
From Halal Explorer

File:Petra banner Al-Khazneh - Al-Khazneh Petra Jordan BW 21 - |Petra, The Treasury (Al Khazneh)

Petra (Arabic: البتراء, Al-Batrāʾ) and the fabled "rose red city, half as old as time", is a well known ancient Nabataean city in the south of Jordan. Due to its breathtaking grandeur and fabulous ruins, Petra was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985.

Petra Halal Explorer

Petra was the impressive capital of the Nabataean kingdom from around the 6th century BC. The kingdom was absorbed into the Roman Empire in AD 106 and the Romans continued to expand the city. An important center for trade and commerce, Petra continued to flourish until a catastrophic earthquake destroyed buildings and crippled vital water management systems around AD 663. After Saladin's conquest of the Middle East in 1189, Petra was abandoned and the memory of it was lost to the West.

The ruins remained hidden to most of the world until the Swiss explorer, Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, disguised as an Arab scholar, infiltrated the Bedouin-occupied city in 1812. Burckhardt's accounts of his travels inspired other Western explorers and historians to discover the ancient city further. The most famous of these was David Roberts, a Scottish artist who created a number of accurate and detailed illustrations of the city in 1839.

The first real excavations of the site were in 1929 after the forming of Trans-Jordan. Since that time, Petra has become by far Jordan's largest tourist attraction, partially due to the exposure by the Steven Spielberg movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, in 1989. Due to the fantastic engineering accomplishments and the fact of its being excellently maintained and the archaeological site was chosen in July 2007 as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World].

Petra is the archaeological site and Wadi Musa is the city nearby.

Travel to Petra


Petra is open to visits 06:00-17:00 in winter, and 06:00-18:00 in summer, daily throughout the year.

Entry ticket

What may be one of the most expensive admissions to any archaeological site in the world. The entry ticket to Petra costs 90 JD for one day visitors to Jordan (i.e., those that have arrived in Jordan from some other country, e.g. on the day of the visit and will be returning there for the night). Tourists that overnight in the nation or on a cruise ship pay 50 JD for 1 day, 55 JD for 2 days or 60 JD for 3 days. Bring your passport to prove you entered Jordan at least one day before. If entered the same day, your room key will be asked by the ticket seller. Students have to pay the full price, except those who enroll in a Jordanian university, for whom the admission price drops sharply to 1 JD.

Do not attempt to purchase tickets from dubious scalpers around town! Time permitting and the two-day pass is recommended, as there is much to see and do in Petra. For more than one day and the ticket office can ask for your passport as the ticket has your first name on it.

The Jordan Pass (purchased online before coming to Jordan) gives you access to over 30 sights and attractions in Jordan, including Petra, Wadi Rum Protected Area and Jerash. And the fee on the regular 40 JD visa is waived when entering Jordan, if you stay at least four days in the nation. (If you leave before, you will have to pay the 40 JD at the border when exiting.) There are three different types available, depending on the length of your stay in Petra: 70, 75, or 80 JD for one, two, or three days in Petra. Also read Jordan#Jordan Pass.

Children under 12 years can enter the touristic sites for free when accompanied by their parents.

Travel on a Bus in Petra

JETT buses, both ordinary and all-inclusive guided tour, connect to Amman and Aqaba via the fast (but boring) Desert Highway. Other tourists come with organized groups, including daily trips from Eilat, Israel. Tours to Petra from the Egyptian cities of Taba, Sinai and Sharm el Sheikh are also gaining popularity with charter tourism.

It is easy to take the bus from Amman to Petra. It leaves from the JETT bus office close to Abdali station (departs at 06:30, runs daily) and in 3½ hours you'll get to the bus station not even 5 minutes from the entrance of Petra. At 17:00 the JETT bus takes off again to go back to Amman. The price is 11 JD for one way (as of June 2023),

Time tables of the JETT Bus: Web:

Travel by minivan in Petra

The Wadi Musa Bus Station GPS 30.318952,35.479450 is next to the mosque.

Public shuttle van from Wadi Musa (Petra) to Ma'an (or vis versa) is 0.55 JD and from there to Aqaba (or vis versa) is 1.50 JD. The main route from Wadi Musa to Aqaba or Amman (or vice versa) is overpriced for tourists! Going through Ma'an, you should be able to pay the local price for the public shuttle van.

