Shetland Islands

From Halal Explorer

Shetland Eshaness banner.jpg Fishing vessel leaving the north mouth of Lerwick harbour - - 1705315 - Boat off Shetland

The Shetland Islands are the most northerly archipelago in Scotland with over one hundred islands, of which fifteen are inhabited, around 160 km (100 miles) north of the Scottish mainland. Today and the local economy is very dependent on the fishing industry and public services. Although there is limited evidence of its presence and the declining North Sea oil industry is still important and tourism, agriculture and knitwear are also part of the economic picture.

Islands and their towns and villages

Shetland map - Map of the Shetland Islands

Mainland is the main island in the group, with most of the population. (To avoid ambiguity, on this and related pages the term Mainland, cap "M", refers to this island, while the landmass of Great Britain to the south is referred to as the Scottish mainland, small "m".) The chief settlements on Mainland are:

  • Lerwick GPS 60.155,-1.145 is the only town of any size on the islands, with a population of some 7000, about a third of Shetland's total. Much of it is modern and industrial, centred around its busy port. It does have some attractive 18th / 19th C architecture, and its sights include the Broch of Clickimin, Fort Charlotte, and a couple of museums. It has the most accommodation, eating and drinking, and is the obvious base for visitors, with good access to the rest of Shetland.
  • Scalloway GPS 60.137,-1.281 is a small town on the west coast six miles from Lerwick. Until 1708 it was the former capital of Shetland. It has a historic castle and museum, plus a marina, shops and accommodation.
  • South of Scalloway, three islands have been connected by road and the B9074, so for all practical purposes they are nowadays part of Mainland. These are Trondra, Burra and East Burra.
  • Voe is the Norse word for an inlet of the sea, so there are lots around Shetland, but the village of Voe GPS 60.351,-1.264 is at a road junction in north Mainland. The A970 continues north to the village of Brae GPS 60.396,-1.351 and across the neck of land into the northwest part of Mainland. Here Hillswick GPS 60.476,-1.489 has wildlife, high sea cliffs, and true Arctic tundra. A little way south of Brae and the island of Muckle Roe has been linked by road and is now part of Mainland.
  • Walls GPS 60.229,-1.565 in the west of Mainland has Staneydale Temple, a Neolithic structure.
  • Sumburgh GPS 59.867,-1.283}}: Flights from the Scottish mainland land here, 25 miles south of Lerwick. It has a prehistoric and Norse settlement, Jarlshof, and an RSPB reserve on Sumburgh Head.

The other inhabited islands are:

  • Bressay GPS , is just east of Lerwick. It provides access to the National Nature Reserve and spectacular sea-cliffs on the adjacent island of Noss.
  • Yell GPS , is the second largest island with the village of Mid-Yell. It's linked by short ferry crossings to Mainland to the south, and Unst to the north.
  • Unst GPS , is the most northerly inhabited island in Scotland and the United Kingdom. It has much Viking legacy, unspoilt scenery, and a great nature reserve where thousands of North Atlantic birds nest. It includes the village of Baltasound GPS ,}}.
  • Nearby Fetlar is linked by ferry to Yell and Unst, not to Mainland.
  • Papa Stour to the northwest of Mainland has great sea-cliffs, arches and Neolithic sites.
  • Northeast of Mainland are the little islands of Whalsay and Out Skerries GPS 60.416667,-0.766667
  • Two islands vie for the title of Britain's remotest inhabited island: Fair Isle midway between Orkney and Shetland, and Foula away to the west.

