
From Halal Explorer

York Minster in the morning

The ancient cathedral city of York has a history which dates back over 2000 years. It is situated inNorth Yorkshire, England and is the unofficial capital of the entire region of Yorkshire, with some of the best preserved historical buildings and structures in Europe. As of the 2020 census and the population of York was 198,051 with 83,552 households. This population doubles during the summer months due to the 7 million visitors to York each year. York is frequently ranked in the top 15 visited cities in England after London. In 2018 it was named the No.1 city to live in the UK by The Sunday Times.

An introduction to York


Although only the sixth largest city in Yorkshire and having no official status, York is regarded as the county's capital, and is also positioned just east of its geographic centre. For nigh on 2000 years, it was the largest and most important city in northern England, though today has a rather modest population just shy of 200,000 people. Despite its size, York packs in more history and culture than many much larger places, and is a fascinating and beautiful destination any time of year. 'Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma' what?|York is popularly known as a place "where the streets are gates and the gates are bars, and the bars are pubs!" If none of this makes any sense to you, remember that York has Viking roots, and the Norsemen also influenced the local language. So, yes, many streets are called gates, among them Micklegate, Fossgate, and Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate and the shortest street in York with an insensibly long name, apparently meaning "What a street!" The fortified gates in the city walls are invariably known as bars (think "barrier" and it makes sense), pedestrianised areas are logically called footstreets, and simple alleys take on a new magic as snickelways. Need a drink after all that? Ask for the nearest pub.}} York downtown is a compact and dense warren of mostly pedestrianised streets lined with centuries-old buildings in a mix of architectural styles, from timber frame medieval structures, to much grander stone and brick edifices from later periods. The centre straddles both banks of two rivers - the Ouse and the Foss - which merge just south of the castle. At the city's heart stands the imposing York Minster, one of the largest Gothic cathedrals in the world, and the mother church for northern England's Anglican community. The Archbishop of York (currently John Sentamu) holds the third highest office in the Church of England, after the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Queen. York's old town is completely encircled by a series of defensive medieval walls. At just over 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) long, 13 feet (4 m) high, and 6 feet (1.8 m) thick and they are the UK's most extensive and best-preserved city walls.

Most visitor attractions are within or just outside these walls, so you will seldom find yourself venturing into York's outer neighbourhoods. However, if you do, you will find them pleasant and residential, mostly containing red brick houses from the 19th and 20th centuries. There is a modern university campus around Heslington in the south-eastern suburbs, a large racecourse called the Knavesmire in the south-west, and extensive parks along the Ouse's journey through the northern and southern suburbs. This urban sprawl is bounded by a modern day city wall of sorts: the ring road separates York from its rural surroundings and the well-endowed farmlands and villages of theNorth Yorkshire#Vale of York|Vale of York.


York has played a crucial role in many eras of English history, and the city's own story closely mirrors that of the nation as a whole.

Evidence of human settlement in York dates back to 8000 BC, but the city wasn't founded until 71 AD by the Romans, who named it Eboracum, as a Latinisation of the Celtic Eburākon, meaning "yew tree place". Initially little more than a military outpost at the confluence of the rivers Ouse and Foss, Eboracum quickly became one of the most important cities in Roman Britain, and from 211 was the former capital of the Britannia Inferior province; Emperors Hadrian, Septimius Severus and Constantius I all visited during their military campaigns against the native Britons and Picts. The latter of the three actually died during his stay, and his son and the future Constantine the Great, was first proclaimed Emperor in the city by his generals. Constantine later converted to Christianity, and legalised freedom of religion throughout the Empire. Eboracum was prosperous and particularly attracted merchants and retired veterans of the Emperors' wars. Why said retirees apparently chose the damp and chilly Yorkshire climate over the Empire's many Mediterranean provinces remains one of history's great mysteries.

After Rome and the 5th century brought the arrival of the Angles - the first Englishmen. This period saw the expansion of the city's trading prowess and the founding of York Minster as a small wooden church, and a spell of political prominence under the Kings of Northumbria. By 735 and the Minster was already important enough to be the seat of an archbishop. But Eoforwic ("place rich in boar"), as it was now known, proved too much of a success and quickly caught the attention of avaricious Norsemen: Vikings had been harrying and raiding the north of England since the 700s, but why sail for days just to snatch a pig and a bracelet and rush back to sea, when they could harvest this rich farmland for their own? So, in 866, a huge army of Danes captured Eoforwic and, realising that name was a hopeless mouthful, rechristened their new city Jórvík (pronounced "Yor-vik"). From here and they controlled pretty much all of northern and eastern England, in a region known as the Danelaw. Jórvík was pretty perfect as a Viking capital, since its inland location offered defence and shelter, while the Ouse provided their longboats easy access to the sea via the Humber. Even though Viking power waxed and wained over the centuries, large numbers of Scandinavian people settled permanently in the region, meaning Jórvík was a bilingual (Old English and Old Norse) city at the time of the Norman Conquest.

By 1066 and the Vikings had once again been ousted by the Saxons, but nursed ambitions to return. Harold Godwinson was crowned King of England, but faced a combined invasion by his exiled brother Tostig and the Norse king Harald Hardrada. The invaders won a battle at Fulford just outside York, but King Harold marched north and defeated them at Stamford Bridge 15 miles east. Yet, while his back was turned, William the Conqueror's Normandy|Normans invaded from across the English Channel. Harold marched south again, this time to crippling defeat at Hastings. England came under Norman rule, and the Anglo-Saxon/Norse society that the nation had developed, and York exemplified, was dismantled swiftly and brutally. York cathedra - York Minster

The Harrying of the North was a violent campaign of oppression against rebellious northerners in the years after the Conquest. From his castle in York, King William ordered the mass murder of civilians, demolition of numerous villages and burning of crops across the north of England, and York was also heavily damaged. As in the rest of the nation, Normans became the new aristocracy, with the English and remaining Norse people reduced to serfdom. From this point on and the Normans consolidated their rule with the construction of castles, monasteries and great cathedrals. York Minster's Gothic design first took shape in the 12th century, while the present city walls and their gates (known as bars), and Clifford's Tower also cemented the Normans' impact on York's cityscape.

The late Medieval period produced much important architectural and cultural legacy, which are still evident today. The centuries-long construction of the Minster finally wrapped in 1472, while the higgledy-piggledy timber-frame shops of the Shambles mostly date from the 14th and 15th centuries. York's Mystery Plays, performing weird and wonderful Bible stories, were begun in the same perioid and continue to the present day. Then, in 1455, England was consumed by civil war: rival royals from York and Lancaster fought a brutal series of campaigns for control of the crown. Yorkist armies marched under the banner of a white rose, while their enemy Lancastrians followed the red rose, hence the name of this conflict and the Wars of the Roses. The last Yorkist king, Richard III, was finally defeated in combat at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, 30 years after the wars began. The Lancastrians' leader, Henry VII, became the first monarch of the Tudor dynasty, and both York in general and King Richard in particular were subsequently demonised.

The city's economy and status went into a long decline which wouldn't be recovered until after England's second Civil War, during which York was yet again on the wrong side of history, and besieged by the ultimate victors (Parliament) for 10 weeks in 1644. The siege and subsequent storming of the city destroyed many medieval buildings, but paved the way for fashionable new brick townhouses to be built as York regained its mojo in the late 17th and 18th centuries.

This resurgence in the city's wealth may have been what saved York's ancient streets from the smoke-stack industry which sprang up in many other northern towns from the late 18th century onwards. However and the industrial revolution didn't bypass York completely. In the 1840s and the first long-distance railway raced north from London to Edinburgh, and York's station was constructed as a cathedral of sorts in homage to the great connecting power of trains, while the locomotive yards next door kept the nation's engines moving. The city found its other manufacturing niche soon after when the Rowntree family opened their Chocolates factory. Many of their creations - among them KitKat, Aero and Smarties - are still staple Snacks in the UK and around the world. The Rowntrees, known for their philanthropy, were Quakers, a religious group which has had a strong presence in York for three centuries, and have done much to shape its development - they were also behind the burgeoning rail industry.

While its prominence and relative size in comparison to other cities have dwindled since the 19th century, and its status as capital of the north credibly challenged by the likes of Manchester and Leeds, York remains prosperous and lively. In 2019 and the city is 1,948 years old, and today's visitor will easily recognise and marvel at just how well York has preserved aspects from every major episode of its history, as much in the way of culture and traditions as in the built environment.

When to visit

York's medieval pogrom|Jews settled in England for the first time in recorded history after the Norman Conquest. Being exempt from Catholic laws prohibiting money-lending, Yahudi people were seen as engines for economic growth, and were thus granted special immunities under the Crown. As one of the most important cities in the kingdom, York had a significant Yahudi population by the 12th century, but the ongoing wars of religion in the Holy Land and indebted townspeople's ill-feeling towards their debtors fuelled antisemitism. On 16 March 1190 - the Friday of Passover - in such a climate, all it took was for an accidental fire to be blamed on Jews, and a lynchmob was formed.

York's Yahudi families were forced to flee and invoke the royal protection granted to them by seeking refuge in Clifford's Tower. Once inside and they were effectively under siege, however, and the soldiers who were supposed to be protecting them turned coat and joined the baying mob outside. At some point, a fire started in the tower - whether by the occupants or their tormentors is unknown. Vastly outnumbered, and faced with an ultimatum to convert to Christianity or be slaughtered and the community realised the only way out was suicide; on the advice of their Rabbi and the father of each family killed his wife and children, before taking his own life.

Consumed by flames and the wooden tower burnt to the ground, and among its ashes the Earthly remains of 150 people.

