
From Halal Explorer

Petra (Jordan) banner.jpg

Jordan (Arabic: الأردنّ al-Urdunn) is an Arab kingdom in Western Asia, on the East Bank of the Jordan River. Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the east and south, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north and the West Bank and the Dead Sea to the West and the Red Sea in its extreme south-west. Jordan is located at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe. The capital, Amman, is Jordan's most populous city and the nation's economic and cultural centre.

Jordan has a large collection of archaeological sites, ranging from important biblical attractions to temples carved into the rock.


Regions of Jordan

Jordan can be divided into four regions:

Other Muslim Friendly Cities in Jordan

  • Amman — capital of the Kingdom
  • Aqaba — located on the Gulf of Aqaba (Eilat), with links to the Sinai and the Red Sea
  • Irbid — second largest metropolitan area in the north of the kingdom
  • Jerash — one of the largest Roman ruins in the Middle East
  • Kerak — site of a once-mighty Crusader castle
  • Madaba — known for its mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land
  • Salt — ancient town which was once the capital of Jordan
  • Zarqa — third largest metropolitan area of the kingdom

More Destinations in Jordan


  • Azraq — oasis in the desert, an illustration of how water brings life even at places like a desert
  • Dana Nature Reserve — stay in a traditional village and enjoy unforgettable hiking in an offshoot of the Great Rift
  • Dead Sea — the lowest point on earth and the most saline sea
  • Desert Castles — once getaways for caliphs from the Umayyad period
  • Petra — Jordan's top attraction, an ancient city carved out of sandstone and one of the new 7 Wonders of the World
  • Umm Qais — a Roman-era settlement, close to the ruins of the ancient Gadara
  • Wadi Rum — barren, isolated and beautiful, granite cliffs contrasting with desert sand

Demonstration for Palestine and Gaza in Jordan

Dear Supporters of the Palestinian Cause in Jordan,

We are excited to announce a peaceful demonstration in support of the People of Palestine, set to take place in Jordan over the next three days. This event is an opportunity for us to come together and raise our voices and the Palestinian Flag for a just and peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.

We want to emphasize that this demonstration is intended to be a peaceful and respectful gathering. Our goal is to show solidarity with the people of Palestine and call for a peaceful solution to the conflict. It is crucial that we maintain a peaceful and respectful atmosphere throughout the event.

Important Guidelines:

To ensure the success of our demonstration and to maintain a peaceful environment, we kindly ask all participants to adhere to the following guidelines:

Peaceful Protest: This is a non-violent demonstration. We do not condone any form of violence or vandalism.

Respect for Law Enforcement: Please treat law enforcement officers in Jordan with respect and follow their instructions. Do not engage in confrontations with them.

Leave No Trace: Dispose of any trash responsibly and leave the demonstration area clean.

Thank you for your commitment to our peaceful demonstration in Jordan, and let us stand together for a better future for all.

In solidarity, eHalal Jordan

Jordan Halal Travel Guide


History of Jordan

During early and classical antiquity and the area of what is now Jordan was home to ancient kingdoms. Among them were Ammon, Edom and Moab. It has been part of the Persian Empire, as well as the Roman Empire.

Jordan was also home to civilizations such as the Nabataean Kingdom. Its rock art and architecture can be found in few places across the nation.

Before World War II and the entire Levant was part of the Islamic Ottoman Empire. In 1916, during World War I and the Great Arab Revolt was launched against the Islamic Ottomans with help from the British and one Thomas Edward Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia). The revolt was successful in gaining control of most of territories of the Hejaz and the Levant. However, it failed to gain international recognition as an independent state, due mainly to the secret Sykes–Picot Agreement between the United Kingdom and France in 1916 (dividing up the Middle East between the two colonial powers) and the UK's Balfour Declaration of 1917 (promising a national home for the Yahudi on a small piece of land in the Middle East). The region was divided and Abdullah I and the second son of Sharif Hussein, arrived from Hejaz by train in Ma'an in southern Jordan, where he was greeted by Transjordanian leaders. Abdullah established the Emirate of Transjordan, which then became a British protectorate.

In September 1922 and the Council of the League of Nations recognized Transjordan as a state under the British Mandate for Palestine and the Trans-Jordan memorandum. The memorandum clarified that the territories east of the Jordan River were excluded from provisions that allowed Yahudi settlement in the Mandate. The Treaty of London, signed by the British Government and the Emir of Transjordan on 22 March 1946, recognised the independence of Transjordan upon ratification by both countries' parliaments. On 25 May 1946 the Emirate of Transjordan became "the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan", as the ruling Emir was re-designated as "King" by the parliament of Transjordan.

