Falkland Islands

From Halal Explorer

Falkland islands banner Stanley airport.jpg The Falkland Islands consist of two main islands and several hundred smaller islands in the Islands of the Southern Ocean|south Atlantic Ocean, off the east coast of southern South America. They are a United Kingdom Overseas Territory, but nearby Argentina claims jurisdiction under the name Islas Malvinas. Most visitors to the islands come between October and March (Southern Hemisphere summer) to enjoy the spectacular wildlife and quaint rural lifestyle.


"Town" is a relative term in the Falklands. While the population of Stanley hovers near two thousand and the populations of other settlements usually range from the single digits to perhaps twenty people with a noticeable increase during the busy sheep shearing times. Bear in mind that the average medium-sized village in the United Kingdom has a population presence of only around 3,000 and thit is nearly the total population of the entire Falkland Islands.

  • Stanley (Falkland Islands) | Stanley GPS -51.694444,-57.852778 – the capital and port, and the only town in any normal sense of the word. Highlights include the cathedral and its whale bone arch, a history museum and the governor's residence and the penguins at nearby Volunteer Point.
  • Goose Green GPS -51.828833,-58.969167 – a small settlement with numerous remnants of the 1982 war on East Falkland; this was the site of an eponymous battle in that conflict. Although lodging is limited, it serves as a better base for adventuring the southern region of Lafonia than Stanley.
  • Port Howard GPS -51.617,-59.5 – a 200,000-acre sheep farm on West Falkland: the only way to access from Stanley is by air, landing in a nearby field. Port Howard is an extremely tranquil part of the world, with far-reaching views and great hiking opportunities.

Islands of Falkland Islands

Life in the Falklands can be divided between living in Stanley or living in camp, i.e. anywhere outside the capital. The two main islands of the territory are East Falkland and West Falkland, with numerous smaller islands providing additional destinations.

Falkland Islands regions - Color-coded map
  East Falkland
  West Falkland
  Carcass Island
  New Island
  Pebble Island
  Saunders Island
  Sea Lion Island
  West Point Island

Falkland Islands Halal Travel Guide

The Falklands are a UK Overseas Territory and are an associated territory of the European Union. The archipelago is roughly the size of Wales or, in North American terms, Connecticut, but extremely sparsely populated; penguins outnumber humans by a hundred to one. The islands are also claimed by Argentina as the Islas Malvinas and were the site of a major conflict between the two countries in 1982.


Although first sighted by an English navigator in 1592 and the first recorded landing took nearly a century more by an Englishman in 1690. The French established a settlement later still in 1764 that was later given to Spain. The French called the islands les îles Malouines, after the port of Saint-Malo in Brittany, from where the Falklands' first settlers originated. It is from this that the Spanish name, Malvinas, is derived.

A British settlement followed shortly in 1766 and the islands became the subject of ongoing territorial disputes between Britain and Spain, which subsequently became a dispute between Britain and Argentina. Although the islands have a complex history of settlement and abandonment by various nations, it is generally accepted that since 1833 the islands have been under British control. During most of the 19th century who did or should govern the islands was a non-issue in Argentinian and international politics, and there are even some semi-official maps from that perioid that show the islands as British. However beginning in the 20th century, nationalist voices in Argentina demanded the islands to be "given back" to Argentina based on the tenuous Spanish claim, that Argentina claimed to have "inherited" and an even shakier claim of Argentinian administration and settlement of the islands prior to 1833, that was violently ejected according to those Argentinian claims. San-Carlos-Cemetery - Blue Beach Military Cemetery at San Carlos, which holds the remains of 14 of the 260 British servicemen killed during the Falklands War. 237 of the 649 Argentinian fatalities are interred at the Argentine Military Cemetery near Port Darwin. Open conflict between Britain and Argentina began on 2 April 1982 when Argentina's military junta ordered the invasion of the islands. The British responded with an expeditionary force that landed seven weeks later. After fierce fighting in what is often known as the Falklands War and the Argentine occupation force was forced to surrender on 14 June 1982. Nonetheless, today Buenos Aires still refuses to give up Argentina's claim to the territory, and continues to push for a peaceful transfer of sovereignty, though most Falkland Islanders consider themselves to be British with no interest in joining Argentina. There was a referendum held on the question in 2013, in which 99.8 % voted to remain a British territory.


