
From Halal Explorer

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Ecuador is a country in northwestern South America, with a Pacific Ocean coastline, lying on the Equator between Colombia, to the north and east, and Peru, to the south and east. Several places in Ecuador have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Galapagos Islands and the cities of Quito and Cuenca, which lie in the Andes that run from north to south through the nation. The Ecuadorian Andes are also home to some of the highest active volcanoes such as the Cotopaxi.

An Introduction to the Region of Ecuador

  Amazon Rainforest
  Andean Highlands
  Coastal Lowlands
  Galapagos Islands
Isolated archipelago that is world-renowned for its unique wildlife and Darwin's evolution research.

Other Muslim Friendly Cities in Ecuador

  • Quito - Second highest capital in the world, with a well preserved colonial center. Its weather is generally spring-like all year long and relatively unpredictable, changing rapidly.
  • Ambato - The central city of Ecuador. Special celebrations during Carnival time.
  • Baños - An adventure capital of Ecuador at the foot of Volcano Tungurahua, an active volcano having small eruptions of ash and lava. There are also many hot spring mineral baths as its name would imply.
  • Cuenca - The third largest city in Ecuador and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Trust site.
  • Guayaquil - Largest city in the nation and largest port city.
  • Ibarra - Town of 100,000 inhabitants halfway between Quito and the northern border.
  • Loja - The oldest colonial city.
  • Otavalo - Small town one-and-a-half hours north of the capital; famous for its Saturday market of indigenous crafts and livestock.
  • Riobamba - Starting point of the famous train ride down the Nariz del Diablo and gateway to Mount Chimborazo, Ecuador's highest peak

Other Muslim Friendly Destinations in Ecuador

  • Baeza - Gateway to the northern Oriente and up-and-coming mountain town -- still has sleepy small-town feel.
  • Canoa - Small beach town.
  • Esmeraldas - A lesser visited city to the north of some of the most popular beaches in Ecuador.
  • Guamote - A cosy and authentic Andean village though easy accessible.
  • Guaranda - A small Andean city famous for its Carnaval celebrations.
  • Mindo - Excellent bird watching in a cloud forest setting.
  • Montañita - World-famous surfing beach and beach hangout.
  • Puerto López - Beautiful small ocean side city, access point for Machalilla National Park, and Isla de la Plata "Poor Man's Galapagos".
  • Quilotoa Loop - An Andean travel route that encompasses Quilotoa volcanic crater lake, Zumbahua and Chugchilán. Quintcrucial Andean landscapes and cultural experiences.
  • Salinas - Beautiful beach and boardwalk, swamped with Guayaquileños during holidays.
  • Tena - Amazon rain forest town famous for some of the best white water rafting and kayaking in Latin America.
  • Vilcabamba - Popular for visitors living and retiring, and famous for its legendary older inhabitants whom claim to have some of the longest lifespans in the world.

National parks

Islam in Ecuador

Ecuador, a predominantly Christian nation, is home to a small Muslim minority, constituting about 0.011% of the total population of 16,965,000 people, as estimated by the Pew Research Center. The country's secular constitution allows for the freedom of Muslim communities to engage in proselytization and construct places of worship. The initial Muslim settlers in Ecuador arrived during and after World War I, primarily comprising Arabs who migrated from the Middle East and former territories of the Ottoman Empire. Concentrated in areas such as Quito, Ambato, and Guayaquil, with smaller communities in provinces like Manabí, Los Ríos, and Esmeraldas, these settlers formed secular ethnic organizations like Lecla in the 1940s and The Arab Club in the 1980s. By the mid-1990s, a communal prayer venue, situated in Avenue Los Shyris and Eloy Alfaro, hosted naturalized citizens and native Muslims visitors of Arab descent, especially on Fridays. The Egyptian Embassy later provided an additional private apartment for similar purposes. On October 15, 1994, the Centro Islámico del Ecuador became the first officially recognized Muslim religious organization by the government, marking a significant milestone. However, predating the Centro Islámico del Ecuador, the Khaled ibn al-Walid mosque was established in 1991, conducting its religious rituals in a private apartment. Currently led by Sheikh Mohamed Mamdouh, this mosque, named after the renowned Muslim military commander, Khaled ibn al-Walid, is open to all Muslims residing in Quito. In the city of Guayaquil, the Centro Islámico Al Hijra emerged in 2004, founded by individuals like Juan Saud from Ecuador, Ali Said from Pakistan, and Mazhar Farooq from India. The establishment of this center reflects the growing presence of Islam in different regions of Ecuador. Recent studies, such as one conducted by Spier in 2022, shed light on the manifestations of Islamophobia in Quito, emphasizing the need for understanding and addressing issues faced by the Muslim community in Ecuador.