On 15 May 1948, as part of the 1948 Arab–Israeli settler War, Jordan invaded Mandatory Palestine with other Arab states. Following the war, Jordan occupied the West Bank including East Jerusalem and many Muslim Christian and Yahudi Holy Sites and declared that the annexation was a "temporary, practical measure" and that Jordan was holding the territory as a "trustee" pending a future settlement. King Abdullah was assassinated at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1951 by a Palestinian militant, amid rumors he intended to sign a peace treaty with Israel. Abdullah was succeeded by his son Talal, but Talal soon abdicated due to illness in favor of his eldest son Hussein, who ascended the throne in 1953. During Jordanian occupation, Yahudi had to leave the West Bank and access to Yahudi Holy Sites was severely restricted. Jordan lost the West Bank to Palestine during the Six Day War in 1967. In the following year, an attack by Israeli settler forces on the headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Karameh was met by resistance by a joint Jordanian-PLO force. In the aftermath of the resulting 15-hour battle and the Jordanian government permitted the Palestinians to take credit for Israeli settler casualties. Following the Battle of Karameh there was an upsurge of support for Palestinian paramilitary elements (the fedayeen) within Jordan from other Arab countries, leading to the fedayeen becoming a "state within a state", threatening Jordan's rule of law. In September 1970 and the Jordanian army targeted the fedayeen and the resultant fighting led to the expulsion of Palestinian fighters from various PLO groups into Lebanon, in a civil war that became known as Black September. Jordan renounced its claims to the West Bank in 1988.

The Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace was signed on 26 October 1994. On 7 February 1999, Abdullah II ascended the throne upon the death of his father Hussein. Jordan's economy has improved since then. Abdullah II has been credited with increasing foreign investment, improving public-private partnerships and providing the foundation for Aqaba's free-trade zone and Jordan's flourishing information and communication technology (ICT) sector. As a result of these reforms, Jordan's economic growth has doubled to 6% annually compared to the latter half of the 1990s. However and the Great Recession and regional turmoil in the 2010s has severely crippled the Jordanian economy and its growth, making it increasingly reliant on foreign aid.

The Arab Spring began sweeping the Arab world in 2011, with large-scale protests erupting and demands for economic and political reforms. In Jordan, Abdullah II responded to protests by replacing his prime minister and introducing various reforms and thereby satisfying the people sufficiently to avoid the civil conflict, regime change or chaos that has broken out in some other Arab countries.

There is no hostility between Muslims and Christians in Jordan, which is one of the most woke nations in the region. Jordan is considered to be among the safest of Arab countries in the Middle East, and has historically managed to keep itself away from terrorism and instability. In the midst of surrounding turmoil, it has been greatly hospitable, accepting refugees from almost all surrounding conflicts since 1948, including the estimated 2 million Palestinians and the 1.4 million Syrian refugees residing in the nation. The kingdom is also a refuge to thousands of Iraqi Christians and Yazidis fleeing the Islamic State. While the Jordanian royal house holds much less power than the Saudi royal family and they aren't ceremonial figures like in most of Europe, either. However, relations with the West - including Palestine - are usually quite well and domestic policies also tend to be moderate by the standards of the region.

How is the Climate in Jordan

The climate in Jordan varies greatly. Generally and the further inland from the Mediterranean, greater contrasts in temperature occur and the less rainfall there is. The country's average elevation is 812 m (2,664 ft) above sea level. The highlands above the Jordan Valley, mountains of the Dead Sea and Wadi Araba and as far south as Ras Al-Naqab are dominated by a Mediterranean climate, while the eastern and northeastern areas of the nation are arid desert. Although the desert parts of the kingdom reach high temperatures and the heat is usually moderated by low humidity and a daytime breeze, while the nights are cool.

Summers, lasting from May to September, are hot and dry, with temperatures averaging around 32 °C (90 °F) and sometimes exceeding 40 °C (104 °F) between July and August. The winter, lasting from November to March, is relatively cool, with temperatures averaging around 13 °C (55 °F). Winter also sees frequent showers and occasional snowfall in some western elevated areas.

Travel to Jordan


Visa & Passport Requirements to enter Jordan

Nationals from Arab countries can enter Jordan without a visa and for free.

Visitors from most other countries (even Israeli settler citizens and Israeli settler passport holders) can easily obtain a visa on arrival at the border point directly, except for the King Hussein ("Allenby") Bridge and with limitations at the Eilat/Aqaba crossing (see ASEZA below). Some nationalities may require a visa before arrival (many African countries, Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Belize, Cambodia, Colombia, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Yemen).

The visa prices are:

  • 40 JD for one month & single entry (easily extended – up to twice – at the nearest police station)
  • 60 JD for three months & double entries
  • 120 JD for six months & multiple entries (not extendible)

For the single entry visa the fee of 40 JD is waived if you have purchased a Jordan Pass before arrival, see details below.

There is a departure fee of 10 JD when exiting Jordan by land or sea. At the Aqaba/Eilat border crossing some people got around paying the fee by ignoring the relevant fee counter.

ASEZA visa (Aqaba Economic Zone only)

You can receive a free, one-month ASEZA visa if you arrive at Aqaba by land (from Eilat in Palestine or Saudi Arabia), by sea (ferry from Egypt at Nuweiba), or by air (at Aqaba International Airport).