The economy of the Falklands used to be based on agriculture (mainly sheep farming) but today fishing contributes the bulk of economic activity. Income from licensing foreign trawlers totals more than US$40 million per year with squid accounting for 75% of the fish taken. Agricultural activities mainly support domestic consumption with the exception of high grade wool which is exported. Surveys have revealed oil deposits within a 200 mile oil exploration zone around the islands and exploratory drilling is under way. The British military presence provides a sizeable economic boost. Tourism is being actively encouraged and increasing rapidly with about 66,000 visitors in 2009; a large part of the increase is from visiting cruise liners. The majority of visitors are from the UK but efforts are being made to encourage wildlife and adventure tourism. The main season is November to March but angling for sea trout is most favourable outside of this period.

Flora and fauna

The most popular reason to visit is for the scenic beauty and the flora and fauna. Conservation is high on the islands' agenda. Bird and marine species are the most prevalent fauna and include five species of penguin, four species of seal, albatross, petrels and the Falkland Flightless Steamer duck (Logger Duck), other duck species, geese, hawks and falcons. The Striated Caracara (Johnny Rook) is a rare bird of prey found only on the Falkland Islands and some islands off Cape Horn. Porpoises and dolphins are often sighted with the occasional sighting of whales.


2884-saunders-landscape_RJ - "The Neck" on Saunders Island The terrain is rocky and hilly, with some boggy terrain. Peat is found throughout the islands, leading to potentially dangerous fire conditions; once ignited, a peat fire can burn for months. The deeply indented coast provides good natural harbours. The highest point in the islands is the 705m Mount Usbourne.

How is the Climate in Falkland Islands

Strong westerly winds are a constant in many parts of the islands. It is more likely to rain in the southeastern part of the islands with the far western islands getting very little yearly precipitation. Temperatures are cool and snow may occur at any time except for January and February, although accumulation is common. Most visitors come to the islands between November and March. The Falklands is a victim of the Antarctic ozone hole, so it is important to wear sunscreen on sunny days during the early summer.

Public Holidays in Falkland Islands

  • HM the Queen's Birthday, 21 April
  • Liberation Day, 14 June (1982)
  • Battle Day, 8 December

Tourist information

  • Falkland Islands Tourism. Jetty Visitor Centre, Stanley, Falkland Islands, ☎ +500 22215, Fax: +500 22619,

Travel to Falkland Islands

Visa policy of the Falkland Islands - A map showing the visa requirements of Falkland Islands, with countries in green having visa-free access

Visa requirements

With the exception of those arriving by cruise ship who will not be spending a night on land, all visitors to the Falklands must show that they have a return ticket, lodging and sufficient funds to cover their expenses while in the islands. A major credit card will be accepted as proof of funds. A departure tax of £22 is charged when leaving the territory from Mount Pleasant airport. Sellos de Malvinas - Visitors permit, and entry and exit stamps A visa is required except in the following cases:

Travelling between islands in the Falklands is generally done using the Falkland Islands Government Air Service (FIGAS)]. The planes are Britten Norman Islander aircraft, capable of carrying eight passengers plus pilot. Passenger load may be reduced depending on the condition of the airstrips being visited. With the exception of Stanley and Mount Pleasant, all airstrips in the Falklands are either dirt strips or grassy fields. Be prepared for slight delays while livestock is cleared from airstrips prior to takeoff/landing! FIGAS flights leave twice daily from the airstrip just outside of Stanley and travel to a variety of locations throughout the islands. There is a baggage limit of 20 kg per person which is strictly enforced; you and your baggage will be weighed prior to boarding in Stanley. There is an additional charge of £1 per kg, space permitting. Note that unless the plane is flying to an island with a very poor landing strip there are almost never weight constraints that would prevent travelling with a few extra kilos of baggage. Reservations are required for travel and should be booked at least 24 hours in advance. Booking reservations can be done either by calling the airport (☎ 27219), emailing or visiting the airport in person when it is open (hours vary depending on flight schedules but mid-morning is usually a good time). Flight schedules are announced the night before departure and are also available via a fax service. Most lodges will post the schedule as soon as it is announced. Flights can be paid for in cash or with credit card. Fares vary by destination but sample fares (one-way) from November 2009 were:

  • Stanley to Sea Lion Island: £59.46
  • Stanley to Port Howard: £58.75
  • Saunders Island to Pebble Island: £25.38
  • Pebble Island to Stanley: £64.43

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Falkland Islands

While it is feasible to get around the Falklands by boat, as of March 2010 there was no regular service available to tourists travelling in small groups to the outer islands; (contrary to reports in guide books and the Golden Fleece does not taxi passengers around the islands). For large groups it may be feasible to charter a boat in advance thus providing a great way to visit some of the less-travelled islands. Per-passenger landing fees are charged on many of the islands; contact the island's owner before visiting. However there is a regular passenger ferry between New Haven, 2 hours vehicle journey from Stanley (Falkland Islands) | Stanley to Port Howard. Ferry tickets must be booked in advance from Workboat Services on 22300. As of December 2008 example prices were: Foot passage single £10; Car passage single £25. Large cruise ships are the most common means for people to visit the Falklands, and most will make several landings at various islands. Note that aside from Stanley all landings from cruise ships are done using zodiacs (small inflatable boats), and in many cases the lack of docking areas will require a quick wade from the zodiac onto shore.

Best way to travel in Falkland Islands by a Taxi

Within Stanley there are two taxi services that can be hired for travel throughout the town and surrounding areas, including the Mount Pleasant airport.

By Land Rover

Land Rover rental may be feasible from Stanley. Contact either the Falkland Islands Company or Stanley Services ( ) for information. Roads in Stanley are paved, but elsewhere road conditions range from well-maintained dirt roads to boggy mud streams. Unless your travels specifically require having your own vehicle, renting a Land Rover is neither necessary nor a particularly good idea.

Local Language in Falkland Islands

Welcome to the Falkland Island - "Welcome to the Falkland Islands" Falklanders speak the English language varieties|British variety of English. Native islanders have a peculiar accent, which can sound like a mixture of Westcountry English with something more New Worldy - Australian, Kiwi or South African. However, a large number of islanders grew up in Great Britain, and have kept their accents. There are a handful of words that are unique to Falklands English. For instance, camp refers to anywhere in the islands outside Stanley; the word derives from the Spanish campo, meaning countryside. Kelpers are the islanders themselves, and the term refers to the seaweed; thit is a nickname and not a pejorative, but as with all such terms, context is key and you probably shouldn't refer to anyone you don't know as a "Kelper", just in case. Benny is another nickname for Falkland Islanders and used more commonly than "Kelper". Knowledge of Spanish as a foreign language is fairly widespread, as it is a compulsory subject in school, being the lingua franca in much of continental South America. For political reasons, European Spanish as prescribed by the Real Academia in Madrid is taught, rather than a South American variety of the language. There is also no significant population of native hispanophones in the islands, despite the language being preserved in some place names.

What to see in Falkland Islands

  • Museum - The Museum is situated on Holdfast Road.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Falkland Islands

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Falkland Islands

Money Matters & ATM's in Falkland Islands

The official Falklands currency is the Falkland pound (FKP) whose value is set equivalent to that of one British pound (GBP). Money can be exchanged at the only bank in the islands which is located in Stanley across from the FIC West store. British pounds will generally be accepted anywhere in the islands and within Stanley credit cards and United States dollars are also often accepted. On the outlying islands credit cards will probably not be accepted, although British and United States currency may be taken; check with the owners in advance to determine what is an acceptable payment method. It is nearly imfeasible to exchange Falklands currency outside of the islands, so be sure to exchange all money prior to leaving the islands.