    Shetland Islands Halal Travel Guide

Although Shetland is part of Scotland and therefore the United Kingdom, it is very much a world apart. With its Viking legacy, traditional fishing villages and fjords, Shetland's scenery and culture are more akin to Norway's than they are to the United Kingdom's. Shetland almost always appears on maps of the United Kingdom in an insert box, and is closer to Bergen in Norway than to Edinburgh. Even the flag of Shetland (a white Nordic cross on a blue background) shows the close links between this part of Scotland and Scandinavia. The fact that this flag, rather than the Saltire or Union Jack, can be seen flying from many houses shows the pride and sense of identity of the Shetland people; when Shetlanders refer to 'The Mainland' they almost always mean 'Mainland Shetland' rather than 'Mainland Scotland'. Although Shetland has been inhabited since prehistoric times and settled by Vikings by the 10th century AD, it has only been part of Scotland since 1472 when it was mortgaged by King Christian I of Norway in lieu of the dowry for his daughter Margaret and later annexed by James III of Scotland.


[[shetlandpuffin - Puffin at Sumburgh Head

Shetland is of great interest to the naturalist and anyone who is keen to see wild animals and birds in their native habitat].

Otters 'Draatsi' are relatively common here, and you are far more likely to see this elusive animal in the wild here than anywhere else in the United Kingdom apart from Isle of Jura or Mull. Yell is supposed to be the best location, but any isolated piece of coast line (particularly with a source of fresh water running into the sea) is a possibility, and the best times are early morning or evening and/or at low tide. They have even been seen (and filmed) investigating boats in the working port of Lerwick. Other mammals to be found in Shetland are rabbits, mountain hare, hedgehogs and stoats; all of these are believed to have been introduced by mankind.

Birds are particularly prolific here, with Shetland being one of the main breeding grounds for a number of common and rare species. Particular centres for nesting seabirds are Sumburgh Head, Hermaness, Noss and Foula (with the second highest cliffs in the UK after Street Kilda). Easily observed species are puffins, gannets, guillemots, kitiwakes, fulmars, shags, great and arctic skuas, storm petrels, oystercatchers, eider ducks, cormorants and razorbills. Inland, curlews, whimbrels, golden and ringed plovers, lapwings and redshanks can be spotted, with Fetlar being the breeding ground of 90% of the UK's population of the rare red-legged phalarope (though sadly Snowy Owls are no longer seen here). Shetland also sees a fair number of rarities which makes it a favourite location for twitchers. Probably the best known of these was the lost albatross which visited Hermaness for a number of years and appeared to be attempting to find a mate amongst the gannets. The best times to birdwatch are between April and July when the birds return to land to rear their chicks.

Marine mammals are also to be seen. Most prolific are Grey and Common Seals (constantly in evidence around the fish processing plants in Lerwick looking out for a free feed) which can be seen all over the islands. They are curious of humans and will often follow a party walking along a shore at a safe distance. Whales and other cetaceans can also be spotted, although this tends to come down to a question of how lucky you are. Minke whales are the most common, but other species of whale, together with porpoises and dolphins can also be seen. Orcas (called "killer whales" but actually a very large species of dolphin) are becoming more prolific around Shetland. One of the best places to see whales can be from the ferries.

How is the Climate in Shetland Islands

The main transport links to Shetland are to and from the Scottish Mainland.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Shetland Islands

[[leavingaberdeen - Ferry Leaving Aberdeen

Northlink Ferries provide a daily passenger and vehicle transport service between Lerwick and Aberdeen which also calls in at Kirkwall in Orkney up to twice a week depending on the time of year (when calling at Kirkwall and the ferry leaves Aberdeen two hours earlier than usual to accommodate this). The ferry service is an overnight crossing, leaving Aberdeen at 7pm (or 5pm) and arriving in Lerwick at 7:30am. Although the boat is large and stable, this is an ocean crossing and at times it can be rough; do not be too alarmed if you are handed a disclaimer on boarding stating that you are travelling at your own risk!

If travelling by car, follow the signs to 'Aberdeen Harbour'. The ferry terminal is not clearly signposted, but you should see a large blue and white ship on your right as you enter the harbour area. If cars are queueing (as they probably will be unless you are very early), join the end of the queue to your left. Do not drive right up to the terminal gate or you will have to turn round which is not particularly easy. Photo id has been required for the last couple of years.

