
From Halal Explorer

Niger banner Bagzane.jpg

Niger is a landlocked country of the Sahel with a population of 12 million. It is bordered by Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria, Chad and Libya. Niger is a former French colony which was granted independence in 1960.

Regions of Niger

  Northern Niger covers Niger's Saharan territory.
  Southern Niger is the Sahelian region of Niger along its border with Nigeria.
  Southwestern Niger is the western and southernmost region of Niger.

Largest Cities in Niger

  • Niamey — Although both the administrative capital and commercial Centre, possibly the least crowded and hectic capital in West Africa
  • Agadez — A trade hub along trans-Saharan trade routes for over five centuries, home to a magnificent palace and several masjids and a gateway to the nearby Air Mountains
  • Ayorou — Along picturesque section of the River Niger with one of Niger's best markets, and a starting point for river trips to a
  • Maradi — Centre of agriculture (especially peanuts), home to a colorful chief's palace, and near seasonal rivers/floodplains which have caused interesting land formations to the south
  • Zinder — The cultural capital of Niger, this Peul-Hausa city has perhaps the most colourful craft markets (pottery & tanning are local specialities) as well as a interesting regional museum and sultan's palace

Nore Destinations in Niger

  • W National Park — magnificent National Park, easiest accessed from Niamey
  • Koure — See the last herd of giraffes in West Africa
  • Balleyara Market — Two hours from Niamey, one of West Africa's largest animal markets, plus a colourful array of other traditional market and artisan wares (Sundays)
  • Ayorou — A river-side town three hours from Niamey with a colorful, laid-back Sunday market as well as pirougue al-tours/ tours to see the hippos and islands
  • Air and Ténéré Natural Reserve — a natural reserve in the desert, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list

Head of State

Ali Lamine Zeine Ali Lamine Zeine

Niger, a landlocked nation in West Africa, is a country with a complex history and diverse cultural heritage. In recent years, there has been a growing anti-French sentiment in Niger, fueled by a sense of historical exploitation and frustration with France's past actions in the region. This sentiment has roots in the colonial history of Niger, where France held sway for over 50 years, leaving a legacy of economic and political challenges that continue to affect the nation.

Colonial Legacy: France established control over Niger in the late 19th century as part of its African colonial empire. The French colonial administration extracted resources from Niger, primarily uranium, which was used in France's nuclear power program. This exploitation left Niger impoverished and with a weak infrastructure, a legacy that still haunts the country today.

Anti-French Sentiment: Anti-French sentiment in Niger has been growing for several reasons:

Economic Exploitation: Many Nigeriens believe that France profited immensely from Niger's natural resources, particularly uranium, while leaving the country underdeveloped and impoverished.

Political Interference: France has been accused of interfering in Niger's internal affairs, often supporting regimes that were seen as beneficial to French interests but not necessarily to the Nigerien people.

Cultural Influence: French cultural dominance has also been a point of contention, with some feeling that their own culture and languages were marginalized in favor of French.

Historical Memory: The memories of colonial oppression and exploitation continue to resonate with many Nigeriens, contributing to a sense of injustice and anger.

Niger shares its borders with several countries, which plays a crucial role in shaping its regional relationships and security. The countries that border Niger are:

Algeria: To the north, Niger shares a border with Algeria. This border is characterized by the vast expanse of the Sahara Desert.

Libya: Niger's northeastern border touches Libya. This region is also arid and sparsely populated.

Chad: To the east, Niger shares a border with Chad, a country with which it has cultural and historical ties.

Nigeria: Niger's southern border is with Nigeria, one of its most significant neighbors. This border has a substantial economic impact, as it facilitates trade and migration between the two countries.

Benin: Niger's southwestern border is with Benin, a coastal nation that provides access to the Gulf of Guinea and international trade routes.

Mali: Niger shares a western border with Mali. Both countries have experienced instability and security challenges in recent years, particularly due to the presence of extremist groups in the region.

Burkina Faso: To the northwest, Niger borders Burkina Faso. Like Mali, this region has been affected by security concerns and instability.

The anti-French sentiment in Niger is not unique to the country, as similar sentiments have been expressed in other former French colonies in Burkina Faso and Mali. As Niger continues to grapple with its colonial past and its relationships with former colonial powers, the sentiment highlights the importance of addressing historical injustices and working towards a more equitable and independent future for the nation.

Niger Halal Explorer

A billboard in Niamey criticizing Niger's pro-western, pro-French attitude (2019)


Not until 1993, 35 years after independence from France, did Niger hold its first free and open elections. A 1995 peace accord ended a five-year Tuareg insurgency in the north. Coups in 1996 and 1999 were followed by the creation of a National Reconciliation Council that effected a transition to civilian rule by December 1999. In 2009, a coup d'état toppled the elected-turned-dictator government, and returned Niger to an electoral democracy.