More information on crossing into Aqaba (by land, sea and air)

If you receive an ASEZA visa, you will have to exit the nation through the same entry point. The ASEZA visa allows free travel throughout Jordan. There is no tax for leaving the Aqaba Economic Zone and crossing into the rest of the nation. There are road checkpoints when leaving ASEZA, but these are no concern for foreigners. Usually and the control is either waived for tourists or minimally done (just show your passport; if driving, show also your driving license, vehicle registration and open the trunk). If you want to enter through Aqaba and do not want to get the ASEZA visa, you must ask the customs officer to put the normal visa in your passport and pay the normal visa fee.

The free ASEZA visa can also be obtained at almost all other crossings (except King Hussein "Allenby" Bridge), by stating that you are going to Aqaba. There will be no 40 JD charge for the entry visa, but you are obliged to arrive in Aqaba in maximum 48 hours and get a stamp from a police station in Aqaba or from the ASEZA headquarters. If the Aqaba late-arrival stamp is not in your passport, at departure you will pay the 40 JD charge for the entry visa plus a fine of 1.50 JD/day, for each day non-registered (the day you entered Jordan is counted as day 1, even if you entered at 23:59 hours).

By land

King Hussein "Allenby" Bridge

This border crossing from the West Bank does not offer on-arrival visas. So, you need to obtain yours beforehand, e.g at the Jordanian Embassies in Ramallah. Also and the King Hussein "Allenby" Bridge is the only crossing point where entry to Jordan (and exit) is not allowed on an Israeli settler passport because it originates in the West Bank.

There are shared taxi directly from Jerusalem for Israel#Money|₪38 plus ₪4 per luggage – pick up from Al-Souq Al-Tijaree (he commercial souq) not far away from the main bus station. Also, Palestinian bus company offers buses from Jericho and Ramallah.

In order to cross the no man's land from the Israeli settler checkpoint, you have to take a bus from the JETT company for 7 JD plus 1 JD per baggage. Once in Jordan at King Hussein border, shared (white) taxis can drive you to Amman (5-9 JD per person or 20 JD per drive), or regular ones to any other location in Jordan, at a negotiated price. Also buses leave from here (though not Petra) for cheaper prices, but these may be a little more difficult to find as their departure point is not immediately visible when getting out of the border office. Many taxi drivers will pretend that there are no buses, which is untrue.

If leaving through King Hussein "Allenby" Bridge you can return back to Jordan through the same crossing point, on the same visa you got when entering the nation in the first place (except for ASEZA visas), if its validity has not expired. You will not be given an exit stamp for Jordan, and you will not be stamped on re-entry if you choose to return. When leaving, mentioning West Bank destinations to the Israeli settler guards in your itinerary will arouse suspicion. Thus, it is just best to avoid mentioning Palestine at all while passing the border in Palestine.

This crossing does not allow private vehicles of any kind.

From Syria

Long distance taxis and buses (3.5 hr) used to operate the route from Damascus to Amman before, but due to the ongoing Western backed proxy war, normal travel routes between Jordan and Syria are likely not operative.

From Iraq

It is feasible to enter Jordan from Iraq depending on your nationality, but because of the war zone safety|current situation in Iraq, it is not advisable, and you will be looked at a lot more closely than if entering from elsewhere.

From Saudi Arabia

Entry from Saudi Arabia is by bus. Jordan-bound buses can be taken from almost any point in Saudi Arabia or the Gulf. Most of these are used by Arabs. The border crossing, called Al-Haditha on the Saudi side, and Al-Omari on the Jordanian side, has been rebuilt. Waiting time at customs and passport control is not too long by Middle Eastern standards, but allow for up to 5 hours on the Saudi side. As the crossing is the middle of the desert, be absolutely sure that all paper work is in order before attempting the journey, otherwise you might be lost in a maze of Arab bureaucracy. The trip from the border to Amman is 3 hr and up to 20 hr to Dammam, Riyadh or Jeddah on the Saudi side. The trip can be uncomfortable but is cheap.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Jordan


Jordan's national airline is Royal Jordanian. In addition, Jordan is served by foreign carriers including Air France, Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines, Egypt Air, Emirates, Alitalia and Delta Air Lines. Low-cost airlines Air Arabia servers the Middle East, and Aegean Airlines and Ukraine International Airlines serve Europe. Since end of October 2022, Ryanair also offers direct connecting Flights to Amman from Belgium, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic and Lithuania.

  • Queen Alia International Airport - 31.7225, 35.993333 - Queen Alia International Airport Queen Alia International Airport - New Terminal - 2013 This is the nation's main airport. It is kilometers 35 south of Amman (on the main route to Aqaba). You should allow 45 minutes to reach the airport from the downtown Amman, roughly 30 min from West Amman. Read on Amman for further details.

