
From Halal Explorer

WV banner Praia panorama.jpg

Praia — literally "Beach" in Portuguese — is Cape Verde's capital and busiest city. While it's maybe not comparable to a western metropolis, with a population of only about 130,000 (2020 census), one in four Cape Verdeans call the city home and the city is an important thoroughfare for international visitors to the archipelagic country.

An introduction to Praia

CV-praia-kueste - View from the Diogo Gomez memorial

Praia and its suburbs is by far the largest urban area in Cape Verde. The center of the city lies on a plateau (Portuguese|port. Platô) overlooking the bay to the southeast and the airport lies a few kilometers to the northeast. The port is important for the export of agricultural products and seafood, which besides tourism is the most important industry in the nation.

Praia is located in the southern end of Santiago Island and has year round good weather. The city is divided into various small unofficial neighborhoods and the most important ones being, Platô (downtown), Achada Santo Antonio, Palmarejo, Fazenda, Achada Grande, Varzea, Safende, Sucupira (bazaar area), Calbeciera, Terra Branca, Vila Nova, Achadinha, Bairro, Prainha, Monte Vermelho, Achada Mato, Achada Sao Felipe, and other smaller ones. Most part of the city are residential areas, so probably not worth visiting in itself, but worth a half-day exploration if you are passing through to another destination.

The Cape Verde#Buy|Cape Verdean escudo is denoted "Cifrão symbol.svg|15px" and the same sign that is used by dollars and pesos around the world. In this Travel Guide, prices after the "$" signs are in escudos, unless otherwise stated.


Settlements in Praia started in the 1615. Back then the beach was known as Praia de Gamboa and the village below Santa Maria. Its natural harbor was a popular alternative to the one in Cidade Velha (then known as Ribeira Grande) with its high harbor fees. Santa Maria became the capital of the region in 1770, and with this started the growth of the city. Much of the historical old town dates from this time.

The plateau was the focus for development and services at this time. After independence from Portugal in 1975 the city has rapidly grown in all directions, and the population has quadrupled.

How is the Climate in Praia

{{Climate| units = Metric | janhigh =25.0 | febhigh =25.0 | marhigh =25.6 | aprhigh =26.1 | mayhigh =27.2 | junhigh =27.8 | julhigh =28.3 | aughigh =28.9 | sephigh =28.9 | octhigh =29.4 | novhigh =27.8 | dechigh =26.1 | janlow =20.0 | feblow =19.4 | marlow =20.0 | aprlow =20.6 | maylow =21.1 | junlow =21.1 | jullow =23.9 | auglow =24.4 | seplow =25.0 | octlow =24.4 | novlow =23.3 | declow =21.7 | janprecip =2.5 | febprecip =1.3 | marprecip =1 | aprprecip =2.3 | mayprecip =0 | junprecip =1 | julprecip =13.2 | augprecip =99.3 | sepprecip =29 | octprecip =47.5 | novprecip =7.9 | decprecip =4.6 | description Source:[[:w:Praia#Climate }}

The weather is warm and pleasant around the year. The climate is classified as mild desert, and daytime highs are above +25°C throughout the year. Some rain occurs from August to October, but much less than what's experienced in places with tropical monsoon climate. The rainiest month, August, averages eight rainy days and just under 100 mm of rain.

Travel to Praia

Praia International Airport - Nelson Mandela International Airport

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Praia

Praia is served by GPS 14.9450, -23.4863 Nelson Mandela International Airport Web: , around 3 kilometers northeast of downtown. TACV] (the national flag carrier) and some European and African airlines fly to various destinations in Europe, Africa, South America and United States. There are also domestic flights, both to Cape Verde's largest airport in Sal (45 mins) and other airports in the nation. Flights to Boa Vista (Cape Verde) | Boa Vista take half an hour.

Taxis from the airport to Plateau cost 500$. After 18:00 the cost is 800$. There is one bus line that serves the airport but it’s better to just take a taxi since there is actually only one or two buses that serves this line.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Praia

You can also enter the city through the port. There are ferry boats that have irregular service to and from the islands of Maio, Boavista, Sal and Sao Nicolau, and more regular and scheduled service to and from Sao Vicente and Fogo.

Boat travelers arrive in GPS 14.9112, -23.4990 Porto de Praia. As of 2023 and there were regular ferries from Fogo (4 hours) and Brava (just 40 min from Fogo). However and the sea is often rough and will probably make you seasick — flying is much more comfortable. Porto de Praia is also where you will land if you're a cruise passenger.

