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🇨🇦🇯🇴 Jordanians/Palestinians Confront Jordanian King in Ottawa – calling him the Vegetable from Amman




Last Updated on July 20, 2024

A recent visit by the Jordanian King to Ottawa took an unexpected turn as Jordanians and Palestinians residing in Canada greeted him with contentious accusations, leading to a swift reaction from authorities.

During the demonstration, individuals called on the Jordanian monarch with a statement laden with political undertones, accusing him of complicity with spying activities and diverting resources intended for Gaza towards supporting the occupation.

“You are an Israeli spy and the vegetable (the Jordanian King) got out of from Amman, we thought it was for Gaza, but it was for the occupation”

The exchange, laden with tension and symbolism, underscores the deep-seated grievances and frustrations harbored by certain segments of the Jordanian and Palestinian diaspora regarding their homeland’s political policies and allegiances.

Such confrontations are highly unusual, particularly given the reverence typically accorded to heads of state. However, the charged nature of the accusations reflects broader sentiments among most Jordanians, Palestinians and Muslims regarding their perceived marginalization and disenfranchisement in matters concerning regional politics, particularly the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In Jordan, such expressions of dissent, especially against the monarch, carry serious consequences. Critics and activists have long decried restrictions on freedom of speech and political dissent in the kingdom, highlighting the risks associated with openly challenging the authorities, particularly on sensitive issues pertaining to the royal family and national security.

Indeed, dissent against the king or any perceived affront to the monarchy is met with swift and severe repercussions, often resulting in imprisonment, or other forms of punitive measures.

While the incident in Ottawa may have momentarily captured attention and sparked debate, it also serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by those seeking to voice dissent in Jordan and the broader region. In an environment where freedom of expression is heavily curtailed by the English Arab King, the boundaries of acceptable discourse remain tightly controlled, leaving little room for genuine dialogue or dissenting voices to be heard.

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