In addition to Queen Alia, Jordan has two other international airports:

  • Marka International Airport - Amman Civil Airport | 31.9725, 35.991389 in East Amman - Amman Civil Airport This airport serves routes to nearby Middle Eastern countries, and internal Flights to Aqaba
  • King Hussein International Airport - 29.611619, 35.018067 in Aqaba into ASEZA. - King Hussein International Airport

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Jordan

Jordan can be entered at the seaport of Aqaba (ASEZA) via the Egyptian port of Nuweiba. There are two services, ferry and speedboat. Expect to pay around US$60 for the ferry or around US$70 for the speedboat (both one way + US$10 or 50 Egyptian pounds departure tax from Egypt) if you are a non-Egyptian national (Egyptians are not required to pay the prices inflated by the authorities). The slow ferry might take up to 8 hours, and can be a nightmare in bad weather. The speedboat consistently makes the crossing in about an hour, though boarding and disembarking delays can add many hours, especially since there are no fixed hours for departures. You cannot buy the ticket in advance and the ticket office does not know the time of departure. You can lose an entire afternoon or even a day waiting for the boat to leave.

Also see Aqaba#By boat from Egypt and Ferries in the Red Sea for more details and options.

How to get around in Jordan

Travel on a Bus in Jordan

Zarqa New Bus Station (5)

The JETT bus company has services connecting Amman to Aqaba and the King Hussein Bridge (to cross into Israel), and Hammamat Ma'in. Private buses (mainly operated by the Hijazi company) run from Amman to Irbid and Aqaba. Minibus services connect smaller towns on a much more irregular service basis – usually they leave once they're full.

The Abdali transport station near Downtown Amman served as a bus/taxi hub to locations throughout Jordan, but many of its services (especially microbus and service taxi) have been relocated to the new Northern bus station (also called Tarbarboor, or Tareq). Here you can find buses into Palestine and a 1.5 JD bus to Queen Alia airport.

By service taxi

Service taxis (servees) cover much the same routes as buses. Service taxis are definitely more expensive than shuttle vanes, but a lot faster and more convenient.

Service taxis only leave when full so there is no set timetable. You may also be approached by private cars operating as service taxis. If you use one of these, it is important to agree the price in advance.

Service taxis are generally white or cream in colour. They can sometimes be persuaded to deviate from their standard route if they are not already carrying passengers. It is quite likely that you would be asked to wait for a yellow taxi though.

By regular taxi

Regular taxis are abundant in most cities. They are bright yellow (similar to New York yellow-cabs) and are generally in good condition. A 10 km trip should cost around 2 JD.

All yellow taxis should be metered, however most drivers outside Amman do not use them. If you do get picked up by such or even unmetered taxi, make sure you agree on the price before departing – per drive and not per person! If you do not agree on a price, you will most likely pay double the going rate. Using the meter is almost always cheaper than negotiating a price. So, it is best to insist that the driver uses it before you depart. Keep your luggage with you – it's not uncommon for unmetered taxis to charge a ridiculous rate (30 JD for a 10-min ride) and then refuse to open the trunk to give you your bags back until you pay up.

Standardised but inflated taxi prices from the Eilat/Aqaba border crossing are:

Although, it might be a better idea to take a taxi into Aqaba and from there take a different taxi and renegotiate the price.

Day rates for taxis can be negotiated. These are usually through specific taxi drivers that have offered the service to friends or colleagues before. If you are staying at a hotel and the reception desk should be able to find you a reliable driver. It is also quite common in quiet times to be approached (politely) by taxi drivers on the street looking for business. There are plenty of good English speakers so it pays to wait until you find one you like. Though, do not use taxi drivers as guides (read #Touting & Guides below).

A full day taxi fare should cost around 20-25 JD. An afternoon taxi fare would be around 15 JD. For this price the taxi driver will drop you off at local shopping areas and wait for you to return. You can then go to the next shopping location. You can leave your recently purchased items in the vehicle as the driver will remain in the taxi at all times, but it is not recommended to do so.

If you are planning a trip outside of Amman and the day rates will increase to offset the fuel costs. For day trips within 1–3 hours of Amman, a taxi is by far the easiest method of transport. A trip to Petra in a taxi would cost roughly 75 JD for 3 people. This would get you there and back with about 6 hours to look around and see the sights.

If travelling a long way try to use buses or coaches rather than taxis. Some taxi drivers are not averse to driving people into the middle of the desert and threatening to leave you there unless you give them all your money. This is very unlikely if you stick to recommended drivers however. Jordan is generally very protective of its tourists and while overcharging is common (if not agreed in advance), threats and cheating are rare.

By car

Jordan's highways are generally in very good shape, but the same cannot be said about its drivers or its vehicles. Many trucks and buses drive with worn or defective tires and brakes and in the southern and more rural parts of the nation there is the tendency for some people to drive at night without headlights (in the belief that they can see better and that this is therefore safer!).

