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Buy Halal Turkey Nugget Halal x20


Buy Halal Turkey Nugget Halal x20 environ certified.

Out of stock


Last Updated on July 20, 2024

According to eHalal, Turkey Nugget Halal x20 environ is Halal and is manufactured and imported with the Barcode of #3560070513 819 and distributed under the Carrefour Brand with the eHalal Food Categories of Food and Drinks Plant Based, Aliments d’origine végétale, Céréales and pommes of terre, Pains.

Nutrition Level
Quantity: 400 g
Serving size / serving quantity: /
Energy /100g: 946
Energy from Fat /100g:
Fat /100g: 11
Saturated Fat /100g: 1.6
Carbohydrates /100g:
Sugar /100g: 0.9
Fiber /100g: 1.5
Proteins /100g: 15
Salt /100g: 1.5
Sodium /100g: 0.6
Vitamin A /100g:
Vitamin C /100g:
Calcium /100g:
Iron /100g:
Food category: Cereals and Potatoes & Bread

Ingredients ( mise en oeuvre) : Turkey fillets 58%, Water, Wheat Flour, sunflower oil, Salt, fibres of pois, levure, Spices (Curcuma Asian Plant and paprika), Preservatives : acide sorbique and sorbate of potassium, Natural Aromas of Pepper. May contain des traces of Milk.

Allergy: Gluten

Number of Additives 2/E200, E202

carbon footprint / 100 grams of Animal or Fish: 377

Certification Label: French Halal Meat, Halal, Made in France, French Halal Poultry, French Society of Halal Meat Control – Great Mosque of Paris ,

EMB Code: FR 77.208.001 EC, EMB 77208C




As per request by our Muslim Ummah, we have placed all Carrefour Halal food items Out of Stock.
As per request by our Muslim Ummah, we have placed all Carrefour Halal food items Out of Stock.