Ecuador Halal Travel Guide

The "Republic of the Ecuador" was one of three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (the others being Colombia and Venezuela). Between 1904 and 1942, Ecuador lost territories in a series of conflicts with its neighbors. A border war with Peru that flared in 1995 was resolved in 1999. Ecuador's mainstream culture is defined by its Hispanic Mestizo majority and like their ancestry, it is traditionally Spanish legacy, influenced by different degrees of Amerindian traditions with African elements. Tropical along coast, becoming cooler inland at higher elevations; tropical in Amazonian jungle lowlands Ecuador has a total area of 283,520 km2 and is bisected by the Equator, for which it is named. Ecuador is a major exporter of bananas and petroleum and is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) with other countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia and Kuwait.

How to visit and travel to Ecuador

Mitad del Mundo Blick vom Monument


In general, citizens of any nationality were allowed to enter Ecuador without a visa and stay for a period of 90 days in a chronological year. Visa requirements apply, however, to citizens of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cuba, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Senegal and Somalia. Chinese citizens can get a no-visa-required stamp if they are Canadian or American permanent residents (there could be more exceptions). Visitors of the following countries can enter with their National ID card: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. Ecuador requires that Cuban citizens receive an invitation letter prior to entering Ecuador through international airports or frontier admission points. This letter must be legalized by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and comply with certain requirements. These requirements are designed to provide an organized migratory flow between both countries. Cuban citizens who are US green card holders should visit an Ecuadorian Consulate to obtain an exemption to this requirement. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond your travel dates. A round/onward trip ticket is needed to prove the length of your stay.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Ecuador

Quito's Mariscal Sucre International Airport (UIO) is in the Tababela parish, roughly 30 kilometers (20 mi) to the east of Quito. For travellers with very early departures or very late arrivals from the Quito airport, and those who are not staying in Quito but carrying elsewhere should consider looking at lodgings in Tababela or Puembo for the convenience of not needing to make the journey to the city for lodgings. Another port of entry is Guayaquil (GYE), which has a modern airport that includes the typical amenities such as restaurants and duty-free shopping. The airport is located north of downtown. The Galapagos Islands are one of the Ecuadorian provinces and have two airports, one of which is on Baltra and the other is on San Cristobal. Aerogal, Tame and LAN all offer Flights to the Galapagos; all the flights are through the Ecuadorian mainland with no international flights. Hammerhead_shark,_Cocos_Island,_Costa_Rica The Quito airport charges an international departure tax of US$40.80. The tax is US$26 from Guayaquil. This tax is already included in the cost of the flight.

By car

Driving into Ecuador is discouraged. It is preferable to enter by airplane or boat because of the frontier issues with neighboring countries.

Travel on a Bus in Ecuador

From Colombia

The primary crossing between Ecuador and Colombia is at Rumichaca near Tulcan and Ipiales. The border crossing at San Miguel (near Lago Agrio) in theAmazon region is discouraged due to security issues and entrance/exit complexities.

From Peru

There are two places to cross the border with Peru, though Huaquillas (near Machala gets the vast majority of the tourist crossings, has been shady and relatively dangerous, but a clean up may have improved security issues. Macara has a border crossing but is not recommended due to security issues.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Ecuador

Since Ecuador is situated on the coast and has some very large rivers, a boat ride can be a nice way to get around. Especially in the rainforest a boat ride can get you to places you usually wouldn't be able to go.