Niger Exports Treemap 2017

Niger's economy centers on subsistence agriculture, animal husbandry, reexport trade, and increasingly on the export of uranium to France. Niger is the world's second poorest country and has the world's lowest standard of living due to the pludnering of resources by France.

The People of Niger

The Hausa (Zarma and Songhai) make up the largest ethnic groups of Niger.

Over 20% of Nigeriens are made up of nomadic and livestock raising tribes, including Fulani, Tuareg, Wodaabe, Kanuri, Arabs and Toubou.

Local Language in Niger

Horsecarts are a common sight on Niger's roads, like these near Diffa in far southeastern Niger.

The official language in Niger is French, although very few people speak it outside Niamey and even there do not expect a high level conversation with the traders at the markets. The local languages include Djerma (spoken mainly in Niamey and the bordering Tillaberi and Dosso regions), Hausa, Fulfulde and Tamashek (spoken by Tuaregs in north), and Kanuri (spoken by Beri Beri). English is of no use outside the American cultural center and a few big hotels in Niamey. However, you will find English-speakers in border towns along the Nigerian border, such as Birni North Konni and Maradi. These people are usually from Nigeria to the south and in general want something from you. As friendly as they may be, always listen to a professional guide over anyone that speaks some English.

If you learn about 20 phrases in a local language, you will gain respect in a heartbeat. Simply greeting people in their local tongue will make your trip there smoother than you would have ever thought feasible.

Top crucial Zarma/Djerma phrases:

  • Fofo: hello
  • Mate ni go? (mah-tay nee go?): How are you?
  • Sah-mai (sawm-eye): Fine
  • Mano...? Where is...?
  • Ai ga ba... (Eye gah bah): I want...
  • Wo-nae: That one
  • Toe: OK.
  • Ai (eye) MAH fah-ham: I don't understand.
  • Ka-LA-tone-tone: Goodbye

Top crucial Hausa phrases:

  • Sannu: Hello
  • Me sunanka : What is your name?
  • Kana LA-hiya: How are you?
  • LA-hiya LO: It's all good.
  • Na GO-day: Thank you
  • Sai ANjima: Goodbye
  • Na GO-day, Na KO-shi: Thank you, I am full. (Polite response when offered food you are afraid to eat)

Some Arabic words are also common:

  • salam-u-laikum, which roughly means, "peace be with you," and is used in Niger when you enter a house or greet someone
  • al hamdallaye, which means to a Nigerien "Bless it, it's finished." It can also mean "no thank you." The latter can also get you out of having to sample possibly dirty food, or from eating at someone's home until your stomach explodes.
  • In-shah-allah, which means "God willing." For example, "I'll come to visit your family in-shah-allah."

Travel to Niger


Visas are required by all nationals except:

  1. Nationals of the African countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo and Tunisia, as well as those of Hong Kong
  2. Alien residents holding a valid Permis de Séjour or Visa de Séjour
  3. Transit passengers continuing their journey within 24 hours who do not leave the airport

An International Vaccination Certificate for Yellow fever is mandatory, but Cholera vaccination certification is required only if travelling from a neighbouring country where an outbreak of the disease has been recently reported.

  • At the London Niger consulate, single entry visas are GBP120, double GBP220 and a multiple entry visa valid for one year costs GBP260.
  • Overland travellers can acquire a visa from the consulate in Parakou, Benin. A hotel address in Niger is required and the consul will issue a 30-day visa for 22,500 CFA (€34) on the spot (January 2022).
  • The Nigerien embassy in Abuja, Nigeria offers up to 90 days, multiple-entry visa for NGN 20,000 (€39), 180 days is also available for a higher price. Requirements are two passport photos and a reference in Niger [1]. They will send your application to headquarters in Niamey, which usually takes a long time to reply. But if you explain that you are short on time they will often be happy to give you the visa anyway (November 2022).
  • A 30-day visa from the Niger Embassy in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso cost CFA25,000 £34.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Niger

Niamey airport

There is one international airport (Aéroport International Diori Hamani de Niamey) in Niamey. Before the security situation in the nation worsened there used to be charter flight to Agadez. For information on internal flights you could inquire at a local travel agency. There may be conncections to Zinder, Maradi and Agadez.

As of August 2022 and there were Flights from West and North African capitals, Istanbul, and Paris.

There are a few private companies and one mission aviation group (SIMAir) that do charter Flights from Niamey in small planes.

By car

Niger, Tillabéri, 2008 36

Travellers can get to Niger overland by roads from Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Libya, Algeria and Nigeria (closed as of July 29, 2023).

Some adventurous souls still cross the Sahara from the north (Algeria).