There is a direct shuttle van going from Aqaba for 5 JD, for those that cross from Eilat and don't want to pay the outrageous taxi fare. The problem is and there's no timetable - it leaves early in the morning (06:45) from Wadi Musa towards Aqaba and then returns from Aqaba when it fills up etc. Ask at the tourist information right at the border for information of departures.

There are also direct shuttle vanes from Amman - these leave when full, and Muslims are charged 5 JD to get on. Do not allow the drivers to charge you for your luggage, as they might sometimes try to do. The ride is about three hours.

The shuttle van from Wadi Rum costs 7 JD. It takes around 2 hours to get to Petra. Have your tour operator or guide call the bus owner the day before to arrange an exact time for pick up. The bus usually leaves from Wadi Rum at 09:00 in the morning, but may be delayed due to weather or tour groups coming the other way.

There is a daily bus to Wadi Musa from Madaba that travels via the scenic (but slow) King's Highway. This shuttle van leaves from outside the Mariam Hotel in Madaba.

Best way to travel in Petra by a Taxi

Taxi is also a viable option. For 75 JD or less (depending on how much you haggle) you may be able to get a private taxi from Amman to Petra and back, including the driver waiting around for 6 hr.

A taxi from Aqaba to Petra should cost 55 JD one-way. Though, see the remark on the Aqaba#Stay safe|Aqaba border taxi Mafia under Aqaba.

Renting a shuttle van with a driver in the hotel at the Dead Sea (Jordan) | Dead Sea would be around 140 JD one-way.

A taxi from Madaba to Petra arranged by a hotel costs 60-65 JD (Oct 2022). Arranging one directly may cost less.

By tour company

Many visitors to Petra come on day trips from Eilat, in Palestine. Single day tours cost around US$220 per person, including park admission, but not including Palestine border fees (2023). A bus driver picks you up at your hotel around 07:00 and takes you to the Yitzhak Rabin-Aqaba border crossing just outside of Eilat. Once you cross the border, a Jordanian tour guide drives you to Petra, where you spend about 4 hours before having a late lunch and returning to the border around 18:00. Day tours can sometimes be booked at your Eilat hotel after you arrive, but advance reservations are recommended, especially during peak travel durations.

Sneak peek

In case you travel on a budget or really do not have the money for Petra and there is a way to see parts of Petra without having a ticket. From the highway south of Wadi Musa there leads a track to the top of the mountain that faces the Treasury. You can get some pretty good shots from there. Try OpenStreetMap, which many mobile Apps like OsmAnd and / MAPS.ME, use to identify the track or look for an according GPX file.

Get Around

Wadi Musa to Petra

Many hotels organise free transport to and from the entrance to Petra. Otherwise you can either walk downhill along Tourist Rd. for about 15 minutes, or take a taxi for 1-2 JD.

Within Petra

Urn Tomb, Petra 01 - The Urn Tomb

The only modes of transport allowed within Petra are on two feet or four (camel, donkey, or horse). There are 4 segments within Petra with 4 feasible types of transport: from the entrance to the Siq (by foot or horse), from the Siq to the Treasury (by foot or cart), from the Treasury to the stairs of the Monastery (by foot, donkey or camel) and the 800 stairs of the monastery (by foot or donkey).

Animal transport

When entering Petra and there is a brief hike down towards the Siq. Horses will be available for travel to the entrance of the Siq, or you can choose to take a horse-drawn buggy through the Siq (a distance of about 0.9 km) and down to the Treasury. The prices for such rides are not set and are extremely negotiable, depending on one's bargaining abilities. Although the horse guides will tell you that riding a horse to the Siq entrance is included in the ticket price and they will try to sell you a longer tour, and argue aggressively for a 'tip'. As the walk down to the Siq entrance is only 15 min, it's not really worth it. The horses have been treated so badly in the past that a clinic to treat and heal them from the bad treatments they receive has been opened left to the entrance. It's not uncommon to see wounded animals, especially those pulling the carts, to be put to gallop under 37°C. Donkeys are exploited by small groups of Bedouin youths who use 75 cm electrical cable sections to strike them all the way up to the Monastery. So if you can walk, it's better to spare the animals.

Once you arrive at the Treasury and throughout Petra and there will be many camel and donkey owners jockeying for your business. Be prepared to do some bargaining and don't pay more than 15 JD per hour. Often there are times when the owner will drop his price in half simply by hearing a few phrases in Arabic.

Camel transport could be an option. Riding a camel is a unique experience on more level ground, but a donkey is recommended for more ambitious climbs, such as the ones to the High Place of Sacrifice or the Monastery. Camels are the only animals respected by their owners in Petra as they're expensive and less docile than donkeys or horses. So riding them is OK, but deal well with the owner before climbing on them.

"Free with ticket" scam: Even though it might state on your ticket that the horse/donkey transport from the entrance to the Siq is included in the price, it is a common way to scam people into paying unjustified amounts of money for the guides service. Some guides with horses and donkeys will offer you to carry you further, but many people ended up paying 50 JD for a two-hour ride, which is beyond fair and justified. Don't fall for any such lies and simply reject any offer. If you really want to use their service, agree on a all-including price for animal, guide and any other services beforehand and only hand over the money at the finish. Do not get tricked into extra tracks, services or anything these scammers could charge you for.

Halal Friendly Walking Tours in Petra

However, if you are reasonably fit and the weather is good, walking the whole of Petra is quite nice. Prefer climbing the Monastery's path before 15:00, otherwise it will be mostly in the shadow. If you are a good hiker, Petra area including the Monastery climb and the climb up the tombs to see the Treasury from above and even the High Place of Sacrifice are feasible on one day.

There is an unofficial section from the High Place of Sacrifice directly down to the Treasury, saving you some time, but finding it can be a little tricky. Try OpenStreetMap, which at least shows the official track to its very end. The other way around from the bottom of the Treasury is blocked by a sign and probably official personal. Not going down to the Treasury, you can even walk back to the highway.

"You need a guide" scam: Be aware that on some trails (especially an ascent from the Treasury and a walk starting between the entrance and the Siq), agents may falsely tell you that a guide is mandatory and may pursue you (on foot or horseback) to try to force you to turn back. Some routes are officially designated as "dangerous without a guide" (though this very much depends on your mobility and the weather), but a guide is not mandatory. On the other hand, some other routes are indeed blocked off, but in that case having a local guide doesn't detract from the fact that you are trespassing. In any case, if hassled and the best thing to do is to try to ignore them. In busy hours, tourist police are often nearby, especially near the Treasury.

What to see in Petra

PetraSiq - the Siq

Petra Treasury Urn - The urn atop the Treasury

Guides can be hired from about 25 JD and up (depending on what you want to see) at the Visitors Center. Many of them were born and raised in Petra, and will gladly share their knowledge with you. Major hotels can rent you a portable Easyguide audio guide (10 JD/day) for commentary in English, Arabic, French and Spanish. Easyguide is also available as a mobile phone service on all Jordanian mobile phone networks; a map is needed to use this service.

  • Siq 30.323006, 35.456491 - Siq PS-Petra 6148 The entrance to Petra is a long, winding sandstone canyon (about 2 km). There are minor carvings spotted here and there throughout the Siq, but the most impressive sights are the colorful and unusual sandstone patterns in the rock walls. There are also remains of terracotta pipes built into the sides of the canyon that were used in Roman times to carry water.
  • Treasury - Al-Khazneh in Arabic | 30.32206, 35.45145 - Al-Khazneh Treasury Petra Upon exiting the Siq, visitors can view this jaw-dropping grandeur. Be sure to note the urn atop the Treasury structure, it has been rumored that the urn contained a Pharaoh's hidden treasure, and the urn bears the bullet pock marks where Bedouin travellers throughout the years have tested the theory. Get there when the park opens at 06:00 or 06:30 (depending on the season) and you may have the Treasury all to yourself or with fewer than 5-10 people around and no vendors.
  • Street of Facades 30.322971, 35.450303 Past the next bend is this part also sometimes called outer Siq, a large canyon lined with the facades of various tombs.
  • Nabatean Theatre 30.324773, 35.446962 At the end of the Street of Facades is the 7000-seat Roman Theater. The theater was created by the Nabateans but later enlarged by the Romans. It is still used for occasional performances.
  • Royal Tombs 30.326583, 35.449043 On the side of the valley opposite the Roman Theater and a short walk up the hill, are the tombs. The name was given because they are quite grand in scale compared to the others in the area, but it is unclear for whom the tombs were originally constructed.
  • Byzantine Church 30.330639, 35.444321
  • The Great Temple 30.328714, 35.442284
  • Monastery - ad-Deir | 30.338228, 35.430927 - Ad Deir Petra Jordan BW 36 - The largest carved monument in Petra, dates back to the 1st century AD. The interior, like that of the Treasury, is puny in comparison to the facade. The more than 800 steps up to the Monastery can take over an hour, and even if you take a donkey you will have to walk and climb for about 10 minutes near the end.
  • Desert View 30.339734, 35.425968 beyond the Monastery If you follow the track further from the Monastery, you will reach a camp offering tea and stuff to sell, which offers a great view of the desert to the west.
  • Petra by Night - Happens on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 20:30 (be there at 20:15!). Entrance fee is 17 JD and you do not need a day pass. Order your tickets at your hotel, or buy them at the site's visitor center. The approach to the Treasury through the Site is lit only by candles. Musicians will play about 15 min of Bedouin music, and you'll be served some tea in paper cups while you sit on mats at the Treasury. It's best to see this before you see Petra by day, as it becomes far less impressive if you already walked up to the Treasury during daytime. It's not amazing, but it's something nice to do during nighttime. However and there are really mixed reviews of this.
  • Princess Alia Clinic, Brooke Hospital for Animals - Just inside the entrance to the park. As you can witness inside Petra, not all donkeys, horses and camels are treated right. A few are overworked, carrying overweight tourist or being excessively whipped. The Brooke charity educates owners about the treatment of equestrian working animals and treats the animals for free. The clinic is happy to tell you about conditions for working animals in Jordan. You can give a donation to the clinic.
  • Wadi Musa 30.32, 35.4784 - Wadi Musa Wadi Musa, Jordan This is the city next to Petra, doesn't have any big touristic attraction except for a great panorama from uphill.

