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Buy Halal Meloui Crepe Puff Pastry


Buy Halal Meloui crèpe feuilletée certified.


Last Updated on July 20, 2024

According to eHalal, Meloui crèpe feuilletée is Halal and is manufactured and imported with the Barcode of #95574777712 81 and distributed under the Bladi Brand with the eHalal Food Categories of Food and Drinks Plant Based, Aliments d’origine végétale, Céréales and pommes of terre, Frozen, Pains, Pains spéciaux.

Nutrition Level
Quantity: 400 g e
Serving size / serving quantity: 80 g / 80
Energy /100g: 1163
Energy from Fat /100g:
Fat /100g: 5.8000001907349
Saturated Fat /100g: 3.7999999523163
Carbohydrates /100g:
Sugar /100g: 3.0999999046326
Fiber /100g:
Proteins /100g: 6.3000001907349
Salt /100g: 0.9
Sodium /100g: 0.36
Vitamin A /100g:
Vitamin C /100g:
Calcium /100g:
Iron /100g:
Food category: Cereals and Potatoes & Bread

Wheat Flour 48 %, Water, margarine [Huiles végétales et-graisses(Palm Oil, huile des fractions of palme and of la fraction of palme ), Water, Salt, émulsifiant: (produits à partir of SOJA), E471 and E475, Preservative: E202, Aroma, Antioxidants: E320, substances E321 and Colorants: E100, E160a and E160b], farine of riz, Sugar, Salt, Powder à lever [Corn Starch, agent levant: E450i, E500ii].

Allergy: Gluten, Soy Beans

Number of Additives 9/E100, E160a, E160b, E202, E320, E450, E450i, E471, E475, E500, E500ii

carbon footprint / 100 grams of Animal or Fish:

Certification Label: Halal

EMB Code:

Packaging: Sachet, Plastic (As a good Muslim Consumer you should look for alternative packaging materials that are Renewable and Biodegradable),Fresh Frozen