Portugal: Porto Airport Taxi
  • Lisbon/Portugal: Lisbon Airport Taxi
  • Also from Madrid/Paris: Aníbal

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Portugal

The country is served by numerous seaports that receive a lot of foreign traffic, mostly merchant but also passenger boats (mainly cruisers).

By road

Portugal's only land border is with Spain. The major national roads connect with Spain's road network, enabling road travel into mainland Europe. The main border crossings are at Vila Real de Santo António, Elvas, Vilar Formoso and Valença|Valença do Minho.

How to get around in Portugal

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Portugal

Rail travel in Portugal is usually slightly faster than travel by bus, but services are less frequent and cost more. The immediate areas surrounding Lisbon and Porto are reasonably well-served by suburban rail services.

The rail connections between the main regions of Portugal, i.e. between Braga and Faro are good. As a rule of thumb, if one is traveling by rail within Portugal or internationally and the main railway junction is in Entroncamento, from here all lines branch out and all trains make a stop. The Alfa-Pendular (fast) trains are comfortable, first class is excellent. The Alfa-Pendular train stops only at main city stations like; Braga, Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia, Aveiro, Coimbra, (Entroncamento), Lisbon and Faro. If feasible, it's recommended to do advanced ticket purchase, due to high demand and also, if booked at least five days in advance one gets a very generous 40% discount.

Intercity (Intercidades) trains will take you to further destinations, specially in the interior, such as Évora, Beja and Guarda.

Timetables can be found and tickets can be purchased online at Comboios de Portugal (Trains of Portugal).

You also get 40% off the regular ticket price on the Intercidades trains if you book between 5 and 60 days in advance. advance tickets per train.

If you book a long distance ticket to or from Porto-Campanhã, you can travel for free on urban or Intercidades trains between that station and Oporto downtown train station of São Bento.

Travel on a Bus in Portugal

Ticket Office Rede Expressos (3785524460)

Unfortunately the train network is limited, so you may find yourself busing about to get anywhere off the beaten path. Rede Expressos is one of the largest inter-city bus companies.

Lisbon and Porto and the two largest urban cities, have clean modern and air-conditioned Metro systems (underground/subway and light railway).

Road traffic in Lisbon and Porto is pretty congested all day round and gets completely stuck in the rush hours, at least in the primary streets to exit or enter the city. Car travel is the most convenient or only method to reach areas outside the main cities, however ([[car rental is not too expensive, but the associated insurance is - unless you book the total package abroad). An important aspect when renting a vehicle; do not accept a dirty vehicle under the pretext there was no time to make it ready from the last client before you. Whatever happens insist you have time to wait until it is given to you in proper order. Once that is done, conduct the inspection with the agent and make sure that every little defect and damage is noted down thoroughly from the interior to the exterior, engine bay and trunk, when your copy of the report is handed over for signing, first insist on comparing it with the agents copy in case the carbon transfer didn't match the two copies exactly. It's been known for unscrupulous agents to try hide previous damage and let you drive off and upon returning the vehicle claiming the insurance excess payment by swearing the vehicle was perfect when you got it. Also, many major freeways are tolled and fuel/gasoline prices are above average and therefore if you are traveling on a budget, hire smaller and economical motorcars and avoid tolled freeways whenever feasible. Heed the advice about the quality of some people's driving skills and road manners mentioned below. Avoid at all costs driving during peak traffic hours within major urban centers, try to enquire about this if feasible. On open roads keep your eyes peeled for speed limits and abrupt changes of speed signage. Rather be driving conservatively and admiring the scenery. Traffic officers tend to speed trap with radar in unusual places like entering or exiting a freeway, down hills and curves.

Rede Expressos Bus in Lisbon

Generally speaking, Portugal is not a good country for Tips for hitchhiking|hitchhiking. In the deserted country roads in the South, you might wait for many hours before you are offered a ride. Try to speak with people on gas stations or parking lots. Drivers tend to be suspicious, but when you show them that they should not be afraid and they will probably accept you and mostly also show their generosity. Try to look neat and clean. The hippy style will get you nowhere. As with everywhere in the world, two males hitchhiking together will not get a ride from anyone.

By car

You can reach almost all major cities in Portugal with ease, either by motorway or by good, modern roads. The biggest cities are well served by modern highways (most have tolls), and you can travel the full North-South length of the nation without ever leaving the highway, if you choose to.