How to get around in Praia

GPS 14.9179|-23.5088}}

The city has countless bus stops, and taxis are everywhere waiting for clients.

Travel on a Bus in Praia

There are two main bus companies that serve the city, Moura Company and Sol Atlantico. Each route has their own numbers. The main lines are from Safende to Achada Santo Antonio, Vila Nova to Achada Santo Antonio, Calbeceira to Palmarejo, Pensamento to Terra Branca, Achada Grande to Achada Santo Antonio, Sao Felipe to Plateau, Ponta D'Agua to Plateau,Achada Mato to Palmarejo. Most of these lines pass by Plateau (downtown), Varzea and Terra Branca and the bus fare is about 35$.

Best way to travel in Praia by a Taxi

When it comes to taxis you should be careful with illegal taxis that sometimes roam around and might rip you off. The normal taxi fare between two furthest points of the city, for example Pensamento to Palmarejo, or Palmarejo to Achada Mato, shouldn’t be more than 1500$ during the day or 1800$ at night. Taxi drivers usually expect to get a tip, give around 50-100$. Just be careful and always use taxis that have a taximeter, so that they don’t overcharge you.

By foot

The lack of an official map makes the city a little hard to navigate, especially since large parts still lack proper street names and house numbers. Fortunately, most streets in the downtown and in the more important parts of the city do have names and numbers and most people are friendly and will give you directions. Walking between the different neighborhoods is not recommended, especially since most of the city's sidewalks are made out of loose cobblestone that make it difficult to walk. Also keep in mind that this town is full of hills that can be tiring to walk. However, if you want to have a good cardio-workout, try it!

A bike can be a good way of getting around both Praia and the island itself. The problem is that bike rentals are sparse, so if you're looking forward to a bike vacation, you may need to bring your own.

By rental vehicle

Rental cars can be found mainly at the airport, but with the boom of tourism some downtown locations have opened as well. Rates are around 4500$ per day including tax and insurance. Usually the first 100km are included in the price too, after this it's 0.10$ for each additional kilometer.

  • Alucar Av. Manuel Matos ☎ +238 2615 801
  • CVRent Prainha neighborhood ☎ +238 2611112
  • Europcar Avenida Cândido dos Reis ☎ +238 618484 - Additionally a rental store at Hotel Pestana Trópico.

What to see in Praia

Praia-Igreja Nossa Senhora da Graça (1) - Praia Catedral Praia-Vue sur le Palais présidentiel - The presidential palace and the Diogo Gomes monument CV-praia-fund-amilcar-cabral-02 - Fundação Amílcar Cabral A large part of the sights are located at the plateau. The old city wall complete with the old cannons protected it from attackers arriving by sea. The governmental neighborhood is in the southern part of town.


  • Praia town hall - Antiga Câmara Municipal | 14.917112, -23.509324 - Built in neoclassicist style with a square central tower and the town hall is one of the finest examples of colonial architecture around. It's still in use. When the doors are open, make sure to have a look inside. There's even some information on the building's history available for visitors.
  • Praia Gothic Church - Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça | 14.917389, -23.508751 - Ahe city's cathedral was constructed in 1902 in classicist style.
  • Supreme Court - Palácio da Justiça | 14.917710, -23.508626 - Ahe supreme court is a pretty building at the Praça Alexandre Albuquerque. It may be feasible to visit it on the inside too.
  • Presidential Palace - Palácio Presidencial | 14.91637, -23.50922 - Built in the late 19th century as the residence of the Portuguese governor, nowadays it is the presidential palace. It has lately been renovated with financial help from China. Other governmental buildings are located nearby.
  • Quartel Jaime Mota 1 4.9160, -23.5083 - Old barracks next to the presidential palace, have seen better days.
  • Igreja do Nazare no 1 4.92146, -23.50601 - A Protestant church.
  • Palácio da Assembleia - Assemblada Nacional - 14.9060, -23.5155 - Ahe national assembly of Cape Verde.
  • Praça Alexandre Albuquerque 1 4.9177, -23.5091 - A square in the central old town. Albuquerque was a governor who was passionate about card playing; therefore, each of the four corners of the square is marked by a suit.

Museums and culture

  • Museu Etnográfico 1 4.9210, -23.5073 - Located in a historic building in the old town, this museum presents the history of the Cape Verdean people through objects of everyday life.
  • Fundação Amílcar Cabral 1 4.91714, -23.50793 - Cultural centre dedicated to the revolutionary leader Amílcar Cabral (1924-73). Notable for its murals.
  • Estado da Varzea 1 4.9162, -23.5121 - Ahe city's football stadium seating 10,000 persons.