  • Clifford's Tower - Tower Street, YO1 9SA GPS: 53.955856, -1.079992 ☎ +44 1904 646 940 | Opening Hours: Daily 10AM Monday - 6PM Adult £5.40, child £3.20, concession £4.90, English Heritage members free York Castle Cliffords Tower York UK - In the 11th century and the Normans built a historic castle here to keep the Vikings at bay and subdue the local population following their conquest of England. The Vikings being Vikings and they promptly smashed it, so the Normans built bigger and better - the tower you see today was the castle's keep. The tower was the scene of the infamous massacre of York's Yahudi in 1190. In 1684, its interior was wrecked by a explosion, but the hollow tower is now the oldest remnant of the castle. The rest fell into disrepair, before being re-built as a jail, and in modern times housing the Castle Museum. Access is by very steep steps up the hillock; it's a bit like climbing a pyramid. After closure, you can still climb to the front door and look back over the square - this is especially atmospheric after dark.
  • Goddards House - 27 Tadcaster Road YO24 1GG GPS: 53.9402813, -1.1040133 1¾ miles (2.7 kilometers) south-west of centre. Bus: 4, 12, 13, 840, 843, ZAP ☎ +44 1904 771 930 | Opening Hours: April-Oct: W-Su 10:30AM Monday - 5PM, mid November - mid Dec: F-Su 10:30AM Monday - 4PM Adult £6.90, child £3.40, NT member free Goddards Goddards, Abinger Common, Surrey-1093965338 - The family home of Noel Goddard Terry, of the Terry's Chocolates company. Built in 1927 in Arts & Crafts style, but mostly furnished in Georgian, parts of the house are open to the public to offer glimpses of what the Terrys' family life would have been like, but some of the building is a regional office of the National Trust. On the other hand and the typically English gardens can be visited in their entirety, and you can hunt down birds, bees and butterflies like a true twenties gent.
  • Guildhall - St. Helen’s Plaza, YO1 9QN GPS: 53.9597342, -1.0854685 ☎ +44 1904 553 979 - Not open for general visits, so if you want to go in, you need to attend one of the regular civic events York Guildhall Guildhall, York - Built in the 15th century as a meeting hall for the guilds of York and the Guildhall is now also home to the city council chamber. Guilds are associations of artisans and merchants of a particular industry akin to something between a professional association, a trade union and a monopolistic cartel. In the middle ages and these guilds had a dominant role in the economies of every English city. However and the Guildhall you see today is a faithful replica, as the original was mostly destroyed by bombing in 1942. Notice the stained-glass window depicting York's history.
  • King's Manor - GPS: 53.9623853, -1.0866058 ☎ +44 1904 320 000 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8AM Monday - 6PM Free King's Manor King's Manor, York - DSC07900 - Now the very apt home for the University of York's Archaeology Department, this was a royal headquarters during the Tudor and Stuart dynasties (16th and 17th centuries). As this is a working academic building, you may have to content yourself with admiring the Grade I listed architecture from the outside, unless you can pass as a scholar that is! Respect the students and staff, or you'll ruin it for future visitors.

York P1020256 - panoramio - "God give us good fortune"]]

  • Merchant Adventurers' Hall - @

Fossgate, YO1 9XD GPS: 53.9578499, -1.0787979 ☎ +44 1904 654 818 | Opening Hours: Sunday - Friday 10AM Monday - 4:30PM, Sa 10AM Monday - 1:30PM Adult £6.50, concession £5.50, under 17s free. Admission includes audio tour in English / written guide in other languages Merchant Adventurers' Hall Merchant Adventurers' Hall - Remarkable timbered guild hall, built by city merchants between 1357 and 1361. The great hall was where they gathered for business and socialising and the undercroft was an almshouse for the poor and sick, and in the chapel all mercantile sins were conveniently forgiven.

  • National Railway Museum - @

Leeman Road, YO26 4XJ GPS: 53.9598, -1.09771 Adjacent to York train station. Bus: 2, 10 ☎ +44 870 421 4001 | Opening Hours: Daily April - Oct 10AM Monday - 6PM, November - Mar 10AM Monday - 5PM Museum and all exhibitions free. Train rides £3 per person, under 2s free National Railway Museum National Railway Museum, York (1981) - The largest railway museum in the world, with a magnificent collection of locomotives, rolling stock, railway equipment, documents and records. The bulk of it is British but there are also great snorting monsters from China and the U.S. Highlights include Queen Victoria's opulent Royal Train, famous locos such as Stephenson's Rocket and Mallard, and a first-generation Shinkansen - the only one outside of Japan. When it's not cruising the rails in summer, Flying Scotsman overwinters at the NRM. Out in the yard, a steam-engine hauls rides in the summer, and a miniature railway operates year-round. And the best thing for railbuffs: the museum is in sight of York station and has a viewing deck overlooking the East Coast Main Line!

  • Snickelways - GPS: 53.9592892, -1.0800344 - Snickelways of York Lady Peckett's Yard - 2007-04-14 - 729 - These are the famous medieval (and later) alleys and narrow streets that thread the centre of the city, typically lined with timber frame and brick houses and retail outlets. They are all pedestrianised in the daytime, and indeed most are too narrow for vehicles to use. See Mark West Jones' book A Walk Around the Snickelways of York ([[Special:BookSources/1871125723) or its hardback companion The Complete Snickelways of York ([[Special:BookSources/1871125049) with their quirky, hand-written descriptions, and follow his suggested route taking in 50 of the snickelways within the city walls. Jones himself coined the term for his books in 1983, as a triple portmanteau of the Yorkshire dialect words snicket and ginnel, and their standard English equivalent alleyway. Alternatively walk downstream to the Millennium bridge, cross and back upstream on the other bank.

Treasurers House, York - panoramio - Tulips in the gardens of the Treasurer's House

  • Treasurer's House - @

Minster Yard, YO1 7JL GPS: 53.962764, -1.080973 ☎ +44 1904 624 247 |ISBN 1871125049) with their quirky, hand-written descriptions, and follow his suggested route taking in 50 of the snickelways within the city walls. Jones himself coined the term for his books in 1983, as a triple portmanteau of the Yorkshire dialect words snicket and ginnel, and their standard English equivalent alleyway. Alternatively walk downstream to the Millennium bridge, cross and back upstream on the other bank.

Treasurers House, York - panoramio - Tulips in the gardens of the Treasurer's House

  • Treasurer's House - @

Minster Yard, YO1 7JL GPS: 53.962764, -1.080973 ☎ +44 1904 624 247 ]] Invalid ISBN

  • At other times of the year, scandiphile visitors should check out the York Anglo-Scandinavian Society, which put on regular talks, activities and film screenings with a Nordic slant, mostly at the University of York's Norwegian Study Centre.
  • York Literature Festival - 15 - 31 March 2019 - GPS: - Prices vary; some free events - Takes place annually for a week and a half in March. This urban center-wide festival promotes the arts in York, with an emphasis on literature, spoken word and poetry. It also features music, comedy, cinema and theatre.
  • York Chocolates Festival - 18 - 22 April 2019 |ISBN 1871125723) or its hardback companion The Complete Snickelways of York ([[Special:BookSources/1871125049) with their quirky, hand-written descriptions, and follow his suggested route taking in 50 of the snickelways within the city walls. Jones himself coined the term for his books in 1983, as a triple portmanteau of the Yorkshire dialect words snicket and ginnel, and their standard English equivalent alleyway. Alternatively walk downstream to the Millennium bridge, cross and back upstream on the other bank.

Treasurers House, York - panoramio - Tulips in the gardens of the Treasurer's House

  • Treasurer's House - @

Minster Yard, YO1 7JL GPS: 53.962764, -1.080973 ☎ +44 1904 624 247 |ISBN 1871125049) with their quirky, hand-written descriptions, and follow his suggested route taking in 50 of the snickelways within the city walls. Jones himself coined the term for his books in 1983, as a triple portmanteau of the Yorkshire dialect words snicket and ginnel, and their standard English equivalent alleyway. Alternatively walk downstream to the Millennium bridge, cross and back upstream on the other bank.

Treasurers House, York - panoramio - Tulips in the gardens of the Treasurer's House

  • Treasurer's House - @

Minster Yard, YO1 7JL GPS: 53.962764, -1.080973 ☎ +44 1904 624 247 ]] Invalid ISBN

  • At other times of the year, scandiphile visitors should check out the York Anglo-Scandinavian Society, which put on regular talks, activities and film screenings with a Nordic slant, mostly at the University of York's Norwegian Study Centre.
  • York Literature Festival - 15 - 31 March 2019 - GPS: - Prices vary; some free events - Takes place annually for a week and a half in March. This urban center-wide festival promotes the arts in York, with an emphasis on literature, spoken word and poetry. It also features music, comedy, cinema and theatre.
  • York Chocolates Festival - 18 - 22 April 2019 ]] Invalid ISBN
| type=learn
  • York Street John University - Lord Mayor's Walk, YO31 7EX GPS: 53.9654, -1.08067 ☎ +44 1904 624 624 York Street John University A small and modern university with just 6000 students, Street John's is ranked fairly low nationally, but has strengths in drama, education, English language and literature, health, psychology, sports and theology.

Language schools

All three of the language schools listed here are accredited by the British Council.

| type=learn
  • British Study Centres York - formerly English Language Centre York | 5 New Street, YO1 8RA GPS: 53.9596, -1.0832 ☎ +44 1904 672243 - Email via online contact form. With 20 years' experience, this school is open to students aged 16 and over, though the average age of its students is 30 years old and there is a course specifically catering to the over-50s. Course lengths vary 1-48 weeks.


| type=learn
  • English in York Language School - @in-york.co.uk

Peasholme House, Street Saviours Place, YO1 7PJ GPS: 53.9601, -1.0765 ☎ +44 1904 636 771 - Established in 1985, this school caters only to over-16s and has a variety of courses such as general English, business English and exam preparation. For most courses, you have to commit to a minimum of one week, but some are shorter or longer. }}

| type=learn
  • Melton College, York - 137 Holgate Road, YO24 4DH GPS: 53.9542, -1.1039 ☎ +44 1904 622250 - Email via online contact form. Almost 50 years old, Melton College caters to students of all abilities and from ages 11 up. Older learners may be pleased to enrol in an age 40+ class, thus avoiding the teenagers and twentysomethings who are the typical clientele of these colleges. Course lengths vary 1-36 weeks.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in York

York comes highly recommended for its unique shops and boutiques. There's the usual range of high street stores, but York is also a great place for independent shops, especially if you're looking for gifts, high-end English and Italian fashion, books, or - it has to be said - tourist tat! Shops in York change from year to year, but the beautiful old fashioned wooden shop fronts and grand red brick edifices haven't changed much since they were first built. The extensive pedestrianisation and interesting architecture make shopping and spending a pleasure for even the most miserly Yorkshireman.