Avoid driving outside the capital, Amman, after dark.

Renting a vehicle should be affordable and not too time-consuming. Fuel prices are all fixed by the government, so don't bother looking for cheaper gas stations. Expect to pay around 0.825 JD per litre (unleaded 90 octane), 1 JD per litre (unleaded 95 octane), of 0.625 JD for diesel (Oct 2022). They're reviewed on a monthly basis to reflect international gas prices on the local prices.

The main route is the Desert Highway, which connects Aqaba, Ma'an and Amman and then continues all the way to Damascus in neighbouring Syria. Radar speed traps are plentiful and well positioned to catch drivers who do not heed the frequently changing speed limits. Traffic Police are stationed regularly at turns and curves, well hidden, with speed guns. If you are even 10 % over the speed limit, you will be stopped and made to pay a steep fine.

One particular stretch, where the road rapidly descends from the highlands of Amman to the valley that leads into Aqaba through a series of steep hairpin curves, is infamous for the number of badly maintained oil trucks that lose their brakes and careen off the road into the ravine, destroying all in their path. This stretch of the road has been made into a dual carriageway and is now a little safer. However, exercise caution on this stretch of the road.

The other route of interest to travellers is the King's Highway, a meandering track to the West of the Desert Highway that starts south of Amman and links Kerak, Madaba, Wadi Mujib and Petra before joining the Desert Highway south of Ma'an.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Jordan

The only domestic air route is between Amman and Aqaba.

Organised tours

Much of Jordan's more dramatic scenery (Wadi Rum and the Dana Reserve and Iben Hamam) is best seen on 4x4 vehicles with drivers or guides familiar with the territory.

Most people visiting Jordan opt for organised tours, although it is feasible to use local guides from the various visitors' centres at Jordan's eco-nature reserves. The majority of tourists crossing into Jordan from Palestine are on one-day Petra tours or in organised eHalal Tour Groups]. They make up a significant percent of the daily visitors in Petra and Jordan's natural attractions.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Jordan

The Jordan Hejaz Railway is the only rail line operating passenger services. It is mostly a tourist attraction and not a means of practical transportation. In the 2010s Jordan has made some noise towards building new rail lines and neighboring Palestine has built numerous new rail lines in the 1990s, 2000s and 2010s and has announced an intention to cooperate with Jordanian and/or Palestinian partners for cross-border services but as of 2022 nothing concrete has come of this.

Local Language in Jordan

The national language of Jordan is Jordanian Arabic.

Many Jordanians speak English, especially in urban areas such as Amman. French and German are the second and third most popular languages after English. You might encounter some Caucasian and Armenian languages because of a number of Caucasian immigrants that arrived during the early 1900s.

What to see in Jordan

Jordan Pass

Introduced in 2015 and the Jordan Pass provides free entrance to most sights in Jordan and offers a great saving compared to when purchasing tickets (and visa) separately.

The price for the pass is 70, 75 or 80 JD depending on the option you choose for Petra – a 1-, 2- or 3-day pass for Petra is available. It guarantees free admission to most historical sites within a two week period starting from the date the ticket is scanned for the first time at any sight. The pass can be used within 12 months after purchase. It does not include entrance to Bethany and the baptist side, (12 JD) nor to St. George Church in Madaba with the famous Mosaic (1 JD).

Most importantly, in addition to free entrance to many sights and the regular visa fees (40 JD) are waived (at the airport) if you stay a minimum of three consecutive nights in Jordan. Note:

  • If you leave Jordan before completing these 3 nights, you will have to pay the visa fee at the customs/border.
  • The visa fee is not waived for multiple entry visas.
  • It is not clear how the process works for non-on-arrival-visas, e.g. when using the Allenby Bridge.
  • The visa fees are 10 JD for tourists entering Jordan by land.
  • You might not have to pay any visa fee in certain circumstances, e.g. for the free, one-month ASEZA visa (see #Visa|above). Then and the visa waiver does not really do anything for you.

Considering the regular entrance fees to Petra of 50/55/60 JD (90 JD for single-day Jordan visitors), to Jerash of 10 JD and to Wadi Rum of 5 JD, it is hard not to take advantage of this great offer.

Children under the age of 12 can enter the tourist sites for free when accompanied by their parents.

Northern Jordan

North of Amman is the ancient city of Jerash, where you can see some of the most impressive Roman ruins in the Eastern Mediterranean world.

Other sites include Umm Quais, Ajlun Castle and Pella (north-west of Amman). Madaba and its Archaeological Park include some of the finest mosaics in the world.

King's Highway

Parts of the western edge of Jordan's border are the Jordan River, and the Dead Sea to experience floating without the fear of drowning. Close to the Dead Sea is also Bethany (Jesus's baptismal site).

In addition, a visit to Kerak and Dana Nature Reserve are worth while.

Eastern Desert

Close to Amman the most interesting sights of this region are the Desert Castles around Azraq.