Best things to do in Petra

30.3282|35.4438|width=500|height=400}} The Monastery, Petra, Jordan8 - The Monastery is one of Petra's most impressive structures

For the terminally energetic and there are a number of popular hikes around Petra. Most hikes last about 1-3 hr round-trip.

  • In order to understand what Petra is, it is better to spend there two days. The first day: Siq - Treasury - City - Monastery. The second day: another way to Petra through Wadi Muthlim - see the Treasury from above on Jebel Al -Khubtha - High Place of Sacrifice. If you enter Petra through Wadi Muthlim do not turn left immediately after the small Siq, first go right to see Aqueduct, Tunnel and Al-Wu'eira Fort and only after that return to Petra center. It may not be feasible to go through this route due to excess water in it. It's not recommended doing this route without a guide.
  • Tomb Staircases 30.3294, 35.4503 Just after the last tomb on the side of the Royal Tombs and there leads a staircase up the mountain which gives a good view of the Petra area. At the very end of this track there is a camp giving a great view from above the Treasury.
  • High Place of Sacrifice 30.321561, 35.447048 The site at the top of the mountain contains elaborate rock altars used for sacrifices. From the High Place, one can view much of Petra from above. Beautiful scenery. It can get cold and windy up there. The trek down the back side of the mountain reveals many interesting tombs and carvings that might be missed by the average tourist. The round trip generally takes 1.5-2.5 hr. Not many people go through the back route as it's not always clear where it starts - ask or use OpenStreetMap to identify the track. You might even try to use the direct track to the Treasury, which is even harder to find and not official, even though the staircases are clearly visible from down the Treasury.
  • Mountain of Aaron - Jabal Haroun | 30.317092, 35.406678 This is the highest peak in the area. At the top you will find a small church and the tomb of Aaron, brother of Musa. The route to the top and back will take you past the Monastery and will take 4-8 hours depending on your chosen path.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Petra

Throughout Petra, vendors will offer bottles of decorative sand art (small ones about 1 JD bigger ones up to 6 JD). While they may appear similar to other such souvenirs found in other Jordanian locations and these are unique in that the sand used to create the art is naturally colored sand scraped from the rock walls of various Petra canyons and not artificially colored. The most common design displays a camel's silhouette against a desert background. Some artists can write a name inside the sand bottle in a surprisingly short amount of time.

Bracelets, necklaces and rings are sold frequently by vendors walking around and presenting their goods. Offers vary extremely in price and often salespersons claim that they are made out of silver, even though they are not (1-5 JD is a fair price for most of the offered goods).

There is a fruit and vegetable market next to the shuttle van station in Wadi Musa.

Souvenirs in Petra/Wadi Musa often cost twice or three times the price demanded in the rest of Jordan. So, if you are also going to visit the rest of Jordan, do your shopping there.

Ancient coin, mister?

The Bedouin tradesmen around the area will display artificial "ancient" Roman or Nabatean coins which are rather large in size. If pressed further and they will generally have a hidden stash of small, authentic coins from various periods. However buying these coins encourages the illegal looting of archaeological sites. To supply you with a souvenir the local inhabitants destroy graves, tombs and buildings in searches for coins and other antiquities. The Antiquities Law of 1988 states that individuals who engage in illicit excavations and/or trading in antiquities are criminals.

Eat & drink


There is only one restaurant in all of the Petra site - at the far end of the Roman Highway. It's operated by Crowne Plaza, and does a roaring trade despite steep pricing, and also has the valley's monopoly on organic juice (6.5 JD for a 300 ml can, Oct 2023).

For just Snacks and hot & cold drinks however and there are small stores and vendors scattered throughout Petra.

Shade is sparse in Petra, and on a hot summer day you can expect to go through at least 4 liters of water (and more if you can afford to carry it). The need for water in the winter months is much less. 0.5 liter bottles cost 1 JD, and 250 ml soft drinks cost 2 JD (Oct 2022).

There is running tap water in Petra's bathrooms throughout the site but it is not safe for drinking. If you are exploring the place on a hot day, it might not be a bad idea to fill up an empty bottle with tap water to refresh yourself during the trip.

Wadi Musa

  • Al-Janoub Sweets 30.3207852, 35.4794025 0.2 JD per small piece, 0.5 JD per piece on a plate Delicious sweets beyond the ordinary stuff sold by many shops around the nation. Baklava filled with Cheese or pudding, other sweety warm rolls and nuts and almonds specialities.
  • Al-Wadi Restaurant on Shaheed roundabout/Circle in the center of town - 2-4 JD for a main dish Reasonably priced, and the servers are extremely friendly.
  • Cleopetra below Circle/Al Wadhi restaurant - About 1 JD for a falafel or a tea
  • Wrangler Bar - at Petra Palace Hotel - 4 JD for organic juice and Cosy bar with soft drinks and oldies but goodies music.
  • Valentine Inn (see below) sells various alcoholic beverages and is famous for that with the local residents.
  • Si Wan restaurant has some good local food with fair prices. Also and there's a good and affordable bakery near it.
  • Mountain Pub (at Hidab Hotel). Traditional wood bar with alcoholic beverages, hot and cold drinks, and Snacks.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Petra

Petra - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Petra, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Petra. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Petra and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Petra. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Petra. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inPetra: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Petra.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Petra: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Petra, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Petra.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Petra, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Petra, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Petra and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Petra, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Petra, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Petra without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Petra is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Petra.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Petra is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Petra, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Petra Media:

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Most accommodation will be available through the common hotel websites. To get a good price, check out a places availability and location and just turn up and ask for the price referring to the website. But even walking around in the center of Wadi Musa will give you plenty of options. But in high season book ahead.