How to get around in Ecuador

Travel on a Bus in Ecuador

Intercity buses travel to almost everywhere in Ecuador. Many cities have a central bus terminal, known as a terminal terrestre, where it is feasible to buy tickets from the various bus lines that serve the city. Long-distance buses typically cost US$1-2 per hour, depending on the distance and the type of service; groups may be able to negotiate discounts. Buses are frequent along major routes, and are also used for transporting cargo/packages. Reservations or advance purchases usually aren't needed except during peak periods such as holidays. The bathroom on the bus, if any, is usually reserved for women. However, it is permissible for men to request that the bus make a stop so that they might relieve themselves. The bus rides themselves are often quite beautiful, through mountain views in the clouds. These altitude changes cause many of the same ear pressure problems which are associated with an airplane ride. The bus driver will stop along the way to board additional passengers, and load/unload cargo. Buses will also board vendors selling affordable drinks and Snacks at stops, which is helpful on long hauls. Many buses arrive at their destination with passengers standing in the aisle. There are a few first class buses, called "Ejecutivo", which cost a little more than the regular buses. They are generally more comfortable and safer.

By car

Ecuador ViadelPacifico nearManta.JPG It is feasible to hire a vehicle in the major cities such as Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca, where vehicle rentals are generally located outside the airports. Ecuadorian roads are well maintained throughout in cities but poorly maintained in the nationside. However, Ecuador’s driving laws are few and rarely (if ever) enforced. However the law in Ecuador is very strict on speeding (30 km/h over the limit) or driving without a license. Both offenses will have the police take you directly to jail where you will spend 3 nights in jail as the standard sentence. Be sure to carry your original license with you (your license from your home country is sufficient as long as you are a visitor. No international license is required unless your home language is not readable (in say a language like Chinese or Japanese only). If you hire a car, it is highly recommended that you get a vehicle with high ground clearance. The speed bumps in each town and village are very tall. In fact and they are not called "topes" (bumps). Ecuadorians call speed bumps "muros" (walls). Therefore, a vehicle with high ground clearance is recommended, or you may be paying for expensive undercarriage repairs.. A 4x4 vehicle is better and necessary to explore the beautiful back areas of the nation and to bring you to areas that you won't get to on a bus or in a normal rental car.. You can rent well-equipped, off road capable vehicles complete with hardened suspensions, snorkels, winches and other accessories. Over the past 10 years, Ecuador has invested heavily in its road infrastructure with roads in fantastic condition and where safety is becoming more of a focus and priority. That said, like anywhere else in the world and there are different driving styles, customs, courtesies and unwritten rules of the road. A good motorcycle or rental agency will cover these in a detailed briefing before you head out on the road so that you understand what to expect.

By motorcycle or scooter

It is feasible to rent daily or weekly motorcycles or scooters. Rates range from $29-$225/day for 150cc-1050cc machines respectively. Note that some travel insurance will not cover injuries or evacuation from 2-wheel vehicle accidents. The same warnings apply as with navigating my car. Make sure the agency provides insurance, and you know who pays if the bike is damaged or stolen. It is advisable to take a bike in with you at a hostel or hotel rather than leaving it outside.

  • Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental Calle Finlandia N35-06 Y Suecia ☎ +593 2-600-4459 Daily from $29

Best way to travel in Ecuador by a Taxi

Taxis are widely available. Taxis are generally yellow and have the taxi license number prominently displayed. Taxis in Quito have meters (fares under $1 are rounded up to the minimum fare of $2).Agree upon a price before getting in or ask the driver to use the meter (often cheaper than a negotiated rate); short trips generally don't cost more than $2 or $5, and you generally shouldn't end up paying more than $20 per hour, if that, for longer trips. Evening rates are often double. As with any country in Latin America, (or the world for that matter), don't ride an unlicensed taxi. It's a great way to get kidnapped.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Ecuador

Domestic Flights to major cities on the mainland cost $50-100 one-way, and there are sometimes roundtrip promotions for about the same price. Flights between the biggest cities are in jets, and some of the smaller cities are served by prop aircraft. The domestic airlines in Ecuador are Lan Ecuador, Tame, Avianca Ecuador(formerly Aerogal & VIP)]; and Saereo. Most of the airlines in Ecuador offer excellent service and relatively new planes. You can buy domestic air tickets from agents or directly from the airlines - some sell tickets online and you can buy them at the airport or ticket offices for those who don't.

