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Buy Halal Thon Spicy


Buy Halal Thon Spicy certified.

SKU: 433f0a5feb25 Category: Tag:


Last Updated on July 20, 2024

According to eHalal, Thon Spicy is Halal and is manufactured and imported with the Barcode of #5410473042905 and distributed under the Brand with the eHalal Food Categories of Conserves, Produits of la mer, Poissons, Fish en Conserve, Thons, Thons en conserve.

Nutrition Level
Quantity: 150 g
Serving size / serving quantity: /
Energy /100g: 1640
Energy from Fat /100g:
Fat /100g: 37.1
Saturated Fat /100g: 2.2
Carbohydrates /100g:
Sugar /100g: 3.1
Fiber /100g:
Proteins /100g: 11
Salt /100g: 2
Sodium /100g: 0.8
Vitamin A /100g:
Vitamin C /100g:
Calcium /100g:
Iron /100g:
Food category: Fish Meat Eggs & Fish and seafood

Morc of thon en saumure 42% (thon (katsuwonus pelamis) 36%”, Water, Salt, Extraits végétaux), Colza Oil, Water, Tomato Concentrate, jaune d’_œuf, sirop of sugar inverti, mustard_ forte (Water, graines of mustard, Vinegar, Salt, Curcuma Asian Plant), préparation d’épices (farine of blé, Salt, Spices (paprika, Pepper), Basil, Powder Onion, Powder d’ail, antiagglomérant: E551), Powder of tomate, mélange d’épices (Modified Starch of mais, Salt, Preservativ E202, E211, Herbs and Spices (Oregano, muscade, Pepper of Cayenne, Marjoram), épaississant E412, E415, Salt, Dextrose, Extrait of levure, Powder d’ail, Extrait of Herbs), Vinegar, préparation piment 1% (piments Red moulus 0,8% dont 0,06% of Puree from piment, Salt, régulateur d’acidité: E260, Preservative: E211), Modified Starch of mais, colorant: E160c, épaississants:E412, E415, flocons of Apple of tere (Apple of terre, émulsifiant: E471, Stabilizer: E450, Antioxidant: E304).


Number of Additives 11/E14xx, E160c, E202, E211, E260, E304, E412, E415, E450, E471, E551

carbon footprint / 100 grams of Animal or Fish:

Certification Label: Halal

EMB Code:

Packaging: barquette Plastic (As a good Muslim Consumer you should look for alternative packaging materials that are Renewable and Biodegradable)