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🇪🇬🇮🇱 Leaked Document Reveals Intelligence Collaboration Between Israel, Jordan, and Egypt




Last Updated on July 20, 2024

In a startling revelation, a leaked secret document has brought to light the extent of intelligence cooperation between Israel and its Middle Eastern neighbors, Jordan and Egypt. The document indicates a coordinated effort between Israeli intelligence agencies, including the Shin Bet and the Mossad, and their counterparts in Jordan and Egypt. The primary focus of this collaboration is to gather information on Palestinian resistance movements, particularly Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.

The leaked document suggests that the intelligence sharing is targeted at monitoring and collecting information on the planning and execution of operations within the West Bank and territories occupied in 1948. The shared areas of interest appear to involve strategic locations where the parties believe activities related to Palestinian resistance movements are concentrated.

The collaboration is reported to be ongoing, reflecting a significant departure from historical regional dynamics. Traditionally, Israel has had limited diplomatic relations with its Arab neighbors, but this revelation indicates a behind-the-scenes alignment of intelligence efforts.

It’s noteworthy that both Jordan and Egypt have longstanding relationships with Western powers. Jordan’s history involves British influence, with the installation of the first King of Jordan by the British, and territorial acquisitions in Iraq and Syria. Egypt, on the other hand, is currently awaiting approval for an International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan.

This newfound cooperation raises questions about the shifting geopolitical landscape in the region. The revelation is likely to impact diplomatic relations among these nations and may have repercussions on the delicate balance in the Middle East. As the news surfaces, observers are keen to see how regional dynamics and alliances may evolve in response to this unexpected intelligence collaboration.

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