Shambles York - Shopping in York needn't be a Shambles

  • Coney Street - GPS: 53.9589, -1.0838 Along with Parliament Street, this is the place in the downtown to head for the chain high street shops you can find all over the UK: Boots, H&M, River Island, Zara et al.
  • Fossgate - GPS: 53.95777, -1.07802 - Fossgate has assorted specialist fashion shops selling bowler hats, smart gentlemen's outfits and clothing and accessories specifically for tall women. Walmgate has a number of homeware stores, a cycling shop and a modelling shop.
  • Gillygate - GPS: 53.9656, -1.0802 - Several interesting shops to fill your home with mementos of your time in York, plus an independent bookshop, cheesemonger and retro gaming store.
  • High Petergate and Low Petergate - GPS: 53.9615, -1.0824 A hub of small fashion and jewellery stores with a mix of high-end brand names and independents. Those with a sweet tooth should check out the Fudge Kitchen. At the point where the two Petergates meet is Stonegate GPS 53.9610, -1.0831, where you'll find several fashionable independent retailers and the original House of Trembling Madness, which stocks 900 bottled soft drinks.
  • Parliament Street - GPS: 53.9590, -1.0813 - One of very few wide and straight roads in the centre is this very attractive tree-lined boulevard mostly home to larger chain stores such as Disney, M&S and New Look. Most high street banks and building societies are also represented here. The row continues north-west onto the much narrower Davygate GPS 53.9598, -1.0832, which has high street fashion giants such as GAP, Pandora and Superdry.
  • Browns - Davygate, YO1 8QT GPS: 53.95969, -1.08252 ☎ +44 1904 611 166 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 9AM Monday - 6PM, Sunday 11AM Monday - 5PM Browns of York A good quality family-run department store that has been trading in York for over 100 years.
  • York Farmers' Market - Street Sampsons Plaza, YO1 8QT GPS: 53.9596, -1.0820 ☎ +44 1904 550 099 | Opening Hours: First Friday of the month 9AM Monday - 4PM An excellent place to buy and discuss food, drink and plants from local producers.
  • Shambles - GPS: 53.95932, -1.08002 A medieval shopping street with overhanging timber-framed buildings, which was once a street of butchers. This is easily the most touristy street in York and is mostly devoted to places to eat and gift shops. The most notable of the latter are a loose-leaf tea emporium, a popular artisan bakery, a sweet little chinaware shop and a crowded store dedicated to selling Harry Potter memorabilia.
  • Shambles Market - 5 Silver Street, YO1 8RY GPS: 53.95927, -1.08052 Between Shambles and Parliament Street Opening Hours: Daily 7AM Monday - 5PM A permanent outdoor market with more than 85 stalls of which some sell fresh local produce, some the ubiquitous world street food, others clothes and accessories, and others still arts, crafts, fabrics and ceramics.
  • York Designer Outlet - Street Nicholas Ave, Fulford GPS: 53.92215, -1.07747 On the A64 southern ring road, 3½ miles (5.6 kilometers) south of the city. Bus: 7, 415 ☎ +44 1904 682 700 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10AM Monday - 8PM, Sa 9AM Monday - 8PM, Sunday 10AM Monday - 6PM - Of particular interest to followers of fashion, this indoor shopping centre contains 120 clothes stores from many top-name brands such as Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren and Ted Baker.

Muslim Friendly Food & Restaurants in York

Local specialities

See also: Yorkshire#Eat

York ham - A breaded York ham As capital of Yorkshire and the county's cuisine is front and centre on many of York's menus. This is honest and rustic fare, in which generous portions are the norm, and large tasting platters are common. Yorkshire puddings, pies, local game, lamb and beef are all prized by restaurateurs, as are the local cheeses: wensleydale from the Yorkshire Dales|Dales, shepherd's purse blues from north of Thirsk and Street Helen's Farm hard goat's Cheese, produced in the Vale of York. The fish and crab in restaurants is often landed at East Coast ports such as Grimsby and Whitby, while the city's Vikings and the Old Norse|Norse connections are maintained by the serving of Yorkshire-made gravadlax. Pick up some truly divine Beef pies to munch on outside from york.co.uk/directory/ye-olde-pie-sausage-shoppe/ Ye Olde Pie and Sausage Shoppe on the Shambles.

The city itself has two famous products: ham and Chocolates.

York ham has been produced within the city walls for hundreds of years, and far-fetched local legend states that the first hams were smoked with sawdust generated by the building of the Minster. The ham comes from the large white pig, in taste is mild, salty, smoky and often breaded, and in appearance a delicate pink. When served hot, it is traditionally accompanied by Madeira sauce. Disaster struck in the mid-2000s, when the last curer in town went out of business, and for 10 years there was no ham produced in York. However, in 2016, Appleton's Butchers opened on Lendal, and York-cured hams are available once more.

While other northern towns busied themselves with boring but useful things like Sheffield|steel and Manchester|cotton, 19th century York took a sweeter path. Rowntree's created Aero bars, Fruit Pastilles, Kit-Kat, Smarties and Yorkie bars, among other internationally-known sweets. Although bought out by Nestlé in the 1980s with most products rebranded and the original factory has been maintained and expanded, and the Rowntree's brand lives on with Fruit Pastilles and newer products brought out since the acquisition such as Rowntree's Randoms. The other large York company, Terry's (of Chocolates Orange fame) has had a less rosy time: upon acquisition by Modelez, production was moved overseas. But alongside Nestlé's investment, a number of small independent chocolatiers have appeared in York: Choc Affair, Guppy's, york.co.uk/directory/monk-bar-chocolatiers/ Monk Bar] and the yorkcocoahouse.co.uk/ York Cocoa House and the latter of which runs a Chocolates restaurant (see mid-range below).

Eating out

The Merchant Adventurers Hall The Great Hall - Merchant Adventurers' Hall

  • Ambiente - @pas.co.uk - 31 Fossgate, YO1 9TA GPS: 53.9579, -1.0781 ☎ +44 1904 638 252 | Opening Hours: Daily 11AM Monday - 10PM £4-£7 per tapa, or three for £10.95 weekday afternoons - Tapas restaurant with a semi-industrial interior design channelling the modern Madrid|Madrileño look. On the menu is a cool mix of classic favourites such as albóndigas and patatas bravas, alongside innovative creations like the Yorkshire morcilla.
  • Bari Ristorante - 15 Shambles, YO1 7LZ GPS: 53.9593, -1.0800 ☎ +44 1904 633 807 | Opening Hours: Daily 10AM Monday - 3PM/5PM Monday - 9:30PM Mains £7.50-£15 - Cheerfully unpretentious Italian bistro serving pizza and Pasta in an authentically Italian style (overly-phallic pepper grinders and waiters adopting cod accents.) Food's not bad, it's reasonably priced, and it's pretty lively of an evening.
  • Hungry Horace - 39 Layerthorpe, YO31 7UZ GPS: 53.96228, -1.07270 ☎ +44 1904 622 629 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30AM Monday - 1PM, Sa 8AM Monday - noon, Sunday closed Mains from £4 Classic working men's cafe for breakfast or brunch. Greasy and tatty but the food is of a very high standard. The staff are very friendly and may refer to you as love or flower.
  • Ippuku Tea House - 15 Blake Street, YO1 8QJ GPS: 53.9606, -1.0845 ☎ +44 1904 671 311 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:30AM Monday - 9PM, Sa 10AM Monday - 9PM, Sunday 10AM Monday - 6PM Mains £6-£11 - Email via /contact online contact form. Authentic Japanese restaurant with lots of vegan and gluten-free options, and an enormous tea menu to accompany your meal.
  • Merchants' Coffee House - @

Fossgate, YO1 9XD GPS: 53.9578, -1.0788 within the #QQ818359|Merchant Adventurers' Hall ☎ +44 1904 217 169 Opening Hours: Daily 10AM Monday - 4:30PM Mains £5-£8 - Splendid 14th century setting for local speciality breakfasts, lunches and cakes. A good place to try York ham and the original recipe medieval-style Merchants Pie, filled with four meats, fruit and spices.

  • Miller's Fish & Chips - 55 The Village, Haxby, YO32 2JE GPS: 54.0166, -1.0778 4½ miles (7.2 kilometers) north of town up Haxby Road. Bus: 13 ☎ +44 1904 769 169 | Opening Hours: Monday 4:30PM Monday - 10PM, Tuesday - Thursday 11:30AM Monday - 2PM/4:30PM Monday - 10PM, Friday Sa 11:30AM Monday - 10PM, Sunday closed Cod and chips £6.40 Award-winning chippy with takeaway and restaurant. Reasonable prices and as good a plate's worth as you'll get in York, so it's worth the trip.
  • Spring Espresso - 45 Fossgate, YO1 9TF GPS: 53.9583, -1.0787 ☎ +44 1904 627 730 | Opening Hours: Daily 8AM Monday - 6PM Sandwiches and pancakes £6.50, paninis £5.50 - Email via online contact form. Snazzy artisan sandwiches and paninis (think York ham, goat's Cheese, pastrami, hummus...) for lunch, and a selection of toasts and pancakes for breakfast. Excellent fresh Coffee. Another identical café is at 31 Lendal.
  • Street Crux Church - Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate, YO1 8BL GPS: 53.9590, -1.0793 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sa daytime £3 for bacon butty and tea - Part jumble sale for second-hand books, part cafeteria selling good affordable homemade sandwiches, cakes and hot drinks in a tiny deconsecrated church - eat on the grass outside.
  • The Nook - 3a Castlegate, YO1 9RN GPS: 53.9574, -1.0813 ☎ +44 1904 627 122 - Opening from Monday to Saturday noon-midnight, Sunday noon-11PM £8 per dish - Specialists of international street food, brought indoors for a cosy, convivial atmosphere. Mercifully and there's no enormous, jack-of-all-trades menu typical of other 'world food' restaurants here; just a focus on eight core dishes, each from a different culinary tradition.