  • Valentine Inn - Wadi Mousa, Jabal Alzohour Str, Jordan. 30.322570, 35.480728At the main roundabout, head up the (steep) hill about 200 m, entrance on the right. ☎ +962 (03)215 6423 - Dorm 5 JD (14 beds) JOD JD (9 beds), Single 8-14 JD, Double 10-15 JD, Triple 20 JD (the lower prices are for the room when without the electrical heater) Check-in: anytime / Check-out: 11:00 The place where every taxi driver will attempt to take you and the Valentine Inn has become very popular with budget travelers and backpackers. They offer a generous and tasty breakfast and dinner buffet (3 JD and 7 JD), clean and cool dorm rooms, and sociable dining area with great views of the town and mountains beyond. Depending on which staff or owners, you can easily have help with directions or get tea. Like all places they can arrange everything, and offer a free shuttle van to the park entrance at 07:00 and 08:00 and returning at 17:00 and 16:00 or 18:00 (depending on the season). The dorms may be cramped, but there is free WiFi and pickup from the bus stand. Laundry is available at 2.5 JD.
  • Al-Anbat 1 - 30.32628, 35.49238 - +962 (06) 215 6888 +962 (03) 215 6888 - From 35 JD Clean rooms with satellite TV (including Al Jazeera & CNA (Channel News Asia)). All upstairs rooms have baths and the occasional balcony. 4 kilometers from Wadi Musa, but breakfast and transport to Petra is included in the price. Internet cafe, restaurant and Turkish bath.
  • Al-Anbat 2 30.32117, 35.47934 - +962 (06) 215 6888 - 5/10 JD single/double All rooms have air-con and satellite TV.
  • Petra Gate Hotel 30.32051, 35.48073 - +962 (03)215 6908 - 11 JD per person Warm, welcoming, and friendly atmosphere; the rooms all with bath and toilet , offers free transportation to the site; free luggage storage; international telephone call service; laundry; wireless internet services; satellite TV; movies; tickets to Petra by Night; and a big buffet-style restaurant. English speaking, super friendly and helpful staff is there to answer all your questions, and they can organise trips to Wadi Rum and to the kings highway and Dead Sea and they will help you during your stay. Clean and quite cheap, breakfast included.
  • Saba'a Hotel Wadi Musa, Petra, Jordan From the bus station, turn left and walk along the primary street to the roundabout, cross over and walk 100 m up the hill on the left. ☎ +962 776250574 (Ibrahim) and +962 779730533 (Gail) - Prices per person from: single ensuite 14 JD, double ensuite 10 JD, twin ensuite 10 JD, triple ensuite 9 JD, breakfast is included Very welcoming owners - he's from Jordan and she's from the UK and they really make you feel at home. The rooms are simple and clean and they are all en suite. Wireless internet; packed lunches; laundry service, luggage storage; satellite TV; book swap;local information; trips to Wadi Rum are all available.
  • Valley Stars Inn Main Street, Wadi Musa 30.31841, 35.48241 - +962 3 2155733 - 35 JD for double, includes international breakfast buffet, complete with eggs cooked to order. Half board for 10 JD extra adds a superb dinner Family owned and operated, and the manager's devotion to service and direct attention to details makes this two-star hotel like a five-star international quality experience. Bright and sociable living room and eating areas with warm and homey atmosphere and unlimited free high speed wireless internet access. Clean and comfortable guest rooms. Manager speaks and writes (emails, texts) English, graciously responds to all questions about your complete Petra vacation, and can arrange for local guided tours. Upon request, Manager will assist with travel plans to and from other points within Jordan, organize trips, and provide travel advice for Wadi Rum, Wadi Dana, Aqaba, Amman and other destinations, all for a fair and honest price (no need to negotiate). Free shuttle service provided to and from Petra main gate. Free luggage storage upon check-out. Boxed lunches can be arranged for day trips with a local restaurant and delivered to hotel.
  • Nawaf Bedouin Camp ☎ +962 795 537 109 - 95 JD/night, including dinner and breakfast Very good way of getting to know the real Bedouin lifestyle. Nawaf is a warm and respectful person, and the way he manages his camp has very little to do with a hotel - he likes to work with small groups of tourists, so he can use all his energies to make you feel comfortable and spend time talking with you around the campfire. At night, in the magic atmosphere of the Bedouin tent, he will prepare on the fire (just in front of you) a very tasty dinner, following the old Bedouin traditions. The price also includes transportation to and from the Bedouin village next to Petra and to the desert camp in Wadi Araba.
  • Peace Way Hotel peaceway@ 30.32093, 35.48090 +962 3 2156963 - 18 JD single room including breakfast Free WiFi in the lobby, free transport to Petra in the morning (1-way only).
  • Amra Palace Hotel - P.O.Box 124 Wadi Mousa 71810 - Petra - Jordan 30.31973, 35.48060 - +962 3 2157070 +962 3 2157071 - 24 JD single room including breakfast Wifi in lobby and bedroom (7 JD for 1 day but often special unlimited offer mix with other things). Located just next to the Petra Gate Hotel - offers a nice terrace with good standing, a swimming swimmingpool and clean rooms.
  • Moon Valley Hotel | - 22 JD, 20 JD for additional nights - Room was decent for the price but not the cleanest. Air conditioning, Satellite TV, and hot water. Included in the price is a minimal breakfast. WiFi for 2 JD/day. Staff was very nice and helpful. 10-min walk to Petra's entrance. It's near a bunch of affordable supermarkets, SiWan restaurant (great local food, fair prices, not the cheapest), and near a good and affordable bakery.
  • Sharah Mountains Hotel - Main Street, Wadi Moussa 30.32046, 35.48121 500 m from the bus station ☎ +962 779421440 Check-in: 12:00 / Check-out: 12:00 20 JD per room Sharah Mountains Hotel is a one minutes walk from the Al-Shaheed roundabout. Offers free transportation to & from the gate of Petra at any time you want, deposit safe, reservation for other hotels in Jordan, organizing transportation to any place in Jordan with very competitive prices.
  • Qaser Al-Bint Hotel - Downtown 30.32213, 35.48005 five minutes to The bus station ☎ +962 776434952 Check-in: 12:00 / Check-out: 12:00 18 JD per room Offers clean and comfortable rooms with air condition and private paths.
  • Hidab Hotel - | Downtown 30.32271, 35.48660 five minutes from the entrance to Petra ☎ +962 32159100 Check-in: 12:00 / Check-out: 12:00 25 JD per room Budget 3-star hotel offering spacious rooms with air conditioning and private bath, satellite TV, hair dryer, fridge, 24-hour front desk service, Turkish Bath, Moonlight Terrace Restaurant, and Mountain Pub. Breakfast included.
  • Cleopetra Hotel cleopetra@ Main Street, 71810 Wadi Musa, Jordan 30.31891, 35.48164 - +962 (03) 215 7090 - 25/30 JD single/double Mid-range hotel with common area with TV and couches. Refurbished in December 2010, all rooms have bathroom included. Located up the hill (near the bus station) but free transport is provided to Petra. Great reception with lots of advice and can organise trips to Wadi Rum. Mosleh will take care of you - he seems to know everyone in town. Breakfast is also included in the price which makes this hotel great value!
  • Mövenpick Resort & Petra - Wadi Mousa 71810 30.32569, 35.46950 - +962 3 21 57 11 1 +962 3 21 57 11 2 From 99 JD Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 12:00 At the entrance to the historic city of Petra and the luxurious rooms and suites are equipped with wireless broadband internet connection and a 32/37-inch LCD flat-screen television.
  • Grand View Resort - Queen Rania Street 30.30610, 35.46344 Beside the Marriott overlooking Wadi Musa ☎ +962 (3) 215 68 71 - 75/100/150/250/450 JD single/twin/studio/junior suite/executive suite The Grand View Resort offers excellent service with a fantastic view of Jabal Haroun (the Mountain of Aaron) and the surrounding area.
  • Taybet Zaman Hotel and Resort | ☎ +962 (06) 215 0111 - Rooms start at US$110 - In a renovated 19th-century village, this is quite possibly the best hotel and almost certainly the most stylish one in Petra, if not in all of Jordan. The 111 rooms are all in individual houses decorated in Bedouin style. The inevitable handicraft shops are attractively camouflaged in a "souq", and there are good restaurants and even a Turkish bath on hand. The resort is a fair distance from Petra, but a courtesy shuttle bus is provided once a day: 09:30 to Petra and 14:30 for the return. This doesn't give enough time for exploration of Petra. If you have your own transportation, this is doable. If not, you end up paying 8 JD each way for a taxi.
  • Mövenpick Nabatean Castle Hotel - Wadi Mousa 71810, P.O. box 184 30.28865, 35.45658 - +962 3 21 57 20 1 +962 3 21 57 20 9 From 66 JD Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 12:00

