EuroVelo cycling routes

From Halal Explorer

WV banner Eurovelo.jpg

The European Cyclists Federation is developing a network of cycling routesconnecting all parts of the continent of Europe.Approximately 20,000km of the planned 60,000km are in place. On org/?zoom=6&lat=48.18351&lon=8.3011&layers=B000 OpenStreetmap you can see some of EuroVelo cycling routes and lots of other cycle routes in a digital form.

EuroVelo cycling routes Halal Travel Guide

See also: Cycling in Europe, Tour cycling

While Europe has few border controls, bicycle infrastructure varies a lot between countries.


There are 14 routes:

EuroVelo Routes 1-13,15.svg|Map of EuroVelo bicycle routes

North South routes

  • 1. Atlantic Coast Route (8,186 kilometers): North Cape (Norway) | North Cape - Sagres
  • 3. Pilgrims Route (5,122 kilometers): Trondheim - Santiago de Compostela
  • 5. Via Romea Francigena (3,900 kilometers): London - Rome and Brindisi
  • 7. Sunday Route (7,409 kilometers): North Cape (Norway) | North Cape - Malta
  • 9. Amber Route (Baltic Sea to Adriatic Sea - 1,930 kilometers): Gdańsk - Pula
  • 11. East Europe Route (5,984 kilometers): North Cape (Norway) | North Cape - Athens
  • 13. Iron Curtain Trail (10,400 kilometers) Barents Sea – Black Sea
  • 15. Rhine Route (1,320 kilometers) Andermatt – Wijk bij Duurstede – Hook of Holland

West-East routes

  • 2. Capitals Route: (5,500 kilometers) Galway - Moscow
  • 4. Central Europe Route: (4,000 kilometers) Roscoff - Kiev
  • 6. Atlantic Ocean to Black Sea:] (4,448 kilometers): Nantes - Constanta. This route includes The Danube Cycleway.
  • 8. Mediterranean Route: (5,888 kilometers): Cádiz - Athens and Cyprus


  • 10. Baltic Sea Cycle Route: (Hansa circuit - 7,980 kilometers)
  • 12. North Sea Cycle Route: (5,932 kilometers)