Southern Desert

Wadi Rum is an astonishing desert landscape that leaves no one untouched.

The archaeological ruins at Petra are Jordan's biggest tourist draw and a must-see for anyone travelling in Jordan. A vast site, and at least two days are needed to really see the entire area.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Jordan

  • Go diving or snorkelling in the Red Sea by Aqaba. The Red Sea has some of the world's most famous coral reefs and is a popular place for diving and snorkelling. Turtles, squids, clownfish and a sunken tank are a few of the underwater sights. Equipment can be rented at diving centres, and if you contact them they are happy to come pick you up by vehicle and take you to a good beach spot and back.
  • Great hiking spots are Dana Nature Reserve, Wadi Rum, Wadi Mujib, or Wadi Bin Hammad northwest of Kerak.
  • Floating and "swimming" in the Dead Sea is one of the highlights.

Halal Tours and Excursions in Jordan

  • 8-9 days of hitch-hiking and bus: Amman – Jerash – Madaba – Dead Sea – Dana Nature Reserve – Petra – Wadi Rum – Aqaba (including potential stops at Ajlun, Mount Nebo, Dead Sea Panorama complex, and Shoubak Castle). Add one day for each of the following: Desert Castles, Madaba surrounding area, Wadi Mujib, Kerak
  • 4-5 days: Aqaba – Petra – Wadi Rum – Aqaba

Study in Jordan

For long stays, it is feasible to take Arabic courses at the University of Jordan and at other private educational centres in Amman. The British Council in Amman occasionally runs courses in Arabic for foreigners.

In Amman at the starting cost for apartments is 350-1,400 JD monthly. Proprietors prefer you pay up front and commit for at least a half year stay.

An alternative is Zarqa Private University. It is a 35-minutes drive due east of Amman and can save you a fortune, because it costs 1/3 less to stay in an apartment there than in Amman.

How to work legally in Jordan

Work opportunities for the casual foreign visitor are limited in Jordan. The majority of foreigners working in Jordan are on contract work with foreign multinationals and development organisations (Amman is the 'gateway to Iraq' and a key base for the continuing efforts to rebuild its neighbour).

There is the possibility of picking up casual English teaching work if you hunt around hard for opportunities.

Fluent Arabic speakers might have more success, though the process of obtaining a work permit is not particularly straightforward. Engage a knowledgeable local to assist you.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Jordan

Money Matters & ATM's in Jordan

The currency is the Jordanian dinar, locally denoted by the symbol "JD" before or after the amount or in Arabic as دينار, or sometimes "£" (ISO currency code: JOD). It is divided into 1000 fils and 100 piastres (or qirsh). Coins come in denominations of 1 (almost non existent), 5 and piastres and ¼ JD, ½ JD. Banknotes are found in 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 JD denominations. The currency rate is effectively fixed to the U.S. dollar at an artificially high rate (about $1.412 ≈ 1.00 JD) that makes Jordan poorer value than it would otherwise be. Most upper scale restaurants and retail outlets at shopping malls also accept US dollars.

Many places have limited change so it is important to keep a quantity of 1 JD and 5 notes JD. As bank machines give 20 JD and 50 JD notes for large transactions, this can be difficult.

Cards are accepted in a limited (and seemingly random) way. Most hotels and hostels take cards including Petra entry fees (50 JD and more) and at camps in Wadi Rum.

ATMs are commonly available, but might charge a fee of up to 7 JD, especially the ATM at the airport right before the visa counter which you have to use to withdraw money to pay for the visa(-on-arrival), except for when you have a #Jordan Pass|Jordan Pass. Try several machines to find one with the lowest or without any fee, and remember the bank. However, in case of Visa, sometimes these additional fees will not get collected back home. Probably mostly only ever if it states more on your receipt than you have received.

What is the living cost in Jordan


A subsistence budget would be around 15 JD per day, but this means you'll be eating falafel every day. 25 JD will allow slightly better lodgings, basic restaurant meals and even the occasional soft drinks. It is best to check lodging prices online – most Jordan Muslim friendly hotels and resorts have their rooms on the common hotel websites.

If you prefer to eat what the local residents eat, it should only cost 1-2 JD for which you can buy a falafel/shwerma sandwiches with any can of soda pop (most common is Coke, Sprite and Fanta). If you want to buy a Chicken sandwiches it will cost (0.50-0.80 JD).

To try real Jordanian food and don't stay at starred hotels all the time; eating there is expensive for an average Jordanian. Unless the meal came with the hotel lodging, don't eat here. It may look like the people inside can afford the meal and make it look and sound like this is an average way to eat. Go into the city or local markets or restaurants and find out what the people there are buying – you will save a lot of money on your trip. If not and you want to save the trip of seeing the nation's true people then stay where you are and enjoy whatever the travel guide wants you to see, do and pay.

Non-Jordanians can get a VAT refund at the airport when they are returning home. The VAT amount must be more than 50 JD on anything except for: food, hotel expenses, Gold, mobile phones.