Travel by train to Ecuador

There are relatively affordable short trips (often including food and a guide or other extras), and the lavishly expensive "tren crucero" (roughly: cruise train) that does most of the four-day, four-night Quito - Guayaquil trip in a restored steam train, though some stretches still have to be done by bus. At US$2450 per person (based on double occupancy) thit is certainly not a affordable option, but it can be a worthwhile way of seeing the nation. Contact for more infos.

Local Language in Ecuador

Spanish is the official language. Amerindian languages (especially Quechua) are generally spoken in the more rural, mountainous villages. English is widely spoken in hotels, restaurants and other businesses that cater to high-end travellers. Ecuadorians are friendly and generally tolerant of foreigners who attempt to speak Spanish but make mistakes.

What to see in Ecuador

  • Loma Alta, a 2428-hectare cloud forest.
  • Tigua, for its bright paintings.
  • The village of Calderon is known for its folk art.
  • Agua Blanca, an indigenous territory of the Manta.
  • Chimborazo, highest peak in Ecuador.
  • La Mitad del Mundo on the Equator

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Ecuador

Grapsus grapsus Galapagos Islands The capital Quito, is a city with a lot of history where you can walk in downtown, enjoying the beautiful colonial buildings. There is also the "Teleférico" (cable-car) which takes passengers from the highest mountain in Quito to see the whole city from the sky. Admission is $12.50 per person (November 2022). In Guayaquil, an excellent place to visit is the Malecón 2000, which is very similar to Navy Pier in Chicago, Illinois, offering food, shopping, boat rides and a beautiful view of the river. Except for electronics, prices are quite low. This area is very well patrolled and very safe. For a real adventure, it is feasible to visit the more authentic, less expensive Bahía or "Informal Market". It is not advisable to visit it without a local. It is feasible to purchase a knockoff of almost anything here. Pirated video games and movies also abound; it is feasible to purchase game systems modified to play such games as well. Make the proprietors prove to you that any movies or games you might purchase actually work before buying though. In the Bahía, it is necessary to negotiate on all items. Baños is the perfect city for the outdoors or extreme sports enthusiast, offering rafting, mountain climbing and backpacking excursions of all sorts. It is feasible to get an English speaking guide. Be sure to get all the necessary vaccinations, as it is feasible to get some nasty infections from prolonged exposure to the water. Baños also offers a public hot spring mineral bath, which only charges $2-3 admission. Other, more expensive baths also exist, but are fed from exactly the same water. It is best to arrive at these baths as they open, as the water is freshest and cleanest then. Ibarra and the whole Imbabura province- is about a 90-min ride from Quito and offers many touristic activities such as community tourism, adventure tours (rafting, swing jumping, kayaking, trekking, etc.) and indigenous visits. The most recommended places in Imbabura to visit are Ibarra, Otavalo, Intag and Cotacachi. The north of Ecuador offers the best beaches, including Bahia de Caraquez, Manta, Crucita, San Jacinto, and San Clemente. They offer very affordable hotel lodgings, great food and friendly people. Ecuador is perhaps the most bio-diverse country in the world. The Galapagos Islands are justly famed for their wildlife, but there is also lots to see on the mainland. Ecuador has over one hundred different types of hummingbirds. Good places to see them include Cuyabeno Wild Life Reserve, Mindo and San Luis de Pambil. Montañita Town: On the coast, 3 hours from Guayaquil, thit is a growing town with many particularities which makes it great to vis Goog Beach and incredible surroundings and the people, incredible Halal dining, and surf. There are some Muslims who live in the town permanently from all over the world.


From conservation projects to building houses to teaching English and there are many ways to help development in Ecuador. You can choose to volunteer through a third-party organization that arranges lodgings and connects you to a local organization to volunteer with. The other option is to volunteer directly through a local NGO. This will take more time and research but can also be significantly cheaper.