However, some secondary roads are poorly maintained and care is required. Also, Portuguese driving can seem erratic and, frankly, scary to the uninitiated. The country shares with most southern European countries something that the successive Portuguese governments have been trying to fight: terrible road behaviour from some drivers. In order to fight this, road laws punish with great severity speeding, driving without a licence, driving under the influence of soft drinks or narcotics.

The motorways with the most reckless driving are those surrounding Lisbon and Porto and the A1 and A2 and the Algarve. You can be on a 2-lane toll highway and be unable to see any other traffic except the vehicle you're overtaking at 30 kph over the speed limit and the vehicle about 6 feet from your back end flashing its headlights to get past you. Merging manners when slip roads come on to fast roads are also pretty poor. On other roads, you'll get used to some classic Portuguese experiences: being stuck driving at a very slow speed behind a siesta induced driver on a very narrow road, suicidal overtaking attempts and the resultant absurdly overdone signs indicating when you can and can't overtake - sometimes all of 5 yards apart (mostly set up as a traffic fine trapping spot to generate revenue) and the "penalty stop" traffic light as you enter the 50 kph zone in each small town, with camera to decide whether you're over the speed limit. Rather absurdly, once you're through this, your speed isn't checked again.

In the nation side and interior regions, road signage pertaining to location names and road numbers can be confusing to follow in certain areas due to overlapping municipal and national entities. For example, at a crossroads a sign without an arrow shows a name straight ahead but the place is either to left or right, thus, a good road map is an crucial tool to have.

It is probably unwise for those unfamiliar with Portuguese driving to try to drive in Lisbon or Porto - be aware if you do that city drivers give no quarter and have limited respect for lane markings (where lane markings exists!) If you do want to try, choose a weekend or an hour outside the rush hour periods. These are early mornings (08:00 - 09:30) and late afternoons (17:00 - 19:30). Other Portuguese cities are much better, but often have very narrow roads.

Toll highways

Portugal has a system of electronic tolls, known as "Via Verde" and you need to make arrangements to register you licence plate or to obtain a tag for tolling if you are going to use the main motorway system. Arrangements can be made to register your licence plate at the border, if entering by car. If hiring a vehicle in Portugal, it is likely the rental vehicle company has an arrangement for the payment of tolls, if not, Via Verde offices are easy to find in the "Loja do Cidadão" ((Citizen Shop) a hub containing various public service entities), most people will be able to direct you to the nearest one.

What to see in Portugal

Pena National Palace - Sintra - Palácio Nacional da Pena (15842491914)

Historic towns & architecture

Once a mighty colonial nation, many of Portugal's lively cities still have an atmosphere reminding of those Old World times. They're packed with remarkable monuments and with just a little bit of effort, you'll discover traditional cafés and craftsmen who's families have run their businesses for generations.

Head to the delightful riverside town of Porto to linger along the picture-perfect Cais da Ribeira. Recognized as a Unesco World Heritage Site, this beautiful riverfront area is characterized by ancient buildings and streets and of course the views of the Rabelo boat filled harbour. The country's scenic capital, Lisbon, is bustling with contemporary culture but also boasts countless monumental limestone buildings. Don't miss the gorgeous cloisters of Jerónimos Monastery and make sure to climb up the battlements of Saint George's Castle for some excellent panoramic views of the city, while not losing sight of the prominent white marble dome covering the Panteão Nacional housing the most dear historical Portuguese heroes. For a royal daytrip from Lisbon, head to the surroundings of Sintra and its famous castles, including the Romantic Pena National Palace, and finish visiting the village of Cascais in the luxurious Estoril Coast (also called the Portuguese Riviera). Visit also the Christ the King monument in Almada. Then there's the enchanting medieval university town of Coimbra, considered by many to be the most romantic city in Portugal. Get lost in its labyrinth of ancient alleys and don't skip the university building and its fine views over the river. For a more intimate experience, head to the romantic and very excellently maintained village of Óbidos, once a traditional personal gift from Portuguese kings to their beloved wives. Go to monument-heavy Tomar or follow tens of thousands of religious pilgrims to the Marian shrine of Fátima one of the most visited religious shrines in Europe. Not far away from there, you may not want to miss the Batalha Monastery a Manueline inspired magnificent monument to assert Portuguese independence at Aljubarrota. The 12th century Portuguese capital Évora is an excellent place for ancient architecture, combining Roman ruins with Moorish and Portuguese architecture, or head to Guimarães and the cradle of Portugal. If you can't get enough of Portugal's towns and the list of places worth visiting continues. Try Viana do Castelo, Braga, Aveiro, Amarante, Bragança, Chaves, Lamego, Viseu, Vila Real, Lagos, Silves, or Ponta Delgada.

