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Buy Halal Pho


Buy Halal Pho certified.


Last Updated on July 20, 2024

According to eHalal, Pho is Halal and is manufactured and imported with the Barcode of #0883204004742 and distributed under the Brand with the eHalal Food Categories of Food and Drinks Plant Based, Aliments d’origine végétale, Céréales and pommes of terre, Céréales and dérivés, Noodles.

Nutrition Level
Serving size / serving quantity: /
Energy /100g: 1554
Energy from Fat /100g:
Fat /100g: 5
Saturated Fat /100g: 2.1429
Carbohydrates /100g:
Sugar /100g: 4.2857
Fiber /100g:
Proteins /100g: 7.1429
Salt /100g: 6.28571425
Sodium /100g: 2.5142857
Vitamin A /100g:
Vitamin C /100g:
Calcium /100g:
Iron /100g:
Food category: Cereals and Potatoes & Cereals

Noodles of riz : riz, Modified Starch (INS1404), Sugar, Salt, stabilisateur : gomme of guar (INS412). Paquet of base of soupe : Salt, Sugar, exhausteurs of Taste : 5′ – guanylate disodique (INS627), 5’– insosinate disodique (INS631); protéine of soja hydrolysée, Flavor with Beef artificiel, échalotte rouge, chili, Ginger, Onion vert Dried, Cinnamon, maltodextrine, Pepper, Garlic, anti-agglomérant: dioxyde of silicone (INS551). Paquet d’huile : Palm Oil, échalotte rouge, Flavor with Beef artificiel, Antioxidant : mélange concentré of tocophérols. Sachet of Powder chilli : Powder of chili. CONTIENT: SOYA


Number of Additives 6/E1404, E14xx, E412, E551, E627, E631

carbon footprint / 100 grams of Animal or Fish:

Certification Label: Gluten Free, Halal

EMB Code:
