
From Halal Explorer

Rabat banner.jpg

Morocco (Arabic: المغرب Al-Maghrib; Berber: ⵍⵎⴰⵖⵔⵉⴱ Elmaɣrib) is a kingdom in North Africa, at the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco has 34 million inhabitants, and a timeless legacy from the Islamic Golden Age. For Europeans, Morocco has been, and remains and the gateway to Africa.


Regions of Morocco

  Mediterranean Morocco
several towns and cities, Spanish enclaves and some important ports
  North Atlantic Coast
the northern half of Morocco's coast is home to the capital and Casablanca, interspersed with more laid back beach towns
  South Atlantic Coast
the southern coast is more laid back, home to gorgeous beach towns like Essaouira and Agadir
  High Atlas
covering the High Atlas mountains and the surrounding areas including Marrakech
  Middle Atlas
covering the Middle Atlas mountains and the surrounding areas including Fez and Meknes
  Saharan Morocco
the vast desert region of Morocco runs along the border with Algeria; camel safaris and sand dunes are the name of the game here
  Anti Atlas
the southern portion, covering Tarouddant down to the Western Sahara border

Other Muslim Friendly Cities in Morocco

2008-03-22 Blick über Ouarzazate (Marokko) mit Atlasgebirge

  • Rabat GPS: 34.020882,-6.84165 (Arabic: الرِّبَاط, Berber: ⵕⵕⴱⴰⵟ) – The capital of Morocco; very relaxed and hassle-free, highlights include a 12th-century tower and minaret.
  • Agadir GPS: 30.433333,-9.6 (Arabic: اكادير, Berber: ⴰⴳⴰⴷⵉⵔ) – Agadir is best known for its beaches. The town is a nice example of modern Morocco, with less emphasis on history and culture. Take the local bus for a few cents and go 2 or 3 villages north, where there are additional beaches
  • Casablanca GPS: 33.533333,-7.583333 (Arabic: الدار البيضاء, Berber: ⴰⵏⴼⴰ) – This modern city by the sea is a starting point for visitors flying into the nation. If you have the time, both the historical medina and the contemporary mosque (the third largest in the world) are well worth an afternoon
  • Fez GPS: 34.033333,-5 (Arabic: فاس‎‎, Berber: ⴼⴰⵙ) – Fez is the former capital of Morocco and home to the oldest university in the world and the Qarawiyyin University, in its well preserved old city.
  • Marrakech GPS: 31.63,-8.008889 (Arabic: مراكش‎‎, Berber: ⴰⵎⵓⵔⴰⴽⵓⵛ) – Marrakech (commonly called Marrakesh) is a perfect combination of old and new Morocco. Plan to spend at least a few days wandering the huge maze of souks and ruins in the medina. The great plaza of Djeema El Fna at dusk is not to be missed.
  • Meknes GPS: 33.895,-5.554722 (Arabic: مكناس, Berber: ⴰⵎⴽⵏⴰⵙ) – A modern, laid-back city that offers a welcome break from the tourist crush of neighbouring Fez.
  • Ouarzazate GPS: 30.916667,-6.916667 (Arabic: ورزازات‎‎, Berber: ⵡⴰⵔⵣⴰⵣⴰⵜ) – Considered the capital of the South, Ouarzazate is a great example of preservation and tourism that hasn't destroyed the feel of a fantastic and ancient city.
  • Tangier GPS: 35.766667,-5.8 (Arabic: طنجة‎‎, Berber: ⵜⵉⵏⴳⵉ) – Tangier is the starting point for most visitors arriving by ferry from Spain.An enigmatic charm which has attracted numerous artists (Henri Matisse), musicians (Jimi Hendrix), politicians (Winston Churchill), writers (William S. Burroughs, Mark Twain) and others (Malcolm Forbes).
  • Tetouan GPS: 35.566667,-5.366667 (Arabic: تطوان, Berber: ⵜⵉⵟⵟⴰⵡⵉⵏ) – Nice beaches and is the gateway to the Rif Mountains.

More Destinations in Morocco

A performer during the Tborida season

  • Chefchaouen GPS: 35.171389,-5.269722 (Arabic: الشاون, Berber: ⴰⵛⵛⴰⵡⵏ) – A mountain town inland from Tangier full of white-washed winding alleys, blue doors, and olive trees, Chefchaouen is clean as a postcard and a welcome escape from Tangier, evoking the feeling of a Greek island
  • Essaouira GPS: 31.513056,-9.769722 (Arabic: الصويرة, Berber: ⵎⵓⴳⴰⴷⵓⵔ) – An ancient sea-side town newly rediscovered by tourists. From mid-June to August the beaches are packed but any other time and you'll be the only person there. Good music and great people. Nearest Coast from Marrakech
  • High Atlas GPS: 31.433333,-6.933333 (Arabic: الاطلس الكبير, Berber: ⴰⴷⵔⴰⵔ ⵏ ⴷⵔⵏ) – regular destination for mountain hikers, ski enthusiasts, or travellers interested in the indigenous Berber culture
  • Merzouga GPS: 31.099167,-4.011667 (Arabic: مرزوقة, Berber: ⵎⴰⵔⵣⵓⴳⴰ) and
  • M'Hamid GPS: 29.822222,-5.720833 (Arabic: محاميد الغزلان, Berber: ⵜⴰⵔⴰⴳⴰⵍⵜ) – From either of these two settlements at the edge of the Sahara, ride a camel or 4x4 into the desert for a night (or a week) among the dunes and under the stars
  • Tinerhir GPS: 31.514722,-5.532778 (Arabic: تنغير, Berber: ⵜⵉⵏⵖⵉⵔ) – Desert oasis and access point to the stunning High Atlas

Archaeological sites

  • Volubilis GPS: 34.071111,-5.553611 (Arabic: وليلي, Berber: ⵡⴰⵍⵉⵍⵉ) – Also known as Wallibi and is 30 kilometers north of Meknes, biggest Roman ruins in Morocco, next to the holy town Moulay Idriss

Masjids in Morocco

Morocco, a country steeped in Islamic tradition and history, is home to some of the most magnificent and historically significant masjids in the world. These masjids not only serve as places of worship but also as architectural marvels and cultural landmarks. Here are some of the largest and most important masjids in Morocco, reflecting the rich Islamic heritage of the nation.

Hassan II Mosque - Casablanca

The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca is not only the largest masjid in Morocco but also one of the largest in the world. It was commissioned by King Hassan II and completed in 1993. The mosque's minaret, standing at 210 meters (689 feet), is the tallest in the world. The mosque can accommodate 25,000 worshippers inside, with space for an additional 80,000 in its surrounding grounds.

The mosque is an architectural masterpiece, with intricate mosaics, marble floors, and a retractable roof. Its location on a promontory looking out over the Atlantic Ocean makes it a breathtaking sight, symbolizing the connection between Morocco's history and its future.

Koutoubia Mosque - Marrakech

The Koutoubia Mosque is the largest mosque in Marrakech and one of the most iconic landmarks in the city. It was completed in the late 12th century under the reign of Almohad Caliph Yaqub al-Mansur. The mosque's minaret, at 77 meters (253 feet) tall, is a classic example of Almohad architecture and has served as a model for other notable structures, such as the Giralda in Seville, Spain, and the Hassan Tower in Rabat.

The Koutoubia Mosque's name is derived from the Arabic word for bookseller (kutubiyyin), as it was once surrounded by a bustling book market. Today, it stands as a testament to Marrakech's historical and cultural significance.

Al Quaraouiyine Mosque - Fez

The Al Quaraouiyine Mosque in Fez is not only a place of worship but also a center of learning. Founded in 859 AD by Fatima al-Fihri, it is considered one of the oldest universities in the world. The mosque has undergone several expansions and renovations over the centuries, reflecting the various dynasties that ruled Morocco.