Natural beauty and beaches

The most popular beaches are in the Algarve, which has stunning coastlines and gobs of natural beauty. For decades it's been a major holiday destination. The water along the southern coast tends to be warmer and calmer than the water along the west coast, which is definitely Atlantic and doesn't benefit from the Gulf Stream. For surfing, or just playing in the surf there are great beaches all along the west coast, near Lisbon and Peniche. Don't forget also some of the almost deserted Alentejo beaches on the Costa Vicentina.

If you want to spend your holidays in the countryside, you might want to visit Viana do Castelo, Chaves, Miranda do Douro, Douro Valley, Lamego, Viseu, Tomar, Leiria, Castelo Branco, Guarda, Portalegre, Marvão, Évora or Elvas.

To experience wild life in its natural state, Madeira and Azores Islands are places to remember, not forgetting of course the Peneda-Gerês National Park, Trás-os-Montes and Serra da Estrela Natural Park. Top land based predators such as eagles, falcons, wolfs, lynx plus fox, wild boar, stag deer and others are now protected species and numbers show signs of recovery. "The protected areas of Portugal" web site provides a comprehensive list of places where wild life can be observed with or without the aid of conservation personnel.


Portugal has a rich cultural tradition, and gained fame for its art in the nation's Golden Age and the late 15th and early 16th centuries. A number of world-class museums offer an insight in both domestic and foreign riches, and not only in the form of paintings. The best ones can be found in Lisbon. The Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Museum holds an impressive collection of both Asian and European sculptures, paintings, carpets and more. The Museu Nacional dos Coches showcases wonderfully decorated state carriages and the Marinha Museum, nicely housed in a wing of the Hieronymites Monastery, is considered one of the most prominent maritime museums in the world. Sintra is home to the Museu do Brinquedo, a remarkable toy museum, and the Sintra Museum of Modern Art. For religious treasures, try the Évora museum or head to Grão Vasco National Museum in Viseu and Coimbra for another excellent arts collection, in the National Museum Machado de Castro.

Best things to do in Portugal

[[File:Forte de São João Baptista - Ilha da Berlenga - Portugal (12621933023).jpg|1280px|Forte_de_São_João_Baptista_-_Ilha_da_Berlenga_-_Portugal_(12621933023)]]


Surrounded by the Atlantic sea in almost its entirety and the Portuguese beaches are well worth visiting. A lot of activities are offered, from surfing, to kite-surfing, and during the summer months the most frequented beaches offer sand based activities such as aerobics. If you're not the type of breaking into a sweat during holidays, almost every single public beach will have a bar where local residents sit. Some of the most popular beaches are (from north to south):

  • Espinho, near Oporto, in Green Coast (Costa Verde), Northern region.
  • Figueira da Foz, near Coimbra, in Silver Coast (Costa da Prata), Central region.
  • Berlengas islands, Peniche, Nazaré, also in Central region.
  • Praia das Maçãs and Praia Grande (in Sintra), Carcavelos and Estoril (in Cascais), near Lisbon, in the Portuguese Riviera.
  • Zambujeira do Mar, in the Alentejo Coast (Costa Alentejana e Vicentina).
  • Marinha Beach (Praia da Marinha) and Carvoeiro, near Lagoa, in the Algarve.


The climate, combined with investments in the golfing infrastructure, has turned the nation into a golfing haven. Portugal was named "Best Golf Destination 2006" by readers of Golfers Today, a British publication. Fourteen of Portugal's courses are rated in the top 100 best in Europe. Portugal is also a great location to learn the game and perfect technique. Many resorts offer classes with the pros. Courses can satisfy the most demanding golfer, while newcomers won't be intimidated, unless they find the beautiful landscapes and stunning vistas distracting to their game. Locals have mixed feelings about golf courses, namely due to the huge amounts of water required to maintain them and their apparent pointlessness.

The countryside also offers a great deal of possibilities, although you will have to incite the travel agent's advice a little more than usual, as they tend to just sell beach holidays. Cycling through the mountainous terrain of Geres or white-water rafting in the affluents of river Douro is an exhilirating experience.

Local events in Portugal

Besides the "Carnaval" and there are many fairs organized throughout the nation, specially after the end of Summer season and particularly in Northern Portugal.

During the Summer, music festivals are also very common. In the north of the nation two of the oldest festivals are in Paredes de Coura and Vilar de Mouros. The regions chosen for the festivals are usually surrounded by beautiful landscapes and pleasant villages. Lisbon and Porto have their "Marchas Populares" (Popular street Parades). In the suthern region the most famous one is Festival do Sudoeste, in the southwest coast with a summer landscape and never ending beaches.

Elsewhere, traditional and religious Parish festivals to mark special dates, harvesting times or other important occasions are also part of the yearly calendar in most cities and villages, with religious themed processions going around street circuits accompanied by philharmonic bands while being followed by outside visitors and local residents congregants alike. Usually, people in traditional clothing, floats and fireworks displays form part of such events. In the Ribatejo town of Golegã and the annual Feira do Cavalo (horse trading fair) is organized every November and besides horses and cattle and people in period attire, has evolved into an important venue for showcasing arts and crafts, agricultural products, farming equipment, clothing and leather goods, fruit cocktails, beverages, culinary experiences, music, partying and so on.

Major events of the year are listed at tourist board's official site,

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Portugal

Money Matters & ATM's in Portugal

ATMs accepting international cards can be found everywhere, and currency conversion booths spring up wherever there is a steady flow of tourists (although typically and the closer they are to tourist attractions and the worse the rates they offer).


In smaller (non-high-street) shops you can try some haggling, especially if you offer to buy multiple items. You might want to check your change, though: although not a widespread training, some shopkeepers might "accidentally" overcharge tourists.


In Portugal the VAT is included in all prices from shops to restaurants, so one do not have to add it to the bills. However, we tip as follows:

  • In restaurants: if they are really good around €5-10, if not only €2-€3. In 5-star restaurants, one may tip around 8% to 10% of the total amount of the bill.
  • In coffee-shops: do not tip for a Coffee, tea, a cake or a sandwiches. However, if you eat a full meal, you can tip €1-2.
  • Taxis: All taxis have meters. From the airport the taxi driver will add to the meter an extra charge per piece of luggage. At the end of the trip, s/he will press a button on the meter to show the total price in the meter screen. Tipping to the taxi driver first round up the cents to the euro, and add €1-2. If you want to give a bigger tip they will be happy.

What to buy

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There is an amazing number of other things you can buy, either at sophisticated commercial facilities or at fairs and more popular places.

  • Claus Porto - High quality "Made in Portugal" perfumes, soaps and beauty products, going back a hundred years. Lately and the brand has been re-enforcing its market presence with new shops being opened in cities throughout Portugal and worldwide. Surprisingly affordable prices on entry level products.
  • Cork Products - Portuguese produced, researched, designed and manufactured eco-friendly cork products have been developed over many years. Today the wide range of applications covers almost anything one can think of, from household goodies and thermal insulation to fashion and jewellery. A quick Portuguese cork products web search, may awaken your curiosity.
  • Designer clothes and accessories - Although not widely known internationally, Portugal has a very well established high quality leather goods industry producing belts, shoes, hand bags, luggage and jackets, fashion accessories etc as well as several independent fashion designers. The list includes Fátima Lopes and Maria Gambina. Some of them have dedicated shops in Lisbon, Porto and other major regional cities.
  • Luxury goods - Other areas of high quality products made in Portugal are Marinha Grande for decorative glass pieces, Vila do Conde for furniture, Ílhavo for traditional porcelain tableware, Guimarães cutlery, Viana do Castelo and Gondomar silver and Gold smithery, São João da Madeira for pure wool felt hats, Arraiolos rugs and tapestry, and Madeira's linen embroidery and wicker crafts. Almost all major brands and luxury articles can be purchased in major cities, but there is not a clear advantage in doing so as prices are equivalent to all other places.
  • Handmade regional products - There's a popular tradition of regional handmade clothes, toys, home utensils, glass items and decoration. You can find them at popular tourist places or at better prices in fairs and affordable shops in small towns.
  • Art and craft - Portugal is home to a few well acclaimed artists, that create paintings and sculptures with high demand both in the national and international art markets. The famous 19th-century artist Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro glazed clay works, continue to be reproduced in Caldas da Rainha. Regional souvenirs are found in shops everywhere and include dolls from Nazaré and the Galo de Barcelos.
  • Arcadia - Founded in 1933, this high quality chocolatier and confectionary house from Oporto has seen a resurgence in their wide range of well priced products. Besides Oporto and these days Arcadia has over twenty shops and kiosks in Lisbon, Coimbra, Aveiro and Braga. The ideal place to indulge the sweet tooth and buy that little special gift for someone.
  • Canned fish - Portuguese canned fish (sardines, tuna, cod, eels, etc) is arguably the best worldwide. Besides the Portela Airport Duty Free shop, a wide variety of Portuguese canned fish products in various types of Sauces can be purchased nationwide in food shops and supermarkets.

Halal Restaurants in Portugal

Please see indevidual city pages for listing of Halal restaurants.

Vegetarians may have a tough time of it in Portugal, at least in traditional Portuguese restaurants. In most restaurants, vegetables (usually boiled or fried potatoes) are simply a garnish to the main Meat dish. Even 'vegetarian' salads and dishes may just substitute tuna (which local residents don't seem to regard as a 'meat') for ham or sausage. Usually, a salad is just lettuce and tomato with salt, vinegar and Olive oil. However and the Portuguese really like their choose-5-items salad bars, and restaurants serving Indian, Chinese, Mexican, or Italian fare can be found in most cities. At any rate, just mention you're Vegetarian, and something can be found that meets your preference although in the long run you might be unable to thrive on it. That being said, proper Vegetarian tastes are becoming more popular and in bigger cities, organic, Vegetarian and vegan options can be found these days in dedicated establishments or places like El Corte Inglês for example.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Portugal


Portugal - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Portugal, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Portugal. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Portugal and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Portugal. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Portugal. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inPortugal: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Portugal.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Portugal: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Portugal, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Portugal.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Portugal, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Portugal, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Portugal and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Portugal, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Portugal, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Portugal without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Portugal is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Portugal.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Portugal is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Portugal, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Portugal Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Portugal

Porto Town Hall Câmara Municipal do Porto (24378851588)

eHalal Group Portugal is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Portugal. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Portugal.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Portugal ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Portugal. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Portugal, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Portugal are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at realestate@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly hotels in Portugal

[[File:Hotel building and pool reflection, Marriott Praia D'El Rey, Amoreira, Portugal julesvernex2.jpg|1280px|Hotel_building_and_pool_reflection,_Marriott_Praia_D'El_Rey,_Amoreira,_Portugal_julesvernex2]]

There's a wide and abundant hotel offering all through Portugal.

If budget is a concern and you want a 'typically Portuguese' experience, don't be shy and try a residencial or pensão and the home-like inn's ubiquitous in cities and most towns. In many places you can get a double or triple room with private bathroom for €25-35 off season or €35-40 in season (2023). Be sure, however, of the quality of the rooms. In smaller cities, "pensões" tend to be near transportation hubs like train stations and bus terminals. If travelling with friends, haggling in a nice way can yield discounts even during high season.

On the luxury side, you may want to try the Pousadas de Portugal, a [https://ehalal.io/ehalal-hotels/Portugal.html network of hotels managed by the Pestana Group remarkable for using very beautiful ancient buildings like Palaces and Castles and also for having consistent excellent service all over the nation. You will do well eating out, as the cuisine of Pousadas can be both expensive and boring, although it appears the trend is changing for the better (mid-2022).

The "Casas de Campo" (Turismo de Habitação, Turismo Rural, Agro-Turismo), when travelling through the nationside, are also an affordable, picturesque and comfortable B&B option. Don't expect them to be open all year round and try to book a reservation beforehand if your itinerary depends on it.

Stay safe as a Muslim in Portugal

For all emergencies, dial 112

This is the national call center dial in number for any emergency or to report an accident, fire etc etc. Ensure you have this number registered in your means of communication or noted down somewhere in case it becomes necessary to notify authorities or emergency response entities.