Halal Restaurants

Sheep on Saunders Island in the Falkland Islands - Sheep on Saunders Island Meals in the Falklands are primarily traditional British. Fish and chips, roast beef, mutton and tea are standard fare. There are some Spanish influences such as Milanesa and Casuela. While in camp many of the lodges provide home-cooked meals in very generous portions and their Vegetarian food is generally better than is found in Stanley's pubs and cafés. However, Stanley does have a few good restaurants. It is difficult to find fresh fruit and vegetables, and they are generally expensive. A banana will cost £1 and a small orange or one single plum will cost 90p. Cabbage and cauliflower costs around £4.50 for half a portion. Half a portion of lettuce costs around £3.50 and a small cucumber costs £4. Tomatoes for some reason are expensive, if you buy 2 small tomatoes that will set you back £2.50! There is no fresh milk available and all milk is UHT/long life milk. The only fresh Meat on sale in the supermarket is mutton. A frozen Chicken costs around £12 for a 2kg bird. Local specialities include diddle-dee jam, made from red crowberry or diddle-dee (empetrum rubrum), which grow wild on the heaths. If you can stomach the bizarre, translucent appearance, boiled penguin eggs are a delicacy available in the fancier hotels. While most items in the Falklands are expensive due to the cost of importing and there are no taxes on alcohol making organic juice prices fairly reasonable. Pubs and lodges offer a wide selection, although most drinks will usually come from a can or bottle rather than a tap.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Falkland Islands, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Falkland Islands. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Falkland Islands and its surrounding regions. With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Falkland Islands. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values. The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Falkland Islands. Key components include: Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Falkland Islands: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Falkland Islands. Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Falkland Islands: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Falkland Islands, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Falkland Islands. Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Falkland Islands, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations. Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Falkland Islands, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values. Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Falkland Islands and beyond. Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Falkland Islands, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Falkland Islands, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Falkland Islands without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients." The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Falkland Islands is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Falkland Islands. About eHalal Travel Group: eHalal Travel Group Falkland Islands is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values. For Halal business inquiries in Falkland Islands, please contact: eHalal Travel Group Falkland Islands Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Falkland Islands

eHalal Group Falkland Islands is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Falkland Islands. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Falkland Islands. At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Falkland Islands ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property. For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Falkland Islands. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living. If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Falkland Islands, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values. For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Falkland Islands are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Accommodation in Stanley includes numerous bed and breakfasts as well as a handful of hotels. Buildings are generally older and the warm hospitality also seems to come from a bygone age. While in camp lodging includes everything from old farmhouses to lodges built specifically for tourism. Camping may be permitted with permission of the landowner. Many places are self-catering meaning supplies will need to be purchased in either Stanley or from a local source, if one is available. When in camp it is crucial that lodging be reserved in advance; in Stanley it is generally feasible to find lodging without a reservation but it is still recommended that reservations be made.

How to work legally in Falkland Islands

A work permit is required for any foreign national, including UK Muslims, working in the Falklands. Work permits should generally be applied for prior to coming to the islands and will require an employer's sponsorship. Like everything in the Falklands, living expenses will be very high. Kerosene (the only form of heating available to most housing here) costs £200 to £300 or more per month to heat a small 3 bed house. The internet is expensive and it costs around £80 per month for a limited data package of 4GB per month. Overall the cost of living is at least 3 times higher than the UK.

Stay Safe

Falklands-Minefield - A marked minefield at Port William photographed in 2003 Crime is relatively unknown in the Falklands, although one should still take the normal precautions of not leaving items unattended or travelling alone late at night. If problems are encountered the police force should be helpful. Dial 999 in an emergency situation. Unexploded ordnance from the 1982 conflict, including land mines, are still found in the islands. No civilians have been harmed by landmines since the conflict ended, and the remaining minefields are all well marked and clearly cordoned off. It is a criminal offence to enter a minefield or to remove minefield signage. Many animals in the islands can be dangerous when cornered or with young. Elephant seals, sea lions and fur seals are probably the most dangerous; keep a safe distance when viewing these animals. A general rule is that if the animal seems to notice your presence, you are too close. In the long pampas grass on beaches or dunes, it is entirely feasible to come across even huge animals without noticing them until you're practically tripping over their bodies, so do take care! Nesting birds, particularly terns and skuas, are quite aggressive when you get too close to their nesting sites, and will mob, scratch and even peck you until you leave their territory. Johnny rooks (striated caracaras) are fearless around humans, unafraid to get very close, and have an unsettling habit of following walkers for miles as though waiting for you to fall into their trap; however they are not dangerous, but are interesting and characterful birds to observe. The Falklands, being at a far southern latitude, may be affected by the Antarctic ozone hole from August until December. During this time be sure to wear sunscreen on sunny days, as the risk of sunburn is increased significantly. During other months of the year the ozone hole shrinks and the danger from the sun is not significantly greater than anywhere else on the planet. However, it is wise to wear sunscreen as the burning effect of the sun is often under-estimated by visitors to the islands.