Al Quaraouiyine has been a significant intellectual hub, attracting scholars from all over the Islamic world. Its vast prayer hall and stunning courtyard are adorned with intricate mosaics and calligraphy, embodying the rich heritage of Moroccan architecture and learning.

Tinmal Mosque - Tinmel

Located in the High Atlas Mountains, the Tinmal Mosque is a significant historical and religious site. It was built in 1156 by the Almohad Caliph Abd al-Mu'min as a memorial to the founder of the Almohad movement, Ibn Tumart. Though no longer in regular use for worship, the Tinmal Mosque remains a symbol of the Almohad dynasty's influence in Moroccan history.

The mosque's architectural style is distinctly Almohad, featuring austere yet elegant design elements that have influenced many subsequent Moroccan buildings. Its remote location adds to its mystique, making it a fascinating site for visitors interested in the history of Islam in Morocco.

Great Mosque of Taza - Taza

The Great Mosque of Taza, located in the city of Taza, is one of Morocco's oldest and most important religious sites. It was founded in the early 12th century by the Almohad dynasty. The mosque has undergone various renovations, but it still retains much of its original structure and design.

The mosque is known for its beautiful mihrab (prayer niche), adorned with exquisite stucco and tile work. The Great Mosque of Taza reflects the architectural and cultural transitions that Morocco has experienced over the centuries, serving as a testament to the country's enduring Islamic heritage.

Morocco Halal Explorer

History of Morocco

Roman ruins of Volubilis.

The earliest known independent state of Morocco was the Berber Kingdom of Mauretania under Bocchus I. This kingdom dates back to 110 BCE.

From the 1st century BCE, Morocco was part of the Roman Empire as Mauretania Tingitana. Christianity was introduced in the 2nd century CE and gained converts in the Roman towns, among slaves and Berber farmers.

In the 5th century CE as the Roman Empire declined and the region was invaded from the north by the Vandals and later the Visigoths. In the 6th century, northern Morocco became part of the Byzantine Empire. Throughout this time, however and the Berber inhabitants in the high mountains of the interior remained independent.

In 670 CE and the first Islamic conquest of the North African coastal plain took place under Uqba ibn Nafi, a general serving under the Umayyads. The indigenous Berber tribes adopted Islam, but retained their customary laws. They also paid taxes and tribute to the new Muslim administration. The first independent Muslim state in the area of modern Morocco was the Kingdom of Nekor, an emirate in the Rif Mountains. It was established by Salih I ibn Mansur in 710, as a client state. After the outbreak of the Berber Revolt in 739 and the Berbers formed other independent states such as the Miknasa of Sijilmasa and the Barghawata.

According to medieval legend, Idris Ibn Abdallah had fled to Morocco after the Abbasids' massacre of the tribes in Iraq. He convinced the Awraba tribes to break the allegiance to distant Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad and he founded the Idrisid Dynasty in 788. The Idrisids established Fez as their capital and Morocco became a centre of Muslim learning and major regional power. The Idrisids were ousted in 927 by the Fatimid Caliphate and their Miknasa allies. After Miknasa broke off relations with the Fatimids in 932 and they were removed from power by the Maghrawa of Sijilmasa in 980. From the 11th century to the early 20th century onwards, a series of dynasties including the Almoravids, Almohads, Marinids, Wattasids, Saadis and Alaouites ruled Morocco until it was controlled by the Spanish and French.

Morocco's long struggle for independence from France ended in 1956. The internationalized city of Tangier was turned over to the new country that same year. Morocco annexed Western Sahara during the late 1970s, and even though the status of the territory remains unresolved, all maps in Morocco show Western Sahara as an integrated part of Morocco.

Gradual political reforms in the 1990s resulted in the establishment of a bicameral legislature in 1997, although the king still possesses the actual political power. The press is mostly state controlled even though there are free newspapers, and clampdowns have occurred following criticism of the authorities or articles concerning the Western Sahara situation.

Culture & Tradition of Morocco

Morocco is a good place to see varied cultural legacys including those with African, Arabic, Berber, Moorish and Western influences.

Electricity and voltage

The voltage in Morocco is generally 220 V, and outlets will fit the two-pin plug known as the Europlug. It's probably the most commonly used international plug, found throughout continental Europe and parts of the Middle East, as well as much of Africa, South America, Central Asia and the former Soviet republics. Europlugs are included in most international plug adapter kits.

American and Canadian appliances, which are built to use 110 V. may be damaged if they're plugged into a 220 V unless your appliance is "dual-voltage" (designed for both 110 and 220 V). If not, you'll need a power converter as well as an adapter.

Public Holidays in Morocco

Ramadan 2025 in Morocco

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

The biggest event on the Moroccan calendar is the month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast during the day time and break the fast at sunset. Most restaurants are closed for lunch and things generally slow down.

Best time to visit

If you are adventurous at heart, a good time to visit Morocco for trekking in the desert is February. You can enjoy coastal areas or beaches at Essaouira in July. April is the best time to visit the Imperial towns in Morocco. The peak tourist season in Morocco is July and August.

Travel to Morocco

The remains of the Saadi Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur's 16th century Badii' Palace

Visa policy of Morocco - A map showing the visa requirements of Morocco, with countries in green having visa-free access

Entry requirements

All visitors to Morocco require a valid passport but visitors from the following countries do not need to obtain visas before arrival:

Schengen member states, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Republic of Congo, Guinea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Kuwait, Libya, Macau, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, New Zealand, Niger, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Korea, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America and Venezuela.

For tourists from countries that need a visa to enter Morocco and the Moroccan Embassy is usually the first port of call. They charge the equivalent of UK £17 for a single entry and £26 for double or multiple entries. (Double or Multiple entries will be issued at embassy discretion). Visas are usually valid for 3 months and take around 5-6 working days to process.

Visa requirements are: completed application forms; four passport-size photos taken within the previous six months; valid passport with at least one blank page and with a photocopy of the relevant data pages; Fee, payable by postal order only; a photocopy of all flight bookings and a photocopy of hotel reservation.

Tourists can stay for up to 90 days and visa extensions can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. (You may find it easier to duck into the Spanish-controlled Ceuta or Melilla and then re-enter Morocco for a new stamp). Anti-cholera vaccination certificates may be required of visitors coming from areas where this disease is prevalent and pets need a health certificate less than ten days old, and an anti-rabies certificate less than six months old.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Morocco

Salé Airport

There are Flights from New York, Montreal, Dubai and various European cities to Casablanca as well as seasonal charter Flights to Agadir.

Many European carriers serve Morocco. These are Iberia, TAP Portugal, Air France, Lufthansa, Swiss, Turkish Airlines, Norwegian, British Airways, Brussels Airlines, Alitalia, TAP Express, Air Germany and many other European airlines.

Easyjet — Now fly at budget prices from London and Manchester to Marrakech and Casablanca. Another option is from Charles de Gaulle to Casablanca.

Ryanair — flies to Morocco from Bergamo, Girona, Reus, Bremen, Madrid, Brussels, "Frankfurt"-Hahn, Eindhoven, London and Porto. Flying to Fez 3 times per week. Flights to Marrakesh are also available. A Bergamo - Tangier route.

Royal Air Maroc — The state airline, which drastically needs a price cut.

Air Arabia Maroc owned by Air Arabia, is another low cost carrier which flies to other Moroccan destinations, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Tunisia and Türkiye.

Jet 4 You — A low-cost carrier with extremely affordable tickets from France and Belgium.

Aigle Azur — A small North-African carrier with reasonable rates.

Thomson fly — Flights from Manchester to Marrakech and are very reasonably priced.

Binter Canarias — Flights from Canary Islands to Marrakech.

Emirates — Flights from Dubai to Casablanca.

Many visitors also fly to Gibraltar or Malaga (which are often considerably cheaper to get to) and take a ferry from Algeciras, Tarifa or Gibraltar to Tangier.