A 10-minutes drive from the entrance to the historic site of Petra, in a secluded position on a hillside at an altitude of 1,400 metres. All the hotel's 90 rooms and suites are spacious and most have extraordinary views over the Great Rift Valley. Interconnecting rooms and non-smoking rooms are available on request.

Medical Issues in Petra

The most cold and rainy months to visit Petra are December and January. In this time it is warm during the day and very cold in the evenings and at nights. That's why it is necessary to take coats, hats and gloves. And it could warm up your visit there if you take a thermos with hot tea with you. Avoid going if the forecast shows a lot of rain, as the guards may need to transport tourists out if the valley starts to flood. The hot, dry air sometimes results in nosebleeds. You might want to carry petroleum jelly, or petroleum jelly-based products like Vicks and apply liberally to the insides of the nostrils to avoid nosebleeds. Also, carry plenty of water and oral rehydration products if you are travelling to Petra in the hot summer months to avoid dehydration. A good cap and sunglasses will help you avoid getting a heat stroke and sunburn.

Stay Safe

The park is populated by a significant number of Bedouins, living in caves, tents, and buildings off the main tourist trail. A handful undertake herding and agriculture and your interactions with them (if any) are likely to be brief and pleasant; however and the vast majority are focused on tourism within the park. The perceived wealth of tourists, together with a high visitor turnover and ineffective authorities, can make the (unavoidable) interactions with these agents unsavory at best, and occasionally quite intimidating.