If the ferry is full and you are travelling to Lerwick, you will be boarded on the lower vehicle deck if you arrive at the terminal early. If you are boarded on the lower deck and you are intending to disembark at Kirkwall, you should inform staff immediately, otherwise you are likely to visit the scenic Shetland Isles sooner than you were intending.

On board the ship, you can sleep in the reclining 'aircraft style' seats in the lounge, stretch out on the couches in the restaurant (once it has closed). If you take a sleeping bag and pillow, you will have to carry them around with you as staff are fairly strict about not leaving them unattended in the lounge. You can also book a cabin, which by far the most comfortable option as even standard cabins, whilst small, have comfortable bunks and a private toilet and shower.

The ferry is fairly plush and well equipped. There are two bars, a self-service restaurant, a cinema and a silver-service restaurant which serves a rather good take on Shetland and Orkney specialities. There is also a cinema, though if it is rough, be warned that watching a film in a darkened room is a good recipe for sea-sickness. The internal areas of the ship are non-smoking, but there is an outside area on deck which stays open all night where you can smoke. Dependent on the weather and there may be access to the upper deck until late at night, and it is generally opened again in time to view the entrance to Lerwick in the morning. On the return journey there are particularly good views of Fair Isle from the outside decks.

Arrival into Shetland is normally announced at 6:30am and breakfast is then available in the self-service restaurant. The ferry is usually exactly on time at 7:30am, and drivers have to leave promptly to move their cars, but (with their boarding pass) can then return on board for breakfast if they wish. They, along with non-drivers and foot passengers, can remain on the ship until 9:00am. The ferry terminal is near the centre of Lerwick and pre-booked hire cars can be picked up from within the terminal building.

Arriving in Shetland by ferry makes the journey part of the travel experience, and helps you to appreciate how remote the islands really are. Fares in the winter are considerably cheaper than at peak season, and as vehicle fares are far more expensive than foot-passenger fares, it may make sense to rent a vehicle rather than taking your own. Some travellers have reported having difficulty in changing their ferry bookings as their plans change, so be aware that Northlink hold a monopoly on scheduled sea travel to the islands and may not be particularly flexible about changes, especially during busy periods.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Shetland Islands

Sumburgh Airport GPS 59.8776 ,-1.2891 (IATA Code: LSI) is at Sumburgh on the south tip of Shetland Mainland, 30 miles south of Lerwick. Loganair fly here from Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness on the Scottish mainland, from Kirkwall in Orkney, and from Bergen in Norway. Loganair are a full-service airline, with 20 kilo checked baggage included in the fare; they use medium-sized twin-prop aircraft, eg the Saab 340. There are also flights within the Shetland Islands, see "Get around".

The terminal itself is small, with a cafe/bar, shop, wi-fi internet and ATM. An hour before flight is fine for check-in, as neither security nor retailing are as overgrown as in large mainland airports. One runway crosses the primary street A970, so this is closed whenever a flight is coming in or taking off.

Car hire is available from Star Rent a Car or Bolts Car Hire]. These companies also operate for the majors (Avis, Hertz) that you may choose to book through. Both have depots off-site, so they'll meet you and transfer you to your car. They only have small fleets so advance reservation is highly advisable.

Taxi firms serving the airport (booking strongly advised) are:

Boddam Cabs +44 1950 460 111;; J & I Taxis +44 1950 422 207;; Allied Taxis +44 1595 690 069

Smith’s Airport Taxis +44 1950 460560;; Sinclair’s Taxis +44 1595 696060;; Bus 6 runs between Sumburgh airport & village and Lerwick, daily every 90 mins, taking one hour: see South Mainland bus timetable].

Get Around

ZetTrans is Shetland's transport partnership for all modes of public transport. Shetland Travel Information has timetables for buses, inter-island ferries and inter-island plane flights.