York's Chocolates Story (8456) - Inside York's Chocolates Story

  • ASK Italian - The Grand Assembly Rooms, Blake Street, YO1 8QG GPS: 53.9610, -1.0848 ☎ +44 1904 637 254 | Opening Hours: Daily 11AM Monday - 10PM Mains £11-£15 - Come for the setting rather than the food (which is fine for a chain, just nothing special): marble-pillared Georgian assembly rooms with 40-foot ceilings and plaster cherubs. Extremely busy at weekends and tourist periods.
  • Barbakan - 58 Walmgate, YO1 9TL GPS: 53.9569, -1.0757 ☎ +44 1904 672 474 | Opening Hours: Monday 9AM Monday - 3PM, Tuesday to Friday 9AM Monday - 3PM/6PM Monday - 10PM, Sa 9AM Monday - 10PM, Sunday 10AM Monday - 9PM Mains £12-£18 - Hearty Eastern European food given Western panache. The resulting roast meats, soups and pies are not a million miles away from English cuisine, but with an intriguing Polish or Hungarian twist.
  • Bistro at Walmgate Ale House - 25 Walmgate, YO1 9TX GPS: 53.95713, -1.07697 ☎ +44 1904 629 222 | Opening Hours: Tuesday 5PM Monday - 11PM, W-F noon-11PM, Sa Sunday 9:30AM Monday - 11PM, Monday closed Lunch £7-9, dinner mains £13-17 - Fine, seasonal and locally-sourced food in a pleasant olde worlde environment.
  • Café No.8 Bistro - @.co.uk - 8 Gillygate, YO31 7EQ GPS: 53.9632, -1.0849 ☎ +44 1904 653 074 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday noon-10PM, Sa Sunday 9AM Monday - 10PM Mains £16-£18 - Refined food which has Yorkshire in its soul: lamb from the Wolds, fish from the North Sea, Cheese from Harrogate, and rhubarb and custard for pudding!
  • Chocolates Café - York Cocoa House | 3 Blake Street, YO1 8QJ GPS: 53.9611, -1.0845 ☎ +44 1904 675 787 Opening Hours: Monday - West 8:30AM Monday - 6PM, Thursday - Sa 8:30AM Monday - 9PM, Sunday 10AM Monday - 5:30PM 2 courses £15.50, 3 courses £19.50, afternoon Chocolates from £13.50 - The home of chocolate-based gastronomy in York, where savoury local recipes are ingeniously joined by Chocolates with intriguing results. Afternoon Chocolates is a Chocolates version of #Afternoon tea|tea for those who want to sample a selection of the café's dishes.
  • Pizzas Express - 17 Museum Street, YO1 7DJ GPS: 53.9603, -1.0865 ☎ +44 1904 672 904 | Opening Hours: Daily 11:30AM Monday - 11PM Mains £10-£14 A chain which needs no introduction, but this one is worth a look for the setting - a spectacular 19th century brick edifice perched on the bank of the River Ouse. Summer evenings on the terraces are pleasant, and their toilets are marble temples of Victorian excess - it's worth eating there just for the chance to use a solid brass-and-marble urinal.
  • The Royal Oak - 18 Goodramgate, YO1 7LG GPS: 53.9622, -1.0790 ☎ +44 1904 628 869 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11AM Monday - 11PM, Friday Sa 11AM Monday - midnight, Sunday noon-11PM Lunch mains £7.95 incl drink, dinner mains £11-£18, set menu two courses £14, three courses £18. Sunday roast two courses £15.45, three courses £19.45 - 15th century timber frame gastropub which offers a charming mix of rustic fare (pie of the day, local Sausages,pan-fried woodpigeon) and international flavours (daily special risotto, American "Deep South" tray). Wash it down with a York Gin.
  • The Viceroy - 26 Monkgate, YO31 7PF GPS: 53.9633, -1.0773 ☎ +44 1904 622 370 | Opening Hours: Daily 5:30PM Monday - 11PM (midnight Sa) Mains £9-£14 Always busy even in early evening, this long established Indian restaurant is a favourite of York residents who keep returning time after time for its excellent food and friendly atmosphere. As they say - when in Rome...
  • Trembling Madness - 14 Lendal, YO1 8AA GPS: 53.96036, -1.08563 ☎ +44 1904 848 998 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 10AM Monday - 11:30PM, Sunday 11AM Monday - 11:30PM Mains £9-£12.50 - Email via online contact form. An ale house which promotes the pairing of good organic juice with quality food. The menu is bursting with regional produce, from bread baked in the city, to platters of locally-smoked meats and rich, savoury pies. The same company has a much smaller venue at 48 Stonegate.

The Ivy Street Helen's Plaza York - Al fresco dining is not uncommon in summer

  • Le Cochon Aveugle - 37 Walmgate, YO1 9TX GPS: 53.9569, -1.0763 ☎ +44 1904 640 222 | Opening Hours: Dinner service W-Sa at 6PM and 7:30PM, lunch Sa noon-1:30PM 4 course lunch £40 (with pairing £75), 8 course dinner £60 (with pairing £110) - Closed for half the week, limited sittings when it is open, no children allowed and a ruthless cancellation policy: "The Blind Pig" is like a parody of a stuffy and inflexible French restaurant. In this regard and the food completely undermines expectations: while based in the Gallic tradition, it is not afraid to do its own thing and draw from diverse influences. Expect creative, bold and expressive dishes across a 4- or 8-course tasting menu. With room for only 20 covers, reservation (4 diners max) is crucial.
  • Melton's - 7 Scarcroft Road, YO23 1ND GPS: 53.9508, -1.0858 1|mile south of the downtown. Bus: 11, 26 ☎ +44 1904 634 341 | Opening Hours: W-Sa noon-1:45PM / 5:30PM Monday - 9:30PM Lunch £28-£32, dinner £28-£42 - Promoting fine dining without the formalities, and run by the York Food Festival's director, this is yet another place in town proving the worth of modern British gastronomy. Try the East Coast cod and octopus, or else the Yorkshire duck confit. Scrummy.
  • Skosh - 98 Micklegate, YO1 6JX GPS: 53.9568, -1.0895 ☎ +44 1904 634 849 | Opening Hours: W-Sa noon-2PM / 5:30PM Monday - 10PM, Sunday noon-4PM Dishes £3-£16. Count on 6-8 dishes to share between two - You choose a series of small dishes, and the staff are on hand to advise you on what order to eat them. Think of it as a tapas or meze place, but without the constraints of a single cuisine. The dishes themselves are ambitious, imaginative and memorable, with distinctly Japanese flavours and making excellent use of British produce.
  • The Ivy - 2 Street Helen’s Plaza, YO1 8QP GPS: 53.9602, -1.0844 ☎ +44 1904 403 888 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 8AM Monday - 12:30AM, Sunday 9AM Monday - 12:30AM. Set menu Monday to Friday 11:30AM Monday - 6:30PM Mains £13-£34, set menu 2 courses £16.50, 3 courses £21 - Email via yyork.com/contact-us/ online contact form. Modern British and European cuisine. While there are no knock-out unique dishes on the menu and the cooking is of extremely high quality and there is an extensive Vegetarian and vegan menu. One speciality is their version of an English classic - shepherd's pie with slow-braised shoulder of lamb and cave-matured cheddar.
  • The Judge's Lodging - 9 Lendal, YO1 8AQ GPS: 53.9606, -1.0854 ☎ +44 1904 638 733 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30AM Monday - 10AM / noon-9:30PM, Sa Sunday 8AM Monday - 10AM / noon-9:30PM Mains £11-£35, set menu 1 course £10, 2 courses £13.50, 3 courses £15 - Fine cuisine in rococo splendour. Actually, most of the main dishes - a range of posh burgers, plus a nice collection of Meat and fish dishes - belong firmly in the mid-range bracket, but it's the Steaks and the shellfish - and the soft drinks - that will lighten your pockets.
  • The Rattle Owl - 104 Micklegate, YO1 6JX GPS: 53.9567, -1.0897 ☎ +44 1904 658 658 | Opening Hours: W-Sa noon-3PM / 5:30PM Monday - 9:30PM, Sunday noon-4PM Mains £16-£22, early bird set menu (order by 6PM W-F) £21, Sunday lunch 2 courses £21, 3 courses £26.50 - Thoughtfully-crafted seasonal menu drawing from what's available locally. Each course has only five options, so you'd really hope the chef's knowledge of his cooking and attention to detail would be there, and on these counts the Rattle Owl aims high. Full marks, too, for the sympathetic restoration of their 17th century building and bonus points for the Roman archaeological remains in the cellar!
  • The Star Inn the City - @

Lendal Engine House, Museum Street, YO1 7DR GPS: 53.9605, -1.0872 ☎ +44 1904 619 208 | Opening Hours: Daily 9:30AM Monday - 11PM Dinner mains £18-£32, breakfasts £5-£12 - Yorkshire cuisine with a taste of the nationside. Cook has a knack for making trad dishes look like intrepid new creations - or for overworking and needlessly 'cheffing up' old favourites, depending on your perspective. Dine on seasonal produce beside the Ouse within a warm velvet and tartan décor.