Some trainings have already bementioned in the according chapters before. Here are some more:

  • Animal mistreatment – You will not visit Petra without witnessing the kind of animal abuse that would lead to imprisonment in GCC countries. The agents who work with horses, donkeys, and camels think nothing of beating them, nor do some Bedouin children who see nothing wrong in recreationally beating the animals with electrical cable, sticks, rocks, or anything else they can lay their hands on. This is especially prevalent towards closing time, and for western sensibilities this might entirely sour your visit. Despite animal protection being paid brief lip-service on a sign near the entrance and the authorities are failing to address this at all.
  • Fake park rangers – In addition to the tourist police, some park rangers work in the park. The park rangers' primary tasks are to ensure the preservation and scenic quality of the site, and to assist tourists in education and appreciation of the park.[1] Therefore, if a difficult gentleman claims to be a park ranger and insists on inspecting your ticket, consider showing him, but do not physically hand over your ticket.
  • Changing money – One or two agents may ask you to exchange some foreign money (maybe a €10 note) to JD, complaining that there is no bank in Petra. It is not recommended.
  • Female travelers – The internet is awash with stories of female travelers who have experienced financial scams, uncomfortable situations, or worse. Muslim woman are often assumed to be promiscuous and even a basic interaction might be construed as an advance. So accepting an invitation for a walk, an Arabic Coffee, or an evening under the stars is inadvisable. Likewise, in the adjoining town, if a woman sits in the front seat of a taxi (even in a group situation) this is taken as an invitation.

Furthermore, in general, bear in mind that—while deviating from the main tourist path is a rewarding experience for the trails, scenery, and less-visited archaeological sites—the further you stray and the less likely you are to come across police or fellow tourists who could help you if you get into a confrontation.

News & References Petra

Travel Next

Piccola Petra tempio HPIM3468 - |Temple at Little Petra

  • Little Petra GPS 30.374345,35.449796 — a scaled down version of Petra, is accessible by taxi or from Petra. It is less traveled than the main site and is well worth the visit if you spend more than a day in Wadi Musa. Approximate cost for a cab ride to and from the site, including having the taxi wait for an hour or so, is 25 JD (Oct 2022). There is also at least one shuttle van leaving from the bus station (downtown) around 12:00. Price: Free.
  • Wadi Rum — a stunning desert valley in southern Jordan, lies about an hour south of Petra. Buses leave in the morning (~06:30) and generally cost 5 JD. Make arrangements through your hotel. Taxis for 40 JD (Oct 2022).
  • Dana Nature Reserve — stay in a local village within the Nature Reserve, and enjoy unforgettable hiking in an offshoot of the Great Rift.
  • Shoubak Castle - Al-Shobak / Shawbak | 30.531449,35.560836 south of Kerek and Dana Reserve, from the highway (fuel station) it is a 20-min direct hike (not along the road) - 1 JD It is on a hill with spectacular views and a great for a stop when going south to Petra. Most of the castle is a pile of rubble but there are underground rooms to explore, including the staircase (through a metal door that should be open) that goes down 375 steps to the old wells. Take a torch, and note that at the bottom, you can climb up metal rungs to a hatch next to the road below the castle and then walk back up the road. Along a side road to the castle, you can also find The smallest hotel in the world* GPS 30.529255,35.565059 with a steep price of 25 JD, but maybe it can be bargained down to 15 JD, considering there is only space for one. Just nearby the owner of it also has regular rooms with dinner and breakfast.
  • Kerak — site of a once-mighty Crusader castle.
  • Wadi Mujib GPS 31.466624,35.573677 — great nature reserve famous for its impressive canyons. Read more Dead_Sea_(Jordan)#See|here. Limited access in winter.
  • Madaba — known as the 'City of Mosaics' for its Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics, especially a large Byzantine-era mosaic map of Palestine and the Nile delta at St. George Church.
  • Dead Sea (Jordan) | Dead Sea — The lowest point on earth and the most saline sea, letting you float on top.
  • Buses to Aqaba also leave in the morning for 5 JD (price for tourists) (~07:00).
  • To get to Amman, you can take a shuttle van from the central bus station (5.5 JD). There must be one every hour until 14:00 or 15:00. JETT also has a daily bus leaving at 17:00 from the parking close to the visitor center (8 JD).
  • For a cheaper trip, a public shuttle van from Wadi Musa (Petra) to Ma'an is 0.55 JD and from there to Aqaba 1.5 JD. Also affordable buses to Amman from Aqaba pass by here.

Most hotels have tours but the level of organization varies a lot and could prevent you from taking a tour. It is best to form a group yourself (at least 4 persons). An example tour could be Kings way trip: Shoubak Castle, Dana Nature Reserve, Tafilah, Karak Castle, Dead Sea, Mt. Nebo, Madaba & Churches, and Amman for about 30 JD at the Valentine Inn.

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