Taxis are also available. Cycling is also a possibility and can be wonderful in good weather but awful in driving wind and rain. This is also fantastic walking country, but distances between main attractions are surprising long. As places go, Shetland is probably about as safe a place to hitchhike as you will see, but the usual warnings apply.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Shetland Islands

The inhabited islands are served by regular ferries operated by Shetland Islands Council. Routes to Bressay, Yell, Unst, Fetlar and Walsay operate at least eighteen hours per day, although some early and late sailings will only run if there are pre-booked reservations. Places may be reserved for vehicles on all these routes (except Bressay), and pre-booked vehicles take presidence over unbooked ones. Sailings to Out Skerries and Papa Stour are less frequent and require reservations for all vehicles. The ferry to Fair Isle is by reservation only and is not ro/ro (it can carry vehicles but they must be craned on and off and there would be no real reason for a visitor to take a car).

The ferry to Foula runs twice weekly and is operated by BK Marine Foula Ferry.

In case of inclement weather, ferries may sail from a different port, e.g. normally ferries to Walsay depart from Laxo, but in high winds depart from Vidlin. In this case (or if the weather is so bad the ferries are not sailing at all!) information is displayed on electronic notice boards on the primary street out of Lerwick heading north.

Crossings by Route
Route Crossing Time
Gutcher (Yell) to Belmont (Unst) 10 minutes
Gutcher (Yell) to Hamarsness (Fetlar) 30 minutes
Belmont (Unst) to Hamarsness (Fetlar) 30 minutes
Toft (Mainland) to Ulsta (Yell) 20 minutes
Laxo (Mainland) to Symbister (Walsay) 30 minutes
Vidlin (Mainland) to Symbister (Walsay) 45 minutes
Vidlin (Mainland) to Skerries 90 minutes
Symbister (Mainland) to Skerries 75 minutes
Lerwick (Mainland) to Skerries 2 hours 30 minutes
West Burrafirth (Mainland) to Papa Stour 40 minutes
Lerwick (Mainland) to Maryfield (Bressay) 7 minutes
Fair Isle to Grutness (Mainland) 2 hours 40 minutes
Fair Isle to Lerwick (Mainland) 4 hours 30 minutes
  • Lerwick ferry terminal - 60.155646, -1.142926 Mainland to Skerries (2 hours 30 minutes), to Maryfield, Bressay (7 Minutes); Fair Isle (4 hours 30 minutes)
  • Grutness ferry terminal, Sumburgh - 59.874176, -1.277955 Mainland to Fair Isle (2 hours 40 minutes)
  • West Burrafirth ferry terminal - 60.295066, -1.539442 Mainland to Papa Stour (40 minutes)
  • Symbister ferry terminal - 60.341872, -1.028425 Mainland to Skerries (75 minutes); from Laxo (30 minutes); from Vidlin (45 minutes)
  • Vidlin ferry terminal - 60.372857, -1.129603 Mainland to Symbister, Walsay (45 minutes); to Skerries (90 minutes)
  • Laxo ferry terminal - 60.352166, -1.170237 Mainland to Symbister, Walsay (30 minutes)
  • Toft ferry terminal, Mossbank - 60.466454, -1.206969 Mainland to Ulsta, Yell (20 minutes)
  • Belmont ferry terminal - 60.683151, -0.966812 Unst to Hamarsness,Fetlar (30 minutes); from Gutcher, Yell (10 minutes)
  • Gutcher ferry terminal - 60.673093, -0.996538 Yell to Belmont, Unst (10 minutes); Hamarsness, Fetlar (30 minutes)
  • Ulsta - 60.496313, -1.158660 Yell from Toft (20 minutes)

}} - Hamars Ness ferry terminal - Oddsta - 60.629326, -0.931254 Fetlar Belmont, Unst (30 minutes)

  • Fair Isle ferry terminal - 59.538073, -1.603924 - from Grutness, Mainland (2 hours 40 minutes);from Lerwick, Mainland (4 hours 30 minutes)
  • Maryfield ferry terminal - 60.157232, -1.123406 Bressay from Lerwick
  • Papa Stour ferry terminal - 60.331440, -1.672882 - from West Burrafirth, Mainland
  • Out Skerries ferry terminal - 60.422664, -0.751422 - from Vidlin, Mainland (90 minutes); Symbister, Mainland (75 minutes); from Lerwick, Mainland (40 minutes)