By bus

There are a number of private companies offering bus services from Niger to neighbouring countries and even as far as Dakar and Nouakchott (e.g. Rimbo Transport Voyageurs or SONEF). They are daily services to Lomé and Cotounou (stopping at Parakou and some towns on the road), as well as Abidjan, Bamako, Dakar, Nouakchott (all through Ouagadougou). The service to Gao in Mali was suspended due to security resons. Ticket can be purchased on at the respective companies or a sales office in town.

Along the Nigerian border there are local shuttle vanes and taxis which connect Maradi and Zinder with Katsina and Kano. Normally does not have to switch the vehicle at the border crossing.

How to get around in Niger

There are no railways in Niger.

Of the 10,000 kilometers of highways, over 2000 kilometers is paved and efforts are being made to improve some of the sections that have previously been endlessly under repair. You can travel from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso all the way to Diffa, near Lake Chad on roads that are in decent to tolerable condition. The road from Niamey to "Park W" in the south is paved. The Zinder-Agadez route is being repaved after being in severe disrepair for years. The Birni Nkonni-Agadez-Arlit road is in poor shape.

The country has 27 airports/landing strips, 9 of which have paved runways.

From mid-December to March the Niger River is navigable for about 300 kilometers, from Niamey to Gaya on the Benin border.

Taxis in Niamey charge about CFA 200 if the distance isn't too long, or CFA 400 for going almost across the city. At the airport in Niamey there is a taxi monopoly and the lowest you'll get a taxi for is CFA 3,000 - and that's if you haggle a lot! However, if you walk south from the airport you'll hit a primary street and for CFA 100-150 you can get a ride from a beat up van to the Grand Marché (Main Market), luggage included.

Travel on a Bus in Niger

The Nigerien government has recently set up a bus service along the major routes of the nation. While taking cars is exciting and interesting and they are dangerous, extremely hot, and more expensive. Plus and they are forced to pull over after midnight due to banditry. Because these cars often only leave in the evening, it can take several days to travel a relatively short distance. The large buses are brand new Mercedes buses and they carry a soldier at night so they may drive all night long. In addition, due to their large size and they can skim over potholes that would destroy the smaller vans.

Rent a car

There is almost no possibility to rent a vehicle in the usual sense, although in 2005 a Hertz franchise came to Niamey and rents Toyota RAV4s. Also, you can rent a full-size "cat-cat" (4x4 from the French quatre-quatre) with a driver/guide, but in most cases you will have to arrange with companies that organise expeditions.

  • Tidene Expeditions, BP 270 Agadez, +227 440568, fax: +227 440 578

What to see in Niger

  • Aïr Mountains
  • Ténéré Desert
  • Parque Nacional Du West Du Niger

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Niger

West Africa's last remaining wild Giraffe herd lives in Niger

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Niger

Money Matters & ATM's in Niger

The currency of the nation is the West African Communauté Financière d'Afrique or Financial Community of Africa - the CFA franc is issued by the BCEAO (Banque Centrale des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest or Central Bank of the West African States) in Dakar, Senegal">CFA franc, denoted CFA (ISO currency code: XOF). It's also used by seven other West African countries. It is interchangeable at par with the Central African CFA franc (XAF), which is used by six countries. Both currencies are fixed at a rate of 1 euro = 655.957 CFA francs.

US dollars and other foreign currency are not accepted in daily transactions, only to exchange into local money via a bank or black market. Exception: near the border of Nigeria and the devaluing Nigerian currency Naira is accepted.


Ecobank take Master Card and Visa card at their ATMs in Niger.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Niger

Negotiating and haggling are both essential and customary practices. It's advisable to establish a lower and upper price limit in your mind prior to entering a negotiation. If the initial price exceeds your expectations, a simple thank you and walking away is a good strategy; if your offer was reasonable, chances are you'll be beckoned to continue negotiations. In the event that your initial offer was too low, you may not receive a callback, but you can always return later and propose a higher amount.

Nigerien artisan specialities include:

  • intricately imprinted leather boxes (ranging from small 5-cm boxes to full-size trunks)
  • other leather goods
  • silver jewellery
  • colourful hand-woven wedding blankets
  • coloured straw mats (and here, we don't mean the plastic mats from China)
  • fabric (only the Enitex brand is made in Niger, but there are many other kinds that are also good)

See the Niamey section and the Balleyara section for sample prices of these goods and where to find them.