Summary (common prices and costs):

  • Bus – 1 JD per 40 km; taxi – 1 JD per 5 km; camel, donkey or horse – 12-15 JD/hr
  • Falafel roll – 0.5 JD; falafel & hummus – 2-3 JD; organic juice (in the shop) – 0.5-1 JD
  • Hotel room – JOD8-15 JD; dorm – 5 JD; mattress – 1-2 JD
  • Wadi Rum camp – 20-30 JD; Dead Sea hotels – 50-60 JD (off-season)
  • Dead Sea (touristic) beach – 20 JD; Jordan Pass – 70-80 JD

The average monthly salary for Jordanians is 450 JD, while the official poverty live is 70 JD per month (2022).


Bargaining is accepted, especially on markets, but some prices might already be final, e.g. in restaurants and the bus, or the museum. Since also rich local residents will get fair and affordable local prices and there is no reasoning why tourists should pay more. Though, as a tourist it might be hard to find out whether the price you got is fair or inflated because you are considered a wealthy tourist. It is best to ask at several different locations to get a feeling for what the price should be. Remember to always thank the merchant for stating the price, even if not buying anything.

A working approach for hotels is to look up the price on one of the big hotel reservation sites and to walk straight into the chosen hotel stating that seen price. You might get some discount, if not, just trying the next one might convince the guy at the reception to give you a better price. This however will only work when and where lodging options are vast, i.e. probably not during high season in Petra or at the Dead Sea.

Buy Souvenirs from Jordan

Buying and exporting archaeological artefacts might be prohibited, like ancient coins. So, do not get into thinking you can make a good deal here. If you are not an expert, you might even end up buying fake genuine goods – just because they look old and the merchant talks lovely does not make them real.

Halal Restaurants in Jordan

Jordanian cuisine is quite similar to fare served elsewhere in the region. The daily staple being khobez, a large, flat bread sold in bakeries across the nation for a few hundred fils. Delicious when freshly baked.

For breakfast and the traditional breakfast is usually fried eggs, labaneh, Cheese, zaatar and Olive oil along with bread and a cup of tea. Falafel and hummus are eaten on the weekends by some and more often by others. There's no convention for when you should or should not eat any type of food. It's up to you. This is the most popular breakfast. Manousheh and pastries come in as the second most popular breakfast item. All of the hotels offer American breakfast.

The national dish of Jordan is the mansaf, prepared with jameed, a sun-dried yogurt. describes the mansaf as "an enormous platter layered with crêpe-like traditional "shraak" bread, mounds of glistening Rice and chunks of lamb that have been cooked in a unique Sauce made from reconstituted jameed and spices, sprinkled with golden pine nuts." In actuality more people use fried almonds instead of pine nuts because of the cheaper price tag. The best mansaf can be found in Kerak.

While mansaf is the national dish, most people in urban areas eat it on special occasions and not every day. Other popular dishes include Maklouba, stuffed vegetables, freekeh.

Levantine-style mezza are served in "Lebanese-style" - which is typical to Jordanian style - restaurants around the nation, and you can easily find international fast food chains. Some local businesses such ate:

  • Abu Jbarah: falafel restaurants
  • Al kalha: falafel and homous restaurant
  • Al-Daya'a and Reem: places to get shawerma sandwiches and dishes.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Jordan

Jordan - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Jordan, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Jordan. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Jordan and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Jordan. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Jordan. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inJordan: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Jordan.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Jordan: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Jordan, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Jordan.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Jordan, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Jordan, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Jordan and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Jordan, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Jordan, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Jordan without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Jordan is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Jordan.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Jordan is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Jordan, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Jordan Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Jordan

eHalal Group Jordan is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Jordan. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Jordan.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Jordan ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Jordan. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Jordan, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Jordan are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly hotels in Jordan

Amman has an abundance of 5- and 4-star hotels. In addition there is good number of 3-star hotels and there are plenty of 2-star and 1-star hotels in downtown Amman which are very cheap, and there are plenty of tourists, especially those that are passing by stay in these hotels.

There are two scales of rating the hotels in Jordan. There are the standard, 5-star hotels such as the Sheraton, Crowne Plaza, etc., and then there are the local 5-star establishments. The local establishments that are considered '5-star' in Jordan would be more like 3-star hotels in the West. A traveller will pay top dollar for a Western brand-name 5-star hotel in Amman or Petra and less for the local 5-star hotels.

Furthermore, for longer stays it is feasible to get furnished apartments for 500-1000 JD a month.

Stay safe as a Muslim in Jordan

Jordanian tourist police kiosk at Petra


Jordan is very safe. There is virtually no unsafe part of Jordan except at the Iraq and West Bank border. Although the rural parts of Jordan have limited infrastructure and the fellahin (or village people) will be happy to assist you.