Main points on the EuroVelo routes

EuroVelo routes (connections to other EV routes are in parentheses)
Route number Route name Passes through these cities Through these countries Length
km mi
EV1 Atlantic Coast Route North Cape (Norway) | North Cape  (EV7, EV11) - Norway|Norwegian Coast - Trondheim (EV3) - Bergen, Norway|Bergen (EV12) - Aberdeen (EV12) - Inverness  (EV12 ) - Glasgow - Stranraer - Belfast - Galway (EV2) - Cork (city) | Cork - Rosslare Europort|Rosslare - Fishguard - Bristol (EV2) - Plymouth (England) | Plymouth - Roscoff (EV4) - Nantes (EV6) - La Rochelle - Burgos (EV3) - Salamanca - Sagres Norway, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal disp=table}}
EV2 Capitals Route Galway (EV1) - Dublin - Holyhead - Bristol (EV1) - London (EV5) - Harwich (England) | Harwich - Rotterdam - The Hague - Münster (EV3) - Berlin (EV7) - Poznań (EV9) - Warsaw (EV11) - Minsk - Moscow Ireland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia disp=table}}
EV3 Pilgrim's Route León - Burgos (EV1) - Bordeaux - Tours (EV6) - Orléans (EV6) - Paris - Namur (city) | Namur (EV5) - Aachen (EV4) - Münster (EV2) - Hamburg (EV12) - Odense (EV10) - Viborg, Denmark|Viborg - Frederikshavn (EV12) - Gothenburg (EV12) - Oslo - Røros - Trondheim (EV1) Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway disp=table}}
EV4 Roscoff -Kiev Roscoff (EV1) - the French Atlantic coast - Le Havre - Calais (EV5) - Middelburg (Belgium) | Middelburg - Aachen (EV3) - Bonn - Frankfurt - Prague (EV7) - Brno (EV9) - Kraków (EV11) - L'viv - Kiev France, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine disp=table}}
EV5 Via Romea Francigena Canterbury - Calais (EV4) - Brussels - Namur (EV3) - Luxembourg (city) | Luxembourg - Saarbrücken - Sarreguemines - Strasbourg (EV15) - Basel (EV6) - Lucerne - Milan - Piacenza (EV8) - Parma - Florence(EV7) - Siena - Rome(EV7) - Brindisi United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy disp=table}}
EV6 Atlantic Ocean to Black Sea (Rivers Route) Nantes (EV1) - Tours (EV3) - Orleans (EV3) - Nevers - Chalon-sur-Saône - Basel (EV5) - Passau - Linz - Ybbs (EV7) - Vienna (EV9) - Bratislava - Budapest - Belgrade (EV11) - Bucharest - Constanţa France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania disp=table}}
EV7 Middle Europe Route North Cape  (EV1, EV11) - Haparanda (EV10) - Sundsvall (EV10) - central Sweden - Copenhagen (EV10) - Gedser - Rostock (EV10) - Berlin (EV2) - Prague (EV4) - Ybbs an der Donau|Ybbs (EV6) - Salzburg - Mantua (EV8) - Bologna - Florence (EV5) - Rome (EV5) - Naples - Syracuse, Italy|Syracuse - Malta Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Malta disp=table}} EuroVelo 8 EV8] Mediterranean Route Valencia - Barcelona - Monaco - Piacenza (EV5) - Mantua (EV7) - Ferrara - Venice - Trieste (EV9) - Rijeka - Split (city) | Split - Dubrovnik - Tirana - Patras - Athens (EV11) Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece disp=table}} Eurovelo 9 at EV9 Radrouten Niederösterreich - EuroVelo 9 see also Baltic Sea to Adriatic Sea (Amber Route) Gdańsk (EV10) - Poznań (EV2) - Olomouc - Brno (EV4) - Reinthal - Vienna (EV6) - Maribor - Ljubljana - Trieste (EV8) - Pula Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia disp=table}}
EV10 Baltic Sea Cycle Route (Hansa circuit) Street Petersburg - Helsinki (EV11) - Vaasa - Oulu - Haparanda (EV7) - Sundsvall (EV7) - Stockholm - Ystad - Malmö - Copenhagen (EV7) - Odense (EV3) - Rostock (EV7) - Gdansk|Gdańsk (EV9) - Kaliningrad - Klaipėda - Riga - Tallinn (EV11) - Street Petersburg Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia disp=table}}
EV11 East European Route North Cape  (EV1, EV7) - the Finnish Lakes - Helsinki (EV10) - Tallinn (EV10) - Tartu - Vilnius - Warsaw (EV2) - Kraków (EV4) - Košice - Szeged - Belgrade (EV6) - Skopje - Thessaloniki - Athens (EV8) Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, North Macedonia, Greece disp=table}}
EV12 North Sea Cycle Route Bergen (EV1) - Stavanger - Kristiansand - Gothenburg (EV3) - Varberg - Grenaa - Frederikshavn (EV3) - Hirtshals - Esbjerg - Hamburg (EV3) - The Hague (EV2) - Rotterdam - Harwich (EV2) - Kingston upon Hull - Newcastle - Edinburgh - Aberdeen (EV1) - Inverness (EV1) - Thurso (Scotland) | Thurso - Orkney - Shetland - Bergen (EV1) Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom disp=table}}
EV13 Iron Curtain Trail - Szeged - Jimbolia - Vrsac - Orsova - Kladovo - Zaječar - Knjaževac - Pirot - Dragoman - Kyustendil - Strumitsa - Petrich - Gotse Delchev - Smolyan - Kyprinos - Svilengrad - Edirne - Malko Tarnovo - Rezovo Finland - Russia - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania - Poland - Germany - Czech Republic - Austria - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania - Serbia - Bulgaria - North Macedonia - Bulgaria - Greece - Bulgaria - Türkiye - Bulgaria disp=table}}
EV15 Rhine Cycle Route Andermatt - Chur - Schaffhausen - Basel (EV5-EV6) - Huningue - Neuf-Brisach - Strasbourg (EV5) - Lauterbourg - Karlsruhe - Ludwigshafen - Mannheim - Mainz - Wiesbaden - Bingen - Koblenz - Bonn - Köln - Düsseldorf - Duisburg - Xanten - Arnhem - Utrecht - Rotterdam Switzerland, France, Germany, Netherlands disp=table}}
:Legend - Green: North-South / Blue: West-East / Red: Circuits