By car

You can enter via ferry or via the two only open border posts on land connected to the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. The frontier with Algeria has been closed since 1994. For the closest maritime connection you head for Algeciras or Tarifa in southern Spain. At Algeciras there are ferry services to Ceuta and Tangier that carry cars. Tarifa has a similar service to Tangier and this is the shortest and fastest route, just 35 minutes.

It's feasible also to enter Mauritania by vehicle from Dakhla. Most countries' citizens need a visa to enter Mauritania which is available at the Mauritanian embassy in Rabat (visas are no longer issued at the border).

It might be hard to get into Morocco with a commercial vehicle. Camper vans are acceptable (but they must look like a camper van), but other commercial vehicles might get turned around and prevented from travelling onwards. If you want to take a commercial vehicle, and there is more than one person travelling, it may be worthwhile if a French-speaking person travels to any international border with Morocco of your choice and meets with the head of Customs before you bring in a commercial vehicle.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Morocco

Agence de Voyages


There are several ferry connections to Morocco, mainly from Spain. Algeciras is the main port and serves Ceuta and Tangier. A ferry between Algeciras and Ceuta takes 40 minutes, and less than 2 hours to get to Tangier. You can also get to Tangier from the small port of Tarifa, on the southernmost tip of mainland Spain. This will take 35 minutes or one hour, but delays up to four hours are feasible. Some companies run buses between Tarifa and Algeciras for free (25 minutes), so you will have no problems getting to the train station. Other Spanish ports that have connections to Morocco are Malaga and Almeria, which are connected with Melilla and the adjacent Moroccan town of Nador.

Ferries from France also go to Tangier, from the port of Sète near Montpellier and Port Vendres near Perpignan. However these ferries are rather expensive. The Italian towns of Genoa and Naples also have direct connections to Tangier. The British dependency of Gibraltar connects to Tangier through a high-speed boat service.

Ensure your ticket takes you to the right port, Tangier-MAD for instance is 50 miles from the city.

From the south of Spain (Estepona) a sailing yacht will take you for a few days to the north east of Morocco (Smir).


From Tarifa to Tangier the ferry costs €34 per adult without a vehicle using on-line booking. An open return costs €54, (March 2013). However, you can get the ferry ticket from Tangier at 390 dirham (about €36). To Algeciras from Tangier, it costs 395 dirham single.

How to get around in Morocco

Landscape of the Erg Chebbi

However you are travelling, work out which direction you are heading and where the sun will be for the majority of your trip and choose a seat on the shady side.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Morocco

Map of Morocco's exports as of 2017

Trains are generally the best option because of their speed, frequency and comfort. However and the network is limited, linking only Marrakech and Tangier via Casablanca and Rabat. A branch line to Oujda starts at Sidi Kachem linking Meknes and Fez to the main line. A high speed rail line connecting Tangier to Casablanca via Rabat is under construction with first section to Kénitra opened in November 2023, reducing travel durations between Tangier and Casablanca to just over two hours.

The train network is operated by ONCF. Tickets can be purchased both online and at stations and they are very affordable compared to Europe. For example, a single from Tangier to Marrakech costs about 200 dirham second class, or 300 dirham first class. Casablanca to Marrakech - 90 dirham for second class. The only drawback with Moroccan trains are that they are very frequently delayed, so don't count on the timetables if you are in a hurry.

Al Boraq RGV2N2 high-speed trainset at Tanger-Ville railway station in November 2018

People are incredibly sociable and friendly on the trains in Morocco and you will find yourself perpetually talking to strangers about your journey. Each new person will advise you on some new place you should go or invite you to their home for couscous. Stations in smaller cities are often poorly marked, and your fellow passengers will be more than happy to let you know where you are and when you should get off. It's expected to greet (Salam) new passengers entering your compartment, and if you bring fruit, cake, etc., it's common to offer the other passengers something as well. If you spend a little extra for 1st class you increase your chances of meeting someone proficient in many languages.

There are three daily departures from Tangier, bound for either Oujda or Marrakech, although all of them can be used to reach either destination as there are corresponding trains in Sidi Kachem using the opposite branch of the train coming from Tangier. The night trains between Tangier and Marrakech offer couchettes for an extra 100 dirham. This is the only option if you would like to lie down sleeping as there are obstacles between the seats in regular compartments.

First class train cars are supposed to have working air conditioning, however, not all train cars with air conditioning have it in working mode, so it's advisable to bring with you plenty of water (there are no vending machines on ONCF trains, unlike SNCF or TrenItalia trains, and the conductor with a vending cart is not often easy to find). For example and the travel duration between Tangier and Fez is about 5 hours and with no AC and no water and the ride can become unbearable in the summer desert heat.

When you arrive at a station, to reaching the platform you'll need to validate your ticket (checkpoint at the entrance).

Travel on a Bus in Morocco

The Jemaa el-Fnaa in Marrakech.

Luxury buses are the next best option, with almost universal coverage, if somewhat odd departure times in some places. CTM, Supratours and some smaller companies provide good comfort with reasonable prices. Supratours buses offer specific tickets to link with the rail system and are bookable on the train company website as Supratours is run by it. All bus companies charge for baggage separately, however CTM is the only one that does this officially and provides baggage receipts. On Supratours, whoever takes your bag will demand up to 20 dirham (pay no more than 5 dirham).

Nearly every city has a central bus station where you can buy tickets to travel from region to region (and in some cities certain companies run their own stations - mostly that applies to the operators CTM and partly Supratours). You can either choose the buses for tourists with air-conditioning and a TV. Or you can also take the local buses which cost only 25-50% of the tourist buses and are much more fun. They are not very comfortable, but you can get in contact with the local people and learn a lot about the nation. The buses often take longer routes than the big ones, so you can see villages you would never get to as a "normal" tourist. For heat-sensitive people this is not advisable though, as local residents may tell you that 35 degrees is "cool" and no reason for opening a window. The route from Rissani, Erfoud, and Er Rachidia to Meknes and Fez, while long, runs through the Middle and High Atlas and is particularly scenic.

Luxury buses operated by CTM are also affordable and offer an easier travelling experience than local buses. See CTM's timetable and tariffs].)

Supratours, a major rival of CTM, complements the train network to Essaouira and all major Atlantic-coast towns south to Marrakech.

Local buses are a completely valid choice for the hardier traveller, and often even have more leg room than the luxury buses although this may be just because the seat in front of you is disintegrating. They can be extraordinarily slow as they will stop for anyone, anywhere, and only luxury buses are air-conditioned (and local residents hate open windows). On local buses only and the ticket is sold directly by the driver.

Best way to travel in Morocco by a Taxi

Travel by taxi is common in Morocco. There are two sorts:

  • Petit taxi used only within the area of the town
  • The grand taxi can be used for trips between towns, and for larger groups

Prices for petit taxi are reasonable and it's the law that taxis in town should have a meter - although they are not always on. Insist that the driver starts the meter. If not, ask for the fare before getting in (but it will be more expensive).

Grand taxi

View of the medina (old city) of Fes.

Operate between towns; fares are semi-fixed and shared equally between passengers. However and there are six passenger seats per vehicle not four (this is for the ubiquitous Mercedes and there are 8 or 9 seats in the bigger Peugeots in the southeast). Two people are expected to share the front seat, with four across the back. If you want to leave immediately or you want extra space you can pay for any additional empty seats. Grand taxis generally cost less than a luxury bus but more than the local bus. Late at night, expect to be charged a little more than at daytime, and also to pay for all the seats in the vehicle as other clients probably won't show up that late. Petit taxis are not allowed to leave the city borders and is thus not an option for travelling between cities.

The grand taxi is a shared, generally long-distance taxi, with a fixed rate for specific route; the driver stopping and picking up passengers like a bus. Grand taxis are usually found near main bus stops. Negotiate on price if you want a journey to yourself and this will be based on distance travelled and whether you are returning—but price per taxi should not depend on the number of passengers in your group. When sharing grand taxi with others, drivers may cheat tourist-looking passengers charging higher—look how much local residents around you pay; don't worry to ask other passengers about the normal price, before boarding or even when you're in.