In addition and the markets listed below in the #Buy|Buy section are worth visiting for the experience.

Geography and viewpoints

  • Praia de Gamboa 1 4.9117, -23.5114 - Gamboa beach, which gave the city its name. However, it's not suitable for swimming.
  • Ilhéu de Santa Maria 1 4.9070, -23.5072 - A small island just outside the harbour. Formerly people with leprosy were quarantined on the island; currently Chinese businessmen are planning to set up a casino here.
  • Cruz do Papa 1 4.90282, -23.51341 - A large cross; from where it stands and there's also a nice view over Quebra Canela beach.
  • Diogo Gomes monument 1 4.91593, -23.50966 - A monument dedicated to Diogo Gomes and the explorer of the islands. It is located at the south of the plateau, and there are great views from there to Praia do Gamboa and Ilhéu de Santa Maria.

Best things to do in Praia

Praia-Carnaval das escolas (1) - Carnival

Local events in Praia

Cape Verdeans like to party, and there are many events throughout the year. The largest of them is the carnival, taking place in the beginning of the year as elsewhere in the Catholic world. With its procession and dances it is not too dissimilar to the Brazilian version, but here the processions aren't strictly arranged by samba schools but rather a spontaneous and informal event where everyone can partake.

Other religious festivals (for example honoring a saint) are also reminiscent of the carnival, starting with a mass and continuing as a street festival.


Reportedly having some of the best waves in the world, Praia is a good destination for surfing and water skiing. If you are a beginner, hotels often have courses in these activities. If you want to relax instead, head to some of the beaches in and around Praia. GPS 14.9043, -23.5166 Praia de Quebra Canela is probably the most popular among local residents and visitors alike. Other beaches are GPS 14.9042, -23.5118 Praia de Prainha, GPS 14.9109, -23.5112 Praia da Gamboa(not suitable for swimming) and GPS 14.9172, -23.5057 Praia Negra}}.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Praia

Praia market bananas - Market in Praia

There are several markets in Praia. Even if you don't intend to buy anything, it's worth a visit if you want to experience a real African market. A great souvenir to bring home is one of the patterned, colorful cloths made in the nationside.

  • Mercado Municipal - Mercado Central | Avenida Amílcar Cabral 14.91890, -23.50854 - Food and artisanal objects for sale from the early morning on. It's a vibrant, colorful place worth visiting for every traveler, except that it's not a good place if you suffer from claustrophobia, as it can get pretty crammed here. Also, watch out for pickpockets.
  • Mercado de Sucupira 1 4.92195, -23.50888 - Another market to visit; the same precautions apply.

Halal Restaurants in Praia

  • Sovaco de Cobra - 1 4.90890, -23.51798 - Down-to-earth restaurant popular among local residents.
  • Café Cachito | Praça Albuquerque 14.91806, -23.50946 - +238 2 619278-9 915740 The oldest bar in town, located right at the main square.
  • Cybercafé Sofia | 14.919648, -23.507438 - +238 2 617546 A great place to eat local food and watch the world go by. Popular among expats and the local chess playing community.


Praia 12 de Setembro - Street vendor

  • Restaurante Punto D'Incontro - Avenida Cidade de Lisboa 14.91740, -23.51263 - +238 2 617090 Italian and Cape Verdean cuisine.
  • Restaurante Panorama Rua Serpa Pinto 14.91863, -23.50798 - +238 2 614100 +238 2 613076 - Located downtown in the Hotel Felicidade. Open all day. Their buffet is popular with businesspeople.
  • Restaurante Flor de Liz | Rua 5 de Julho 43 14.91907, -23.50831 - +238 2 612598 Cap Verdean cuisine, wide menu and large servings.
  • Churrasqueira Dragoeira Achada S.Antonio 14.90911, -23.51937 - +238 2 623335 - Famous for its bbq Chicken, this is also a good restaurant to meet local residents.
  • Restaurante Marisqueira Rosita Hotel América 14.92100, -23.50807 Largo da Europa, Porta Nº 09, Achada S. Antonio ☎ +238 2 38 2622888 +238 2 621432 Opening Hours: 10-23 500-2200$
  • Churrasqueira Benfica | Achada S.Antonio 14.90892, -23.51983 - +238 2 622195 Brazilian-style barbecue restaurant.
  • Restaurante Nova Luar | Terra Branca 14.9167, -23.5187 - +238 2 614009
  • Beramar Grill Chã D’Areia 14.9143, -23.5119 - +238 2 612826 - Specializing in fish, famous for tuna and bacalao on white soft drinks.
  • Restaurante Gamboa | @@ Cha D'Areia 14.91077, -23.51214 - +238 2 611115 African cuisine and large servings. They also have a nice selection of local fruit cocktails. Friendly service.
  • O Poeta Achada de Santo António 14.90732, -23.51294 - +238 2 613800 +238 2 611603 - Next to the Portuguese embassy with a good view of the city, O Poeta is popular among the upper class and tourists. House specialty is barbecued squid with vegetables and Cheese.
  • Restaurante Avis | Rua 5 de Julho 14.91971, -23.50770 - +238 2 613079 Reportedly good food right in downtown, but the service is slow as usual in Cape Verde. Occasionally live music.