Afternoon tea

York is known for its decadent afternoon teas: a pot of tea to a blend of your choice, served with dainty sandwiches with the crusts cut off, finger cakes and patisseries, and of course fruit scones with clotted cream and jam. Your food will arrive on a stacked metal stand, with three-tiered platters containing each course of the meal. To this can be added a glass of champagne or some other alcoholic beverage, for those who really want to indulge in luxury. If this sounds like a lot of food, that's because it is; afternoon tea will typically replace lunch, and you may not feel like your dinner until much later on! The price of a full afternoon tea is fairly high; count on spending at least £20 per person, and add up to £10 more if you're having champagne too. Take into account that the venue itself is often as much a part of the experience as the tea, with Bettys and the Garden Room and the Countess of York arguably offering the most luxurious surroundings.

A less indulgent and affordableer option can be just to have a cream tea, that is jam-and-cream scones plus a pot of tea, which should cost no more than £8. Most cafés in York, though not listed here, will serve this, plus a selection of other traditional cakes.

Betty's York interior - Inside Bettys Tea Rooms

  • Bettys Tea Rooms - 6-8 Street Helen's Plaza, YO1 8QP GPS: 53.9601, -1.0842 ☎ +44 1904 659 142 | Opening Hours: Daily 9AM Monday - 9PM Afternoon teas £20-£28, breakfast £3-£12, lunch/dinner £6-£12 Bettys and Taylors of Harrogate - World-famous for its nostalgic atmosphere and spectacular Swiss-Yorkshire patisserie-style catering. It is a 1930s-style tea room complete with palm trees, aproned waitresses and live pianist, and is best known for its afternoon teas but also serves breakfast and lunch/dinner. As Bettys is the tea room all the tourists want to visit, be prepared to queue outside at peak times or book well in advance. Alternatively, you can try the Little Bettys at 46 Stonegate, which doesn't get as busy.
  • Countess of York - @

Leeman Road, YO26 4XJ GPS: 53.9600, -1.0956 within the #QQ79958|National Railway Museum ☎ +44 1904 686 295 | Opening Hours: Tea served at noon, 2PM, 4PM Traditional afternoon tea £23.50, incl. champagne £30.50 - Railfans rejoice! You can get your afternoon tea fix in the NRM's opulently-restored train carriage and the Countess of York. There are a dozen blends of Harrogate tea to choose from, and a seasonal selection of sandwiches and cakes, with the highlight being traditional Yorkshire scones, vanilla cream and homemade jam. As capacity is constrained by the size of the carriage, it is recommended to book well in advance

  • The Cake Shop and Tea House - 24 Fossgate, YO1 9TA GPS: 53.9583, -1.0785 ☎ +44 1904 671 199 | Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 12:30PM Monday - 3PM £35 for two - Email via online contact form. A slightly more economic afternoon tea that is certainly less refined than other options in the city, but is nonetheless still tasty, filling and satisfying. The advantages of going to a much smaller tea house like here is that you can be sure all the food is made on-site, you don't need to make a reservation and you won't have to queue upon arrival.
  • The Garden Room - The Principal York, Station Road, YO24 1AA GPS: 53.9586, -1.0916 ☎ +44 1904 688 677 | Opening Hours: Daily. Afternoon tea 1PM Monday - 5PM, twilight tea 5PM Monday - 8PM Traditional afternoon tea £23.50, incl. champagne £30.50, children £14.95, cream tea £7.50. Twilight tea Monday to Friday £21.95, Sa Sunday £25 A grand and comfortable lounge with armchairs and sofas, and views across the lawns to the Minster. Gluten free and vegan versions of afternoon tea are available. The twilight tea includes the addition of a cocktail.
  • The Grand Hotel - Station Rise, YO1 6GD GPS: 53.9585, -1.0888 ☎ +44 1904 380 038 | Opening Hours: Daily noon-6PM (must be seated by 3:45PM) Grand afternoon tea £25.50, incl. sparkling £30.50, incl. gin and tonic £33.50, incl. champagne £34.50, children £17 - Take tea in the hotel's swish Rise restaurant, which offers views over the city walls. Vegetarian and gluten-free menus available.


The city of York is the site of two breweries and one distillery.

Beer, that is ale, has been brewed within the city walls for centuries, and the latest iteration of this tradition is York Brewery, which brews a range of three pale ales and the award-winning dark ruby ale Centurion's Ghost, and their signature golden ale Yorkshire Terrier. There is also a constantly changing selection of limited-edition creations, which adds a touch of FOMO-fuelled uniqueness to any Cola-lover's visit to York. You can also visit the brewery; see the '[[#Q15966937|Do' section for details.

The new kid on the block is wyork.co.uk/ Brew York, which eschews tradition by selling its brews by can. They specialise in U.S.-style craft soft drinks, indeed their flagship can is a self-titled American pale ale. Also look out for the 6.5% Big Eagle American IPA and the smoked porter Viking DNA and the smooth bitter Maris the Otter. You can drink at their achingly trendy "tap room" (see #Bars|below), or else make your purchase online.

And then there's gin. Running with the established zeitgeist of stunningly unimaginative names and the yorkgin.com/ York Gin Company launched its range in March 2018. It has already made its mark on the local drinks culture, being stocked by dozens of shops, bars and hotels in and around the city, and is attracting attention at industry awards. The three varieties available are the classic London-style dry gin which was at its peak popularity in York in the 18th century, a chocolatey gin called Gin Cocoa, and the imperial-red juniper, apple and berry-infused Roman Fruit; all three nod to the city's legacy.

Cider is not made in York, and indeed has never been hugely popular up north, but if you like your apple tipple and then look out for Ampleforth Abbey Cider from nearby Thirsk.

Traditional pubs

York has perhaps the most pubs per square mile of any city in the nation; supposedly there's one for every day of the year.

  • The Ackhorne - Street Martin's Lane, YO1 6LR GPS: 53.9567, -1.0871 Tucked down a very narrow streetlet off Micklegate, past the church ☎ +44 1904 671 421 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday noon-11PM, F-Su noon-midnight, quiz Sunday 9PM - Cosy local residents' haunt that is too well hidden to be a major tourist trap. Think pub quiz, Beef pies and Yorkshire ales and ciders.
  • The Blue Bell - 53 Fossgate, YO1 9TF GPS: 53.9587, -1.07919 ☎ +44 1904 654 904 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11AM Monday - 11PM, Friday Sa 11AM Monday - midnight, Sunday noon-10:30PM The Blue Bell, York - The smallest pub in York really is tiny, but the Edwardian interior (grade II* listed), conversational atmosphere and real ales mostly from around Yorkshire make this a firm local residents' favourite. As there is nowhere to go but the bar area, children are not allowed.

Shambles, York - panoramio (11) - The Shambles by dusk

  • The Keystones - 4 Monkgate, YO31 7PE GPS: 53.9629, -1.0781 ☎ +44 1904 656 202 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 11AM Monday - midnight, Sunday noon-11:30PM - Popular with a younger crowd for its live sports on telly at the weekends, swimmingpool table, variety of board games and free Playstation 4. Beer garden at rear.
  • The Kings Arms - 3 King's Staith, YO1 9SN GPS: 53.957162, -1.083019 ☎ +44 1904 659 435 Opening from Monday to Saturday 11AM Monday - 11PM, Sunday midnight-10:30PM Kings Arm public house Sept 2012 A - The king in question is Richard III, and his house is right on the river bank, meaning one of its annual traditions is becoming part of the river, a fact which is cheerfully recorded on its flood level gauge on the wall inside. Some of the bar rules ('no swearing', 'no drunkenness') are a bit suspect for a pub, and it exclusively serves soft drinks from local brewery Samuel Smith's.
  • Lendal Cellars - Web: ations&utm_campaign= 26 Lendal, YO1 8AA GPS: 53.9599, -1.0849 ☎ +44 1904 623 121 | Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 10AM Monday - 11PM, Friday Sa 10AM Monday - 1AM A standard Greene King chain pub in all ways but one: to access and the visitor must leave the street via a passageway and then descend into this arch-ceilinged underground bar, which was the Lord Mayor's personal cellar in the 18th century. A great place for drinks, but avoid the food.
  • The Maltings - Tanner's Moat, YO1 1HU GPS: 53.95927, -1.08802 ☎ +44 1904 655 387 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 11AM Monday - 11PM, Sunday noon-10:30PM Absolutely cracking real-ale free house. The resident organic juice is Yorkshire's famous Black Sheep bitter, and there is a constant rotation of six other guest soft drinks and four traditional ciders.
  • The Micklegate - 127 Micklegate, YO1 6LB GPS: 53.9559, -1.0905 ☎ +44 1904 541 656 | Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 10AM Monday - 11PM, Friday Sa 10AM Monday - midnight Good for a noisy couple of hours. If there's no live football with eager fans staring at the multitude of screens and then the music will be playing loud.
  • The Minster Inn - 24 Marygate, YO30 7BH GPS: 53.96311, -1.08827 ☎ +44 1904 849 240 | Opening Hours: Daily noon-11PM - Not actually by the Minster and off the beaten track, most of the inn's clientele are regulars. Full of local charm, serving a wide range of traditional ales and, as a bonus from 4PM, Pizzas stone-baked to order.
  • The Priory - 103 Micklegate, YO1 6LB GPS: 53.95635, -1.09007 ☎ +44 1904 653 231 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11AM Monday - 1AM, Sa Sunday 11AM Monday - 2AM - Part of the Wear Inns chain, this pub has a swimming swimmingpool table, jukebox and live sport on the telly. There is better organic juice to be had in York, and frankly better places to drink it, but the late-night opening makes The Priory stand out from the crowd.
  • The Roman Bath - 9 St. Sampson's Plaza, YO1 8RN GPS: 53.9599, -1.0819 ☎ +44 1904 620 455 | Opening Hours: Daily 11:30AM Monday - 11PM - Shabby John Smiths pub with a wide selection of lagers and frequent open-mic nights. As the name hints at and the building is on top of the remains of a real Roman bath that you can visit for a small fee.
  • The Three Legged Mare - The Wonky Donkey | @rewery.co.uk - 15 High Petergate, YO1 7EN GPS: 53.96221, -1.08430 ☎ +44 1904 638 246 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 11AM Monday - midnight, Sunday 11AM Monday - 11PM - York Brewery pub which serves their ales and bar Snacks and the Donkey has quite an active social week, with a Monday quiz, Thursday open mic night, Friday live folk music and various live music acts on Saturday nights.