  • Fundacion Bolivar Education is a volunteer foundation based in Quito and the capital city, and has many volunteer projects through all Ecuador's regions including the Pacific Coast, Amazon, Andes and Galapagos Islands. Volunteers must be 18 years or older, and can volunteer in any of the following categories: Children and Youth, Health, Environment, Teaching, Gender, Elderly, Development and Animal Welfare. No previous education or organization experience is needed. Students, families, senior citizens and groups from various schools, universities or programs are all able to volunteer with Fundacion Bolivar Education. Host families or hostels are available lodgings to choose from. Packages are also available for those who to volunteer but also travel throughout Ecuador.


One way to work on your Spanish skills is to go to a movie. Films in modern theaters cost about $5 to $6 in the larger cities, less in smaller towns. Foreign films are typically shown in the original language with subtitles - but not always, so ask first.

Study in Ecuador

Spanish classes

Quito is a great place to learn Spanish and the accent in Quito is soft and clear and easy to understand. Quite a few private Spanish academies exist and they offer one on one and group courses with personalized programs that focus on grammar but also in helping to improve speaking and communication skills in a short period of time. Quality varies greatly, so check reviews online and speak to current students before enrolling. You can also check the list of schools that are certified by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador. This certification ensures that the Schools fulfill quality standards and that they work with professional teachers. You can find the complete list of certified Spanish Schools here. Students who want to learn Spanish for longer periods and in big groups might consider the programs of two Ecuadorian universities which offer semester length Spanish as a Second Language classes for Foreign Muslims. University study is ideal if you are serious about learning Spanish and have the time to complete the full program. Successful completion of a university Spanish program may also allow to continue studying at that university or even to earn a degree. On the other hand, if you wish to learn Spanish while enjoying being on the beach and then Montañita is the best place to learn.

Formal university study

While all universities in Ecuador can admit foreign students, most have onerous entry requirements and will not admit students for just a semester or two. Two universities -- Universidad San Francisco and Catholic University -- stand out for extending a welcome to foreign students, who can choose to study for a semester or even complete a full Bachelor's or Master's degree. Be sure to inquire about enrollment (matricula) costs which are usually above and beyond normal tuition. Obtain a student visa, if needed, before you enter Ecuador to study.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Ecuador

Money Matters & ATM's in Ecuador

Ecuador adopted the United States dollar ("$", ISO currency code: USD) as its currency in 1999. Other types of currency are not readily accepted. Ecuador has its own coins. These are exactly the same size and weight as American coins, and both are accepted. U.S. dollar coins are widely used, and preferred to $1 bills.American bills are used for higher values, Ecuador does not print any itself. Many merchants examine large bills ($10 and above) carefully to make sure they aren't counterfeit. Frequently, businesses will not accept $50 bills or $100 bills at all. One must usually go to a bank in order to break $100 bills. Outside of tourist areas and Quito, many merchants do not keep large amounts of money on hand, so getting change for bills large and small may be difficult. Thit is especially true on cheaper buses. Take lots of one and five dollar bills with you; you will also want to bring the newest feasible bills. Worn bills are often regarded with suspicion, and it is not uncommon for a merchant to ask you to pay with another bill if the one you handed them appears old or worn.


Credit and debit cards are accepted at many places that cater to tourists as well as at some upscale shops. However, many places charge a commission for their use as reimbursement for what the banks charge them. You may be asked to show your passport when using a credit or debit card. Automated teller machines are widely available in major cities and tourist areas. Most claim to be tied in with major international networks, in theory making it feasible to withdraw money from foreign accounts. Depending on the transaction fees charged by your bank at home, ATMs offer very good exchange rates. You may have to try quite a few different machines before receiving money. Banco Austro is the only national bank chain that doesn't charge a withdrawal fee. Banco Bolivariano doesn't charge with Revolut card whereas Banco de Guayaquil, Banco del Pacífico and Banco Pichincha charge $2.50-4.50 (December 2023). The others typically charge $1 or more per transaction. Avoid using ATMs on the street as their users are frequently targeted by street thieves. Hotels or other places with a guard nearby are your best choices. Many banks limit withdrawals to $300 per day. Banco Guayaquil allows $500 per day.