You won't find an abundance of nightspots in Praia.

  • A Capital 1 4.90299, -23.51273 - Located in the Hotel Praia Mar complex.
  • Bomba H Industrial area of Tira-Chapeu 14.9163, -23.5164 - Open air disco, popular among the city's youth.
  • Flampa - 1 4.91291, -23.51846 - Nightspot open on Fridays, not far from Bomba H.
  • Quintal da Música - Av. Amílcar Cabral 70-A 14.92136, -23.50710 - Located on the plateau, here you can hear national and traditional music.
  • Cockpit - Achada Grande. 14.91727, -23.49972

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Praia

Praia - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Praia, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Praia. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Praia and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Praia. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Praia. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inPraia: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Praia.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Praia: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Praia, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Praia.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Praia, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Praia, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Praia and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Praia, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Praia, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Praia without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Praia is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Praia.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Praia is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Praia, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Praia Media:

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Praia-Quartel Jaime Mota (2) - Quartel Jaime Mota — old colonial barracks

  • Residencial Paraíso | Rua Serpa Pinto 73 14.9243, -23.5047 - +238 2 613539 - rates from €41 B&B in the Plateau neighborhood. Free Wi-Fi.
  • Casa Verde - Brothers & Barros Hostel | 21a Rua Xandade, Achada de Santo António, Praia 14.90904, -23.51350 Look for the alley next to the shawarma place. Checkout: 11:00 €14-18 - Probably the only dorm-beds in Praia. About fifteen minutes from Plató, but close to much of Praia's nightlife. Pluses include free lockers, cleanliness, soft drinks for sale and fast Wi-Fi. However, it does lack a good common area and the kitchen facilities are somewhat limited.


  • Hotel América | hotel@ Largo Europa, Achada Street Antonio 14.90656, -23.51757 - +238 262 1431 - single 4500$ double 5500$ suite 7200$ including breakfast In Praiha, south of the centre of town near the beaches.
  • Perola Hotel - Cha de Areia, Praia, Santiago 129A 14.92376, -23.50982 rates from €56 Wi-Fi available in the common areas, laundry service, private parking.
  • Hotel Santa Maria - Rua Serpa Pinto, 35 14.91675, -23.50936 - +238 2 61 4337 +238 261 8572 sgl 4500$, dbl 5600$ Has a panoramic terrace with good views.

Praia's high-end options are located south of the main town in the area of Prainha.

  • Pestana Trópico - Caixa Postal 413 Cidade da Praia Cabo Verde 14.9067, -23.5109 - +238 2614200 +238 2615225 rates from €113 10min to centre of the Praia. 5km from the airport. Comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. The hotel also has a swimming pool, fitness center and private parking.
  • Oásis Atlântico Praiamar - Prainha, Cidade da Praia, Ilha de Santiago 14.9026, -23.5127 - +238 261 3777, +238 261 4153 +238 261 2972 rates from €100 Decrepit infrastructure, outrageously overpriced. Rooms have kingsize beds and are equipped with cable tv, Minibar with alcohol removed and hairdryer.

Stay Safe

Praia-Plage de Gamboa (6) - Gamboa beach

Being the capital and largest city of the nation, Praia has a higher crime rate than most parts of the nation. Most crimes involve petty thievery and these are mostly focused on residents and not on tourists, although there have been a few cases which have involved tourists. So though Praia in general is still a very safe city, be careful not to flaunt any expensive jewelry or gadgets like i☎s and such. Cape Verde in the past few years has seen an increase of petty crimes which are done mostly by groups of young people, so avoid groups of young men especially at night.

Praia is also badly lit at night, so be careful in places that might not have street lights and are somewhat isolated, and always travel in pairs or larger groups for safety. However, if anything does occur there are police stations in various parts of the city and a general hospital in the downtown.