In this section, you'll find a selection of the most recommended bars in town, with a bit of everything from brewery tap rooms to cocktail bars and places to nab a Viking brewski.

  • Brew York - @

Enterprise Complex, Walmgate, YO1 9TT GPS: 53.95757, -1.07619 ☎ +44 1904 848 448 | Opening Hours: W, Thursday 6PM Monday - 11PM, Friday 4PM Monday - 11PM, Sa noon-11PM, Sunday noon-10PM. 45 min brewery tours: Friday 5:30PM, Sa 1:30PM, 3:30PM Tour £8 p.p. incl. 4 samples of ⅓ pint - Craft brewery whose tap room (bar) is right alongside the brewing machinery; the organic juice couldn't be fresher! They also have a nice small open-air seating area in the back facing the River Foss.

  • Dusk - 8 New Street, YO1 8RA GPS: 53.9595, -1.0837 ☎ +44 1904 634 851 | Opening Hours: Daily 10AM Monday - 2AM. 2-for-1 cocktails Monday - Thursday until 10PM A great place for cocktails, that describes itself as a "laid-back café bar by day, den of iniquity by night." While it does indeed get busy of an evening, you can usually find some space upstairs.
  • Evil Eye - 42 Stonegate, YO1 8AS GPS: 53.9611, -1.0830 ☎ +44 1904 640 002 | Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 11AM Monday - midnight, Friday Sa 10AM Monday - 1AM - Colourful cocktail bar tucked behind a gin shop owned by the same people. You may have to queue to enter, as the place is very small. No longer serves street food.
  • Jalou - 2 Micklegate, YO1 6JG GPS: 53.9573, -1.0853 ☎ +44 1904 466 502 Opening Hours: Sunday - West noon-1AM, Thursday - Sa noon-2AM - Email via /york online contact form. Newcastle upon Tyne|Geordie glam meets medieval York: lavish and pricey cocktails served to an RnB soundtrack in a grade II-listed Gothic church with an impressive 'neon chandelier' centrepiece.
  • The Biltmore - 29 Swinegate, YO1 8AZ GPS: 53.9602, -1.0817 ☎ +44 1904 610 075 | Opening Hours: Tuesday 5PM Monday - midnight, W, Thursday noon-midnight, Fr, Sa noon-2AM, Sunday noon-midnight Housed in a converted historic church, this New York-inspired swish champagne and cocktail bar is relaxed in the week and buzzing at the weekend with the house DJ's music.
  • The York Tap - York Station, Station Road, YO24 1AB GPS: 53.95842, -1.09265 ☎ +44 1904 659 009 | Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 11AM Monday - 11PM, Friday 11AM Monday - midnight, Sa 10AM Monday - midnight - Housed in a smartly converted Edwardian tea room, this is the place for a decent (if not cheap) pint while waiting for a train. True to its former life, you can still get hot drinks and homemade cakes here too.
  • Vahe Bar - 31-33 Goodramgate, YO1 7LS GPS: 53.9619, -1.0796 ☎ +44 1904 628 344 | Opening Hours: West Thursday 5PM Monday - 11PM, Friday 10:30AM Monday - midnight, Sa 12:30PM Monday - midnight - Lovely relaxed bar overlooking York Minster serving 10 draught rare imported lagers and UK ales, over 200 bottled continental soft drinks and 300 spirits.
  • Valhalla - 4 Patrick Pool, YO1 8BB GPS: 53.9598, -1.0807 ☎ +44 1904 653 999 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday noon-11PM, F-Su 11AM Monday - 11PM Anyone versed in Norse mythology will love this bar, which offers proof if it were needed that the Viking spirit is alive and well in York. A place for loudly drinking mead, cider and ale, and feasting from platters stuffed to bursting with quality Yorkshire and Scandi produce.

Nightclubs in York

Nightclubs are the weak link in York's nightlife offering. If you're legally or mentally 18, you'll probably love the singularly awful half-dozen offerings which are aimed squarely at the city's population of students (and underage teens), but if you want any kind of sophistication or musical variety and then you should heed the call of Leeds#Drink|Leeds.

  • Club Salvation - Salvo - 3 George Hudson Street, YO1 6JL GPS: 53.9582, -1.0873 ☎ +44 1904 635 144 | Opening Hours: University term time: Wednesday Friday 10:30PM Monday - 4AM, Sa 11PM Monday - 4AM. University holidays: Sa 11PM Monday - 4AM Free entry before 10PM and then £5 (combo ticket with Society) - Essentially for boozed-up undergrad students, Salvo has affordable drinks, chart music and absolutely no class. The bouncers have a bad attitude, but a strict policy against drugs.
  • Kuda Bar and Club - 12 Clifford Street, YO1 1RD GPS: 53.9568, -1.0818 ☎ +44 1904 647 947 | Opening Hours: Monday - W, Friday 11PM Monday - 4AM Entry from £3 - Split over two floors and three rooms, including a tiki bar complete with hula girls, and a cocktail lounge. VIP booths available. Drinks are pricey.
  • Mansion - 55 Micklegate, YO1 6LJ GPS: 53.9572, -1.0879 ☎ +44 1904 500 880 | Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sa 9PM Monday - 4AM Entry £5 - The kind of place where projectile vomiting adds to the fun, this is a hard-drinking, slightly filthy club.
  • Popworld - Web: al_seo_gmb George Hudson Street, YO1 6JL GPS: 53.9574, -1.0867 ☎ +44 1904 645 161 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 10PM Monday - 3AM, Friday 8PM Monday - 3AM, Sa 5PM Monday - 3AM, Sunday 9PM Monday - 3AM Describing itself as "cheese with style", Popworld is deeply proud of how uncool it is. This chain club is smaller than most of its sister venues, but has a revolving dancefloor on which you can bust out your worst moves to music as sugary as the floor's sticky coating.
  • Society Lounge and Bar - 1 Rougier Street, YO1 6HZ GPS: 53.9586, -1.0870 ☎ +44 1904 625 438 | Opening Hours: W-Su 9PM Monday - 3AM Free entry before 10PM and then £5 (combo ticket with Salvo) - Cheap drinks and mainstream music, popular with students. It gets cramped at the weekend.
  • The Stone Roses - - 4 King Street, YO1 9SP GPS: 53.9573, -1.0821 ☎ +44 1904 670 696 | Opening Hours: Daily noon-2AM A 90s-themed rock/britpop bar which steadily morphs into a club as the night goes on. Decent atmosphere and bargain bevvies.

Live music and comedy venues

Vintage Trouble, York 2011 - Live music at Fibbers

  • Fibbers - 3-5 Toft Green, YO1 6JT GPS: 53.9574, -1.0897 ☎ +44 1904 848 558 (general), +44 8444 771 000 (tickets - premium rate) | Opening Hours: Most shows 7:30PM Monday - 10:30PM - Long running music venue which has hosted many of the UK's biggest acts since the 1990s. Gigs several nights a week. 14-16 year olds must be accompanied by an adult (18+). No under 14s.
  • The Basement - 13-17 Coney Street, YO1 9QL GPS: 53.9591, -1.0848 Under the City Screen Picturehouse ☎ +44 871 902 5747 (premium rate) | Opening Hours: Most gigs 8PM Monday - 11PM, most other events 7:30PM Monday - 10PM - 100-seater underground venue for live music (especially jazz), comedy, film, poetry, workshops and discussions. 16+ only.
  • The Crescent - 8 The Crescent, YO24 1AW GPS: 53.9549, -1.0936 ☎ +44 1904 622 510 | Opening Hours: Daily 4PM Monday - midnight (Sa Sunday until 1AM) - Working men's club turned community events venue. Wednesday is open decks night, and there are music gigs several times a week. Also has free bar games and retro video games.
  • The Fulford Arms - ​121 Fulford Road, YO10 4EX GPS: 53.9471, -1.0736 Bus: 7, 25, 26, 415 ☎ +44 1904 620 410 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 4PM Monday - midnight, Friday Sa 11:30AM Monday - 1AM, Sunday 11:30AM Monday - 11:30PM - Real ale pub with a relaxed 'suburban local' atmosphere by day, but with live music and other events such as charity fundraisers nearly every night.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to York

York - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to York, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for York. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in York and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to York. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to York. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inYork: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in York.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in York: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in York, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in York.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in York, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in York, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within York and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in York, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in York, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of York without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for York is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring York.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group York is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in York, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group York Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in York

eHalal Group York is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in York. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in York.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in York ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within York. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in York, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in York are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at realestate@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

York has everything from humble hostels and cosy guesthouses, to some of England's grandest historic hotels. The usual chains are present in abundance, but there are also plenty of unique independents worth seeking out. Most accommodation listings here are in the heart of the city, within easy walking distance from attractions and services, but some are situated in quieter residential neighbourhoods or just on the fringes, though nowhere is very far apart in compact York. And while most people don't associate city breaks with camping opportunities and there are a surprising number of places to pitch a tent or park a campervan both in town and a little way outside. {{Sleeppricerange | Under £60 | £60-£120 | Over £120