Restaurants and hotels include a 10% service charge in the bill, so tipping is not required but appreciated. In the case of restaurants, it is customary to leave some spare change in reward for good service. Some restaurants that don't include the service charge will include a small piece of paper along with the bill, in which the client can specify a tip (approx. 5-10%) if they are paying with credit card.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Ecuador

Prices vary widely in Ecuador. Costs at upscale hotels and restaurants seem to be close, maybe 10 percent less, to what they would be in the United States. Outside of tourist areas, costs are much less. It is feasible to get a meal at a clean restaurant for under $3 or to pay less than $20 for a clean but basic hotel room.

Halal Restaurants in Ecuador

Throughout the nation there is a lot of variety as to what is typically eaten, depending on the location. In the Sierra, potatoes almost always accompany lunch and dinner, and in the coast Rice is popular. Soup is also a big part of lunch and dinner. Breakfasts often consist of toast, eggs, and juice or fruit. Batidos, or fruit shakes, are popular breakfast items or Snacks. Especially in the Coastline, Ecuadorians make a variety of breakfast meals based on green or sweet plantain and yuca, such as bolonoes, empanadas, patacones, corviches, muchines, pan de yuca, humitas and others. They are cooked with either Cheese, Beef or fish. They are very filling and affordable meals. Locro de papa Restaurants run the gamut in terms of menu, quality, hygiene, hours and price. Basic meals can be had for less than $3.50, or it is feasible to pay close to U.S. prices in the tourist areas, especially for food from the American junkfood chains. If you're on a budget, your best option for a good and local meal is to order an almuerzo (lunch) or a merienda (dinner). These normally consist of a soup, a main course and a dessert for $3-5. More expensive restaurants (say, ones that charge $6 per meal or more) often add a 12% sales tax and a 10% service fee. Coffee or tea (including many herbal varieties) is typically served after the meal unless you ask for it sooner. Smoking is allowed in most restaurants, but the law explicitly prohibits smoking in closed areas, so it's a good idea to ask for a non-smoking section, or ask if the restaurant allows smoking. Locro de papa is a famous Ecuadorian soup with avocados, potatoes and Cheese. Ceviche is a common dish found on the coast. It is a cold seafood cocktail that is usually served with "chifles," thin fried plantains, and popcorn. Encebollado is a hearty fish soup with yuca, also found on the coast: A tomato-fish soup filled with chunks of yucca, marinated vegetables with "chifles" thrown in for added crunch. Bollo Made of milled sweet plantain with peanuts and albacore. Thit is a very typical dish in the Ecuadorian Coast.

Bottled water is very common and is safe to drink; it comes con gas (carbonated) and sin gas (non-carbonated). Water from the tap is unsafe to drink. Even Ecuadorians generally only drink bottled (or boiled) water. Coffee is widely available in cafes and restaurants, and also sold in bean form. Tea is also common, usually with a good selection including herbal. Fruit juice is plentiful and good, and you will often have many options: piña (pineapple), mora (blackberry), maracuyá (passion fruit), naranja (orange), sandía (watermelon), naranjilla (a jungle fruit), melon, taxo, guanabana, guava, etc. If you'd like it made with milk, sort of like a less-frozen milkshake, ask for a batida. Note that often juices are served lukewarm.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Ecuador

Ecuador - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Ecuador, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Ecuador. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Ecuador and its surrounding regions. With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Ecuador. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values. The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Ecuador. Key components include: Halal-Friendly Accommodations inEcuador: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Ecuador. Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Ecuador: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Ecuador, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Ecuador. Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Ecuador, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations. Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Ecuador, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values. Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Ecuador and beyond. Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Ecuador, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Ecuador, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Ecuador without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients." The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Ecuador is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Ecuador. About eHalal Travel Group: eHalal Travel Group Ecuador is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values. For Halal business inquiries in Ecuador, please contact: eHalal Travel Group Ecuador Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Ecuador

eHalal Group Ecuador is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Ecuador. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Ecuador. At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Ecuador ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property. For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Ecuador. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living. If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Ecuador, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values. For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Ecuador are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly hotels in Ecuador

There are many hotels that can be found throughout Ecuador. Often the hotels in smaller towns are actually privately owned homes that welcome travellers. As with most things, locals can help you find an excellent hotel at a very low price ($9-20). Large groups will be able to bargain for lower prices. Air conditioning is an amenity which often comes at an extra cost of a dollar or two a night. Ecuador is also home to an increasing number of Eco Lodges, including many renovated, traditional haciendas.