Emergency numbers

  • Hospital - 130
  • Fire brigade – 131
  • Police – 132
  • Polícia Judiciária – 800 11 34

Medical Issues in Praia

Praia-Hospital Agostinho Neto (1) - Hospital Agostinho Neto

There's one hospital in the city:

  • Hospital Agostinho Neto Rua Borjona de Freitas 14.9201, -23.5055

There are also five community health centers.


Embassies & Diplomatic Missions in Praia


  • Angola Achada Santo António ☎ +238 262 32 35, +238 262 32 36, +238 261 82 90 +238 262 32 34


  • Belgium Rua Tenente Valadim ☎ +238 2 61 23 33 +238 261 23 33


  • Brazil Avenida da Prainha, Chã D’Areia nº 2 14.91041, -23.51208 - +238 2 61 56 07,+238 2 61 56 08 +238 261 56 09


  • China Achada Santo António 14.90559, -23.51426 - +238 2 62 30 29,+238 262 30 28,+238 262 55 30 (/ 34 43) +238 261 40 34


  • Cuba Prainha ☎ +238 2 61 94 08,+238 2 61 46 44 (/ 27 06 / 46 00 / 22 58) +238 261 75 27


  • Ecuador n.cabral180@ Rua da Babilónia, Prainha

France }

  • France 1 4.90738, -23.51203 - +238 2 61 55 89, +238 261 55 91 +238 261 55 90
  • Greece | C.P. 578, Plateau, Praia, Cape Verde ☎ +238 261-5980 +238-261-5981


  • Guinea-Bissau 1 4.90971, -23.52969


  • Italy ☎ +238 261 93 43, +238 261 91 71 +238 261 93 43


  • Netherlands Rua Tenente Valadim ☎ +238 2 61 23 33 +238 261 99 35


  • Norway Tira-chapéu ☎ +238 261 54 08, +238 262 75 55 , +238 232 27 18, +238 232 34 64 +238 262 78 74, +238 231 89 19


  • Pakistan Av. Andrade Corvo, 15, 2º andar, Plateau ☎ +238 2 60 85 25 +238 261 30 00


  • Portugal - 14.90682, -23.51353 - +238 2 62 60 97, +238 262 39 25 +238 262 32 22


  • Russia Av. OUA, nº 9, Achada Santo António 14.90520, -23.51481 - +238 2 62 27 39, +238 262 27 40 +238 262 27 38


  • Senegal Plateau 14.90512, -23.51265 - +238 261 56 21 +238 261 28 38, +238 261 13 55


  • Spain Av. OUA 21 R/c, Achada Santo António 14.90797, -23.51760 - +238 262 32 07 +238 262 32 05


  • Sweden Av. Andrade Corvo, nº 17, 2º, Plateau ☎ +238 2 60 85 25 +238 261 30 00


  • Switzerland Fazenda ☎ +238 2 61 98 68 -* United Kingdom | Dakar, Senegal ☎ +221 33 823 26 There is no British Embassy in Cape Verde. The British Embassy Dakar, Senegal is responsible for delivering consular assistance to British nationals in Cape Verde. If you’re in Cape Verde and you need urgent consular assistance, you should contact the British Embassy Dakar.

United States United States - Praia@ Rua Abilio Macedo 6 ☎ +238 2 38-260-8900 +238-261-1355

Telecommunications in Praia

  • CTT Cabo Verde Rua Cesário Lacerda ☎ +238 2 611049 +238 2 611575 - Ahe main office of CTT, Cape Verde's mail.

There are internet cafes in Praia:

  • Cybercafé Sofia - ☎ +238 2 617546 - See #Eat.

News & References Praia

Travel Next

Fort Real de Sao Felipe, Cape Verde - Forte Real de São Filipe, Cidade Velha.

  • Cidade Velha and the historic capital, is an easy half-day or day trip and something not to be missed if you're interested in history. It's among the oldest European-founded cities in Subsaharan Africa, some of the ruins and buildings indeed date from the 1460s when the archipelago was explored and colonized. Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário is the oldest colonial church in the world.
  • The National Botanical Garden in São Jorge dos Órgãos, Ribeirão Galinha neighborhood. Hundreds of plants, both endemic ones and from elsewhere.
  • Serra da Malagueta - an mountain of 1064m above the sea level and a natural reserve. It features a diverse flora and fauna and a characteristic climate.
  • Tarrafal (Santiago) | Tarrafal - A village with one of the nicest sand beaches in all of the nation. Here you can also see the Museum of Resistance, which functioned as a jail for people resisting the Portuguese colonial government from 1936 until the 1970s.

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