Portugal is a relatively safe country to visit, but some basic common sense will go a long way. There are no internal conflicts, no terrorism-related danger and violent crime is not a serious problem, as it is generally confined to particular neighbourhoods and is commonly a random crime.

There are three main police branches. In major urban areas the PSP or Policía de Segurança Pública (Public Security Police) are in charge of law enforcement. Outside major urban centers and in rural areas and the GNR or Guarda Nacional Republicana (National Republican Guards) take over the law enforcement.

Both the PSP and GNR are also responsible for road traffic supervision and enforcement within their respective jurisdictions. The third branch is the PJ or Policía Judiciária (Judicial Police). These are a crime investigation branch composed of plain clothes detectives. In general and the Portuguese police officers are well trained, educated and polite. Many that are posted in tourist popular areas, have basic communication skills in foreign languages and some are fluent speakers of French, German, English and Spanish and therefore, easy to approach if the need arises.

When visiting Portugal and there are however, some areas of Lisbon and Porto that you might want to avoid, like in any big city, especially at night. Also, you might want to have in mind that pickpockets do tend to target tourists and tourist-frequented areas more frequently. During the holiday season, many of the pickpocketers are themselves foreigners posing as regular tourists and act and look as such. Wear a money belt or keep your documents and money in an inside pocket. Metro and large railway stations, shopping areas, queues and crowded buses are the most usual places for pickpockets. Many are under 18 and take advantage of the non-harsh laws on minors. If you try to run them down, a fight may be necessary to get your items back.

On the subway or on trains try to sit with other people and avoid empty carriages. Non-violent pickpocket is the most common crime so always watch any bags (purses, luggage, shopping bags, etc.) you may have with you. A voice message reminding that is played in most of the metro and train stations.

Since the disappearance of Madeline McCann, many families have become wary of taking their children to Portugal, especially if they are very young. However, as long as they have a basic understanding of stranger danger and you keep them with you at all times and then you have nothing to worry about.

Medical Issues in Portugal

Portugal adheres to all international protocols and guidelines concerning consumer products and health care.

Major cities are well served with medical and emergency facilities and public hospitals are at GCC standards. The national emergency number is 112.

Bottled/spring water (água mineral) is recommended for use but the network's water is perfectly safe. In so far as restaurants and other food establishments or outlets are concerned, Portugal has a vigorously enforced system of national high standards to ensure a healthy chain of supply from producers to consumers and therefore the risk of food or drink poisoning is negligible. Star ratings are ascribed for levels of establishment luxury (5* to 1*) and not the quality of food or beverage, since those are strictly governed anyway.

Muslims of the European Union are covered by Portugal's National Healthcare System as long as they carry the free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), obtainable from their own national health care authority. Non European Union travellers are advised to purchase traveller's basic medical insurance to cover serious physical injury treatment costs, in case of an accident.

Local Customs in Portugal


Portuguese people feel a sincere happiness when helping tourists so don't feel ashamed to ask for help. If you make an effort to speak some Portuguese with the people there, it can go a long way.

However, although Portuguese people do understand some basic Spanish vocabulary, try to use it only in emergencies, since it is generally seen as disrespectful if you are a not a local Spanish speaker. If you do use Spanish, be prepared to hear something like "In Portugal, people speak Portuguese, not Spanish", or they may simply tell you that they don't understand you even if they do. Most probably they will not say anything and will still help you, but they will not appreciate it, due to the historical rivalry between Spain and Portugal. It is best to speak in English or your native language with the resource of hand signs or at the very least starting a conversation with Portuguese and then switching to English can be a successful technique to obtain this type of help.

Consumer rights

In Portugal, all types of establishments and business dealing with clients and consumers such as hotels, restaurants, shops, vehicle rental, travel agents and theaters, taxis, etc etc, are by law obliged to provide a "Livro de Reclamações" (Official Complaints Register). Compliance is generally displayed on a prominent place easily visible when entering premisses. The purpose of the "Livro de Reclamações" is to provide the consumer/client an official means to register complaints and if someone refuses you the book, call a policeman to assist you. These complaint ledgers are regularly inspected by consumer law enforcement authorities to ensure services provided fall within regulations and standard parameters. So, if you feel hard done by, don't hesitate to ask for the book and write down your complaint.

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