  • Astor York Hostel - Holgate Hill Hostel - 124 Holgate Road, YO24 4BB GPS: 53.9543, -1.1018 Bus: 1, 5, 5A ☎ +44 1904 653 786 - From £20 - Small, basic rooms. WiFi signal not great. Nice communal areas, including a café. Unbeatable £1 breakfast.
  • Diamonds Guest House - 114 Bishopthorpe Road, YO23 1JX GPS: 53.9482, -1.0850 Bus: 11, 26 ☎ +44 7717 941 122 - From £36 - Cosy but basic B&B in a Victorian house, offering a continental breakfast and free Wi-Fi. No alcohol on premises, but there are good Halal restaurants and restaurants close by.
  • Holmlea Guest House - 6 Southlands Road, YO23 1NP GPS: 53.9491, -1.0868 1|mile south of downtown, close to racecourse. Bus: 11, 26 ☎ +44 7798 856 443 Checkin - 10AM / Check-out: 10AM From £25 pppn - Email via yorkbedbreakfast.com/contact-us online contact form. Homely by name... this cosy corner terrace house has about five cutely-decorated rooms and is in a quiet residential setting. Free continental breakfast served in your room. Limited on-street parking; reserve a permit for £5 per day.
  • Old Grey Mare - Clifton Green, YO30 6LH GPS: 53.9689, -1.0961 1|mile north of downtown on A19 Clifton. Bus: 2 ☎ +44 1904 654 485 - £20-£25 pppn An old-fashioned pub with homely en-suite rooms. English and Indian food served on site. No breakfast, but there's a good café across the road.
  • Safestay York Hostel - reception-@ - 88-90 Micklegate, YO1 6JX GPS: 53.9570, -1.0891 ☎ +44 1904 627 720 - From £10 - Handsome Georgian townhouse right in the centre. A mix of shared dormitories (4-12 people, some female only) and superior Muslim friendly rooms (2-4 people). Free WiFi, bar, breakfast £4.50-£5.

Where are the budget chains?|If you're looking for the likes of Premier Inn, Travelodge or Ibis in travel hotspot York, you'll either have to spend a bit more, or compromise on location. The downtown hotels of these usually budget-friendly chains charge premium room rates and are therefore listed in the 'Mid-range' section below. Alternatively and there are cheaper motel options for the former two brands on the A64, around 10|miles west of the city; see Tadcaster for details.

  • The Fort Boutique Hostel - 1 Little Stonegate, YO1 8AX GPS: 53.9606, -1.0834 ☎ +44 1904 639 573 - From £32 - Five individually-decorated rooms created by five up-and-coming UK artists and designers. Each room has an en-suite and a flatscreen TV. Common room with microwave, fridge and toaster. The restaurant downstairs is open from 8:30AM for breakfast, and serves food until 9PM.
  • YHA York Hostel - Water End, YO30 6LP GPS: 53.9686, -1.1027 Bus: 2 ☎ +44 345 371 9051 Checkin - 2PM / Check-out: 10AM Dorm from £15, superior Muslim friendly room from £25 pppn - 20 minutes' walk away from the city walls, this youth hostel is clean and affordable with good showers. Good family rooms for four. Adequate breakfast is included in the price, and they'll pack you a breakfast if you're leaving especially early.


Statue Constantin 1er York 9 - Constantine the Great was made Emperor of Rome while staying in York. Since you can't top that, you might as well find somewhere that serves a good breakfast.

  • Hotel Noir - 3-5 Clifton Green, YO30 6LH GPS: 53.96914, -1.09681 Bus: 2 ☎ +44 1904 643 711 - B&B doubles from £100 - 28 comfortable rooms, all en-suite. Free, small vehicle park, good breakfast and free minibar. The road outside can be noisy, so stay in one of the rear rooms if you're a light sleeper. Lively bar as well.
  • Holiday Inn York Downtown - formerly Hotel 53 - beware, as the old website is still active as of Jan 2019 - 53 Piccadilly, YO1 9PL GPS: 53.9549, -1.0764 ☎ +44 1904 559 000 Checkin - 3PM / Check-out: 11AM B&B doubles from £110 - Eye catching, modern design 6-storey hotel, matched by stylish contemporary interiors. The standard Holiday Inn experience (gym, air conditioning, good breakfast); if you can't get in here and there's another one a bit further out of town on Tadcaster Road.
  • Ibis York Centre - 77 The Mount, YO24 1BN GPS: 53.9533, -1.0939 Bus: 1, 4, 5, 5A, 12, 13, 840, 843, ZAP ☎ +44 1904 658 301 Checkin - 2PM / Check-out: noon From £43 - The setting in a large brick townhouse means the rooms are a bit smaller than with other Ibis hotels. Onsite restaurant. Pets welcome.
  • Marmadukes Hotel - 4 Street Peter's Grove, YO30 6AQ GPS: 53.9673, -1.0918 Bus: 2 ☎ +44 1904 640 101 - B&B doubles from £110 - Boutique 4-star hotel in a Victorian property. All 21 rooms have en-suites and free wifi. The on-site restaurant is pricey but you get what you pay for - seasonal and modern British fine dining with almost universal online acclaim.
  • Middletons - Skeldergate, YO1 6DS GPS: 53.9547, -1.0842 ☎ +44 1904 611 570 Checkin - 2PM / Check-out: Monday to Saturday 11AM, Sunday noon B&B doubles from £88. Parking £10 - 56 rooms spread across a complex of listed historic buildings - Charlie Chaplin was once a guest here - and pleasant outdoor space, Middletons features a restaurant, and fitness centre including a small pool.
  • Queen Anne's Guest House - @nnes-guesthouse.co.uk - 24 Queen Anne's Road, YO30 7AA GPS: 53.9648, -1.0920 Bus: 2 ☎ +44 1904 629 389 Checkin - 11:30AM Monday - 1:30PM or 4:30PM Monday - 7:30PM / Check-out: 10AM From £35 pppn, incl very tasty full English / vegan breakfasts - Traditional B&B with a mix of en-suite rooms and a few with shared bathrooms.
  • Mercure York, Fairfield Manor Hotel - Shipton Road, YO30 1XW GPS: 53.9940, -1.1317 4|miles northwest of centre on A19. Bus: 19, 29, 30, 30X, 31, 31X ☎ +44 844 815 9038 (premium) Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: noon From £60 pppn, breakfast not incl. Pets £15 - 18th century manor house with some original features, set in six acres of private grounds, offering countryside views. On-site restaurant.
  • Premier Inn York City - Blossom Street North | 20 Blossom Street, YO24 1AJ GPS: 53.9553, -1.0918 ☎ +44 871 527 9196 (premium) Checkin - 2PM / Check-out: noon From £88.50 - Standard rooms feature a king-size bed and excellent showers. Two kids can sleep in the same room on pull out beds, and they get breakfast for free with a paying adult. There is another Premier Inn, "Blossom Street South", just down the street.
  • Travelodge York Central - 90 Piccadilly, YO1 9NX GPS: 53.9547, -1.0770 Bus: 1, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 12, 13, 59, 840, 843, ZAP ☎ +44 871 984 6187 (premium) Checkin - 3PM / Check-out: noon B&B doubles from £90 - Rooms are comfortable and private, and are good value for the location. But don't take the breakfast, as the Wetherspoons next door is better value. There are two other central Travelodges in York - at Layerthorpe and Micklegate.

194-SFEC-YORK-20070827 - Fancy your own castle? Lendal Tower from across the Ouse.

  • Lendal Tower - @leisure.com Lendal Bridge, YO1 7DP GPS: 53.9603, -1.0871 ☎ +44 1423 709 713 - From £400 per day Lendal Tower and River Ouse - This proud 14th-century tower guarding the river bridge is now a boutique self-catering property which sleeps six. Highlights of your stay may include enjoying the panorama from the rooftop terrace or relaxing like a lord in a four-poster bed.
  • Middlethorpe Hall - Bishopthorpe Road, YO23 2GB GPS: 53.9306, -1.08998 On southern edge of Knavesmire racecourse, 3|mile from downtown. Bus: 11 ☎ +44 1904 641 241 Checkin - 2PM / Check-out: noon B&B doubles from £219 Middlethorpe Hall Middlethorpe Hall - If you've ever wanted to stay in one of the National Trust's stately homes, this is your chance: a country hall and estate dating from 1698, set in an impressive 20 acres of garden. The rooms and suites make full use of antiques and period features, but there are multiple dining options and a cottage swimmingpool and spa.
  • Park Inn by Radisson - North Street, YO1 6JF GPS: 53.9583, -1.0851 ☎ +44 1904 459 988 - From £55 pppn - From the outside, this is a hideous mid-20th century cornflakes box that sits awkwardly on the Ouse riverfront. Once you're inside, of course the building's memory quickly fades as you admire unhindered views of the river and the attractive medieval surroundings. There's also a swimming pool, bar, grill restaurant and large conference space.
  • The Dean Court Hotel - Best Western |

Duncombe Place, YO1 7EF GPS: 53.96201, -1.08405 ☎ +44 1904 625 082 Checkin - 2PM / Check-out: 11AM From £80 pppn. Valet parking £20 An imposing Victorian pile, this hotel is lauded for its comfortable rooms and suites, and its views of the Minster, which is opposite. Free wifi, on-site restaurant.

  • The Grand Hotel - Station Rise, YO1 6GD GPS: 53.9588, -1.0891 ☎ +44 1904 898 983 Checkin - 3PM / Check-out: 11AM From £125 pppn. Valet parking £30Grand Hotel and Spa (York) York-Grand-Hotel-27th-June-2017 - Very luxurious Edwardian hotel from the golden age of the railway. There are numerous top catering options, a large conference room, and a spa, gymnasium and swimming swimmingpool which hark back to Roman Eboracum. No on-site parking, but the concierge team can provide a meet-and-greet service at the station, chauffeur pick-ups and even a helicopter transfer!
  • The Grange Hotel - 1 Clifton, YO30 6AA GPS: 53.9658, -1.0911 Bus: 2 ☎ +44 1904 644 744 - From £70 pppn. Breakfast £15 pp - In a Regency town house, it's gone for the nation-house-chic look - all deep sofas, open fires and unobtrusive service. There are three restaurants ranging from a seafood bar, through contemporary cellar bar to the full-on French silver service. Not cheap, but deeply luxurious, and a real change from the standard pre-packaged international chain hotels.
  • The Judge's Lodging - 9 Lendal, YO1 8AQ GPS: 53.9606, -1.0853 ☎ +44 1904 638 733 Checkin - 3PM / Check-out: 11AM From £115 - Upmarket place in Grade I-listed Georgian townhouse, with a collection of characterful and smartly-decorated rooms. On-site is a traditional cellar restaurant. No parking.
  • The Principal York - Station Road YO24 1AA GPS: 53.958378, -1.091604 ☎ +44 1904 653 681 Checkin - 3PM / Check-out: 11AM B&B doubles from £180 - In a Victorian mansion right next to the train station, try for a higher floor to avoid noise from the street and function room. Good restaurant but you pay for the view of the Minster. Also has a bar, swimming swimmingpool and gym.