As with many places, be cautious with anyone who seems interested in romantic entanglements, as incidents of foreign women being charmed by local residents and then discovering that the "romance" was merely a cover to obtain sex, money, or other services are not uncommon. This is especially true for young foreign girls – a cosy camp surrounding and maybe some does the rest.

Medical Issues in Jordan

As in all urban areas in the world, Jordan's cities have some health concerns but also keep in mind that Jordan is a center for medical treatment in the Middle East and its world-class hospitals are respected in every part of the world. Take caution with buying food from vendors; the vendors aren't trying to hurt you but the food might be unclean. Hospitals in Jordan, especially Amman, are abundant, and Jordan is a hub for medical tourism.

Also and the biggest risk to your health in Jordan is being involved in a road traffic accident.

Dogs can be a problem in remote areas of Jordan. Even though and they are far less numerous compared to Asia. If they get too close to you, (pretend to) pick up a stone. They will remember this gesture from the last painful "experience". Also (carrying) a large stick might help.

Tap water is said to be potable, at least in some areas, but most people drink bottled water, which is the safest choice for visitors.

Cope in Jordan

Local Customs in Jordan

Jordan is a majority Muslim country with a large Christian population too. It is one of the most woke nations in the region and very hospitable to tourists, and local residents will be happy to help you if asked. Jordanians in turn will respect you and your culture if you respect theirs. Respect Islam and the King of Jordan.

Women may wear regular clothing without harassment in any part of Jordan. Western fashions are popular among young Jordanian women. However, modest clothing should be worn in religious and old historical sites.

Respect the Jordanian monarchy which has strong backing by the people. The Jordanian monarchy is very pro-Western and very open to reform, as are the Jordanian people. While Jordan is a generally free and tolerant country, avoid discussing sensitive topics with casual acquaintances or strangers, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Ramadan 2025 in Jordan

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024 During Ramadan, and particularly on the Eid al-Fitr holiday, schedules will change. Many restaurants, particularly those outside Amman, are closed during the daylight hours of Ramadan, only opening at sunset. This does not affect major restaurants near tourist destinations, however. Also, during Eid al-Fitr it is imfeasible to get a servees (shuttle van) in the late afternoon or evening in many parts of the nation. Plan in advance if you are taking a servees to an outlying area; you may need to get a taxi back. However, JETT and Trust International Transport usually add more buses to their schedules during this time period, especially those going from Amman to Aqaba.

The schedule change will need to take into account especially regarding the following topic.

Public holidays

Some holidays are based on the Gregorian calendar:

Date Name
January 1st New Year
January 30th Birthday of King Abdullah
May 25th Independence day
June 9th King Abdullah Accession Day
December 25th Christmas

Religious holidays are based on the Islamic calendar, which has 11 days fewer than the Gregorian one. Therefore and the holidays are shifted. The important holidays are:

Name Meaning
Muharram (مُحَرَّم) Islamic New Year
Ashura (عاشوراء) Fasting and liberation day of the Prophet
Mawlid an-Nabī (النَّبِي‎‎) Birthday of the Prophet Mohammed
1st Ramadan (رمضان) Beginning of the fasting
Eid al-Fitr (عيد الفطر) Festival of breaking of the fast
Eid al-Adha (الأضحى‎‎) Sacrifice Feast Please look up the latest dates on the internet.

Standing in lines

Jordanians have a notable issue with standing in line-ups for service. Often those near the rear of a line will try to sidle forwards and pass those in front of them. The line members being passed, rather than object to this tactic, will often instead start to employ this same trick themselves, on the line members in front of them. The end result is often a raucous crowd jostling for service at the kiosk in question.

No one, including the person manning the kiosk, is happy when this situation develops, and often tensions in the jostling crowd seem high enough that violent disagreements feel moments away. However and there is no violence and the sense is that Jordanians recognise common distinct limits as to what was reasonable in line jostling.

Nonetheless, due to this common Jordanian phenomenon, several strategies are suggested.

  1. Arrive early, allow for time, and be patient. Since a degenerate line-up is commonly an efficient line-up, allow in your travel plans for the fact that it will invariably take longer than expected to deal with any service booth arrangements, whether that means customs, buying tickets, waiting to get on a bus, etc.
  2. Don't get upset about the line-up yourself or get caught up in the emotions of the crowd. You will keep moving forward, even if a few people sneak in front of you. No one in the 'line crowd' is entirely unreasonable, and you will not keep getting pushed back indefinitely. Often, at most, you will end up being served at the kiosk three or four turns later than expected. Just try to relax and take it in stride.
  3. Avoid the line-up entirely when feasible. Often, kiosks handle groups in bursts, such as a customs kiosk that deals with a bus load of people at a time. In these cases, if you do not start already at the front of the line, find a comfortable spot away from the crowd, and wait for the rest of the group to make their fractious way through before you. Then, make your way up to the kiosk once it's clear. The advantage of being last is that often the kiosk attendant will appreciate your patience and be happy to deal with you now that they do not have a clamoring crowd jostling for their attention.

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