Grand taxis are usually 10-year-old Mercedes, regular saloon cars that in Europe are used for up to 4 passengers plus driver. For a grand taxi, it is normal to share a vehicle between up to 6 passengers. The front seat is normally given to two women (as local women are not allowed to be in contact with a man and they rarely take rear seats). Travellers often pay for 2 seats that remain unoccupied to travel with more space inside, and hence comfort.

Grand taxis can also be hired for roughly the price of two petit taxis for shorter trips. This is useful if your party is of four or more. Beware, some taxi drivers will refuse to drive off until the taxi is full, potentially causing you delays. Alternatively, for a relatively reasonable sum (depending on the driver), you can hire a grand taxi in Marrakech for the entire day, allowing you to explore the Ourika valley.

Taxi owners vie with each other to add extras such as sunshades. A clean vehicle and smart driver is usually a good sign of a well maintained vehicle.

Be aware that most grand taxis operate only on a single route and that for trips outside of their licensed route they need to get permission from police first. If you plan to take a grand taxi for a custom tour it is best to book one day ahead to give the driver time to get this permission.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Morocco

Domestic flying is not a popular means of transportation, however, Royal Air Maroc and the national flag carrier, has an excellent but expensive network to most cities. Other airlines include Air Arabia Maroc and

By tramway

The Casablanca tramway is 30 kilometers long, with 49 stops, and Y-shaped. Tickets cost 6 dirham; buy your ticket before boarding. You have a choice between a rechargeable ticket valid for 10 journeys only, or a rechargeable card, valid for 4 years.

This is, after the Rabat-Salé tramway and the second tram system in Morocco, but also the largest system in number of stations and the length of the route.

By car

Boujloud celebration

The primary street network is in good condition but due to the lack of dedicated cycling lanes and pedestrian paths in all but the largest cities, they are shared by many cyclists, pedestrians and horse-drawn vehicles.

Roads have a good surface, although some are very narrow, in most cases only one narrow lane in each direction. Many roads in the south marked as sealed actually have only a central strip, one lane wide, sealed with wide shoulders to be used every time you meet oncoming traffic and this is a sensible economic solution in these areas of sparse traffic and long straight roads - except when you can not see oncoming traffic because of windblown dust!

The main cities are connected by toll expressways still being extended.

  • The expressway between Casablanca and Rabat (A3) was finished in 1987.
  • It was extended from Rabat to Kénitra in 1995 and today reaches the northern port of Tangier (A1).
  • Another expressway (A2) goes eastwards from Rabat to Fez some 200 km down the road. It comprises part of the planned transmaghrébine expressway that will continue all the way to Tripoli.
  • South from Casablanca runs the A7. It was planned to reach Agadir in December 2009 but only goes as far as Marrakech 210 km south of Casablanca.
  • Around Casablanca and down the coast is the A5 expressway which connects Mohammedia and El Jadida.
  • The A2 between Fez and Oujda on the Algerian border has been completed, but the border is still closed.

Road signs are in Arabic and French and the traffic law is as in much of Europe (i.e. you give way to the right). This means that traffic on a roundabout gives way to that entering unless indicated otherwise by yield-signs at the entrances to the roundabout. Be very careful as many drivers respect signs only if a policeman is nearby. The speed limit is enforced especially the 40kph in towns and on dangerous intersections where fines are imposed on the spot. General rule is that vehicles larger than yours should be given a priority: trucks, buses and even grand taxis.

Despite the dangers listed below and the average Moroccan driver is very attentive, caring and friendly. Oncoming traffic will signal with wide beam if there is danger ahead (police, potholes, accident). Because nobody seems to be following rules, everybody is always expecting erratic behavior from other drivers and one thus encounters less accidents than one would expect.

Fuel is not so common in the nationside so plan ahead and get a good map. As of 2023, contraband fuel is a real problem and it can do various bad things to your vehicle (from corroding the tubes to damaging your engine); the rule of thumb seems to be that Total and Shell are safest but they too sometimes get inferior fuel. It's always best to ask a local or to use gas stations where lots of local cars get their fuel (number at end of number plate defines location, so, e.g. in Tiznit, gas stations with lots of cars that have 37 as area code are a good bet). If you rent a car, ask when renting; also: even when renting don't ignore this issue, modern cars will proactively protect the engine by limiting it to 3000rpm.

The downtowns of larger cities like Marrakech and Casablanca can be a scary to navigate by car: Lane markers are pure decoration and 2 lane roads are used as 4 lane roads. People use the horn so much that one rarely can say what for in a specific instance. Scooters zigzag through traffic, cutting off cars. The tricks to surviving those cities:

  • Do not be intimidated by other drivers.
  • Make sure that you drive predictably, and don't do anything rash. Instead of crossing 3 lanes in the last second like some local residents do, rather miss the turn and do 3 rights.
  • Either use a navigation system or have a co-driver with a map. There ain't many road signs and one rarely can stop at the road side to study a map.
  • If you don't feel OK with the traffic, turn around, park in the outskirts and use a taxi. It might turn out cheaper than the water you have to drink to replace the sweat from driving in those circumstances.

There are numerous police checkpoints on the primary streets where you must either slow down or come to a complete stop. Which it is depends on the sign. Either do like the vehicle in front of you does or, if in doubt, just stop until you are signaled to move on.

Specific dangers


Brahim, the guy in the picture, took me by the hand when I was wandering through the dunes of the Sahara. He taught me that we foreigners are wrong when we say "Sahara Desert," because Sahara in Arabic really means "desert." Basically, we are repeating the same word twice. Although it may seem like a subtlety, this detail made me think about how necessary it is to emphasize the greatness of such a fascinating place by repeating its name twice.


  • Although they are generally in good condition and they can obtain deep potholes, even in the largest cities. Pay attention to what the vehicle in front of you does, chances are and the driver knows the road better than you.
  • Road signs are always to be taken with a grain of salt. If you may go 80km/h, it does not mean you can. An "attention, curve ahead" can mean "1 degree correction on the steering wheel" or 359 degrees. And sometimes sharp turns don't have warnings while the previous 100 slight bends had one.

Environment (rural areas):

  • People who live in the nationside use the roads as pedestrians, on bicycles or donkeys. This is especially dangerous at sunset, when you (and they) are blinded by the low sun, and at night, when they appear seemingly out of nowhere in dark djellabahs.
  • Animals cross the road with disrespect for traffic rules.

Local cars:

  • Lights don't always work or they are wired up in a funny way (e.g., blinking brake light on the right means "signal right")
  • Brakes on trucks and buses are, just like the vehicles themselves, sometimes in very bad shape.
  • Some cars and trucks are seriously overloaded and might lose part of their cargo en route.

Police are actively fighting these issues and they got much better over the years, but as of 2022 and these warnings are still valid.

Local drivers:

  • Tailgating is a serious problem, less for the vehicle in front but for oncoming traffic: People will drive 1 m behind a truck, swerving into the other lane just to be able to see whether they can overtake. Whenever you have a truck coming up ahead, get off the accelerator, prepare to brake and get to the far right side of your lane.
  • Signaling is considered optional by most drivers. Or they start signaling the moment they change lanes or do the turn.
  • In roundabouts, one can count on people in outer lanes cutting off those in inner lanes. Try to stay in the outer lane, if feasible. As of 2023, at least in Agadir, police are posted at every roundabout to enforce traffic rules. So far and the effect is negligible.
  • Drunk driving happens though usually only from late at night until very early morning.
  • Some people ignore traffic rules altogether with impunity because they happen to be important themselves or know someone who is important or because they bribe police. Always expect that someone goes twice as fast as you do.