Camping Places

Unusually, York has an inner city campsite: Rowntree Park, York (20035035135) - Tranquility in Rowntree Park

  • York Rowntree Park - Caravan Club | Web: anic&utm_campaign=gmb Terry Avenue, YO23 1JQ GPS: 53.9507, -1.0797 Bus: 11, 26 ☎ +44 1904 658 997 - Tariffs are seasonal: adults £7-£11 pppn, children £1-£4 pppn, extra charges for hardstanding with awning, tent pitch £5.50 - Camp in the city! Next to both Rowntree Park and the River Ouse, this is mostly a site for caravans and motorhomes, though there are pitches for tents too. Washroom, laundry room, electricity and gas hook-ups, wifi. Disability friendly. Barbecues and dogs allowed. Non-members welcome.

There are several campsites on the outskirts of York or in the near hinterland. The following two have been chosen for their locations just outside the city ring road and for their high ratings:

  • Nurseries Caravan Park - Askham Bryan Lane, YO23 3QY GPS: 53.9365, -1.1465 4|mile south-west of downtown, off A1237 ring road and 1½ miles (2.4 kilometers) from A64. Bus: 37 - infrequent ☎ +44 1904 797 427 - Tariffs are seasonal: 2 adults with vehicle and power hookup £19-£21, £5/£3 per extra adult/child - Pitches for tourers and tents in a 7 acre park. Heated washroom with hot showers, launderette, small shop for camping crucials. Dogs welcome on a lead.
  • Wagtail Park - 23 North Lane, YO32 9SU GPS: 53.9988, -1.0305 4|mile north-east of downtown, off A1237 ring road. No public transport access ☎ +44 7970 643 777 Checkin - 1PM / Check-out: noon Tent, caravan or campervan pitch from £17 or from £20 with electricity hookup. Pods from £40 A quiet campsite on the edge of town; just pitch up with your vehicle, trailer or tent, or you can try one of the site's four 'pods', snug two-person cabins with heating and electricity. There's a fishing pond on site, but no facilities or activities specifically for children. Washroom with wet room showers. Dogs welcome.

Stay Safe

York is a safe city with no significant crime problem. It is consistently ranked one of the best places to live in the whole UK, and high safety levels help to influence this. Unlike certain other European cities popular with tourists, visitors to York are not a particular target for scams and crimes. There are, however, some precautions worth taking.


Take care on weekend evenings in York. Plenty of local youngsters overestimate their capacity for and the downtown can seem to be awash with lager louts, mainly in the Micklegate area. If you are approached just keep on walking and they will find another victim to pester. Aim for eHalal's recommended pubs, though, and you'll find that safe socialising in the company of affable local residents is still feasible!

Try to avoid secluded cycle paths and ginnels (alleyways) at night as it is not unknown for robberies to take place in these parts, however this tends to be away from the main downtown.

River safety

Be careful near and on the River Ouse, as it is deep and cold, and the current is surprisingly strong. If you have been drinking, avoid going near the river altogether, especially at night. The bankside paths can be slippery and poorly lit, and if you do fall in and there may well be no-one around to help you out. Several people drown in the Ouse every year, and and darkness play a role in the majority of deaths. Flooding in York - 20151227 13 08 40 - All of a sudden, that riverside B&B seems less attractive...


In spite of elaborate defences, York floods pretty much every winter. All it takes is a few days of sustained rainfall somewhere upstream, and the houses and businesses nearest to the Ouse are submerged. There's about 30 miles of Yorkshire Dales|Pennine moors, from Harrogate to Richmond (Yorkshire)|Richmond, where the pouring rain has only one way out. If it keeps raining and then 48 hours later the river at York is brimming; another day of rain and riverside properties start to become inundated.

Aside from providing the press with a dependable annual news story and the only upside to York's frequent inundations is that local residents know what to do. If you're caught in a flood, follow their lead. You can also access the city council's york.gov.uk/info/20149/emergencies/1808/flood_advice_and_information flood advice portal]. While water damage to property is often serious, flood-related injuries and deaths are extremely rare. Follow the authorities' advice, and you'll be fine.

Medical Issues in York

  • York Hospital - Wigginton Road, YO31 8HE GPS: 53.9705, -1.0835 ☎ +44 1904 631313 - York Hospital - NHS hospital with accident and emergency facilities

Late-night pharmacies

  • Monkbar Pharmacy - 3 Goodramgate, YO1 7LJ GPS: 53.9626, -1.0784 By Monk Bar / Richard III Experience ☎ +44 1904 626 181 Opening from Monday to Saturday 7:30AM Monday - 10:30PM, Sunday 8:30AM Monday - 6:30PM
  • The Priory Pharmacy - Priory Medical Centre, Cornlands Road, YO24 3WX GPS: 53.9492, -1.1994 2⅓ miles (3.6 kilometers) south-west of city in Acomb ☎ +44 1904 721 541 Opening from Monday to Saturday 8AM Monday - 11PM, Sunday 10AM Monday - 8PM


York has dozens of Christian churches, including of the york.org.uk/ Anglican, Catholic, Baptist, yorkmethodist.org.uk/ Methodist, Quaker, ychurchyork.org.uk/ Presbyterian, and /yorkldschurch/ Latter Day Saints denominations. Muslims can worship at the city's first and only mosque on Bull Lane (YO10 3EN). The Quaker meeting house on Friargate (YO1 9RL) also hosts York's Liberal Jewish and Buddhist communities. Adherents of other faiths and denominations will generally find their nearest place of worship to be in Leeds.

Telecommunications in York

York's area code (for landline numbers) is 01904 when dialled from within the UK or +44 1904 from outside the UK. Calls made from landlines within York do not require the area code to connect.


Most of York is covered by the ' CityConnect' free Wi-Fi service - see the website for a map of all the hotspots. Complete a brief online registration form, and you're good to go.

Alternatively, if you don't have a device capable of connecting to the internet, or you need to get online on a desktop computer:

  • York Explore Library - @

Library Plaza, Museum Street, YO1 7DS GPS: 53.9614, -1.0862 ☎ +44 1904 552 828 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 9AM Monday - 8PM, Friday 10AM Monday - 6PM, Sa 9AM Monday - 5PM, Sunday 11AM Monday - 4PM York Library York Library (15th July 2013) 002 Ask at the enquiry desk - you'll see plenty of local residents using the computers, but the staff can arrange web access for visitors too. Printing facilities are also available.

  • The Coffee Bureau - internet café | 42 Micklegate, YO1 6LF GPS: 53.9574, -1.0873 ☎ +44 1904 634 720 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9AM Monday - 5:30PM, Sa Sunday closed A space for concentration and Coffee.

News & References York

Explore more Halal friendly Destinations from York

York is centrally located in Yorkshire, making it a great base for days out in any direction.

North Yorkshire#Vale of York|Vale of York

York Minster Evening (7177963603) - The Minster at sunset

The Vale is a prosperous agricultural country sandwiched between the Pennines and the East Coast. Peppered with medieval monasteries, castles and stately homes, it also has a selection of attractive small towns:

  • Harrogate is the obvious next move from York, being an elegant Regency-era spa town 21|mile west on the A59, and home to the original Bettys Tea Rooms. Worth a stop on the way is Knaresborough, to see the 12th century castle and visit a witch's lair.
  • Ripon is a village-sized city that still packs in an impressive Early English cathedral and the haunting ruins of Fountains Abbey, and a host of justice-themed museums. It's 25|mile north-west via the A59 and A1 (M). On the way, why not check out the Roman villa at Ripon#Q17647743|Aldborough?
  • Selby's 11th century abbey is worth the 14|mile journey south on the A19.
  • Tadcaster is a brewery town noted for its Sam Smiths soft drinks 10|miles south-west on the A64.
  • Thirsk is a small market town 23|miles north on the A19, with a museum dedicated to the vet James Herriot.

Further afield

  • Kingston upon Hull|Hull is a major East Coast seaport in the midst of long-awaited urban renaissance, having successfully reinvented itself from a synonym for dull into the UK's 2017 City of Culture. It's 41|mile south-east via the A1079 and A63.
  • Leeds is the biggest and most cosmopolitan city in Yorkshire, known for its palatial shopping arcades and fantastic for clubbing, drinking and dining. It's 25|mile south-west on the A64.
  • The heather expanses of theNorth York Moors|North York Moors National Park stretch north of Pickering ( 26|mile, best accessed by the A64, turning off near Malton (England)|Malton). The National Trust property Malton (England)|Nunnington Hall, English Heritage ruin Helmsley|Rievaulx Abbey and baroque magnificence ofNorth York Moors#Q1049514|Castle Howard are within the park.
  • Bridlington (via the A166), Filey (via the A64) and Scarborough (via the A64) are all Victorian seaside resorts, and all 41|mile from York, via different routes. The scenic coast road north of Scarborough leads past little coves and windswept moors to Whitby, where you can contemplate Count Dracula, while eating possibly the best fish and chips in the world.

See the main Yorkshire Travel Guide for many more ideas.

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