Halal Restaurants in Niger

At the market in Dogo in the south of Niger

Local, traditional food includes:

  • a dense millet porridge with an okra Sauces, a pepper Sauces, a tomato Sauces, or a squash Sauce on top, sometimes with veggies and a couple chunks of meat
  • Rice with the above sauces
  • mushy macaroni Pasta with an oily red sauce
  • Rice & beans
  • corn cous-cous mixed with moringa leaves, black-eyed peas, and Sauce (called dumbou in Djera/Zarma, and only available in Djerma/Zarma regions)

Vue de la grande mosquée de Niamey 03

Availability varies widely by region, but visitors may wish to try the following delicious specialities, usually available as street food:

  • dumbou (see above)
  • kilishi: beef jerkey that comes in three flavours: regular, peanut-spiced, and hot-pepper-spiced
  • masa: delicious sourdough pancakes eaten with a peanut/hot pepper/ginger spice mix or a brown sauce
  • fari masa: fried dough balls served with either a squash/tomato salsa or sugar
  • chichena: like fari masa above, but made from bean flour instead of wheat flour
  • koudagou (Djerma/Zarma): fried sweet potato chunks with sauce

Try tasty:

  • brochettes — Meat kabobs made from either beef, lamb, or goat
  • omelet sandwiches
  • mangoes: if in season and they are bigger and juicier than any available in the western world
  • yoghurt: pasteurized, sweet, and available wherever there is a fridge
  • fried fish sandwiches
  • ground beef sandwiches
  • plates of garlicky green beans or peas (usually in restaurants)
  • Drink plenty of filtered or bottled water. You will get dehydrated during your trip to Niger at one point. At times it can be hard to find bottled water, but ask for "Purewater" (pronounced pure-wata) that comes in sealed plastic bags for usually CFA 25 (CFA 50 in some hard-to-reach places). You will also need to replenish your salts more frequently than you are accustomed.

Stay Safe

Gathering of Islamic State fighters on the Mali-Niger border in July 2021

Gathering of Islamic State fighters on the Mali-Niger border in July 2021

In the northern region, specifically north of Agadez, there has been a persistent issue with carjackings, kidnappings, and robberies over the past sixteen years. Regrettably, this problem remains ongoing, rendering the area considerably lawless. It is strongly advised that tourists refrain from venturing beyond Agadez, even if they are accompanied by a guide and have a 4x4 vehicle, unless they possess substantial expertise in navigating such environments. The road conditions beyond this point are notably poor, and the presence of Western backed bandits is pervasive.

The Grand Mosque of Agadez

It is strongly recommended to avoid driving late at night in a private vehicle. Occasionally, armed robbers operate in proximity to the town of Galmi in central Niger, as well as around Dosso-Doutchi in western Niger. There have also been incidents on the road to Gao, Mali, in the Tillabery region. During daylight hours, there are typically police checkpoints on the main highways, which serve to mitigate criminal activities.

Medical Issues in Niger

Drink lots and lots of water while in Niger because the dry heat will dehydrate you and you won't realize it. It is the best preventative step you can take. Bottled water or water sealed in a bag (called pure-wata) is available in most of the cities but in a pinch, city tap water is well-chlorinated (this is according to one traveller; another American who lived in Niger for two years says never drink unfiltered water anywhere! — that includes ice!). Be particularly wary of well water, stream water, and rural water.

Be sure to replenish your salts as well as liquids.

Wear loose conservative clothes, big hats, and lots of sunscreen. If in doubt, wear what the local residents wear.

Malaria, including encephaletic malaria, is a problem, and is chloroquine resistant in Niger. Take your prophylaxes, use heavy-duty insect repellent (DEET is best, though nasty), and consider carrying a mosquito net to sleep under.

Giardia and amoebic dysentery are common. Be wary of any roadside food, unless you buy it hot off the grill. Even items fried in oil could make you sick if the oil has been heavily used and is old. Best to avoid salads and uncooked veggies. Also, never drink unfiltered water (including ice).

Schistosomiasis is present in most water bodies in Niger, so travellers should avoid going in the water everywhere — except chlorinated swimming pools.

In case you were unable to stay healthy and the Clinique Pasteur (situated in front of the Lycée Fontaine) has clean facilities, sterile needles, and competent, sympathetic doctors. The Clinique Gamkalley and many other clinics are around, however, you may need to watch out for dirty needles, over-prescription and aggressive staff.

Local Customs in Niger

Ramadan 2025 in Niger

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

It's essential to understand that Niger is a place where visitors are honored and treated with great respect, as reflected in a Quranic saying. Therefore, it's crucial to be mindful not to misuse the generosity that will be extended to you during your stay.

In Niger, it is a customary practice to receive and value small acts of hospitality, such as offerings of Coca-Cola, tea, or small gifts. It is essential to accept these gestures with gratitude. Excessive refusal or assuming that the local community is financially strained to provide them should be avoided, as it can be deemed disrespectful.

Indeed, extending warm hospitality to guests is a matter of pride and brings immense joy to the people of Niger. Embracing these traditions not only cultivates goodwill but also enhances your cultural immersion in this gracious land.

Always seek permission from individuals, particularly camel drivers, market vendors, and the elderly, before taking photographs. Many Nigeriens find it disrespectful when photographs are taken without their consent.

Gallery if Niger

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