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Shetland Islands

Inter-island flights are operated by Airtask (+44 1595 840246 for booking) on behalf of Shetland Islands Council, and fly from Tingwall Airport 60.1891 ,-1.2459 (IATA Code: LWK) 7 miles north of Lerwick. They fly to Fair Isle, Papa Stour and Foula, with an occasional summer service between Fair Isle and Sumburgh. You can't book online, as they need to prioritise travellers such as residents and visiting GPs. Reckon £85 for an adult return ticket.

There is no bus to Tingwall airport, so take a regular taxi, or book a Dial-a-Ride taxi from Viking Bus Station in Lerwick on 01595 745745 (before 16:30 on the day before flying).

By car

The roads are kept in an excellent condition which most of the rest of UK can only envy. The primary street is the A970, which runs from Sumburgh Airport in the South mainland, right up to Isbister in the north. For the majority of its length it is a fine two lane road (with even a short stretch of dual carriageway coming out of Lerwick to the north), although once it enters Northmavine it becomes partially single track. The same can be said for the primary streets in the North Isles, but even if a road is designated as 'A' on the map, it may still be single track and unfenced. Traffic is sparse (except for a brief 'Lerwick rush hour' which lasts all of 15 minutes around 9am and 5pm on the A970) and once off the primary streets, it is polite to wave at drivers approaching from the other direction, particularly if they have pulled into a passing place on a narrow road. If you are driving slowly and admiring the scenery, it is also polite to pull over to allow local residents in a hurry (who know the road conditions far better than you) to get past.

There are no fixed speed cameras, though hand-held radar or, rarely, a mobile camera, may sometimes be seen. The police presence is generally light in Shetland, but national UK speed limits and rules on drink driving apply here as much as anywhere else.

Petrol and diesel is widely available (although petrol stations are smaller and less frequent away from Shetland) although is more expensive (roughly 10p/litre) than in mainland Scotland.

Car hire

There are two local rental firms in Shetland: Star Rent a Car and Bolts Car Hire who have branches in Lerwick and Sumburgh Airport. In addition to taking reservations and the two companies also operate as agents for most of the international vehicle hire networks.

  • Bolts Car Hire - 26 North Road, Lerwick, ZE1 OPE ☎ +44 1595 693636
  • Star Rent a Car - 22 Commercial Road, Lerwick, ZE1 0LX ☎ +44 1595 692075
  • Grantfield Garage - North Road, Lerwick, ZE1 0NT ☎ +44 1595 692709

Travel on a Bus in Shetland Islands

There is a reasonable bus service around Shetland. See ZetTrans, Shetland's transport partnership, for timetables (phone: +44 1595 744868).

By Rail

There is no rail service in Shetland.

What to see in Shetland Islands


  • Shetland Museum and Archives - in Lerwick (Mainland)
  • Crofhouse Museum - near Sumburgh (Mainland)
  • Quendale Watermill - some miles north of Sumburgh (Mainland)
  • Weisdale Mill - 60.26014, -1.28843 - In Mainland
  • Lunna Kirk - in Mainland
  • Muness Castle - in Unst


  • Wildlife of all descriptions - everywhere!
  • Most Northerly everywhere - in Unst.
  • Shetland Ponies - all over the islands and running free in Unst.
  • The 'Simmer Dim' - UK's take on 'land of the midnight sun' during June when it is light enough to play golf at midnight.
  • Some of the most spectacular coastal scenery in the world - All over the islands but particularly Hermaness, Eshaness, Noss and Foula.
  • Beaches - Beautiful, isolated and can look tropical in the right weather. If you feel very brave have a swim, but be aware that the water is very cold.