Renting a car

Rental firms abound in the large cities. Most worldwide rental networks have their offices in Morocco. Also there are several local rental companies (5-7 have representative offices in Casablanca airport). They offer lower prices, but be sure to check the vehicle's condition, spare tyre, jack, etc. Local companies may be less proficient in English—but if you are ready for a higher risk, when you rent in an airport try to negotiate with them first; if failed you always have worldwide rivals to go next. Tips which local agency to use are best sought from expats who live in the area because they understand your expectations from experience and most probably don't have anything to gain from sending you to some sketchy agency. Local agencies usually require you to have a working phone.

Multinational companies seem to easily share cars with each other (although prices and service level may vary), so if your company of choice doesn't have what you need they may ask from another company.

Check where you can drive - some rental companies won't allow travel on unmade roads.

  • Alamo/National: All Alamo and National Car Rental offices are co-located in Morocco. During low season (November) expect at least 20% discount from the list price if you come without a reservation—at least for economic class (Peugeot 206, Renault Logan Dacia). Deposit is taken as a paper slip of a credit card; Alamo is unable to transfer your slip to the city of your destination if it's different from your starting point. Some economy-class cars (like Peugeot 206) are as old as 4 years, with mileage up to 120,000 km.

Renting a vehicle with driver/guide

Some tour operators will arrange for you to hire a 4x4 or SUV with a driver/guide, and offer customised itineraries, including advanced booking in hotels, ryads, etc.

Local Language in Morocco

The official languages of Morocco are Arabic and Berber. However and the local Moroccan Arabic phrasebook|Moroccan Arabic, a dialect of Maghrebi Arabic (spoken in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria) is very divergent from standard Arabic, so even native Arabic speakers from outside the region would not understand the conversations of local residents. However, all Moroccans learn standard Arabic in school, so speakers of standard Arabic should not have any problems communicating in the major cities. Officially about half the population cannot read or write so there are always translators around and people to assist filling in forms (for a small fee) around most places where such forms are required such as ports, etc.

Various dialects of Berber are spoken by Morocco's ethnic Berbers.

French is widely understood in Morocco due to its history as a French protectorate, and is still taught in schools from relatively early grades, making it by far the most useful non-Arabic language to know. Most urban local residents you meet will be trilingual in Moroccan Arabic, standard Arabic and French, but only speak French to Foreign Muslims and never among each other. In the north and southern part of the nation, many people also speak Spanish instead or alongside French.

While knowledge of the English language is increasing amongst the younger generations, most Moroccans don't speak a word, and even those that do will most likely speak better French. Although you will find a few people who speak English among the most educated people, in urban areas most of them are agents and faux guides. Some shop owners and hotel managers in urban centers also speak English.

People are used to dealing with the communication barrier that comes with having various Berber dialects - pantomiming, smiling and using even the most broken French will get you a long way.

What to see in Morocco

At just a few hours from the main European cities, Morocco has everything to overwhelm you with the amazing colours, smells and sounds of Islamic Africa. Imagine bustling souqs and spice markets, stunning masjids, white-washed seaside towns and medieval downtowns. With panoramic views varying from snow-covered peaks in the High Atlas to the endless sand dunes of the Sahara, no-one ever has to be bored in this beautiful country.

Movie-famous Casablanca might be the most famous of Moroccan cities and is home to the huge Hassan II mosque and the second largest mosque in the world with only the Grand Mosque of Mecca surpassing it. Many travellers quickly leave this vibrant and modernist metropolis on a search for a more traditional Moroccan experience, but admiring the impressive colonial architecture, Hispano-Moorish and art-deco outlook of the downtown is actually time well spent. Marrakesh, known as the "Red City" and probably the most prominent former imperial capital, will leave you with memories to cherish for life. Spend your days wandering through the lively souqs, admiring the old gates and defense walls, see the Saadian Tombs and the remnants of the El Badi Palace and visit the Koutoubia Mosque with its 12th century minaret. However, when evening falls make sure to head back to Jamaa el-Fnaa and the largest square in Africa, as it fills up with steam-producing food stalls. Indulge in the bustling activity there, listen to Arabic story tellers, watch magicians and Chleuh dancers. Fez, once Morocco's capital, is another gorgeous imperial city. Get lost in its lovely labyrinth of narrow Medieval streets, enjoy its huge medina, see the beautiful city gates and the ancient University of Al-Karaouine and the Bou Inania Madrasa. Also, make sure to visit a traditional leather tanning factory. The city of Meknes is often called the "Versailles of Morocco" for its beauty. Its lovely Spanish-Moorish style centre is surrounded by tall city walls with impressive gates and you'll be able to see the 17th century blend of European and Islamic cultures even today.

For a more laid-back experience of medina life, catch a sea breeze at the coastal towns of Asilah or lovely Essaouira. The blue-washed town of Chefchaouen is an old time travellers' favourite and a great starting point to explore the Rif Mountains. Other impressive mountain scenery can be in found in the Atlas Mountains. Climb Jebel Toubkal, in the High Atlas and the highest peak in North-Africa, passing lovely adobe villages and exploring the gorgeous Ourika and Amizmiz valleys on the way. The stunning panoramic view from the top will make it worth every bit of your effort to get there. Other praised hiking routes lead through the beautiful Ameln Valley in the Anti-Atlas and the forests of the Middle Atlas.

Hop on a camel back for a trip through the golden Sahara sand dunes at Erg Chebbi, near Merzouga. Spend the night in a desert tent, under the incredibly starred sky. Somewhat less easy to reach but therefor also less crowded are the dunes of Erg Chigaga near M'hamid. On your way to the desert, make sure not to miss the stunning Todra gorge near Tinghir. The ancient fortified city of Aït-Benhaddou is another must-see sight. Although rainstorms damage the mud-brick kasbahs time and again, this mostly abandoned village remains an impressive sight and has been the décor for a range of movies, including Lawrence of Arabia and Gladiator.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Morocco


Marrakech can make a good base for adventuring the High Atlas or for organizing one to four day Sahara treks.


[[2006 Chefchaouen-Hamam - Hammam in Chefchaouen

There are two types of Hammam (steam baths) across Morocco.

The first is the tourist hammam, where you can go and be pampered and scrubbed by an experienced staff member. As these are promoted only to tourists and they are the more expensive option with pricing usually around 150 dirham for a hammam. They are not proper hammams, but they are nonetheless enjoyable, especially for the timid. Your hotel can recommend a good one.

The second option is to visit a "popular" Hammam. Popular hammams are the places where the local residents go. Ask the staff at your hotel where they would go.

At the popular hammams, you do it all yourself. To make the most of a popular hammam, you need to take a scrubbing mitten (available affordable in the souks), a towel, and some extra underwear (otherwise, you will be going home without any, as it will be sopping wet). Popular hammams are often only identified by tiles around a door and entrance way. If you do not speak French or Arabic, it could be a daunting, or at least a very memorable, experience. Men & women have either separate session times or separate hammams.

Nudity in a popular hammam is strictly forbidden for men, so be prepared to wear your underwear or a bathing suit. For women, you'll see some wearing underwear and some going naked.

Whilst in a popular hammam, you may be offered help and a private massage from another person. It is crucial to remember that this massage is nothing but a private massage, with no other intentions. Sexual contact or presumption of sexual contact does not occur in these places. If you accept a private massage, be prepared to return the favour.

Normal entrance prices for a popular hammam are 7-15 dirham, a scrub will cost around 30 dirham, and a private massage another 30 dirham.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Morocco

Money Matters & ATM's in Morocco

The local currency is the Moroccan dirham, sometimes symbolised as "Dh", "Dhs, "DH", "درهم, or the plural form of "دراهم" or "Dhm" (ISO code: MAD). Travel Guides will use dirham to denote the currency.

It's divided into 100 santime or centimes (c). There are 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, 1, 2, 5 and 10 dirham coins, although coins smaller than 20c are rarely seen these days. Banknotes are available in denominations of 20, 50, 100 and 200 dirham.

While the dirham is the only currency officially accepted in Morocco, some hotels may accept your euros and US dollars unofficially.