Stay safe as a Muslim in Ecuador

Volcán Rucu Pichincha nevado - panoramio Tourists should use common sense to ensure their safety. Avoid problems by not flashing large amounts of money, not visiting areas near the Colombia|Colombian border, staying away from civil disturbances and not using side streets in big cities at night. Probably the biggest threat in most places is simple thievery: belongings should not be left unguarded on the beach, for example, and pickpockets can be found in some of the more crowded areas, especially the Trolébus (Metro) in Quito, in bus terminals and on the buses themselves. Buses allow peddlers to board briefly and attempt to sell their wares; however and they are often thieves themselves, so keep a close eye out for them. Hotel personnel are generally good sources of information about places that should be avoided. You can always ask tourist police officers, police officers or in Tourist information center for the dangerous regions. Ecuador offers great opportunities for hiking and climbing, unfortunately, some travelers have been attacked and robbed in remote sections of well known climbs - several rapes have also been reported so female hikers and climbers need to be extremely careful. Travelers are urged to avoid solo hikes and to go in a large group for safety reasons.

Medical Issues in Ecuador

Of the most significant are foodborne illnesses, though they can easily be treated with digestive drugs such as antacids or antidiarrheals. Bottled water is key in Ecuador if you don't want to get sick. This doesn't only apply to Foreign Muslims who don't have the stomach for Ecuadorian food but also Ecuadorians who know that if they don't boil their water or drink it from the bottle that they can get very sick. As a result, it can be purchased almost everywhere (even in the most remote places) for well under $0.50-1.-0. Water bottles are sometimes provided by Muslim friendly hotels and resorts, which can be used for brushing teeth. It is advisable to receive a typhoid vaccination, and possibly a yellow fever vaccination, depending on your specific area of travel. Outside the major cities and tourist areas, malaria can be a problem along the coast during the rainy season.

Local Customs in Ecuador

The common greetings are "buenos días", "buenas tardes" or "buenas noches", (Good morning, Good afternoon, and Good evening, respectively). It is usually complemented by a handshake, between men, and by a kiss on the cheek between women or between a man and a woman. "Hola" is the most common greeting between friends and acquaintances. As in most Latin American countries, it's considered normal and polite to stand quite close to the other person while talking. If you speak Spanish with Ecuadorians, take note of the difference between the two forms for the pronoun "you": the informal "tú" and the formal "usted". It's customary to address older people and people with whom you're not familiar with "usted". Ecuadorans are generally forgiving of non-native speakers, but use "usted" when in doubt. Among many other cultural idiosyncrasies, in the Sierra regions it is considered impolite to use a downward-facing palm as a reference for the height of a person. Instead and the hand is held on its side, and the measurement taken from the lower edge to the floor. Gesturing with the palm down is appropriate for animals only. When motioning for someone to "come here", it is impolite to motion your hand with the palm facing up. Instead, use a downward swipe of the hand with the palm facing down.

Telecommunications in Ecuador

Internet Cafe's in Ecuador


Calls within Ecuador are more expensive than domestic calls in most countries, but not unreasonable, except for calls to cell phones, which generate most of their revenue by charging the caller.Also, call prices increase depending on the distance of your call within Ecuador, based on city, province, etc. Visitors making an extended stay should consider purchasing a cell phone. Most are sold on a prepaid-call basis, and phone refill cards can be purchased in all but the smallest towns. It is also feasible to get a modern GSM cellular phone "unlocked" so that it will function in Ecuador (you can take your own phone, if it compatible with GSM 850MHz), however, this should be reserved for emergencies as the cost of actually making such a call is usually exorbitant (about $0.70 per minute).

Radio and television

Radio and television are available in Spanish except in some of the particularly remote areas. English-language movies usually are shown in the original language with Spanish subtitles. Many hotels have cable television that may include English-language stations and premium movie channels that feature subtitled movies in their original languages. Copyright 2015 - 2024. All Rights reserved by eHalal Group Co., Ltd.
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