[[eyshaness - Eshaness Tombolo Street Ninians 5940 - |Tombolo to Street Ninian's Isle

Prehistoric sites

  • Jarlshof — a prehistoric site which covers over 4,000 years of human inhabitation and structures, in Sumburgh (Mainland)
  • Old Scatness — archaeological site, near Sumburgh (Mainland)
  • Mousa Broch - 59.99658, -1.17977 Accessible by boat from Sandwick - Broch of Mousa Mousa broch - Iron Age broch tower on Island of Mousa, near Sandwick (Mainland)
  • Stanydale Temple - Prehistoric structure few miles east of Walls


  • Sumburgh Head — a 100 m high hill with lighthouse, nature reserve at the southern tip of Sumburgh (Mainland)
  • Spiggie Loch — a special protection area near Sumburgh (Mainland)
  • Tingwall Loch — near Scalloway (Mainland)
  • Eshaness — near Hillswick (Mainland)
  • Ronas Hill — the highest point at 450m of Mainland, around 20km north of Hillswick (Mainland)
  • Point of Fethaland - 60.63413, -1.31139 At the northern tip of Mainland
  • Street Ninian's Isle - 59.972, -1.348 A tied island connected via a tombolo to the Mainland
  • Mavis Grind and the narrow isthmus which connects the Northmavine Peninsula to Mainland near Brae.
  • Meal Beach — in Burra
  • Island of Noss — seabird haven and National Nature Reserve, near Bressay
  • Hermaness Nature Reserve north of Unst.

Best things to do in Shetland Islands

  • Sea kayaking - Available from Bridge End Outdoor Centre in Burra. Guided Tours in Shetland Islands by (email for prices) are available from Sea Kayak Shetland].
  • Wildlife watching boat trips - Various operators but amongst the best is Seabirds and Seals]. Tickets available from tourist information centre in Lerwick. An excellent tour around Noss, including a visit to a sea cave where you get the chance to see the world beneath the water via an underwater camera. If it is at all windy, though, be prepared to have a strong stomach as it can be rough.
  • Sport and Leisure - There is a wide range of leisure facilities in Shetland (where you can enjoy a swim, private secluded sauna, game of squash or many other activities), not only in Lerwick but in many small rural communities where you would not expect to see them ( Shetland Leisure Centres]). Or enjoy a midnight game of golf on one of UK's most northerly courses.
  • Visit the storm petrels in Mousa - Take a boat trip out to Mousa in the simmer dim and see the storm petrels returning to their nests in the Broch Mousa Ferry].

Annual events

  • Up Helly Aa - Witness Europe's biggest fire festival, drink and dance the night away and then observe the (apparently very amusing) activities on the streets of Lerwick the next morning as the Guizers return home (see Understand for more details).
  • The Shetland Folk Festival - Every May, concerts and impromptu performances take place in halls and pubs all over mainland and the outlying islands. The range of music on offer is truly eclectic (local, European and American commonly appearing together in one programme), and the atmosphere is unique with long tables of concert goers of all ages crammed into village halls. Performances run well into the night (and night falls late in Shetland in May).
  • Accordion and Fiddle Festival - Held every year in early October.
  • Shetland Wool Week - Held at various venues throughout Shetland Opening Hours: late September - early Oct - Shetland Wool Week is an annual event centred on Shetland wool, right from sheep farming through spinning, dyeing, weaving and knitting. It is attended by local residents and international visitors and is extremely popular.

Halal Restaurants in Shetland Islands

Shetland cuisine is heavily based on the prolific and excellent local seafood, together with local lamb. Milk and dairy products are produced locally, as is some beef. One of the best known local specialities is reestit mutton which is salted, dried Meat often served with bannocks or as part of a potato soup. Some vegetables and fruit are grown in the islands, but this can be difficult due to the climate, and much is imported.

Most places to eat out are in Lerwick, although there are a number of other good locations, mostly country hotels. Individual recommendations are listed in their respective location pages.

There are two good supermarkets in the islands, both in Lerwick, together with a number of local shops.