Important notice: Dirham may generally not be exported or imported. A tolerance of 2,000 dirham applies to tourists; more information can be found at the Moroccan customs website].

Money exchange: It's illegal to take more than 2,000 dirham of local currency out of the nation, so you can't buy dirham outside of Morocco. By law, exchange rates should be the same at all banks and official exchanges. Make a note of the exact rates before you go to make sure you're getting a fair deal.

Don't expect to see many banks in the souqs or medinas, although in larger cities there are often an ATM near the main gates, and even one or two inside the large souqs (if you manage to find your way). You may also encounter "helpful" people who will exchange US dollars or euros for dirham. Unofficial exchange on the streets outside souqs or medinas doesn't seem to exist.

Besides banks and dedicated exchange offices, major postal offices provide exchange, and work until late hours. There are several exchange offices in Casablanca airport. Make sure you keep any receipts, as this will make things far easier when exchanging any left-over dirham back to your own currency before leaving - official "Bureau de Change" won't change money without a receipt, even if you originally withdrew the money from an ATM.

ATMs can be found near tourist hotels and in the modern ville nouvelle shopping neighborhoods. Make sure that the ATM accepts foreign cards (look for the Maestro, Cirrus or Plus logos) before you put your card in. Also be aware that they are not refilled during weekends in smaller towns, so get enough cash for the weekend on Friday or Saturday morning.

Try to have as much small change as feasible and keep larger bills hidden separately.

What to buy?

Souks Marrakech 039 - Souvenir shop in the souq of Marrakech Apart from classic souvenirs like postcards and trinkets, here are some things from this region that are hard to find elsewhere, or even unique:

  • Dates: 10 dirham for an orange box seems an adequate price after some bargaining.
  • Leatherware: Morocco has a really huge production of leather goods. Markets are full of mediocre models and designer shops are hard to find.
  • Argan oil and products made of it such as soap and cosmetics.
  • Tagines: Classic Moroccan cooking dishes made of clay will improve oil/water based meals you make if you plan to bring Morocco to your kitchen back home.
  • Birad: Classic Moroccan tea pots.
  • Djellabah: Classic Moroccan designer robe with a hood. Often come in intricate designs and some are suited for warm weather while other heavier styles are for the cold.
  • Carpets: Genuine handmade Berber carpets can be purchased direct from the artisans who weave them. If you go to small villages, such as Anzal, in the province of Ouarzazate, you can visit the weavers, watch them work, and they will happily serve you tea and show you their products.

If you're looking for T-shirts, consider designer items by Kawibi—they look much more inspiring than boring traditional set of themes. They are available in duty-free stores, Atlas Airport Hotel near Casablanca and other places.

What not to buy

  • Geodes: Pink and purple dyed quartz are widely sold along with fake galena geodes which are often described as "cobalt geodes".
  • Trilobite fossils: Unless you are an expert, you will most likely be buying a fake.


Tangier Medina 4

Remember that haggle|bargaining in the souks is expected. It is not really feasible to give an accurate indication of how much to start the bargaining at in relation to the initial asking price, but a general idea would be to aim for roughly 50% off. Prices are set on a daily, even hourly, basis, depending on how much has been sold on a given day (or period of hours), while also reflecting the vendor's personal estimation of the potential client. The souks are often a good reflection of the basic economic principles of supply and demand, particularly with regard to the demand side. If a lot of products have been sold by a particular merchant he/she will raise the price, and may refuse to sell any more products for the rest of that day (or for days) unless the price is much higher than usual. If there are many visitors around prices go higher and bargaining even small amounts off the asking price becomes quite difficult. In addition and the seller will generally inspect the client, whose dress and possessions (particularly if the potential client sports an expensive Swiss watch, camera, etc.) are usually the main indication of how high the price may be set above the usual. However and the potential client's attitude is also taken into consideration.

Taking all this and other factors into account (such as the time of day, day of the week, season), initial prices may be up to 50 times or more in excess of normal prices, especially for more expensive items, such as carpets. Carpets, however, are a very specialized item and it is necessary to have at least a cursory understanding of production techniques and qualities. If feasible, an ability to distinguish between hand-made and machine-made carpets, hand-dyes, and the like is helpful to avoid being utterly duped.

Bargaining is an enjoyable experience for most vendors and they prefer clients that don't appear hurried and are willing to take the time to negotiate. It is most often actually necessary to give reasons why you believe the price should be lower. The reasons you might give are limited only by your imagination and often lead to some very entertaining discussions. Common reasons may include: the price of the item elsewhere and the item not being exactly what you are after and the fact that you have purchased other items from the stall/store, that you have built a rapport with the vendor after discussing football and so forth. On the other hand, if there is little movement in the price after some time and the best advice is to begin leaving, this often has the result of kick-starting the bidding anew, and if not, it is likely that the merchant is actually unwilling to go further below a given price, however absurd.

It is also important to show a genuine interest for the workmanship of the product for sale, no matter how uninterested you may actually be in what you are buying. This does not, however, mean that you should appear over-enthusiastic, as this will encourage the vendor to hold his or her price. Rather, it is important to project a critical appreciation for each article/object. Any defects are either unacceptable or a further opportunity to bargain the price down.

You should take caution to never begin bidding for unwanted items or to give the vendor a price you are unwilling or unable (with cash on hand) to pay. Try to avoid paying by credit card at all costs. In the event you do pay by credit card, never let it out of your sight and demand as many receipts as feasible. There is typically a credit card carbon copy and an official shop receipt.

Never tell a vendor where you are staying and never tell a vendor how much you paid for any other purchases. Just say you got a good price and you want a good price from him or her too. And, above all, never be afraid to say 'No'.

It must also be said that, as is true for buyers, not all sellers are actually very good at what they do. A vendor that is completely uninterested or even aggressive is unlikely to give a good price. Move on.

Last but not least, when you spend all of your holiday in the same place, especially in smaller, many towns: Vendors deal with tourists all the time. Most tourists buy souvenirs just before flying home, most Muslim visitors try the "walk out" trick as part of their bargaining strategies. It is not unheard of that tourists haggle for a carpet on a Friday, walk out and when they come back the next day, expecting a lower offer and the price actually increases. The vendor knows that you are likely to catch a flight the same day and that your second visit is actually your last chance to buy the carpet.

Halal Restaurants in Morocco

Casa didier55 009 - Casablanca's souk also|North African cuisine}} Moroccan cuisine is often reputed to be some of the best in the world, with countless dishes and variations proudly bearing the nation's colonial and Arabic influences; see French cuisine and Middle Eastern cuisine. Unfortunately as a tourist through Morocco, especially if you're on a budget, you'll be limited to the handful of dishes that seem to have a monopoly on cafe and restaurant menus throughout the nation. Most restaurants serve dishes foreign to Morocco considering that Moroccans can eat their domestic dishes at home. Apart from major cities, Moroccans do not generally eat out in restaurants so choice is generally limited to international fare such as French, Italian and Chinese cuisine.