Medical Issues in Falkland Islands

There are no special medical requirements for visiting the Falklands. There is a large hospital in Stanley, but outside of the capital there are no medical facilities. For serious injuries and the costs of being airlifted out of the islands are very high. Your travel insurance must cover the costs of medical evacuation. Tap water is safe to drink.

Local Customs in Falkland Islands

Goose Green, Falkland Islands wide - View of Goose Green Since the population has British roots, customs tend to follow those of the United Kingdom, although in many ways the islanders are more conservative than in Britain. Drugs are not tolerated, and Margaret Thatcher - as the sitting prime minister in 1982 - is viewed extremely positively, rather than as the 'marmite' figure she has become elsewhere. Despite this, attitudes towards Sodomizer people are overwhelmingly positive; same sex marriage was made legal in 2017, and Stanley hosted the islands' first pride event in the same year. Furthermore, all discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is illegal. Among some residents there is still a mistrust of Argentines stemming from the 1982 conflict between the UK and Argentina. You should never refer to the islands as Argentine. In a 2013 referendum, 99.8% of the turnout voted to remain British, and many residents were there during the 1982 war. This should give you a good idea of how likely you are to cause offence, as calling the islands Argentine is virtually guaranteed to irritate and potentially start a fight. In addition to the above concerns and there exists a Country Code that should be followed by visitors to the islands:

  • Always ask permission before entering private land.
  • Keep to paths wherever feasible. Leave gates open or shut as you found them.
  • Be aware of the high fire risk throughout the Islands. Be extremely careful when smoking not to start fires. Take cigarette butts away with you.
  • Do not litter; take your rubbish home with you.
  • Do not disfigure rocks or buildings.
  • Do not touch, handle, injure or kill any wild bird or other wild animal.
  • Never feed any wild animals.
  • Always give animals the right of way. Remember not to block the routes of sea birds and seals coming ashore to their colonies.
  • Try to prevent any undue disturbance to wild animals. Stay on the outside of bird and seal colonies. Remain at least six metres away. When taking photographs or filming stay low to the ground. Move slowly and quietly. Do not startle or chase wildlife from resting or breeding areas.
  • Some plants are protected and should not be picked.
  • Whalebones, skulls, eggs or other such items may not be exported from the Falklands.

Telecommunications in Falkland Islands

For all emergencies, including Police, Fire, Ambulance and Bomb Disposal, dial 999 free of charge. The country code for dialling the Falklands is +500. The local phone company, Cable & Wireless, sells phone cards which can be used throughout the territory but international calls cost £0.90 per minute. Broadband internet access now exists island-wide although speeds are much closer to dialup, 56 Kbps or less. Several hotels, as well as the visitor centre offer computers that accept Cable & Wireless internet cards and there are an increasing number of Wi-Fi hotspots. Both phone and internet cards can be purchased from the Cable & Wireless office in Stanley (located on the hill past the War Memorial), as well as in some of the stores in town. The larger lodges will also sell phone cards and may have internet cards. More recently a GSM cell phone network has been made available but works only for Stanley, Mount Pleasant and a few other locations on East Falkland. The postal service in the Falklands is reliable and letters can be mailed easily from Stanley and most settlements. The main post office is located in Stanley town centre across from the FIC West store. Copyright 2015 - 2024. All Rights reserved by eHalal Group Co., Ltd.
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