During the summer months there is a local tradition of Sunday Teas being offered in local village halls. This is a wonderful opportunity to sample local homebaking and proceeds generally go to charity.

Locally produced soft drinks from the Valhalla brewery in Unst are served all over the islands. The Shetland Distillery Company in Unst produces gin (Reel Gin) and released the first single malt whisky from Shetland in 2015.

There are a number of lively bars (and even a nightclub) in Lerwick which are listed in that article. Outside the capital, bars tend to be in local hotels.

There is an off-licence in Lerwick and alcohol is sold in supermarkets and local shops.

The legal drinking age is 18 (16 for accompanied minors drinking organic juice or cider with a meal). Proof of age is increasingly required for those who appear to be under 25.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Shetland Islands

Shetland Islands - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Shetland Islands, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Shetland Islands. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Shetland Islands and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Shetland Islands. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Shetland Islands. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inShetland Islands: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Shetland Islands.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Shetland Islands: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Shetland Islands, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Shetland Islands.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Shetland Islands, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Shetland Islands, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Shetland Islands and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Shetland Islands, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Shetland Islands, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Shetland Islands without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Shetland Islands is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Shetland Islands.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Shetland Islands is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Shetland Islands, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Shetland Islands Media:

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Camping Böds provide very basic self-catering accommodation. There are nine of these facilities across Shetland. You must book through the Shetland Amenity Trust in Lerwick (+44 1595 694688). Costs £8-10 per person per day.

Stay Safe

For emergency services (police, ambulance, fire brigade, coastguard) ring '999'.

As part of the United Kingdom, Shetland is covered by the National Health Service (NHS Shetland)] with free health cover for British and other EU nationals. The main hospital is the Gilbert Bain in Lerwick which provides most healthcare services including accident and emergency. In the case of a real emergency, anyone, regardless of nationality would be provided with first line assistance free of charge, but would have to pay for an inpatient stay if not covered by the NHS.

From a crime perspective, Shetland is an extremely safe place. If you are mugged, robbed or treated with anything other than courtesy during your stay, you can consider yourself extremely unlucky. Outside Lerwick, it is common for doors to be left unlocked, and it is perhaps some indication of the general lack of crime that the theft of someone's wallet from an unattended house in Yell made the number one spot on the local radio news for three days. Drug use is reputed to be on the upturn, and CCTV cameras have been introduced in Lerwick, but Shetland is still a very quiet and peaceful place when compared to other locations in the United Kingdom (and the rest of the world).

The main hazards in the islands tend to be environmental rather than human derived. Bonxies (great skuas) and other sea birds can be aggressive if you approach their nests during the breeding season, and will attempt to dive-bomb you. The best solution is to keep to the paths, but holding an arm or a stick above your head will generally keep them off. Take care next to clifftop areas, as outside the main tourist locations there are no warning signs or fenced-off areas, and these can be unstable. At Hermaness there are warning signs telling you not to wear waterproof trousers, as the consequences of falling over while wearing them and then sliding could be very severe indeed. Coastal waters can be very rough and tides strong, so you are better accompanied by a local guide when kayaking unless you are very experienced and know the area.

Tap water is safe to drink. There are no endemic diseases requiring special vaccinations. In areas frequented by sheep, watch out for ticks which can occasionally carry disease. There are no poisonous snakes or other creatures.

Telecommunications in Shetland Islands

All major mobile phone networks are available in Shetland, though coverage for most tends to be a bit patchy (or in some cases non-existent) outside Lerwick. If your mobile does not work there are telephone boxes in most villages, and cards for these are available in newsagents and supermarkets.

Fast broadband is available over most of the islands, although in remote areas it is restricted by distance from the telephone exchange. Pay for use internet access is available in the Shetland Islands Tourism Board Centre in Lerwick and some hotels and other locations.


Local government services are provided by Shetland Islands Council.

Electricity voltage and adaptors are UK standard.

News & References Shetland Islands

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