Traditional cuisine

  • Bissara, a thick glop made from split peas and a generous wallop of Olive oil can be found bubbling away near markets and in medinas in the mornings. Rarely available in tourist places.
  • Couscous made from semolina grains and steamed in a colander-like dish known as a couscoussière is a staple food for most Moroccans. It can be served as an accompaniment to a stew or tagine, or mixed with Meat and vegetables and presented as a main course. Manual preparation (i.e. not "instant couscous") takes hours. Any restaurant that has couscous on the regular menu should be avoided, it will not be the real thing. But lots of restaurants serve couscous once a week (usually Fridays) for lunch and advertise this widely - they tend to make real couscous and often for much better prices.
  • Fish on southern beaches is usually very fresh (caught the same day) and affordable. A mixed fish plate comes for about 25 dirham at stalls in the markets of fishing villages, a huge plate of grilled sardines is 15-20 dirham. If bought fresh at the fish market, a kilogram of fish is 5-20 dirham (the latter for a small kind of tuna). Most restaurants in fishing towns have a BBQ in front and will grill any fish you bring them for 30 dirham (includes fries, a salad and bread). Fish is gutted on demand at the markets, just tell them how you want to prepare it (for a BBQ you get a nice butterfly cut, for tagine it is just gutted). A small tip of 1-2 dirham is appropriate for the gutting.
  • Ghoulal: Land snails in a delicious, rich broth can be found at least as far south as Marrakesh at street food stalls. Servings start as low as 3 dirham, in Marrakesh's main square at 10 for the first serving, 5 for every subsequent serving.
  • Harira is a simple soup made from lentils, chick peas, lamb stock, tomatoes and vegetables, that is nourishing but light on the stomach and can be eaten as part of any meal. Most Moroccans have it at least once a week, many every day. It is even part of the traditional first meal after sunset during Ramadan in Morocco: dates, followed by harira. A serving starts at 3 dirham; on menus it is often referred to as just moroccan soup or in French, soupe marocaine. It is probably the most "Moroccan" dish of all and one cannot really claim to have been to Morocco without having tried it at least once.
  • Khlea (also: kaliya) might be more on the adventurous side, taste-wise: Meat preserved in fat (mostly lamb, but camel too is produced on industrial scale), usually prepared in a tagine with egg and tomato. The result is very fatty and the Meat has a very intense taste and is usually quite chewy. The upside: Starting at 15 dirham, this will get you going for half a day at least. Might be hard to get in tourist restaurants.
  • Pastilla is a popular delicacy in Morocco: Pulled Meat in a flaky dough, topped with sugar and cinnamon. Originally made with pigeon fledglings, nowadays the most common variety is made with Chicken, though lamb, beef or fish are sometimes used as well. It is sometimes available as a starter on demand, but the real thing is the size of a proper pie and takes hours to prepare. A proper, pre-ordered pigeon fledgling pastilla is at least 200 dirham, 300 to 400 dirham in most tourist places. A large pastilla serves 2 to 4 people.
  • Sfenj: These deep fried donuts from unsweetened yeast dough, dusted with sugar, are a popular and very filling snack that can be found throughout the nation for 1 dirham per piece. They want to be eaten very fresh. Look out for stalls with a huge bowl of hot oil.
  • A Tagine (or tajine): One literally cannot be in the nation without seeing a "tagine the dish" on the menu or a "tagine and the cooking ware" in the wild at least once. The very short version is: A "tagine de ..." on a menu is a "steamed ... in a clay pot". Literally everything can go into a tagine, but restaurants offer only very few dishes using the same spice formulas, which might become boring soon - albeit, with some luck pigeon or khlea can be found:
  • tagine de kefta: meatballs, usually with an egg and anything from "a few" to "lots of" vegetables; can be rather spicy
  • tagine de legumes: vegetables only (but don't count on Vegetarian broth)
  • tagine de poulet: Chicken, usually with preserved lemons ("en citron")
  • tagine aux pruneaux: lamb or, rarely, beef, with prunes and almonds
  • tagine de bœuf/agneau/dromadaire/chèvre: beef/lamb/camel/goat with vegetables
  • tagine de(s) poisson/crevettes/poulpe: fish/shrimp/octopus (in coastal regions)
  • Many cafes (see Drink) and restaurants also offer good value petit déjeuner breakfast deals, which basically include a tea or Coffee, orange juice (jus d'orange) and a croissant or bread with marmalade from 10 dirham.
  • At many affordable eating places stews like loubia (white beans), adassa (lentils) and ker ain (sheep foot with chickpeas) are on offer.

Snacks and fast food

Snackers and budget watchers are well catered for in Morocco. Rotisserie chicken shops abound, where you can get a quarter Chicken served with fries and salad for around 20 dirham. Sandwiches (from 10 dirham) served from rotisserie Chicken shops or hole-in-the-wall establishments are also popular. These fresh crusty baguettes are stuffed with any number of fillings including tuna, Chicken, brochettes and a variety of salads. This is all usually topped off with the obligatory wad of French fries stuffed into the sandwiches and lashings of mayonnaise squeezed on top.

You may also see hawkers and vendors selling a variety of nuts, steamed broad beans and barbecued corn cobs.

The menthe.jpg


Bottled water is widely available. Popular brands of water include Oulmes (sparkling) and Sidi Ali, Sidi Harazem and Ain Saiss Danone (still). The latter has a slightly mineral and metallic taste. Nothing with a high mineralization produced.

As a rule, do not drink tap water at all in Morocco, even in hotels, unless your stomach is "trained": Overall the quality is excellent until it reaches the house and if there is a problem the government issues warnings in time, but how water is stored in the house and the condition of the plumbing is questionable. Since a 1l bottle of water is only 5 to 7 dirham, most travelers will prefer to stick to it instead of taking the risk of 2 days of diarrhea.


Any traveller will be offered mint tea at least once a day. Even the most financially modest Moroccan is equipped with a tea pot and a few glasses. Although sometimes the offer is more of a lure into a shop than a hospitable gesture, it is polite to accept. Before drinking, look the host in the eye and say "ba saha ou raha" or just saha'. It means enjoy and relax and any local will be impressed with your language skills. Be aware, that this is not pure mint tea: It is green tea (gunpowder) to which mint is added after an initial steeping. As such, it can be pretty strong, especially if one is not used to caffeine. In deserts, it tends to be really strong.

Varieties are tea with chiba (wormwood), available in the winter in the north and with safron, in the region of Ouarzazate.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Morocco

Moroccan Couscous.

Morocco - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Morocco, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Morocco. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Morocco and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Morocco. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Morocco. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inMorocco: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Morocco.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Morocco: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Morocco, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Morocco.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Morocco, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Morocco, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Morocco and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Morocco, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Morocco, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Morocco without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Morocco is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Morocco.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Morocco is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Morocco, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Morocco Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Morocco

eHalal Group Morocco is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Morocco. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Morocco.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Morocco ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Morocco. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Morocco, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Morocco are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly hotels in Morocco


Hotels in Morocco are a matter of choice and fit every budget. Classified hotels are 1-star (simple) to 5-star (luxury), and are classified as an auberge, riad, rural gîtes d'étape or hotel. Stays usually include breakfast, and many include dinner.

Because coastal towns and villages are the destinations of choice for Moroccans to escape the heat from July to early September and because most Moroccans prefer furnished apartments over hotels, those towns are swamped with holiday apartments. In the summer months and at peak season for Europeans (Easter, Autumn Holidays and from Christmas until mid-February) people will wait at the roadside at the village entrance, waving with keys. In low season you'll have to ask around (any random person on the street will do). Prices range from 75-700 dirham in low season but can be a multiple in high season. If you want to spend more than just a few days, shop around: Within villages the prices don't vary much for comparable places, but quality of furniture, kitchen equipment, internet connection and TV do a lot.

Places to stay

Auberges are found in the nation or in rural small towns, and are built in the traditional mud (kasbah) style, many with wood burning fireplaces and salons or roof terraces for taking meals. Auberge are very comfortable, small and usually family run and owned.

In Marrakech, Essaouira and Fes or anywhere there is a medina (old city), small hotels renovated from old houses are called riads. Riads are usually small (about 6 rooms or less), clean and charming, often with to a lovely walled garden where breakfast is served on an inner patio or up on a roof terrace. Riads are usually too small to have a swimming pool, but may have what is called a tiny plunge swimmingpool to cool off in during summer months. Some riads are in former merchant houses or palaces and may have large opulent rooms and gardens.

Gîtes d'étape are simple country inns and hostel style places, where mountain trekkers can grab a hot shower, a good meal, and have a roof over their head for one night.

Desert bivouacs are traditional nomad carpeted wool tents with a mattress, sheets and blankets. You can shower at the auberge where you will also have breakfast.

Newer, cleaner and slightly more expensive budget (singles from around 75 dirham) and mid-range hotels that are sprinkled throughout the ville nouvelles.

Many hotels, especially those in the medina have delightful roof terraces, where you can sleep if the weather's too hot. If you don't need a room, you can often rent mattresses on the roof from 25 dirham.

For those looking to camp, almost every town and city has a campground, although these can often be some way out of the centre. Many of these grounds have water, electricity and cafes. In rural areas and villages, local residents are usually more than happy to let you camp on their property; just make sure you ask first. Wild camping is illegal and the fines are steep; though a friendly request to the local police chief will usually get you the permission.

With the exception of large high end hotels, expect the hot water supply in hotels to not be as stable as in more established countries. In Marrakech, MHamid, near Ourzazate and possibly other places and the hot water temperature varies dramatically while you take a shower.

At most places, both in cities and in the nationside, you have the possibility to sleep on the roof or terrace. This will normally cost you 20-25 dirham and you're provided with mattresses and a warm blanket. Just ask the receptionist in the hotel/auberge/gite. If you want to ask in French, which works fairly well, you can say ca sera feasible de dormir sur la terrace, s'il vous plait? Often you can bargain on the price and if it's more than 30 dirham you should bargain.

Study in Morocco

Most Foreign Muslims looking to study in Morocco are seeking either Arabic or French language courses. All major cities have language centres, and some will even arrange homestays with an Arabic-speaking family during your course.

Cope in Morocco

Souk, Marrakech (2242326899)

Some Moroccans that you meet on the streets have come up with dozens of ways to part you from your money. Keep your wits about you, but don't let your wariness stop you from accepting any offers of generous Moroccan hospitality. Put on a smile and greet everybody that greets you, but still be firm if you are not interested. This will leave you significantly better off than just ignoring them.

What to wear

You won't need high and heavy mountain boots unless you go in coldest time of the year like February: it's quite warm in the nation even when it's heavy raining in November. Even in medinas, streets are paved if not asphalted—just be sure your footwear is not toeless in medina, as it may be dirty or unsanitary.

For trekking in valleys, low trekking shoes will be likely enough.

For a desert trip to dunes, ensure your pockets can be easily shaken out as sand gets in there very quickly.


Morocco operates Daylight Saving Time except for during Ramadan.

The further south you go and the more people refuse to use daylight saving time (also called "political time" in contrast to "wild time"); state-run places there will always obey DST, merchants not necessarily.

Stay safe as a Muslim in Morocco

Overall, Morocco remains a relatively safe place; however, homosexuality is criminalised and is punishable by up to 3 years in prison in both Morocco and Western Sahara. and woke tourists should be self-aware and careful. In 2014, 70-year-old Great Britain|British traveller Ray Cole was prosecuted and imprisoned for four months after police searched his mobile telephones|mobile telephone and found incriminating photographs. He ended up sleeping on the floor of an overcrowded Moroccan prison filled with hardened criminals, despite interventions of the UK Foreign Office and a British member of parliament on his behalf.]

Like any country, Morocco has its share of problems. Many can be easily avoided by following common sense. Avoid dark alleys. Travel in a group whenever feasible. Keep money and passports in a safety wallet or in a hotel safety deposit box. Keep backpacks and purses with you at all times. Make sure there is nothing important in outside or back pockets. There is some intolerance for public training of non-Abrahamic religions and non-Sunni denominations.

Medical Issues in Morocco

Spice Market, Marakech (2242330035)

General concerns

  • Inoculations: No particular inoculations are needed for Morocco under normal circumstances, but check with the US's Centre for Disease Control (CDC) travel web pages for any recent disease outbreaks. As with most travel, it makes good sense to have a recent tetanus immunization. Consider Hepatitis A and B inoculations.
  • Food and Drink: Avoid uncooked fruits and vegetables that you can not peel. Avoid any food that is not prepared when you order it (e.g. buffets). Usually fried and boiled foods are safe. Some travellers have also had problems with unrefrigerated condiments (such as mayonnaise) used in fast food outlets.
  • Water: It is advisable to drink bottled water (check that the cap is sealed - some people might try to sell you tap water in recycled bottles). Be wary of ice or cordials that may be made with tap water. Some hotels provide free bottled water to guests and its wise to keep a supply in your room so as not to be tempted with tap water.
  • Shoes: Keep your sandals for the beach. Moroccan streets double as garbage disposal areas and you may not want to wade through fish heads and Chicken parts with open-toe shoes.
  • Malaria: Present in the northern, coastal areas of the nation but not a major problem. Take the usual precautions against being bitten (light coloured clothing, insect repellent, etc.) and if you are really worried see your doctor about anti-malarial medication before your departure.

Medical help

Pharmacies are denoted by a green cross, usually in neon. They sell medicines, contraceptives, and often beauty and related products. For minor problems and they double as a medical advisor. Be prepared to describe your problem even when you know exactly what you need.

Medical treatment can be obtained from self-employed doctors, clinics and hospitals. Most general practitioners, specialists, and dentists are self-employed; look for signs saying "Docteur". An average doctor’s check-up in a city costs 150-300 dirham. In general and the quality of their work is decent, but you can try to ask some local residents for advice and recommendations.

There are few English-speaking doctors, though French is widespread.

Medical care can be difficult or imfeasible to find in rural areas

Government hospitals are affordable and okay for minor injuries and minor problems, but they tend to be very crowded and for anything serious, a private clinic is generally preferable. Treatments in private clinics will be quite expensive and travellers will be required to pay for any treatment received up front.

Local Customs in Morocco

  • Elders: Moroccans still have the tradition of strongly respecting their elders and the sick. If someone who is handicapped, or older than you is passing and then stop and allow room for them. Or if a taxi arrives and you are waiting with an elder and then you should allow the older person to take precedence over you.

Telecommunications in Morocco


Public telephones can be found in downtowns, but private telephone offices (commonly called teleboutiques or telekiosques) are also commonly used. The international dialling prefix (to dial out of the nation) is 00. All numbers are ten digits long, counting the initial 0 and the whole number must be dialled even for local calls within the same area code.

Useful numbers

Police: 19. Moroccan Royal Gendarmerie: 17
Fire Service: 15
Highway Emergency Service: 177
Domestic directory: 160
International directory: 120
Telegrams and telephone: 140
Intercity operator: 100


The mobile telephone network in Morocco can be visited via one of major operators: Orange, Inwi or Maroc Telecom. Network coverage is generally good at least in populated areas but mostly also in the nationside; Maroc Telecom (IAM - Ittisalat Al Maghrib, owned by Etisalat) and (Orange) has by far the best coverage in rural areas (including most parts of Western Sahara).

SIM cards can be purchased with an ID; the card itself is free and the fee paid is credited to the account (as of 2022). They can be purchased in various shops that sport the official logo but not in all (rule of thumb: not in a kiosk, but any electronics shop works and of course the official stores of the companies) - Arabic and French both use "SIM", repeating the word will either get you the SIM or directions to the next shop where you can get one.

Top-ups come in the form of scratch cards for 5 to 100 dirham which can be purchased literally everywhere, just look out for the logo of the phone company. The cards are used by sending the scratch code to some number which is explained on the scratch card itself: 555 for Maroc Telecom and Orange, 120 for INWI.

Data plans are available for as little as 5 dirham per 500 Mb.

More information on available services, coverage and roaming partners are available at: GSMWorld. Beware that roaming with international cards from most countries is expensive, so think about buying a local card.

Postal Services in Morocco

L169 - Boîte aux lettres - Maroc

The Moroccan postal service is generally reliable and offers a post restante service in major cities for a small fee. You will need some identification (preferably your passport) to collect your mail.

Items shipped as freight are inspected at the post office before they are sent, so wait until this has been done before you seal the box.

Email & internet

As of 2023, fiber connections are rolled out throughout the nation, with newly installed 4G-towers as backup.

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